Slave by the Month

By Your Slave

Published on Feb 14, 2023


Slave by the month

Here is something I hope to live out someday...

We had been talking for a couple weeks now, and I felt it was time to finally go through with it. I guess I should fill you in. 2 months ago I broke up with my girlfriend. As soon as I was single again I reverted back to my cocksucking ways. I've never been really attracted to guys, but I've always loved the feeling of worshipping cock with my mouth and getting fucked hard. I've always been faithful while in relationships, and love having sex with girls, but another part of me always craves the humiliation of being used as a fuck toy.

I'm 25 years old, and at 6'3" have never had a hard time picking up on girls, or, when I wanted, finding someone to fuck me. Now I wanted something different though. I posted an add on craiglist stating that I was looking for a black top to be my master for a month at a time. I had a lot of emails looking for a one time hook-up, but I wanted more, and eventually I found it. Sir wasn't as tall as me, only 6'2, but was built bigger than me in ALL ways. He had at least 40 pounds on me, and while a little of it was in his gut, most of that was muscle. It was his cock that really got me though. It had to be at least 10 inches long and wider than I'd ever taken. The fact that he was also 20 years older than me really turned on my submissive nature!

Once we started talking, it seemed pretty clear that we were looking for the same thing. He wanted a white sissy to use whenever he wanted since he got off on humiliating white boys. We started talking about what it would entail, and eventually agreed to go through with it. The first thing though was we both had to get tested. I wanted to feel what it was like to take his cum in my ass and swallow his load directly, and he didnt want to have to wear a condom when he fucked me. Once we both recieved and shared our results, we laid down the ground rules for the next month.

I was to service him at least 4 times a week. 1 of those times I would have to stay the night and the other 3 could last up to 4 hours. I was not to jerk off at any time without permission. my entire body between my knees and shoulders would be shaved at all times (I couldn't shave everything, since I did have to maintain the appearance of being straight and I wore shorts to training). To cover my legs, I was to always wear thigh high socks, even when not with him. I was also to wear only sissy thongs at all times, even when training. When I was with him he could use me however he wanted and take any pictures he wanted. We also agreed that he could request a picture whenver he wanted to check that I was wearing my thong, as long as it didn't interfere with my work. Since he wasn't really into pain, we agreed that we didn't need a safeword (my idea), however he could punish me if i ever disobeyed him. He could fuck my throat and ass however he wanted and tie me up however he wanted (he really loved keeping a slut in tight bondage). He could also let his friends use me as long as it was always with protection.

Besides what he could do to me, we also covered that he was not allowed to permanently mark or hurt me in any way, or break my skin for any reason (piercings). Also if at any point I disobeyed him or broke the terms of the agreement, he could post my pictures online for everyone to see (also my idea)!

I knew that the threat of being outed was big enough that I would obey everything he asked whether I liked it or not, which was exactly what I wanted. We wrote down all the details and met at a coffee shop to sign a copy for each of us. I was surprised by how laid back and professional he was when we met. We went over the details one last time, and agreed that to start the month I would serve him for the full upcoming weekend, Friday at 7pm until Sunday at 7pm. We were done in less than 5 minutes, and after writing down his adress he got up and left.

I sat there nervously fooling with my pen thinking about it. I could still back out. All he had was the paper. No pictures or anything else to incriminate me yet. I knew that I wouldnt though. I wanted this. Hell, I needed this.

The next 2 days seemed to take forever, but eventually Friday came. I took all of my boxers and put them in a suitcase. I wouldn't be needing them for the next few weeks. I had already ordered my thongs from victorias secret, and socks from online. Dressing for the first time because I HAD to, was incredibly hot. I wanted to jerk off right there, but knew that I couldn't. Not without his permission.

The day dragged on forever. Meeting after boring meeting, and the whole time the only thing I could focus on was the feel of the socks covering my legs and the thong in my ass. Finally at 4:00 I couldn't take it anymore. I left early and rushed home to prepare for tonight. I showered, shaved, and cleaned myself completely, inside and out. I was ready early and ended up sitting nervously with the TV on not actually paying attention. Finally it was time. I put on some jeans and a tshirt and headed over to Sirs place.

I pulled up outside and was surprised at what I found. It was actually a row of nice condos instead of the normal houses I was expecting. I found the one he had written down and parked in back as instructed. While the fronts faced out to the main street, there was a seperate area in back for parking that had the main entrance for the houses. The steps were somewhat shielded from view by bushes on one side and the wall on the other but I knew someone walking by would be able to see me if they looked. It didn't matter though. I had my instructions, and I intended to follow them. I quickly stripped down to my thong and socks and folded my clothes on the step. Kneeling down on the welcome mat, I reached up and knocked on the door before quickly clasping my hands behind my back, hand to elbow.

I didn't have to wait long, but was shocked when the door finally opened. It wasn't Sir!! Standing in front of me was another black guy, not as big as Sir, but with a bigger gut. I froze in shock and fear, still holding onto my arms. He had a camera in his hand and took a few clear pictures of me kneeling there like a slut in a pink thong and black socks with my arms behind my back, before eventually he talked to me.

"So you're his new little slut huh? He thought it'd be good to start you off right, showing off your sissy ass to the neighborhood. He actually lives in the house to the left. You are to leave your clothes here and go to the houses opposite mine and your masters and introduce yourself just like you have to me. You are also to say, 'I am Master's new sissy cock slut'. When you have introduced yourself to your master's other friends, you will present yourself to him. Now get going faggot."

He slammed the door in my face and left me there shocked beyond belief. They had pictures of me now. If I didn't do it they could post them. Still in a trance, I shakily stood up. I started down to the sidewalk and reached the end of the bushes, before I realized what I was about to do. It was dusk now, but anyone looking out their window would still see me. My body burned with the shame of my situation, and my cock shrank smaller than I've ever had it, but I knew I had to do it.

I sprinted across the road and into the next entranceway, hoping no one had seen me. The entranceway was identical to all the rest, and I quickly assumed my position on the bare concrete doorstep. I reached up and knocked and then quickly folded my arms and waited. I could hear people moving inside, but they were taking their time answering the door. My knees started to ache even through the socks and my face and chest felt like they were burning bright red. Finally the door opened, but this time a couple stood in front of me. The man was black again, Taller than the first but lanky, with a shaved head and goatee. The women on the other hand was a drop dead gorgeous blonde. She was dressed in just a robe and looked down at me with disgust. Without waiting for me to introduce myself, she reached into his pocket, took out a cellphone, and snapped a picture of me kneeling there in my thong and socks.

"I am Master's new sissy cock slut."

They both looked down on me smirking while I knelt there. I wasn't sure if they wanted me to say more, and was afraid of saying the wrong thing, but was soon saved the trouble when they stepped back and shut the door on me. I couldn't believe this. I had just introduced myself to 3 complete strangers as a sissy cock slut and they had the pictures to prove it!

I had to stop myself from dwelling on it. I just wanted to get this humiliation done with. Standing up, I hurried down to the next house, more exposed than I had been this entire time. I quickly made my way to the door, thankfully knelt on the welcome mat and knocked for the third time that night. The door opened and I was immediately greeted by a camera flash. I quickly introduced myself while my eyes tried to adjust to the dark again,

"I am Master's new sissy cock slut."

By the time I finished I could make out the man in front of me. He was huge. Not tall and strong like Sir, but just massive through the body. He looked firm, but he still had to weigh at least 350, and looked like an NFL lineman.

"I'm going to have fun with your bitch-ass."

And then the door was closed. I felt relief at finishing my task, but knew that this was just the start of my weekend. Once again, I picked myself up off the step and made my way down to the street, before sprinting across into what I hoped was Sir's entranceway. As soon as I made it to the step, I knew it had to be. Waiting on the mat was a butt plug, blindfold, pink leather dog collar, and handcuffs. Taped to the door was a note:


I couldn't believe this, but knew I had to do it. They did have the pictures now. I did my best to get the black buttplug nice and wet, and luckily it was only a medium sized one, but it still stung before it slipped all the way it. The blindfold came next, followed by the collar. It was about and inch tall and fit snugly. The last thing was the handcuffs and I cuffed them behind my back as I knew I should.

I waited there in darkness and realized how I must look. Here I was a 6'3" guy kneeling on a door step, wearing a pink thong, black thigh highs, a pink collar, a blindfold, with my hands ciffed behind my back and a buttplug shoved up my ass. 4 different people had pictures of me and a fifth was about to become my master for the next month. The shame of it all hit me like a ton of bricks. What was I doing? How could I put myself in this position? What would happen if this ever got out???

By the time I heard the door open in front of me tears were forming in my eyes and I had resolved myself to beg my way out of this. Before he could say anything I started,

"Please sir, I made a mistake. I can't do this. I will pay you or give you anything, but please I can't go through with this. Please, please, please just give me those pictures. I'm really sorry I wasted your time. I don't..."


The tone of his voice cut me off immediately. I just hoped he would listen to me.

"Well then I guess you are just a little cocktease. The answer is no. You signed the paper. We have the pictures. You will do exactly what I tell you for the next month. You think you can come in here and just pretend to be a cocksucker. I don't think so. You are going to spend the next month taking cock in ways you can't even imagine. I'm going to keep you tied up so tight that you beg me to fuck you just so you can get let loose for a little bit. And by the end of the month you will be begging to sign on for another month. Do you understand me?"

I mumbled out a quiet yes sir as the situation washed over me. I was getting exactly what I wanted. I was going to be his cockslut whether I wanted to or not. He started talking again and I realized just how bad my situation had gotten.

"Now if you remember correctly, we agreed that if you pulled any of this shit or tried to get out of it, I had your permission to publish your pictures online. I don't want to have to do that, mostly because then I would lose my little cocksucker. So I will give you an option. We can either post your pictures, and you can hope that no one you know will see them. will come over here every night, even if its after training, and service me however I want, and you will spend the whole weekend here for the rest of the month. I will respect the rest of the contract, but you need to be punished for this bullshit. Your choice faggot. But if you want to keep your pictures private you'd better convince me you want to be here."

I sat there is silence. Those pictures couldn't be made public. It would ruin my life if anyone saw them. I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into. I should've just kept my mouth shut! Begging had gotten me into this situation, and I knew that I needed to beg to minimize the damage.

"Please sir let me stay as your cockslut. I am sorry for my lapse in judgement. All I want is to be your cockslut for the month. I want to serve you every night and all weekend long for the entire month and be your sissy whore. I want to be tied up tight and fucked hard and made into the sissy slut I'm meant to be! Please give me a second chance to serve you and your friends and anyone you want to use me. Please let me worship your cock sir..."

"Open your mouth."

I stopped talking and sat there with my mouth open like a good little slut. My whole body burned hot with shame, but I would do anything to keep those pictures private, even if it meant submitting and being a cockslut for the next 31 days. It wasn't long before I felt his cockhead rub across my lips. I started to move forward, hoping to make him happy, and was met with a hard slap across my face, before I felt his hands on the back of my head. He slowly pulled my head forward until his cock entered my mouth and kept going. He pushed further and pulled my head closer to him. I could tell his cock was definitely as big as he said as he reached the back of my throat causing me to gag a little. I thought he would pull back, but instead he just kept pushing forward. I had deepthroated before, but always gagged and choked whenever I did, and I had never taken a cock as big as his. He kept pushing though, and I tried to relax until I felt his head push into my throat. I was gagging and choking around his cock as he kept pulling my head forward I thought I was going to throw up by time he had my nose pressed against his stomach. I could feel myself retching and gagging as he held me there and thought I was going to pass out until he slowly pulled my head back off him. I coughed and choked up all the saliva that had gathered in my throat and it came out past my lips, drooling down onto my chest and legs.

"Worship my cock like a good slut"

And I did. I knew what would happen if I didn't so I bobbed my head up and down as far as I could, moaning like a good little cockslut. Every few thrusts I would force his cock all the way down my throat, gagging and choking as I did, and coughing up more spit whenever I came up for air. I kept at it for what seemed like hours and could only imagine what I sight I made. Kneeling with my hands cuffed behind my back, wearing a pink thong and collar, black thigh highs and a blindfold, worshipping my black Master's cock like it was the greatest thing int he world, while I drooled and coughed and cried all over myself. Finally he was getting close and grabbed hold of my head and started thrusting deep into my throat gagging me every time. I knew he was getting close and tried to relax and moan for him at the same time. Letting out a deep groan he buried himself all the into my throat and I could feel his cock swell as he came. I could actually feel his hot cum sliding down my throat as I gagged and choked. I couldn't breathe and tried to pull away, but he just held me there as came down. Finally when I though I was giong to pass out he pushed me off him and I collapsed to the ground between his legs, choking up cum and spit and gasping for air.

"It's going to be a good month cocksucker"

It was going to be a long month.

Hope you all liked this. I would love to live this out sometime so if any of you live in the south SF bay area let me know! I would also love any ideas about what could be done to him over the next month. I'll try to work it in if it's good. Thank you!!

Next: Chapter 2

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