Slave 165

By keith farrell

Published on Dec 3, 2023


Sorry I have been very lax in writing, I am still writing, but struggling to get the courage to do more. It is all your encouragement that is getting me going again. I will make the effort to finish writing two chapter a week and get them posted for you to read, That is if my editor can keep up, with Donny's help this story would not have made it this far. without Larry talking to me and being an advance reader, it also would not have gotten written, I have3 had a lot of encouragement and suggestions that I turn this into a book. some of my friends have asked to be included in the story and I have done so, using in some cases something which they have had to deal with but putting my own twist on it. On a happy note, I am glad to see that Tom has come out. I wish him and his bf lots of lovely time together.

Thanks for those of you that have helped keep Nifty free. I do know of a few people who have found out what they enjoy based on our stories, but remember these are only stories, no one should ever be hurt and children must always be protected. adults don't have sex with under age children. In most countries the age of consent is 16. If your country has a lower age of consent then it is okay to read these stories, but if not lets keep it legal.

Thanks Keith

Slave 165 ch 33


I got everyone into the living room and switched the TV on to the channel that I had been told we needed to watch. A few minutes later the news came on, first up was all about the slavery riots in America. They rehashed Luke's speech to the Slavery Authority, and then started going through his points one by one.

It seemed everyone had been so blind, that they had allowed their rights to be taken away. Now there were calls for rapid change. It was found that in some states that under sixteen year olds had been sold, and that they were all being used as pleasure slaves. People had lost sight of what slavery was supposed to be for. There was a lot of finger pointing about the countries stance on gay people and the remarks made by Luke that you cannot be anti gay if you are having sex with guys.

The fact that these guys were slaves did not change the reality that they were guys. The big banks and gambling houses had all been involved in the slave trade, it was all for profit. A large number of those young people were being used in the casinos, and were now being used as pleasure slaves.

Parents, who had sold their children into slavery, thought that their children would be freed after the debt was settled, but they were discovering that their children had been sold into life slavery. The agreements had been changed because the banks had inserted small print allowing them to change the terms of the contract at will with no additional negotiations and without the slave or the parent's knowledge. Some of the young people had been sold and been removed from the country as livestock.

There were calls for the people used as security for loans by their parents to be freed and that damages would have to be paid for everyday beyond the contracted term. Already some children were being freed and claiming damages from their parents, the banks and the dealers. The government that had been making massive profits was going to have to bail out the banks and businesses. Gay rights groups had started again and gay people were starting to take back control of their lives. Equal rights had become a crying point. I could not believe in such a short span of time so much was happening. It seemed as if a veil had been covering everyone's eyes.

On the local front, the news was about gambling places trapping young people into debt in order to enslave them. Overnight most of the company directors and managers had been arrested. The businesses were closed and assets seized by our government. It had been found they were part of the American cartel dealing in slaves. They planned to sell young people to the Middle East for use as slaves.

The news of young people being sold as slaves in the Middle East would cause calls for inspections and return of those people that had been sold as slaves. It seemed that Luke had woken up a sleeping giant. No one had a problem with criminals becoming slaves. The problems started when business became involved with slavery. They saw it as a good way to make lots of money quickly.

Our government was re-evaluating their slavery policy. They will only allow people to be enslaved for crimes and all slave owners would be inspected regularly. No slaves would be sold and no one can get enslaved for debt. Then they mentioned the slavery standards that had been set up and were being practised. It was felt by closing the slave marketing there would be better controls of slaves.

They also mentioned a new policy of younger people in need of control being shown what it is like for them to become slaves, it is hoped that given the right incentive, they would turn their lives around. Then they said a pilot program is being run at the moment and it would be evaluated every three months. It was felt that the outcome of this sort of program would show results at the six month point.

The government still felt there was a place for slaves. Life slaves would be calmed and used in hard labour. These would be people who showed no respect for human life or other people's property. Time slaves would be for a maximum of five years. Once out of a timed slavery period if the person offends a third time, then they would become life slaves. The Scottish government was not going to allow the companies to take over the slaves and use them as a business. They said that they have seen the utter failure of slavery in America and Scotland is not going to follow the same path.

I sat there thinking about the news for some time. My office can be nice and private and a good place to think. I do miss my old office, but my world has changed so much the last six months. The children went off to do their own thing and Luke had a number of admirers. No one told me that I was running a pilot program, although I suspected that Melvyn had something to do with this. I am sure Graeme's two brothers would sort themselves out. My children are very forceful and they bring out the best in each other. Everything is a little competition.

I had Graeme bring his brothers in for a chat and the two boys looked broken. I think the spanking must have shocked them. I asked them about their schooling and found out it was pretty poor. The older one was able to leave school now that he is sixteen, but I was not going to allow that to happen, they would learn the old fashioned way. I made it clear that they would be going to school with the family. They would be watched all the time and there would be reports sent home every week from their teachers. For both their grade levels, I opened my filing cabinet and removed a set of standard examinations for each of their grades, and instructed them to complete the exams, so that I could evaluate them. Graeme led them to the table on the other side of the office and told them to sit and start. He noted their starting time and noted their end time. Graeme told them to carry on and he would come and check them when they should be finished.

I felt I had to continue with all the work I needed to catch up on. I had to check the bank statements, marked off the rentals that had come in and made note of those needing new rental contracts. I then browsed the property auction sites to see if there were any good deals. There were quite a few that I liked, so I phone the agents direct and put in cash offers on those properties that I wanted. They had already started to become accustomed to my way of doing business and said they will be in contact with the sellers and come back to me as soon as they have an answer.

I completely lost track of time and got a little fright when Graeme came to me with their exams. I had him sit down with me, so that he could see what I was doing and I made notes. The first thing I noticed about both boys was their inability to write. This was a problem I had struggled with on all my children. It seems that young people are no longer being taught how to write. These two will learn how to write. Once I had finished I had a sizeable lists drawn up for each boy. We then set up a plan to bring them up to the correct grade level for their age. I think by this time Graeme knew that I wanted to see his brothers do well. He also understood that they were in need of some tough love.

I explained to both boys what I expected; I also made it clear that there would be punishments for them if they did not do their work to the best of their ability. A bad report from their teacher would earn them a caning. The two boys looked at each other. I could see they were not sure about this idea. They had no idea of how getting caned hurts. I gave them a moment to consider what I had said and then made an alternative suggestion that I could allow Graeme to spank them instead, but both boys quickly opted for the caning.

Graeme said that as soon as we have finished the boys had opted to give both brothers a good slave clean up in the shower room. I knew what this meant and I saw fear in the eyes of the two boys. I asked them if they had noticed anything about my boys. After a little thought they both mentioned that all my boys have no body hair. I told them that is what the boys decided amongst themselves, and today would be their turn. That seemed to make them relax.

It suddenly registered that both the brothers were standing in the correct slave at rest pose. I thought this was strange as I had not heard anything being said. I had to ask and was respectfully informed that Boss had instructed them to stand there to one side and wait. They had a crash course on the way slaves stand overnight and had felt that they needed to do their best to follow protocol.

While watching the two of them, I realised that the older one Shane was becoming slightly agitated and nervous. I watch silently for a few minutes, then asked if either of them were smokers. They both said that they had started smoking. The younger one said that he had smoked just a few cigarettes. The older one admitted that not only was he smoking a lot of cigarettes, but he had also been smoking funny tobacco. To my raised eyebrows he admitted that it was marijuana. Without being asked Graeme went to the medicine cabinet in our room and took out some Nicotine gum and once it was explained Shane calmed down. I knew we would have to keep an eye on him, but I told him that he would not be allowed to smoke either of those again. Graeme asked him if he had met Chuck while locked up then advised him to stay away from drugs or that could be him.


It has been terrible today; I thought that as we had not done anything wrong we were going to be allowed to go home. Then we were told that we have to live as slaves, but the worst was yet to come. When we arrived at the house, all the people were nude and seemed to be working hard to get the house spotless. Man this place is clean. When I was told to strip, I thought it was a joke. We had not even unpacked, and then Graeme got all bossy and told us to strip before he got to zero, he only gave us to the count of three, then he started counting again. Thankfully we were both undressed by the time get got back to three. I have never undressed so quickly.

I really thought Graeme was joking about the spanking. When we asked him, Graeme said he was going to really spank us. He explained what we had to do and asked us not to embarrass him, but we did. Hell, I never knew he could hit so hard.

The first two hits were such a shock; I have never had a hiding. Yes we had been told that people used to give hidings to the naughty children. I thought one more and then this over, but Graeme stopped, and then gave the same whacks to Robert. Now I could see how hard he was hitting and then he stopped. I was thinking it was over, but Graeme then reminded both of us about what we had forgotten to do and that he would have to start over, and this time it was ten times harder. I did remember this time, but I could not stop the tears running down my face and I could see Robert had the same problem.

When Master Luke took our balls in his hands and told us who he was, I was really scared. This is the person Chuck had warned us about. He seems to enjoy cutting a guy's nuts off. I thought he was going to have us loose our nuts and that made me cry harder. He even checked out my butt. I thought he was going to make Graeme hit us again.

What was even more embarrassing was standing to eat, and the girls could see us. I know Robert had a tough time with that as he likes girls. The food was really good; I have never tasted anything so great. Everyone had plenty to eat and they all chatted together. I did not know who were the slaves and who were not, it just seemed like one big happy family.

The other big shock was having to do the exams. The papers were almost the same as the last year at school, this time I found the work really hard because I could not look around and see someone else's answers. Today has not been a good day and I feel that I am stressed, but Graeme has not suggested a smoke break and I have not had one since yesterday. We both stood quietly in the slave at rest position as Chuck had shown us. Chuck also said not to talk unless we were asked something. He explained that if we did we would get spanked.

We were told what was expected from us as far as school work was concerned. Damn, I was not planning on going back to school, now I am being told that not only am I going to carry on in school, but that I will learn how to write properly and that some of the older boys would help us.

Then what Graeme said next had me very worried, I thought they were going to shave our heads to make us look like real slaves like Chuck, and then it was explained the smooth look, which I had seen on all the boys. I had wondered if they all shaved, but I never saw any cuts or marks that looked like razor marks. I had wondered how they managed to look so smooth. I find it sexy and some of the guys here are very hot. Graeme had gone to great lengths to remind us of the house rule. If someone does not want sex then no one can make them.

Watching Graeme with the baby, it is funny as he seems to be a better mother than most of the young woman I see around the housing estate and he always has that baby monitor near him. Every time there is a little noise, he stops what he is doing just to make sure the baby is okay. I wonder how long it is going to be before the baby has a nick name. I somehow don't think he is always going to be called Trevor.

What fun it was in the shower, although I did not like that goo they used on my body, Graeme said it was a lot better than shaving and this only has to be done about once a year. It is nice to be smooth again. I know some guys love body hair, but I like my guys smooth and horny. I thought we were going to have a little sexual fun in the shower, but nothing happened.

All the boys are great to look at, but I think the dark curly haired guy is soooo hot, I must find out his name. I hope he is single, as he is just perfect.


What a shit day this has turned out to be and damn, Graeme can hit hard. Those six whacks were so painful. Now I know why they said we would not be sitting down to eat. It is at least an hour ago and sitting down to do these tests really hurt my bum. I did feel very ashamed when we stood there naked because there were girls in the room, funny they did not seem to mind or even look. Thinking about it, with all the boys going naked here from time to time, they must see lots of hardons.

The food was out of this world. We have had take-out a few times and it is nowhere near as good as this food. I did manage to ask one of the other boys about the food while we were clearing the table and found out that they eat like this every day. I wondered why they were not all fat.

Graeme looks great and I think he could be a model. He walks nicely too. He never walked like that when he was at home; it is almost like he is proud to be a slave. I don't really understand it, but it sounded like they were telling mum that he is also rich now. He is a slave, so how can he be rich? Maybe that was just to frighten mum when she wanted to take the baby home. I know mum so well.

I did not struggle too much with the school work; I just left the parts we had not yet learned. I thought that would be okay. But the Master... is that right, the Master? I don't know. But anyway, the Master said I should have tried harder, he said a wrong answer is better than no answer at all. I see we are going to be made to work hard. Shane seemed to do worse than me.

I had to admit that I had started smoking, but as I have only had a few so far, they think I will be okay. I have been told we are not allowed to smoke or drink and that if we are caught doing either of those we could end up becoming slaves for real. While watching the news I listened to them talking about an intervention program, to teach people about what it is like to be a slave. It did not take much to realise that we are on the new program. I know we are being watched, and if we screw up then we will become slaves, but if we do our best then we will be free to live our lives.

I think that Shane would be quite happy to stay here for the rest of his life. I see how he was looking at that one boy, I think I heard him called Logan, I don't know if he is gay, but he seemed to enjoy spreading that horrible goo all over us. I had just started to look nice and furry. I know girls find that hot and now it is all gone. This is not fair and I look like a little boy again. I am so angry, but I know I must not show it or I will get spanked again.

We were given a choice of who punishes us if we don't do well at school. I did not want Graeme to do it again as he hits too hard. But when I saw the other option, I will take the paddle over the cane any day. For some reason we are both scared of Luke and yet he seems like such a calm and happy boy. No one spoils him and they all just treat him as one of the family. I see so much love in this home and it seems everyone loves each other. They all help and no one is better than anyone else. I know Graeme is supposed to be a slave, but nobody talks to him like a slave.

Our supper was a light meal. And everyone gathered around to watch TV. I am very glad we are all dressed again. I do feel strange being in pajamas, `onesies', which are nice and warm. I notice Luke is sitting on Master's lap and Graeme seems to be cuddled in next to him with the baby Trevor on his lap. I have watched him change the diapers twice now. Graeme explained that although we call them nappies, they are really diapers. Nappies were the old style cloth ones. Graeme is very good with the baby. I would not know what to do.


It has been a long day, and I am tired, but we always sit together and the children each come to say goodnight before going off to bed, I never have to remind them when their bedtime arrives. They will all follow the same route to bed, with a stop to brush their teeth and use the loo before going to bed.

It is not even 10pm when Graeme and I go off to bed, we put Trevor in his room, which is nice and cozy for Trevor. The monitor is set. Once we were in bed, Graeme finds ways to relax me. He also gave me a great back massage afterwards, I don't even remember falling asleep.

Next: Chapter 34

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