Skys the Limit

Published on Feb 18, 2023


Sky's the Limit Chapt 11

Sky's the Limit Chapt 11


Disclaimer: This story contains descriptions of teenage boys engaging in sexual activity. If it is illegal to read or download this material where you are, or if you're under 18, THEN DON'T.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

© 2006 Captain Rick. All rights reserved.

Sky's the Limit

Thanks to Charles for editing!

Chapter XI

We got on the interstate and drove for about fifteen or twenty minutes to a suburb called Clinton. He drove to a very nice neighborhood of mostly single story brick homes, just past the high school. The yards were all fairly large and neatly kept. We pulled into a driveway of a reddish brick house with dark colored shutters. He pressed a button on a remote on his keychain, the garage door opened and we pulled in and parked. "Wait" he said as I started to get out. "Whatever she says, just agree with her, ignore it and forget about it. OK?"

"OK" I said somewhat apprehensively.

"She's kinda nuts Jonah, she doesn't mean to be, well, rude." He said obviously embarrassed.

I took his hand and said "I'll be OK."

We got out of the car and I followed him inside.


"In here Sky."

I followed him through the very modern kitchen with granite counters and stainless appliances and into a large den or family room. A very nice-looking brunette lady in her early forties or so was sitting in a very plush leather chair reading a book. I recognized some of the contemporary Christian music playing softly as some of the same stuff they did at our church.

"Hi, mom, this is Jonah."

She put down her book, stood up and reached out her hand. "It's nice to finally meet you. Sky has said such nice things about you and your father. My goodness, aren't you nice looking."

"Thank you, I'm pleased to finally meet you too." I said as I gently shook her hand.

"Mom, I'm just going to change and then take Jonah to Bravo," Sky said.

OK, but be careful, and I don't want you out late either. You know how those idiots drive over there in Jackson."

Then she turned to me and caught me off guard when she asked "Jonah, are you saved?"


"M o m . . . " Jonah drawled out pleadingly.

"Have you accepted the Lord our Christ as your personal Savior?"

Sky was looking so embarrassed. My heart went out to him.

"Yes ma'am. I was raised in the church. I struggle with my faith like everyone else, I suppose. My grandfather is a retired pastor and my father is a deacon. I'm very familiar with the teachings of Christ."

"That's good. I just want to know my son is keeping company with Christian friends. There are so many of the wrong people out there. Sky's father has been tempted by the whores and harlots."

"Yes ma'am" I replied in my most polite voice.

"Jonah, let me show you my room," Sky said quickly.

"K, nice meeting you Ms. Blue," I said.

"You too, Jonah."

He led me down a hallway and into his room. It was nicely decorated. There was a queen bed with a small table on either side. There were two dressers, a TV and a small desk with his computer. His guitar was on a stand next to the desk. Posters of various musicians and rock bands lined the walls - Elton John, John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, Pearl Jam, and several others. The room was really well kept, with very little clutter.

He closed the door and said "I guess you see what I mean about Mom. She wasn't always like that, just since dad . . . Man, I can't believe you made all that up so quickly - about your grandfather and all."

"I wasn't making it up. My grandfather is the retired pastor of our church, my Dad is a deacon, and I did grow up going to church every Sunday. Still do, although I don't agree with much the current pastor has to say. I guess I've learned to question what they preach and think for myself."

His mouth dropped open and he slapped his hand against his forehead. "Man I'm sorry. I guess that's something else about you I don't know."

"We have the rest of our lives to learn about each other."

"You're really an incredible person, Jonah. I've never met anyone like you."

He pulled me to him for a deep kiss. Every kiss was still as electric as the first. He had me. He had me totally and completely.

We said a very brief good-bye to his mom and headed back out, but we didn't get back on the interstate. It took a little over half an hour to get to the restaurant. It was called Bravo and was on the second level of a galleria type shopping center. The restaurant was bright and airy with a lot of windows on either side of the main dining area. We ordered some calamari and cheese stick appetizers and pasta dishes for our main course.

We realized that, at the beach, we hadn't spent much time talking about our families or friends. That was pretty much the topic at dinner. It was during that conversation that I suddenly realized how little I knew about my mom's family. Sky was intrigued when I started telling him that I had these two uncles in Memphis, one of whom I had never even seen. The more I talked about it, the more it seemed a little weird to me too.

"I need you to take me shopping for some new clothes for school." I threw in, trying to change the subject. "Dad said he was going to busier than he thought."

"That's cool. The mall has Gap, Abercrombie, American Eagle, Eddie Bauer, and department stores and everything. There's an Old Navy and other stuff in the shopping center across the road."

"Well, we oughta be able to find some new rags at some of those," I said smiling at him. "I'll let you pick out what you'd like me to wear."

"Man, you shouldn't do that. I prefer you naked," he chuckled.

"Maybe you're right then, perv" I snickered back.

"Perv? You're the perv. You seduced ME ya'know."

"Yeah, right. You forget which one of us was the virgin. You defiled and corrupted me" I replied.

"I didn't hear any complaints." He responded. Damn, there was that sexy smile again. It wasn't so much the way his mouth moved into it, but a sparkle in his eyes that went with it. His whole face seemed to glow when he smiled like that. It made me feel warm all over.

"Earth to Jonah?"

"Oh, sorry. I just spazzed out for a sec."

"Lookin' at me?"

"Yeah" I said softly.

He actually started to blush, took my hand under the table and squeezed it, but didn't say anything. He just looked in my eyes and smiled at me.

After dinner, we decided to catch a movie. It turned out that neither of us had seen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Being the late showing, there weren't many people in the theater. I'm sure the movie had a good plot, they all do, but I honestly don't remember.

After the movie, He dropped me at the hotel, as we were sure my dad was back by then. I kissed him goodnight and went to my room. Dad heard me coming in and knocked on my door.

"Jonah? Why's the door locked?"

Oops. I ran over and opened the door into the suite. "Um, the maid must have locked it" I lied.

Fortunately, I had remembered to straighten the bed and hide the rubbers and lube. "Have a good time?" he asked, leaning in and turning his head to look around.

"Yeah, we went to this really nice Italian place and then caught the latest Harry Potter flick."

"Sounds like fun. David and I have to meet with those same clients tomorrow, but they want us to come down to Hattiesburg so we can talk to their bankers. We'll most likely play golf with them afterward at this new golf club down there. We'll have to leave early to get down there by 9:00."


"Yeah, `bout an hour and a half south of here. We might have to eat dinner with them at the club after so I might be nine or later gettin' back. We wanna get back a little sooner, but I doubt it. I'll call if the plans change. David said something about taking the four of us to eat at the University Club if we can beg off early."

"K, sounds cool, let me know so we'll know whether to get food or not. Sky said he would go with me to look for clothes."

"That's good. I doubt I'll have time to go. Get decent looking clothes for school, OK?" he said, reaching for his wallet and fishing out a credit card.

"I will, thanks" I said taking the card.

I called Sky's cell and told him that we would have all day tomorrow, but to let me sleep till 9:00. I also told him to bring his trunks for the pool and Jacuzzi.

I heard a knocking on the door that soon turned into pounding. I was still in bed and just wearing boxers. I got up and opened the door. Sky was standing there smiling at me. Pushing me back, he closed the door and grabbed me into a fantastic deep kiss. What followed was almost two hours of exquisite sex. We started with a sixty-nine and came. That was soon followed by twenty or thirty minutes of awesome cuddling and necking and ending up with my impaling myself on Sky's cock and riding it for about fifteen minutes. Another twenty minutes of cuddling and necking ended with my topping Sky.

By noon were pretty spent, but still had to hit the mall. We took a quick shower and headed out.

We hit Abercrombie first. Damn I love looking at the models in their ads. (The male ones of course.) I mean, there are these wall-sized posters of half-naked, incredibly sexy dudes all over the walls. I noticed Sky looking at them too. I think we both walked around the store half hard. They had some really hot guys working in there. I'm pretty sure the guy helping us picked up on the fact that we were a couple.

I let Sky help me pick out stuff. I usually hate shopping for clothes, but Sky would pick something out and when I tried it on he would tell me how sexy it looked, or if it looked awful he would frown and do a thumbs down. We went to several stores shopping like that. I even let him pick out underwear, but I drew the line at the pink boxers with red hearts and flowers. I might be gay, but that was really over the top.

I reached the spending limit dad had put on me by mid-afternoon, but I had substantially increased and improved my wardrobe. I had always just let mom pick stuff out, but after she died I would just pick out a pair of jeans or a t-shirt or something and I just didn't care. Now, for some reason, it did matter.

We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging around the pool. Of course, there were a couple of sex breaks, but mostly just some kissing and cuddling and lighter stuff. Honestly, I was still a little spent and little sore back there from the last few times. Around six o'clock dad called and said that they would be at the hotel in about an hour and to dress nice for dinner. Fortunately, Sky had brought extra clothes and we were dressed and ready when they got in.

The University Club was on the penthouse floor of a high rise office building directly across from the hotel. The main dining room was surrounded by windows giving a panorama of the city. It was actually a pretty city from up there. The place was very fancy with elegant waiters in tuxes, linen tablecloths, crystal glassware, the works. Our dads seemed very excited about these new clients and apparently had a good afternoon of golf as well. We had a very nice dinner, but I think everyone was exhausted when we got back to the hotel. Dad and Mr. Blue decided to stop at the bar for one more drink and I walked Sky to his car. We were leaving the next day and I was feeling miserable again. There weren't any other cars around so we felt comfortable with a goodbye kiss and a long embrace. I was crying when he let go.

"It's OK Jonah, even if it's Christmas break before I see ya, I will see ya."

"I know. I just feel so empty when we say goodbye."

"Me too" he said as he held me one more time and gave me a quick kiss before he got in his car and left.

Next: Chapter 12

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