Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 7, 2021


Hey everyone. i bet i surprised a lot of you when i let you know how Sir Dean proposed to me. Looking back on it, i wonder if you could call it a "proposal" since he told me he was marrying me, he didn't ask me. i know that there are some of you who are shaking your head about that. i get that: i honestly do. i like being dominated, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE being dominated by Sir Dean. i'm sure it wouldn't be true for any other sub, but for me, he seems to know precisely what to do to make me want him more.

Well, there's my philosophy of the boudoir for this chapter. Now onto what you all REALLY want to hear about. After Sir Dean told me that he was marrying me, my life got a lot more hectic. See, now that Sir Dean had a "fiance'" he wanted to introduce me to all of his friends, acquaintances, etc. i already knew that he had all those business acquaintances, and i knew he had a circle of close friends like Sir Marc. What i didn't know was that, well, before me, Sir Dean had been quite active in the leather community. And he was going to introduce me to EACH group.

Meeting his business acquaintances was easy: most of them are straight, and they all know that Sir Dean is gay, and they knew that he was "in a relationship" as we say on social media. Some of them had met me already, but others hadn't. So, out came the blazer, the button down shirts, and the dress khakis. Even in those crowds, Sir Dean was very possessive. He was never very far from me at them, and if he was feeling a particular need to let me know he was in charge, he'd tap my elbow, and i'd put my hands behind my back. He'd give my neck a little squeeze, or pat my butt, and i'd know i had done the right thing.

Meeting his leather friends was an experience. You haven't heard me mention leather because i had no experience in it at all before we went to Folsom. i had no idea about Sir Dean's leather ensembles (the one he wore in San Francisco was his favorite, but he had at least four). i had just the one, but it was enough. If we were going out to a leather bar, he'd have me get dressed in it, put my arm band on, and then my collar. He'd leash me too, and he always wrapped the end of the leash around his wrist: an easy way to make sure i was right there. And at the leather clubs, he could tie me up without worry, and he almost always tied my wrists behind me. Of course, it was his right, so occasionally he'd slip his hand inside my shirt and work my nipples in public - just in case anyone had any doubt who was in charge. One time: remember those "Master's Fingers" i wrote about?" Well, he put the velcro strips on my nipples before he let me put my leather shirt on. Then the whole night, he teased me about why i looked so excited: was i looking forward to getting fucked that night? i was: i was ALWAYS looking forward to getting fucked by Sir Dean. The nights at the leather bar got me especially aroused, because he played with me so openly. But there was one time during that period when he did something i will never forget. In a good way. And it wasn't after a leather bar.

We had come back from a party with some of his business friends. Instead of a white or blue shirt, he had made me wear a pink one: a color i hate, because it makes me feel a little femme. When we got home, Sir Dean instructed me to strip down and i did. i got on the bed, like i always did, and he climbed on top of me. i knew him well enough by then to know from his eyes, that something was up. There was a mischievous twinkle that i didn't see too often, but when i did, i knew he was up to something. So he pinned my wrists down instead of tying me. He was smiling. "You're really bulking up at the gym, studbunny. By the time the spring comes around, you're gonna be a true hunk." "Thank you Sir." I'll try. "Any guess why I brought up the spring, jimmy boy?" "No Sir. " "We're gonna get married in the spring. When it's warm. When i can show you off to people as much as possible" Then he pushed his tongue in my mouth, and i was swooning. i wanted to embrace him, but his plan began to reveal itself. He held me down. When he finished kissing me, he looked at me. "Think you can get out of my grip jimmy?" "i don't know Sir. " "Wanna give it a try?" i really didn't, but i knew he wanted me to, and he'd know if i faked things. So i did push. i pushed as hard as i could. i'm pretty strong, and i think i could get most people off of me, and just about anyone Sir Dean's size. But he was doing something - i still don't know what it was - and i wasn't going anywhere. i got my wrists about an inch up off the bed, and he'd push them back down. i tried a few more times, and then i began to get tired. He smiled. "Guess i gotcha jimmy." "Yes sir. i think you do." Then he did something that freaked me out at first. He spun to the side so that HIS back was on the bed, and he dragged me on top of him. He was smiling, almost laughing. "Your face looks like you tasted sour milk jimmy." "Sir... Sir... please let me get off of you. This is uncomfortable. i don't belong on top. " "You're right jimmy. With one exception. " He smiled. "Know how you sit yourself down on the butt plug on your chair?" "Yes sir" "Do that now on my cock. Gently. Just like you do the chair. C'mon. It's gonna feel so good." i had never taken Sir Dean's cock by sitting on him, and i was confused. i didn't want to hurt him, but i also didn't want to be ungrateful, or surly. So i pushed myself up, and then back over his cock . i saw that it was VERY red and VERY hard. i began to slide down. IT FELT SO GOOD. i must have let out a sigh because Sir Dean smiled and laughed a little. "And it's a new position to get these, studmuffin." He reached up and he began to play with my nipples. i couldn't help myself and i lowered down on his cock even more. "YES JIMMY YES. THAT'S HOW TO DO IT YOU FUCKING STUDBOTTOM . TAKE MY COCK. TAKE IT TO THE BALLS." i was really glad i was making Sir Dean happy. This was new to me. Later, he said i was a natural, but i think he was being patient. Still, i know i was enjoying it. It was a new position, and it felt like Sir Dean was in me even further than usual. Also, what i realized while he was pounding my ass, was that THIS way, i could control when he rubbed his cockhead on my prostate (my prostate isn't very far up inside of me. Sir Dean found that out early on when he was doing something i never liked: finger fucking me. He had reached in with two fingers and found it. That was before he had me caged, and i shot right away. He still likes doing that, and he just whispered to me: "Thank you for reminding me. That's what you're getting tonight"). i started bouncing up and down on Sir Dean's cock, and he seemed to love it. Then, he yelled. "SLIDE DOWN ALL THE WAY FUCKER." He squeezed my nipples REALLY hard, and because of the way i was positioned, i couldn't do anything about keeping his cum from falling back on his body. When he was done, he told me to lay beside him and he snuggled me. Sir Dean isn't much of a snuggler. He kissed me and he said, very softly "I made the right choice. I'm gonna have the husband i always dreamed of." i tried to get in closer to him and he smiled. "You need a shave jimmy. That's coming tomorrow. Actually, in two days. We have something to do tomorrow." "We do Sir? What's that? Did i forget a party or a bar?"' He laughed. "Hardly. I decided on it this morning. Meet me at Jana's piercing parlor tomorrow. 6:30" i gulped. i didn't have any idea where he was going to have me pierced this time: my cock? my navel? i didn't know. i had no idea. And Sir Dean wasn't saying. The next day, when we got to the parlor, Jana greeted us. She smiled at me. "Hey Jim. Can I see my work?" i turned to Sir Dean because, well, even though Jana's a woman, i couldn't show my chest without his permission. "He's too hairy, so excuse that. jimmy, show her." i opened two more buttons on my shirt and she took a look without touching. "OH, it healed SO BEAUTIFULLY. You were SO careful. " Then she paused. "Hmm. There are some abrasions on your aureoles.." She looked at Sir Dean. "Are you making him use the Masters' fingers?" He smiled. "I'll never tell. Jana, can we get started?" "Yes, absolutely, just get out of your jacket and shirt, Dean. I've got everything laid out." "HUH?" snuck out of me. i was confused. SIR DEAN was getting a piercing? HUH? He looked at me. "That's right jimmy. We're gonna have something in common. But a little different. This time, YOU'RE gonna be the one holding MY hand. i have to admit - and Sir Dean didn't know this until now - seeing him sitting in that chair, shirtless, while Jana cleaned his left nipple with the alcohol, and holding his hand, well... i was glad i was sitting on a stool because my knees got weak. He squeezed my hand tight. Sir Dean said nothing, but he was looking at me so intently when Jana made the pierce, i felt like he was fucking me with his look. i knew when she had done it, because Sir Dean's grip tightened slightly. "All done! Nice and clean. I wish all my boys were as good as you two have been! You still want the white gold ring, Dean?" "Yup. that's the one." Jana put this ring into my Sir's left nipple. He had chosen perfectly. White gold suited his chest hair and his white head of hair. "Now, if we go out to the beach, jimmy, no one will question who's who." He smiled. "You wanna go home?" i wanted to go home and make love. On the way back, his shirt opened at the neck (Sir Dean wore much looser clothing than he had me wear), instead of making me put my hands behind my back, he took one. He held my hand all the way home. When there was no one around, he dropped his voice and said "I wonder if I'll be able to keep my hard on with this thing new in me." Yes, he could. He was strong enough to tie my wrists down and even to nibble my left nipple and pull on the right one before he filled me. If the piercing hurt him, he hid it. i love looking at Sir Dean's pierced nipple. i just LOVE it. i couldn't keep my eyes off of it when... well, keep reading. You read early on about how i surrendered to Sir Dean, and became his slave and sub. Well, i think i surrendered on a much deeper level after he had told me about marriage and after his piercing. We didn't have anything planned that night: i had gotten home and i was in the middle of putting the food down for Ariel and Caliban (every time i fed them, i had to laugh: there was no question that Caliban felt drawn to Sir Dean much more than me, but when it was feeding time, he would sit back, wait until Ariel was finished, and then come in. "He's a pussyboy " i thought. "just like me." ). But i digress, as i frequently do. i was shirtless, the way Sir Dean liked to find me when he came home, but i was wearing some shorts i think i had gotten in PE class in college. Honestly, they didn't fit, but the feel of the fake satin on my ass always made me think about Sir Dean in me. i was still putting down the food when i heard the door slam. SIR WAS HOME! i finished up and went to the entrance of the apartment. i wanted to make sure i was available if he wanted me. He did. He kissed me, and while he was kissing me, he pushed my wrists behind my back. He didn't have anything to tie them with, so he whipped off his necktie and used that. When they were tied, he got to work on my nipples. "On my knees Sir?" i asked. He had a wicked sneer. "NO. Bedroom. Lie on your side until I get in there. " "YES SIR" i answered, imagining i was going to get an early fuck. Sir Dean came in, and rolled me over to my back. Then he hooked his fingers in my shorts, and began pulling them down over my sneakers. "I love how these look on you jimmy. ALL your clothes should fit you like that." On his way to the bedroom, he had grabbed the gloves he wore with his leather outfits, and he was running his hand over my torso before he grabbed my balls. "OOOOO. Yes sir. Yes sir. " "That's why we're gonna have to get you bulked up. So you look like a REAL fucktoi. MY fucktoi." "Yes sir," i answered. i wasn't really sure where he was going with what he was doing. He had my shorts off, and now i was totally naked. He grabbed each of my ankles and restrained each one: something he almost never did when he planned to fuck me: too much trouble to get my legs untied and into the air. Then he undid the knot in his necktie and he pulled my wrists to the corners. He used the tightest restraints: the ones with the least movement. And then... he pulled out the key to my cage, and unlocked it. It was only a week and a half into the latest cycle, so i didn't know what he had planned. my cock, of course, had its own mind and shot up in the air. Sir was still dressed. He lay down next to me, and his arm went around my shoulders, landing on my pierced nipple. He began to play with it, and i moaned. "Maybe we'll get you a nicer one for the wedding. For what's gonna be your BIG, studly, shaved chest, huh boy?" i answered "Yes Sir. If that's what you want." He laughed. "OH YES. It's what I want. I want a WHOLE BUNCH of things, and I'm gonna start having them, beginning tonight." i had no idea what was going on in his mind. "I want my slave sub to be the most muscled boy in town. And you're gonna do that for me. No drugs no nothing, just hard work" "Yes sir. You want me to go to the gym more?" He smiled. He didn't answer. Then he took off the right hand glove: Sir is right handed. "Have any idea why I uncaged you boy?" "No Sir." He laughed. "Then good. I can still outsmart you. He reached under my balls and... OH SHIT. he was finger fucking me. i felt one, then a second finger go in me. i began to whine as they went higher and then... i felt them graze my prostate. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Grazing it was stimulating enough, but when he did what he did next, which was to gently rub it with his two fingers, i nearly died. He was giving me an orgasm without touching my cock. At least, that's what i thought he was doing. He stopped rubbing it, and just held it. "You know you belong to me, don't you boy?" "Yes Sir. i do." "Every bit of you?" "Yes Sir" Sir licked his lips. "Even this?" He rubbed my little nut again. "YES SIR. OH GOD YES SIR. EVEN THAT. ESPECIALLY THAT." my body began to heave, trying to get up from the restraints, and couldn't. my head was thrashing around the way it did when Sir stimulated me as much as he was that night. "I bet you wanna cum, don't ya boy?" "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. PLEASE. " "Ha ha. I could make ya cum now, or I could lock you up, maybe for good, couldn't I?" i gulped. "Yes sir. You could. You own me. You own my cock. You can do whatever you want. OOOOOOOOOH" he rubbed my nut again. "NO OTHER MEN FOR YOU. NONE. " "NO SIR. THERE HAVEN'T BEEN ANY, AND THERE WON'T BE. I SWEAR." Sir didn't have to do what he was doing to get me to say that: it was the truth. There are a lot of good looking men in NYC. Of course i saw them. i only wanted Sir Dean. "You going to give yourself to me completely, boy? That's the only marriage I want: one where I know: you belong to me ONE HUNDRED PERCENT." "A THOUSAND PERCENT SIR. EVEN IF YOU LOCK ME BACK UP NOW. LOCK ME UP. I'LL SAY IT AGAIN. I'LL TELL PEOPLE. OH GOD SIR. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU. I...... " That's when Sir rubbed my prostate enough to make me start shooting all over myself. i was crying when i did it. "SIR. THANK YOU. THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME. THANK YOU. I..... " then i stopped speaking. i couldn't. i was crying. i had just had a thought: what if what i had said wasn't enough? What if he didn't believe me?" Then i felt his lips on mine. Sir said nothing and i knew: he believed me. And that he wanted me. He opened his zipper and showed me his cock. "You want this?" "YES SIR. PLEASE. BOTH HOLES." Then i apologized. "i'm sorry Sir. What does SIR want?" "Heh heh. He wants both holes. " Sir straddled me so he could get his cock in my mouth. i sucked him as best as i could from that position. i think he only wanted me to get him wet, but he didn't need to be wet: the play with his fingers had me more than moist. That's when he undid the ankle restraints, and i watched this totally hot, handsome man still in his work clothes, shove his cock into my ass. i really wanted to close my legs and hold it there, but Sir Dean knew: i'd want it more if i couldn't do that. And i did. Even with everything he had done to my prostate, his cock rubbing up against it was blowing me away. i had no jizz left, but my nerve endings were exploding. "YES SIR. YES SIR. FUCK YOUR BOY. FUCK HIM GOOD..." i could hear his balls slapping against my ass and then, he nutted the way i had. "OH SIR THANK YOU. Please Sir. May i ask... for a taste of you?" Sir rubbed a finger in the jizz that was dripping from me, and then he brought it to my mouth. i took that finger greedily and licked it clean. He stood up from the bed. "Tomorrow, we're gonna start planning. I want you built even more like a bull for our wedding than you are now. And that's gonna take time... and discipline." "YES SIR. YES SIR. i want to make you proud when ... how do you want me to say it Sir? When we get married, when you marry me, when i marry you?" The question seemed to please him. "We'll talk about that too. That's a more serious question than adjusting your workouts."


We did discuss that question, and discussing my workouts led to even more changes in our lives. i'll tell you more about that when i write again. i can't write more because, as Sir Dean recalled the time that i was writing about, he got more and more charged. He plans to take me from behind tonight, and.... he wants me NOW.

Next: Chapter 11

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