Skippys Cock Tales

By Scott Grimes

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Skippy's Cock Tales 11

So dudes, before you get your dicks out, get your wallets out and drop some bucks on Nifty. It's always there for you.


Kade especially hated the way Mayo would rub his gums while he chewed and swallowed the strip of beer jerky that he'd had to nibble on, bit by bit as it was dangled in his upraised face. The big stud seemed to just love to get his fingers in the twink. While he stretched his neck like a baby bird to try to snag the next strip, Mayo ran a wet finger into his butt hole and wiped it around, gathering the spooge he'd shot there a few minutes ago. Of course the finger went into Kade's mouth while Mayo hooted and smirked.

The young men got to suck more of the cummy milk stuff out of a bottle for a couple of minutes, then made to deep throat hot dogs until the men allowed them a small bit. Then more throat fucking with the meat before another bite. It took a while.

Next peanut butter was smeared on the mens' hard dicks and the boys allowed to kneel and lick it off. After no breakfast and their busy morning, they were ravenous and ate the brown goo like starving prisoners. else?

Some soft cakey bread was rolled into little balls, then held just above the boy's lips so they had to reach and pucker to get the prize. Their throats were massaged as they swallowed.

At the conclusion of this and every other feeding, the big studs sat on their stools and leaned back against the wall while they soaked their dicks in the kids' mouths for a few minutes. Then they had the boys turn and settle their pussies on the hot slick dicks and work their way down until they sat on the men's pubic bones. The guys pulled the boys back against their chests and rest their cheeks against them. They made them spread their legs and hook them back over the men's knees. This put the boys' hard cocks and ringed nuts on full display and drove home to them how totally vulnerable they were. Then while the men played with their junk, they held another big bottle of the cum-like milk to boy's pink lip. The men jabbed their hard dicks up into the boys' guts and talked trash to them, growling in their ears as they sucked more lunch from the big, thumb sized nipples.

"That's it, little guy. Suck it for daddy. Eat your lunch like a good little boy...a good little cock sucker. Suck out all your lunch and daddy'll give you his nice big cock to suck later, baby. You loooooovvvee sucking daddy's dick, don't you baby? You love to feel his big dick waaaayyyyy up in your pussy, honey? Makes you feel really good doesn't it? Imagine what it will be like when he finishes fucking you and sticks it in your mouth again, hot and sticky from you needy little pussy. I don't know which of your holes is the horniest, baby. I'll have to just keep checking to find out!"

As you would imagine, Custard and Mayo declared it a draw between needy pussy and needy pussy mouth. Still, they made it a point to keep checking.

Check Up

And speaking of checking, of course the boys were taken to a clinic room for a physical by a physician. This particular one had lost his license several times, having moved from one sports team to another, one seminary to another, abusing hard muscled young athletes, pretty faced priests in training and handsome college boys needing special help with their school applications.

Kade was taken in first. Ethan was left blindfolded and tethered by his balls to a chair in the waiting room, his only companion an old fashioned pendulum clock with its relentless tick..tock...tick..tock. In another situation it might have been soothing. For Ethan, it just ramped up his nervousness, as did the smell of alcohol and disinfectant that permeated the chill air. Sweat began dripping from his pits. He whimpered some, and shivered as goosebumps rose on his smooth, young flesh.

"Put him in the chair." Doctor Poker was a big man. His white coat stretched to cover his beefy shoulders, arms and chest. He looked at Kade like big cat -- a tiger maybe -- that had come across a baby goat tied to a tree.

He growled low in his throat, "Strap him in tight. Be sure to secure his head and get the belts at the tops of his thighs as well as the ones across his chest."

Mayo and Custard were pros. They had Kade immobile in about thirty seconds. He could wiggle his toes and fingers, his eyes and his jaw. That was it.

Prober held a finger in front of Kade's eyes, then used the nail to stroke up each of the kid's tender soles. His toes curled and he yelped.

"Good...good!" said Poker.

The medical monster put a finger in each of the boy's ears, then up his nose. Helpless, Kade realized there was nothing the doctor could be prevented from doing, the man could do anything to the boy that he wanted. And the guards were there to help.

Doc wiped his fingers on the front of his jacket, then grabbed a light and looked in each ear and nostril. He removed Kade's cap and glasses and handed them to Mayo.

"Put `em on that table and then come here and hold his mouth open."

Mayo did as told. The doctor first used the scope to look down Kade's throat, then reached in with a couple of fingers and simply held the boy's tongue while he spoke to the guards.

"Looking pretty good. A little raw, but I bet that's because you two have been fucking him in the face every chance you get, right?"

"Well sure, Doc! Wouldn't you? I mean a pretty face like that on a muscle jock body and a hunger for dick that won't stop? I mean, come on! We've just been feeding the needy, doc!"

"Generously, I have no doubt."

The ignored Kade's choking and gagging the medical man's big fingers explored and stroked.

Apparently satisfied, Proder picked up a rolling Wartenburg wheel on the sides of Kade's neck, letting the sharp fine points tease and lightly prick sensitive skin.

"Strap his hands over his head, guys."

The two men restrapped the boys wrists to a ring just above his head, exposing the oh-so-tender white flesh under his arms.

First the doctor ran the wheel from his wrists to his elbows, then the inner part of his upper arms. Then, as Kade knew he would, he ran the little pricks up and down in his armpits while he squirmed and squealed. In the next room, Ethan listened to the clock and shivered, wondering what in the hell was happening to his friend.

All three men got a kick out of Kade's discomfort.

"Fuck! But I love having some horned up young punk strapped down in my office...fucking helpless and scared!" shared the disbarred doc before he leaned down and sucked on one of Kade's nipples.

"You two get over here and suck on his nipples while I finish checking out his chest and legs."

The guards got to work, sucking and nibbling the tender succulent nubs. The doc rolled his wheel all over the exposed abdomen, the increadibly tender sides of the torso, then down over the inner thighs. Kade shook and squealed some more, he yelled and pleaded, but the guards kept sucking and chewing while the doc kept rolling.

"Put those snake bite cups on his little tits and twist them while I do his feet."

When the plastic suckers were attached and being worked by the guards' big blunt fingers, Poker slowly brought his wheel to the sole of Kade's left foot and started rolling. Kade would have hit the ceiling if he weren't strapped in.

Prodder laughed like a loon but was drowned out by the whoops of near hysteria coming from his abused young patient.

"Okay guys. I know you hate this part, but I need it to happen. Get down here and suck the kids' toes. If you've got a problem with that, go tell The Boss while I wait.

Custard and Mayo were all over themselves getting to the foot of the exam chair.

"Nope! No problem at all, doc! Nope! Nope!" The men made it plain they were happy to do almost anything rather than see the man about any problem.

Kade fell out of hell and ascended to heaven as the wheel was abandoned and his toes were sucked. He felt his spine relax, his breath eased and fresh blood rushed into his cock and balls.

Doc put the palm of one hand on the boy's lower abs, and cupped the trapped balls in the other. He smiled to himself and slowly bent down until his nose nearly touched Kade's angry red knob.

The man inhaled slowly and moved down the swollen sweaty length and sniffed the trapped balls.


He got his head as far down as he could and sniffed the boy's arsehole.

"Oooohhhhhhhh bloody hell yes!' he said. His days as a clinician at Eaton playing back to him in his mind. He stood and turned to the toe shrimping guards.

"Keep working his feet. Get in between each toe and take some time to lap up his instep too!"

Proder removed his jacket and rolled his shirt sleeves up his hairy, meaty arms. He walked around and stood at the foot of the chair between the two guards, then pulled up a rolling stool and sat down. He stuck a big middle finger in his mouth and eyed kade's dick as he sucked on the digit before touching its tip to the tight spasming knot hidden in the boy's butt hairs.

Kade was lost. He moaned. He fucking loved everything now. He needed something in him. He felt empty, incomplete, very, very needy. Poker had to have what he needed.

Doc tapped on the knot a couple of times and muttered, "Incoming..." before slipping the finger right through the clenching muscle and as far up the boy's chute as it would go. He twisted his big wrist back and forth, exploring with just his finger tip until he found the rubbery bump that made Kade gasp, then scream.


"Fuckin A!" chuckled the physician. "Keep working his feet, men!"

Since he couldn't lift his head at all, the last he saw of doc's face was the evil grin as the man looked up at the boy and then slowly lowered his head. He opened his mouth and captured the glassy smooth head of Kade's dick, working under the sensitive flange with his lips, then scraping under the piss slit with his lower front teeth.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Kade squealed some more.

In the waiting room, Ethan had visions of a baby pig being pulled by its tail, over and over and over.

Kade did a lot of squealing.

Like a glacier, the doc's head slowly lowered capturing more of the needy young dick, licking it, tormenting it with his teeth, sucking and swallowing. The big finger kept working that love bump in the boy's pussy over, and over and over.

Kade's shrill squeals deepened into moans. He was turned on yet so blissed out that he now sounded like a frog getting a tummy rub.

"Ruuuuuuuuuuuh....ruuuuuuuuuuuhhhh..." Kade moaned.

Doc's muscular lips began working the kid's meat, grabbing the base of the tender young dick as he sucked and worked the crotch pole with his tongue.

The medical man wanted to feed. He had a hunger for boy batter that wouldn't quit, and neither would he.

Long time expert that he was, doc could feel Kade's bag of balls begin to tighten. He lifted his head, momentarily dropping the kid's dick from his mouth.

"Keep sucking and pull those cups off his tits. Pinch those fuckers!" Doc quickly dropped again to prey on the young man's tormented dick.

The guards sucked the wriggling toes and quickly followed the medic's directions,

"Pop! Pop!"

The tender nips were liberated. Blood rushed into them and they stung like everything. When the guards pinched and twisted them, Kade screamed like he was dying, straining every muscle in his body in his torment.

He looked fucking beautiful.

Proder spiraled his finger into the kid's joy button and stabbing it, sucking the trapped dick like a storm drain. The boy's balls cramped in a frenzy and the torchered dick erupted, gushing hot thick sperm that coated the doctor's lapping tongue with its sweetness before it was swallowed down the milking throat.

The men kept sucking at Kade's body as the twink slowly quieted, his muscles now lax, his breath still ragged.

Doc spit out the teen's dick, stood up and strode to the sink. While scrubbing his hands he yelled over his shoulder to the guards.

"Send in the next one!"

In the waiting room, Ethan passed out as the clock ticked on.

The Difference

"Ethan..." whispered Kade.


"Why is it so different? (sigh) I mean the things they make us do are a lot of the things we loved doing with Josh and the Coach and Mr. Skip...and...well, nearly everybody. But here it just feels wrong. It IS wrong, but I can't figure out why."

"It's like this," Ethan whispered back. Before, we were volunteers. The men knew we wanted them...craved them, even. And, we could always refuse, always walk away. But we didn't because we could see how much the men craved us. There was a balance. We were always aware of when the studs were horned up, and they always knew when we were hot for them. We always got to cum too...well...eventually, anyway.

"We didn't volunteer for here. We were forced -- and not in a fun way, like we were playing along or something. Here we've got no choice. Do what they say or get our nuts fried is not a real choice. Before, we could eat and drink whenever we wanted. Here, the trainers take charge of that too.

"Before, we were partners, junior partners, of course. Here, we're live stock. Here, we're animals. They can make our body's work for them, but they never, ever really get us off, because they just don't care.

"That's the fucking difference."

"You're right, dude. Thanks. That made me feel better. Speaking of which, remember when Josh and the Coach and you and I..."

Things That Go Buzzzzzzz in the Night

Terence fucking loved his job. He love doing tech, doing video and old fashioned photography. He really fucking loved tormenting the captives he monitored at night, when they were locked away in their cells.

He'd wait and watch, scanning from monitor to monitor until he found a couple of young bodies in very sound sleep. Sometimes they were snoring, sometimes sitting hunched in a corner, sometimes with each other's dick in their mouths seeking what comfort they could find in their desperate situation.

That's how he first noticed Ethan and Kade.

They were curled together on their sides in a sixy-nine postion, each with the other's dick soaking in his warm mouth. Though asleep, Terence watched as they'd periodically nurse on the soft crotch meat, their closed eyes moving in REM sleep while they dreamed of the men they hoped would come find them.

First Terence would tap the keyboard, playing out a little military cadence with the twinks' ball rings buzzing at point-five. He'd take the cameras in for a close up so he could watch the fratboy cock roots firm up, the boys' balls move in their soft velvety bags.

Terence would unzip his board pants and reach into the fly. Always commando, he'd caress his dick, then pull it out into the office air and begin to stroke it.

After a bit, he'd notice the increased mouth action that Kade and Ethan were giving the meat in their mouths. After all, the boys were really well trained to serve dick even before they were brought to the island. Now, like Pavlov's dogs, the look, the smell, the feel, the taste of a cock all meant one thing...SUCK IT!

Then Tery would turn it up a notch -- literally.

While the boys sucked in their slumber he held his hand above another action key on his computer's board. He'd wait, singing a silly song, or going through the alphabet, anything to prolong the suspense. Some times he'd count the pulses in the captives's throats, or maybe the pace of their breath. At the end of whatever game he came up with, he'd drop his finger like the blade of a guillotine plunging toward a head.


The constricting ball rings would send their charges into the defenseless tender nuggets...always on the "one" setting. After all, Terence didn't want to cause lasting damage. Not that he cared a bit about the young men's state, he just didn't want to get into trouble with the Boss and loose the best job he'd ever had.

Luckily stinging boy nuts tended to make the fratboys open their mouth in shock, rather than bite down, or Terrance would be in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Watching the kids jump and hearing them yell was always a turn on for the sadistic geek. He liked it even better when he'd watch them while he whispered through the in-cell speakers.

"Okay, little fuckers! If you don't want your balls fried again, beat each other off a hundred strokes."

The young captives would always comply, looking in fear from camera to camera, knowing they were watched, hoping to make the threat and torment stop. Most of the time, the boys wouldn't cum.

Terrence really loved that, because he'd then find another couple in another cell and repeat the same torture. In this way, the captives were wakened in series and would then inevitably fall back to sleep, only to be shocked awake and forced to jerk each other off once again. Most he'd get to squirt at least once. Once he made two kids pull three loads out of each other in a single night.

Having worked his way through the stable of victims, the creep was back looking at Kade and Ethan once more.

This time he brought himself to the edge, rubbing his hard cock in just the way he liked it.

When he dropped his finger on the key and the boys woke again in shock, he shot one of his best loads ever. Unfortunately, he had to turn off the keyboard in order to clean it.

Milking Day

Ethan and Kade looked at each other and whimpered.

They'd been doing a lot of whimpering...and their captors seemed to absolutely love it.

Because today was milking day, the boys had been shouted out of bed before dawn, scrubbed and douched in the communal shower, then fed by hand from the long nippled bottles - the ones that always smelled like cum and men's junk. Special perfume, they figured.

Today they whimpered because their arms were again cinched behind their backs, wrists to elbows so their chests popped forward and their butts jutted back a bit. Their handlers had ball-gagged them, then frog marched them to the shed they called The Milking Bar. You could hear the capitol letters as them men hooted and laughed, smacking the boys' butts on the way.

Inside was very little, except for a long padded bench, that ran the length of the room. From the opposite wall jutted a row of two foot metal bars, each with a circle clip at the end. Under each bar was as three legged wooden stool.

Kade and Ethan were the first youths to be brought in. The guards took them to the two bars at the end, turned them around and made them bend their knees and back up until their ball rings clicked into an automatic lock. Both boys had to widen their stance to get at all comfortable. Even so, the muscles in their thighs and calves tighted. This was going to be difficult.

The guards laughed and talked shit while they felt up the boys, groping their naked crotches, pinching and twisting their nipples, running their hands over the smooth abs and butts. Some liked to pet them on the head, or gently stroke their cheeks, as if they were favored pet animals.

As other boys were brought in, the room filled until each bar entrapped a captured kid.

A klaxon sounded for five seconds, and the loudspeaker blared, "Eight o'clock...first milklng." Kade and Ethan again found each other's eyes and whimpered.

Each guard reached under the helpless little prisoner in front of him, pulled out a stool, and sat. Each pulled a plastic tube out of their tool belts and squirted a hit of bag balm into the palm of their hands, then rubbing the palms together. One by one, the guards grabbed their charge's junk and started working it. They stroked the dicks, teasing the needy knobs with their finger tips, making a ring with their thumbs and fingers, then polishing the sensitive ledge under those knobs. They tickled the helpless balls, stopping from time to time in order to tweak a nipple or two. The tormented young men had to concentrate, keeping their attention on the ring around their balls so they wouldn't lose balance or jerk away and so injure their nuts.

Ethan's guard, a big gruff dark haired brute, turned his head to the guy next to him.

"Shit man! My old lady would never believe what I do to keep her and the kids in the lifestyle to which they've grown accustomed! She'd never believe it." While he talked and worked over Ethan's body, the boy hardened up right along with the rest of the captives, his dick knob red, angry and ready for more. "I mean, I get my tongue in her mouth or pussy, or I squeezed her big tits, and like my dick starts dripping all by itself. It took me about two weeks before I could figure out how to stay hard when I have to fuck one of these sad dudes."

"I know exactly what you mean bro'!" answered the blond who looked like a Viking warrior. "Me too. And our home pussies would never fucking believe this next part!

"Mine neither!'

As one, the guards took one well lubricated middle finger, tickled each boy `s butt ring for a few seconds, then worked the digit up each resisting fuck tunnel.

`MMMMnn...RRRRARARRRR...ooomooommmo..." The twinks definitely noticed what was happening to them. There was a lot of squealing from the bound boys and even more laughter from the guards.

"Fuck buddy! But I fucking love to see these kids tense up and dance around, trying to fight the finger and not find themselves singing soprano. Almost makes up for the next goddamn part. The part I can hardly believe myself!"

A soft chime rang.

"Say true, my friend, say true."

Each guard leaned forward and slipped his lips over the knob of the captive in front of him. They hummed a little, backed off, then slid on down until the dicks were basting in hot man mouth. The security cameras swiveled and their lenses lengthened to get close ups of the intimate action.

The moaning from captives seemed to be music to their guards. You could easily see on video how the men's crotches were filling out as their dicks woke and looked for escape.

A minute more and the chime sound again.

As one, the guards sat up, felt in their belt pouches, pulled out a condom, and ripped it open. Again leaning forward, the men rolled the rubbers down over the raging boners in front of them.

The twinks were so surprised that they were silent for moment.

The chime again.

Each guard grabbed a boy dick with his preferred hand and started pumping.

Kade heard one captive - e about three boys down - start keening and coming.

The men were very good. Most used their free hand to twist and tease the tender, constrained balls as they vainly pulled up against the constricting rings. Some liked to repeatedly slap the tight abs in front of them, or maybe dig in a bit with a claw hand while the kid fought to stay steady and so keep from ripping his balls off.

The chimes sounded, then again, slowly quickening and growing in intensity.

"We'd better shake a dick, compadre!"

"That's so, amigo!"

The men's arms bulged as they speeded up, pounding the swollen, needy tubes of flesh.

"MMMMMWWWAAAAAAA!!!!...RRRRRRRRRUUUUU!!!!...on it went as one kid after another felt his young cum pulled out of his straining body. On pumped the guards, keeping careful watch on the boys' balls so that they could stop just before their charges could damage themselves. Each clear condom bulged with the bounty from a healthy young body, one being conditioned for maximum production by forced exercise and illegal drugs.

BBBLLAAATTTTTTT!!!!! The klaxon, loud as ever.

The guards carefully peeled off the rubbers, making sure that no splooge escaped. They stood and loosened the twinks' ball gags, tilted their heads back and pinched their noses. When the young mouths opened to gasp for breath, they squirted in the cock snot and clapped a big hand over each mouth then stroked the smooth young throats while they swallowed. Gauging by their laughter, the men thought this was funny as hell. They made faces at the boys as they replaced the gags. One rubbed his captive's taut belly and chanted "yum yum eat em up, little dude eat your fuckin' crud!"

Soon the spent condoms dotted the floor, stools were kicked back to the wall, and each captive released from the wall rod. The young men could barely stand after the prolonged tension in their legs. The guards half-pushed, half-carried them out of the room.

That was the first milking of the day.

Next: Chapter 12

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