Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 15, 2021


Hi again everybody. i want to try to write about a lot of things this time, including how Sir Dean risked his job because... well, i don't want to give away the story. There's lots of sex in this one too. i just want to warn you in case that kind of stuff shocks you (Sir Dean thought that was very funny).

So, last time i told you about how Sir Dean tied me up and worked me over before taking me to the bedroom and fucking me. That night brought something up in Sir that he had been keeping quiet - i don't think deliberately, he was just so busy that season (he was working on three shows, and he was also working a lot on a special: i don't understand a lot of what he does, but it involves sound mixing and also sound editing. He explained the difference to me once, and i really didn't get a lot of it. He laughed. Sir Dean thinks i'm very smart (he jokes and says it's one of the reasons he keeps me around), but it's really a specialized area. He reminded me that trying to explain some of the really odd things we plumbers do can confuse people (and that's true). i know that one of the series he was working on, was a science fiction show and there was a lot of modern music that played over people speaking different, fake languages. There were some nights when Sir came home so late, that he'd just come to bed without eating anything, and then get up the next morning and do it again. i was worried, and i did something i'll tell you about in this story.

Sir Dean liked playing sexual games. One of his favorites was one he called "nipple resistance." He'd put me on the bed, shirtless, but he wouldn't tie me down. Then, he'd straddle me and begin playing with my tits. i had to try to get him off of me because, if i didn't, he'd keep playing with them until i begged him to tie me up. After i did, he'd go back to torturing them until i begged to get fucked. It was a hot game. Sometimes, he'd add a twist to it: i told you that i was pretty strong, but Sir Dean "had my number." He'd hold me down by my wrists, and just keep holding me while i struggled to get up. When i was exhausted, and had stopped struggling, he'd tie me down and then fuck me. The workouts with Carlos were having an effect on my body, and i was getting stronger, but no matter how much i work out, i can't win that game. i think it's because of the way Sir Dean sits back on my crotch, but i can only get my wrists up so far, and then he shoves them back down again. i was able to fight back better now than when we started, but every time, and even up to now, i say something like "you win Sir," or "I give Sir," and then "Please. Please fuck me. " (Of course, i ALWAYS want Sir Dean to fuck me. If he fucked me six times in a day, it wouldn't be enough). He had another game called "push the p button." Since he knew exactly where my prostate was, and that it was low , he would just slide the tip of his cock into me, and touch that spot. i'd gasp every time he found it, even though i tried to make things interesting and keep quiet. When i did that, Sir Dean used to smile, and he'd rub his cockhead against the spot and tease me. "I didn't find it jimmy? You sure?" Then he'd slide some more, until i began moaning. He'd laugh and say "Got you again," before he'd screw me. But that night when i had left my shirt untucked must have unleashed something in Sir Dean, because he started a series of games. One of the series: he didn't tell me about, and it took me a few weeks to figure it out. Sir Dean had a "color code" for my shirts, like the color code for bandanas. If he had me wear a blue shirt, it meant he was going to paddle my balls when he came home. If he had me wear a pink shirt, it meant it was shaving time. A yellow shirt meant that he was gonna either play the push the p button game, or finger fuck me before he took me. The one i started to love the most, was the one we played when he had me wear a green shirt. It was a new one. Sir Dean had never done it before, but one night, after he had me tied and gagged in the chair, he took off his shirt. Now, i get moist just seeing Sir Dean's beautiful chest, and his muscular arms. That night, he did something new. He hadn't had a chance to shower after his work out, so he smelled pretty musky. He shoved is armpit on my nose and ordered. "TAKE A GOOD WHIFF BOY. YOU'RE GONNA GET MORE OF IT IN A MINUTE." i did. OH MY GOD. i had never paid attention to Sir Dean's aroma, and i thought i was going to burst out of my cage. And then, after he had me tied to the bed, and the gag out of my mouth, he pushed his armpit on my lips. "GET IT CLEAN BOY. WASH IT." i DID! OH MY GOODNESS. Sir Dean tasted so good: i think it tasted better than his cock, and i just kept on pushing in. i guess i was grunting, because he compared me to a "little piggy," but i wanted more. i got it. Sir put his second pit over my arm, and i had to wash that one too. i shouldn't have written "had to:" i WANTED to. i wanted his musk to fill me. When Sir felt i had done a good enough job, he took off my pants and got ready to fuck me. i don't know what got into me that night, but instead of just folding my legs so he could get into me, i wrapped them around him after he got started. He smiled, and just continued to pummel my ass. IT FELT SO GOOD." i closed my eyes and thought about his wonderful smell. i wanted to beg him not to shower after his workouts anymore, ever, but we kept it as an occasional thing. my legs were wrapped tightly around Sir as he began to shoot into me that night. When he was finished, he looked at me. "Where did you get the idea to wrap around me like that?" "i don't know Sir. It just... It just happened. i won't do it again." He laughed and grabbed underneath my cage and squeezed my balls. "The hell you won't. You'll do it every time or... I'll add more days to your cage." "YES SIR. I UNDERSTAND." It was good to know that we were still finding out about things that excited each other. He found out about something that excited me that i didn't even know excited me. It happened with his other games.

Sir Dean had watched a lot of porn when he was younger: he said that when i came along, he didn't have to anymore. But he had fantasies from those movies. You know how those scenes always have a "role play" of some kind, when a guy gets tied up: like a car mechanic, or a traveling salesman, and yadda yadda. Sir Dean had a lot of those. One of the ones we did (i'll write about it if you want me to), was where he overpowered a wrestler wearing a singlet, ripped out the crotch of the singlet and fucked him. And there was another one where he captured a businessman. (i had to get a tie for that one because we didn't want to spoil one of Sir Dean's). But the first one we did was where he found a new spot to work over on me: the first one we did was one where i played a burglar. i was wearing a white t shirt and jeans. (When i put on the t shirt, Sir Dean had me look in the mirror. i didn't usually bother with the mirror unless we were going to some function where i needed to look good for Sir Dean). Well, the mirror showed that Carlos was doing his job: my biceps were filling the sleeves, and my belly was disappearing. "I could fuck you right now without the fantasy, jimmy," was what Sir Dean said, when he wrapped his arm around my middle. i wish he had. i wish he had fucked me then, and after the fantasy. But we went ahead with the roleplay. i came into the house, and Sir Dean jumped me. He had me pinned on the floor, face down. He grabbed my arms and tied my wrists behind me, and while i yelled for him to stop, he got a cloth bandana and tied it around my mouth so i couldn't scream very well. Then he rolled me on my side first. He cut two small holes right over my nipples, and attached clamps. While i was moaning, he rolled me onto my side, and pressed his foot down on my crotch. THAT made me scream, but it didn't really get out.

"Now, you're gonna get up when i pull those clamps, fuckhead, and you're gonna do what you're told," he spat at me, before he pulled the chain on the clamps. "OR I'LL RIP OFF YOUR FUCKING TITS." The scene was getting REALLY hot, and Sir dean led me off to the bedroom. While he was tying me down, his goatee brushed against that fold above my elbow. i giggled. Sir Dean stopped and looked at me. "You never told me about that spot. These are sensitive." i was trying to say 'i don't know,' but i was gagged, so an "mmmmmmmmmmph" was all that came out. Sir Dean smiled. "Oh, THIS is gonna be fun." He licked the spot on each arm, and i nearly went wild. It was a good thing he had tied me, because i squirmed the way i squirmed the first time someone put his tongue in my ear. After he finished licking them, he rubbed his goatee over each of them. And then he pulled the chain on the clamps. "If I take off the gag, are you gonna beg me to fuck you?" i pretended to do so reluctantly, and i shook my head yes. my cock was SO hard inside the cage, it wasn't funny. We were in a three week cycle, and my second week hadn't even ended yet, so i was dying. It got "worse" when Sir Dean decided i needed to get lubed up with his tongue AND he wanted to play the push the p button game. The gag was gone, so i was making these loud, moaning sounds, that were getting Sir Dean more and more excited. I KNOW they were, because i saw his cock getting longer, and thicker, and redder. Then he entered me all the way. He pushed past my p spot, and his whole cock was in me. i was so damn excited by the roleplay that i almost couldn't breathe. "PLEASE SIR. PUNISH ME. PUNISH ME FOR WHAT I DID. THEN PUNISH ME AGAIN." Sir Dean hadn't given me a script, but i knew this is what he wanted me to do, or something like that. His cock was getting thicker and thicker: i didn't think my hole was going to be able to take it. Then he shot. If i had been yelling and moaning, Sir Dean was louder. "You coulda knocked down a wall with that sound," was something my mom had said, and it was close. OH BOY was it close! When he collapsed on me. Sir Dean asked "Why the fuck didn't you tell me about your elbows jimmy?" i told him the truth "Sir, i didn't know. That's the first time for me." He chuckled. "It won't be the last."

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So, while this was all happening, Sir Dean was working ridiculously long hours. There were nights that i heard the door open at 3 in the morning, or sometimes even later. i would get up to see if i could pour him a drink, or rub his shoulders, but all Sir Dean wanted to do was go to sleep. i knew he wasn't eating supper, and because he was usually still sleeping when i had to go to work (he had stopped wanting his morning blow jobs), i had to guess at what he was eating for breakfast. It certainly wasn't what he had at home, because that was something i could check. i just decided that, at least one day, i wanted to make sure that he had a decent lunch. So instead of making him something, i spoke to one of those fancy places that curates picnic baskets and put together a lunch with things i knew he loved: chicken salad. Seedless grapes. French bread. Those little tiny pickles (i think they're called cornichons. He told me that one day, my cock was going to look like one since i wasn't allowed to use it anymore, but it didn't shrink). Sir Dean wasn't much of a sweets eater, but he liked chocolate, so i had them put in brownies too. i decided to deliver the basket myself. Now, i knew that the staff at Sir Dean's office had very clear instructions: no one was supposed to be let in without an appointment (you wouldn't believe how secretive the television industry is), but here's another bit of information readers: no one EVER wants to be the one to tell the plumber he can't come in. Think about it: do you want to be the one to aggravate a high level executive by extending the time he can't flush his toilet? Think about it. So I told the security guard that i had been called to clear a clog in the executive offices where Sir Dean worked. i showed him my license, and he didn't call the receptionist: he just let me up. And there i was, in Sir Dean's executive suite, explaining that i was the plumber Sir Dean had called to address a problem in the restroom near his office. The receptionist looked surprised: she didn't know anything about it, so she called Sir Dean, and asked me to have a seat. i could hear Sir Dean's voice as he walked to the area. He seemed to be talking to someone, but i couldn't make out the discussion. i had always seen Sir Dean leave the apartment in an immaculate suit, white shirt and tie. When he came to the waiting area, he didn't have on his jacket OR his tie. His sleeves were rolled up, and his shirt was opened, so that his chest hair was showing. It was a good thing that i was wearing the cage that day, because, well, if i had popped the wood i felt, i would not have been able to get out of the seat. He smiled. "JIMMY. " "Yes Sir. i took the call myself, Sir. If i can bring my tools back, i'll take care of you." i smiled. i had made Sir Dean blush!" "OH, so THIS is the Jimmy I've been hearing so much about!" That came from the man Sir Dean was talking to. "Jimmy, this is Mr. TJ Formann. He's the executive producer." By now, i could stand up and i offered my hand. "Nice to meet you Sir. Please don't worry. They're clean." Sir Dean blushed again. "Jimmy, please, come on back, let's take care of this." Sir Dean led me to his office and he signaled for me to sit. "Well, this IS a pleasant surprise jimmy, but what's it about?" i told him "Sir, I've been worried that you haven't been resting enough, or eating properly, so... i wanted to take the liberty of bringing you lunch." i saw the look on his face. i don't think he believed that i could come up with this. (i did! i didn't even ask rolly for advice). "This may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, jimmy." Sir's voice had a tone to it i had never heard. i was trying to listen but... DAMN i could smell him! And that chest hair. "Are you going to share this with me jimmy?" He grinned. "i really hadn't planned to Sir. i know how busy you are, and i didn't want to keep you from your work, but... i wanted you to have something to eat." Then i saw the look in his eyes. "Well, I want you to have something to eat too. GET OVER HERE." i saw that Sir Dean had opened his zipper. i got up, and kneeled in front of him. i put my hands behind my back and took in a deep, DEEP breath of my Man. i hadn't planned on sucking Sir Dean off, but if there were a chance to take his cock, i'd do it! "Nice and slow jimmy. Nice and slow. There's nothing on my calendar for 45 minutes." Well, even i can't make a blowjob last for forty five minutes, but i did suck Sir Dean for twenty. i could tell he was tired, because he didn't force my face forward on his cock, or tease my mouth. He just sat back and let me do him. i had done that before, and usually, within ten minutes, i had Sir Dean shooting down my throat. This time, he just closed his eyes, and purred, the way Caliban did when Sir petted him. Then there was a short jolt from his hips, and the jizz started going down my throat. When he was finished, he opened his eyes. He was smiling. "Thank you jimmy. This was so... I don't know the words. Is there something I can...." "Sir, you already did, but.. if you would do one more, can i just... can i just sniff your pits? PLEASE?" Sir laughed. "I wish I were free to let you wash them, but maybe tonight. For now..." He lifted up his arm, and i just sucked in that aroma. OH IT WAS SO GOOD." "Sir, if you remember, could you bring the basket home? There's a deposit on it." He winked. "So you want two baskets? I can do that. " He got up and hugged me. "jimmy thank you. This was SO sweet. I've been neglecting you lately, I know. It's almost over. I promise." "i'll be fine Sir. i just miss you." i could see Sir Dean was starting to do something he doesn't like to do: tear up. So i pulled myself together. "Sir, I have an appointment about half an hour uptown so i better get going. i'll try to wait up for you tonight." He smiled. "I'll do my best to be home so you don't have to. Thank you again jimmy. This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." i didn't want to start crying myself, so i hurried out of the waiting area to the elevator. I passed Sir Dean's boss on the way out. He smiled at me, and i'm sure i heard him say "you have a GREAT ass, jimmy. Maybe one day I'll get to try it out."


Next: Chapter 13

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