Skippys Cock Tales

By Scott Grimes

Published on Nov 20, 2023


Skippy's Cock Tales 5

So dudes, before you get your dicks out, get your wallets out and drop some bucks on Nifty. It's always there for you.

A reader requested more about Lance in Italy. It's the third of these three shorts.

Parker Begs

"Please sir, I really need it. "You've got to let me have it sir! Please give it to me. I really really need it!"

Parker was begging...for the Harvard Alpha-COK file.

Reed leaned back in his chair and looked over at the twink standing next to him. Cute crotch bulge. Nervous. Shifting from foot to foot. Pitted out already and it was only 9:30 in the morning. Darting eyes. Licking lips. The kid was prey in an office building stocked with predators and he was in Reed's personal territory. Time to take control.

"What is it you need it?"

"Yes sir, it is sir! Mr. Skip sent me for the Harvard Alpha-COK file and he said he needs it like yesterday."

Reed leaned farther back and put his hands behind his head, his white button down bunching around his chunky biceps, the cut showing off his trim waist. The kid's eyes got bigger.

"Well...let me see..." Reed brushed his black hair off his forehead and stood, leaning into his desk, grabbing the mouse with his muscular hand, the muscles in his forearms knotting below his rolled up cuffs. He leaned forward and shifted his weight to one hip. His muscled butt tensed. So did Parker. Reed could just tell. When he looked back at Parker, the kid froze and shivered a little. Yep, fucking prey!

"Yeah kid. It's in file room 14. I've got the key here." When the man reached into his pocket, the cloth stretched across his sizeable package. Parker sucked in his breath a little.

"Follow me, Parker. We'll go take care of things. I'll give you what you need."

"Uh...yes sir!" Parker could just catch the smirk on Read's face as the man turned and led the way to the corridor and down to number 14. Inside was a battery of filing cabinets.

"Here -- there are two folders. One should be in the bottom drawer of this cabinet and I'll look for the other in the top of this one."

Parker squatted down, pulled out the drawer and began searching.

"I found it sir!" Parker began to stand up but Read put a big hand on his head and pushed him back down.

"ZZZZZZIIIIIIPPPPPPPP...keep looking, kid, you'll find what you really need..."

Parker turned his head and stared at the thick dick hanging in front of his face. He swallowed once. Then again. He whimpered quietly, sighed, and opened his mouth. The dick went right in.

"Good boy, Parker! Fuck but does my dick love your mouth. Suck the dick, kid, suck my fucking dick!"

Parker sucked the fucking dick. He dropped the file on the floor, sat back on the heels of his shoes and sucked. He pressure washed the knob, then ever-so-gently bit it right under the ridge as he reached up and pulled the man's big balls out of his pants. The dick got even harder. Parker worked the balls down in their sack, pulled off the dick and spent half a minute just kissing the piss slit.

"Fucking hell kid! You are soooooo good. Pull out your little stick and wax it while you work. I`m going to fucking love seeing you horn up while you swallow my meat."

Parker was good at following directions of course. He dutifully unzipped, reached in his pants and worked out his junk, then got back to work sucking on Reed. Parker dove down on the dick, pulled back half way and worked the end with his tongue, pumping his jaw and hollowing his cheeks. He shook his head a little, then wobbled his way down to the root of the pulsing prong, luxuriating in the soft skin stretched over the throbbing pole.

"Fuck! Eat me, you pussy! Eat my fucking dick! Keep jerking, punk. You're going to cum for me, and you're going to cum on my wingtip. Better get it right!"

Parker was more than turned on by now. Face red, sweat dripping down inside his shirt. His hand was a blur at his crotch.

Reed put a strong hand on each side of Parker's head and started fucking it.

"Cum for me baby, come for cock sucking pussy! FUCKING CUM FOR ME!!"

Parker did as ordered, jerking the hot spunk out of his tight little body and onto the glossy black dress shoe nearest him, getting a little on the half-break pant cuff as well. The whimpering in his throat was punctuated by Reed's relentless prodding.


Parker relaxed a little and swallowed the ball batter, massaging the dick in his mouth with his throat muscles, pulling back a little to suck most of the shaft. He backed off further to suckle the tip, cooing softly to himself.

"That's it kid, that's it. Give daddy some more happy dick."

SLAM! The door to the room swung open. There were footsteps.

"Keep sucking, punk. Did I tell you to stop?"

Parker kept nursing, watching out of the corner of his eye as another pair of wingtips walked up beside him and Reed.

"Reed! Dude. You about through in here? I need to pull a couple of files, bro."

"Sure thing, Malik! About done. Had a fag to feed. You know how it goes, bro."

"Sure do!"

"Say Malik. See how this kid sucks dick? He's fucking amazing. Look at that pretty face and those puffy pink lips! Look how he sucks on my meat, even after I've fed him. Kid could probably eat some more, don't you think? Here....take this file. After he licks his cum off my shoe, have him eat you, man. Then give him the file. Apparently it's a rush order, so don't doddle, bro. Stick your meat in his mouth and drop a load. I'll ask Mr. Skip if we can borrow him over the lunch hour and you and I can take him to the gym and fuck him on the mats. Mason and Jim from accounting can watch us. They'll fucking love it!"

"Great idea, Reed!"

"Ziiiiiiipppppp." Kid, clean his fucking shoe and cuff and then get over here, I'm in a fucking hurry. I need a file, like yesterday."

Parker looked up from the floor where he was slurping up his spill. He held his file tightly and sighed. He turned and attached himself to the long fragrant man pole wagging in his face.

"Ziiiipppppppp." Reed put himself together and headed for the door.

"See you around, kid. See you Malik."

Parker closed his eyes and sucked.

One down, one to go. He loved cock, but he so fucking hated filing.

Just Do the Fucking Math, Cocksucker!

"I'm sending all four twinks down for you and Jim to mentor a bit. When you're done, let me know how the little dudes did." I tapped send and the message went off to Mason in accounting, brought up the cameras in Accounting, leaned back and unzipped.

The twinks were on their way.

Earlier I had asked Colt to pass me the balance sheet for one of our subsidiaries, and he didn't know what I was talking about. So when I asked Kade, he knew what I was looking for, but it turns out he didn't know how to read one. I asked Ethan, then Parker to give him a hand, but they were no help. Seemed like the frat boys had some trouble with numbers. Jim and Mason were just the thing.

I'd waited until after the men's lunch hour, when I knew they'd be pumped up and horned up from their time in the gym. The upcoming tutoring session was going to be one for the books.

"So...what are your names again? I remember your arses but not your names," said Mason.

"Er, these guys are Ethan, Colt and Kade. I'm Parker," said Parker.

"Got it. So you four can't do the math that goes with the job, is that right?"

Three faces of shame nodded and looked at the floor.

"So how the hell did you pass your basic math requirements for business school then?"

"Well...uh.." stammered Kade, "I spent a lot of time working on special projects for my prof."

"What kind of special projects, Kade?"

"Mostly helping...well...mostly sucking him off under the desk while he lectured, or in his office while he graded papers, a couple of times during faculty meeting while he Zoomed...and sometimes.... "

"I get the picture, kid? Colt? Ethan? Parker?"

"Well, there was this guy who was really smart, and always horny and I kinda sucked him off all the time so he'd do my papers and take my tests for me. We were both pretty happy about how it all worked out," volunteered Colt. "He said it was a collaborative effort."

"What about you, Ethan?"

"There was this really cute jock who was a graduate assistant and he made me hide in the lecturn and blow him when he proctored tests. He proctored a lot of tests," added Ethan.


"Er...uh...mumble mumble mumble..."

"Parker! What about you? How'd you get by?"

"Uh, I sort of sucked the prof, his assistant and the math genius. I really needed a lot of help, I guess."

"Well, little dudes. That explains so fucking much, doesn't it? Okay then, we'll start with the basics. You in the ball cap and glasses...Kade, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Take your hand out of your friend's pants and come here by my desk."

Mason swiveled his chair to the side. Kade came around the desk and stook in front of him.

"How many dicks to you see waving in the air, kid?"

"Uhhhhh...none sir?"

"That's right. ZZZZIIIIIIPPPPPPPP flop. Now how many dicks do you see waving in the air?"

"One, sir."

"So how long is this dick, Kade?"

"It may be about seven and a quarter iinches long and maybe about five and three-eighths inches around."

"That's exactly right! How big is your dick, Kade?"

"It's exactly six inches long and four and five-eighths in circumference."

"How about other people you know?"

"Mr. Skip is six and a quarter by four and three quarters, Josh is seven and a quarter by five and a quarter, Coach's is six and three quarters in circumference and exactly twelve inches long..."

"That's enough, Kade. I think it's apparent that you do have a head for numbers, if the numbers have anything to do with dicks, and it's pretty apparent you have a pretty head for dicks. I want you to get yours out and start working it. Do it now!"

"You two -- Colt and Ethan. "

`Yes sir!"

"Pull your junk out of your pants."

"Yes, sir!"

How many balls do you have between you?"

`Four, sir."

"And how many dicks?"

"Two sir."

" many hands?"


"Okay, then, get all four hands to work on your balls and dicks and watch while I coach Kade."

"Kade, how many mouths do you have?"

"One! I have one, sir!"

Mason reached up and pulled Kade down toward him. The young man's mouth flew open in surprise and Mason guided it onto his throbbing dick.

"And how many times does one go into one, Kade."

"un `ir. Us un."

Mason began fucking up into the twink's mouth.

"An how many times is my dick going down your throat?"

"n...n...nn...nn...nnnn..." Mason grabbed Kade by the hair and pulled him off his meat, `'at would be thirty times, sir."

"Excellent, Kade! "Jim waved to his partner Jim who was just coming back from a meeting in another office.

`Jim! Get yourself over here. Mr. Skip sent these kids for some help with numbers and we've got to give it to them."

"Glad to help Mase. What do you want me to do?"

"Get your dick out, man! Get your fucking dick out!"


So many dicks do you see now?"

"Uh, two, sir. I see two dicks."

"That's right! And how many holes do you have?"

"Well, I've got two holes, my butt hole and my mouth. "

"And can two go into two, Kade?"

"Yes sir...I hope so sir."

"You bet your sweet pussy they can. Turn around and sit on my dick while you suck Jim's cock."

Kade's accounting skills weren't the best, but he was no slouch with certain applied mathematics.

My favorite part of the tutoring session was when Mason had Colt bent over the desk, his dick way up the twink's twat while he took the pretty intern through an Excell program. The man was fucking, pointing, working the mouse with one hand while reaching around and groping the punk's junk with the other. Colt was nodding and murmuring "un huhn" over and over, but it seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with what he was being shown on the computer screen. Mason had given him a big, capped tube of library paste to suck on and the kid was absolutely drooling on the desk blotter.

Jim had Parker on his knees, deep throating his whopper while he smacked the glowing cheeks of Kade and Ethan. He'd had those two bend over his desk, slowly jerking off and sucking face while he warmed their melons. Then he'd set up a rotation -- sticking his dick up Ethan's young pussy while the frat boy sucked Parker while dick soaked in Kade's mouth. Jim was on a roll, showing the trio how many times one could go into three before the boys spit their spunk into each other's sucking mouth. When he'd fucked the cocksnot out of all three, he had Parker clean his dick while Ethan ate his arse and Kade got between them on the floor to lick and suck on the big guy's balls until he hardened again and filled Parker's mouth with his thick gooey man crud. Going by the huge amount of slurping in swallowing, Parker was drinking his fill for once.

You think my plan was a success? Just do the math.

Another Flashback - Lance in Italy

Lance pushed his palms together until his amazing pecs popped. He reached up lazily to grab onto the molding over the doorway and shifted his weight to one hip, then looked down at the twink kneeling at his feet, he broke into a big grin.

"God, but I so love seeing my big dick sticking in the face of some pretty cocksucker. And you, Zandro, are one of the fucking prettiest! Look at those big gray eyes staring up at me like a starved puppy or something. Fuck, but the way your lips work their way up my salami is a major turn on!

"Look at you suck, piccoletto...frocio. What a little faggot! Mangiami! Suc-suc-suchiami, cocksucker!"

Lance ran the fingers of both hands through his dirty blond hair, then grabbed the young man's head and fucked his face for ten or twelve strokes, before pulling out a bit so the kid could nurse on his knob. The special ops fighter sighed, closed his eyes and remembered how he'd caught this one.

The last day of his furlough -- he'd report back tomorrow to his special forces unit. But he was going to make sure he got in a couple more great meals and a couple more great fucks. Lance had risen late and it was already an hour or so into the afternoon. The desk clerk that he'd earlier let suck him off in the linen closet recommended a tiny café around the corner from the hotel.

When Lance walked through the door, all conversation stopped, leaving just the noise from the busy kitchen. Fourteen pairs of eyes looked him up and down, some widening in surprise or approval, others squinting at a possible threat. Lance was that kind of guy. They took in the big American's perfectly proportioned body, his skin tight t-shirt, camouflage pants and web belt. They looked critically at his highly polished combat boots, then went back to their conversations and food.

A little hurried waiter sped out from the kitchen, skidding to a halt on seeing the big American. Lance raised an eyebrow and pointed at the lone, empty table. The waiter nodded, blushed and nodded as he zeroed in on the big bulge in the front of Lance's pants.

Smirking a little, Lance strutted to the table and sat. It shared a nook with one other table. A woman with huge red hair sat with her back to him. Over her shoulder he eyed one of the most beautiful young men he'd ever seen. Made him kind of long for his little buddy, Skip.

This Italian beauty had silver blond hair, gray eyes and pink lips that looked plump and inviting as hell. The twink's cheekbones were amazing. Ivory skin that was slowly flushing to light rose when the kid realized Lance was looking at him and jerked his eyes back to his table mate.

Lance understood enough and saw enough to figure out the pair were brother and sister or something, and that they'd just about finished their meal. When the waiter arrived, chattering and fawning over the brawny American, he quickly order wine, water and a plate of pasta, never taking his eyes off the pretty boy at the next table.

Soon they were the only customers in the room.

It was obvious that the little dude's sister was pissed that he wasn't listening to whatever she had to say. Twice she turned to see what her brother was looking at, glaring pointedly at Lance, who beamed a big smile and nodded congenially in her direction. After a couple more minutes of this, she crashed her wine glass on the table, kicked back her chair and flounced out of the restaurant. Lance never stopped staring at the twink who was getting more flustered, more nervous, yet obviously reluctant to leave.

Lance raised a finger. The kid stared at it.

Lance pointed to the seat across from him.

Eyes wide, the young man gulped, stood and slowly walked over to Lance's table. The big man kicked the empty chair back from the table and the boy sat.

Lance drank wine, ate pasta, and stared at the twink. Perspiration blossomed on the young man's forehead. Lance picked up his wine glass and lifted it toward the guy who lifted his hand to take it.

Lance gave a quick shake to his head and held the glass to the boy's lips, watching as he sipped. Lance tilted the glass and the kid sipped faster. He sat down the empty glass, stuck his fork in his pasta, then lifted it to the pink lips, making sure the young Italian had to lean far forward to get it. When the pretty mouth opened, Lance waited, staring into the gray eyes. The boy opened his mouth wider, and Lance pushed his fork in, holding it steady while the kid sucked off the noodles.

"Umgh." The little waiter cleared his throat. "Vorresti qualcosa di piu. Signore?"

Hell yeah, Lance wanted more. Not taking his gaze off his table mate, he reached to the side and picked up the long table cloth. He snapped the fingers of his other hand and pointed to the floor.


Yeah, the waiter new "down" alright. He dropped to his knees and scooted under the table. Lance dropped the table cloth with one hand and dropped his zipper with the other. His amazing dick flopped out and sprang to attention. He reached into his fly and worked out his big balls just as he felt a hot wet mouth take in his hardening dick.

Lance smiled into the eyes across the table. He growled deep in his throat. He picked up his fork and brought more creamy noodles to the pink lips. The young man giggled as Lance fed him. Lance took a deep breath, growled even lower in his chest and injected the sucking mouth with his sizeable load.The waiter gobbled cum desperately while the twink across the table eyes grew even bigger. Lance held the waiter's head on his dick for a few more seconds, then pushed him off, again lifting the table as the guy crawled out.

"Il conto!" Lance mimed signing his name in the air. The waiter nodded and zipped away, likcing his lips, soon to return with the bill. The American laid a pile of money on the table and stood. He quietly addressed the blond twink, "Vieni con me." He walked out into the street, knowing full well the kid would come along. And follow he did, around the corner, back to the hotel and up to the desk where Lance got his key from the snickering clerk.

Lance got on the elevator, not looking back. The young Italian followed. Lance punched in his floor and turned to face the doors, spinning the kid and pulling him back against him. With one muscled arm crushing the boys chest, he used the other to snake down the front of the boy's pants and grab the little dude's dick and balls. He worked them like bread dough as the floors ticked my. When the elevator stopped and the doors began to open, the boy wriggled in panic, terrified of being found with a man's hands in his pants.

The big American held him steady, working the hardening meat for a few seconds before pulling out and grabbing the young man by the back of the neck, then marching him down the hall to his room.

Once inside, he flicked on the lights, spun around and pinned the boy to the door with his body before sealing his lips over the softer pink ones. The kid melted, opening his lips, his mouth, dropping his jaw as Lance invaded him with his big muscular tongue.

Still eating face, Lance unbuttoned the Italian's jacket and pushed it back off the kid's shoulders, using it to pin the young arms behind his back. He tongue fucked the pretty face while he ripped open the boy's white shirt, scattering buttons on the carpet. He tongue fucked on while he found the the two tender erect nipples with his calloused fingers and started working them -- plucking, pinching, twisting -- chuckling into the kid's mouth while the kid squealed into his. This went on for some time, the young guy twisting, getting hotter and hotter, horny as hell, his bleating becoming more and more shrill.

Lance ripped open the boy's belt, popped the button and dropped the zipper, then pushed the tight pants and briefs down off the kid's hips so they dropped to his ankles. He grabbed the boy's six inches with one hand and the kid's tender balls in the other and started jerking, still reaching his tongue way down the young man's throat. In seconds, the tortured young dick gave up the kid's ball batter. It burbled out, hot and gooey, running down over Lance's thumb. He quickly held his other hand under the spouting tube and caught the rest of the spitting splooge. He pulled his face off the boy's and lifted both hands to the kid's mouth, watching as the boy sucked and licked him clean.

Then he stooped, grabbed the kid around the waist and marched over to the bed, tossing the young man down on his back. He crossed his arms, grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it up and off, baring his pumped pecks, cut abs and bulging biceps.

The boy's mouth dropped open. He stared.

Lance smirked. "Spogliare!"

The kid stripped. He stripped quickly as Lance stooped to unlace his boots, kick them off along with his socks, pants and jock. The jock he tossed at the now naked youth, who caught it and brought it to his nose.

"Si! Un frocio!" Lance knew one when he saw one.

The boy sat at the edge of the bed, staring at Lance's dick head which was aimed right at his mouth.

"Sono Lance," growled the big special op dude.

"Sono Zandro," murmured the twink.

"Certo! Alessandro Magno fu un froccio, ancora." Indeed, the world conquer who lent his name to the kid was in fact a gay dude.

Legs wide, Lance wriggled toward Zandro until the tip of his dick touched those amazing lips.

"Aprire!" When the lips opened, Lance moved on in, sighing at the wonderful wet heat that welcomed his most precious possession. Zandro leaned forward working his mouth and throat until he'd swallowed the entire length. He put one hand on each of Lance's meaty thighs and settled in to suck. Lance laced his fingers behind his head, looked up at the ceiling and groaned, rocking forward and back as the kid sucked.

Zandro slid his fingers up Lance's thighs to cradle Lance's big balls. They were already starting to pull up a little in their bag.

"Aspetta!" Zandro waited as commanded. Lance pulled out, picked the little dude up by the shoulders, spun him and pushed him down on the bed. He kicked the kid's legs apart, knelt down grabbed the two halves of the bubble butt, pulled them apart and dove head first into that hot arse.

Lance snorted and slurped, he licked and sucked at the tender, smooth flesh. The kid started keening, it felt so good. Lance ate boy pussy for a good five minutes, forcing the boy back down onto his stomach, every time he tried to twist or get up. As he ate, he started working the boy's balls with one hand and milking the young dick like a cow's teat.

"Ah...ahh..AHHHH....AAAAHHHHHHHHHH" the kid squealed as the older man milked a second load out of his young balls.

Panting hard, face red with lust, Lance smeared the hot spunk on his throbbing knob and lined it up with the winking wet pucker and grabbed the sides of the boy's hips.

"Tenere!" The twink quickly grabbed at the bed with both hands and held on as Lance shoved his hips forward and sank balls deep into the welcoming Italian pussy.

"FFFFUUUUCUCCCCKKKK! Frocio! Sto scopando la sua figa!" Lance was indeed fucking the fag's pussy. He started fucking it hard. Soon the air was full of groaning, moaning and whimpering. The later from the frocio in question.

Lance grabbed the kid by the waist pulled him up and around while he sat on the bed, the kid's back to him. He jerked the boy's legs apart, draping them on either side of his muscular thighs. He held the kid's junk in one hand and stuck the thumb of the other in the pink lipped mouth.

Lance and Zandro stared at themselves in the full length wall mirror. The boy twitched and squirmed on the huge living spike stuck up his arse. Lance rocked his hips forward and back, working the tight boy cunt with his might meat, rubbing his thumb on the roof of the kid's mouth.

Sweat trickled down their sides. Zander pushed down on Lance's thighs, lifting his butt an inch or two off the invading dick. He did it again and again, bouncing his boy pussy on the living pole. Faster and faster.

Lance grabbed the inside of the boy's thighs and started fucking up into the hot clinging butthole, searching for and finding the boy's prostate.

Zander started squealing like a girl, Lance fucked faster. He chewed the side of the little guy's neck and crubbed his chin stubble into the tender flesh, all the time talking trash to the feverish twink.

"You fucking little piece of boy pussy! You fucking need my man dick in your body. You fucking need Lance to feed your hole with his sborra...feed jam his fucking hot cum up into your cunt mouth and then stick it in your pussy face..."

When inspired, Lance could be rather inventive.

In any case, Zander understood the meaning if not the words. He stared in wonder at his own body bouncing in Lance's lap as the big man's breathing quickened, going for the big geyser.

"OOOOHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" they yelled together. Lance's cock cannon fired over an over, fountaining hot cum up into the boy's guts. They both watched in wonder as Zander's dick erupted, hands free, dribbling his third load of the evening down over his balls and on to the carpet.

Lance quickly caught his breath, pushed Zander off his dick, turned him and attached the boy's head to his still hard, dripping dick.

"Puliame!" Boy did Zander clean that cock. It was his new best friend, and he wanted to leave a good impression.

Lance was indeed impressed. He ended up fucking the kid again after they napped and had dinner in his room. Then again after they went out to a bar for snacks and drinks. Then again in the middle of the night when he woke to find his dick happily stuffed down the little dude's throat.

So here he was, showered and ready to dress when the Italian fag sank to his knees yet again, holding the big man's balls like the jewels that they were and nursing on the big knob.

"Frochino! Sperma nella tua mano e spalmalo sul mio cazzo."

Still sucking dick, Zandro quickly beat off into his waiting palm, spread the hot goop on Lance's dick, and deep throated the meat once again.

Lance held the door frame with one hand, tweaked one of his nipples for a couple seconds, then cradled the twinks jaw and fired his raunchy rounds into the kid's swallowing throat.

Zandro helped Lance into his clothes, exactly like a worshipful valet. First the socks, then he held out the jock.

Lance shook his head. When Zandro looked at him in puzzlement, the big man took the strap from the kid, wadded it up and held it to the boy's nose.

"Un regalo da me, finnochio..." Zandro beamed with delight, holding the fragrant jock under one arm as he finished dressing Lance. Quickly donning his own clothes, the Italian twink stood in front of the big American before he could leave the room. Eyes closed, he lifted his chin, closed his eyes and waited.

Lance bent his neck and kissed those perfect pink lips. They parted, Lance went it. After a minute or so, the big guy pulled off and looked into Zandro's eyes.

"Forse il prossimo mese..."

Zandro's eyes lit up. One month was not too long to wait suck on his new best friend.

Next: Chapter 6

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