Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 1, 2021


Hi again everyone. i hope you're still enjoying the story of Sir Dean and i. Sir Dean was wondering what i was wondering: are you interested in me writing anything about after we got married? Sir Dean thinks we should end the story shortly after the wedding because, as he put it 'who wants to hear about the day to day lives of a Master and a slave?' Please let me know your thoughts so he can decide.

So, you know from the last stories that Sir had been nominated for Emmy awards. That meant, of course, that he was going to need to go to Los Angeles for the award ceremony. i honestly didn't expect to be going, but he made it clear that, yes, i WAS going, i WAS wearing a tuxedo, and he was going to introduce me to lots of stuff about the city. i could tell that Sir was nervous about the trip: he tried to pretend he didn't care if he won or not, but he did. i knew him well enough to know that.

rollie was very excited about it. He would call every day to talk: he was so jealous that i was getting to go to LA (even though he had been back and forth to France with Sir Marc a LOT). He had always wanted to bring his dance group there, but Sir Marc was very strict about that: he wanted his "frenchie" at home. Well, because rollie spent a lot of time reading about tv and movies, and all that stuff, he told me that people thought that Sir Dean was DEFINITELY going to win one of his awards, and on the second one: well, no one knew. That competition was very tight. i didn't say any of this to Sir: he was trying to do his best NOT to look nervous, and getting ready for the trip was, well, frantic. There were all kinds of parties and celebrations and he expected me to go. TJ and Ambrose were at all of them, and i don't think there was one party where TJ didn't feel me up in some way, or where Ambrose didn't make fun of what i do. Or what Sir Dean did to me. He would tease me about having a plunger that i never used. That was one that really bothered me more than it should have. i remember the one time i told it to Sir Dean. He laughed and said "well, he has a point. There's only one plunger that gets used around here boy." "Yours Sir" "That's right. So just get used to it. You should be by now. By the way, we go for tuxedo fittings today. And then... I need to get you ready for the trip. "What do we need to do Sir?" i asked, and he laughed. He gave me the look that meant there was something sexual about it and said "you'll see, jimmy. You'll see."

Sir Dean took me to a place that specialized in Tom Ford's clothes: he thought that i'd look best in one of his tuxedos, especially since i had buffed out so much. Sir Dean saw my smile: Tom Ford is one of the men who i'd most like to fuck me, if i didn't have Sir Dean. When Sir Dean found that out, he laughed. "Well, isn't that funny, because he's one of the men I'd most like to fuck. Maybe we can do a threesome if we meet him." When he said that, he snuck behind me and pulled my arms behind my back. He whispered "you'd do a threesome with Ford and me, wouldn't you jimmy?" i think what he meant is I'd LIKE it. i would do any threesome if he told me to do it: even one with those disgusting guys TJ and Ambrose. i'm glad i gave him the thought though, because for a few days, thinking about being in bed with Tom Ford and i seemed to relax him. And once we had the tuxedos back, he had something else to think about: tying me up and fucking me in formal wear. When i tried on the tuxedo at home, Sir Dean couldn't keep his hands off of me. He let me know: we had a date after the awards, and i had better plan for a good fucking.

Sir Dean began "getting me ready for the party" a few days before we had to leave. i didn't know he was planning to start: it was a Sunday at home. He had tied me up in the chair with the buttplug, and i was naked. i was caged: it was near the end of a three week period. Sir Dean wasn't doing anything to me: he just liked me in that position, as long as he could tell me every few minutes: "switch positions slave boy," so that he could see me moan as the butt plug changed (it was a bigger one now). At one point, he got up and started rubbing his thumbs over my nipples. i SWEAR: he had gotten them so sensitive that i thought if Sir breathed on them, i'd get excited. He looked me in the eye and said "You need a shave boy. Let's get started." A few minutes later, he had me tied down to the bed, both of my wrists and both of my ankles. Something was up: he usually didn't tie my ankles when he shaved me. Then i saw: instead of using the barbers' shearer, he was using a straight edge razor. He smiled. "This does a better job and I like it better. I'm gonna take my time. And....." he unlocked my cage. "This gets shaved too." He cackled a little as he held my cock. i knew, and he knew, that it would make me squirm while he sprayed the creme over my chest and began to clean me off. Every now and then, his fingers would play with my balls and i'd squirm even harder. "Ever fantasize about another man fucking you jimmy?" He asked as he was working. i wanted to lie and say no one but Sir Dean, but he'd know and i'd get tickled for about half an hour if i did. So i told the truth. "Yes sir. There's that actor... i think his name is John Slattery: with the white hair and sometimes the beard. i think he looks like you." He smiled at that. "John Slattery, huh? It would be fun to watch him fuck you . I know some people, maybe.... " He squeezed my cock. "rollie told me there's someone else. Who's that?" SHIT. That was my secret. Interestingly, i was never someone who felt that strongly about Chris Meloni, but i had seen his new look for his show: tougher, rougher, with that beard. He was the one. i told, and Sir Dean laughed. "AH, ... " he grinned. "Again, what i wouldn't give for having him underneath me. " He looked down. "Not bad. Did your chest really good. Now.... it's been a while, and i plan to milk you every day between now and then because.... I'm gonna let you fly without the cage, BUT.... " he squeezed my balls. "If you spill ONE DROP before we get to L.A. ... " Sir Dean licked his lips. "Let's just say I'll get creative." i whimpered "yes sir," as he moved the razor down to my crotch. It had been a while since he shaved me down there, so there was a lot of hair to get . Sir Dean was enjoying himself: he took a LONG time to finish. He kept on looking at my nipples like he was going to attack them. When i felt the restraints on my ankles loosen, i looked at Sir Dean's cock: it was as big as it ever gets, and red. He was breathing hard as he whispered "You taking care of me , MANCUNT?" "yes sir... yes sir." His fingers were back on my nipples. After the shaving and him playing with my cock, i was so fucking horny. I moaned with pleasure when Sir Dean slid into me. HE FELT SO GOOD after all that playing, and the butt plug had opened me so i could take him easier. He started rubbing my nipples and i moaned even more. "You're lucky I care about your pleasure, bitch stud." He growled as he pushed my head to the side to get to my neck. It was a good thing he had my arms tied down so tightly: i was moaning so loud, i'm surprised the neighbors didn't say anything, or that Sir Dean didn't gag me. He began pumping faster, and faster and then.. i saw that smile that passed over his face when he bred me. Yes, it was fair to say: Sir Dean had been really horny. He kept his promise. Sir Dean kept my wrists tied and he began slowly: VERY slowly bringing me to climax. His voice was low: "who's my bitch?" "Me Sir. ME. I'm your bitch." "You top, bitchboi?" "No Sir." "You bottom?" "Yes sir. Only for you." i gave the wrong answer, and i got slapped on my balls. "NO CUNT! You bottom for who your MAN says you bottom for." He squeezed. "GOT IT?" "YES SIR. " i winced. "Sorry Sir. i was too excited. I'm... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR...." I shot like a rocket . It was SO good.

When i was done, Sir Dean untied me. He took a little of my jizz and rubbed it over my lips. "Get cleaned up. It's time to go to bed." "Yes sir. i was smiling when I felt Sir Dean put his arm around me, and rest his hand on my pecs. He whispered "got me a studbitch. MWAH" he kissed my ear.

The milking he gave me the next couple of days was great, but not as good as the first one, but the fucking was as good as always. At one point, Sir Dean joked that i'd need a cushion on the plane.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The day we were leaving for LA, Sir Dean pulled out what i was to wear on the trip. It was the shirt he was using to measure my muscle development and a tight pair of light brown pants. i was impressed, and so was he: my arms not only filled the short sleeves now, the fabric had to strain to keep them in. i could close the buttons, but the shirt was like paint or a tattoo on me. i was glad i didn't have to wear the cage because the pants were so tight, they made me blush: everyone could tell that my dick lay on the left side of my crotch in those pants. None of it mattered though: i knew it was a success because Sir Dean came behind me, and did what he always did when he thought i looked hot: he pulled my wrists behind me and, while he held them with one hand (i could have broken free at that time but once his other hand got my nip, well, all the muscles in the world couldn't give me a defense to Sir Dean's touch. They still can't). His mouth was over my ear: "first thing we're gonna do when we get to the hotel... is fuck." He showe me a small bag. "I took JUST ENOUGH toys to make sure you stay in line." Then he smiled even more. "The cage is in there too. " The doorman rang up to tell us the car was there, and off we went.

Well, i had another surprise when we got there: we were in business class. So were TJ and Ambrose. Apparently, TJ had instructed the steward NOT go give Ambrose anything to drink and he was, well, not so happy. Sir Dean had me sit by the window while he sat on the aisle, leaning across to talk to TJ. Ambrose was also in a window seat, and he was far less behaved than i was: he got up, he went around the plane, i even saw him flirting with a flight attendant (a woman!). Sir Dean and TJ seemed to be discussing something very serious: they were whispering a lot, and when the discussion got faster, Sir Dean even took his hand off my thigh: he had rested there from the time we got on the plane. i THOUGHT i heard the phrase "sexual assault" at one point, but i wasn't sure. i hadn't flown much, and never in business class. Our flight attendant was VERY handsome too. i had to pretend i was reading a magazine so i didn't check him out, because Sir Dean didn't like that: but he knew. i found that out when we got to the hotel.

i had never been to LA before. i think that TJ and Ambrose were supposed to be in the same limo as we were, but Ambroase insisted that NOW he could have a drink, so they stopped at a bar in the airport while we got to the hotel. i could tell that Sir Dean really, REALLY wanted to get the cage back on me. He had miscalculated having me wear that outfit. i think he wanted to sort of humiliate me, or make people jealous of his "muscle boy," but i got a lot of cruising, and he was NOT pleased about that. "GET THE RESTRAINTS OUT OF THE BAG AND GET YOUR ASS ON THE BED, BITCH" he ordered when we were in the room. Sir had packed a bunch of old neckties that he used to tie me up occasionally and he used them on my wrists as he tied me to the bed. His face was bright red. He grabbed the shirt and tore it open: buttons went flying everywhere. "YOU'RE NEVER GONNA WEAR THIS PIECE OF SHIT AGAIN, SHOW OFF." He grabbed my nipples HARD. "GO AHEAD. SCREAM. I'LL SHOVE THE DILDO IN YOUR MOUTH, FUCKTOI." My pants got the same treatment. i could smell Sir Dean's sweat and it was getting me hard. He smacked my cock. "I WANT THAT LOCKED UP AGAIN BOY. GET IT DOWN." i was trying but it wasn't happening. He squeezed my balls until finally, finally, it went down. Then I heard the click of the key. i was locked up again, and i'd stay locked up for the rest of the LA trip. The fuck he threw into me was BRUTAL. It really hurt. i wondered what else was going on, because Sir Dean had fucked me when he was jealous before, but it was NEVER like this. And when he was done, he untied me, and ordered me. "GET THIS SHIT UNPACKED AND GET DRESSED. I HAVE TO GO AND TALK TO TJ." I wondered what was going on. I took a chance and called rollie. After we talked, and i told him about the flight, i asked him. "You havent' seen the papers, jim?" "No. What's going on?" "There's a sex scandal at your man's network. His boss: TJ?" "Yeah?" "JIM! You have to read the papers! Three young guys are accusing him of sexual advances and harassment. " "I had no idea," I told rollie. Then I thought about how Ambrose seemed to be acting even more obnoxious than usual. Maybe that was why. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So if you feel like i'm jumping around in this installment, you're right. Everything happened so fast, and so much happened that i didn't see (and which Sir Dean does NOT want me to know about), that i have to fill in blanks. Sir Dean has a poker face so he's not telling me or giving me hints on whether i'm right or not. So just bear with me folks. Sir Dean got more nervous as the night of the awards got closer. How nervous? Well, for the first time, and i think ONLY time since we've been together, Sir Dean wasn't interested in sex. i have to change that. He still kissed me, played with my nipples, and everything but penetration. (Later, i found out it wasn't only the awards). And when the Sunday came , and we were getting dressed, his hands were shaking: he couldn't get the studs in his shirt. i made a joke: "Sir, can your stud take care of your studs?" At first, Sir Dean didn't say anything, then he looked at me and smiled. i thought he was sad. "Please jimmy. i can use your fingers here." i wanted to tell him where i could have used HIS fingers, but it wasn't the place. i was nervous too, but my hands were more steady. Then i fixed his bowtie for him and got his cufflinks in. i already had everything on but my jacket. Before i could put it on, he wrapped his arms around me. "I've always wanted to take a hot bodybuilder type in a tuxedo jimmy. Tonight, I will. I promise you'll get taken care of... like you've never been taken care of before." "Yes sir. " i whispered. i could feel my cock swell in my cage. i moved his hand up to my left nipple. "It's yours, Sir. You took it. i have your mark. It's not coming out." He held me closer and he whispered "We're going to have to talk jimmy because life is going to get.... complicated." He kissed me. "Put on your coat. Let's go." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Since Sir Dean was nominated for an award, he was sitting on the outside of our aisle. i was next to him and TJ was sitting next to me. He looked... well, pale. Ambrose was all the way in. As he went into the aisle, i thought "does he have on more makeup than he usually does?" (He did, and i found out why later). Ambrose was also much more subdued. I heard TJ bark "AMBROSE! SETTLE DOWN," and i heard Ambrose answer "yes sir. Sorry Sir." "I'll explain tomorrow," Sir Dean whispered to me. "Right now, just look around. I think you'll see Mr. Slattery over at the other side of the hall. And Mr. Meloni is up in front. " THEY WERE! And they looked hotter in person than on television, but i had Sir Dean with me and that's all i wanted. "i wish rollie were here Sir. He'd be...." Sir Dean chuckled. "He'd be a puddle by now. How many movie and television gossip sheets does he read a week?" Award shows are boring. i've been back to a few now with Sir Dean, and they are. What you see on television is a carefully edited program, leaving out a lot of the boring parts. But i got excited when the technical award nominations came up. i heard then announce the first of Sir Dean's categories and read out the names. This was the one everyone thought he would win, and when they announced his name, no one was surprised. i saw him: he smiled, squeezed my hand and then.... and i know this is true because rollie was watching and he taped it - cameras closed in as Sir Dean leaned over and kissed me on the lips just like... well, just like you kiss a husband. Then he went to the stage and gave his speech. Sir Dean still surprises me, and he surprised me that night. At the end of the speech he said "Finally, I have to thank jim, sitting there, for keeping me sane. jim, this isn't possible without you. " well, GAWD. What is it that the kids say: "I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING." He came back and took TJ's congratulations and then Ambrose's. Then he kissed me again and said "I meant it." It wasn't too long after that they announced Sir Dean's second category, and this is the one where no one knew what would happen. Well, when they announced that he had won again, the whole crew of his program was on their feet, including TJ. Now HE was the one crying. Sir Dean went up again, and this time he thanked the whole crew, he thanked TJ and he ended by saying "I mentioned jim before, and I'll mention him again. Ladies and Gentlemen, you're going to be seeing a lot more of my husband to be. I love you jimmy." Now the whole audience was crying. i really had NO IDEA how many people knew, and liked Sir Dean. i think i met all of them in the next 6 months. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And then it was all over. Except for the parties. The studio had thrown a party for all of the winners, so we went. TJ and Ambrose weren't there. i wanted to ask why, but Sir Dean was very busy with people talking to him. i really didn't get a chance to chat with him at all, until near the end of the evening when he came and rescued me from three actresses who were talking about their diets. I DID hear a lot of talk about "what's he gonna do? " when they were talking about TJ. i felt Sir Dean's hand on my forearm. He smiled. "Ladies, you have to excuse us. We're going to have a private celebration for the rest of the evening." i blushed, and so did the ladies. Sir Dean had drunk a bit too much champagne. It had worn off when we got back to the hotel. "Take off your jacket jimmy. Then sit in the chair." "yes sir," i had actually been fantasizing about what was going to happen for the last half of the ceremony. i felt one of the neckties around my wrists, and then i felt Sir Dean loosen my bowtie. He stood in front of me, and pushed his knee into my crotch while he undid his bow tie, and then took out the studs on his shirt, one by one. That BEAUTIFUL chest was in front of me. He walked forward "LICK IT. LICK YOUR MAN'S FUZZ. TASTE IT. TASTE A VICTORIOUS MAN. TASTE THE MAN WHO CONQUERED YOU." "Who conquered you." THAT got my juices flowing. i usually didn't make too much noise when i used my tongue on Sir Dean, but that night.... "Please sir, can i have your pits?" He smiled and pushed one into my face and then the other. i think i was getting drunk on my man. i felt my studs go popping around the floor as he bent down and began tugging on the tit bar with his teeth. "OH GEEZ OH MY GOD SIR OH MY GOD!" Then Sir stood up and opened his trousers. "SUCK ME. LUBE ME UP FOR YOUR CONQUERED ASS. " "YES SIR! i was so eager i was trying to get up out of the chair. Sir Dean teased me until HE couldn't take it anymore, and i deep throated his cock. i think both of us were unsure: I know i was. i wanted him right away, but i wanted to wait. "Doggie style bitch. That's how i want you." "Yes sir," i answered as Sir Dean led me back to the bedroom. i got on all fours and i felt him enter me with one, then two fingers. Then he pulled them out and he put one back, resting it on my prostate as i moaned like a cat in heat. "You like that, don't you jimmy? You like your MASTER giving you what you need?" "YES SIR. YES SIR I DO." "THIS." he shoved his cock in me. "THIS is what you need." "You're right Sir. OH GOD YES. I need it. I need it bad. " Sir Dean slipped a necktie over my head so he could hold me still, and he kept his promised. i had NEVER been fucked so hard in my life. It was great. When it was over, he rolled me on my back. Sir Dean kissed me. "Do you wanna cum jimmy?" i smiled. "No Sir. It's not time. " He stroked my hair. "Good answer. Let's get some sleep. We have to talk at breakfast tomorrow."

Before we went to bed, i got an idea of what we were going to talk about. i looked at my phone and there was a message from rollie that began "OMG" It was a link to a story about how TJ had resigned from the network, and Sir Dean was going to be in charge. i'll tell you more if you want me to.


Next: Chapter 16

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