Slave 165

By keith farrell

Published on Sep 22, 2013


Last week I gave a little rundown of how I see my story. I am still struggling on with chapter 34, it is coming together and I hope you will all enjoy this story. I have more ideas for carrying the story and considering writing another. I love hearing from those of you who contact me about the story. remember it is nice to receive some feedback, when I am down and in lots of pain, I make myself continue for you, my readers. Please remember us the writers and our editors, I could not do this without my editor. and also Nifty, without Nifty we would never get to read all the stories.

Hugs Keith

Slave 165 ch 27


It was a total shock to see the slave VP's two older sons branded as slaves. They looked so hopeless. I am sure that they would rather have died than have to live through this. I know I could never go through what they are being made to go through. I asked the slavery officer about that tight metal band around their balls with a link to their collars and he explained it was for using their leads, now I notice that the link is actually the lead that is hooked onto their collar. How disgusting! He explained that when we take our slaves out in public or anywhere for that matter, we take them by their leads, and we would find locking posts at most places to attach our slaves to while we go inside to look at things. I asked if slaves are not allowed in shopping centres and was told that they have their own entrances to use, but normally they would be locked to a post outside as most shops do not allow slaves inside.

He also explained that the slaves are here to keep our rooms spotless, and that there are inspections done by the staff when we are out and if they have been found to be lazy, then the hotel will punish them. This was when I drew the line and I exploded. I told him that we are a big family and take care of ourselves. These slaves will help us, and if they need punishment we will take care of it ourselves. If our wishes are going to be over ridden, then we will inform the President, after all he invited us and he gave these two slaves to my son. Now I expect you to inform this hotel accordingly. There will be no inspections while we are out. I almost pushed the man out of our room, I was so angry. All I could see was my little boy, upset.

I was pleased to see Luke allowed the two to stand up; he took them into the living room area, and introduced them to his brothers and sister. He then asked them to tell him about themselves, he told them to leave nothing out, simply because he wanted to know the truth. I love my little man. He is so grown up at times. I wish I could keep him at this age, but I know I cannot and I am sure he is going to become someone special.


I felt that I would speak first. Once they find out that I am gay, they might kill me, or turn me into a sex slave. I know that we are on the tenth floor and with the windows open and I think I can make it if things really get bad. God I hope I don't have to. I am prepared to spend my life as a slave, but I am not prepared to be abused. I have seen how some people treat their slaves, and I have heard that this master as young as he is will have our balls cut off if he does not like us. If that is going to happen I am going to jump out that window. I started talking slowly and respectfully, but I was tensed up and was ready to make a dash if needed.

I told our master how I had grown up, what I was good at and finally it came time to admit that I am gay, and I whispered that I am gay. I was so scared, but he replied to me in a gentle voice and asked me to please repeat myself so that all his brothers could hear. I started trembling, I knew my end was coming, so I repeated what I had said and waited to see if they were going to get mad. Somehow, nothing happened, and no one said anything. I looked up at my young master to see he was smiling. Master Luke said he is so happy that I could say that, because most of his brothers were gay.

He then told me that they have rules, rules that even a slave must follow. I looked at him and waited for him to continue. Master Luke then told me that if someone wants sex and the other party does not, then it will not happen. No means No. I thought he was joking. I explained that over here slaves do not have any rights. If a free person wants to have sex with a slave then they can. Slaves also get used as toilets, so we have to allow a free person to piss in our mouths. I told them that some masters even shit in their slave's mouths. I heard several gasps. I felt I had to be honest about everything. I told them that we could be whipped if a master was not happy with something we had done.

Master Luke asked if I had ever done any of those things to my slaves. I answered truthfully that I had not, although I did know of some of my friends who did make their slaves drink their piss. I said that I had always made sure that my slave was clean and his mouth fresh. I am gay, I could kiss the slave and I did not want to kiss a smelly mouth. I wanted to make love with a guy, but the problem is that our state has all gay people enslaved, and normally as sex slaves. I was too scared to ever let anyone know I was gay. By this time I could feel tears running down my face and Master Luke opened his arms and stepped up to me. He pulled me into a hug, and told me not to worry that will never happen, and that I am his brother. I did not understand the brother part, but I could feel his love. This young master has a lot of love in him.


I listened to what my brother said and I looked at how he was standing. I know my brother, and he is fast. I saw him glance at the open window and then I knew. He told about how slaves are treated and I know what he said is right. I too have seen the way some of our friends treat their slaves. My brother and I had always talked about things, and when we got our slave, we agreed that we would not do any dirty stuff with him. We both enjoyed getting blowjobs and loved the feel of his smooth skin, but neither of us fancied having to put our cocks into someone else's piss.

I felt ashamed when he told them what happens to gay people in our state, because I knew if anyone found out that is what would happen to my brother. I don't know what happens to gay people in Scotland. I could hear from the boy's way of speaking that they are from Scotland.

I expected to see my brother run for the window, but what I saw was smiles from all these boys. Then our young master explained their rules about sex. Man they would have problems in our state, since it seems that they are all gay. They would be enslaved as soon as anyone found out, or reported them. Our young master asked me to tell my side. I told them that I believed I am straight, although I do enjoy getting a blowjob or fucking a slave, but I always think of girls while doing it. The problem is in our state if a guy has sex with his girlfriend and does not marry her, he will end up as her slave. She could sell him or make him work, in order to provide for her. If she fell pregnant you would be castrated, therefore guys don't have any sex with the girls.

I was asked how I had treated our slave; I was truthful when I told them that I was ashamed of how I had treated them. I had at times been told by my friends to spank my slave for doing something too slowly or not giving a good blowjob and to save face I had given out the punishment. I knew it was wrong, but I could not risk being seen as a person who is soft on slaves.

I told them about my shame being enslaved at school and that I was a good student. Good at sports and that I was popular. I had a girlfriend, we only kissed and cuddled, and she knew I had sex with our slave. I told how we had been treated by our friends when we were enslaved and that I had cried about the branding. The shame of being stripped in the front of the class, being branded, and then having this horrible lead fitted to my balls. The shame of being dragged around by your balls, and I never gave it a thought until it happened to me. If I could change two things, it would be the branding and the leads. I then broke down and cried as never before, I felt that this whole slavery thing was wrong.

I had to admit about dad, and his plans for us to run his business for him when he became President. Dad thought he was invincible and no one could ever take him down. Dad never counted on being caught and he was a man who always got his way. I have watched him break people who would not do what he wanted. I know he has had people killed to make examples of them.

No one crosses dad, not even his children. Mom left him because he fucked every woman that he could. She got tired of having to have treatment for STD's. Yes dad never knew that I heard all their fights, I was only a child but I knew. What I don't understand is why mom carried on taking money from dad all these years. I'm sure that had mom been working herself, she would never have been enslaved and neither would we have been.


I wanted to cry as I listened to their stories. I could tell they were talking from their hearts. When the first one started talking I saw that he was really hurting. I saw that he looked ready to do something and I was also ready. I don't like the way slaves are treated here. Daddy has always said that when you treat a person as an animal, then you are no longer a person. Daddy says that people always have a need for love and yes even slaves have to feel that they can become someone. Just because some people have become slaves, does not mean they are not allowed to have feelings, get hurt, or cry and as daddy says they can still think.

I have never seen daddy as cross as he was with that slavery officer. I heard what daddy said, we all did even though daddy had taken the man to near the door. I know my brothers and they will all protect these slaves. I will not be surprised if one of my brothers is not here all the time, to make sure that what daddy said is done. I feel sorry for the hotel if they disobey daddy.

By the time Kalum had finished telling his story, I knew that he was one of us, even before he told us that he was gay. I am not stupid and I could see from the way Gaige was looking at him, that Gaige had fallen in love. When Kalum told us that he was gay, I did hear him, but I wanted to make sure that Gaige had heard him, and then I saw the smile on Gaige's face, then I hugged Kalum. I wanted him to know that he was family.

Kyle was different, and at first I did not know if I liked him, but then I thought of what daddy would do. Daddy would always give someone a chance to say everything. Daddy said if you allow someone to talk long enough they will tell you everything. They will not even know that they had told you. Kyle talked about so many different things. The more he talked the more I knew he was hurting. He had been used and I wished I could make everything alright.

I told both of them that they must not worry, we will be family. I told them that I was very tired and needed a nap. I also asked them if they would mind writing down everything they know of how slaves are treated, and everything they have experienced since being enslaved. I could see they wanted to know why I wanted to know this, but were too afraid to ask. I told them that me and daddy have to talk to the people in charge of slaves here, and that the President would be with us. I knew daddy would need to know all the truth.


When did Luke become so cleaver? He has manipulated these two into telling him everything that he wants to know. My young man seems to have learnt a lot in the time he has been with me and he reads people. The only thing I can think of is the number of times he has sat on my lap and watched how I get the truth out of people. I am shattered and I decided I needed to rest, I know my little man also needs to rest, so I decided that I am going to do just that. Rest, while these two made all the notes Luke had asked for and I agree with Luke. We will need this rest if we are to keep our humanity.

A quick reminder and most of the family were off to rest. The two new boys had a look of relief on their faces. I reminded them that while here they are still slaves and that they are not free yet. They need to make sure that they obey the rules as slaves until such time as we return to Scotland. I wondered briefly about the chips. I was surprised to learn for all the advancements in the USA, they are still many years behind the rest of the world in this department. All our slaves get chipped, not branded. The only slaves who get branded are life slaves who are sent to the mines; those who will never see freedom.

Even resting I did not get a peaceful sleep. I felt a body or two cuddle up to me. Even in my sleep I knew it was not Graeme. I knew Graeme's smell, soft and sweet. This was a pure little boy smell. We must have slept the afternoon away when I woke up to the ringing of my mobile on the bedside table. I had to wake up and answer it, so I tried to extract myself from Luke as carefully as possible. I did not want to wake him.

The call turned out to be Graeme's ex girlfriend's mother. She told me that the baby was in the hospital and she has taken her daughter home and that I must please phone the hospital and make arrangements for the baby. She gave me the phone number and the name of the person I needed to speak to. I went to thank her, but she had already ended the call.

Well no time like the present, I phoned the hospital, got put through to the right person and explained who I was and she was very pleasant. We discussed the account, which I settled then and there by debit card. Once she had confirmed that, she asked me to arrange the collection of the child and I did. I arranged that Alin would be able to collect my child and all the documents. I then thanked her and hung up.

My next call was to Alin, I asked him to go and collect my child, I also reminded him to check the birth certificate and that the first and second names I had chosen are Trevor and Martin. He promised to attend to it for me and asked if he should take Matthew out to the house along with his cot and stuff that he had stored in their store room for me. I was really pleased when he told me that he would stay out at the house until we got back to make sure that Matthew was okay and that the boys know what to do.

I felt after this that I needed to take a leak, but before I could move I had my arms full of a little boy and Luke wanted to know everything. I looked at the time and realised that it was past dinner time, no wonder I was hungry. The only problem I had was that as much as I tried to change the subject, Luke wanted to know why I was talking about a baby.

I had no choice, so I sat down and Luke climbed onto my lap. I told him about Graeme's girlfriend being pregnant and the arrangement we made simply because Graeme cannot be a father while he is a slave. Luke understood perfectly and he asked why I had not said anything. I explained that although I had taken care of everything and until the baby was born there was nothing that could be done. It was just a case of making sure the baby would be born and healthy.

Luke was thoughtful, and then his tummy reminded him that he had not had dinner. We made our way into the living room. The family was coming together and we decided to order room service for everyone. Enough food was ordered to feed an army and when I phoned down to order the food. The person taking the order remarked that we had two slaves in our room, and that he would send up two slave meals as well. I thought quickly and agreed with him that I had forgotten about them and was just thinking of my army of hungry children. He laughed and told me that I would be surprised at how many slave owners forget to order their slave's food. He assumed that my slaves would do all the necessary dishing up and cleaning up afterwards. He suggested that they be allowed five minutes in their own room to eat. I thanked him for reminding me and rang off.

It made me stop and think, just how far had the United States had gone away from all that they held dear in such a short space of time. They had always said that all men are created equal, but they had decided to take away men and make them animals and then they still go around trying to tell the world what to do. Yes we have slavery in Scotland, but you still have to treat your slaves as human. Our slaves are more time `lifers'. They have had their freedoms taken away and they are made to work long days. They are even punished. Sundays are always a much more relaxed day for our slaves and they get to do their chores then rest.

The food arrived and all the family crowded around. I loved how the older ones first made sure that all the younger children had food. Luke asked what was in the little brown box. He was told by Kyle that it would be their meal. Which they would eat in their room once everyone else has finished, but Luke said that he has a right to know what they are eating. He is their master as long as we are in the United States and he considers them brothers.


I knew how things worked in this hotel for slaves, we had stayed here before. When the food arrived, boy were we hungry, but we both knew that we could get into a lot of trouble if we ate from that food. This hotel would question us and if we lie we would get punished, and if we tell the truth, we will also be punished. I knew that as soon as we are alone, they will be in the room to question us. Now our master is asking to see our meal and I don't know how to explain it.

I opened the box and there were four dried meal biscuits and two small bottles of water. I know the biscuits are supposed to contain all that we need, and I know that they have no taste, but they are bitter and there is no sweetness. Master Luke got angry and I explained what the rules are and what would happen. I told master Ronald and master Luke that even though master Ronald had forbidden the hotel from entering the room to do an inspection on us, we have no choice. As soon as all the family are out, they will come in and interview us. Master Luke said in that case one of them would always be here. I warned them that we would disappear and even the one staying with us would be enslaved. We would be moved to another state and never found again. This is the sort of power the slavery authorities hold.

Master Luke was not very impressed, and insisted that the manager of the hotel be called. I noticed that only the younger children were eating and that all the older children had stopped eating and had put their food down.


I am totally disgusted, Luke is angry, we had asked for the truth and we got it. I will not stay here any longer under that sort of threat. This is my family.

We were expecting the hotel manager, when there was a knock at our door. I opened it to find the secret service people who were our hosts; they had three younger children with them. As soon as the children saw their older brothers, they started crying. Luke went up to them and said don't cry you are now part of our family. Please come in and join us. He took them to the other younger children, and got the two older brothers to make sure that they had something to eat and drink, if they wanted and then he came back to my side. Just then the hotel management staff arrived. Luke invited them to join us in the main bedroom so that we can talk. He also made sure that the secret service guys were with us and asked Kyle to join us.

We all filed into the room and then Luke asked the management to explain the meals policy for the slaves. The management did and it was exactingly as we had been told by Kyle. Luke held out the meal pack. I had not seen him pick it up. He then told the two management members to eat up. They exploded and said that they are not slaves. Luke calmly said if they don't eat up now, we would be on a plane out of the country within an hour. Luke then went on to explain what we had been told and the threat hanging over our heads if one of the boys stays in our room to make sure that our slaves are safe.

I could see the hotel manager going red in his face, and he moved very quickly and slapped Luke. I was not fast enough, but as his hand hit Luke. My fist hit his chin, and he sagged to the ground. I picked Luke up. He was crying a little silently. I could see the anger in his eyes. The secret service already had the manager in cuffs. His assistant tried eating one of the biscuits, and he rushed to the toilet to vomit it back up.

The secret service called for the area slave authority director to present himself at the hotel as soon as possible. He then put through a call to the President. They both arrived at about the same time. By the time they arrived I had moved the whole family into the adjoining room and we were in the living room.

Next: Chapter 28

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