Slave Chad

By BNDMaster

Published on Apr 26, 2005


Comments please feel free to e-mail or if you want to be slave chad. Only serious slaves need e-mail. However any comments are welcome.

"slave chad" - part 7

I woke up the next morning with chad still in my arms. His breathing told me he was still asleep. I looked at the clock which said it was 7am. Only 11 hours left on chad's slave contract. In those 11 hours I wanted to test his resolve to be my slave. I has several things planned for him. Would he still want to be my slave or not.

I gently disentangled myself from my sleeping slave boy. Getting out of bed I went to get a leather paddle. I decided to start chad's day out right by beating his ass to wake him up. I slowly pulled back the blanket so as not to wake him up. I raised the paddle and brought it down hard across chad's upturned ass. He jerked violently. I placed my hand on his head and told him to lay still, "If you really love me you will take this because I want you to, boy" I added. He pulled in a deep breath and raised his ass in the air waiting for me to hit him again. "Good boy", I said, "remember sometimes a slave gets punished just because his Master enjoys doing it." I layed into his ass with the paddle for all I was worth. I was very proud of him. He held reasonably still despite how red his ass was getting. Finally I stopped and helped him out of bed. I released his bonds and removed his hood. I ordered him into the shower and I got in with him. Like yesterday he lovingly washed me. I showed him how to clean himself through the cb3000 and made sure he did a good job. Then we got out of the shower and he dried me off, then drying himself off. He followed me into the kitchen were I locked his hands behind his back. I placed his breakfast on a plate on the floor and told him to eat up as he had a long day ahead. I went back to get my paddle as his upturned ass was just to tempting to resist. While he ate I paddled his ass. Whenever he paused I hit him harder, so needless to say he finished quickly. After breakfast I gave chad a list of household chores I wanted done, including changing the bed he had made such a mess out of. Before he started I decided to decorate his body just a bit. First I placed a large butt plug in his ass. Then as he had 6 chores to accomplish I placed 6 clothes pins on his body, 2 on his tits, 4 on his balls. I told him that when he finished each chore he would report to me. He would get 6 swats with the paddle and I would remove 1 clothes pin for each chore done. In addition I gave him a time frame for each to be accomplished in. For every minute he took longer than that he would get one additional swat. I also added a leather cock gag to his mouth just so he could think of me while working. He then set out to do his chores. My poor little slave with his cock imprisoned in its chastity cage. My poor little slave who didn't know that I had purposely not given him enough time to do each chore just so I could paddle his ass more. It looked so nice, bright red, that I really wanted to keep it that way.

His first chore was changing the bed. I had given him 4 minutes. I had also not told where I kept the extra linen, where the laundry hamper was, or where I would be when he was finished. Needless to say he over shot his time frame by 6 minutes. He found me in the den at my desk. I looked at my watch and informed him he had 12 swats coming. I made him bend over and grasp his ankles with his hands. I then applied 12 hard swats to his already red ass. Before I let him up I ran my hands over his ass. It felt so hot, so good. He winced as I did this which told me the ass whipping was having it's affect. I had decided to do this today as I want his ass very tender for his drive home. I wanted him to feel every bump in the road. I then removed one of the pins on his balls. While doing this I made a point of hitting the other 5 including the ones on his tits. I knew this hurt him but that was the point. Would he take was I was dishing out.

He headed off to chore number 2. I gave him a few minutes then followed him. He was in the kitchen cleaning up. He seemed surprised to see me. I made him bend over right there and paddled his ass. I then let him go back to his chore. I had just used up 4 minutes of his 10 minutes. There was no way he would get done in time. What a shame! After 20 minutes he showed up in the den. I informed him that he had taken 10 minutes to long as the ass whipping I had given him was coming out of his 10 minutes. So now he had 16 swats coming. He once again bent over and grabbed his ankles, God was I having fun. Another ball clothes pin came off and off chad went to chore 3. This continued until all the chores were done and all the pins were off. By that time I don't think he could have sat down if he wanted to. But still my slave boy stood in front of me, head bowed, awaiting my orders. I removed the gag so he could speak. "chad", I said, "do you still want to be my slave?" "Sir, oh please Sir", he answered, "more than ever. Last night, even though I could not cum, was the best sex I have ever had. I could tell by the way you felt inside me that I was pleasing you."

"All right boy you have made me happy. You have done all I asked of you today, but now I am going to test your resolve. You said that you would do anything I ask and that you would give up cumming for me. We will see, we will see." I had chad follow me into the den. When we got there I proceeded to unlock his cb3000. "Sir permission to speak." He said. "Permission denied, slave. Just do as I say, remember we are testing you resolve to serve me and be my slave." When the cage was removed his cock sprang to attention. I brushed the head of his prick and it was ready for action. I had chad kneel by my desk where I could watch him. I had him spread his knees wide open so his cock was on display. I handed him a large hand mirror and had him place it between his legs under his cock. I knew he was really wondering what was going on, this was going to be fun. I had found this little game on the internet. The site called it the mirror trick. I explained it to chad. I wanted to see how close he could cum without actually cumming. I told him that if he came then he could not possibly be my slave as he had disobeyed my orders. The idea I told him was that for 10 minutes he had to keep himself right on the edge without cumming. The mirror was to catch his precum. He was to cover the mirror during those 10 minutes with precum. Doing that he would have to keep himself right on the edge. To spend that long right at the edge without release would initially be hard but the more times I made him do this it would become sheer torture.

I told chad to grab his hard cock and start stroking. I waited for him to start leaking precum then I set the timer. "10 minutes boy, cover that mirror." I instructed him then settled back to watch my slave entertain me. He stroked his cock hard at fist then slower and slower. By the time we hit the 10 minute mark his whole body was shuddering with his need to cum, but he wouldn't do it as I had ordered him not to and he would do anything not to disappoint me. When the timer went off I ordered him to put his hands behind his back and keep his head down. He sat there and stared at his crotch while I worked at my computer. When finally his cock had subsided I ordered him to lick the mirror clean and then grasp his cock again. When he was once again leaking precum I reset the timer and his 10 minutes began all over again. This time he was quickly shuddering with the need to cum. But he kept himself on the edge right up till the timer went off. When it did he quickly put his hands behind his back and I could see him visibly working to slow his breathing down and calm himself. This boy was good, I was impressed. Again I let him calm down then ordered him to clean the mirror off with his tongue. After doing this chad said, "permission to speak please, Sir." I looked at my slave, his voice sounded so pathetic, "permission granted," I said. "Please Sir this is so hard, please let me stop." "No boy," was my reply, "you see I am enjoying watching this and you said you wanted to exist only to please me. This is pleasing me. Start again boy, NOW."

He grabbed his cock and started pumping it again. Once again as soon as the precum started I set the timer. Much quicker this time he was shuddering and gasping for breath. His strokes were fewer and a lot less was required to keep him right on the edge. I was so proud of him. Once again the timer went off and he quickly locked his hands together behind his back. Looking at him he had his eyes closed and was sucking his breath in between his teeth trying to calm himself down. It took longer this time but eventually he did. Once again I ordered him clean the mirror, grab his cock, and get ready. I set the timer and off chad went for another round. This time it was all he could do to get through the 10 minutes. But he did, I was so proud. He was doing this for me. His shoulders sagged and he panted slightly he was just about at his limit but I knew he had one more in him before I let him quit. "Boy", I said," you are making me very happy. You are being very good and pleasing me. I want one more out of you boy, can you do that for me. Can you prove you love for me boy?"

"Yes Sir", a quivering voice replied. "This time boy I want you to push yourself right to the edge, but boy DO NOT CUM." I ordered him. He started stroking his cock and the precum started, I set the timer.

1 minute- he was right at the edge so hard I thought he would explode. His eyes were shut tight and his breath was coming in gasps.

4 minutes- his body was shivering with his need.

7 minutes- his breath even more ragged. But he kept going. He was going to prove to me how far he could go.

8 minutes- I could tell he was holding back with all his might. His body quaking with the effort.

9 minutes- would he make it. "Boy", I said, " remember this is for me, only 60 seconds to go." He stroked harder. Bringing himself even closer and yet I could see him fighting harder not to cum. My god the feelings that must be going through his body.

Finally the timer went off and his hands literally flew behind his back. I was ready for this and applied ice to his throbbing cock. He yelled as the ice came in contact his cock but it had the desired affect as his hard on began to subside. I had him stand which he did. I had to catch though as his legs were wobbly. After he got himself under control I locked the cb3000 back on his cock. Then held him tight to me and told him how proud I was of him. He melted into my arms as I stroked his head and back. I really was proud of my slave boy. What he had just gone through for me really proved his devotion as a slave. But I had more in store for him today. This time he knew I was watching and being entertained but would he hurt himself just because I told him too even if I wasn't watching? But just because I had told him to? We would see. And as always of I did let him cum would his entire outlook change? Only time would tell.

Next: Chapter 8

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