Slave 165

By keith farrell

Published on Apr 16, 2013


Slave One

This is a fiction story, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence. This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation intended to entertain adults if you are offended by this content dont read it, is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. Important note: If you read this story you are certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

Thanks to my editor Donny.

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Slave 165 ch2


Once I had us to the car, a whole new set of problems came up. Did I put Graeme in the boot or the back seat of the car or did I just allow him to sit in the passenger seat? I thought about it for a few moments, and then decided that the best thing would be to have him next to me, that way I felt that if he tried anything I would be able to stop him from leaving the car. So I had him sit in front.

When I got in the car, I looked at Graeme and I could tell that he was in pain from having been whipped. I had hoped to be able to spare him that and from my talk with the magistrate I knew that I will have to keep him in my sight until he settled down. I also thought that he was probably going to try and play mind games with me, so I had decided that I was not going to allow anything to go wrong, I would be hard on the boy because I want him to be able to go free when his term is up.

I would do the reports every six months and keep the punishment records. The magistrate felt that I would have to give him a lot of punishment for the first month or two and then it was hoped that the punishments would taper off. What was I going to do with a slave living in my home? I had always done everything for myself, ever since my life partner had passed away four years ago. I did not need someone around me; I certainly did not need some moody teen upsetting my life.

As we left the parking lot, Graeme quietly asked me if it would be possible for us to collect his clothing from his parents, so that he would be able to use them and save me some expense. I smiled because I had already discussed this and knew that slave dress would be very different from what this young man imagined or was used to, so I told him while we drive to my flat, I would like him to read through the booklet he was given to study about his new life. We will decide what he needs and if he has those in his amongst his clothing. We would then ask his parents if he may have them and anything else he needed and if they said no, I would buy him whatever he needed. I then left him to his thoughts while I drove.


I don't know what is going to happen, where I will be expected to sleep, what I will eat or anything. Is Ronald is going to rape me? He knows I'm straight. Damn why did I do this to him? I have known that there have been talks about slavery being started in this new independent Scotland. I thought it would never happen. I wish we had remained part of the UK. This independence is shit. What was it that has been said about being a slave? I know I now have no rights, I am just an animal, something that can be sold and punished. Ronald is my master now and I must remember to always ask permission and thank him, I think I also have to address him as master.

Master has said we will consider what clothing I need and he has asked me to read this slave book, but I struggle to read, I will try and see how far I can get with this book. I hope he will not punish me for not being too good with books. Damn my arse hurts, that whipping really hurt. I hope I don't get any more, let me see what this book says.


Out of the corner of my eye, I was watching Graeme. I could see that he was trying to digest all that had happened this morning. I knew that I had some pain medication at home and some soothing ointment, that should help with the whipping marks and pain. I hope that they are not permanent; he has a nice little bum. I notice that he is following the words with his finger, that's strange, he told me that he did well in school, and he did get his school leavers certificate. I wonder if the quality of education has gone down. Hell I have only been back in Scotland a couple of years, but this boy seemed intelligent, we had some good discussions over a wide range of subjects. I think I will have to make sure he understands his book and all the rules.

When we arrived home, I parked in my usual spot and told Graeme that, "we are home, please gather up all the papers that we received and let's get inside." I was still a little worried that we had been followed by the news people; thank goodness it is an apartment complex with controlled access.

After locking the door behind us, I told Graeme to put all the documents on the dining room table and to follow me. I walked into the spare bedroom, told him to strip, then went to my room to get the pain medication and ointment. When I got back to the spare bedroom, he was in tears. Crying he asked me to please not rape him. I became angry. I told him I have not planned to do that, but maybe I should, maybe that will teach him who is in control. The tears were pouring down his face.

I waited a few moments, and then said what I am going to do is give you something to ease the pain, take these, and I shoved three five hundred milligram Paracetamol and a small glass of water in his hand. I watched while he swallowed the pills. I then told him to lie face down on the bed. He was not sure what I had in mind, all he could see was that I had a tube of something in my hand.

Once he was on the bed, I sat down and slowly started to spread the ointment on his already very bruised bum. I was gentle but at the same time I was getting a good feel, nice firm young buns. As I rubbed the ointment in I slowly started to rub down into his crack, I noticed that he started to move his legs apart; maybe he is not a straight as he thinks he is. I felt my finger rub lightly over his rose bud and he shuddered. This is going to be interesting. I then told him to roll over; I wanted to check what had been done on his cock. He rolled over very slowly, I think he was a little bit surprised at how much he had enjoyed me rubbing his bum, as he turned I saw that although he was not fully hard, he had thickened up, his cock was now standing fairly firm. This circumcise fitting looks interesting, I see now how it works. I can already see the skin losing colour and I see that the doctor slit the foreskin a little, but there is not much blood. I wonder if he did that after fitting this thing, so I asked Graeme. He said he did not feel anything being cut, so it must have been afterwards. He now has a nice cute cock, about five inches hard I would guess.. It really looks nice to see that there is no hair anywhere; it looks so clean and smooth.


When master (yes that's what I call him now even in my mind) asked me to get undressed again, I wondered what he was planning to do. When he came back from his bedroom all I saw was a tube of something in his hand. I know that gay guys use something called lube. Is he going to rape me?

I begged him please not to rape me and he got cross, am I wrong? When he gave me the pills and water, then I knew that he was trying to help me. My bum is still so very sore. Master told me to lie on the bed, I had to be careful this damn thing on my cock has made it so uncomfortable; I have to be careful because my cock is so sensitive now.

Mmm, that feels nice, I wonder what he is spreading on my bum, the stinging seems to be a little less and the more he rubs the better it feels. What? Did he just run his finger over my hole? That felt great. I never knew someone feeling your ass hole could feel so nice, I wonder if that's why gay guys enjoy getting fucked?

I should not think like this, I can feel that my cock is getting hard. Damn, now he wants me to turn over, he is going to see that my cock is hard. Do I say anything? No, I will wait and see if he says something about me being hard. Now he is asking me when the doctor cut my foreskin, I did not even feel him do that, all I know is that thing hurts a lot.

I now find myself telling master about the problem I had with my cock, I never knew that the skin was supposed to come all the way back. I have seen others where the skin seemed loose and some guys had the skin cut off. I suppose that will be how mine will be now. I never really thought about it. I wonder if master is cut or not.

When master was finished he suggested that we go to the living room and look over the books together. Master suggested that I leave my clothes off, he said that way he will be able to put ointment on my bum every now and then, also my tracksuit pants would not rub on my sensitive cock all the time. I followed master to the living room, master sat down at the table, I was not sure what I should do. Then master told me to sit on the chair next to him.

He started off by reading my book out loud, as he was doing that he was showing me where he was reading. We had not been reading long when the buzzer for the complex sounded. Master went to answer, I heard him tell someone to come up. I panicked, I have nothing on, what do I do?

Master came back and told me not to worry it is just someone from the slave authority on his way up to drop something off. Master answered the door and showed a big man in. He did not seem surprised to see me naked, I greeted him as sir. I hope he is not coming here to tell me I have to have those other punishments.


When the slave authority guy arrived, I wondered what he was here for. I told him that I have Graeme going over his instruction manual and that he is naked. The slave authority guy said not to worry, as he is the first slave it is going to take a few days for us to get used to the ideas, and it is better to if possible to keep a slave naked when inside.

He told Graeme not to worry; he was just coming to see that he had settled in okay. Also he needed to get his slave collar. He took a leather collar out of his case and checked that it was the right size. He told Graeme that he must wear his collar at all times in the home and especially when he goes outside as it has a tracker chip in it. The only time he could take it off was when he went to bed.

I asked why Graeme needed to wear a collar with a tracker chip in it. It was explained that as the other tracker is a permanent implant which carries all the details of the enslavement, he also reminded Graeme that even when he had completed his enslavement he would always carry this permanent tracker along with his permanent record around with him.

If he was ever arrested again, his enslavement would become permanent. They have decided that it would be easier if a slave has a collar in public and with a small hand-held scanner any officer could identify the slave just from scanning his collar. The official also stated that slaves who are permanently enslaved will have a permanent slave collar, but temporary slaves have a removable collar.

It just makes it quicker and easier for slaves to be identified. It is also too cold here to expect slaves to be unclothed and they felt that it would embarrass people if they had to order a slave to undress for a close scan. The small hand held scanners are only for identification, although slaves lose their rights and protection under the law, there are still a number of people in this country which do not agree with slavery.

He then proceeded to take some other things out of his case. I looked at them and wondered what they were for, but he soon proceeded to explain what each item was to us, what they did and how they were used. For good measure he had brought along a selection of canes and paddles. We sorted through them all and I choose the ones I liked best. He then handed me a record book, he want each punishment noted with its date.

He then told Graeme, that they expect to see that there will be a number of punishments in the first few months and it was expected to diminish as he learnt his place. He warned him that if I sent him to college, his masters at the college would punish him in full view of any class that he was attending. He said that if there was no improvement by the end of his period as a slave, the authority will apply to have him permanently enslaved.

He also took the time to explain, what would happen to Graeme if he should try to escape and this scared me. When I heard all that can be done, it reminded me of all the evil I had read about over the years. My feelings had always been that men do not do such things to other men. Then I thought about what my reaction was and realised that under these new slavery laws, Graeme is no longer a man but an asset. He is mine to do with as I please and no one can stop me from doing anything to him but as I don't want to be hated, it would be better to control Graeme.

I asked if the amounts of punishments Graeme received would have any influence on him getting his freedom in five years. He assured me that if Graeme followed the expected pattern there would not be any problem. But if I was not doing my job correctly and was not punishing Graeme when it was needed, he could be removed and sent into an authority training camp. He advised me to be firm and fair and follow the rules laid out in the books.

They also wanted to show that people can change for the better. There is a lot riding on this enslavement being successful. I felt that this was a good enough reason to make sure that Graeme learn his lesson and made a new start down the right path in life. The official said goodbye and wished us the best and then he left.

I looked at the time and realised that I had not had anything to eat yet, and I am sure that Graeme like me must be starving. I told him to carry on reading his instruction book and I will make us something to eat. I went into the kitchen and started making a couple of toasted cheese sandwiches and heating some cr?me' of tomato soup. I dished it up for us and took it to the table.

While eating I told Graeme what I thought we would need to do, he will be responsible for keeping the home clean. I did not like his few ideas on cooking and decided that I will have to teach him. I asked him about his schooling and how he had really had done at school. I warned him to be truthful and he proceeded to tell me that he has dyslexia, so there was always someone to help him with his reading and writing.

Computers had also helped because when he needed to write something, he could use the auto-check. I decided this would be a good time to discuss what clothing he needed. I also wanted to know more about his family. I wanted to know if his family would give his things to his brothers or sisters. Once I had found out that he had brothers, I decided that I would allow him to phone and ask if he may collect any of his clothes, but I warned him I wanted no problems if they did not want him to have any of them.

I did listen in while he phoned and I could hear sadness in his voice as they had decided to give most of what he had to his brothers. I knew I would have to by something for him to wear when I needed him to go out with me, but as he did not need to go out and could work without any clothes in the flat. I was not too worried. I sent him off to clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes from our late lunch. Then I sat down and read through all the documents that had been supplied. I decided that I would not force him into having any sex just yet but I liked the idea of being able to control his sex life. That sounded like fun, a teen not being unable to wank.

I went online and ordered a chastity devise and lock. As it was local, they promised to have it delivered within a few hours. I knew that as he had just been fitted with that circumcision clip, there was no chance of him wanking anytime soon.

That night after another late dinner, I told Graeme that we need to shower before going to bed. I made sure the apartment was locked and then led him to the on-suit for a shower. This was a funny experience, he did not know what to do but I told him the shower is only big enough for one so while he showered, I would do my teeth and all and when he finished, we would change places. When we finished, I told him, that he would be sleeping with me in my bed, but first I wanted to apply more ointment to his bum. He was fearful and asked, "What we are going to sleep in?" I told him I sleep nude and so does he from now on.


This has been the worst day of my life, but luckily the work that I have been asked to do is the same as I had to do at home. Master has told me that he intends me to start learning how to cook. I will also have to do all the cleaning.

I am also very happy that he has central heating, this flat is nice. When master said we had to shower before bed. I did not know what I would have to do. I had washed when I was being processed, so I felt I was clean. I mean I would only shower every couple of days at home. I was also pleased to see that master had provided a new toothbrush for me.

I could really do with a smoke right now, but master has said no smoking. Maybe I will be able to get one of my friends to send me some smokes. I can't believe my brothers shared all my stuff, I have nothing any more. My mother told me not to phone again, and that I am not her son, as I am a slave.

I would love to phone Brenda, but master says I am not allowed to phone unless he gives me permission. Master also said I am not allowed to contact Brenda until I am no longer a slave. We are going to bed now and I have to sleep with master. He can be so gentle when he rubs that cream into my bum; it does not hurt anymore. I was expecting the worst, but master said to go to sleep, it has been a long day and he is tired. Does that mean that he is planning to rape me in the morning?

Chapter 3: A new day.

Next: Chapter 3

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