Skippys Cock Tales

By Scott Grimes

Published on Dec 2, 2023


Skippy's Cock Tales 7

So dudes, before you get your dicks out, get your wallets out and drop some bucks on Nifty. It's always there for you.

Coach's Big Balls

The twinks had gotten out of hand.

Ethan was so fucked out by Coach's frequent fucking that he could hardly drag himself through his daily gym routine. He worked out on his own three times a week, but he was still really motivated because he knew that Axel would expect constant improvement.

Still, he got to thinking and since his buds were there working out with him...

"Colt! Kade! I've got a plan and I'm going to need your help."

"Sure!" chirped Colt.

"Of course, bro!" added Kade. Whatdoyawanna do?"

"Well, you know how Coach rides me -- both figuratively and literally. Every time I see him he gets his dick in one of my holes or the other...sometimes both."



"Well, I'm thinking I want to have just one time with the big stud where I call the shots. You remember how Mr. Skip mixed that Rhophy stuff with the little blue pills so that that Graham was horned up and out of it, so that you could do just about anything with him, and he loved it?"

"Sure do, Dude!" Colt's eyes got all dreamy.

"Fuck yeah! That was more than cool!" Kade started to bone up at the memory.

"Well, what if we slip some of that stuff to Coach and do stuff to his body?"

"Like what?" Kade was the pragmatic one.

"Like anything we want. I've got some ideas about those big balls of his, and then there's his giant dick and those nipples he likes us to suck. We've gotta stay out of his butthole, of course, but we can eat it a lot so that he gets crazy, and..."

The plotting continued as the three frat boys pumped iron and chattered away, their jockstraps bulging further and further. When Josh and I later caught what happened on the video camera, we hooted and hollered, vowing to show it to Axel while making the interns reprise it in person.

It went like this:

"Thanks for the water, little dude!" Coach grabbed the bottle and chugged it down, his big Adam's apple bobbing in his thick neck. Dripping with sweat, he'd just showed the three interns a complete free weight routine. The man was buffed like some young professional wrestler, or some dude in a Hercules movie or something. He stood and swaggered to the wall mirror, Ethan, Kade and Colt tagging along behind.

"Show us your posing routine again, Coach! Please Coach?" Ethan never tired of seeing his big trainer show off his amazing body.

"Without your strap Coach? Please?" Kade loved looking at dick. What can I say?

Coach's smirk was one of the sexiest around. He broke into a grin as he stripped off his strap and tossed it to Kade, then faced himself in the glass. He stood a bit sideways, twisted his torso toward the mirror, lifted his arms and popped into a double biceps pose -- Kade's favorite, by the way. The little dude's eyes were round with wonder and he unconsciously brought coach's wet jock to his lips and began sucking out the sweat. Axel caught him out of the corner of his eye and the big man's dick rose like a cobra.

Axel changed his stance, reached one hand behind his back to grab his other wrist, made that arm bulge like a Jai Lai player's. His dick got even harder and bobbed a little in the steam gym air.

Ethan watched the big man's face closely and saw both eyes begin dilate.

"Coach! Stand with your feet wide apart and put your hands behind your head...please?"

Axel frowned for a moment, thinking "What the fuck? Why am I feeling fuzzy and these punks are telling me..." and then he was had. The drugs were coursing through his veins, helped by his tensing and posing. His face softened, his lips parted and his mouth hung open a little. He stepped wide and brought his hands up behind his head and stood there.

The boys streamed toward him like baby sharks in the water.

Kade got to the big dick first, dropping to his knees and capping the cock with his wet, hot mouth. Ethan and Colt consoled themselves with sucking on Axel's big tan nipples and licking the sweat off his chest before burrowing into his dripping arm pits.

Every time Coach exhaled he moaned softly. His body was feeling more than good. Tongues were washing his hot muscles, a pretty faced twink was nursing his dick. His dick was harder than he could remember and his balls pulsed a little, moving up and down in their big sack as Kade worked his angry knob.

Ethan started calling the shots.

"Kade, chew on his big balls. Not hard...but work those fuckers! Colt and I are going to lick the inside of his elbows and knees.

Axel was somewhere. He wasn't sure where, but it was a wonderful place. Amazing things kept happening to his body. Six hands roved over his tanned skin, kneading his muscles, feeling him up, searching for any place tender...where they'd pause and tickle or stroke.

Coach whimpered. But it was a fucking deep whimper.

"Ethan continued, "Coach, bend your knees and pull your butt cheeks apart. Kade and Colt, I'm going in for his butt hole, you two each suck one of his balls." The front of Ethan's head practically disappeared in the big lug's steaming cleft. His pretty lips found the tight man knot and went to work. Kade and Colt could each just get a big ball in their mouths, sucking and gnawing them gently.

Coach was in fucking heaven. His dick was pulsing now, angry with need and frustration. His balls felt absolutely wonderful and his manhole was in fucking paradise. Axel liked it very, very much.

His dick burped a little precum, which dribbled down the length of his cock and mingled with the sweat on his balls -- the sweat that Kade and Colt were sucking off.

Ethan pulled his face out of the man's arse. "Coach! Lie down on your back and spread your legs."

The three fratboys watched like hungry wolf cubs as Coach followed through. When the big man was finally down, they dove on his crotch like pups on a steak. They nibbled, sucked and licked. They stroked, teased and chewed a little. In just about two or three minutes, Axel's rocket was ready to launch, so stoked it was glossy as glass and his big balls were starting to hug the base of his dick. His breathing was quick and fluttery, his abs tight as rock.

Ethan grabbed the big thick pole with both hands and pumped while Colt and Kade each rolled a big ball with their fingers. That's all it took. Axel tightened his fists, flexed his knees a bit and curled his toes.

Then he started firing fuck bullets into the air.

Ethan was on it -- on Axel's big knob, to be exact. He capped the thing and kept pumping the dick as it fired away. He swallowed, choking as the hot goo gushed into his mouth. Kade and Colt hooted, watched and hooted, tickling the man's big balls while he emptied himself into Ethan's pretty face.

Everybody relaxed a little. The twinks giggled and high-fived each other. Axel lay gasping for breath.

"Dudes! Coach is still hard!" chuckled Kade.

"Still sweaty too!" Colt added.

"Okay...let's do it again!" decided Ethan.

"Coach! Stand up and show us your double biceps pose!"

Axel rolled onto his side and stood up, his balls swinging low in their sack as he strutted up to the mirror.

The twinks followed like baby sharks in the water.

Well...I had to watch the whole thing again, this time sharing it with Josh, who shared his dick with me. It was like old times. When Coach Axel shot his wad in the air the second time, I deep throated Josh and milked him dry.

"Skip! You're still the best cocksucker I know, bro! "

And that was saying a lot.

Parker Visits Maintenance

Parker wasn't really sure about the end of the monkey wrench that was currently being worked high into his pussy. It was really cold, but somehow...well...refreshing, he guessed.

Mr. Skip had sent him down to maintenance and he'd found the Porcino brothers behind the boiler, downing a beer on their afternoon break.

Well, it wasn't really a boiler. It was a massive assortment of computerized machinery that took up two full floors in the underground base of the corporate tower.

Rico and Vic were actually twins. It was really hard to tell which was which. Their broad shoulders were identical, as were their bulging biceps, their wavy hair, deep brown eyes and classic faces. Bubble butts, ripped abs and thick fingers the same.

Same went for their big cut lengths of salami, their meaty balls and hair ringed arseholes.

Though on first meeting them, what most people notice is their smell.

Pure sex. Something that goes beyond smell. Something that makes your dick firm up in your pants, your nostrils flare, and your mouth water.

That's exactly what happened to Parker when he knocked on the door and walked in to their lair.

The men had been playing cards and relaxing with a few beers on their break. Their heads snapped up and they turned to stare at Parker, like a couple of wolves surprised to find a rabbit walking into their den.

Well...I guess that says it all.

Parker froze. Like all prey, he automatically recognized predators. Here were two of them.

"Who in the fuck are you, kid?" barked Vic. Rico's eyes narrowed as he looked Parker up and down.

Parker started pitting out.

"Uuuuuhhh. I'm Parker, sirs. I'm a special assistant to Mr. Skip, sirs. He sent me down to ask if there's anything you need that you don't"

"He did, did he? Mr. Skip, huh?" Said Vic. "Mr. Skip told us at our last evaluation that he really appreciated our well as the spooge he worked out of our dicks. Said he'd make sure we were taken care of -- kind of like family, or something. So he's gonna deliver, is he...uh...Parker is it?"

"Yes, sirs, it's Parker, sirs."

"Take off your clothes, Parker," crooned Rico. "Get the fuck naked and turn around."

Parker sighed and set down his clipboard. Looking at the floor, he unbuttoned his shirt, stripped it off and dropped it to the floor. His pants, shoes and socks, and finally his tighty whities followed. Despite the heat of the room, Parker shivered, covering his crotch with his hands.

"Put your hands behind your butt, punk!" Vic instructed.

Parker moved his hands. His dick straightened and rose up to point at the space between the two brothers. Sweat dripped down the frat boy's sides.

"Come `ere, punk!" said Vic.

Parker shuffled up to the Porcino on his right. The big guy reached out and pinched Parker's mouth between his thumb and fingers, making the intern's mouth pouch forward and pucker open.

"Good lips and strong cheeks on this frocio, bro!" The man kept working Parker's face. The twink gaped like a fish out of water.

Rico's chair screeched as he scooted it back. He stood and walked over behind Parker, squeezing his young shoulders, running his hands down the smooth back to the slim waist, then grabbing a double handful of Parker butt.

"Dude! You gotta fucking feel these. He's going to bounce like a ping pong ball when I pound his happy hole.

Rico circled to his brother's side and unzipped his work pants. His big dick fell out into the air and begain to harden and rise. Parker watched it...hypnotized...while Vic continued massaging his face and mouth.

In the next instant, Rico had forced Parker's head down and over his brother's bobbing meat, squeezing the little guy's mouth open and attaching it to the big cock.

Parker sucked.

"Look at this frocino sucking your fucking cock, bro! He's going to be gulping your load before I can even get my piece out. Pants the fucker and eat his pussy for a while, I need to get some of that sweet mouth on my meat, man!"

Rico stood, pulled his belt open, dropped and kicked out of his pants. He kept his work boots on for extra traction, I guess. He then pulled Parker off his brother's cock, spun him a 180 and jerked down the intern's pants, all in one great move.

Vic punched the backs of Parker's knees with his own. The kid reflexively squatted and bent at the waist. Rico pulled the twinks mouth to his dick while his brother dove head first into Grade A, prime punk arse.

For a bit there you could only hear wet sounds, then Rico crowed.

"This fucking cocksucker is amaaaaaazing, Vic! How's his arse, bro?"

Vic looked up, and grinned, his mouth and lower face wet and red from eating boy pussy.

"It's the fucking best, bro! The fucking best. Hand me that beer. I'm going to spit some of it up his fuck tunnel, help the little guy get in the mood. We're going to have a party here, Rico! A fucking party!"

Vic grabbed the can of beer and took a swig. He bent over while the stuff foamed in his mouth, swished his tongue around and then blew it up into Parker's pucker, following up with several hard smacks using a couple of his fingers on the punk's pussy lips. He leaned in again and worked his mouth on the hole until it relaxed enough to release a hoppy drizzle into the man's sucking mouth.

"Fucking butt beer, Rico. Fucking amazing, fratello!"

Much to Parker's surprise, the hunky Rico hit the floor and scooted under the intern, leaning up to suck the young hard dick and work the kid's tender nuggets in his rough hands.

"Way to go, Rico! His knot is as small as a lentil now. You keep working his junk, I'm going to go in for his boy button!"

Vic got in really close, an eye and a finger practically touching Parker's pussy lips. He wet the finger and started circling the smooth sweet skin. After about a minute, he curled his digit and started tapping the knot -- patiently, relentlessly -- while it tightened and relaxed, tightened and relaxed.

Then, when he judged the time was exactly right, he stabbed his way into the first knuckle.


"Hear that Rico! That's the fucking song of the sodomite! Waaaaay better than opera, bro. I could make this music all day!"

Instead, Vic started working Parker's hole, probing, twisting, pistoning, then doing an incredibly slow exploration of the all reachable interior, starting with the inside of the pucker and going in as deep as the he could reach. Of course he quickly found right where the kid's P-spot was. He pulled out completely, waited a couple of breaths, then slowly went in again, welcomed this time by a hungry hole that wanted more.

Vic lightly touched the smooth bump, barely moving the tip while varying the pressure. Parker pushed back as fully as his position would allow, his butthole trying to eat up more of that wonderful, nasty finger.

Vic began a fast finger fuck.

"Rico, get the fuck ready. Squeeze his little rocks on my count, I'm going to make sure this frochino gives up everything he's got and a little more, cause I want to fuck him when his balls are empty. You're going to feast like a king, brother!

Rico was more than ready. He sucked like he was going to pull Parker's kidneys out through his dick. His big rough hand started to slowly strangle the hanging nuggets. Vic stopped the pistoning and found the button again. He began a slow, relentless circling. Parker's arse so fucking loved it! It began to tighten like a cylindrical vice, aiming to crush the invading finger. When Vic figured it was as tight as it would get, he started finger fucking again, and plucking, pistoning and plucking...

"FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK..." Parker seemed pleased with the twins' efforts.

His thighs tightened, turning to rock, along with his abs and his arms. Vic started jabbing the button. Parker's eyes squinched up, his mouth pulled wide in a tight grimace and...he...

Fucking came the way a race horse pisses.

Parker's arse bounced on the invading finger, grinding his prostate against the marauding tip. His balls would have screamed if they could, squeezed to the point of misery, and his cock...his pinky white tube of hard, young flesh turned marble...firing glob after glob of frat boy goo deep into Rico's sucking mouth.

Five, six, seven shots. Parker's cock was a nice little repeating canon.


Vic kept jabbing and plucking, Rico kept squeezing and sucking.

Parker's body realized it was done cumming and started to throw itself into reverse, everything that was fevered bliss was now over-fevered torment. His body tried to turn it all around and cum some more -- just managing a single small shot of young jock juice that joined the others in Rico's greedy gut.


Parker wanted it to stop.

It went on for another ten seconds, the intern's muscles cramping - pulling frantically at every joint in his body.

Suddenly it stopped.

Parker tried to collapse but was literally held up by the finger in his butt and the fist holding his balls.

"FFFFFUUUUCCCCCK bro! We got this little fucker good, didn't we? Really fucking good. We gotta trade places and do it again in about twenty minutes or so when the little fag's read to shoot a few more. Meanwhile, all of his fucking attention is going to be on our dicks in his pretty mouth and his sweet, sweet pussy. We're going to have another fucking party, bro! Another fucking party!

And they partied on.

Next: Chapter 8

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