Skippys Cock Tales

By Scott Grimes

Published on Nov 5, 2023


Skippy's Cock Tales 3

So dudes, before you get your dicks out, get your wallets out and drop some bucks on Nifty. It's always there for you.

Three on the Mat

Kade raised his eyebrows, but knew to do exactly what Coach Axel said. He turned his baseball cap around so the bill was in front and pushed his glasses up on his nose, and leaned back against the wall. By the time Bradley had made his way across the floor, his dick and balls were out in the fresh air and his cock was rising to the ceiling.

"Kiss it, Bradley! Pucker your pretty pink lips and fucking kiss it! Show Coach what you learned. "The big man sauntered over and stood beside Kade, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

"That's it, Pussy! Look at you kiss dick? I knew it all along. Now look up at the big college jock and suck on his knob."

Bradley strained his eyes up to see Kade's face. The older jock was smirking down at him.

"Sucks really well, doesn't he, Kade? A hot, wet mouth for sure. I broke it in just a bit ago. His pussy's still cherry, except for my finger. It's a hot little hole, let me tell you. Let's see what happens if I work it while he sucks you. Don't cum though! I've got other plans for you and your dick."

"Bradley, go all the way down on the nice dick,. It's a good size for you to really eat some meat."

Coach went behind the younger boy and squatted, reaching under to feel up Bradley's dick and balls.

"Yep! The little slut is up and running again. He's already shot twice and eaten it, can you believe it, Kade? I'm going to love watching you work yet another load out of him later and swallow it down your frat boy throat."

The man stuck his middle finger in his mouth and then simply ran it all the way into Bradley's hole. The boy's yelp was muffled by Kade's big, hard dick. Coach pulled out a little bit, twisted until he found the boy's sweet spot and started working it.

Bradley went wild. A dick in his mouth and a finger in his arse and he was practically flying. His little bubble butt twitched and ground back against Coach's digit. The sloppy slurping he did on Kade's man meat sounded wonderfully obscene.

"How's he doin' on your meat there, Kade?" snickered the coach.

"FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKK!! Coach! He sucks like a fucking black hole. It's like he's going to suck my balls right up and out through my dick, man. I don't know how much longer I can hold off!"

Coach sat back on his heels.

"Bradley, pull off the man's dick and turn around. You're going to eat me now. Get down on your elbows and stick that hot hole up to the ceiling for Kade.

"Kade! Eat his pussy. Get it really wet and hot."

The older boy dropped to the floor, pried the two melons apart and shoved his face in the trench. He slurped, nibbled and licked. He gouged his stubbled chin up through the trough, scouring it before dropping in and pigging out again.

Bradley was sweating. He whined and shivered from the overload. Disciplined little dude though he was, he manfully worked Coach's big meat, now able to get maybe two-thirds of the crotch monster jammed into his head.

"That's it Kade. Work this fag's pussy!"

Kade was a damn good arse eater. He'd been taught by the best. After a couple more minutes, Coach called a halt, pulled Bradley's sucking mouth off his dick and stood up. He drew a chair to him, sat down and stuck out his chest.

"Come here boys. I've got two nips and two fags. That means one a piece. Come here and suck `em. As the young men got closer, Axel knocked Kade's hat off his head, then grabbed both boys by the dick and led them forward so they each faced him. They sat, each straddling a big muscled leg. He let go of their cocks, put a big hand behind each one's head and pulled them in. They hunkered down, attaching themselves to the big brown cones on his pecks and sucked like babes. He threw his head back and crowed to the ceiling,

"God! I so fucking love this!!!"

Coach reached down and found both sets of balls, rolling them, pulling them, tapping them with his thumbs, loving the sounds he could make the youths produce while they suckled at his chest. He twisted his torso, making the punks work to keep his nips in their mouths. He held their young dicks in his big calloused hands and stroked them ever so slowly.

"Fuck! If I die and go to heaven it will be eternity with you two sucking my pecs! Now chew `em boys.'

Kade and Bradley were nothing, if not dutiful.

Coach bathed in the sensation, lazily jerking boy meat until he heard their breathing start to change. He dropped their dicks and pried their mouths off his chest.

"Bradley! Time to up the game. Get to the press bench, get on your knees and lay your chest on it. Reach up, grab the weight rack and hold on. You're going to need to brace yourself, kid."

Bradley rose and followed directions. Coach meandered after him, pulling Kade along by the back of his neck, pulling the frat boy along down to the floor as he got on both knees behind the younger boy.

"Kade! Get me wet, man. Get me really wet. This thing is going in that tight little knot...every goddamn inch... and I'm going to fuck his pussy `til he screams."

Kade got right to work on Coach's meat while Bradley whimpered a bit and twitched on the bench. His pits ran with nervous sweat. He suddenly wasn't sure if this was really a good idea or not.

"That's enough, little `bro. Now get your face down by his butt and watch really closely while I pussy this kid out."

Coach lined up his monster cock in Bradley's little trench, tapping the big blunt, angry looking knob against the little glistening pink hole. Kade pushed his glasses up again so he could watch carefully. He got down flat on his abs and moved his face right up to the action. Coach and Bradley could feel the quarterback's hot breath.

"Bradley. This is your first time. You're never going to fucking forget it. Tomorrow when you shit, you're going to throw wood, remembering how hard I'm going to fuck you. The next time you get dick up your arse, you're going to compare it with mine, and it's going to fucking lose out. When eventually you have the balls to stick your dick in another guy's hole, you're going to wish I was fucking you at the same time. My dick is going to make you crave more dick in your hole. Your life as a pussyboy cocksucker is now officially starting."

Coach put his hands flat on top of the boy's shoulder blades, curled his fingers over the kid's shoulders, then leaned in a bit. The boy's virgin knot cowered against the big invader, knowing there was no way it could win. Bradley locked his elbows and tightened his grip on the weight rack. He dug his knees into the mat and braced himself with everything he had.

"Ready Bradley?"

"Uhhh...yes...I... guess, sir."

"Slap his balls, Kade!"

The older boy gave Kade's hanging tenders two quick smacks. Bradley yelled. His whole body tightened and jerked, and in the split second that it again relaxed, the hole softened for a moment, and Coach slid his pussy punisher right on into the tight steamy hole.


"God, but don't you love that sound, Kade? You only get to hear it one time from every virgin you fuck. Get under there and suck him, Kade. Start his motor running and let's get him out of arse hell. When they start out screaming like this, they always finish rutting like a fucking whore."

Of course Coach was right. He was the man with the experience.


Kade rolled on his back, scooted under the screaming teen and swallowed the now limp dick. A couple of sucks and he felt the thing start to come to life again. The shouting quieted bit by bit until there was just the sound of a bit of soft sobbing, a little moaning and the slurping of cock sucking.

Coach tensed his dick in the deflowered hole. Bradley flinched, then settled again, whimpering. Coach waited. Kade sucked.

"HHHmmmmm." That was Bradley. He gave another little moan and then tentatively wiggled his hips a little. Coach held firm. Kade sucked.

"Hmmmmm...oooooooooohh...uhhhh....uuuuhhh...ooooooooooohh," Bradley shared with the others.

Feeling the young man relax, Coach, ever so slowly pulled back until his dick came out of the heated guts. The knob again resting on the now softening knot. It tensed once again.

`Kade, get me wetter!"

The quarterback rolled out and onto his forearms, his face by Coach's hip. The big man twisted sideways and Kade swallowed up the triumphant meat while the big man stuck a finger in Bradley and worked some more on the young wrestler's prostate. Coach closed his eyes and did a slow count to ten. He gently pushed Kade's head away and lined himself up with the teen target again.

"Suck him again, Kade." The fratboy got busy.

" it comes again, Pussy. Open for your daddy, baby. Open your pussy, boy...give it up for your Coach."

The big man let his weight ease forward this time. Slowly, smoothly, Bradley's butt blossomed opened and the big wet dick slid through the pussy lips...down, down, down the now welcoming gut tube.

"OOoooooooo...ooooohhh...aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Bradley cooed.

"Remember your first fuck, Kade?"

"Sure do Coach! It was Josh! Absofuckinglutely amazing!"

"Of course it was. He's a stud."

Coach pulled out again and snapped his fingers. Kade leaned in and sucked dick. Coach lined himself up once more.

"Bradely. Now I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to start out slowly, plow you steadily until you beg, and then I'm going to power fuck your pussy `til you scream. Josh! Get under him and keep your mouth on his little dick. Every time he starts to get really hard, flick his balls a few times. I don't want him coming until I'm ready. You can jerk your piece if you want, but same goes for you, son. Understand you two?"

"Yes sir!" They piped in unison.

Coach was as good as his word. He started laying in slow, steady, long strokes, nearly pulling out each time, then smoothly sliding back in until he bottomed out in Bradley's guts, grinding his coarse crotch hairs against the tender arse ring. Coached fucked. He kept going. Same pace, same stroke, a relentless man machine. Josh sucked and teased, licked and nibbled, flicking boy balls.

Bradley relaxed completely and just felt the fuck. The fucking amazing fuck. He actually purred -- long low rumbles - every time he breathed out. His dick got the message, would firm up confidently, ready to squirt some more boy batter and then...

"Whack, whack!"


Suck. Fuck. Suck. Fuck.

Bradley's butt hole felt amazing. Hot, itchy, hungry for more. He squeezed it when Coach pulled out and relaxed it when Coach fucked in. After about fifteen minutes, the twink was drooling and starting to pant. He'd been whacked in the nuts quite a few times, and then his dick was again brought back from the dead by Kade's talented mouth. He could feel Coach's hot sweat drip off the big man's face on to his back.


Coach leaned back and slipped his harpoon out of the kid's butt. He squatted, then stood.

"Bradley. Turn around here and suck me. Suck on the dick I just pulled out of your pussy. Get it really wet. Kade! Get in there and eat his arse some more. I want it really wetter and even more tender."

Coach folded his big hands on top of his head and looked down at the two jocks, sucking and eating.

"Good boys! Really good boys! Now Bradley, you're going to stand up, turn around and take a seat on my dick. Kade, you're going to suck him again, just like before. I'll hold his balls and smack `em if they start to lift. Get to it kids."

Coach didn't help Bradley in the least. The young man stood on his toes to get his hole high enough, then moved his hips until his knot found the big blunt end. Standing like that made it tighten up again, and he had to work to relax, breath and relax, whining a little until he again blossomed open and started the monumental slide down the hard meat stake. When he got to the bottom, he wriggled his hips a bit to be sure he was settling in. Coach slid his hands down the insides of the kid's thighs, picked up both legs, pulled them apart and dropped them outside of his own wide spread thighs. He pulled Bradley's arms up and had him clasp them behind his big bull neck. Then he reached down and fingered the helpless, tender nuggets hanging in their sack.

"Rub your nose in his little nuts, Kade, and then get his dick down your throat. I want to hear some major noise."

Kade got to it with a lot of enthusiasm and Bradley squealed like a girl.

Coach held Bradley's balls in one hand and brought the other up to position the kid's head against his neck. His lips right against the boy's ear. He massaged the twink's throat and growled in his ear.

"You've got a great big dick sticking up in your guts, Bradley. You've got an older guy's mouth on your dick, and a man's got your balls in his hand. You are so had, baby. Your body fucking loves it, doesn't it?'

Bradley could only groan in agreement.

"Kade. Keep sucking while you pull out your load and catch it in your hand."

Serenaded by the younger jock's moaning, Kade did just that, catching five or six healthy frat boy spurts in his hand. He looked up at coach.

"Stand up and bring up to Bradley's face. Bradley, smell that stuff. Perfect Kade cum. Hot collegiate jock juice. Hot from his man balls, goopy, salty and sweet .The boy stared, mesmerized by the thick pearly goo. His nostrils flared. His lips parted.

" Now stick out your tongue, kid."

Bradley stuck out his tongue, reaching, longing, questing for the warm puddle hot crotch pudding.

"Kade! Eat your splooge. Suck it up, NOW!"

Bradley moaned in disappointment, whimpering a little, falling back against Coach Axels big chest.

"That's right, Bradley. You can't always get what you want. But you're going to get what I know you need. I know you need me to fuck you and I know you want Kade's creamy sperm in your tummy. After I cum in you, you're going to suck major load out of him."Right now, though, he's going back on your dicklet.

Coach pulled a chair over and behind him.

"You see, Bradley, I'm just going to sit down here with my cock in your pussy and work your body with my hands while Kade works your dick. I'm going to roll your balls, claw into your abs, twist your tits, and jam my thumb in your sucking mouth. I'm going to talk filth to you and you're going to be kept twisting and squealing, grinding yourself on my dick until I decide to let you cum. Then while you shudder and convulse on my pole, I'm going to jam it up in you and flood your guts with my pussy paste. Your hole's going to eat its fill, son.

And that's exactly what happened.

By the time Coach let himself really heat up, Bradley was thrashing and jerking in his lap, red and sweating with all the effort, gasping for breath from the sensory overload. The big man stroked the kid's inner thighs, rolled his balls, tickled his pits and strummed his abs. He made him suck his big thumb while he worked his big wet tongue in the young jock's tender ear and talked trash to the overheated twink. He told Bradley how much he needed dick, how he needed men to make him come, how he was going to put out for Coach any time the big man wanted. The young man took it all in. It was all absolutely true.Bradley loved it all.

Bradley started keening, his voice whooping, shrill and desperate. Josh stayed on that dick, using all his skill at delicious torture. The boy started shaking. His pussy spasmed, clamping Coach's big dick like a couple of fists, and he fired off his junior jock juice deep down Kade's swalloing throat.

Coach sucked in a quick breath, tightened his gut, grabbed Bradely with both arms around the boy's torso, and blew his lava way the fuck up into Bradley's clenching guts.

When everyone caught their breath, Coach said --

"Hop off and eat me again, Bradley. You're going to love it! Kade, suck my load out of his butt and feed it to him. Then lie back on the mat. I promised the kid he could eat your next load.

And that's exactly what happened.

Bradley Goes Down (Often)

Kade loved sticking his dick in Bradley's body...either end...often in quick rotation. The high school senior's voice would get high and girlish, the hornier and hotter he got. Total turn on for the bigger college junior.

Both being jocks, they loved to feel each other's muscles, before, during and after sex. Kade really got off on feeling Bradley's face while the younger twink sucked the frat boy's dick. Loved how he could feed the kid a load of cum and follow it into the punk's mouth with a big finger and then watch the twink suck some more on the finger, his Adam's apple working up and down in his muscular neck. He was going to have to get him to Mr. Skip soon for some fine-tuning tutoring.

Coach really got off on working with the two jocks. And he loved!

Axel would hold Kade's balls while he was screwing his dick into Bradley, urging the quarterback to power fuck the needy twink as hard as he could. Sometimes he'd ram a finger in the collegiate's butt and finger fuck him until he shot hot sauce up the high school wrestler's muscle twat. Other times, he'd burrow a big digit in alongside Kade's rampaging cock and work on Bradley's swollen prostate, laughing at the high school senior's shrill squeals. He'd hand smack Kade's butt cheeks, so he'd slam-fuck the younger twink, hooting at Bradley's degradation as the kid begged and pleaded for more. Sometimes he' make Kade would seal his lips over Bradley's mouth, just to shut him up -- sucking out the junior jock's breath while coach jerked him off `til he forced the kid to squirm and squirt helplessly, sliming his own abs with his young ball scum. Then he'd reach down, scoop up the hot sticky splooge and make the kid suck it off the blade of his hand while Coach yucked and guffawed, telling Bradley what a slut he was...telling him the truth.

Over and over, the older man would make the two young studs go to the mat. Kade always on top in the starting position, and wrestle down. Bradley always lost, naturally. Coach would encourage the frat boy to grind his naked crotch in Bradley's face, to set his hole right on the smaller guy's mouth, and wriggle his hips. He made Kade feed his balls to the young twink and then fuck his face while doing push ups. Often, the big man would finish a session by dropping his load on Kade's dick and having Bradley suck it off before draining the cocksnot from the older wrestler's balls.

Through it all, Bradley proved he could take it. He could take it in the arse and mouth. Many times. He would mew, he squeeked and squealed, sending both Kade and Coach over the top, as readily as he would coax the tongues out of their mouths and cum out of their dicks. Once the older men got Bradley horned up, he proved be a bit needy.

When the two men would walk into the weight room, Bradley would be there as instructed...naked, kneeling, knees wide apart, hands grabbing his own elbows behind his back. His chest was forced out and up, pink nips pointed and perky. He kept his eyes on the mat, looking past his pulsing pink dick. Coach and Kade stripped. Then Coach stood the college boy in front of the teen with his butt in the punk's face. The big man wrapped Kade in a bear hug, his bigger pole rubbing against the frat boy' smaller dick. While stuck his tongue down Kade's mouth, he would grab the frat boy's butt cheeks and pry them apart so Bradley could get in there and eat hole. The hotter Kade got, the more he squirmed against Coach, moaning as he sucked spit from the older man's tongue. Coach liked that a lot. When he'd had enough, he dragged the boys in front of the wall of mirrors with Kade standing in a wide stride, hands behind his head, watching his reflection in the glass.

Then he'd hold Bradley by the back of the neck and guide his licking mouth all over Kade's body. Rubbing the kid's face in the older twink's pits, spending a lot of time on the tender flesh holding the fragrant, low hanging balls. Eventually he'd push the teen to his knees to suck the quarterback while Coach made Kade run through a series of competition poses. Coach stood behind rubbing his big dick in the Kade's hot trench, feeling up the collegiate jock, making him watch himself be molested by man and boy, making him describe everything that was happening to him. Inevitably, Kade's pert butt would start to tilt up and back, his butt button searching for the end of Coach's cock. The big man would chuckle, bend his knees so Kade could reach his goal. Then, while the frat boy slowly worked his pussy hole over and down on the hot meat stick, Coach would work the frat boy's big helpless nipples -- tweaking, rolling, pinching them. He loved to tongue and chew on Kade's tender ear as he growled instructions.

"Look at you, you fucking filthy college jock!" Coach sneered. "Look at that body. Look at all those muscles. Look at you grind your pussy on my fuck stick! Watch how my hands slide over your pecs , your cut abs. Watch me squeeze your waist, push push around your gut until I can feel the head of my dick in your guts. Push in to force your prostate against my big cock head. Look at your pretty face while I work over your big boy balls. Look at that teen faggot down on his knees, sucking on your dick, soooo fucking hungry for your frat boy load. Look at your face as you grind your hole in my crotch hairs. Hurt's so good, don't it, punk? Look how you sweat and squirm with your coach's dick in your guts and your cock in some punk's mouth!"

Kade responded well to Coach's comments.

However, he could only take it for so long - his writhing on Coach's pole, his horned up dick in Bradley's sucking maw, the trainer's hands moving all over his body. Barely able to keep his hands behind his head, the stud's eyes started to roll up in his head, his mouth fell open, and he hunched forward a little.

"Stand up straight and keep your fucking eyes on the mirror, Kade. Watch while we!!"

The quarterback's stared at himself in the mirror. His mouth opened in a long low grunt that turned into a bull's bellow. His lips pealed back from his teeth, his nostrils widened and his eyes glared . His balls went off like a couple of grenades and he power washed Braley's tonsils, his jock pussy squeezing the hell out of Coach's big spike, pulling the man's cum up from the big swollen balls.

Kade hung suspended. Then he twisted and jerked, still staked on Coach's big dick, his own cock a helpless captive in Bradley's mouth, while coach kept on fucking and working the big wrestler's nipples. Eventually Bradley simmered down to a gentle suckle, soothing the fratboy's knob while Coach started rubbing the softening abs. Kade dropped his arms and lay back against his coach, panting. Spent.Fucking empty. For now.

"Good job Kade! You are sexy as fuck. I got the whole damn thing on camera too. We're going to do it all again tomorrow while you watch yourself on the video. Bet you're going to think about it again all night long." Coach bent his knees and popped his schlong out of Kade's butt."No jerking off though! You fucking save it for another Bradley feed tomorrow. Kid needs his cum fix.

"Speaking of which...Bradley! Suck my dick clean, kid, then work my load out of Kade's jock hole with your pussy mouth. You can pull out your own load if you want. Catch it though for Kade. I want to watch the stud's eyes while I make him eat it."

Some Actual Wrestling Too

Sometimes Coach made them wrestle wearing singlets. He got off on having Kade pin Bradley, then invade the stretchy material, find the younger man's junk and play with it while the kid struggled to break the pin.

Once, when Kade had a full body pin on the brat, the teen's crotch wound up in the collegiate's face while his own rested on the younger man's mouth. Kade took a breath.

He smelled balls.

You'll remember that the love of his life, Josh Lamb, spent a whole summer conditioning Kade to suck dick. The triggers were innumerable. One such was sweaty balls. The fratboy's nose flared, his mouth watered. He quickly worked the pinned boy's dick out the leg hole and dove down on the half hard weiner, to dine like a prince. The younger man froze, no longer struggling except against the amazing suck job Kade was giving him.

Bradley couldn't help but feel the thick hard slab of rebar pressed into his face, separated from his mouth by a thin layer of very fragrant lycra. The teen's lips softened and his mouth blossomed open, closing again on the sizeable knob, licking and sucking it through the thin material.

That's all it took that day for Kade to unload his pent up slugs of jock sperm. It oozed through the slippery cloth and was immediately suctioned and gulped by the high school wrestler. Bradley kept sucking the now overly sensitive dick, coaxing out the last dribble, cooing as he ate, then gurgling as Kade deep throated the younger twink's meat and worked it with his throat muscles. The kid's balls kicked into gear and launched their thick load down into Kade's waiting stomach.

Watching it all from the sidelines, Coach stood and walked to the circle, clapping loudly in appreciation.

"Nice work boys! Short fuses today, eh? Strip out of those togs and set up for another round. I'm going to fuck the loser. Then I'll fuck the winner.

"Move your arses!"

The two hopped to, and indeed did move their arses, especially later, when the Coach's big dick went as far up each of them as it could go.

Next: Chapter 4

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