
Published on Sep 22, 2022


Skylight 6

It has been quite a while, but I don't plan on leaving ANY story unfinished! So I hope you guys the beginning of Chapter Two! Feel free to let me know what you think at or stop by the website at" and say hello!

Also, keep an eye out for my new eBook stories at the COMICALITY KINDLE STORIES link!!!

"S-K-Y-L-I-G-H-T" (Phase Two: Aftermath)

"Perhaps catastrophe is the natural human environment, and even though we spend a good deal of energy trying to get away from it, we are programmed for survival amid catastrophe." -Germaine Greer

Click Eleven: Resurface

It was a warm feeling that traveled through Jake Gordon's body as he stood frozen in what was once the gym shower room. An infatuated fever that went beyond anything he had ever known before. It was as if his immediate sense of danger had been 'turned off' without warning.

He was just trying to breathe.

He looked across the room to that last showerhead, and gazed upon the beautifully naked form of the boy he had been dreaming about for oh so long. While the smoke seemed to cover him up every few seconds, there were still some healthy glimpses given to his amorous eyes. Displaying all the sexual delights that this boy had to offer in full.

All this death and destruction, and Jake still couldn't stop himself from getting one of the hardest erections that he had ever experienced in his life. Perhaps it was the escape from the horrors around him that allowed him to indulge so deeply in this one moment of fantasy. Who knows? But as scared as he was to wake him...he eventually had to assume that Dorian Flynn might actually be hurt over there in that corner. So he tried to shake himself free of the shock and look for a safe way to get around the giant hole in the floor.

Since the massive rock had fallen right in the center of the room, he'd have to brave the edges of the damaged floor, hopefully without losing his foothold. Jake stepped as close as he could, trying to avoid the black mold growing out of the sides of the wreckage....and he leaned over to peer deep into the pit the meteor chunk had left behind. There was a lot of smoke and flames racing up out of the void. Jake could feel it on his face, causing him to break a sweat on his brow. But as he squinted his eyes slightly, he could make out the faint glow of a red hot object from down below. Maybe about twenty or thirty feet down, lodged deeply in the Earth.

Jake used his hand to wave some of the steam out of his face, and chose to go right instead of left. He didn't have much of anything to hold on to. Nothing more than the showerheads and the knobs to turn the water on and off. What little floor he had to walk on was a slippery tile that even his sneakers couldn't really get much of a grip on. He certainly wasn't looking to take another fall today. Falling from one school floor to another was bad enough, but falling 30 feet straight down onto a blazing hot fragment of intergalactic destruction seemed like it would be a LOT worse!

Steady now. Nice and steady.

The closer he got to Dorian, the more he began to tremble inside. This was no time for puppy love. This was serious.

Still....he was so God damned beautiful....

Suddenly, Jakes foot slipped, and he clutched onto the showerhead in front of him in order to keep from falling into the crater below. His heart pounded in his chest as he closed his eyes and hugged the wall. Jesus...that was close. Quivering with a slight panic, he counted to ten before opening his eyes again, and made another attempt to shimmy his way to the far corner of the room.

One step at a time.

That's it.

Nice and easy now.

Be careful. Don't look down.

Almost there.

Getting anxious as he was almost to the corner, Jake's foot slipped again. He held on to the showerhead Dorian must have been using when the meteor hit. It was still running, but the water had gone cold. It ran down the front of Jake's shirt and sprayed his hair and face as he tried to hurry his way past it.

Finally, he found himself standing on stable ground, and he angled the shower spray away from him, wiping his face on the driest parts of his shirt that he could find. God, such a little bit of water, and it felt like it made his clothes weigh a ton, sticking to him in the most uncomfortable ways.

Jake looked down at Dorian's sleeping body, seeing everything much closer now. Taking a deep breath, he was almost afraid to touch him. As if he didn't feel worthy. What happens if he wakes up and catches Jake gawking at him like a love struck school girl? Does he even know that he's naked? Jake's mind was quickly filling itself up with all of the worst possible scenarios, and he decided to just ignore the voices in his head and reach out before he found a sufficient enough reason to chicken out.

He began with a light poke of Dorian's shoulder. He got no response. He tried again, this time with two if that would make much of a difference. Still no response.

Accidentally, Jake looked down a bit further, and saw Dorian's flaccid member laying peacefully on the inside of his thigh. A neatly grown, light brown patch of hair gracing the bottom of his shaft.

"Sweet Jesus...." Jake breathed as he forced his eyes up towards the ceiling. Then back down again. Then back to the ceiling. "Ok....ok, um....ummm.....ok..."

Trying not to look, Jake reached down and grabbed Dorian's ankle, slightly shaking his leg back and forth. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but he was clueless as to what else he should do at that particular moment.

"D-D-Dorian?" He mumbled. "Ahem....uhhh...Dorian? Are you...o-o-ok...?"

Still no response. So he shook his leg a little harder, and this time, he heard a low grunt under Dorian's breath.

Frightened by the way his heart swooned when he heard it, Jake dropped Dorian's leg and almost jumped back far enough to fall into the pit beside him. It was more insane beauty than Jake's poor heart could take.

A moment of silence passed. Then Dorian began to stir. It began with his forehead wrinkling up in the cutest way, his kissable lips accenting a boyish grimace from the headache he was experiencing. Then, his leg moved, his arm to follow as his hand instinctively raised itself to brush the wet locks out of his beautiful face. Jake stood and watched in amazement as his dream boy struggled his way back to consciousness. It might have been a slightly agonizing process for Dorian...but to Jake, it was like watching a flower bloom right in front of his eyes. He couldn't believe that he was lucky enough to have been there to witness such a glorious moment.

"Unghhh....mmmm..." Dorian's eyes took their time fluttering open again. Blurry and disoriented, he tried to lift his head, but quickly lowered it back to the floor. Somehow, the change in altitude only made the throbbing headache worse.

He rolled onto his back and held his hand up over his eyes, shielding out the fluorescent lighting and trying to regain some stable sense of reality.

He had no idea that he had company.

Jakes eyes glossed over as Dorian's legs spread themselves wide open, giving him a full, unadulterated, view of his package. From the deliciously sculpted shaft, to the soft sack beneath it, his orbs hanging low in the steamy heat of the room. Jake's breath got caught in his throat. His mouth had never watered so much for something so tempting.

"Uhh....hello?" Jake said softly. This time, Dorian was able to hear him.

With a jolt, Dorian opened his eyes, and immediately closed his legs, hiding his privates and curling up into a protective ball. "Who is it??? Who's there???"

More frightened than before, Jake stuttered, "Jake. It''s Jake Gordon." He saw Dorian attempting to cover up with his hands and arms, but he was as naked as the day he was born. There was no way he'd be able to cover it all. Dorian stood up and pressed his back against the wall, both hands cupped over his genitals. Jake tried to explain. "I...I came in and heard the showers running. I checked to see if someone was in here. And...and I think maybe you hit your head or something."

Still a bit foggy in the head, Dorian tried his best to remember what happened. It was coming back to him slowly, but as he saw the smoldering crater in the center of the room...he found himself lost in the surreal environment around him. He thought it had been some kind of terrible dream. He was wrong.

"How long was I asleep?" Dorian asked.

"I...I don't know. A couple of hours maybe. I'm not sure of the time." Jake couldn't help but let his eyes gravitate downward time and time again. Even though Dorian was hiding the best parts of him, just the fact that his treasures were hidden only by those two delicate hands was enough to keep Jake's heart beating like a drum.

Dorian saw his eyes and blushed with embarrassment. "Do you think you could get me a towel or something?" He asked.

"Huh?" Jake hardly heard him. "OH! A towel. Yeah. um...hold on a sec. I think I saw some around the corner near the locker room." Looking back at the slightly dangerous path back to solid ground ahead of him, Jake turned back to say, " might want to cross over to the other side first. I mean, it's kinda narrow and the floor is a little slippery. You won't be able to do it while you're holding a towel."

Dorian thought about it for a moment, and hesitantly nodded his head. As long as Jake went first and wasn't staring at him. There was something about Jake's piercing blue eyes that always caused a stirring within him. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach, even now. And he had to concentrate to keep that tingly sensation from traveling down any further. He was sure to make an already awkward situation even worse if that happened.

Jake took one last look at his beautiful companion, and then let a gentle smile cross his lips as he took his first step towards the tiny ledge. He flattened himself as close as he could to the wall, and took it one step at a time. Pieces of debris fell down on his shoulders from the ceiling, and his sneakers slid a few times on the tile, but before he knew it, he was already halfway across. Dorian was still barefoot and naked, but when he was sure that Jake wasn't staring back at him...he began to follow his lead. He removed his hands from his privates, and grabbed on to the nearest showerhead for balance.

Dorian's journey was a little bit slower, his heels almost hanging off of the ledge, the small rocks and broken tile pricking the bottoms of his feet. But he just kept his head down and continued moving forward.

Jake reached the end of the ledge, and turned to see Dorian right behind him. This time, he was staring at the slim globes of his succulent ass as he moved forward. God, was there any part of him that was anything less than majestic? Jake swooned as the boy got closer to him, and as Dorian reached out to take that last step, he stumbled a bit and jumped forward to keep from falling. The inertia sent him right into Jake's arms, and Jake held him tight to keep him standing.

Time froze for a moment.

Their eyes connected. Dorian was slightly taller by an inch or two. They were so close, their noses were almost touching. Jake could almost taste the sweetness of Dorian's breath as he panted from the exertion. It wasn't a kiss....but it felt like one.

"I think...I need that towel now..." Dorian said, just above a whisper.

Both boys were feeling the arousal take over them, but played their poker faces well.

"Yeah. Ok. I'll...I'll be right back." Jake smiled, and saw Dorian return the expression with a deepening blush in his flawless cheeks.

They parted, and Dorian quickly hid himself again by cupping his hands over a shaft that was now a bit too big to be completely covered. He had never felt so exposed.

Jake moved swiftly around the corner and into the small equipment area between the showers and the locker room. He did find a stack of white bath towels. Some had been covered in dirt and dust, and some had been blackened as the fires singed the sides. But on the bottom, Jake was able to find one that seemed pretty much in tact. He unfolded it and flicked it a few times to shake off the rubble. This should do. Awwww, but Jake was almost hurt by the fact that Dorian was going to go back to being all covered up again once he got back. Maybe he could find a towel that was....much much smaller.

A noise.

Jake heard it, but at first paid no attention to it. The whole school was falling apart, so he was bound to hear things fall every now and then. But as another noise rang out from the same basic area, Jake narrowed his eyes a bit. He wasn't sure why, but the sounds seemed a bit more 'deliberate' than just random pieces of wreckage falling from a damaged ceiling.

He waited to see if he could hear it again. But....nothing.

"Hello?" He called out. "Is somebody there?"

The room got silent. Dead silent.

Curious, Jake stepped forward. The smoke was thick in that part of the room, but he breathed with shallow breaths, and squinted as he tried to see what was in there with him. He could have sworn he heard something....slithering across the floor.

"Jake?" Came Dorian's voice from the shower room. He sounded concerned.

"Yeah. Um...I mean, I'm coming." Jake took one last look into the smoke....and when he was sure that nothing was moving in there, he turned around to head back towards Dorian.

Then he heard a little crash behind him, and spun around quickly to see what it was. His heart became frozen with fear...and something small seemed to be heading towards him through the smoke. He braced himself, and tried his best to make out what it was.

Then...he recognized the object. A small, round, volleyball. It bounced a few times, and rolled right up to his feet. Harmless.

Jake sighed with relief, chuckling to himself for being silly. What did he think it was? A killer raccoon? Goofy.

He kicked the ball off to the side and went back to give Dorian his towel....

Not seeing the movement of something 'else' as it crawled its way across the locker room...and out into the school hallway.

"Here. This was the cleanest one I could find." Jake said, dreamy eyed as he saw Dorian take it from him.

"Thanks." He wrapped it around his waist, and Jake silently groaned to himself. Guess the show is over. "I think I have some extra clothes around here somewhere, but they're in my backpack."

"Oh...ok." Jake said in a daze.

"I guess I owe you one. How the heck did you get down here in all this mess?"

"Hehehe,'re not gonna believe this, but...I guess you could say that I just sorta...'fell from the sky'."

"Omigod! Do you think he's ok???" Cried one of the girls upstairs in the hallway outside of the computer room.

Jason saw Jake Gordon fall from the third floor and down to the second. Then watched in horror as that level collapsed as well, seeing his heartfelt crush fall into the darkness. He would have cried if he thought the tears would have done him any good. Besides, the panic in Jason's mind was creating a wall of denial that assured him that Jake was ok.

Martin adjusted his glasses and said, "He may be a bit banged up, but there's no reason to think that anything serious happened to him. There's so much destruction going on in this place, I'm sure he had plenty beneath him to cushion his fall." Martin looked up and down the hall in both directions. "What we've really gotta worry about is finding a safe place to regroup. And, if we can, we need to put out some of these fires before the whole school building pulls a World Trade Center on us and collapses in on itself. I don't know about you guys, but that does not sound like my idea of a good day."

"He's ok..." Jason mumbled to himself. "...I should go look for him. What if he's hurt?"

"Dude, come on! Focus. We'll find him later. Do you mind if we find our own way to survive?" Martin didn't mean for it to sound as harsh as it did, but when he saw the worried look in Jason Riley's face, his best friend for more years than he wanted to count, he softened his tone. "Look...Jake's gonna be alright. For all we know, he might be on his way to a staircase to come back up here and join us right now. We'll be laughing about it tomorrow. Just...I need your help, ok?"

teary eyes, Jason sniffled a bit, and straightened his back. "Yeah. Yeah, I got it."

"Cool." Martin turned to the others and said, "I think parts of the sprinkler system is working, but not all of them. The ceiling is all fucked up on every floor. With all the paper and flammable shit in the halls alone, it won't be long before this place becomes too unstable for us to move around in."

"What about the fire extinguishers? The school has tons of them." Jason said. "What is it...? it every 100 feet, they have to have one? Or....or 150 feet? Is that a rule?"

"I don't know, but it sounds pretty awesome to me." Martin answered. "Ok, two or three of you guys go that way. Look for a fire extinguisher, and if there are any instructions on the wall as to how to actually use one....umm...tear it down and bring it back with you." He said. "Me and Jason will go this way. One of us is bound to run into one before reaching the end of the hall."

The students began to split up, until one of the older boys stopped Martin and said, "Hey, geek! Who the hell put you in charge?"

Martin gave him a weird look. "Dude...seriously? Are we doing this right now? Are you gonna be cliché, douche bag, 'I wanna be the leader', guy? That's so lame. Suck it up. I'd kinda like to get home today, assuming it's still there and in one piece." Martin didn't wait for an answer. He just turned around, took Jason by the arm, and they started walking.

Jason grinned, "I guess disasters bring out the asshole in guys like that, huh?"

"Yeah, well it's not like his inner idiot was all that well hidden to begin with." Martin said.

"Is that why we're walking away from him so fast?"

"Hey, I said he was an idiot. I never said he couldn't beat the living snot out of me if he got the impulse to do so."

Downstairs in the cafeteria...Geo looked for some napkins to wipe his nose. He was worried that it might be bleeding, but is was just mucous from him crying so much earlier. The rumbling in his stomach was driving him crazy, and he turned to his newfound friend to see if he had a quick fix for it.

"Do you have anything to eat? In your backpack, maybe?" He said, his young voice cracking a bit from the hoarseness of screaming earlier.

Darwin was so exhausted. Perhaps it was the emotional drain of the whole situation. Behind his half closed eyelids...he kept envisioning the giant rock...spiraling towards the ground just seconds before impact. Blinding light. So many colors. Colors that he had never seen before. Colors with a name.

"No. I've got nothing." He said, feeling a bit weak himself. "Hey, there's a vending machine over there in the far corner."

"Hey, yeah!" Geo smiled. "Awesome."

"That's actually not such a bad idea. Can you help me up?" Darwin asked, and the younger boy was quick to hop on over and get underneath Darwin's arm to help him walk on his twisted ankle. They quickly limped towards the machine and were happy to find it full of chips and candy and shrink wrapped pastries.

Geo instinctively reached into his pocket for change. Darwin looked at him funny as the boy counted out quarters and dimes in his palm. "Seventy five, eighty five....a dollar much do you got?"

"Are you kidding me?" Darwin said. "This place is trashed. Who cares?" With that, Darwin motioned for Geo to step aside, and he used his thin arms to rock the machine back and forth a few times. Unfortunately, Darwin was a bit too frail to make much of an effort. "This thing is a lot heavier than it looks. Here, gimmee a hand...." He said, and Geo helped by rocking the clunky machine back and forth. Soon, the big box began leaning to and fro for a little bit long, and as soon as the balance was transferred heavily enough to one side, Darwin hopped out of the way as it toppled over, face first, to the ground with a thunderous crash. Both boys cringed, expecting the usual rush of adults to come running to find out what the hell they had done. But as their wide, impish, eyes met from either side of the machine...oth of the young rascals broke out into a controlled fit of giggles from the mess.

Geo grinned, "Dude...that was awesome. Hehehe!"

" kinda was. Now, do we turn it over so we can actually get to the candy inside?" Darwin smiled, and the boys began working on a strategy that their limited strength could pull off in that place.

"Weak!!! You're both so goddamn weak!" Janitor Foley shouted and shrieked at the two boys trying to lift the rubble that had his leg pinned beneath it.

"Will ya SHUT UP, Foley??? Your breath alone is enough to sap the strength right out of me!" Rusty told him, wondering why the hell he was even bothering to help when he could just wait for the rescue team to come and let it be their problem.

"You little pissants aren't even good enough for physical labor. If your grades suck, and you've got no talent for working with your hands, how the hell did you expect to survive once your glory days of high school were over and done with?" Foley chuckled sarcastically.

Kyle was already fatigued. "Rusty, you know what, man? I'm fuckin' tired as shit...but I think I could find a big boost of energy if we both agreed to find more rocks to cover him up with."

Rusty was trying to move some more stuff off of him, but when he heard Foley holler out in pain again, he got frustrated. "God dammit!!!! Fuck this, man!" Rusty threw a large rock down to the floor off of the pile and came back down to sit next to his friend, Kyle. "This is pointless. Foley's like a God damned alley cat with his tail stuck in a car door. I can't do ANYTHING to get him out of there. He'll just have to stay stuck for now."

"Hey..." Foley said in a rough and haggard voice. "What are you two assholes talking about? Get over here and help me up." The boys looked over at him, but then turned their backs again. "HEY! I'm talking to you! What are you doing? Huh? Get me out of here! I said, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!"

"Shut the fuck up, Foley, or I'll come over there and piss right in your face." Rusty said, and Kyle snickered gleefully, giving his friend a silent high five.

Seeing the flask on the floor by his feet, Kyle got a wicked smile on his face and picked it up, giving it a little shake. Then he popped the top and took a swig.

Rusty frowned up, "Dude...ewwww. Foley's been kissing that flask for God knows how long."

Kyle coughed and sputtered a few times. "Uckkk!!! It tastes like it too!" He handed the flask to Rusty, who gave him a sideways look at first, then took it from him. He thoroughly wiped off the mouth piece with his shirt, and too a healthy swallow himself.

He felt an even worse burn from the alcohol than Kyle did. "Jesus Christ, Foley! What is this, bleach and cologne???"

"It's a MAN'S drink. Something you two wouldn't know anything about." He grumbled.

"Yeah, well you can keep it. Here. Maybe it'll keep you from getting on our nerves for a few minutes." Rusty said, and tossed him the flask from across the room. The janitor was quick to grab it up and guzzle a third of what was left without stopping. The boys were amazed, but they weren't gonna let it show on their faces. "You know....eventually, we're gonna have to find a way to get him out from under that mess. I hate to admit it, but we might need him to help us get out of here."

Kyle thought for a minute, and said, "You think we could find a hack saw in the tool chest? Hehehe!"

"For the LAST time, Kyle...we are NOT cutting Foley's leg off. Besides, if we did, he wouldn't be much good to us afterwards. The way he's raping that liquor flask over there, he's liable to bleed to death in the first two minutes."

The boys took a two minute breather, not saying much. Until Kyle spoke up. I wonder what it looks like outside? I mean...this room is pretty deep in the ground. If we're this fucked up down here, imagine what the rooms above ground must look like."

"I don't know. I assume the building is still standing. Most of it anyway. But I imagine it must be in pretty bad shape. I mean, it's been at least an hour and a half, and I haven't heard any voices. No footsteps, no cries for help, no sirens...nothing." Then Rusty looked back towards the door, seeing the dark smoke still pouring into the room. "All I know is...if we don't find a way to get that door open so we can get out of here...or at least close it again...we're gonna end up having a real problem with smoke inhalation." At that moment, they heard a hazy laugh coming from the wreckage behind them, and saw Foley leaning his head back with a grin. "What's so funny?"

"Hehehehahaha! Ironic, ain't it boys? You two loser pot heads...dying from smoke inhalation! Hahaha! Ahhh, that's one for the books!"

They scowled at him and shook their heads, wishing he would pass out or something to give them some peace. Dirtbag.

Just above them on the second floor, Jennifer Goodwin held her place behind the library desk, watching the bookshelves burn endlessly with enough literary fuel to keep the whole area ablaze for hours to come. It was so hot that her hair had become matted down to her forehead, droplets of sweat hanging from the tip of her nose and rolling off of her chin. And yet, despite the heat of the blaze, she sat shivering in the corner, her nerves wound tight enough to snap. Her eyes trying desperately not to look at any of the charred bodies around her. Praying that they weren't people she knew personally. Praying that they weren't her friends. There was a moment where she felt bad about thinking that. As though the lives of people she didn't know were any less valuable. But it stayed in her thoughts regardless.

A sudden jolt of fear, and then instant relief overtook Jenny as the door to the library burst open, and Mrs. Ruschek came rushing in with a working fire extinguisher. "Jenny???"

"I'm over here!" She called out.

"Ok, come stand behind me. I'm gonna try to get these fires under control." Jenny did as she was told, and Mrs. Ruschek let loose with a spray to blast the fires crawling up the sides of the walls. Next came the desk, and the bookshelves, and parts of the carpet in the corners.

Jenny noticed the door opening behind her, and turned to see her friend Ren coming into the room, holding his chest and gasping for clean air. "Ren???"

"Ugh...yeah. It's me. What happened?"

Jenny didn't give him much time to grasp the situation before she was hugging him tightly around the neck. "I'm sooooo glad you're alright!!! Omigod!" She shouted. "Did you see anybody else???"

" I don't think so. I was in the stairwell when it felt like the whole building was pulled from under my feet. I don't remember much after that." Ren told her. "I remember falling down to the next platform and then....ummm...wait! Shit, my backpack. My camera's in there. I should be documenting this! This is award winning stuff right here! 'Meteorite Crashes Into School, Teen Journalist Gets The Whole Survival Effort On Tape!' It's great!"

"Ren! You're not thinking about going back out there, are you?" Jennifer asked.

"I'll be back in a jiffy. It's JUST down the hall. Ok? One and half flights of steps down. I'll grab my backpack and the camera and I'll come right back. I promise. This is just to big to pass up." He said, Jenny gave him a trembling hug, and he smiled in return.

"Be careful, ok?"

"Hey, nothing's gonna happen to me. I'm magic." Ren told her, and off he went.

He looked at the burning walls and stepped around the holes in the ceiling and the floor. This nightmarish vision hardly resembled the school he once knew at all. He took mental notes of things that he wanted to film on his way back to the library. Namely a poster for fire safety in the hall...that was on fire. He thought that was great.

He opened the door to the stairwell and waved some of the smoke out of his face as he looked down to the platform that he had fallen on when the impact occurred. There in the corner, he made out a dark shape, and recognized his backpack. Awesome. He hurried down to pick it up, and fished inside for his camera. Thank goodness it was still in working order. Hardly a scratch on it.

He stopped for a second, and took a few pictures of the stairs above him. Then a few of the stairs below. It was the most exciting footage that he had ever gotten before. He turned on the video function, and started filming the debris around him.

"This is Ren Hiryouki. I'm a sophomore at Westlake high. We've just been...completely bombed by what appears to be a large chunk of the 'Houdini 3' comet, and I'm one of the survivors. As you can see...the stairwell is still pretty much in tact, as well as a few other parts of the school. I don't know how many of us are left, but whatever happens, I'm going to be right here, getting it all on tape." He said. "No matter what happens from here on out, I think that it's safe to say...the worst of this tragedy is over...."

At that moment, Ren heard a noise from the floor below him. It sounded like a door being pushed open.

Ren slowly moved over to the railing on the side of the platform. There was a lot of smoke in the way still, so he couldn't see much. But he could almost sense that something down there was moving.

"Hello?" He called out. But got no answer.

Then he heard the door open again. Then a third time. Then a fourth. And more movement below. He pointed his camera down in that direction, hoping to catch a glimpse of something...but it was obscured from his view.

He heard the door open again...and something else came through. He heard something like...growling coming from below. Almost like a cat purr, but much more agitated. Maybe even angry. Hungry. And whatever it was making those sounds...there was more than one of them.

The noises got louder, and now...they seemed to be moving slowly up the steps.

"H-Hello???" Ren said nervously. The sounds began to move faster. And faster still. And he saw something moving in the smoke. Dark figures...climbing their way up the stairs. Sniffing him out.

It gave him an instant chill, and without any further thought, he charged up to the next level and ran through the door. Making sure that it was closed tightly behind him. He could hardly catch his breath when he got back to the library. Maybe it was someone who had been hurt, or maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. But whatever it was...he was sure that he got it on tape.

He was just too scared to look at the playback....

**Thanks for reading! I truly appreciate any and all feedback! I have been working on many MANY projects over the last six weeks, and I'm releasing them all over the NEXT six weeks! So, I know it's been a long time, but look for more updates soon! Cool! :)

Let me know what you think at, and be sure to check out the brand NEW eBook version of "Gone From Daylight" at the COMICALITY KINDLE STORIES link!!!


Next: Chapter 7

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