Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 12, 2020


Bill watched as Joey began inspecting the bike. He thought back to when getting a bike at Christmas was a big deal, and kids would act like they had eaten too many Sugar Pops, or Cap'n Crunch, over the bike. Joey reminded him of that.

"How much did this boy NOT get ? " Bill thought to himself. To be sure, he was a really well brought up young man, sweet as can be, and there was no physical harm at all. Growing up in his family though, at least in Bill's view, had stunted the boy's emotional growth. He was almost "malnourished" in so many ways. Bill had been good to him, for sure. But he had been good to other young men in the past. None of them had reacted to his kindness the way Joey had.

"Can I ride it Sir? Will anyone in the neighborhood object?" Bill laughed. "Joey, this is a very gay neighborhood. If you take off your shirt, there is NO ONE who's going to complain. Just remember there's pizza coming for dinner.

"Can you call them and tell them I'll come and get it myself, Sir?" "No Joey, I'm not doing that. Take it for a spin. You'll ride it to school tomorrow. Store it in the dorm room until we can get a real good lock for it. "

"Speed Racer. There he goes." Bill chuckled to himself. He had been laughing so much, that the pain on his side started again, and he went to get another pill. He was glad Joey wasn't there to see it. He'd be fine. Just a bad day today.

Joey came back after about half an hour, sweaty but smiling ear to ear. "Mr Scott, this bike is SO GREAT. I feel like I'm driving your porsche. THANK YOU SIR" He threw his arms around Bill and held him tight. Joey thought he heard Bill wince, but also thought he had squeezed him too tight.

"Now, get in that library and get to your books Joey. We'll order the pie when you're done."

"PIE? Just one?" "Ok, we'll order as many as you want." "Sir, can I take the bike to go and get ice cream for dessert?" "AFTER the studying. Now, get in there. " "Yes sir." Bill sat down with a book and read. It must have been a while, because the next thing he knew, Joey was kissing him awake. "Hey sleepy head. You ok?" Bill smiled. "Of course I am, Joey. My Angel Boy just kissed me awake. How about a hug too?" "You got it stud" Joey grinned, and Bill grinned back. "Ok, young man. I know you well enough to know that look. You're horny again. You wanna go and get the ice cream, or you wanna go at it." Joey smiled. "I'm dying for rocky road." "Hmmm. Don't know that position I'm afraid." "I MEANT THE ICE CREAM SIR" "I KNEW THAT you silly angel. Then go get the ice cream. Rum raisin for me. Get as much as you want. My wallet is on the front table." Joey looked at Bill. "You'd trust me with your wallet Sir?" "Joey, I trusted you in my bed when I was sleeping. Why wouldn't I trust you with my wallet?" That seemed to make Joey think. "I guess you're right Sir. When I went out for ice cream at home, my dad would count out the money to the dollar. I just thought.." "You're not at home anymore Joey. Go get the ice cream before they close. Your usual for pizza? I'll order while you're out." "Pepperoni Sir. With hot peppers." "Oh, to be young again," thought Bill. He ordered that, and a mushroom one for himself. Hot peppers were something he couldn't handle right now, and he had a chili pepper sleeping with him anyway.


"THIS BIKE IS SO AWESOME SIR ! I love it." Joey was back with the ice cream, and he put Bill's wallet back on the table. "Ok, the pizza should be here in few minutes.Let's have some wine." Bill was pouring red wine into two glasses. "You're not going to check, Sir? I mean, what if I took money from your wallet?" "Well, I don't have to, because I know you didn't." "But , HOW do you know Sir?" Bill looked at Joey. "One day, you may read about a wonderful woman. She wrote dances, and her name was Martha Graham. She said once that her father told her that if she lied, her body would tell him. Well, it's something like that with you, angel boy. You can't really lie. You probably stink at poker too." Joey blushed. "Can we play strip poker some night Sir?" Bill took the bait. "There are cards in the library. After dinner. " He saw Joey smile.

Joey DID stink at poker. He was naked before Bill had to take off one sock. And that was just fine. Bill undressed real fast, when Joey disappeared into the bedroom and yelled out "I'm waiting Sir."

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"Joey, I have to say, this is one of the most remarkable turnarounds I've ever seen since I started at the university." Joey was sitting opposite the academic adviser, Mr. Williamson. "EVERY one of your teachers has filled out a report remarking on your progress, your attitude, your class participation, EVERYTHING. "He looked at Joey. "I know you're not a cheater, Schiavo, and I don't really have to worry about HOW you did it, but I wonder if you'd mind telling me?"

"Uh, sure Sir. Some friends introduced me to an alumnus of the gymnastics team. He's been giving me pep talks, and showing me how to study. He also speaks Italian, so it's been great to have someone to practice with." Williamson looked over his glasses. "Bill Scott?" "Yes sir. He's taken me under his wing I guess." "Under something for sure," Williamson thought to himself. But Joey was of legal age. It was his choice. "Well, keep up the good work Joey. If you do, maybe we can get you back on the team." "Mr Williamson, with all due respect, I don't think I'm going to go back." "You're not going to go back? What about your scholarship?" "Well, I'm a junior and you told me it's good for this year, so I only have to cover one more year, right Sir?" "That's right Joey." "I think I can handle that." Williamson didn't approve of the way Scott "mentored" young men, but his methods WERE effective. Joey wasn't the first 'turnaround' student as he referred to them. Truth be told, he had a bit of a soft spot in his heart for Joey too. He had never met this guy, Bill Scott. Maybe he should.

That afternoon, Joey started packing up stuff from his dorm room. Bill was driving by to help pick up the boxes, and then he'd drive them back to the house, and Joey would ride his bike.

"Hey, Schiavo, moving out?" one of the folks who lived on his floor saw him. "Oh yeah. I found a job and it requires me to live on premises. So I'm gonna keep the room for the semester, then give it up." "No shit. What job?" "I'm gonna be the personal assistant to a guy who flips houses." "Cool. You gotta live there to do it." "It's what my boss wants. If it means money for school, I'll move in." When Bill drove up that late afternoon in the porsche, the dorm neighbor saw it and thought "DAMN. Some guys get all the luck."

To say that Joey was competitive, was an understatement. He did his best to pedal faster than the porsche. Bill was waiting for him, with a cold beer when he got there, because the guy was sweating all over." "I don't know whether to take you to bed right now, or make you shower first," Bill whispered as he gave Joey the drink. "Why choose? " was Joey's smart ass answer. He wound up on the bed, sweaty legs in the air, with Bill pumping him full, before he could shower. He asked Joey to jerk himself while he was fucking him , and Joey was happy to oblige. "Know what I did once Sir? I tried to suck myself and... I could do it." "Joey, if you want to get sucked off, just tell me. It's too dangerous... and I'd like it a lot." Joey smiled. "Gonna take you up on that." "SIR" "So, you mentioned a porn video you saw that got you excited. Should we watch it tonight?" Joey thought for a minute. "We could, but... you know... I'm moving in tonight. I thought we could do something a little more festive, Sir?" "Sure. What'd you have in mind? Moving day is always a little crazy." "I don't know Sir. I really didn't think of it." Well, I did. It isn't much, but how about dinner out tonight?" "Good start Sir.. I have an idea for after." "What's that angel boy." Joey smiled and said nothing. "JOEY, I'm not 20 years old anymore and we just... " Joey came up and shoved his tongue in Bill's mouth. " "Oh dear. Ok. Let's wait until after dinner. You may kill me Joey, but I'll go out smiling."

Joey was quiet again, for a minute. He rubbed his knee on Bill's cock and whispered "you're far from being dead Sir. Maybe we can call in dinner." Bill was laughing, as Joey dropped to his knees, and opened up Bill's pants. "My first course.." He downed Bill's cock in one try. It wasn't hard, because while Bill was giving it all the effort he could, there was only so much he could do. He had the blue pills, but... "OH SHIT... He began to shoot into Joey's mouth, and Joey just started making sounds like he was enjoying a good milkshake. He looked up at Bill. "I know you could do it Sir. Now... me?" Joey's cock was rigid. Bill knew that Joey was thinking he'd get jerked off from Bill, or something like that, but Bill had other ideas. "You're gonna have to help me up, I think angel boy, but here goes.." "NO . NO. SIR. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT. NO... OH OH GOD... "

Bill had his tongue wrapped around Joey's cock, and he flicked it over the head. Billy moaned. "DAMN SIR. DAMN. OH SHIT. FUCK. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" and youth prevailed, as Joey shot all over himself, Bill, and the floor ."

"I'm sorry Sir. I didn't mean to get your face." Bill chuckled softly. "It's delicious. Sweet like you. " He got up and folded his arms. "But young man, you made a mess, and you need to clean it up. GET TO IT." "YES SIR." Joey ran off and got a mop. Bill looked at him. "Afraid not angel boy. That's gonna take your tongue."

Joey looked at him strangely, and then said "Ok Sir." He got down on all fours, and began licking up his jizz. Had he not been young, there would have been less. But there was plenty. Bill went to the phone to order in dinner. When he was done, Joey took his hand, and they went to the sofa. He pulled Bill's arm around him.

"Thank you for taking me in Sir. I feel so safe."

Bill pulled the young man closer. "There's probably a song I should sing, but not tonight. " He kissed Joey's forehead. "Welcome home, angel boy."

Next: Chapter 13

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