Slave Camps New Recruits

By brieuc matagne

Published on May 6, 2013


Martin and Brian had slept well due to the gases that were spread in the room. They did not awake when 2 more recruits were brought in in the middle of the night and neither when the assistants of Professor Ridge came in to attach cock shaped mouth gag to the four bois and inflate them to seal the mouth.

It was 8 o clock in the morning when Ridge blow fresh air into the vent to awake the slavebois and soon they were all flickering their eyes. Martin began to move to break the restrain and tried to talk trough the gag but only a muffled sound came out

"Slaveboi nø12, remember what I said about your right to speak. Do your nuts want a little reminder?"

Martin calmed down but mostly because he realized there was nothing to fight about, he was tied up and unable to move so he might as well avoid a kick in the nuts. He then looked around him and saw Brian with his eyes open remaining rather quite and then he noticed the other bois and felt a bit sorry for them.

"Ok slaveboi nø12 and 13, be ready and remain quite as you will be escorted to the test room"

Martin still tried to move when one of the well-built assistants detached his wrist from the hook on the floor but he was soon brought back to reason by a new kick in his balls. They were then escorted out of the room who was plunge again into the darkness and the heat to keep the other boi asleep.

Martin and Brian were brought to a room with 2 heavy seats in witch they where strapped: ankles, wrist, head, chest, unable to move and the assistant brought tubes that were fixed to the mouth gag. Soon a white liquid went down the tube and into the gag with a increasing flow: The liquid was rather thick but still easily eatable and had no taste at all and this was rather easy to eat.

"Ok bois, enjoy your food because it might be the only food you get till the rest of your life. It's tasteless but don't worry we might had some flavour later, depends just on your result to the test" Said Ridge looking at the two helpless bois

Than he came near Brian and tap his head

"Of course some of you will get some natural product like sweet Man juice, isn't right slaveboi 13? You did appreciate that tasty spunk yesterday when the kidnapper fed you?"

Brian was ashamed that Martin discovered that and he had been happily fed juice by their captor instead of try to fight back like him. Martin in his side was slightly disgusted, not that he was homophobic, quite the contrary but he was disgusted that Brian might appreciate the situation they were in. Anyway he tried to focus on something else, after all he did not know if Brian really did this with pleasure.

But Ridge wanted to continue the little teasing, and he knew exactly how to do it. He stands in front of them and turned again to Brian

"Well as you liked cum that much, I have a proposal for you. I manage to recreate artificially the taste of the cum and add the taste to your meal, he will be exactly the same as the one you ate yesterday except this would just be a mere substitute without the Man essence but a slaveboi like you might be able to crave it anyway"

Ridge than turned to Martin

"But there is a little condition, if you choose to replace the taste in the tube, it will be done for both feeding tube so you little comrade here will also be able to taste the sweet taste you liked so much"

Ridge grinned as he saw Martin head try to move and his mouth tried to speak a loud "no" but only muffled some unintelligible sounds. He seemed disgusted at the idea of tasting cum and particularly the cum of their captor. Ridge was really loving the situation he had set because any decision Brian could take would still result as the cum taste to be added to the tube.

"So what have you decided boi?" Push one of the button on the side of your seat: the green button for yes and the red for no"

Brian craved to taste the cum of that manly kidnapper who feed him yesterday but he also knew that Martin was not interested and was eager to spare him that humiliation so he pressed the red button. A few second later the taste of the guy's cum began to spread into Brian's mouth and even if he was surprised, he could not retain and sweet moan through the gag tasting this amazing stuff. He then realise that Martin was also fed the same thing he was.

Martin was also fed the cum at the same time and while he heard Brian moan in pleasure, his reaction was more a disgust reject. He tried to block the flow but it was too strong and he was forced to taste that manly, slightly acrid taste of cum that faggot craves for. He could understand that Brian might like this taste but not that he would be that faggot, that weak and dependent to force him to do this. He started to have a resentful feeling towards Brian and that was exactly what Ridge wanted.

"You hungry little whore, you couldn't resist that sweet taste so you decided to share it with your friend. You must be really addicted to cum slaveboi" Ridge tossed proud of him

After a few minutes, the flow stopped and while Brian tried to suck the latest drop out of the tube, Martin was kind of relieved. He got accustomed to the taste but still was disgusted and pissed at Brian.

The tubes were removed but the gags stayed where they were and Ridge set up everything for the test.

"I will now removed your chastity cage to allow you to freely be aroused by the image that will be showed in the monitor. They were placed so that the result were not biased if you had cum last night"

As he removed the cage from Martin, his cock was flaccid and the taste of the cum had definitely not helped him get aroused but then removed the cage from Brian's cock and without surprise, he was already hard

"Well well, look like the little whore enjoyed the cum taste, it has brought back the sweet memory of your mouth eagerly sucking this man yesterday or is it the thought that your friend as also being able to taste it?"

Brian was ashamed and really mad against Ridge evil plan but the most pissed of was Martin, this was too much for him. Realizing that this guy was hard in this situation was too hard to understand. He was now sure Brian had enjoyed being fed cum yesterday and that's why he did not tell anything.

Ridge stay rather distant this morning, He was impatient to discover the boi's result to the test - Martin's one in particular but He was forced to stay at distance between the test, He could not biased them by touching Martin's body or wan himself in front of the bois, he had to wait until the test was done. He prepared the bois but sticking some electrode to their head, their heart and their cock so He would be able to see their arousal more precisely than just with the erection test. He put earplug into the boi's ear and was now able to isolate them from the surrounding noises and talk to them both or separately.

"Ok bois it will soon begin, images will be projected to the room's screen and sound will be played into you ears. We will analyze your body reaction with precision so don't try to hide anything, relax and let yourself be aroused or not by what you see" Said Ridge in both earplugs as he turned off the light and went outside to watch the bois test trough a way mirror.

The sound began first in the boi's ear, sound of manly moan and groan and then the image began to succeed in the scree: Man fucking a boi, boi sucking cocks, rape scene, flogging, bondage, piss, scat, tortureÉanything you could find on the internet was now showed to the bois and their arousal analyzed to wether or not they like it, feared it, were aroused by it. After the screen went dark and the room stood their in silence and Ridge began to talk

"Well well, seems both of you have their kind of lust. The result will be ready in a few minutes bois"

Martin did not understood, He had never been hard to this pictures, of course some of them were quite astonishing but he was not like that, he was not a little faggot who love to be fucked, suck cock, have it's tits worked on, his cock and balls tortured, being raped, being piss and shit on, be treated like a dog, nothing of this was an arousal to him though Martin but on the other side of the room, the printer began to process the result and Ridge took the sheets

Brian's one was a little surprise to Him. He knew this boi was a born to be slave and had all kind of lustsÉhe was as Ridge tough at least a blue slave and a green slave that mean he like to be fucked and suck cock and probably a red one that meant he love to be humiliated but Ridge did not imagine that this obi would be a fucking rainbow ! He had showed sign of arousal to piss, scat, dogtraining, rape, bondage, assplay and some other minor stuff but he also showed feared with torture, flogging and all the kink that were kind of pain related which was a deep motivation for obeyingÉthis boi would be soon trained to be a whore and he will end up to be loving torture, Ridge knew this !

When Martin's result were printed, Ridge could not resist to immediately check the color process, He feared the only positive match would be the black one that meant a complete reluctance and a total lack of lust. These were rather bad because even if Ridge and the trainer would finally manage to break the black code, they would never really turn them into obedient boi, there will always be fighting back and need to correction and this were tiring for the slaver and the clients.

Ridge face showed and evil smile followed by a rush of excitation, there it was ! Martin's results; He soon to be boi's results because this was decided, Martin was Ridge property now, even if Martin would also sometime be trained outside of Ridge vew, it was clear that Ridge could not let this occasion pass to bring the lust into the boi's mind and make him His bitch.

Ridge went to the testing room and turned first toward Brian

"You filthy whore, you are full of lust aren't you? I guess that was the reasons your were choose at the beginning"

Ridge looked at Brian with desire and disgust at the same time, He did not liked those kind of boi's who were naturally submissive, they were no challenge for Him and even if He appreciated them for the use, they were still a bit disgusting at His eyes. But Ridge was not that stupid and would appreciate the boi usage right now.

He detached Brian from the chair and made him kneel in he center of the room, he attached his ankle and wrist to the ground and make him present his boi's hole. Brian was totally helpless and ready to be used, he kind of felted this was the beginning of it's journey and was scared but aroused at the same time.

"Might rather take what you have to offer before you became the whore you crave for and with no interest for me anymore"

Ridge stripped naked and His 7-inch cock popped out of it's leather suit, he put a condom on and kneel to align to the boi's hole. Martin was looking at this, he was unable to close his eyes. Ridge had an mesmerizing body and those pubes made Him looked that powerful. Martin was focused of Ridge's cock, a thick and long pole to fill the boi's hole and perfect balls that contain enough baby maker to seed the whole camp. Ridge discretely looked at Martin's and saw it's arousal.

Ridge took spit to lube Brian's hole and pushed it's cock head just at the entrance of the hole

"This will hurt you boi I can tell you but who cares what a pathetic slave feels. Beside you are now here to please us and I confess to love hard fucking a tiny hole so brace yourself here it comes"

And with this, Ridge forced it's cock in the tight boi's hole. It felt the breaking point on his cock, when suddenly the hole give up and the cock enters freely. At this moment Brian let out a scream that was hopefully contain by the gag. The pain was awful and with almost no lube at all, he tough for a minute that Ridge had completely tore him but soon as the pain was downing, Ridge got out and back in giving Brian a new wave of pain that made him cry a little

"Yeah boi, you like that, you like my big cock up your ass ? Why are you crying fucker, it's normal for you to be raped, you love this, you crave this ! Now loose you hole boi and enjoy the ride"

Ridge was know deep inside the boi and stay like that a few second to allow Brian to accommodate it's monster and then it began to fuck the boi at a slow pace, enjoying the moaning of the boi as a sweet aphrodisiac for his dominant side. Ridge was now sure Brian was loving it, it felt it's hole open and close around it's cock, the period of all contraction was done and the boi might even be horny.

Ridge was right, Brian was still in horrendous pain but it seemed to be accustomed to the size of the dick and the pain did not get worse. Soon Brian felt Ridge increasing the pace and it's pain moaning were now share with pleasure one's. He felt good to be that full of a Man's cock and get horny at the idea it will serve real Man all it's life. Brian had always had this inside him but was too scared to let go but now he had no choice so it better get used to it and learn to appreciate this. He suddenly felt a hand on his body, it was Ridge's one that went on his cock for a moment and then made their way through Brian's nipple. Ridge continue his calmed fucking pace while he played with Brian nipples but they were tiny and not developed, almost impossible to work on.

"Stupid faggot, how comes you don't have trained nipple, it's one of your duty in life to provide good stuff to Man like me, I would be sure they develop yours boi as they fucking need it, you will love to have hard and sensitive nipple to play with, I promise"

Ridge stopped playing with Brian's nipple, they were useless at this moment and He prefers to concentrate on the asset the boi could gave at the moment

"Hopefully for you, your tight hole is a real pleasure boi, hope you like it too boi"

Brian moaned trough the gag and even if the pain was still difficult to cow with, the pleasure of being fucked by a cock was intense. Brian moaned again into the gag while working his ass around Ridge cock

"Wow boi, you seemed to enjoy the ride, continue and let's everybody enjoy the sound" said Ridge thinking mostly about Martin.

He turn His head toward Martin and saw an amazed boi who was still trapped in it's chair watching a handsome Man fucking the little whore Brian was. Martin did not felt any sadness for Brian, even if the pain seemed to be unbearable, He knew that Brian liked this and this made him curious about the feeling he might have at the moment. Just as if Ridge was reading into Martin's mind, he looked at him

"Don't worry boi, you will soon taste my cock too and like your friend here, you will learn to love it, I promise !"

Ridge was spoken the truth, He told himself He would train Martin real good until this boi could not live up without Ridge seeding his ass daily. The tough of having Martin's hole at it's disposal made him more excited and He began to fuck Brian harder and harder, faster and faster. The both knew the climax will soon arrive.

Brian gave up it's hole for Ridge to cum in it and Ridge fucked and fucked until the tension was at the top

"You like this boi, you want me to cum, you want me to cum inside the hole of yours ! You better be ready because - aaah, aaah, yeah, yeah !"

Ridge shoot a first load inside the boi's hole and then a second, and a third and a fourth, all were stopped by the condom so that Brian remained desperately empty and wondering, he turned his head a little to see what was happening but in the position he was, he hardly saw anything

"What's happening fucker, you wanted to be seeded ? You though you would be filled with my divine juice ? That's too bad I wore a condom, a filthy piece of shit like you is not worthy of my cum boi. You only deserve some second hand cum like the one you harvested from the head of the kidnapper, some Man juice to make you happy but not the god's cream like mine. But don't worry boi, you fill be filled enough to compensate quality with quantity" Ridge was now laughing loud, a sadistic laugh while he was still teasing Brian who desperately wanted to be filled.

Ridge thoroughly outed the boi's hole holding the condom so that all His juice stayed inside it. There was a large amount of it inside the condom, thick creamy Man juice, faggot ambrosia. Ridge tied the end of the condom to keep all His essence inside it and tossed it just before Brian head

"See what's you have missed boi ! A condom full of my baby makers, bet you would do anything to have it"

Brian saw the condom a few inches before it's head and he was craving for it, he tried to catch the condom with it's mouth but the restrain kept him where he was, his only hope was that Ridge was only teasing him and planned to give it later. But Ridge took the condom and rub it toward Brian face for a second before taking it back

"No boi, I told you you don't deserve this ! I had fun with you but now it's time for you to be prepared to become a slave at the trainer camp, you'll probably never saw me back as you will probably be in charge of workers recreation and service before being rented or sold at a good price. A good life for a cumdump like you but if I can get you a advice : be good with the kidnapping squad and they might want to keep you for them, they are the hottest guy you could ever have"

Ridge called an assistant while unlocking Brian

"Ok prepare him and bring him to the training facility, I don't want that scum over here anymore"

Brian was escorted towards the exit and he gave a final look at Martin convinced he would never saw him again

"Yep say goodbye to your friend, next time you'll see him, he will be a good boi too but not as depraved as you !"

Martin and Brian looked in each other eyes and even if Martin was still mad at Brian, he look at him with eyes saying "Good luck Man, we will both need it"

As the door shut down, Ridge looked at Martin and approach him holding the condom. He showed it to Martin

"Well you my boi is worthy of this. You are one of the lucky one to be able to savor the nectar of the Gods boi. Your result has showed a rather satisfying mindset that I will have to train and model but you are an alpha slaveboi not a fucking whore like your friend. You might not realized this for now but this is not a problem, I will made you discover that you are only worthy of servicing Men like me and in a few times, you will be craving this" said Ridge shaking the condom just before Martin's eyes

"And the first rule for faggot after the only spoken to rule is that no cum is to be wasted. It is a privilege for slave to be offered their MAster cum so they should always savor it anywhere, anytime and starting by now. You'll see, it's much more tasty that the kidnaper's one"

Ridge then left the room for a second and came back with another gag, this one as a small penis shape gag inside but a funnel on the outside. Ridge made the switch of one to another and Martin just had the opportunity to say

"Please no, please mmmh mmmmh"

Ridge went to it's jacket still lying on the floor after it's fucking with Brian and came back with the electrical stiff before putting it in front of Martin's eyes

"Boi you never learn do you ? I bet you already regret this but I have no choice" and Ridge shocked Martin's ball while the boi twist in pain

"Whuuuuuu" was the only sound that cam of of the funnel gag

"Well I am not that fond about giving you my cum just after this, you might associate it with a rewarding behavior"

Martin looked at Ridge eyes, how could be forced to eat that Man spunk could be reward for him, he would rather be shocked in the balls...or maybe not but he will absolutely not find any pleasure eating this.

"Yep, you might not be conscious about this but you will soon see my cum as a reward boi and I cannot allow you to have it now, you will force me to change my plans and I swear you will regret it later boi"

With this Ridge called a assistant to unlock Martin and attached him the same position Brian was for the fucking. Ridge knew that Martin will try to fight back and even if He was really strong, despair are a powerful force in boi's and it might be difficult to handle Martin. He was right, Martin tried to fight and kick his captor but with the help of the assistant, there was no hope for Martin and he soon found himself being locked on all fours, presenting his ass in the air.

"Well well, look at this tiny hole, I bet you would pass out if I ram my cock inside it now"

Martin was panicking, He saw what Ridge could do and did not want to experience the same pain Brian did a few minutes ago. Ridge saw MArtin anxiousness

"Don't worry boi, I'm not going to fuck you now and certainly not without a proper training before. Your bitch of a comrade just was good for it but you need to learn how to thoroughly present you ass before. No I just have to adapt my plan for a moment and as I do not want my cum being wasted nor want to hold this condom all day long, I will just stored it into a warm place"

Martin was not sure he had understood but there was not other possibilities, was there ?

Ridge came back with a bottle of lube, a speculum and a small stainless steel butt plug but Martin was not able to see this restrained like he was

"Ok lets start by lubing you up boi" said Ridge as he poured a small quantity of lube onto Martin's hole and began fingering it a little

"Don't like my boi's to be too well lubed because I like the resistance when I fuck or stuff their asshole"

Ridge shoved one finger inside Martin ass and work it inside out, the feeling was slightly different that when he had been given an enema yesterday. The constant move in it's ass was rather painful, well more disturbing than painful to be honest. After a moment Ridge definitely outed it's finger and started to lube the speculum

"Well boi this will be cold and bigger than a finger but if you relax, you should be able to enjoy it"

Ridge was not lying, a cold sensation filled Martin's ass when He inserted the speculum, the feeling was bizarre like an icy stick but one it was inside, Martin felt good, almost no pain with the absence of move

"Now it begins, this will open you hole boi, breath deeply and calmly"

Wow wow what's was happening, Martin felt it's hole to be open, it stretches on his ass tissue and this was painful. it seemed it's was wide open

"Ok breathe and calm down, it's almost ready"

Martin trusted Ridge and do as told and it's ass became accustomed to the intruder for a moment but as soon as Ridge opened it again, the pain start back

"Ok it's done, your hole is open enough boi" said Ridge while moving to face Martin's head

"You might have guessed boi, I will store this into the warmth of you virgin hole" explain Ridge while showing Martin the condom full of cum

Ridge went back to Martin's back and slowly introduced the condom in it's asshole, pushing it deeply but slowly to avoid any breakage

"Ok it's in boy, how does it feel to store you Master cum and keep it warm like this. I finally love this new plan boi. Now relax as I out the speculum and put the butt plug"

Ridge closed the speculum, outed it without any trouble, wipe Martin ass with the excedent of lube and inserted the butt plug

"Ok good you are set up and to avoid any problem, let me lock this inside your ass - click"

The sound was clear enough and Martin felt the plug slightly enlarge to avoid him to be able to expel it. It was not painful, just a bizarre feeling of being always open. Ridge slapped Martin ass

"Ok here it is, you are now your Master little cum stocking boi. Keeping it warm until you would be allowed to eat it. Now lets let you loose and prepare you boi, you will not go with you friend to the slave training facility, I will keep you with me here my little soon to be obedient slave"

The assistant arrived and unlocked the restrain while Ridge put His clothes back on, Martin arm were restrain in it's back and his foot tied up

"Ok follow me as I will prepare you and show you around boi"

Next: Chapter 4

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