Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 3, 2023


If you've been to college, and experienced summer vacation, you'll know how fast it flies by. So it was with Joey, but also with Bill and, to a certain extent, Nate. Nate was sleeping off a night out at the bars near college, while Bill and joey were sitting at the breakfast bar, looking at printouts from the college schedule. It was going to be Joey's senior year. One more year, and he could very well be done with school. That was one of the things they were talking about as they sat there, shirtless, joey wearing the tiniest pair of gym shorts he could find. Big surprise - he was horny. No way Nate was gonna be in any shape to fuck his face, which was fine: he wanted Bill. And his shifting around on the bar seat, was designed to get what he wanted "Well, Joey, picking classes is one thing. I'm sure that won't be too difficult. The difficult thing is going to be to decide what you want to do when this year is over. "I wanna be with you Sir" Bill smiled. "Well, that's all well and good, but you don't want to be a houseboy, do you?" Joey smiled. "you mean cleaning, cooking, being naked for when you come back from work, flirting with you until you take me to bed and fuck me? Yeah, I could get into that." Bill laughed when he saw Joey's big smile. "Oh, I think you'd be bored with it after about six months angel boy. Not that I wouldn't mind coming home to you on your back and available to me, or tied to a chair and available to me, or just available to me every day, but we can manage that. How about doing something PRODUCTIVE?" "Isn't making my lover productive?" Bill laughed and shook his head. "What's that dialectical expression? I'm sure your father has used it 'gabadost" ? Joey smiled. "Yeah, hard headed, or stubborn. I need one for you Sir. One that mean's hard cocked." "No Joey , seriously. We have to start thinking about your future." "Sir, I'll make you a deal. How about we talk about the future, after we talk about the here and now." Joey got up off of his seat and came over to Bill. He planted a kiss on his neck. "I know I'm a pushy bottom Sir. I can't help it. How about giving me a punishment fuck?" "MMMM. I think that may be just what you need." Bill felt joey's hand press down on his cock. He put his own hand behind Joey, right on his ass, and squeezed. "Yes Sir. That's right where I need it. I guess gabadost would be right for the first part of your cock." Bill growled. "Stop giving me fucking Italian lessons and get on your back." Joey smiled, and slipped out of his grip. "YESSSSSSSSSSSS SIR" He was waiting in the bedroom when Bill came in. He hadn't taken off his shorts because he knew Bill liked undressing him. Bill DID drop his shorts on the way to the bedroom. He smiled when he saw joey lying there. "Oh, having dessert for breakfast. Look at those big. red. lips.. He slipped his tongue in between joey's, as he put his hand under joey's ass, and pushed it up in the air. He squeezed both cheeks. "My angel boy. My angel boy with the ass of a devil. " His mouth slipped down and began an assault on joey's nipples, before it moved back up to his ears. To keep joey from cumming too soon, Bill had gotten into the habit of keeping him locked up when they weren't in bed, because of his 20 year old libido, and Joey seemed to love it. He loved the challenge of trying to keep himself under control, and Bill loved it because it made Joey even more willing to bed down when he wanted it. He wanted it now. Bill ran his thumb along the waistband of Joey's shorts. He had his wrists pinned down with his other arm, and he smiled. "My angel boy has SO many spots on his body that I can just play with, and make him sing... like an angel. " The sounds coming out of joey were not song, but they were rhythmic and deep, and desperate. "Please SIR. PLEASE. I wanted you since last night." "Well, why didn't you wake me when you and Nate came in from carousing?" Bill knew the answer, but he wanted to torment Joey more. "Sir... we didn't want to disturb your sleep." "Didn't Nate take care of your needs, joey babe?" "Some of them Sir. But I need to get fucked. I NEED IT DESPERATELY. And you're the only man who can give that to me." "Heh heh, you got that right, sweetie pie. Whatcha gonna give me in return? "Whatever you want Sir. Whatever you want." "How about wearing that cage another three days?" "OH FUCK. " Joey paused, and he smiled. He knew what Bill was doing. And he had no defenses, as Bill went back to his nips. "How about two Sir?" "OOOOOOH" Bill bit down, and then looked up. "How about four? ha hahahahaha." "OH, SHIT. Ok, ok. Three. Three. Three days of the cage for cock now." "The offer is four Joey?" Bill moved his tongue to Joey's ear. "YES. YES. GOD, YES. JUST FUCK ME. FUCK ME YOU GODDAMN STUD." Bill pulled down Joey's shorts. He kissed him. "I'm gonna put that four days in the bank angel boy. Cause I wanna see you cum. AFTER I take your sweet boy ass." "OOOOH GOD. SO GOOD. SO GOOD. FUCK. FUCK. " Bill began to piledriver fuck Joey. Hard and thorough, shaking his cock every now and then to make him even more excited. He could see the precum leaking through Joey's cage. "Oh, this is gonna be good joey boy. This may be the biggest jizz you ever had." Then Bill shot into Joey's ass. "FUCK. That may be enough to float a ship Sir. OH GEEZ." Bill took out the key, and before he could unlock it , Joey begged. "No Sir. Not yet. Hug me please. Hug me as hard as you can." Bill was a bit concerned. Of course he'd hug him, but where was this coming from? He had no idea. He didn't know that Joey thought Bill was planning to toss him out after senior year. When the caress was over, Bill did unlock the cage. "You're gonna have to talk to me about that angel boy. Something's bothering you. " "I'm scared Sir. I'm scared. " "Of what? Who scared you?" "Sir, when I graduate, are you gonna get another boy? Are you gonna tell me to go?" Now Bill began to get sad. And then angry "WHO TOLD YOU THAT I WAS GONNA DO THAT? WAS IT NATE?" "No Sir. No. Nate actually told me to ignore the guy who said it. It was someone at the club last night. He said you were never interested in any boy who wasn't a college student." Bill took a deep breath, and he began hugging Joey. "What I did in the past, has nothing to do with what I'm gonna do in the future. Look at me Joey. Look at me." He stared at Joey. "You remember when I was at the law firm that day? Remember it?" "Yes sir. I do. I wanted to drag you into the bedroom and... " Bill laughed. "One day you'll tell me why you didn't. But do you know why I was there?" "Uh, you told me. Something about your will?" "Yes. You know what that 'something' was?" "No Sir" "Well, we're gonna look at the papers this afternoon. You, Nate and I all own an equal share in this house now." He smiled as he saw Joey's face, and he pushed his hair out of his forehead." "You need a haircut angel boy. But besides that, I couldn't throw you out now, if I wanted to." Joey looked at him. "For real Sir?" "For real." He paused. "Does it say I have to sleep with you every night?" Bill laughed. "No, but you do. " "I got no problem with that Sir." Bill whispered. "Shoot for me Joey. Shoot for me BIG. Want me to help you?" "Yes sir. My balls. My balls need your touch. " He got that. And a finger pressed right against his prostate "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH MY GOD." It WAS a HUGE orgasm. Joey lost control and began crying as Bill hugged him. He whispered. "The big choice you're gonna have to make Joey, is whether you stay here or go back home. it's not an easy one. We'll talk about it."

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Bill had a showing of a property that afternoon, so he left Nate and Joey at home. Nate woke up at around 2, and Joey smiled as he came out of the bedroom. "You alone, Nate?" "Don't rub it in, joey. Any coffee?" "Fresh pot. Sugar? Cream?" "Kiss me stud. That's my sugar. We'll talk about cream" Nate was closer to Joey's age than Bill, and he was as horny almost as often as Joey. After Joey kissed him, and he started on his coffee, he saw Joey looking kind of morose, and came behind, massaging his shoulders. "What's the matter Joey? You look so sad." "Oh, Bill and I had a talk this morning. I have a lot to think about." Nate dug his thumbs in, just a little deeper. "Senior year? Future plans?" "Yeah. I hadn't thought about any of this stuff. I guess I just figured everything would continue the way it has been." Nate gave a grimace. "I think a lot of us wish it did. Bill did tell you that you don't have to leave unless you want to, didn't he?" "He did. That made me happy but... " "Oh, the ugly F word. And I don't mean fuck. I mean 'family'." Joey looked at him. "Did he talk to you about this Nate?" "Nah, I just have had my own experiences with graduation, family, etc. God knows where I'd be if Gunc weren't here to help me. " "I don't know what I'm going to do, Nate. My family doesn't know I'm gay." Nate almost spat out some coffee. "Didn't you tell me you have a younger sister?" "Yeah, by four years. She's a high school senior." "She knows, joey boy. She knows. They always do." Joey said nothing but just looked at Nate quizically. "Your sister hasn't worried about things like raising a family, or working full time or stuff like that yet. And she has an older brother, whom she probably adores. And she's never seen you with a girlfriend, she's never heard you bumping and grinding , or had you ask her to cover for you while you necked with some chick. Trust me babe. She knows." "Well.. if she knows.." "No, they don't. Parents never do unless you tell them. And push it. And yes, you DO have to tell her anyway. Listen, for all you know, she may have some insights on what to tell them, when to tell them, etc. " "You think?" "Tell you what? Why don't you give her a call this afternoon? Just have a family chat. See what she says. I'll be here to give you moral support." "You will? Really?" "Sure... And.... Gunc do you this morning?" Joey smiled. "He sure did. I was so fucking horny. GOD. Thinking about it..." Then he stopped. He saw Nate's face. "In my room boi. Then we'll call your sister." It didn't take Nate long to spread eagle joey on his bed, tying him at the corners. "NATE. You know what Bill said." "I know, I know. Don't worry pretty boy. Don't worry. " Nate began his own stroking of joey's body, and since he had longer nails than Bill, his play on his balls made joey extra sensitive. Then... he pressed his thumb against joey's ass. "DAMN if I could tap an ass as hot as yours... " Joey was moaning for the second time that day. His cock was getting harder and harder. He saw Nate pull out his own cock, and begin jerking over his chest. "You ever wanna fuck me joey boi, you got enough meat. I can swing both ways. " "No Nate. No. I just... OH SHIT. " Joey's hips went up, and he shot for the second time that day. Nate followed soon thereafter. He hadn't even had a chance to untie Joey, when they heard the door . "Hey Gunc..." Nate came to the entrance of his room. "Wanna see what I got in my room?" He led Bill in. Bill saw joey tied down and smiled. "OH. What a pretty sight. How's my angel boy.." He bent down and went to kiss joey's navel. "No jizz in there is there sweet cakes?" "No Sir. Nate missed that entirely. " "GOD. I wish that I had the stamina you kids do. " He turned to Nate. "We're gonna need to clean the filter tomorrow. That ok with you?" "Sure Gunc. Late in the afternoon? Joey and I are supposed to try a new club tonight." Bill laughed. "GOOD. I can use some peace around here, although I wouldn't mind seeing the two of you wrestle in the living room. Maybe another time. " Nate began untying Joey. "Gunc, Joey wants to call his sister today to talk to her. I think he could use our support." Bill looked at Joey. "You sure, angel? You want the privacy?" "No Sir. I think I need all the help I can get on this one." "OK, sure. How's about you clean up, and then, we'll see how Gina is."

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While Joey showered, Nate and Bill talked. "You know , I really DON'T want him to go, Nate," Bill looked pensive, and a little sad. "I mean, I realize, he's young, I'm old, but..." Nate squeezed Bill's arm. "Gunc, the only time any boy ever left you, was when you threw them out. Joey's not leaving. You gotta trust me on this. " "All set. I figured hanging around in a towel wasn't the way to go." Joey had switched to jeans and a sweat shirt. "Let's do the deed." Nate and Bill were sitting opposite him at the breakfast nook when he called. He used Gina's cell phone, so that the family didn't know. "JOEY? OH MY GOD I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT YOU?" Her voice was so high pitched and loud, uncle and nephew looked at each other and suppressed their laughing. "Gina. I've been so bad about calling you . I'm sorry." "Hey, no problem Joey. Whenever I start out with a new boyfriend, I don't have time for anyone either." Joey was silent for a minute. The guys didn't hear what she said, so they were concerned: what HAD she said. "You knew I had a boyfriend. How? " Now they could hear her laughing. "Joey, please. I may be young, but REALLY? They way you talk about Bill, the living in his house 'to help his business'. I mean, is that new gay code? PULEEEZE GIUSEPPE. I knew after you talked about him at Thanksgiving." "How Gina?" She sighed "Joey, if I had taken pictures, I could show you how your face changed when you talked about him, or anyone asked about him. It's cool. I know he's older, but so what? " "You think mom and dad will feel that way." Gina sucked in her breath. "THAT's a tougher one big brother. I dunno. Were you planning to tell them?" "At some point. I mean, definitely before graduation because Bill is gonna be there." "OF COURSE HE IS. " She paused. "Tell you what big bro. Let me do some snooping. I understand now how important he is to you. I'll let you know what the lay of the land is." "You'd do that for me?" "Of course I would. Cause you're gonna buy me a nice pair of shoes when we're together. Something stylish and expensive. So I don't have to bring them back because I spent my own money on them." He laughed. "Of course. Two pair even." "Look Joey. You deserve to be happy. I think I knew as soon as I had a crush on you, and as soon as my friends did, that you weren't cut that way. It's all good. It will be. I'm gonna have to go. I have a date tonight and I gotta get ready." "Gina, it's 3:30" "OH SHIT IT"S THAT LATE? NOW I REALLY GOTTA GO. Love you bro. Give my love to Bill. Talk soon." And then, she was gone.

Joey looked up, smiling. "She knew. She's ok with it. She's gonna see if she can find out how the 'rents are with it." Nate gave him a tap on the forearm. "That's terrific Joey. Little sisters are great. So now, let me get washed up. We can start getting ready for the club." "Nate, it's 3:40." "3:40? OH SHIT. IT'S THAT LATE. NOW I REALLY BETTER GET CLEANED UP.

Joey, let's do black and white tonight. You dress all in black, like a gangster, I'll dress all in white, like a virgin. We'll fool everybody."

He ran off to the shower. Bill and Joey were all alone in the living room. "You sure you don't wanna come to the club Sir?" BIll smiled. "Oh no, not for me. You won't be leaving before ten. That I know. Just crawl into bed because I'll be long asleep." "Sir, do you know any clubs where we could dance the way you danced with me in the living room that night?" "I know a few." "Can we go next week? I mean, I'm getting hot just thinking of a night slow dancing with you.." He hugged Bill. "This has been a full day Sir. I do appreciate your taking care of me." Bill hugged back. "We're taking care of each other Joey. You boys have a good time tonight. Promise me you won't let anyone steal your heart." "I can make that promise Sir. You've got it."

Next: Chapter 23

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