Slave 7

By Michael Robert

Published on Dec 22, 2022



Every one thank you very much for the feed back. As requested I have another chapter written. And again if there is grammar issues I apologize.

Mark lay on his side in the position of a ball in the cage he was put in. Confused and humiliated from what the man had done to him moments earlier, he began to moan and whimper like the bitch he was becoming. The taste of the man's salty cum still filled his throat and mouth. What did he do to be in such a predicament he thought. Mark eventually started to whimper. As this happened he herd the foot steps of what he assumed was the man that bought him and put him through so much agony. The foot steps would walk back and forth past the cage. Occasionally the man would kick the cage with his foot. With each kick Mark would moan and cry out, the man would reply with a cold laugh.

Eventually what sounded like a large door was herd opening and an industrial vehicle being backed in then was herd. Mark then felt the cage jolt, then be picked up. When placed down Mark could feel the cage he was in was now in some sort of transport vehicle. After the cage was placed down, piles of what sounded like polls were being placed into the vehicle as well. The fabric that covered the cage then was lifted up. Mark shivered and crunched his nude body together trying his best to hide is large erect cock. A cool breeze was felt through the cage which caused Mark to shiver like a little puppy. Mark herd the door to the cage open, when this happened he felt the man's strong hand rub the plug that was in his soar ass. "Mmmmm" Mark moaned into the gag. "Well we can't have you transported like this, you could get hurt." The man said in a sarcastic tone. The man then took his hands and grabbed Mark's cock and scalp and placed him on his ass and had him bend is knees up. When Mark's ass sat up in the cage, the plug pushed deeper into his whole. Mark moaned as this happened. "Don't move 7." The man barked. Mark then herd a poll being picked up and pushed into the cage. The first went right across his back. The secant just under his peck's and above his elbows, then another under his knees, then another under his chin, then another above his cock and balls and just below his fuck me lines, and finally one above his ankles. With the size of the cage and the poles in the relation to Marks lean athletic body, Mark was unable to move. Mark then felt the man take his hands and un-attach them from one another he then place each hand on the bar that was above his ankles, he then fascine each hand to it tight. The same then happen with his ankles. Mark then felt a sharp jolt on his cock from the device that he was still wearing on his cock. With the jolt Mark felt, it shook his toes and hands violently, this caused Mark to moan louder then ever. After this jolt Mark felt tight mitts being placed on each of his hands. When the mists were secured Mark could barley move his fingers, his palm started to sweat. He then felt a small piece if rope force his to large toes together, then be pulled up. From what he could tell the rope then was tied off to one of the poles with in the cage. This position caused his ankles to ach. Mark then felt another piece of rope wrap around his knees and then be tied off to another pole with in the cage. Mark then felt the man's knuckles press up on Mark's hard cock he then felt a giant piece of duct tape be placed across the shaft of his cock and being firmly pushed onto his abdomen. The man then wrapped several strips around his abdomen and back making his cock stand strait up. At this point Mark could not move a single part of his body. He truly was at the mercy of the man that bought him. "Let's see if you can move now." The man said to Mark. Mark felt the man's leather covered hands rub against is taped cock. Mark then felt the man's thumb rub his slit. This sensation made Mark go insane Mark. "Mmmmpppppp!" me screamed and cried. Mark did his best to squirm but the only thing that moved were his balls. "Oh all most for got them 7. Thank you for reminding me." The man said. Shortly after this Mark felt the man's hands press his smooth balls onto the floor of the cage he was in. He then felt more rope, he was not sure how but Mark felt his balls be pulled back hard by rope that went under his ass crack and up above behind him. . Now his balls could not bounce or move. "Lets see now" The man said. Mark then felt the worst sensation happen. He felt a long shock and the man's thum rub over his cock's slit. Mark screamed in discomfort and fear but could not move. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppppppppppppphhhhhhhhh!" Tears could be felt with in his blind fold. Mark moaned and moaned and screamed. His cock and body were in shear sexual agony by the hands of a very strong man. What then worried Mark was the pre-cum that was dripping from his cock's slit. "Looks like you like this 7." The man said. "One last touch." the man said. Mark whole body sat and did not move as beats of sweat poured down his nude chiseled body. He then felt something be placed on his head. Mark then herd nothing at all for the geared placed on his head drowned out all sound. Completely drained of all movement and sensory Mark only had his moans and tears and thoughts to pass the time by. Mark felt the cage he was contained in slam shut and be locked. A short moment later he felt the vehicle he was in start and then move to the next destination. The only thing Mark could do was moan and sob like a little bitch. Not knowing that this was just the beginning of his intense training as this mans new Slave.

Next: Chapter 4

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