Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 15, 2023


That Saturday night, wrapped up in Bill's arms, Joey had a dream. In the dream, he was in the university arena, at a gymnastics championship. He was being used as a reserve, but one of the stars had misstepped while dismounting, and pulled a muscle. The coach called on Joey to step in and finish for the team championship . Joey was scared to death, but he did his best. And when he got to his specialty, the floor exercise, something went off in his head: "I may not get to compete ever again, so what the hell?" He pulled out all the stops, including a perfect landing at the end of a very difficult tumbling pass. There was an ovation, and Joey ran off the mat, into Bill's arms. Bill was there, wearing a coach's uniform, even though he wasn't a coach. In the dream, Joey felt very sad at the end, and he began to cry very very softly. It was early enough in the morning for Bill to have begun to stir, and he saw the tears, heard the whimpers.

"Joey.. Angel boy.. Wake up. I'm here. Tell me . What's wrong?" It took Joey a little bit to come out of the dream, and he jumped, startled , to see Bill's face over him, the look of concern. Bill held him down, and repeated, in a slow, concerned voice "What's wrong Joey? Did I hurt you last night? Did you have a bad dream."

Joey shook his head, and began to sit up. "Tell me what's wrong, sweet boy." "Oh, I don't know Bill. I mean, Sir. I'm sorry. I'm just confused." "By what angel boy?" Bill brushed hair out of Joey's eyes. Do you NOT want to talk about it?" "No, no. I do. I had a dream. I was competing. I had just subbed, and I was nailing everything. And... I had just done a floor exercise routine, I nailed it, and when I came off the floor, you were there, waiting for me. " Bill looked at Joey. "That sounds like a WONDERFUL dream to me Joey. Why did it make you cry?" Joey paused for a minute. Then "I think... I think...." and the sobs were deep and wrenching "I realized the only way you'll ever see me do gymnastics is in my dreams Sir. " He grabbed Bill and hugged him, and cried some more. "Oh, angel boy. You sweet, sweet darling." He kissed Joey's ear, then pulled away so he could look directly at Joey. "Do you WANT me to see you perform?" "Well, YEAH Sir. I think it's the best thing I do, and... you won't get to see it." A smile played over Bill's face "Well, it would be hard to beat the way you make love, Joey, but if you want to perform gymnastics for me... I think we could arrange that." He wiped a tear from Joey's eye. "Really Sir?" "I think so. You know, the arena isn't used much during the summer, and I still know some people. Maybe I could get a private show from you." Joey looked at him. "You think? " Bill smiled. "I think we should try." Joey hugged him. "I'll throw a triple summy for you Sir." "Ha ha. Just as long as you do a 180 split for me when we get home." It was summer, and the arena was short staffed, but after making some calls, Bill got the ok to use the arena for a couple of hours the following Saturday. He'd need to bring in someone to supervise, because Joey would be doing some high level difficulty tricks, but it could be done. Bill called Joey at work. "How about Saturday, kiddo, 1-3?" Joey didn't know what Bill was talking about and gave him sass "you usually cum in less than 2 hours, Sir." 'I MEAN TO DO GYMNASTICS. I GOT THE ARENA." Joey was silent for a minute. "You did? REALLY? WOW SIR. Is there anything you can't do?" "Oh, sleep with a woman." "NO, I said CAN'T do not WON'T do." He paused as Bill laughed "By the way, I think you'd have gorgeous children Sir." "Well, that's something we'll never know. So we have the whole arena. Is there anyone from work you want to invite?" "I don't think so. Just you Sir. A private performance. " "I'm honored. I'll have to prove it tonight."

Bill DID in fact have something in mind for the evening. He had dressed Joey in a tight black shirt that morning, and black slacks. He had seen a video where a young man, dressed like that except for a loosened necktie, had been strapped down and tickled. He intended that for Joey, plus a little more, that the video didn't show... When Joey came home from work that night, locked up his bike, and came in the house, he saw no trace of Bill. He saw the necktie on the entrance table with a note "Put it on." He gulped. He LOVED it when Bill gave him orders, especially when they had to do with sex, and this sure sounded like an order having to do with sex. He did what the note said. His shirt was tight enough so that he couldn't button the top button when he had the tie on.

That's when he felt Bill's hand from behind, covering his mouth. Bill's other hand grabbed Joey's right wrist and twisted it behind him. "Not a sound, sexy boy. Not a sound. You and I... we're gonna have some fun tonight. Understand me?" Joey squirmed, mostly so that he could feel Bill's cock grind against him. Bill laughed and pulled his pelvis back a bit. "Nah. Not gonna be that easy for you tonight stud..." "MMMPH MMMMPH MMMPH MMMPH" was all Joey could get out, as Bill pushed him toward the bedroom. The restraints were out: wrist and ankle. "What're you gonna do to me?" Joey asked, pleading, as Bill tied him in place. "Oh, you'll find out. But I think you already have some idea..." He pulled one of Joey's shoes off, and dropped it to the floor. "Big feet for such a little man." Joey hated being called little: even by Bill. He pulled at the ropes. "I can make a big enough fist to take care of you." Bill laughed. "But you can't. Where's that fist gonna go?" He was right. Joey's hands were tied. He pulled off Joey's other shoe. "So.... let's see how sensitive these feet are with your socks on." "PLEASE PLEASE. DON'T DO THAT. PLEASE. ANYTHING ELSE. NOT MY FEET. NO. PLEASE. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Bill had begun to run his finger over Joey's sock covered feet. Joey was so ticklish that the socks gave very little protection. "OH, my, what pleasant sounds. Look what they're doing to me." Bill dropped his zipper and his hard cock popped out. Joey wanted it. He wanted it in his mouth, in his ass, and he squirmed to try to get forward, whimpering. Bill went about his business, pulling off one, and then the other, of Joey's sheer black socks.

"NOW, we can REALLY find out how ticklish you are..." Joey saw Bill tying his two socks together, a big knotted mass of fabric in the center. He was gonna gag him. With the socks he had worn all day. As he moved up to Joey's mouth, Bill stopped.

"Wait a minute. I have a better idea." He put the socks down, and dropped his pants. He pulled off his briefs, and took a whiff. "Perfectly aged. Just what a handsome man like you needs." He tied the briefs around Joey's mouth. They were close enough to Joey's nose that he could get a whiff of the man smell of his lover, the semen, the urine, and it was heady. He felt his own cock rising.

"Now, let's get to those feet." Bill went back to Joey's feet. He knew they were ticklish. VERY ticklish. He ran his nail over Joey's bare soles. Hard head that he was, Joey struggled not to let Bill know how helpless he was. It didn't work for long. After less than a minute, Joey was laughing hysterically. He remembered how, when he was a boy, his father would tickle him, and he'd feel... odd, but good. One time, when he was maybe 15, his father had done it, and Joey lost control, and did jizz into his pants. He and his father had been embarrassed, and it never happened again. Those good feelings were flooding back as Bill attacked his feet, and Joey struggled.

'MMMMMPH . MMMMMPH MMMMMPH..." Again, nothing else came out of Joey's mouth, as he squirmed on the bed.

"You want me to stop Joey boy? You want me to leave your feet alone?"

Joey shook his head as more "MMMMPHs" came out of him.

"Ok, I'll stop if you give me your nips. I get them?"

More head shaking, and more MMMMPHS. " He heard Bill almost cackle, as he took off Joey's tie, and opened his shirt. "Such a sweet chest you have angel boy. And it looks so tasty today..." He leaned in, and began nibbling one, then the other, of Joey's nips. It was end of the day, so Bill had enough scruff to make the nibbling feel even more sensitive. He had positioned himself so that his knee barely scraped Joey's crotch, but it was enough to excite, and to frustrate Joey. He wanted to shoot so bad, and Bill was making it impossible to do so. He saw Joey's face, and grinned. "Got something to say, angel boy?" There was more vigorous head shaking. "OK, I'll take this off." Bill knew what the scent did to Joey, so he dropped the gag, but left it around his neck. "Please Sir. Please.... " Joey huffed "Take me please. An after work fuck. Please Sir. Put me in my place. Let me know who's boss. PLEASE." "Who's in charge Joey?" "You are Sir." "Who's your topman?" "You are Sir." "You love your topman, Joey boy?" Joey began tearing up. "HELL YEAH SIR. I LOVE MY TOPMAN SO MUCH. I WANT HIM IN ME ALL THE TIME." Bill smiled, and began to take down Joey's pants. This young man really adored him, but Bill was always insecure. Too many handsome young men out there, and now, more and more handsome older men. He had to step up his game, he thought, to make sure Joey was always his. He couldn't know that, to Joey, Bill was everything. Just EVERYTHING. When he said he wanted him in him all the time, he meant it. He got checked out at work, and when he rode his bike to the office. He got checked out all the time. And all he wanted was to be back with Bill: the man who loved him for more than his body. The man who had just started sliding his cock into Joey's ass . As he slid in, easily, Joey was thinking "a couple months ago, I was a virgin. I never thought about this, and I sure never thought I'd be a gay bottom. And here I am. And I love it.."

Joey's thoughts were interrupted by the hard thrust of Bill's cock. The scene had excited Bill, more than usual, and he was getting really, REALLY deep into Joey, and sliding his cock around, hitting all of Joey's hot spots. Tied up as he was, all Joey could do was moan, and squirm. Bill grinned "How about that 180 you promised me?" He completely untied Joey's ankles, and slowly began pushing Joey's legs apart. "OOOOH SIR. OOOH YES. " Bill had begun fingering Joey's exposed ass, before he plunged in again. Joey was as hard as Bill was. He had learned to control himself a bit, and he was surprised that he hadn't shot yet, but he was close. Bill was too. He was sliding, faster and faster, and then... without plan they shot at the same time. Something about that made them both extremely happy. Bill fell down on Joey's chest, licked it, and sort of sobbed out some words. "My Joey. My angel boy. OH GOD. It took me too long to find you. " "You found me Sir. And you won't lose me. I'm not going away."

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Sunday came up, and again, Joey had spent the night dreaming about gymnastics. He dreamed through about five different routines. Some were all stuff he had done, and others, well... there was no way he could complete those moves. Honestly, he just wanted Bill to see what he could do, and maybe drive Bill a little crazy when he wore his floor exercise shorts. Joey had good instincts. When they were at the gym that day, Bill was sitting in the stands, just going over some paperwork, as Joey got prepared for his floor routines (he was going to do three for Bill). He had packed three different outfits, each with a tank top and very short shorts. When he made the first entrance, in his sky blue one, and white shorts, he could hear Bill suck in his breath. "OH GEEZ," Bill was thinking as he sat there. "I'm gonna jump him on the mat and take him right here." Joey turned, smiled, blew Bill a kiss, and got to work. There were three "tumbling runs" in a standard routine, and Joey put them all together. Bill kept on waiting to see Joey do some floor work: some splits, some pikes, things that pushed his ass out in the air. Tumbling was great, and he was fantasizing grabbing Joey in mid air and tickling him to helplessness, but it wasn't the same as seeing that beautiful ass in all its glory.

When the routine ended, Bill was on his feet. 'BRAVO. BRAVO. MY ANGEL BOY WINS THE GOLDEN COCK." Joey had to laugh at that. He knew Bill had metal dildos in the house, but he wouldn't let Joey use them. "They're too dangerous. Too easy to hurt someone with them." A golden cock? Well, maybe he could get Bill some body paint...

For his second routine, Joey had an even shorter pair of shorts, blue, and a white tank top that was really at least two sizes too small. His nips pointed out begging someone to come and take them. He knew it too. That's why he came out from a different doorway, so that Bill couldn't get his hands on them. He wanted his lover worked up: REALLY worked up, because Joey had a plan...

After the second routine, there was more applause from Bill, and he felt more and more aroused. "This boy is gonna get it when we get home, that's for sure."

Joey flashed a wicked grin as he walked back into the locker room. He hoped that he was right and that no one else was in the gym, because...

When he walked out for the third routine, he was totally naked. "Just like at the beginning Sir. The Greeks exercised in the nude.." This time, he walked close to Bill as he went to the mat, but just far enough away so Bill couldn't reach him. Then, he did a routine that had very little tumbling, and a lot of stretching, a lot of 180 splits, spins, flexibility moves where he brought one leg up to his head. He finished on the floor, on his back, and grabbed his ankles , flipping himself up so his ass was pointed in the air.

"What're you waiting for, Sir?" Joey teased . Bill didn't wait any longer. He wasn't wearing much either. He looked around, made sure the guard wasn't around, and went out to the mat. He dropped his pants, and entered Joey.

"You're a fucking flirt, angel boy. You had this planned. For how long?" As he thrust, and Joey moaned, he got out "Since you said we had the gym Sir... I've always fantasized about having sex in the gym. "only the second time for me, babe." "SECOND TIME? Who was the first Sir? I'll scratch out his eyes?" Bill laughed. "Long time ago, young man. A wrestler. I'll tell you on the way home. Now... .TAKE IT SUPERSTAR..." And Bill poured his jizz into Joey, just as the young man shot one so high, that when it came down, it caught him on the lips.

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After Joey had showered - and enticed Bill to join him - and they were dressed and got into the car to go home, Joey asked "So you've had sex at the gym before Sir?" Bill laughed. "Oh goodness yes. Many years ago. I was maybe 35, and I was sponsoring my second boy. He was sort of in your position. A wrestler. Bantam weight class I remember. Dimitri. Half Russian, half Greek." "You like ethnic types Sir" Bill laughed. "I guess I do. Anyhow, he wanted to wrestle. I can't wrestle, but he insisted. He let me pin him, and then he whispered "tie me down. Tie me to the posts. Make me beg for cock." "WOW Sir. That sounds hot. " "Oh, it was Joey, it was." "Can I ask what happened Sir? Where is he now?" Bill took a big sigh. "Oh, Joey... That's tough for me, but ok. Do you know the song 'Puff the Magic Dragon?' "I remember it Sir." "Go and listen to it again. Especially the part about how the boy grew up, and didn't come back. Dimitri grew up. He found a lovely woman, married her, went to medical school, and now, he works at Yale. He's a radiologist, and they have four daughters." He paused again. "I send him a Christmas card every year, but I never hear back." "That's terrible Sir. " Then Joey paused. "Are you afraid I'm going to do that to you Sir?" Bill smiled, and put his hand on Joey's thigh. "I told you angel boy, you're different than the other young men who've shared my bed. VERY different. But you're young. And honestly Joey: you, me, your dad, your mom , none of us know what's going to be next week, next month, next year . Well, I suspect your mom does. I suspect she knows everything. For me... I have to be honest, Joey, if I worried too much about things like "where will Joey and Bill be in three months, or three years?", I'd go crazy. So, I tell you what? Let's just make a deal to enjoy each other's company, until we don't anymore, if it comes to that. And if it does, no hard feelings, no bad break ups, none of that. Just good memories, Ok sweetie?"

Joey wasn't sure he understood any of this. He was so head over heels in love with this man, that he dreamed, occasionally, of their wedding, of the suits they'd wear, of dancing tarantella in front of his family, but he never shared that with Bill. After today, he never would. He would do the best he could at taking things one step at a time. "It's a deal Sir. But only if I get to kiss you at least in the morning and at night, when we get up and when we go to bed." "Better be more than that angel boy. Better include before you leave for work and when you come home too. And more than that on weekends." "Speaking of that, did we kiss during our mat session?" "Hmmm. I don't think so angel boy. " "Well, you better be ready to plant a big wet one on me when we get home."

It took about ten minutes to drive home. Bill used one hand, because he was holding hands with Joey the rest of the way. "Sir, is that a strange car in the driveway? "Oh, it's a car, Joey, but it's not strange. He pulled in behind it and walked in. There was a tall, thin man, looked to be in his late 30s, on the sofa. Handsome, with a thin mustache, and a short haircut. "NATE. You got here early. I didn't expect you until Wednesday." Bill ran over to the man and hugged him, hard. So hard he winced. "Uncle Bill, you can't do that, you know that. Not good for this boy.." He patted Bill's left side, where his kidney was. Be easy on that stuff. He looked up at Joey. "Hi. I'm Nate. " His grey eyes were like a wolf, as he locked onto Joey. "I'm Joey. Nice to meet you Nate. Bill has told me about you." "Oh, good." He looked at his Uncle. "Uncle Bill hasn't told me anything about YOU." Bill blushed. "Joey's my lover Nate." Joey saw Nate's face change, over a range of emotions. Finally he said. "Oh. A new Dimitri." He smiled at Joey. "I'm sure we'll get much better acquainted Joey. For now, though, if you'd excuse me , I want to just sit down with Bill and get the lay of the land over his health." "Nate, Joey can stay. He's seen a few of my spasms. I'd like him to know everything." Nate sighed. "Well, ok. I have to work with the assumption of patient confidentiality,but if you want to share it , fine." "Hey, if you want me to go and sit in the bedroom or something, that's fine with me," Joey said. "Oh, it's not that. I just don't want to make you feel lost because of the subject matter," Nate said. Joey felt like he had been slapped. Bill saw it. "Joey is very smart. He's not a nurse, but he's very smart. " He paused, and in a tone that Joey had never heard in Bill's voice, he said. "Nate. He stays." He saw Nate flinch and answer "Yes SIR"

Next: Chapter 18

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