Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 29, 2020


Bill was staring at Joey, smiling, when the young man woke up. "Hello Sir. Did you sleep well?" "I did joey. How about you?" "Yes, it was great. " He smiled. "Can you guess what I'm thinking?" Bill could feel Joey's hard cock against his thigh. He thought "Oh, to be a young man again."

"You know, finding you here was a really pleasant surprise angel. Why'd you come in?" Bill was playing with Joey's thick hair, wanting desperately to climb on top of him and manhandle him.

"Well, I finished my homework, Sir, and I looked around the library. I didn't want to touch any of your books without permission, and, well, there was no one to play with so... "

Bill smiled. "do you want me to get you a puppy?" Joey's answer was quick "Then there'd be two puppies in the house Sir? I think that's too much competition for me." Bill laughed. He saw Joey reaching down to get his cock, so he moved fast and rolled over on him. "You are just the sexiest guy in the world joey," He kissed him, as he pinned down his wrists. "And I just LOVE the sounds you make when I do things like this..." He began running his tongue up and down over one of Joey's nipples." "OH GOD. I LOVE THAT SIR. I JUST LOVE IT..." Joey was beginning to squirm under Bill, as Bill started nibbling his earlobe. "FUCK. My sister told me how she did that to her boyfriend and he loved it. I bet you do it better. OH FUCK.... Bill began nibbling up and down the whole ear. "You're gonna have to jerk me Sir if you keep doing that. DAMN. I'm too sore for another fucking." Bill smiled and thought "THANK YOU JESUS," because there was no way he had another drop of anything in his loins. "Like this, angel boy?" Bill positioned himself so he could keep Joey pinned down with one hand. Then he began slowly jerking Joey. "FUCK. You're edging me Sir. That's unfair..." "Life is unfair sweet boy... I'll stop if you want." "DON'T YOU DARE. " Bill began speeding things up, and when Joey began to moan, louder, he slowed down.

"GOD YOU'RE MEAN. HOT BUT MEAN." Bill laughed. "Oh? You want me to finish you fast? HMMMMMM?" He made a raspberry noise on Joey's belly button . "HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP THAT. My dad did that to me when I was a baby. "I bet your dad never did THIS," Bill thought as he went back to the edging. "That right? I bet mine gets you more excited than your dad's" "OH SHIT SIR IT DOES." "Next time I speak to him, should I tell him that?" "OH FUCK You could do that in Italian and I'd never know. " "Then study more.." Bill began to develop a regular rhythm. From Joey's breathing, he knew the boy was close. "OH YES SIR. OH YES. JERK ME DADDY . JERK ME TOPMAN. FUCCCCCCCK" Joey came as only a 20 year old could. Bill had released the pin and Joey hugged him tight.

"THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU. " He held Bill for a long time, and then he whispered "Adam didn't prepare me for this. He told me it was kind of a "slam bang" kinda thing. Go in, get fucked, leave, get your money."

"That's being a whore Joey. You're not a whore." He hugged Bill tighter. "Thank you for saying that Sir. Sometimes I feel like I am. Taking your money, for sex." Bill pushed Joey back. "HEY. Don't think that way about me, about us. EVER. EVER. My Angel boy is NOT a whore. He's my boy. And you're gonna start being just that."

"YES SIR. Isn't it polish day?" "Damn right it is. Go and put on something that you can get dirty - AFTER you wash up the jizz - and then you'll get to work." Joey smiled. "I wish this were your jizz Sir. Then I'd leave it on." Bill laughed "You're gonna be the death of me young man. But it's not gonna be without a struggle."

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Joey went off and changed into some gym clothes he had brought with him, while Bill began pulling out his shoes and boots. Then he thought "no, this is Joey's job." "Ok, Joey, here's where all the shoes and boots are. There's a box with polish, rags, and everything you need. Just pull it all out and get to work. I'm sure your dad made you polish your shoes before church. "God Sir. Were you hiding out in the attic?" "Ha haha. Every good Italian boy had to polish his shoes before church. Too bad you were wearing pants. Dirty old men like me couldn't stare at them to see what you were carrying the way you did with girls' shoes."

Joey looked at him. "Sir, PLEASE don't describe yourself as a dirty old man. PLEASE. That's not the Mr. Scott I know... and love." Bill bit his lip. Either this kid was an operator of the first order, or a real, genuine find. He was certain it was the latter, but he had been fooled before.

"You know, every time you bend over and pick out shoes, I get a look at your ass Joey." Joey turned around and smiled. "Book stuff takes me longer to figure out. Why do you think I'm taking so long? Enjoy the show... dirty old gentleman."

Bill laughed some more. Joey sat himself down on the floor, with his legs splayed open. Bill could see the little lump of that pretty cock in his shorts. "These are great shoes Sir. Nice colors, nice quality. " Joey smiled. "Maybe you can help me pick my graduation shoes when it's time."

"Hmmm. You're doing a good job Joey," Bill looked at the first pair.

"Your dad taught you well." "Tell him that sometime, please Sir. He thinks that he made a mistake because I don't want to be a doctor or a lawyer or something like that." "Well, I will, but you're gonna prove it, by acing this semester." Joey smiled. "Sir, when I was getting the box of polishes, I found another box." "OH. My toy box. Yes, that was going to come out tomorrow. Time you were introduced to some of them." "Huh?" "Handcuffs, ropes, gags, restraints of all kinds. Makes sex and sex play a much more different thing. More intense I'd say." "Did guys use them on you, Sir?" "Oh yes, many years ago, before I learned I really liked being the one who used them, rather than the one who got tied up." "I think if it were you Sir, I'd like being tied up. I don't know about the rest." "Well, for now that's all you have to think about."

Bill paused "So Joey, I hope this is ok with you. I thought we'd cook a dinner together and eat in tonight, maybe watch a movie or something on tv. Is that ok?" He saw Joey's face get red, and then Joey turned away, trying not to let Bill see he was crying. "JOEY. ANGEL BOY. If that's not ok, then we'll go out. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Bill got down on the floor to hug Joey.

"No, no Sir. I'm not upset. You just keep saying things that, well, they remind me of my dad. He once said that when you're an Italian, the way you show someone they're family, is make them dinner at your house. If you don't get that, you're not family. " Joey was crying now. "Dad's very big on that. If my sister had a boyfriend, she couldn't bring him to dinner unless Dad said she could. Mom was involved too. You could tell how she felt by what she cooked." Now Joey was hugging Bill really hard. "I never thought you'd cook for me Sir." His crying had turned to sobs.

"Well, Angel boy, I hope you're not crying like this AFTER I cook. But I'm not cooking alone. You're gonna help." He pushed back from Joey just a bit, and he wiped tears away with his thumbs. His voice was very low, almost a whisper "Joey, you may not have moved into my house yet, but you've moved into my heart. I hope you choose to stay there."

"I'm not going anywhere Sir. You'll have to evict me."

Making dinner with Joey was interesting. Anyone who thinks that all Italians are born knowing how to cook, had never cooked with Joey. Bill was however, having a ball. "Joey, did you make sure that there wasn't a bag of guts in that chicken?" "Uh, no. Should I have?" "Yes. Pull it back out of the oven, ok?' Bill reached in with some tongs and pulled it out. "Yeah, you gotta look for these things. Sort of like a gynecologist for chicken. "EWWW Sir." Bill laughed. "now now. You can use this stuff to make some tasty things, but we're not going to this time. Now get her back in the oven

"Sir, do I put the pasta in the water now? "Is it boiling?" "OH. It has to be boiling?" "Uh, yes. And put in salt. " "Oh. You put salt in the pasta water?"

And so it went. But when all was done, they had some pasta in red sauce , a chicken, and salad. BIll could see that Joey was being polite, but he had the appetite of a 20year old jock.

"This isn't with your family Joey. If there are no leftovers, it means less trash during the week. Eat your fill. No brother or sister to worry about." "what's your favorite piece Sir? I don't want to eat that." Bill grinned. "you're sitting on my favorite piece." Joey blushed. "I walked into that, didn't I?" Bill's answer was "How about walking into this?" as he pointed to his crotch.

The comments got raunchier as they finished a bottle of wine, and nibbled at a plate of cookies. Joey insisted that they act out scenes from "Lady and the Tramp" which he said was one of his favorite movies.

"Were you the Lady or the Tramp Joey?" "Oh, neither one Sir. I was just so happy that the two of them found each other." He was quiet and looked at Bill. "do you really think of me as a puppy?" "You have puppy dog eyes Joey. I can always tell when you think you're in trouble. But a puppy? No. If I had to pick an animal for you... hmmm. Maybe a smaller wild cat. Not a tiger, or a lion, or even a leopard but maybe an ocelot, or something like that." "I think of you as a big old Labrador retriever Sir. " "Oh,really? What color? "one of the golden ones Sir. They're my favorite. " "Is it my ears?" "No Sir, it's that big wet tongue of yours." Joey came over and kissed him, and took some of that tongue.

After dinner was over, and they had cleaned up, Bill asked "SO, what do young sexy gymnasts watch on Saturday night?" "Usually, Sir, we watch each other get turned down for dates because we're too short." "Well, you're the right size for me. Let's find some silly movie on TV." As it happened, one of Bill's favorite movies was on, and they watched "An American in Paris " Joey laying down against Bill, Bill's hands moving slowly, up and down the boy's chest and belly. "This is so nice Sir. It feels... oh, I don't have the words." "Don't try Joey. Sometimes you don't need them." Bill looked down Joey's body. "Young man, are you getting hard again?" "Sir, I've been hard for ten minutes with you playing with me like this. DAMN do you know what that does to me?" "I guess I do now. " He clicked the remote to turn off the movie. "Bedroom?" "Please Sir. Can you get those neckties out? I've been thinking about that night since I saw the toybox." "How could I turn you down for something like that?"

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Bill pulled out the two neckties. Joey stretched himself out on the bed, like he did that first time, scared and nervous. This time, he was eager and hard. Bill tied his wrists, and then he smiled. "Now, I didn't do this last time, because I didn't know my angel boy was so ticklish." He began to run his fingers up and down Joey's sides, as Joey struggled to hold in his laughter. He lasted about three minutes, before he broke into loud howls

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE STOP. NO REALLY STOP. I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT. ANYTHING." Bill stopped "Ok, I have a challenge for you." "What's that Sir? I like challenges." "At school this week, I want you to not jerk off for three days in a row. Start of the week, or end of the week, whichever you pick." "WHAT? FUCK NO" "OK...." Bill's fingers went back to work. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OK, you win you win. Early in the week. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday."

"Good boy. I'll try to drain you tomorrow, so Monday's easier. Right now though... I'm gonna fill you.." He kissed Joey all the way down the length of his body, before he licked his balls and got them all wet. Then, nearly as hard as Joey was, he entered the young man again.

"OH SIR. OH MY. OH WOW. You feel so good tonight. OH . OH. MY LOVER TAKES SUCH GOOD CARE OF ME." Bill kept on fucking Joey, but the word 'lover' didn't escape his notice. DAMN what this boy did to him. Then Joey set him off. He tightened his ass. "FILL ME LOVER. FILL ME." Bill did. With the resiliency of the young, Joey came the minute Bill flicked his tongue over his cockhead. "I wish I could sleep like this Sir." "It would hurt too much in the morning Joey. Trust me. I'll do the best I can to hold you down, cuchiaino. " Joey smiled. Bill remembered. And his big spoon held him tight, and safe, as he slept that night. He thought about the toys in the toy box. What was Bill going to use? He couldn't wait.

Next: Chapter 11

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