Slave 533

By Wade Stewart

Published on Jul 19, 2019



Slave 533 (my journey to Servitude) .......


I had never served a Master, though in my younger years had often fantasised about a Master/Slave relationship, but not followed up on the idea.

I met "Master Mike 1975" on a gay dating site. Sir, is how I will refer to him for the rest of this narrative. We had exchanged numerous text-messages and screen-calls -- something that I'd not experienced before, due to my lack of interest in technology.

Sir, and I live in different cities. We both have professional lives, so meeting-up was going to depend on various work-and social-schedules.

We finally had a date and Sir booked his flights and accommodation. I was to meet Sir at his hotel, present myself and prove my willingness to serve...

Sir, caught me on the back-foot instructing me to meet him at the airport instead.

CHAPTER ONE - 22 June 2019

I was waiting in the arrival/s hall, dressed as instructed. This included a butt-plug in my arse and the chastity device I'd been instructed to buy and had been wearing, on and off as part of the build-up to this, our first meeting.

I was nervous with anticipation and also much anxiety, I'd been able to talk, the proverbial talk, now it was time to walk-the-walk. My anxiety stemmed from the fact that I'd not been sexually active for a number of years, let alone on this level!

I recognised Sir, as he did me, at the same time. I was surprised at how tall he was. Bearded, short-cropped hair, nothing outwardly gay about him. We shook hands, I took his overnight bag and proceeded to follow his brisk pace to the designated smoking area of the airport. Upon finishing his cigarette, I paid for the parking and we proceeded to the car. Little did I realise that I'd left the ticket in the machine and had to keep Sir waiting, while I had to deal with the issue at hand. First impressions count, I would come across as "dizzy". No, first transgression, which would result in some form of punishment/ corrective training.

Sir's room wasn't ready, despite the early check-in request. Sir was not happy about this and I was concerned that it would not bode well for me. Sir was hungry and so we took advantage of the hotel's restaurant. Sir asked how I was feeling and I described my fears and concerns.

Sir told me that I needed to trust myself, as this commitment could not be taken lightly and needed total faith in myself and him. I was surprised by his level of caring and concern for my wellbeing -- immediately I knew I could trust him for the duration of our time together -- even going so far as to forgo any safe-words.

Sir's room was ready. I was instructed to go into the bathroom, strip down and wait to be called. Again, I was asked if I was ready to proceed in my training. I agreed and was subsequently blindfolded and instructed to lick Sir's boots as the official greeting to Sir and my new (lesser)status.

I surprised myself at my willingness to surrender to the task at tongue. The mind is the greatest (sex) organ, once you accept this, any task becomes a labour of love. Pleasing Sir was a pleasure, for I knew that if I was making him happy, I'd be afforded more opportunities to try and please him further and therefore I'd be happy in the knowledge that I was giving my Master pleasure and (hopefully) pride in my ability to serve.

From boots and blindfolds to various nipple clamps, cbt, cock and ball sucking and licking, to having various sizes of plugs inserted to stretch my arsehole -- Sir's ultimate pleasure chest.

It was during one exercise I touched Sir's cock as I was moving my hands to his nipples. My second transgression. There were various repetitions of the same tasks in different orders and under different sub-texts and various forms of having my limits tested for endurance, experience and willingness to submit to new forms of play / pleasure and extreme endurance -- weighted nipple clamps, ball torture, arse stretching (assorted plugs and dildos), mouth stretching and techniques of giving Sir more and different ways of learning to pleasure him. Another time Sir leant in close to whisper something in my ear, I thought Sir was going to kiss me, so I responded by bring my mouth forward -- my third transgression.

I believe Sir sensed I was flagging in energy / ability to concentrate, so offered me time-out which I gladly accepted. Ten minute time-out would be sufficient to perform the corrective training for my first transgression at the airport. I was blindfolded, gagged, plugged and clamped. Made to stand facing the wall, nose against the wall, arms above my head, I needed to focus on how this exercise made me feel.

Sad, hurt that I had failed Sir and thus myself. Worse that this situation would present itself at least twice more.

We resumed training, learning how to please Sir through acts of sucking, licking , worshipping his nipples, his armpits etc. Weights, clamps blindfolds, restraints and assorted toys to stretch and open both my mouth and arse. Time seemed to go by incredibly fast, and again my body's responses to all the attention started to fail me.

Again Sir stopped play and asked how I was feeling. I explained that I was feeling faint from all the adrenaline and various sensations that I'd been experiencing. I was given another time out, this time though was different as Sir surprised me by blindfolding me and then proceeded to do an elaborate rope bondage surrendering me entirely useless. Sir explained that time-out did not mean I would lie on the bed like an equal - I needed to be reminded of my status, even in rest.

I am in bondage, I've never felt to useless -- my limbs are not my own. Panic started to set in ... basic meditation technique is not to give into the panic. I told myself: you know you are safe, you cannot do anything so just let go. I did and the calm of surrender was a truly amazing. My mind went somewhere else ... Sir gently stroked my arm, his touch, a pulse of energy like electricity, brought me back to reality.

To the reader it might sound crazy, but this is the only way I can describe both sensations that happened simultaneously.

CHAPTER TWO: 22 June 2019

Sir suggested we stop for dinner, as apparently my stomach was rumbling. We had agreed that I would treat Sir to dinner, as a small token of appreciation for Sir's time, effort and expenses to date. I remind you, reader that I am a novice and Sir had put in many hours talking to me about servitude and the various aspects that it entails to be a good slave.

Sir, caught me on the back foot again and suggested we do room-service as he quote unquote "do not wish to share your company with other people around". I was totally floored, but incredibly happy at the same time. I must be doing okay for Sir not to want some distraction from our hotel room. It showed me, while being Sir, there was also substance to this man, he was human too.

After we had eaten, Sir would have a smoke and while he was doing so I would lick his feet and suck his toes, as correction for my second transgression. Sir said it was a very degrading form of punishment, yet I didn't think so. Size 12 feet are large, I had my work cut-out for me ... but suck-ceeded to make Sir happy.

Sir said it was time for bed, he'd had a very busy work week. I expected to sleep on the floor, but was told I would share Sir's bed -- a privilege that I had earned. Oh happy day, lying next to a burly, bearded, leather Master -- the first time sharing a bed in many years. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much but eventually did fall asleep.

Some hours later I woke sensing someone next to the bed, Sir.

"Welcome back boy", he said. He pulled back the covers and straddled me, kissing and licking me. We hugged, kissed and cuddled for what seemed like a long time. I took his cock, notfor the first time that day, but the last. There was a gentleness and intensity I'd not felt earlier during our time together. I really felt I was loved and belonged to this man.

Stop the press here. I suffered childhood trauma at the hands of an abusive father. Sir knows this, so had agreed not to "spank" me.

Sir said it was time for final sleep, as Sir had an early morning flight to catch back home, but before that there was still the matter of the third transgression... Caught on the back foot again, Sir asked me to choose my punishment!

I really wanted to earn his trust and approval, so I asked to be spanked by his bare hand, a firm slap on each cheek, ten in total. Sir I know was surprised, possibly proud, but asked if I was sure considering my trauma. I said I was willing to try and if I couldn't complete this task, Sir would choose the alternative. Again, the care and concern was unbelievably reassuring and made me more determined to try.

Sir told me how I was to count each stroke and thank accordingly. He made me lie on my stomach, one arm holding me around the chest, to let me know I was safe in his company. The other hand was free to carry out each stroke. I survived and enjoyed this, only because I felt it was an act of love and devotion to another. I wanted to cry, my heart was bursting with pride -- not by my ability but by Sir's words of praise and acceptance.

I remember falling asleep in human bondage -- Sir's arms and legs were wrapped tightly around me as he nuzzled my neck.

CHAPTER THREE: 23 June 2019

Sir's alarm goes off. Sir is deep in sleep, so I wake him as gently as possible. After the third "snooze" button, I offer to make Sir some coffee. I have been told in a previous conversation how Sir likes it and importantly how it should be presented.

Coffee made, given to Sir along with his cigarettes, lighter and ashtray. I climb back in the covers, this time between Sir's legs and proceed to suck his cock. Sir is very responsive to my attention but stops me and tells me to swallow. Sir proceeds to use my mouth as a urinal for his first water of the day. Fluids from Sir is a gift, I accept gladly and willingly, and get praised accordingly.

Coffee and cigarette finished I am told to get a different chastity device and kneel infront of Sir. I am asked if I am willing to wear this device as a sign of dedication and devotion to our Commitment ? My response is to the affirmative. Sir locks the chastity device in place and says he is taking the key with him.

Sir lies back on the bed. I am instructed to insert a butt-plug, nipple clamps and straddle Sir, with a blindfold in hand which I put in place once positioned. I am to lick Sir's balls. I proceed and after some time am told to stop.

Sir places a chain around my neck and asks me to repeat the words he says. They are sentences, the primary words I list below.

willingly freely not to get fucked by another not to suck another not to pleasure yourself in any way to trust, obey and serve without question

Sir then rubs my face and chain with a liquid of sorts -- his cum -- and declares me his slave 533, as he has registered me as his property in the International Slave registry.

I am summoned to the bathroom and instructed to climb into the shower and soap and lather my Sir down - my first duty as His slave.

My second duty is to polish Sir's boots, while he dresses and I am still naked -- collared and caged, for Sir to admire and me to fully understand the significance of this occasion!

Hotel check-out.

Drive Sir to the airport. I don't want Sir to leave. I believe in this short space of time, I love this Man -- My Master, Sir.

At the airport, while Sir smokes his last cigarette in my company I ask permission to speak. It is granted. I tell Sir I have sincerely enjoyed our time together, I am incredibly happy and hope that Sir feels the same...

Sir gives a chuckle that comes from somewhere deep within, gives a smile that lights his eyes and says, "Yes, boy".

Later that day I text Sir and ask him if he has got some sleep after his journey and time spent with me.

"I am tired boy, but happy, it was so-so worth it".


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