Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Joey's transition, from straight guy to gay bottom to gay sub, and now to boi, wasn't without bumps. We've seen some of them. Bill had a LOT of experience as a Top, and as a Dom, but he could only think of two "bois" he had had before Joey. Joey was unique too, because he wanted joey to stick around. Yes, he had promised to marry him, and he wore that ring; but even before that, he had decided: his searching was over, joey was the one. He didn't plan on joey wanting to be as submissive as he was, and so he was learning too. He made his mistakes: sometimes, when he punished joey, he went too far, and he knew it. joey never complained, but he saw joey, once or twice, off on his own, crying a little. One time, he left a mark on joey's face when he hit it with his foot, when he thought joey needed to talk less and clean more during a boot polish. One of the times, when joey was crying, he came over, and put his arms around him.

"Angel boi, I was too rough. I'm sorry." ' "No Sir. It's ok. I'm disappointing you." "No joey, you're not. I DID come down too hard. There's no excuse. It WAS an attempt to get you to be better at this, but you're doing great." He yanked joey back by the hair. "Do you still want this? We can go back to the old way if you do. I'm perfectly happy." "NO SIR. I love this. I really, REALLY love this. " He paused. "I wish you didn't have to go to work, and I didn't have to go to school. I'd like to be serving you 24/7." Bill laughed. "Well, you'll have to trust me. You're too young to do that. Let's get you working first. A few years , until I start looking at retirement, and maybe then." joey's eyes got big "REALLY Sir? It could happen?" "Yes, it could. I'm going to talk to the planner soon, and when I do, I'll get a better idea of when I CAN retire. We'll work that into our plans." He put his forehead against joey's. "You still want to go to Italy as your graduation present?" Joey smiled. "Still two weeks with you Sir, and one with Gina?" "Is that what you want?" "YES SIR" "Then that's what it'll be."

It was senior year, and there was no question about it: joey was beginning to slack off. He knew what he'd be doing: the gymnastics school had offered him a full time job on graduation, so he'd be a gymnastics coach. He thought that he'd get some work experience, and then maybe apply to nursing school. One day, he stole a pair of Nate's scrubs, and when Bill saw him, he swooped in, carried joey off to bed, and fucked him for the whole morning. "I guess you like nurses Sir." "I like hot, young Italian ones, who know their place. " Then he pushed joey's legs up in the air, and fucked him again. The "slacking off" included looking around on the internet for info on being a boi, and watching videos to see what joey might try to get Bill to inject into their sex life. Generally, he thought Bill's ideas were better. Until one time.... he saw a video. It involved stocks. joey remembered that, down in the basement, there was an old set of them - probably from Bill's youth. He couldn't find the keys, but Bill probably had them. He saw them used in a video where one of his favorite porn stars played a grease monkey, who wound up in the stocks, and dominated. To the extent his cock could move in his cage (Bill had sized it down as part of his boi training), joey's did. He knew he could probably get a garage uniform somewhere, and he did. It was too small. It was perfect. Now, he just had to wait for the right time.

It was a weekend. Nate had taken Carlos away to one of those nudist camps (Bill wasn't interested. joey had tried), and Bill was out showing a house. joey went down to the basement, got the stocks, and put on the uniform. Navy blue, with the cap and everything else: even "joey" pencilled in over his breast pocket. And then he took the stocks into the library, and got some wood conditioner. He KNEW better than to use that stuff in the library, but just opening it, gave the aroma as if he HAD been using it.

Bill came in from his showing, and he smelled the chemically smell. "Is Nate doing amyl again? I TOLD HIM NOT IN THE HOUSE" . He checked Nate's room and he wasn't there, and then he went into the library. He saw joey, sitting on the floor, in his uniform. The stocks were right there. Joey smiled. "Hi Sir. I found these and I thought they needed cleaning. "Oh, they can be used dirty. As you're about to find out." He disappeared into the bedroom, and joey decided to make things even more interesting, by pretending to try to get away when Bill came back with the key. He grabbed joey, and dragged him to the library. "No ya don't sweetcakes, no ya don't." When joey kept squirming, Bill got up under his arms. "AGGGH. NO. NO.THAT'S NOT FAIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH. STOP. STOP..." joey began falling through Bill's arms, no matter how tightly Bill grabbed him. Seeing that, Bill threw himself down on joey, and then rolled him over. "Who's gonna get it? WHO'S GONNA GET IT? " He began tickling joey's belly. "STOP. STOP. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . I CAN'T BREATHE SIR. I CAN'T BREATHE.' Bill pulled back, sweating a little "GOD, how long since I used those stocks?" "GET IN THEM. Ankles and wrists. NOW. " "Yes sir. " He saw joey's grin. joey thought he had tricked him into getting what he wanted. Well, Bill would see about that. He locked him into the stocks. "Bet you didn't think this through boi. Look what's exposed... your ribs. And your pits. " No, joey hadn't thought that through. He thought that, like in the movie, Bill would flip him over and rip open his uniform pants and fuck him (Bill had seen that video too, and they were heading there. Eventually.). For now though, tickle torture began. "SHIT NO. NO. NOT THAT SIR. PLEASE . HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NO. NOT MY RIBS. PLEASE.NOT MY RIBS.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Ok, boi. How about your pits." "OH SHIT NO. THAT'S WORSE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP. STOP. NOT THERE EITHER." "Ok, hmmmm. Look who's feet aren't going anywhere?" "No. No. NO.. NO you're not doing that. You're supposed to be fucking me Sir.. " Bill paid him no mind, as he opened the boots and pulled off joey's socks. "OH SHIT. You're gonna gag me." He saw Bill knotting the socks. He was locked in the stockade, bare footed and now, his socks gagging him.

Then, Bill did something he very rarely did. He began sucking joey's toes. One at a time, then he licked each foot , all along the sole. "MMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " joey thought he was gonna pass out. When Bill got up and came back with a comb, and started dragging it over his feet, he thought he probably did. He woke up on his back, his ass up in the air. "Alex Mecum getting fucked, huh boi? You like Alex?" joey was gagged, so he shook his head. "Well, maybe we'll see what else happens to him. And we'll up the ante." joey felt a rush of air as Bill cut the seam at his ass. Then he heard the tear, as Bill pulled it apart. He figured Bill would probably rim him good. Wrong again. Bill pulled out the little vibrator. He pushed it into joey's ass, and went away. "I think it has about half an hour of endurance. I'll see you then angel boy." "MMMMMPH. MMMMMPH!!!! " it was harder for joey to move around in these than any bondage Bill had done to him. And the vibrator. HOLY SHIT. Bill had set it at its highest frequency. Locked up as he was, joey's cock felt more abused than ever. Bill went to the kitchen and made himself a coffee. "BETTER HOPE I DON'T FALL ASLEEP BOI!" He yelled, as joey began to whine. Bill didn't fall asleep. He was having too good a time. He heard the battery die on the battery, and he walked back in, naked. "So... you feel like a boi, joey?" joey nodded, and tried to say "yes sir," through the gag. "This is what happens to bois, who try to outsmart their daddies. "mmmph hmmmmph" was supposed to be "YES SIR" That's when joey felt the first WHACK. "Never too old for a good, old fashioned spanking joey boi." The smacks came down fairly frequently. On a scale of 1-10, joey thought they were about a 7. Bill was NOT trying to make him cry, otherwise they would have gotten harder. If anything, he was trying to stimulate joey's nerves even more. He was succeeding. "How many was that joey? 50?" joey nodded "Ok, then you can owe me the rest. For now though... " joey saw the look on Bill's face as he put on a glove. "Never too young for a prostate exam. " "MMMMMMMMMPH." Nate had shown him how they did that. joey didn't like it. It was better with his Daddy, but it still was never gonna be his favorite thing. Bill looked at joey. "I think we're ALMOST ready." He unbuttoned joey's uniform shirt. "Look at those pretty nips. SO SWEET. Like candy.. Like gumdrops." He began licking and chewing at them. joey had soaked the sock gag with his spit, and he was moaning even more, as Bill reached around him and took off the gag. "Please fuck me Sir. Please. Please fuck your boi. " Bill smiled. "Oh that was always my attention. Let's get this gym boi rolled up ." He pushed joey's legs back even further. With his hands locked up too, it was a little tougher on joey than usual. Then he felt Bill's cock. It felt... different. It was the same cock, but he had never been stimulated like he had been before. It was almost a relief to feel what he sometimes referred to as the "power drill" take him. This fuck was an even , regular one. Bill was too focused on getting a reaction out of joey's nipples, or from the thorough tongue fuck he was giving the boi's navel. joey, though, only felt cock. He only felt his Top, his DOM, his, his DADDY screwing the hell out of him. He paid attention to Bill's rhythm. He had one surprise for Bill and, when Bill yowled when he shot, joey began barking like a pup. Bill tried to focus, but he just had to laugh. He finished, unlocked the stocks and lay down next to joey, who cuddled into him. "does boi need his ears scratched. Is that what you want, joey?" joey rolled over on his back and held up his hands and feet like a dog. He panted, and when Bill got closer, he licked his face. "OH DEAR. Reminds me of the old joke. Why do dogs lick their balls?" "Because they can Sir?" "No. Because they know they're gonna lick your face later that day." "I bet I could lick my balls if I tried. " "Then maybe I gotta lock those up too, boi." "Hug me Sir. Please, please just hug me. " As Bill held joey, the boi whispered "You're so much fun Sir. You're more fun than ALL my friends. Next time I hear you say you're old, I'm gonna sneak up and tickle YOU." "How do you know I'm ticklish boi?" "I found your yearbook. You were voted 'most ticklish boy" "Hmmm. I'm gonna have to find more things for you to do." "Or you're gonna have to do me more, Sir." "That too. Now... where's the collar and leash? " "On the table Sir. I thought you'd want them." Bill didn't use a hood, because he liked to see joey's face. But he put on the leash and the collar, and led joey back to the bedroom to get his shower. As he was cleaning up, Bill sat there, thinking "I love this little man. I love him SO FUCKING MUCH."

Next: Chapter 32

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