Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 26, 2020


"Do I need to wear a jacket tonight Sir?" Joey called out of the bedroom as he was getting dressed for dinner "No, babe. No jacket. Just look sharp. " Bill was thinking : "is it POSSIBLE for this man NOT to look sharp?"

Joey looked at all his new clothes. Apart from everything else, Bill was generous, and he had excellent taste. For Joey, who's choices were usually 'that shirt or the other shirt', things were a little overwhelming. "Sir, I'm sorry, but... I can't decide. I'm not used to this, so... can you help me?" Bill came in smiling. He hadn't dressed yet, and he was shirtless. Joey had just shot his load but, he was 20. "Well, ok, now let's see. What's your favorite color Joey?" Joey smiled. "I bet you can't guess." A laugh escaped from Bill. "Well, you're not an Italian widow - yet - so it's not black - although I bet you look irresistable in a black shirt - but your favorite color. Hmmm. I think a lot of people would peg you for a red man, or a blue man, but no..... you look out the window too much when we drive... I'd guess green." Joey blushed. "What's that expression? You read me like a book Sir?" "I like green too. How about this pale one?" He pulled out one of the oxfords. "Now, think of it this way angel boy. The shirt is your picture, the pants are the frame. What frames this green?" Joey looked at his pants. "Light brown Sir?" Bill smiled broadly. "You're learning. Let's see how my boy looks. I'm gonna go outside and let you have your privacy." "NO SIR. Please stay. PLEASE. " The whining in Joey's voice concerned Bill. "Joey, is something wrong?" "No Sir. No. Nothing's wrong it's just..." He came over and wrapped his arms around Bill. "I don't know what it is. I don't understand it, but when I see you without your shirt on, well, I just kinda get all mushy inside. It feels good, and... well, I wish you didn't have to wear a shirt when we're out." Bill hugged Joey and laughed. "Oh, you sweet, sweet young man." He kissed the top of Joey's head. "That may be the nicest thing anyone ever said to me since I stuck a floor exercise landing. Thank you. Here. I'll lean against the wall. But what I want you to do in return... turn around when you put on your briefs and pants. You love my chest. I love your ass." Joey blushed bright red. "Yes sir. I can do that."

After Joey was finished dressing, and Bill's heart was beating faster, he told Joey "ok, now I'm gonna have to get dressed. I won't look as good as you, but I shouldn't. Just give me a few minutes. " "I'm not leaving Sir," Joey smiled. "As you will. This ain't pretty young man." Bill dressed in front of Joey and, for the first time, Joey saw a three inch scar down Bill's left side. "BILL. I'm sorry. I never saw that. Are you OK?" "Oh yes, Joey, I'm fine. Years ago, one of my kidneys failed, and I needed a transplant. That's what that's from. I have to take a bunch of medicines, and be careful about other things, but by and large, I'm fine." Joey smiled. "It didn't effect your cock Sir." Bill smiled back. "And I'll prove that again, later." He put on a thin striped shirt and some gray flannel trousers. While he was dressing, Joey remembered how Bill loved to see his sleeves rolled up and a second button opened on his shirt, and made the adjustments. He put his hands behind his back to shove his nips forward.

"One touch before we go Sir. Please. I know, I know, I'm a pest." "Best kind of pest Angel boy." Bill played with Joey's nips until he was afraid the lad was going to shoot again. "Now remember. No English tonight. Only Italian." "I'll try Sir." He tossed Joey the keys. "You're driving stud."

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During the car ride, Joey asked "Sir, how did you learn Italian?" "OH, a couple of things. I took it at the university, probably with some of the same teachers you had. Professore Signorile?" "OH GOD. HE'S AT LEAST 300 years old." Bill laughed. "Yeah, we used to say he went to school with Dante. After that, I lived in Italy for a year, and ... " he paused. "I had a boyfriend from Italy for a little while. LONG ago." Joey's face darkened a little bit. "Do you miss him?" Bill put his hand on Joey's thigh. "Not anymore. Now, pay attention to the road. I don't want to die on my way to some vitello tonnato." "What's that Sir?" Another laugh from Bill. "OH, you're gonna learn that not all Italian food has tomato sauce in it, Giuseppe." At the restaurant, Bill shook hands with the maitre'd. He introduced Joey, and the man switched to English before Bill stopped him

"No, no. Giuseppe speaks and understands Italian. " He had a wicked grin on his face when he said it.

They were shown to their table, sitting adjacent each other. BIll put his hand on top of Joey's. "Don't be nervous. You're going to be fine." "I am nervous Sir. All these people are speaking Italian." "Well, maybe you should introduce yourself to all of them." Joey gave him a look. "You'd make me do that too , wouldn't you?" There was a light looking smile on Bill's face. "Joey, don't give me an answer, but think about this: have I 'MADE' you do anything since we met.?" "Yeah, study." "That's not going to stop."

The waiter brought over two glasses of what Joey thought was champagne. "This always tickles my nose." "Well, good, because that's one part of you I'm not going to tickle." Joey blushed again. "You know,Sir, when I was growing up, my father tickled me. I hated it. But when you do it, uh..." 'STOP THINKING ABOUT IT JOEY. We're at a good restaurant and we've got the whole weekend. This is prosecco. The Italian version of champagne." "Is it like Asti? That's what we drink on New Year's at home." "With a sugar cube in it?" "YES. How'd you know." "A story for another day Joey."

After they had sipped some of the sparkling wine, the waiter brought over three small plates. Joey didn't recognize any of them. Bill was smiling, and he spoke, in Italian

"These are our antipasti. There's veal tonnato: it's cold veal in tuna sauce, and then there's gamberi fritti, fried shrimp. The third... is pulpo con papa. Octopus with potatoes." "OCTOPUS. UCK." "Joey, a famous chef once said 'you have to try everything once. Even if you spit it out you have to put it in your mouth'. And another comment, from a famous drag queen "you've had worse things in your mouth." "I didn't understand some of that Sir. You were laughing and speaking.' BIll translated. "Now, this is how you hide your mouth if you think you're going to have to spit something out." Bill lifted his napkin and showed how to hold it discretely at the side. "Now take a small piece." Joey winced, and put it in his mouth. "Hmmm. Not my favorite. Chewy. I don't think I'd order it." "But you didn't spit it out. GOOD FOR YOU. Tell you what. You try each one, and then pick one. You can eat it all. I love octopus, and I'll eat that." Joey tasted. "I never had cold veal before. What's the sauce Sir?" "Tuna mayonnaise." "OH WOW. Can we make that sometime." "CERTO. E' molto facile Giuseppe."

After the antipasto, the waiter brought over risotto.

"This Joey, is a very Northern dish. The squash blossoms have just come into season, so we're lucky to get this." Joey tasted the rice. The rich, full flavors were like nothing he had ever had. He saw Bill watching him while he ate it. "They eat like this in Italy all the time, Sir?" "Well, not all the time, but more than here." "I wanna go." "Ha ha. Let's see how things work out, ok? I haven't been back to Italy for a long time. It may be time for a visit."

The main course - Bill had requested it because he didn't want to overload Joey with too much strange food - was florentine steak, with spinach.

"GEEZ Sir. Look at that piece of meat." "Yeah, I've said that in my past." "Huh?" "Oh Angel boy. So much for you to learn. That's something you say to someone who has a really big cock. MUCH bigger than mine or yours." Joey lowered his voice. "Yours is just fine for me Sir." Now Bill blushed. "Just eat your steak Joey, and take human bites. "

When they were finished, and the plates were cleared, Bill looked at Joey. "I asked them to slow down dessert Angel boy, because I want to ask you something, and I want you to be honest. " "Ok Sir. I hope I'm not in trouble." "NO NO NO. I'm just well, curious. You know, you're as handsome as hell Joey, and I wanted you as soon as Adam said you were looking. But there are a LOT of guys besides me out there: more money, better looking ,bigger houses. You could've had any of them. And, for a guy like you, my lifestyle, what I want, is all new and it has to be strange. But you came back. If you'll tell me, I'd like to know why."

Joey took a deep breath, and he looked down and thought for a minute. "Well, thank you for what you said about how I look. People have told me I'm good looking, so ok, but there are a lot of guys who are better looking than me. There are some on the team, and a lot on campus. But you picked ME. And to me, Sir, you could have chosen anyone, and I really wasn't asking for bank statements. I mean..." He paused. "I want to be honest with you Sir. I know why we did this, but... you've been so kind to me, and so sweet that, well, I'd want to be with you if that wasn't the deal. And Sir, can I say one more thing. " He looked at Bill and squeezed his hand. "You are a FINE looking man."

Bill thought he was going to cry. "Thank you Joey. I'm not going to embarrass us here, but I want to just kiss you for about an hour or so. "

"How about after we get home?"

Dessert was typically Italian: perfect strawberries, sweet wine, and cookies. "My mom makes these. But these are better." "These are DIFFERENT Joey. NEVER say someone else's cooking is better than your mom's." He smiled. "You up for driving home?" "Maybe you should do that Sir?" "It's a deal. By the way, there's another car in the garage. If we get to you moving in, you'll use that one to drive to class. Ain't no way you're putting this porsche in the school parking garage.

After they got in the house, Bill put his arms around Joey. "How's my angel boy. You ready for a second round?" "Yes sir. Since we were getting dressed." Joey felt Bill's fingers tighten around his nipple and he gasped. "FUCK YES SIR. FUCK YES"

Bill led Joey into the bedroom, and kissed him. He kissed him the way he promised in the restaurant, but not for an hour. He put his hand on the small of Joey's back and put him on the bed, face up.

"No restraints tonight, joey boy, but this weekend.. you're gonna be introduced to some new games." He unbuttoned joey's shirt, and then his belt buckled. He slid off joey's shoes, and then the pants. "You're wearing a thong joey. Doesn't that hurt?" "A little Sir, but I wanted to look sexy for you." "Don't hurt yourself looking sexy for me Joey. Wear it if it makes you feel good." He pushed the thong down, and he began to take Joey's cock in his mouth. Joey held his head firmly.

"NO SIR. That's MY job, not yours. Please , Sir, please. Get off your pants. Let me get you nice and hard, and then.... FUCK ME"

"This boy is never gonna stop amazing me," Bill thought. "Straight or gay, who cares? Those beautiful lips and that tongue..." Joey got to work. His technique was improving, and he was much quieter. As he sucked, Bill played with his nips.

"MMMMMM. MMMMMMM. " The nip play was making Joey moan, as Bill was beginning to moan too. "OH GEEZ I GOTTA SAY A NOVENA OF THANK YOU.." He must have been louder than he thought, because Joey laughed. Bill pulled his cock out.

"You want to go to a novena Sir? My mom goes. You better not tell her why you're going though." "And YOU better not tell her why you're gonna have trouble sitting, angel boy. " He spread Joey's legs before he slipped on his condom. He started sliding in slowly, but.... Joey lost a little control, and his jizz went flying all over, before Bill was even an inch in. "Don't stop Sir, please don't stop. It'll still feel good." Bill had no intention of stopping, and another thought went through his mind. "Hmmm. Bondage and cum control. We're gonna have a fun weekend." Joey's butt was tight, but receptive, and Bill, who found himself more roused than usual, blew a HUGE load. So big, he had to pull out before he spilled into Joey. "Can I taste it Sir?" Joey smiled. "I love how you taste." As Bill put some on his finger, and brought it to Joey's lips, he was thinking "WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO WITH THIS ONE."

Joey looked at him. "Vorrei essere il tuo cucchiaino." "I want to be your little spoon."

Bill kissed him. "Certo. Sogni d'oro Giuseppe." "Of course. Sweet dreams Joey."

Joey's dreams that night, were of weddings. But with Bill.

Next: Chapter 9

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