Slave 7

By Michael Robert

Published on Dec 20, 2022



Slave 7

The day was slow for Mark Baker, Mark A 25 year old account executive for WebMediaInc. Sat in his office looking at the clock. The reason his day at work was slow was because he was watching the clock go by. Mark?s position rarely required him to really work. Because of charm, good looks, and school/family ties he was put in the position of account executive over web media for his families advertising company. Unlike many of his other co-workers Mark could get away with a lax ethic because of his ties. Which made him very little friends at work. Mark knew this but did not care. Mark laid back in his office chair thinking about the hot chick he was going to bang tonight. He did not know her full name just that she was from a privileged family much like his. At the stroke of 5 o?clock Mark sat up logged off his commuter grabbed his black sports coat and left the office.

The lot Mark parked his black BMW in was parked in a dark area of the lot on a lower level the reason for this is because he felt that his car did not need to be parked with the ?Staff?. As Marked walked to his car he did not notice that his attractive body was being watched in the shadows of the lot. Mark clicked the key chain to his car and the alarm was turned off. Soon as Mark put the key into the car?s door, a strong leather glove went over Mark?s mouth. Mark being very strong instantly fought, but the struggle was short lived as Mark then felt a giant shock. He then hit the ground. The last thing Mark could remember was to large black boots in front of his dark brown eyes. Then a sharp poke and pain, then nothing at all.

Mark awake he opened his eyes but could not see; when feeling came to his arms and legs he tried to move them but could not. From what he could tell his arms were spread above him, Heavy leather feeling restraints were not allowing him to move his wrists. The restraints were fascine and lock on his biceps as well. His legs were in the same condition. Mark tried to yell but the only thing that came from his mouth was an ?mmmmppphhhh?. Some thing large and thick was placed in it. Mark tried to push it out but found that it was locked into his mouth. Mark also felt his body was nude except for a pair of tight black briefs that he was wearing. Mark tried to squirm and moan but he could not. After a few minutes Mark?s chiseled smooth body started to sweat , Mark started to fight in his restaurants. But the more he fought the more soar he became.

?Ssshhh? Mark herd in his right ear. Mark froze for he was not alone. ?I am will be blunt,? The voice of a masculine man said.? Your families company has not been doing well, instead of removing employees they decided that they would sell you.? Mark hearing this started to panic and yell but just muffles were herd. Struggle all you want, now I am a man that is of great wealth and power, I help out struggling people like your folks and there companies.? The man said. ?Now no one is going to report you missing, your family knows you?re here, as do there friends for I have been referred to your family by there friends.? Mark started to breath quickly in a panic as the words began to sink in. ? Now being that you are a arrogant ass, no one will really miss you. So understand now you belong to me. Your name is no longer Mark, your name is 7. You will be a slave I will train, if I grow tired of you I will sell you. If you learn to play by the rules you will stay with my stable and family. Do I make my self clear?? Mark felt the man?s hands massage his balls. Mark suddenly panicked again and screamed and yelled into his gag as the man rubbed Mark?s balls and cock. ?I own these, and this.? Mark felt the man push a wet object into his whole. Mark screamed as it went in for he was strait and did not ever have anything to do with anal sex. Mark though started to get stiff as this happened. He then felt pre cum drip from his large trimmed cock. ?MMMMppphhh! ? Mark moaned as the Man massage the object in and out of his tight virgin whole. After a few moments of this the man pushed the objet all the way in Mark tried desperately to push it out like he was going to the bath room, but it would not budge for it felt as if something was locking it in. Under the blind fold Mark was wearing tears started to form. Mark was scared for just hours earlier he was hansom, arrogant trust fund baby. But now he was betrayed by his family and made a piece of property to some stranger. What he could not also understand was why was he hard from the abuse and humiliation that was happening to him. ?Now if you wish to know where you are, you are in a holding area in the city that you live. This is where I hold my cargo.? The man said. Mark settled after this was said. ?Now if you try to escape you won?t. The place is sound proof and electronically locked and only I know the codes to open the door. Now I am tired so just relax quietly as I sleep, for tomorrow we will start transporting to the estate earlier then expected. ?Mark moaned in sorrow and fear, and then man then left. Leaving Mark to think of his new life, as Slave 7.

I know the grammar may not be the best but please excuse me for I am dyslexic comments are always accepted. More to come.

Luke Jayden

Next: Chapter 2

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