Slave Initiation

By Will H

Published on Jan 23, 2013



This work of fiction is written for the enjoyment of whoever reads it. Comments of any nature are appreciated. Please email me at

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Disclaimer: the following is an original story of fiction that contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography please ensure you do not proceed.

Note: This may develop into a continuing series if there is interest.

Slave Initiation

My story begins like this. My name was Matt, but I am now known as slave matt, and I had just graduated college two months ago and I was still looking for that great job so I could give up my shitty job at the temp agency. I am 22-year old, tall, dark-haired guy with a nice smile and a moderate amount of body hair under my arms, on my chest and around my cock and ass. I have been out since I was 16, but in recent years I have been exploring my submissive side more and more. Having dominant boyfriends was nice, but I needed more than that. Since my temp job only occupied about 20 hours of my week, I found myself wasting massive amounts of time on the internet a lot chatting with various kinksters and doms in the area. It was during that time that I ended up chatting with a real Master in my town and decided that I was ready to take my play to the next level. We chatted for several weeks to get comfortable with each other. He had me fill out a slave application and several sexual questionnaires until I felt that he knew more about me than just about any other person on earth. He was particularly turned on by the mention in my profile that I enjoyed the smell of a man's pits and body odor. I always had been, especially since my own pits and bush put out a very pleasing masculine odor. As for Him, I knew nothing beyond the physical description in His profile and a picture of Him in sunglasses. He, on the other hand, had demanded naked pictures of me from every conceivable angle. We negotiated a scene that would include me learning to serve Him during a 48-hour weekend session, perhaps leading to something regular. I had always fantasized about a scene that would be long enough to make me want to end it early, but unable to control it once I was in it. We chatted about my fantasies and my limits. He had mentioned wanting to shave my crotch, which I told Him I really wasn't up for. I might be a sub, but I have a nice bush that accents my 7.5 inches quite nicely. He mentioned that he had another slave that would be there while I was. That sort of got me hot thinking about it, but he offered no other details of who this slave would be.

We finally agreed to a brief meeting on Sunday afternoon before he left on a trip. We met up at a McDonald's between our two homes. I waited patiently for him at a booth in the corner. He recognized me immediately, and I began to get a boner as soon as I realized that this gorgeous guy approaching me would be my Master. Even though he had not given me his age, I would put him at about 28 or 30, 6'2" and a lean, muscular 180 lbs. He had a nice tan and sported at least three days' beard growth.

"Nice to meet you boy," He said. "Let's go out to my truck where we can chat privately."

"Yes, Sir," I said and followed Him out to a shiny new black truck. He opened the doors with his remote and I jumped into the passenger seat. The truck still smelled knew, but it also smelled of male musk and sweat – his musk and sweat. My boner twitched in my shorts.

"Boy, I don't have much time now so don't say a word. You will listen to my every word and obey completely, if you don't then you will never see or hear from me again. Got it?"

I shook my head timidly.

"First of all, while I am away, your pathetic slave cock will be unavailable to you. Pull down your pants and underwear right now."

I quickly pulled my shorts and underwear to my knees and looked out the passenger mirror to make sure that no one was coming or could see me. Luckily His truck was high enough to keep away any curious eyes. My naked crotch exposed by thick, dark bush and a ranging hard-on, which I was secretly proud of. He barely noticed and without saying a word reached into his pocket and pulled out plastic ring and some other odd pieces of plastic. He fastened the large ring around my ball sac and some other pins through it. He snagged several pubic hairs while doing so and I winced.

"If you make another sound boy, I'm going to push you out the fuckin' car. You won't have to worry about that hair for much longer," he smirked.

I grimaced at that comment as we had already talked about my wanting to keep my pubes on-line, yet I sat quietly and watched. He opened his glove compartment and pulled out a small bottle of lube. He put a dab of lube on the tip of my dick and used his finger to spread it around the last few inches of my cock and head.

"Now we wait for your hard-on to go away boy. Close your eyes and think about anything that will get rid of it, now!" He ordered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to imagine anything non-sexual... work, bills, my mother. Slowly I could feel my cock begin to wither. After about three or four minutes, I was completely soft.

"Open your fucking eyes boy!"

Master slipped a clear plastic tube over my oiled head and brought the tube and the ring together. Then he pulled out a small padlock and locked my cock tight in the cage. It was just like the cock cages that I had seen while surfing porn, but this one was much more real – it was on me.

"OK boy, your cock is now mine. To be sure to don't get any stupid ideas, I am also putting on a numbered plastic lock over the metal one. Each night while I'm away, you are to email me a picture of your locked cock clearly showing the number and the date on a newspaper. This will guarantee that you will not be enjoying any orgasms whatsoever while I am gone. I return on Friday, so you will have to go five more days without cumming or even touching your slave dick. It's mine now and you need to learn that! One very important order boy. Until Friday, you may not shower or shave. I want you to arrive with your own natural scent on Friday. All you may do to keep yourself clean is wash your hands and face, and brush your teeth, got it boy?"

I shook my head but began to panic. How would I be able to go to work this week if I didn't shower? Nonetheless, my now locked cock propelled me forward. The feeling of having my cock encased in a plastic cage was a new and exciting experience as my cock was already straining to get hard, but to no avail. My dick and I were at my Master's mercy.

"When you are at home, I want you in nothing but a jockstrap and you are to wear that same jockstrap every day until we meet. Now pull your pants back up and listen closely. You will be sent directions to my place by email on Friday morning. You are to arrive at 3:00 sharp. If you arrive late, you will be punished. If you arrive more than ten minutes late, you will be turned away and will never see me again. You will not hear from me until then, but I do expect daily emails with pics of your locked cock boy. Now get the fuck out of my truck!"

I opened the door and step down from His truck. Fuck! This was unreal. Had this really happened? I went to my car and drove back home feeling the unfamiliar weight and presence of the cage surrounding my dick. I had barely said a word to this guy that I had just met, and now I had agreed to give my cock over to him for a weekend and to not take a shower for a week. When I got home, I pulled down my shorts and underwear and had a better look at this cage I had been locked into. I wasn't sure if my body could actually handle me not jacking off this long, but I had no choice. I wished I had whacked off this morning now, but I was afraid to, not knowing what Master would want at our meeting. I went and slipped on a dirty jock I kept in my dresser that I would now have to keep on for the next six days.

The days went by slowly as I desperately yearned for Friday. I dutifully sent Master emails with my locked cock each evening then struggled to get a decent night's sleep once my morning wood hit around 3 a.m. On Wednesday morning, before my alarm could even go off, I was awoken by my own stench. I had my right arm over my head and my nose was pointing straight into my hairy pit. I did enjoy my own scent, but there was no way I could go to work today smelling like this. Monday had been OK, but yesterday I definitely felt like people close to me could pick up whiffs of my cock and pits, not to mention the smell coming off my ass. I phoned up the temp agency and said that I had come down with something and would be out for a few days. That bought me the time I needed to pit out in the privacy of my own home for three more days.

Finally Friday arrived. I checked my email around 11 for the hundredth time and saw that Master had just emailed. I read the following message: "Slave my address is 69 Turning Point Drive. Be there at 3 p.m. today to start your training as My new slave. Don't knock on the door, just walk right in and you will find further orders. Don't dare be late."

Wow, now it was really becoming real. I distracted myself with TV, porn and whatever I could find to pass the remaining hours. My heart raced as the time drew closer and closer. At 2:30 I decided to leave, allowing myself enough time for traffic or something unexpected since I didn't dare be late. I got into my car with my hand starting to shake as I put the key into the ignition. I carefully drove across town arriving near his house at 2:50 so I knew that I had to kill time. I passed his house and parked down the street to wait. The car had filled with the stink of my body odor, a pungent mixture of pits and dirty jockstrap. My cock began to fill its cage which cruelly kept it from getting hard. My brain began to rationalize all of the reasons why I shouldn't go through with this while my dick propelled me forward. The minutes ticked by until at 2:58 I started up my car and went back around the block. At 3 sharp I walked up to the door, took a deep breath and walked right in.

There was no sign of my Master, but I did see the promised note lying on the floor in front of me. My orders were to remove all of my clothing, and place it on the chair to my right. On the table next to the chair I would find a glass of water and a pill. I was to take the pill and then use the handcuffs on the table to lock one hand to the leg of the metal table and sit on the floor and wait. He hadn't mentioned taking any pill when we planned this so I was rather apprehensive since I really knew nothing about this guy, but my cock made the decision for me. Suddenly I was downing the pill and locking my hand to the table. My fate had been sealed. I wasn't sure what I had taken, but after a little while I began to feel something. I was getting slightly lightheaded, my body was getting warm and I began to sweat further causing my already smelly body to emit an overpowering scent. I felt as though my own pit odor was making me dizzy as a blurry figure come out of the darkness. It was my Master and His dark brown eyes were staring down cruelly at His nervous smelly slave. My entire body tensed up. He looked me over without saying a word and then took out a key from his pocket and unlocked me from the table. His strong arms pulled me up to a standing position. I looked up at Him and he slapped me across the face.

"Boy, keep your fucking eyes on the floor."

I immediately cast my glance at my feet. He rubbed his masculine, slightly callused hands over my chest, pinching my left nipple, then grabbed my swollen, caged cock in his right hand. "Bet you're horny boy."

"Yes, Sir, I am very horny."

"Very good boy! That is exactly how I want you to be. A week is a long time for a boy like you to go without cumming. It's put you in the right mindset to begin your training though. So will that little pill you just took. You'll find that all of your nervousness and apprehension will soon fade away, as will your own free will. I will be taking over and replacing your will with my own. Understood slave?"

I shook my head somewhat timidly and said, "Yes, Sir!" The effects of that pill were now clearly starting to kick in as I found it difficult to think or speak. It was like my mind was numb but my body was awake.

Master lifted my chin up and stared into my eyes.

"Looks like the drug is definitely taking effect boy. It's a type of hypnotic relaxant that will make you very willing to accept any suggestion I give you while keeping you nice and relaxed. It will also leave permanent chemical changes in your brain that will help me to mold you as your training progresses. The best part is that drug will have maximum effect on you since you are already a natural submissive. Now follow me to your new home boy."

He led me from his living room down a dark hallway and down a flight of stairs into His basement. I was amazed to see one of the hottest and most well-equipped dungeons I had ever imagined, stocked with nearly every BDSM device I had ever seen. I also saw several cages of various sizes in different corners of the room. I was also startled to see a muscular, naked young guy standing in the middle of the room, next to a large wooden table. Master pointed to a table.

"Go over to the table, and lie down on boy," He ordered.

I could not help but stare at the cute hairless guy as I approached the table. He must have been about my age or slightly younger and had beautiful sandy blond hair. I climbed onto the table and laid back and waited for further orders. Master had gone out of view so I just stared at the ceiling and discovered a mirror reflecting back my own naked body. The sight of my naked self locked in a cock cage was erotically soothing. All of my nervousness had indeed begun to dissipate. I wondered why Master thought I needed to be given a drug to be more submissive when I already felt that I was more very submissive. Suddenly the boy standing beside me grabbed my feet and began to attach leather restraints to them. Then I heard the click of padlocks and he pulled each of my legs to opposite corners of the table and I heard two more locks click. I began to feel vulnerable, but the drug kept away any real panic. There was no turning back and I no longer seemed to care. The boy then moved to the other side of the table. As he did, I could clearly catch a strong whiff of his pits, too. Obviously Master required this slave to follow the same hygiene rules as I had been given. He proceeded to put leather padded cuffs on each wrist and similarly stretched my arms out to each side of the table until I was spread eagle and locked down. As soon as my arms were above my head, the heavy aroma of my own unwashed armpits began filling my nostrils and his. I saw him smile down on me and he said, "Master will be pleased. My name is slave chad. Do not speak, but when you do address me, it will always be as slave chad."

On hearing that, Master approached and said, "Very good boy, you have clearly obeyed me. I like the strong, natural smell of a slave's body. You are off to a good start. And I can tell you are quite relaxed and obedient right now, aren't you boy?"

I felt totally buzzed and my cloudy mind could only offer back a grunt. Seeing my condition, Master grinned and pulled out the key to the cock cage that I have been imprisoned in since our first meeting. He moved to the side of the table and slowly inserted the key into the lock. Then at last, I heard the sound of the lock click open and felt that end of the cage removed from my dick. He then removed the remaining ring and admired my cock. After six days without shower and wearing the same jockstrap, I am not sure which part of my body smelled more. My head began to spin and my nose was filled with a mixture of my own miasmic funk and mixture of smells coming from the slave standing beside me.

"You do have a beautiful bush boy, but as I clearly told you, it will have to go. Slaves are not worthy of such outward displays of masculinity. I don't care how hot good it makes your crotch smells. But I am not going to waste this singular opportunity on slave chad. He looked over at him and said, "boy, pull up another table next to this one and lie down on it."

"Yes, Sir," he said.

I heard the sound of a table being dragged over toward me and saw in the mirror the kid get up on the table with this head the opposite direction of my own. This seemed odd until I saw Master bring over two oxygen-type masks with long tubes attached to them. At the end of one was a rubber cup that looked a lot like the cup in an athletic supporter. And the other mask split off into two separate tubes with smaller cups on them. He tightly fastened the first mask to the slave next to me and brought the rubber cup end down over my stinking crotch. He used some sort of body tape to hold it in place. I could feel the other slave's warm breath being pushed through the tube and down onto my crotch, only to have my own strong stink waft back to his nose. Then the other mask was placed over my nose and the two ends put under the kid's armpits. Despite his entire body being shaved smooth, I could see in the mirror that slave chad's pit hair was intact. He still had two very thick patches of brown pit hair. It only took a second for his own personal odor to travel the short distance through the tubes back into my nostrils. I felt confused and horny all at the same time. My mind seemed to be shutting down and all I could do was stare at the mirror above me like the mindless slave I was becoming.

"Perfect slaves," Master uttered. "I will be back in about a half hour. That will give the drug a chance to be at its strongest. While I am gone, close your eyes and just focus on the smell of you new slave brother. Slave chad is fully trained and will help to train you as well. Take nice, deep, slow breaths slaves."

With that he walked away. My mind no longer seemed to care about anything other than obeying the orders I had been given. I slowly breathed in and out, taking in this cute stranger's powerful body odor. It was calming and very erotic. I could hear him softly moaning each time he inhaled a whiff of my own much more pungent odor. Time seemed to warp because Master reappeared in what seemed like mere minutes, not 30 minutes. I groggily opened my eyes to find that Master was shining a light into them. I felt flush all over as I continued to breathe in the slave chad's odor.

"Boy, you will listen very carefully to what I am about to tell you, and you will nod your head if you understand. Got it?"

I moved my head the best I could with the mask on my nose and being partially lucid.

"Very good boy. It's important that you know that you no longer have any control over your mind, I have taken over. You willing have given me your mind and will obey me without question or hesitation. Your mind no longer will struggle to makes decisions. I will now make all of them for you. You will find that obeying me brings you great pleasure. You will spend all of your free time focused on carrying out the orders I give you slave."

I gently nodded in obedient agreement.

Slave chad's pits are an extremely powerful aphrodisiac for you boy. Whenever you smell them, you will immediately fall back into this same mindless state, waiting for your next order from him. He is an alpha slave, and you will do as he says. Understood?"

Again, I stared back blankly at my Master and attempted a nod. My nose still deeply inhaling slave chad's smell.

"Slave chad takes orders from me, so anything I tell you supersedes anything he tells you to the contrary. You will come to enjoy all of his body, as well as my own."

With that, he removed the cups from slave chad's two pits and put one of the ends up to His own crotch.

"Breathe in extra deep slave. This is a real man's cock and the smell is making permanent changes to your brain."

The incredibly strong smell of slave chad's pits had been replaced by the much more acrid smell of my Master's cock. I nearly hyperventilated trying to take in as much as I could.

"Keep going slave, whenever you smell My cock, you will instantly be brought back to this same mindless state and will think of nothing other than wanting to suck my cock until I reward you with my cum, which you will hold in your mouth until given permission to swallow. After I have given you permission to swallow My load, you will then press your nose against my pubic hair and wait for me to use your mouth as my personal urinal. You will swallow every drop of my hot piss and not let a single drop escape those slave lips of yours. Is that clear, boy?"

It was perfectly clear. I was not even frightened by being turned into his piss slave, I just wanted to obey and continue smelling Him! He then moved the end of the hose to one of His pits and stared down at me. My eyes could not focus, but my mind obeyed. I now could smell his own pit odor which was rather different from slave chad's, more rich and musky.

"This is the one smell that you will crave more than any other for the rest of your life boy. You will desire it more than food and need it on a regular basis. It will bring out your deepest submissive feelings for me boy. You will rub your nose in my pit fur when I present them to you and wear my smell throughout the day, each inhalation reinforcing your incredibly strong desire to serve and obey me without question. Nod if you understand boy."

I think I nodded, but I am not sure. All I remember is the warm dungeon air and my Master's pits filling my nostrils. I did not struggle against my restraints, nor did I even question what I was being told, I merely laid there and continued to inhale while continuing to feel the warm breath of slave chad on my own genitalia. Master abruptly removed my mask and slave chad's as well. I was breathing normal air again and my mind desperately craved my Master's smell again.

"I am quite sure that slave chad has enjoyed your crotch smell. You and he have been quite permanently been imprinted on each other's brains, but now it's time to remove all of your pubic hair so that you resemble the true slave that you are. You want that, don't you slave?"

I didn't think I wanted my cock shaved, but my head was nodding furiously. I couldn't remember anymore what I wanted but I knew that if Master said I didn't want my pubes, then I definitely didn't.

"Pubic hair is a sign of a man, and you are a slave. You will never be allowed to grow your pubic hair again slave. Now I want to hear you beg me to shave off you pubes boy."

I struggled to think clearly enough to speak. "Sir... please take my pubic hair away," I mumbled, "it's a sign of manhood that I don't deserve. Please Sir, shave it all off! I will do anything if you just take away my ugly hair." I heard my mouth saying the words and my brain letting it happen, yet I couldn't help it, the words just came out. I actually wanted Him to shave me more than I wanted nearly anything else at the moment.

"Good boy, so obedient, so willing to please me. Yes, slave, I will remove your pubic hair, just as I did with slave chad's when he became Mine two years ago."

Slave chad held a video camera in his hands and videotaped the event while I watched in the mirror as Master used clippers to start at the base of my penis and quickly whisked away all of my pubic hair in just under a minute. My cock had hardened almost instantly when the buzz of the clippers started. Slave chad picked up the tuft of what had been my thatch of manly pubes and put them in a clear jar which already had my name on it with today's date, the date I became a true slave. After Master finished buzzing my pubes down to stubble, He then very carefully used several new razors to shave away any last hairs from my crotch and balls removing any evidence of my former self. He then proceeded to shave off all of the hair from my chest, around my nipples and the treasure trail that used to lead to my hairy cock. I was now totally smooth except under my arms, where a pungent patch of hair continued to fill the dungeon, mixing with the similarly strong odors of slave chad and Master.

"You look much better this way boy. Don't you agree?" He asked.

"Yes Sir, much better." My words were coming out slightly better now though my head was still cloudy. Of course I looked better; I knew that losing my pubes pleased Master.

"Slave chad will take care of the hair on your ass and around your hole later. But now I have a surprise for you. While I was away, I had a proper, escape-proof chastity cage made just for you. You will wear it from now on 24 hours a day. You will be allowed only a few orgasms a year, all controlled by me provided that you earn them. Is that understood slave?"

Even though my mind was foggy, something didn't sound right. What had He just said? I stammered out "but Sir, I will only be here for 48 hours."

Master laughed and said, "Who told you that boy? Remember, you begged Me to allow you to become My permanent slave. Let me help you remember." With that, he leaned over the table and placed his wet, hairy pit right into my nose and rubbed it back and forth and then holding his pit over my nose said, "You want to be my 24/7 slave boy, don't you? You desperately crave the chance to serve me continually. You don't want to leave in 48 hours. You want to become my good slave and be trained by me every day, don't you?"

I tried to think of a response to that, but all that came out of my mouth was, "Yes Sir, I want to be your 24/7 slave. Please don't make me leave Sir. I'll do anything to stay. I was just confused. I want to be your slave forever Sir." As soon as I said that, Master lifted His armpit from my face and stared down at me.

"Good boy. You do learn quickly. Now slave chad is going to fit you with your new chastity cage. One day you will be so well trained and obedient, like slave chad, that it will not be necessary. For now, you still have a long way to go in your training. I will be back soon.

I was confused by what I had said. Had I just agreed to be His permanent slave? All I knew was that despite what I thought I wanted, now all I wanted was to be my Master's slave and I was happy that I would not have to leave on Sunday. Besides, Master's pit sweat was still drying on my face and each time I breathed in, I wanted to serve Him even more. My drifting attention was brought back into focus as slave chad lifted my back up in order to slide the metal belt of my new chastity cage around my waist. Then he proceeded to add several metal attachments to the front of the belt, though my hard-on brought him to a halt. He waited a bit until my cock finally softened enough to get my dick into the cock tube of the cage. After I heard the lock click shut and felt my cock in its new home, I looked up in the mirror and saw myself as I now was – my Master's newest slave, devoid of my chest hair or pubes and permanently locked in a metal chastity cage. I was in heaven.

To be continued...

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