Skippys Cock Tales

By Scott Grimes

Published on Oct 28, 2023


Skippy's Cock Tales 2

Oh yeah! Need to remind you guys to shed some bucks and help Nifty. It's always there for you.

Bradley Learns a Major Lesson

Bradley stepped off his rolling board, tapped the back edge and caught it by one wheel, reversing it so it hung down his back. He was strutting as he entered the deserted locker room, whipping off his baseball cap and tossing it into the corner along with his board.

Thumbing his lock and slamming the metal door open, he reached in to a clean jock strap, tank top and shorts. He caught his reflection in the little mirror in back and checked out his hair and eyes. He liked his brown curls as much as his girlfriend, although he'd never let on to her. Dark blue eyes didn't hurt to look at either.

He quickly shucked off his clothes and slipped on his work out stuff. He'd loved flying along on his skateboard, going commando, his dick rubbing against the coarse denim of his board shorts. Especially today! Sue Ann had actually given his a blow job for his birthday! He could hardly believe it. He'd turned eighteen just yesterday. They'd been walking home through the park, hanging on each other and talking about school and what they'd do this summer. Suddenly she'd started giggling and pulled him by the arm into the thick bushes. She'd lifted her face to his and opened her mouth. When he'd stuck his tongue in her, she moaned like always, but then she slid down his chest to kneel in the dead leaves. She'd put her hand right on his crotch and felt his hard dick. It was nearly always hard.

The dark haired girl tossed her hair to the side, giggled again and pulled down his zipper. His tightie-whities bulged through the opening giving her more to work with. He was speechless. He couldn't believe it. Sue Ann was so hat, but she'd taken a vow of chastity and wouldn't let him do anything more than put his hand in her blouse and gently explore her soft plump breasts and the big nipples. She would let him tweak and pluck at her nipples until she started moaning. She'd told him he made her cum with just his fingers. He knew for sure he could just about cum in his pants , feeling her whimper around the tongue he'd stick down her throat.

But this was something else!

She pulled his underwear down under his dick and giggle some more at the piece of teen meat bobbling in the air. He was soooo fucking embarrassed and sooooo fucking hard, he couldn't believe it!

Sue Ann licked the head of his dick.

"MMMMMmm Bradley. You're better than an ice cream cone!" She wrapped her soft hand around his dick and started moving it up and down. Bradley's knees buckled a little.

"Oh fuck, Sue Ann! Oh my god! That feels so fucking good!"

"You like that Bradley? Well what about this?"

The girl took the first two inches of the boy's dick into her warm mouth and sucked a little bit -- tentative, uncertain.

"Sue Ann! Stop, I'm going to...I'm going to....UHHH...UNHHH..UHNNNNNN!"

She quickly pulled off and capped the cock with a pink tissue she'd held in her hand.

Smiling up at the junior jock, she chirped, "There Bradley! Don't ever say I never did anything for you. I really wanted to give you something special for your birthday...and now I did!"

"Oh my god, Sue Ann. That was wonderful. That was really wonderful! Let me do something for you, now."

"No, Bradley! I told you. You're already getting all you're going to get until we are formally engaged, and my parents won't let that happen until I'm twenty. You know that! You're just going to have to hold your horses!"

"That's okay, Sue Ann. I can wait. Let's go to your place and study some before dinner."

The rest of the evening was kind of a blur. The boy's mind went again and again to the feeling of his zipper being opened and a warm wet mouth on his junk. It was even better than he had ever imagined when he felt himself up and jerked off in the shower, or late at night, under the bed covers.

Now he was grinning to himself as he passed the mirrors above the sinks. He stuck out his chest and twisted a little as he walked, strutting a little, admiring his bubble butt, thick thighs and proud chest. He loved wresting, because he was really good at it, but also for how it made him look. He had the abs, he had the young guns. Just a little bit of baby fat here and there, but Coach said he'd be burning that off over the summer. He loved that he had the buns that Sue Ann loved to pat and rub as they walked home with her hand in his back pocket.

"You're looking good, Bradley," the boy said out loud, pausing in front of his reflection. He took a quick moment to peel up his tank top and tense his abs and pecs, then dropped it and pulled a double biceps pose. "Prom King, straight A student! On your way dude! Look out State! I'll be showing you what I can do!"

The young man glanced around, making sure he was alone and then remembered it was the weekend and the place was deserted. He pushed one hand into the front of his shorts and under his jock to grab his hot, semi-hard on. He fucking loved the thing. He was really proud of what it did yesterday when Sue Ann went down on him. He so loved to grab it and work it. He beat off every night in bed, every morning in the shower. Sometimes, if there was no one else in the restroom at school, he' pump out a quick load, catch it in his hand and eat the evidence before anyone else came in. He always got hard stripping off after a hard workout with Coach Axel. He'd run his fingers under his balls and the smell the amazing scent of his own crotch. For some reason, though, that always made him think of the big muscular coach and how he smelled when he'd lean and put his big hands on the wrestler's young body to show how the kid could improve his form, or reach around to change the kid's hand position on the free weights. More and more, he found himself thinking about..."

"Bradley! Is that you?" A deep voice yelled from down the hall in the weight room.

"Yeah, Coach! It's me!"

"Get the fuck in here! We haven't got all day!"

Bradley dropped his arms and got going. It never paid to keep Coach Axel waiting. He was lucky that his dad was a hotshot congressman and his mom worked in real estate. They hadn't blinked an eye about the considerable expense of hiring Coach Axel to give him private sessions to get him ready for competition next year. Coach had told him he'd make him everything he could be with weekly intensive workouts. The man was like a god or something.

He was huge, his muscles had muscles, it seemed. He could do every exercise he asked of Bradley, but do it longer and stronger or with more weight. He'd should him how to work the weights. He'd spot Bradley, talking him through it, making him sweat, making his strain to do more so he'd eventually hear coach tell him what a good job he was doing. Coach was great about touching him where he needed to tense more, helping pull his young body into deeper stretches, tapping his muscles to make them work harder. It was like he was one of those guys who carve rock to make it look like somebody. And when theyd go a couple of rounds on the mat together, the big man could take him down in less than three seconds. Sometimes he'd kind of play with Bradley, almost letting him score, but then easily takehim down yet again, chuckling way down deep in his throat. Coach said he was going to make Bradley reach his full potential. And it really seemed to be happening.

It was embarrassing though, that sometimes when coach was working him really hard, Bradley would feel his dick harden. It seemed that a lot of times, the coach would pin the teen with his hips, doing it so his bulging and very male crotch was near or actually in the kid's face. That's when Bradley would most often start to throw wood. He thought it was really weird. Eventually he'd learn to take some deep breaths, or think of his grandmother's face, or his math exams -- anything to get his dick to start to go down. Coach had never said anything about it, but the big guy had to have know that Bradley was throwing wood.

"Get the fuck in here, Bradley!"

The boy's palm was sweaty as he grabbed the door knob and pushed it farther open.

"I'm here, Coach. What did I do? I thought last week went..."

"You did fine, Bradley." Coach racked the weight bar and sat up at the end of the press bench, tank top as usual, soaked through with sweat. Just seeing him always made the boy start sweating himself. The big guy's muscles were amazing. Not bulky at all, but pumped and streamlined, as if the folks who made Porsches had designed his body or something. Coach said he did a lot of rock climbing. It showed. He leaned back against the weight bar, catching his breath. He put his hands behind his head, showing the black stands of hair in his cut arm pits. Speaking of cut, the man's pecs stretched his tank and you could see the tension in his abs, even through the thin cotton. Coach made GI Joe look like a pussy. At least six feet tall, his face was one of those that looks carved out of rock, then covered in glove leather. Blue eyes. Deep blue. Black curly hair. Made his stubble look blue against his vanilla skin.

" did fine. Have a seat, kid."

The big man pointed to a nearby folding chair and sat forward.

"Bradley, you've done really well, especially for a high school kid. You're almost as good as some of the guys I coach at State. Taking two firsts at the regional conference for floor exercise and parallel bars is damn impressive, as a whole lot of people have been telling you. But, kid, get the hair out of your face. I wanna see who I'm talking to!"

"Yes sir!" I brushed his erring curls away from his eyes.

Coach stood and walked around the chair, went over to the door and, well...he locked it. "I've been thinking about your future, Bradley. About how to get you ready for college and the next part of your life."

"You've really got a good head for competition, you know. Always kind of wished you were bigger tso you could have played quarterback at least. I told you I got Kade in shape for both wresting and football at State, and look where he's at. Two years at State and he's team captain for consistent wins. But short as you are, you'll just have to be the best mat rat in your weight class. You really want it. I can tell. That's part of why you're headed to State on a wrestling scholarship thanks to a couple of alums -- pretty good friends of mine, actually."

"They are, Coach? I thought they were just..."

"Guys who love sports? Yeah, they are. And they're friends of mine. We were in the same frat at State. Anyhow, you just turned eighteen, right Tommy?"

`Yeah, Coach. Just yesterday! I kind of thought everything would be really different, but so far it hasn't. Well, maybe one thing."

Coach was standing behind Bradley now. The boy thought that was all kind of weird. I could actually smell the big man. Clean fresh sweat and soap. The boy's nervous sweat had dried and the room air felt cold. He could feel his nipples tighten to points in the cold.

"You see,'s going to be a lot different at State. People are going to expect more of you. In a lot of ways. You're going to have to be ready kid. You're going to need some tough coaching to get you where you need to be, to help you go the extra miles your really need to succeed. You're going to be working with men now, Bradley. Not kids. So beginning this afternoon, you and I are going to have a daily one on one coaching sessions. I've put four years into getting you here, and those donors have some really major money riding on how well you do. I'm going to work you, work your body, like you wouldn't believe. You're going to love it too, Bradley. You're going to really love it."

"Wow, Coach! That would be great! I`ll do anything you tell me. I'll do my best coach. I'll work really hard - whatever you say. You know me, Coach."

"I know you will, Bradley. I know you will. So...we're going to start first with basic breathing..."

The twink jerked backward and sucked in air. Coach had put one of his big hands on top of the kid's head and jammed some cloth over his nose and mouth, holding it there. He panted a little in surprise. It smelled like Coach. A whole fucking lot like Coach. It smelled like a man's balls and maybe a little bit of dried cum -- a faint bleach scent.

Coach let go and spun Bradley's chair around to face him. The boy's eyes were right on a level with the coach's crotch. A big bulging crotch. Bradley had never seen it that big before. Oh, he'd checked coach out a whole bunch of times. That's what guys do, right. Doesn't mean anything, does it?

Bradley looked up at the man. Coach Axel looked down. The corner of his mouth twitched up. He put his thumbs in the front of his nylon shorts and pulled them down. His jock stretched tight over a really big bulge that looked like a summer sausage with a couple of hard boiled eggs underneath. There was that smell again. Coach Axel smell. The kid's nostrils flared.

"Bradley! You're going to need friends to get you where you want to go. So it's time for you to meet your new best friend. The big man hooked the waist elastic and pulled down his jock. His big balls fell out and the huge knob of his perfect dick pointed right at the boy. Right at his pretty pink lips.

"Say hello to your new best friend, Bradley. Give hit a great big kiss, kid. Make it like you."

The teen jock couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't believe Coach was doing this. He couldn't believe it as he closed his eyes, leaned forward and kissed the slit at the end.

"Good boy, Bradley! Good boy. You two are going to be best pals. You and my big dick. Now open your mouth, son. Coach is going to let you suck his cock."

In a daze, Bradley did what he was told. He was really, really scared. This was really, really wrong, and he knew too that he really, really wanted to do this. He licked his lips and looked up at Coach's handsome face. The big man grinned and gave a little double nod. Bradley opened my mouth wide and leaned in, as coach's grin turned into a smirk.

Coach's big warm knob slipped through the warm wet lips like it was coming home. The young jock made a seal around the huge knob and sucked on the end of the meat stick. His mouth watered so much he had to swallow. The smell was amazing. Mushroomy, earthy. He moaned a little. It all felt so right.

"Look at me, kid."

Bradley looked up at Coach's face. The man looked intense, really powerful, his eyes seemed to drill into the boy's.

"Why aren't you working my balls with your fingers Bradley?"

Stung, the boy quickly reached up and cautiously held those two heavy nuts in his finger tips. He was actually touching the big stud's nuts! He was holding a man's balls. He fucking loved it!

"Good boy, Bradley!" Coach put a big hand on each side of the twink's head. "Look at you with my dick in your mouth. You're a fag for my dick baby! Gotta get a suckle of this. That's a phone pic of you sucking man dick, Bradley!" Out of the corner of his eye, the young jock stud saw the coach snap a few and then start recording.

"Now suck me, Bradley. Eat my fucking dick!"

The young man went nuts on the thing. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, but he imagined the dick in his mouth was his own, but bigger. He did everything to it that he'd ever imagined some girl might do to his. He went down on the thing, only making it about halfway to Coach's crotch curls, and then fucked his mouth on what he could get. He did it over and over. His spit was leaking out, dripping down Coach's dick. He could feel it on the man's balls.

"Fuck you're good! Eat me Bradley. Eat my meat...faggot!"

Bradley blushed with embarrassment and flushed with heat as he twisted his head, spiraling up and down. Coach's words only made hotter, made him hornier. Felt so very wrong, and yet so very right somehow. He rolled the big nuts, tenderly. He licked and sucked, making wet sloppy sounds that somehow turned him on more. He could feel his own dick throbbing in his jock.

Coach clamped his hands on the kid's head and stopped the action. He pulled his dick out of the sucking mouth and muttered, "Stand up!"

By the time the boy had gotten to my feet, Coach had skinned out of his shirt and kicked of his shorts and jock. He grabbed the young jock by the shoulders and turned him around, pulling me back against the man's amazing chest. One hand rubbed circles on the boy's pecs and another on his abs. Then he held him by the waist and zeroed in on one of the tender young nips. He circled it gently with a finger, then started plucking it lightly before grabbing the nub and pinching it.

Fuck, thought Bradley. Did this guy somehow know that I do this to myself when I'm jerking off -- whenever I thought about Coach's body...about Coach's dick?

The big man backed up a bit, pulling the boy with him so that the teen was off balance a bit. The jock's chest arched up into coach's calloused, plucking fingers.

"You like it when I work your body, don't you, Bradley? You like it when Coach makes you feel good, huh? Coach is so going to make you feel so good in so many new ways. You're going to fucking love it, kid." While talking trash, he worked both of the large, pink nipples, listening to the soft little whining sounds that resulted. Whenever he pinched `em, the boy's dick would harden a little bit more and bob around, hot and helpless.

Coach snaked a hand up under Bradley's chin, forcing it up a bit and reaching a finger up over his jaw and into warm, wet mouth. The teen's pink lips closed on it and he sucked.

The man's other hand snaked down the taut, smooth stomach, slowly, relentlessly. It paused when the fingertips were just above the waist elastic of the shorts and jock, then slid on down inside. He grabbed hold of the hard young dick, managing to stroke the tender balls with his last two fingers. Bradley almost shot his stuff right then, but Coach pinched the cock head. He pinched it hard.

"Oh no you don't little guy! You'll cum when coach tells you to, and only when I tell you to. Got that, punk?"

"Umm...ummm!" I nodded and sucked some more on his big finger.

Coach pulled his hands away and stepped back further. Bradley twisted to keep from falling, turned and stared at him. The huge man looked amazing. He looked like every boy's wet dream of what a man should be. Bradley's wet dreams anyway.

"Strip, kid!"

`Yes sir!" He bent forward to push his shorts and socks down, then stepped out of them.

"Leave the shoes and socks. You'll need the traction."

Not sure what that meant, Bradley left the shoes and kicked the rest of his clothes and to the side. I He looked down at Coach's feet, his hands in front of his junk.

"Show me, Bradley. Let's see it hard. Show me your dick kid. Show me the wood got with my dick in your mouth. Put your hands behind your head and look at me. DO IT NOW!"

No choice. Bradley turned deep red as he assumed the position.

Unsure, he glanced up at Coach's face again.

"Nice Bradley! Nice little dick and balls you've got. Just right for your size." Coach leaned way down and took a sniff of the boy's crotch. "Smells good too. The other fags are going to go nuts over your junk. You and I are going to work the hell out of your dick and balls, kid. You're going to cum for me so hard and so often, you won't fucking believe it. Now get your knees on the floor and suck me!"

Bradley was down on him in a flash. Sucking sounds filled the room.

"I'm going to let you play with yourself any time you have my dick in your mouth. And only then. Understand?"

Bradley micro-nodded, and ran his hands down to cup his balls and hold his dick. This was so fucking hot!! Everything felt so fucking good -- Coach's dick in his mouth, his junk in his hands. He had to pinch his own knob this time to keep for spurting.

"God but you are a good little cock sucker, Tommy. You're going to get better too. You're going to tell your mom that Coach wants you on a B and C supplement so she gets you bananas and cucumbers. You're going to sneak them to your room and practice gagging on `em until you can take them all the way down your throat. You're going to be ready for the future when I fuck your pretty face and drop my load way down deep in your throat. You're so going to love it!"

Bradley figured he'd go ahead and give it try now, so he let go of his junk and put his hands on Coach's arching thighs, then forced his mouth as far down Coach's dick as he could. He hung there choking and gagging, several inches from my goal. He struggled for air, his body froze up and...


His balls pulled up tight and to the root of his dick and he squirted five or six shots of hot teen spunk out the end and onto the floor between Coach's feet. He'd not even touched it.

"FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!! You are a natural cock gobbler, aren't you Bradley. I knew I was right about you. Fucking dropping your load, hands free, because my dick `s in your mouth. Fuck! Now lick up your fucking spunk. Get down on the floor with your mouth and lick it clean.

No choice. Bradley did it. Tasted better than usual - with Coach's scent still in his nose. The man walked around behind the young wrestler.

"Put your hands on the floor, put your feet apart and straighten you legs, Tommy."

Bradley did what Coach said, as always.

"God but I love wrestlers! Look at those legs and that goddamn bubble butt. I wish you could see your little butthole, all tight and tense." The boy felt Coach's big hands on his butt, pulling the warm globes apart, then the man's warm breath against the exposed hole.

Coach chuckled deep in his chest, "Oh we're going to take care of that, baby, We're going to take of that little joy button really well."

Bradley could feel Coach's breath on his butthole. It tightened up and he felt his balls retreat in their sack. What the fuck? Does the guy like looking at buttholes?

Then the weirdest thing happened. Bradley felt something soft right on my tight knot, then something wet in the middle. Coach was actually kissing his butt! He was actually licking it! It tickled with the first lick, but then it felt like the youth's insides turned to jelly as the man sucked and licked at the smoot, warm flesh. So damn filthy. It felt absolutely wonderful.

"Oh, but you've got a tight one kid! I'm going to have to train it real good. I'm going to teach it to be tight when I want it tight and loose when I want it loose. Got that, Bradley?"

"Uuuhh...yes Coach!"

What in the fuck was he talking about?

"Ever stick anything in your butt, Bradley?"

", Coach!! Only Dr. Davis last time used his finger to check my prostate. He said he had to do it!!"

"Well that's going to change as of now, kid. Feel this? This is Coach's finger. Coach is going to work it into your jock pussy and then finger fuck you until you drop a load of splooge. Then I'm going to stick my dick in you and fuck you `til I'm ready to dump, and then I'm going to feed it to that pussy mouth of yours. Got it, punk?"


Coach tapped the pucker a couple of times and then wriggled his finger about an inch into the hole. He must have gotten it really wet, `cause it went in easily, just like the doctor does when you get your sport physical. He twisted it and stuck it in deeper, as far as it would go. Then he moved it around, poking and testing, like he was looking for something with his finger tip.


Apparently he found it. That same place Dr. Davis pushed on before but this time it felt really amazing. Bradley's dick got harder yet and started to bob around. He couldn't help himself from clamping down on Coach's finger with his virgin hole.

"That's it, Bradley. Squeeze that finger. Your little jock pussy loves it when I work your boy button, doesn't it? Makes you want more, doesn't it, Bradley? You've got a really hungry hole, kid. Look what a bad little boy you are, wanting Coach to work your jock butt for you. You little hole fucking needs me, doesn't it, Bradley?

"Fucking answer me!!"

"Yes sir! Oh my god, Coach. It feels, so good! I know it's bad, but I want it, Coach, I want it bad."

" know what happens to bad little boys...don't you, Bradley?"

"Uhhh...maybe...maybe they get punished, sir?"

"That's right, Bradley. Coach is going to have to punish you for being such a bad little boy with such a hungry hole."

With a "pop" the big man pulled his finger out. You could hear a chair scrape across the floor, then Coach dropping his big frame in the thing.

"Turn over my knee, Bradley."

The jock stood up, scared, worried, horny as anything.

He looked at Coach. The man's face and chest were flushed. His nostrils were flared and he stared at the boy like he was going to eat him for lunch. Bradley looked down quickly and walked over, his hands again in front of his junk.

"Get your hands away from your dick, Bradley. That's it, boy! Looks hard and stiff there, kid. Stick it between my legs and put your hands on the floor. NOW!"

Dropping across the man's thick thighs, Bradley touched the floor. His feet dangled a couple inches in the air.


"OW Coach! That hurts!"

"You bet your tender balls it does!"

The big man rubbed his rough hands over the young jock's globes, polishing them, relaxing them,


"WHAP, WHAP, WHAP..." Coach laid into that tender young arse. Bradley yelped and tightened his glutes. His coach kept laying into him until he was crying and begging for the big man to quit.

Coach suddenly stopped. Bradley sniffled and panted, waiting. Then the boy felt the barest touch. Coach was holding his hand so that it barely touched the glowing butt cheeks. Bradley could feel the heat bouncing back off it. Then the hand slowly glided over stinging butt cheeks, soothing them, relaxing them once more.

"There, kid. Did Coach hurt his star wrestler? Did you get your bad boy butt spanked? Too fucking bad, because now I'm going to stick my finger in your pussy again..."


Coach went right on in, jamming his finger in and out of Bradley's grasping tunnel, making sure to rub the aching hot spot each time. Then he zeroed in on that tender nub and started plucking it with his finger tip.

"OOOOOHOHHHHHHh Coach! Stop sir! You're going to make me...don't...please don't...please don't make're going to make me...make me cum on your....AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

As the helpless teen begged, Coach actually speeded up and plucked harder. The boy squeezed his hole as tight as I could, but that only pushed the tormenting finger harder against his p-spot and suddenly he was shooting his spunk out the end of his cock and all over Coach's leg.

"Did you fucking cum again, Bradley? Did you drop your filthy cock snot on me? Get your pussy face down there and suck it up!'

The boy was still jerking a little from his hard cumming when Coach dumped him on the floor, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and shoved his mouth against the hot sperm dripping down the man's muscular calf. The kid licked. He licked it all.

"That's it, Pussy! Now get back up here and eat me, punk! Fuckin' eat my dick!"

Coach grabbed the young athlete's head and pulled the pretty face to his crotch. Bradley opened his mouth and swallowed as much of the big cock as he could while getting to his knees between the man's muscular legs.

"OOOOOOHHHhhhhhh baby!.What a fucking fag you are for my dick. Look at you with my meat in your mouth, on your knees, after licking up your own fucking junk juice! You fucking love it. You need coach's dick, don't you, son?"


Coach grabbed the boy's head and pulled him off his dick. He gently slapped the boy's face a couple of times.

"Tell me what you want, Bradley."

"Hmm. I...I uh..I need uh..."

"What, kid? Say it."

"Your cock, sir."

"You need my cock, Bradley?"

"Yes, sir."

"So what do you say, Bradley?"

"Please, sir. Please...let me suck your cock sir?"

"Sure kid. Go for it. Fag out on my dick."

And that's exactly what happened. Bradley, his own balls empty from cumming twice in less than a quarter hour, sucked Coach like a newly minted whore. Which is exactly what he was. He nuzzled the big man's balls, licked the length of the thick tube, kissed the knob, spiral sucked the dick, then suckled the knob some more while he worked the big man's big nuts. Three times Coach grabbed the boy's head and pulled it off his cock to keep from coming. Each time the kid dove back to work, ever more desperate to suck.

Finally Coach spread his legs as wide as possible, held Bradley's head halfway down his meat, curled forward and blasted his pussy putty way down the boy's young throat. The kid swallowed. He swallowed some more. He kept swallowing as Coach kept firing.

Coach flopped back in the chair. Drained. Drained completely. Bradley wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked up at Coach, questioningly.

"You did okay, Bradley. You did okay. And you're going to do better, son."

Just then there was a sound of a key turning in the door lock. Blake started and turned to look at the door, just as college quarter back Kade strutted into the room.

"Is this when you wanted me here, right Coach?"

"Exactly on time, Kade. Lean back against the wall and get your dick out. Bradley, here has some more practice to do today. Kid! Crawl over and suck the man's dick, Bradley. Get yourself ready for college, faggot. Go suck the man."

Next: Chapter 3

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