Slave 165

By keith farrell

Published on Jun 15, 2013


Slave 165 ch14


I woke up hearing the phone ringing at my bedside. It was TJ, he broke the news that some of the slaves had been caught trying to board a flight to the United States. I was shocked to hear that Larry was included. TJ said that I need to be at the court at 8:30 a.m. The magistrate is going to be in early and needs to discuss things with me. I asked what will happen to the slaves, fearing the worst and TJ said I was right. I felt I needed to tell Luke, I did not want to hide anything from him, after all Larry was his biological father, but I'm his daddy.

Graeme went to let Darryll know, I dressed and by the time I was ready, Darryll was here. He looked upset and kept apologizing. I told him that there is no need for him to apologize and that they had aid to escape.

When we arrived at the slave quarters there was a lot of noise. The one slave Jerry called out. He said he was very sorry they could not stop the slaves escaping. It seems like he is very distressed about this, when I asked him why, he started begging me not to punish them for those that escaped. I said it is those who escaped who will be punished and that they have already been caught. Jerry said that he thought something was going on with those five, because they have been whispering together ever since they got enslaved.

Jerry said that Chuck's dad and the other boy's dad had come during the night and cut the locks and collars off those five. The more he talked I started to wonder if the rotten apples were Chuck and his dad. This got confirmed when Jerry told me that it was Chuck's dad who had arranged the camper, the booze and the drugs. He told me that they had been warned not to say anything about Chuck's dad's involvement and that Chuck had told them that if anyone did he would make sure that they suffered.

I thought about what I had heard and told Darryll to get Jerry ready for a trip with me into town. This needs to go on record. I had to also make it clear to Jerry that he was not in any trouble at all. Darryll would get all the slaves out as normal and they would continue with the work they had started. I told them that in case they did not know, they have all been chipped and that they will not be allowed to leave ever Scotland. I then found out that they had forgotten that they have a chip implant.

Back in the house, Graeme had got my morning coffee made and was busy making breakfast. Luke was sitting at the table and that did surprise me. He quickly got up and gave me a hug and a kiss, then said morning daddy. I asked him why he was awake so early. Luke said he heard the phone and then heard me tell Graeme to wake Darryll, and also heard something about slaves escaping.

I had to tell him about his biological father and then he asked me if they were going to be punished. I said yes, and that they will be in court this morning. Luke begged me to allow him to go with me. I relented and agreed and then suggested that he get dressed nicely and let William know. I decided that I would take one of the older boys with me to look after his brother. After a small debate it was decided that Anthony would be the one to look after him and slave Jerry.

When we got to the court TJ was waiting for me. TJ thought that he was going to be able to avoid Luke, but the truth is that Luke has us wrapped around his little finger. I then explained what Jerry was doing here and TJ said that we needed to see the magistrate, so that we can get things fixed.

TJ told me that Larry had admitted to fiddling with the car before Luke's mother needed to use it. He had removed the bolts holding the steering together and then he made sure that it was covered up. This had tears running down Luke's face. I did what I could to sooth his feelings, but I had to see the magistrate. Luke had to wait with his brother.

The magistrate was surprised to see Jerry there, but when I explained why Jerry was with us, he decided to listen to what Jerry had to say. I could see he was becoming more angry with what Jerry was saying and then he said that he had heard enough, and that it will all be heard in court. We then made our way back into the court room. He did confirm with Jerry that Chuck was forcing Jerry and his best friend to keep quiet about his dad's involvement in the drugs.

The magistrate asked TJ to arrange transport for the slave Mike, and bring Jerry's best friend to court, as he would be needed. He then went on to ask me about the young children, he wanted to know if I would be willing to add them to my bunch, to which Luke answered for me. There was no way he wanted to see those two little boys hurt more than they are going to be by their parents actions. The magistrate smiled and said well that only leaves the daughter. She has been extensively interviewed and not only did she not know what was going to happen, but when she found out she was beaten, so that she would be too scared to say anything. She is only a couple of weeks short of the minimum age for slavery, he felt as she had not really done anything wrong, she need a chance, again Luke answered before I could. This little man of mine is bossy.

As the major things were now settled. We just had time to attend to the paperwork, which the magistrate had already prepared. I looked at him and he smiled, he told me that he knew where my heart was and then he smiled again.

I phoned the house and told Graeme to make the arrangement, because the slave Mike was required here and to tell Mike not to worry about the person collecting him, and to just behave. TJ told me that it was all under control.

Finally, we were in the morning session of court. My slaves were brought in, they were stripped and in chains. It was a fairly quick hearing; they were all sentenced to castration and the coal mine work along with any modifications that will be needed for them to be of the best service in the mine. They would now spend their lives underground. The slaves then were taken away. The magistrate looked at me, thanked me for my time and asked that I be present at 2:30 p.m. when afternoon court will start. I thanked him, and went to see what was happening.

TJ suggested that we all go to the slavery centre to watch the punishments and I would have to sing off on the slaves before they were sent to the mine. When we got to the slavery centre, we were taken to a viewing room. Through the one way glass, I could see a large cross, and what looked like a number of sex toys attached to a computer, which was facing a big sixty second count down timer. What really got my attention was that the families of the slaves were strapped into chairs with a view of what was going on. We were led through a door into the room.

Luke got TJ's attention and asked are they going to use that new machine that he was telling me about and if they did could he please press the on switch. He then said that I hate that man so much. TJ looked at me and I gave a slight nod, he took Luke's hand and led him to the machine. I watched from a distance as TJ explained everything and how everything works to Luke.

First up was Larry and man did he bitch and moan. I think if the slaves had not been chained up they would have run away as fast as they could. First they fitted a strap around Larry's waist and on this hung a gloved contraption. Larry's balls were then pushed into it and it was locked into place, and then a stroker was lubed and slid over his cock. I did not think they would get it right, because it looked like Larry's cock was trying to hide.

It was explained that this machine would get Larry hard and give him the best orgasm he has ever had and then as soon as he unloads, the timer will start and then when the countdown reaches sixty seconds it would be all over.

Luke looked at Larry and pressed the start button, Luke was so calm. I expected him to breakdown and cry or maybe beg to save Larry's balls, but no Luke watched him get aroused, and about twelve minutes later Larry let out a loud groan, I could see him jerking as he came. Then I saw the timer, as the seconds counted down I could see Larry's eyes getting bigger.

Suddenly, I saw the bag drop and hang from the waist strap. Larry did not scream out, his eyes glazed over. I could see he was still breathing. I heard a someone throw up. There were now four other slaves that looked very green. Larry was taken down from the cross, and the two guards moved him to his chair and strapped him in place.

Luke then went to Larry, and while standing in front of Larry, he waited patiently for Larry to see him. As soon as Larry saw him, Luke leaned forward and placed Larry's sealed bag of balls in his hand. He then said, "You are no longer a man, you are an animal, and you can never have another little boy to hurt." He turned and came to me, and when Luke was in my arms. Luke then said, "Please Daddy can we leave now, I never want to see him again." TJ said he would wait while I took Luke out to his brother.

I had to watch this happen four more times. The parents were beside themselves as they watched their children lose their manhood. Once everything was done I had to sign documents, so that they could be shipped to the mine. TJ had decided to give each boy a present of his balls; he thought Luke has started something, which would drive home the message.

I took my boys out for lunch and I included TJ and Jerry in the group. I wanted to get to know a little more about what went on. Jerry told me how they were an exclusive school, but Chuck had arranged that every time they went to compete against another school, there were always lots of drugs for sale to the opposing team and their friends. He had only learned that Chuck's dad was the supplier. He and his friend tried to get out of the whole thing, but Chuck had made it clear that they are now part of his gang, so right from the start they had no escape.

When Chuck caught Jerry and Mike in a sixty nine, he was even more determined to control them, and they had become the cum-dumps for the team. They did not have the money to come on this trip, but Chuck had said they must come and that their tickets had been bought for them.

I was angry and asked if Mike would confirm what he was saying. Jerry told me yes he would, and that they had been planning to get out of this by any means, even killing themselves when the camper was stopped at the road block. I could see TJ shaking his head; he could not believe what he was hearing.

After lunch, we decided to take a little walk around the park, we still had half an hour to kill. TJ went to his office or so I thought. What TJ was doing was confirming with Mike what we had been told. He then put in a report to the magistrate.

It was time for the afternoon session. The magistrate handled the adoption of the three children, and the parents adamantly objected, but the magistrate said that they have no say in anything. The four adults were now being tried. First the mothers tried to blame the fathers, but that did not bother the magistrate. He sentenced them to life slavery; they would be transported to a woman's work group where they will learn about hard work. Next he dealt with the two fathers, he then asked about the drugs that their boys had been caught with, and it came out that Chuck's dad was one of the main persons in the business. The other father was the bookkeeper. He thought that if he disclosed the Swiss bank account information, he could get a deal.

The magistrate said that he would make a note of it on his record and that he could be assigned to light work, but that would only happen if the funds held in those accounts were transferred to the court account now. A laptop was brought in and within minutes twenty-six million dollars had been transferred to the court account.

The magistrate then asked if they were willing to give up any further information before he carries out the sentence. Chuck's father looked pissed, but the accountant spoke up once again and informed the court that the other partner is a Senator of their state in the U.S. He then went on to give the full details, and said that he has transferred all the funds including the Senator's share.

The magistrate sentenced both of them to life as slaves, but the accountant had it noted that he would get light duty. Next they were informed that as they are drug dealers, the court has no choice but to sentence them to be castrated and fully de-haired. They would also get fifty lashes each as drug dealers.

The magistrate watched as they were lead away and then he called my two slaves to the front of the court room. Jerry and Mike were trembling and I thought they were scared that they were also going to get castrated. The magistrate looked at them, and then he said that he had studied their records. He told them that he feels they have been unjustly treated, and as they had been instrumental in a large quantity of seized assets from these drug dealers, he was going to amend their sentences to a five year term slavery. They would now only be slaves for five years.

He told them that he expected them to work hard for me and to show that the second chance that they are getting was well given and deserved.

Jerry and Mike were very grateful, it was then explained that as they are chipped that they would never be able to leave Scotland. The magistrate instructed TJ to have the necessary amendments made to their chip records.


I know people say you should respect your parents, but he is no longer my dad. I was so angry when I heard that he was the person that had made mummy have that accident and die. I wanted to scream at him, but daddy held me and made me feel good.

While we were talking with the magistrate, I heard about the twins needing a home, I was not going to allow daddy to let them get hurt. Daddy's heart is full of love for all of us and them included. I was not sure about us having a girl in a house full of boys, but then I remembered how Jon had looked at her. He looked at her like Darryll looks at Graeme, so I decided that she was going to be my sister.

I felt nothing when I heard the magistrate tell that slave that he is going to lose his nuts. I know all about big boys and how important their nuts are to them, I have lots of brothers. I asked Uncle TJ if I could press the start button, I want to watch his face as he learns that he is nothing. Uncle TJ explained everything to me and I asked him if there would be a lot of blood. He said no and that what the machine does is it locks two tight little bands around his nuts, and then cuts it clean off. Lastly it heat seals the skin. I think that is how Uncle TJ explained it, I will have to ask him to explain it to my brothers.

Afterwards I saw that little bag in the fitting. I took it out and looked at it, and yes I could see and feel both nuts in the bag. I walked over to the slave and waited for him to see me and know that I was there. As soon as I saw how angry he was, I put the little bag in his hands and told him I never want to see him again.

I then went to my daddy and cuddled up to him and he took me out to my brother and the slave Jerry. I like Jerry, he talks nice. I can see he is very sad.

When daddy took us for lunch, he asked Jerry to go, and then I knew Jerry was just like Timmy and Tommy. I am going to ask daddy to let them work in the house with Timmy and Tommy as well. I love my new daddy.


I watched as Larry lost his balls, they did not give him anything for the pain. I wanted to be sick. I can see my mother and I watched her vomit. I did not know about the chips, but Larry should have known. That little brat took Larry's balls and put them in his hand. I could never have done that.

It is my turn, and I am not going to cum. I will think of anything else, that machine will not get me off. I am strapped in and everything is fitted, but they have to wait for my master. I thought the magistrate had assigned us to work in a mine. I can see dad, and he has gone white and he is shaking his head no from side to side. It also looks like he is mumbling to himself.

It is funny this thing hanging from my balls is starting to hurt and I am starting to get hard. I have to will myself to get soft. It is not working. Don't cry I thought, but then I hear myself begging the slave authority guy not to do this, but he does not even look at me.

Master has come in and I hear myself begging master for another chance, I promise him I will be good. Oh fuck this thing is working my cock like Jerry in heat. I cannot help it and I feel my balls start to boil. Oh shit, I'm cumming!

I watch the seconds ticking down, but I am not really seeing them, that was the best orgasm ever. I realize it is over when I get that smell of burn meat. I stumbled over to the chair and was still dazed when that slavery officer put my ball bag completely sealed in my hand. I cannot believe it. I just keep on looking at my balls thinking I am imagining this was a horrible nightmare.

I watch as my three best buddies lose their balls as well. I noticed now that each one of our cum loads is collected in a test tube and sealed. I wonder what they are doing that for, I watched them mark the test tubes and then they put them into some sort of container, which are removed from the room before we are moved to cages. I know I am not going to sleep tonight; we are all still holding our balls.


Man I got very scared when the magistrate called Mike and I to the front of the court room. I thought we were now going to have the same thing done to us as Chuck and his buds. I wanted to laugh when the magistrate told us that he was changing us from life slaves to only five year term slaves. Man! What a relief! That little Luke has made my day; he said that Mike and I would now be able to work in the house. I don't understand what he was talking about being like Timmy and Tommy, as I don't know anybody by those names.


What a very stressful day, I now have three new children, and they are all in the new Sprinter. I have been told I need to see the magistrate before leaving.

What a surprise, the magistrate has disclosed that the government has agreed that the reward money would come to me, as it was my slaves that made the recovery of those funds possible. A healthy amount was transferred into my operating account, which turned out to be a whole twenty five percent. Appealingly, it is tax free as well, which makes it even better. I decided that my two new term slaves would be treated the same as my other term slaves and will have a little bank account set aside for them. I will need to discuss this with them as well as the need to really buckle down and work hard without any problems once we all get home and are sorted.

I also chose this time to discuss Darryll with the magistrate. I told him how well Darryll was working out, and that we have him controlling the worker slaves were he is doing a fantastic job. I would like to see if we can give him some hope of freedom. The magistrate asked his secretary to get Darryll's file for him. I explained that the real problem was that Darryll had spent his whole life in love with Graeme, and when Graeme got enslaved Darryll misread the whole slave instruction and ownership book. I told him how attentive Darryll is to Graeme. I told him that I felt that Darryll needed a second chance. He really needs to know he will be free one day and hopefully Graeme and Darryll will find their love for each other.

I also expected that they will stay on with the home once they are freed, and that they are working well as a team. The magistrate looked at Darryll's file and then said, he see no problem changing Darryll to a term slave except that Darryll was charged with slave rape. We discuss it and the magistrate changed the charge to a lesser crime, so that he could change the sentence to five years. He suggested that I don't tell Darryll until I feel he has really earned this reprieve.

I thanked the magistrate profusely. I then told him that we have been seeing each other and talking to each other for some time now, and all I know is his initial and surname. He smiled at me and said that his name is Melvyn, he also asked me to use his first name when we are in private.

I am very happy that we can use our first names in private. He told me that he would really like to come out and see our home some time. I felt that would be a great idea and suggested that he bring his family out for Sunday lunch. Melvyn then told me that he lives alone, so it would only be him, and that he would love to come out for lunch. We agreed to see him at about noon on Sunday.

Next: Chapter 15

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