Slave 7

By Michael Robert

Published on Dec 21, 2022



Every one thank you very much for the feed back. As requested I have another chapter written. And again if there is grammar issues I apologize.

Mark spend the next few hours drifting in and out of a light sleep. The thoughts going through his mind were this was a joke, or a haze his old fraternity buddies were doing to get even. But as the hours past it became more and more clear, his family really sold him out. Whack! Mark herd as a heavy pain went through his balls and into his lower stomach. "MMmpp" Mark moaned into his gag as the pain and slap on his balls awoken him. "Morning 7" the man said. Mark did not move but just lay there like a limp dog. "Time to feed you" the man said. Mark felt an object being placed around his strong neck. It felt like leather. After it was secure the sound of a small lock locking was heard. Then the clipping of a hook below Mark's chin. The man then took Marks wrists and undid each of them then secured them together. Mark in the position he was in could feel his cock, it was very hard. Mark reached down and started to play with it. The man saw this and slapped Mark's hands away. The man then grabbed Marks balls and squeezed. Mark moaned in pain. "That is not yours to touch any more, got it!" The man barked. Mark did not know how to answer. The man squeezed harder. The pain shot through Mark/s stomach and into his chest. "MMMMPPPHHH" Mark moaned in pain. "Do you under stand 7!" Mark nodded best he could quickly. The man released Mark's balls then un did Marks restrained legs and arms. The man then guided Mark up gently by the collar that was attached to Mark. As Mark sat up he felt his nude venerable body shiver in fear. The man then took his free hand and rubbed Marks very defined chest. Mark's nipples a light brown were the shapes of nickels sat in the center of his 42 chest . As the man's strong leather gloved hands rubbed Mark, Mark began to moan. Mark did not know why he had this reaction but it is what felt most natural.

Mark felt the man move his legs off the medal structure he was secured. As Marks bare size 11 feet contacted the ground, the man placed his hand on Marks shoulder and pushed firmly. Mark did not understand why, the man then slapped Mark quickly on his ass cheek. Mark moaned but did not move. "Sit 7!" The man said. Mark being a virgin to his training sat back down on the medal structure.

" On the floor." The man barked. Mark herd this and refused moaning "Fuck you". The man laughed a little then said "You have fight in you, I like that." Mark felt the leash be released and hit his balls. Shortly after that Mark felt the man place something around his cock and balls. Mark protested and swung the man just laughed and slapped Mark across the face like a bitch. Mark moaned, inside Mark knew what was said but still refused to accept what life he was being forced into. Mark then felt a quick jolt into his balls. Mark moaned in pain. "Now this is used for dogs to train them, I find that the human version is just as useful. Now Sit 7!" The man said. Mark began to cry and moan out of despair. Another jolt was felt. Mark again moaned and cried into his gag. "Sit" the man said in a now firm strong, authoritative way. Mark slowly crept his muscle, body off the structure. As he did this his limbs shook in fear. When on the ground he sat on his knees and firm as. The man then grabbed Mark by his scalp and pulled him to where he was on his knees with his back strait. Mark now kneeling with his back strait and arms secured in front of him. In this position his muscle defined smooth body made a shape of a V. In this position Mark's legs began to ach, Mark though did not move. Mark then felt the object in his mouth being pulled out. Mark breathed then said" Listen man I do not know who the fuck you are but your" – Slap Mark could not finish his sentence for the man bitched slapped him again. "I did not give you permission to speak 7." The man said. Mark breathed heavily, again tears started to fill his blind fold. "I don't care ass whole" Mark replied aggressively. Mark felt a jab to his abdomen. This caused him to hit the ground. "Time to be fed 7." Mark then was dragged across the floor by his ankles and pulled a He then was quickly secured into another holding device. When restrained Mark was in a kneeling position a large pull was forcing his chest outward and his arms tight secured behind his back and the pull. His ankles and legs in the same position. Mark then felt his head be pulled back a strap was placed across his fore head and locked. More straps were placed around Mark's boy. Each strap wrapping around his muscles. Mark moaned and yelled as this happened. The final strap was a ring that locked in place. Mark moaned as the man fought the ring into his mouth. "Now you can moan and scream all you want. " The man said after it was locked on. "Aaaggghhh!" Mark yelled though the ring gag. The man then walked up to Mark and started to rub Mark's nipple's and stork mark's hard cock."Looks like you're enjoying this 7" the man said to Mark. Mark could not believe his cock was hard with all the forced abuse that was happening to him. Mark then felt the man take his leather gloved hand and rub the inside of his throat. Mark gagged and moaned. "Looks like your virgin through is hungry 7" the man then said. Mark tried to shake his head no but could not. Mark then head the sound of a zipper going down. "Time to feed you." The man said. Mark then felt the man stand in front of him. Mark then felt the blind fold around his eyes be taken off. Mark blinked for a bit when his vision cam to the only thing he saw the muscle shadow of a man and a giant cock pointed down at him. Mark moaned and yelled as the giant cock entered his wet virgin mouth. "AGGHHMMMPPP" Mark yelled as the giant piece of meat descended into his tight mouth and throat. As the mans giant cock started plunging into his throat Mark's teeth scrapped the top of his cut cock. The man then was angered and sent a jolt into Mark's cock. Mark moaned and opened wider. Marks eyes began to fill with tears and fall down his cheeks as the Man `s pre-cum started to fill Marks mouth. As the man kept pushing into his mouth Mark gagged and cried like a little bitch. The man's smooth balls would rub Mark's chin as each down ward thrust would happen. "Time to eat" the man groaned. Then felt the man's body tighten, shortly after the man's cum filled Mark's mouth. Marked moaned and grabbed his restraints and pole he was tied to as the sensation happened. After the man pulled out. Mark did not want to swallow this man's cum. "Swallow" the man ordered Mark just sat there and moaned like a little bitch not knowing what to-do. The man then took his leather covered glover and forced Mark's throat open. Mark gagged as the man's cum went down his throat. The man's cum tasted salty. After the Man finished Mark off by spiting into his mouth slowly. Mark just sat there with his big brown eyes wide open with tears falling and humiliation in them. The man then quickly put a blind fold back on Mark and undid he arms and then legs. He then picked him up and walked him to another area of the room. Then from Mark could tell he was placed into a animal sixed cage for dogs. Mark then had a muzzle gage placed over his moth and locked on. Mark then herd the slamming of the door and the locking of it. Mark then herd a thick cloth substance placed over the cage. "This is what you will be transported in. Get some rest 7 you have a long day ahead of you." Mark just replied with a pathetic whimper.

More to come, comments always welcomed Luke Jayden

Next: Chapter 3

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