Slave Camps New Recruits

By brieuc matagne

Published on May 3, 2013


Slave camp?s new recruits

Any comments will be gladly received, on the story, the writing and suggestions at

Sorry if there are some mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. It is also my very first story.

The story mainline is based on a erotic dream I did while in chastity and also some fantasy I have.

Note: No real people are depicted in this piece of fiction. This story contains explicit male to male sex, domination, piss and sometimes scat. If you don't enjoy reading this sort of material or are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE READING.

Chapter 1

Brian woke up suddenly as he felt an abrupt shock; he opened his deep dark eyes and saw nothing, only darkness surrounding him. He stayed calm even if he did not realized really where he was, when you are a 23 years old student in Europa, this kind of things may happen. It was not the first time for Bryan to wake up in some other guy?s room, toilets or even in the student residence?s stairs.

?Where the fuck am I?? Said Brian in his head, ?I did not drank more than 2 or 3 beers yesterday?

He was still calm as his mind was still awakening but suddenly when he tried to move but couldn?t, he started to freak out a little. His wrists and ankles were restrained and attached strongly to the metal plate beneath his naked body. Naked body? Bryan realised he was naked but did not feel any pain anywhere; the sweet state in which he was had completely disappeared as he now tried to move and to remember his evening.

It was Thursday and he was with friends in a bar drinking some beers after the classes but he did not drank more than 3, maybe 4. Bryan is not that big, he is a thin but rather athletic guy but he can easily handle 4 beers without being drunk. He remember he left round because He had to wake up early the next day and during his walk back, he met a nice handsome guy he had only seen in class and they decide to walk back together, could it be him who did this?

?Wow Man, are you okay??

Bryan was out of his memory and opens his eyes, it was still dark but could see something a few meters next to him, it seems like a well-defined body but it was not moving, probably restrained too. He then recalled the voice, it was that nice guy he was talking too when he walked back home

?Yes I am fine, what?s happening to us Man??

?Not exactly sure, I think we have been kidnapped?

?Kidnapped! Are you serious? Who did kidnapped us? Are you naked too? Are your hurt??

?Don?t know exactly who they where but they were 4 big guys and they gazed you with chloroform real quickly and then I tried to escape but they got me too. I am naked too and my arm aches from the escape?

?Wow Man it seems we are in serious shit! What?s your name??

?Martin and you??


The rest of the travel went rather quietly as they both realized they were really trapped in there and that the kidnappers seems too strong for them to fight. They were scared but Brian was also a little aroused. He was gay, as he had sometimes fantasised about being kidnapped but not like this, not in real. What made him slightly aroused was the voice of Martin and the fact he was also naked and tied. Brian and Martin felt some movement as the van seemed to quit the road for some dirt road, it lasted for a few minutes and then the van stopped, they heard noises around and a little flap on top of the van was open and let the light fill the interior.

Brian saw that Martin was in a sitting position, his ankles attached to the floor and his wrists to the wall. Himself was lying on the metallic floor of the van. He also saw 5 more empty spot so that van could transport up to 7 kidnapped people, this seemed to be well organised.

?Well look at the new recruits, where did you guys found them? Seems like they are top qualities. One of them seems even excited about being there! Right Man??

With the light in his eyes, Brian could not see the face of the guy talking but did realise he was talking to him. His cock was not rock hard but had rather harden from the view of Martin naked hot body and Brian started to blush as Martin looks at him strangely.

Then the flap closed and the guy tap two times against the side of the van who pass what seemed to be a control gate and drive a few hundred meters more before stopping completely. The motor stopped and there were noise around the van again.

The back door opened wide and 3 guys stood there near the doors. One guy entered in the van to untie Martin, they were all hooded and looked like army guys, dressed in black and wearing tasers. One of them even had a gun. Brian had never saw a gun in his entire life, and this was kind of scary.

?Ok boi, we will untied you, if you try to fight back or to escape, I will have to shock you and if I fail, the guy over there will not, you do not want to die right?? the guy told to Martin.

He untied the wrist cuff from the wall and attached them together in Martin?s back and did the same with the feet?s one. Martin was then lift up and brought out of the van like a potato sac and thrown on the ground before being told to stand up. A guy inspected him, touching his jaws, cock and balls and teasing his ass while Martin tried to remain quiet. Brian could see fear in his eyes and knew he will be next.

?Ok lets prepare him and store him in the newly captured room? said what appeared to be the leader of the group.

Brian saw Martin start to walk and did not knew if he would see him again or not but soon as the guy stepped in, Brian knew he was next

?Hey guys, look like we have found a true faggot, this boi cock seems to tell us he appreciate?well in that case you will love your new life boi but I am afraid that cock will have to be calmed down for now?

Brian screamed as the taser hit his skin and gave him a shock like he never had before, he felt his leg hurting and prepared for another ride as the guy brought the taser near his skin.

?Aaaaarhg? the shock was as strong as the first one and Brian started to scream and move in a desperate hope to escape but there was no choice for him anymore. His cock was definitely still at the moment

?Mmmmh you excited me boi, hope you will be affected to the staff recreation while you are here but I cannot take the risk? said the guy while he was touching Brian?s chest.

The guy quickly open his fly and a blow of male scent went to Brian nose and he forbade himself to moan. A thick and long 7-inch cock jumped out and began to tease Brian?s mouth. The smell was strong, a mix of piss, cum and sweat. It was rather hot outside and Brian bet those guy did not shower everyday. Brian was aroused again and his cock went hard again at the view. The kidnapper rammed his cock into Brian?s throat and the tasted was acrid but enjoyable, Brian remembered the blowjob he gave to some soccer player just after a game and this tough aroused him a little more. As a gay bottom, Brian know how to suck a cock and he is rather good at it, so after a time of resistance, he succumbed at his lust and began to suck the kidnapper with talent.

?Wow I was right, a true faggot! boi I have to enjoy this while I can?

He began to face fuck Brian who gagged a little but this kept arousing the kidnapper who shoved his cock faster and deeper in Brian mouth.

?You can do better cocksucker, I bet you taste dick everyday!?

His cock was amazing and Brian could not accept the fact he liked this situation, he had been kidnapped and was forced to suck a guy, this was insane but he couldn?t resist, he took the cock in and out and sucked it good, passionately. After a few minutes, Brian felt the cock tense in his mouth and knew the cum will spurt soon

?Yeah, yeah, YEAH!? The guy shot screamed

Loads after loads of cum were shit deep into Brian throat. The kidnapper then rests a little; pit back his cock in place and proceeds to take Brian out of the van like He did with Martin before. Brian stands up with his ankle and wrists attached and the guy did not even inspect him. The two other guys were touching their crotch since the beginning of Brian show and they knew he was good for service.

?Ok prepare him too and then settle them for the test?

Brian started to follow the two other guys making quick steps but soon he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was the leader again. He approached Brian neck and starts to whisper in his hear, rubbing Brian butt.

?I almost forgot?

?Aaaargh? Brian jumped a little as the shock of the taser hit his right cheek. Brian cock was still hard but soon began to decrease.

?Much better!? said the leader as he gently slapped Brian butt. ?See you soon boi?

Curious about the future of Brian and Martin as new slave recruits? Chapter 2 will deal with their preparation and the assignment test that will change their life forever. The story will then probably split in to different story for Brian and Martin.

Any comments will be gladly received at

Next: Chapter 2

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