Skippys Cock Tales

By Scott Grimes

Published on Dec 23, 2022


Skippy's Cock Tales 10

So dudes, before you get your dicks out, get your wallets out and drop some bucks on Nifty. It's always there for you.

The next few stories are all part of single theme called:


Ethan and Kade disappeared just a couple of days after Scott and Brian came back from the dead.

The video we were looking at made my blood boil. Officer Friendly was doing the initial briefing using the giant screen in Security's meeting room. Josh and I were staring. You could probably hear our teeth grind. Beside us, Scott Grimes and Brian Stone lounged back in their chairs, their boots crossed and resting on the table in front of them.

"So this is the footage of the pickup. Right here you can see the three interns practically skipping down the street. After a lunch with Cosmopolitans, they were feeling pretty easy about the world. You can see the Hummer pulling around the corner behind them and stalking along for about a hundred feet while the twinks played grab arse with each other. They're only about two blocks from our corporate tower when...

`THERE! See the vehicle breach the curb, cutting off the kids, and surprising the shit out of them. While they are processing what in the hell might be going on. Simultaneously these two masked agents pile grabs Ethan from behind the other while the other seizes Kade around the neck while trying to snag Cole by the arm.

"BIIIIIIIIGGGG mistake! I don't know who trained these two particular clowns, but their tactics just didn't fucking work. Cole drops to the ground and starts shaking. The window for the catch is closing, so the two agents pull the two captives back and into the Hummer. The thing rockets off, clearing the sidewalk for half a block, slams right through the red light and is immediately lost in the Loop.

"That part, at least was respectable field work!

"Mr. Grimes, would you like to take it from here?" Officer Friendly turned to the Mega Alpha, then sat down.

"Thanks, O.F. Will do." Scott pulled Cole's face out of his crotch and attached the little dude's seeking mouth to Brain's dick that was waving at the ceiling next to him. Cole settled down again and sucked.

Grimes stood, put his dick away, for the moment, and zipped up.

"That was the surveillance retrieval work that Stone Enterprises pulled off in less than half a day. Unlike in films and novels. Things take real time. Brian's folks did truly amazing work for us!

"What you're going to see now took a full fucking week, and they were on it 24/7 - double staffed most days.

"Turns out our young men were targeted and taken by a multi-national that's been operating since at least the turn of the century. The set up money came from all over, but gradually most operations ended up right near here -- a private island just north of here and about five nautical miles out in the lake. Their operation is made up to look like a boarding school or private university. There's a helipad and a single boat dock. All supplies come by water and the embarcation point is the itty bitty town of Tweep. Nothing much but a gas station, bait shop and one of those little white churches that look like something off a Christmas card.

"The organization launders a hell of a lot of money -- offshore shells, N'drangeta, Republican Party -- stuff like that. They also make a mint on their merchandise -- young men who are captured, broken and trained for the sex trade, then periodically auctioned off or sold directly from their on-line catalogue, entitled Boys Life. But here's the thing, the whole thing is covered by a fake rescue and deprogramming' operation professing to remove, and I quote, sinful and erroneous beliefs' and engender wholesome and traditional American values' in the youth they handle. All the businesses and communities near them on the lake profess admiration for the efficient and obviously well funded enterprise `out there' in the water.

"Captives arrive and leave, always by air, so locals only deal with supplying the operation. They just handle landside shipping and receipt. Personnel from the island do all pickups and deliveries.

"Until recently, there have been enough high powered players in industry in government to keep Boys Life sheltered from government and public knowledge. Coincidentally, a US senator's son was kidnapped about a week before our boys, and the old man is screaming bloody hell. He's being listened to as well.

"Between the government sources he's made us privy too, and the resources of Alpha COK International, we've got more than enough to take these fuckers out and get our twinks back. Nobody fuckings our pussy boys but us! No fuckin' body!"

We all knew exactly what Scott meant.

Alpha-Cock and Skip Enterprises were going to war.


Of course Scott already had a plan. Since Clyde was halfway around the world, he, Brian and Lance were the first picks for team leaders, along with Josh.

"Josh?" I asked, feeling a bit protective of my best friend.

"Yeah, Josh!" answered Scott. I've lost track of exactly how many different black belts the guy now as, but more importantly, he'll be there, along with you and Colt because we're going to need sucking off while we stake out the place and wait for the our best opening."

"Colt?" I asked again.

`Yeah, Colt. The kid gives great head, he wants to do anything he can to help his friends, and we need a pretty little twink as bait for the first part of the operation.

"Me?" I asked finally.

"Yeah, you, Skip.There's a part of the plan that has four special ops going to ground, lying low for eight hours. You might remember Colonel Kumayker, Army Night Stalkers, Lieutenant Rockwood, Army Ranger, Lieutenant Hardik, Marine RECON, Air Force Special Tactics, Lieutenant Foekker and Lietenant Lodgepole, Navy SEALS . They were the ones who took you and Josh down in the middle of the night when you two were house sitting. They're in their early forties themselves now, trainers for their respective services, but they were unanimous in their praise of you ability to drain their dicks. Space is limited on their landing vehicle, so you're the only one going with them. You'll do fine, Skip, I have no fucking doubt.

"No sir! You can count on me to do what needs to be done and hum happily while I do it."

"No doubt, Skip. Speaking of which..."


Anyone else, I would have taken down with a few choice words, but this was Scott Fucking Grimes -- the owner of the world's most perfect dick, the world's most arrogant attitude, and the world's greatest sex drive. For him, sex was sometimes like a gourmet event, worthy of leisure, exploration and savor. At other times, it was like he needed to blow his nose and I was the only tissue in the room.

I heard several guys suck in their breath as Scott's cock fell out of his pants. It was already so hard that it gleamed in the air conditioned room. He fished his big nuts out of his fly, looked at me across the room and said,

"Come get the dick, Skippy! Come suck the dick, boy! Crawl to me, baby. Come and, faggot!"

His voice was deeper and more commanding than ever. His smirk...unchanged.

Well, CEO or no CEO, I hit the floor and crawled. I had at least two more Armani suits just like the one I was striping off as I crawled.

When my mouth closed in on his knob and I slid on down to tickle my lips in his crotch hair, I once again felt that magic circuit close, the universe seemed to right itself, and everything seemed perfect.

I barely heard the sympathetic moans from the other men in the room. Some with empathy for me, some for Grimes. When I later reviewed the videos of the session, I saw that every single one of those in attendance had their meat out of their pants and in their hands. Of course, as soon as Stone's dick was bobbing in the air, Josh was bobbing on it.

Seemed like old times.

Scott looked down at my adoring eyes, patted me on top of the head and continued while I sucked him.

"Now, as I was saying..."

It Begins

Colt was shivering in his little tan Speedo, stretched out in the bottom of the dinghy as the small patrol boat pulled alongside and gaffed it.

"Well what do we have here, Sol?"

"It's a goddamn cash prize, Eddie! Our ticket out of here. We've fucking hit the jackpot, man. We're going to get enough money out of this pretty little fag to set us up for a couple of years in Panama. Let's get him over here and get him to the boss, quick-like, before anybody else tries to elbow their way in to the deal!"

As the one named Sol pulled the dinghy closer, the one named Eddie stooped low and leaned out over the side, reaching for Colt's nearly nude boy.

But up and over the opposite side of the guards' boat shot two special ops divers, across the narrow deck and behind the slowly turning guards. Two skilled tackles saw Sol and Eddie flying out over the dinghy and into the water where two other divers surfaced. Sol and Eddie were grabbed around the neck, pulled under water, and never seen again.

Our guys were efficient.

The first thing the team did when we were inside the building was secure the perimeter, then enter the security room and had its system begin duplicate all its recordings and upload them to the cloud where we could access them in the future -- for providing evidence to law enforcement -- and for watching months' worth of fucking hot videos.

So, eventually, we were able to uncover the recordings of our little dude's days at Boys Life.

The Lost Boys

When the Ethan and Kade came to, they found they could barely move. Their wrists were zip-tied together behind their backs, and their ankles one to the other. Ball gags with holes filled their mouths, allowing them to breathe easily but only letting them make the most stupid sound imaginable when they tried to talk. Besides, they made them drool as well.

They were naked under coarse, horsehair blankets. The air on their faces was wet and cold, unlike the hot calloused hands that were groping their crotches.

Eventually they figured out that they were in a small speed boat coursing over choppy water. It continued for some time, so they figured they must be in Lake Michigan.

Apparently they'd been held somewhere during daylight hours. They just remembered being pulled into a big hummer and then the sickeningly sweet smell that came from the rags held to their faces.

Now, swaying and rocking over the waves, Ethan and Kade realized that their stomachs didn't care for it one bit. Ethan groaned and gagged a bit. The hand groping his junk tightened and the man apparently connected to it growled,

"Don't you fucking puke on me or the blanket! We'll be there in about three or four more minutes."

Ethan swallowed and started counting the seconds.

When the shock of the boat hitting it's pier signaled their arrival, the young men's faces were covered with part of the blanket. They were thrown over the shoulders of their captors and carried off the boat, across wooden planks and then over land for some distance.

Seemed like the men carrying them were not wimps.

Still groggy from the drugs, the boys barely noticed when they were dropped unceremoniously on a single white cot. They drifted off to sleep again as they were carefully stripped. They barely felt the rough hands groping their dicks, not the guards laughter as the boys nursed their throbbing dicks in their sleep.

"These two will do just fine! Won't take much to have them ready to sell, will it?"

SELL? They wondered, losing consciousness once again.

Processing the Newcomers

Kade and Ethan first noticed the soft, warm buzzing feeling in their balls as they swam up from unconsciousness. The buzzing pulsed, then stopped. Over and over, sometimes in a quick rhythm, sometimes with long pauses. Their young dicks had already noticed this and were standing high in the air, swaying like cobras in front of a flute.

"Wwwwwuuuh...wwwhhhheeerr...what the fuck! Where are we?" Not original, but pretty appropriate.

The young men were lying on a narrow bed, tangled together like puppies, very cute and naked puppies.

"The little fuckers are waking up again, bro. Time to start putting them through their paces. The sooner the better.

Ethan looked around the tiny room until he saw there was no door, but rather a wall of vertical bars. They were in a fucking jail cell! The two burly men standing between them and the open grate were smirking down at him and Kade. With their arms crossed on their chests, both looked like gym junkies - the short sleeves of their black uniforms rolled up to show off their bulging biceps. Kade couldn't help but notice how the cloth stretched over thighs swollen with muscle, or how their dicks seemed to lengthen down their pant legs as they stared at the two captives.

"We'll get right on it, but first, let's...wait...for..."

Kade was up off the bed and darting between the towering men and out in the corridor when his balls turned to fire. He screamed -- he really screamed! -- and fell to the floor, clutching his crotch, rolling from side to side, piss squirting from his deflating dick. Mercifully, the pain stopped completely after a couple of seconds.

`it!" finished the guard.

"Yep! Like clockwork, every fucking time. At least we didn't have to fry one of them when they were doing nothing. Used to hate to doing that, but now I kind of hope they don't run, so I can see the look on their face that says "Why me? What have I done?" The guard broke into laughter as he stepped into the hall for a mop, pail and washcloth. He tossed the cloth to Kade.

"Wipe yourself off, then get the fuck up and clean up your piss. Next time, you'll do it with your tongue, punk.

While Kade cleaned himself and the floor, one guard held up a small remote and explained.

"That was on setting number two. I skipped over number one. Needed to get to the point. When you've got the ball buzz going that makes your noodles stiff, that's setting point-five. All told there are three full settings. You never want three. After a few seconds of three, there's no more pain. Your balls would be toast. Your nerves fried. Don't recommend it, little dudes."

Ethan and Kade both jerked and began shivering as they felt the point-five pulses return. They were afraid. They were very afraid, but the dicks were liking everything about their situation.

"So it's like this, little dudes. You are now owned. You are owned by the boss man. We work for the boss man and are paid to get you ready for when you're sold to someone else. The boss will get a hell of a lot of money, we get a fat bonus, and some rich motherfucker get you to do whatever the fuck he wants with you. By the time you're sold, you'll throw wood and beg for dick on command. You will crave dick. Dick in your mouths, dick in your pussies. You'll do whatever to get dick, and when you get dick, you'll do whatever your owner tells you to. The boss had been selling twinks like you for the past five years or so. He's got a lot of high powered allies who make sure nothing happens to this little enterprise. There are high rollers all around the globe this very minute who have their property between their legs, sucking for their load while they do business, entertain clients, relax at a resort, dine with friends. Some have a stable of properties so they can use them like party favors.

"You two are going to bring in the really big numbers! The bidding's going to soar when clients see your buff little jock bodies. Men like to see a cut punk looking up at them while their dicks are sucked. Makes `em really drain their balls.

"Speaking of which, now that the floor is clean...


Ethan and Kade understood. They got down on their knees in front of the two big trainers and looked up at their pulsing dicks, then on up to their sneering faces. Together they sighed, fished the men's balls out of their uniform pants and got to work.

The two men crowed and did a fist bump.

"We're going to be fucking rich with these two, my friend. They've already got talent. Our bonuses will be huge!!" They made sure the boys' ball rings buzzed just enough to keep them horned up and hungry.

And speaking of huge, in very little time the guards' big cocks were unloading into the skilled and dedicated throats in front of them.

As Kade and Ethan swallowed, they began making plans. They had no idea where to begin, or what to do, but they knew they had to somehow escape. Escape before they were sold.

New Things

After the two men zipped up and left their cell, Ethan and Kade remained kneeling on the floor staring at each other in shock.

They knelt there with their hands cupping their junk and the metal donuts that circled the tops of their nuts. They could feel a series of small rings all the way around the things -- probably so they could be attached to different stuff, or so they figured. There was no apparent way to remove them and they were certainly tight enough that they weren't coming off without their castrating themselves in the process.

A few minutes later saw them back on the bed, huddled together against the wall, looking at the several cameras mounted in the room and whispering without moving their lips, as quietly as they could.

"wha the uck Ethe. Ooo ar ease ee ul?" You get the drift.

"I don't know, buddy! I'm fucking scared. This is just fucking awful. What are we going to do?"

"Well, for starter, bro, we've got to survive. We've got to keep it the fuck together until we can find a way out of here or...until Josh and Skip and everybody finds us. They must know we're missing. They've got like amazing connections -- business, military, government. They'll find us, I know!"

"Of course they will. But how fucking long will it take? What if we get sold off before they break us out of here? I'm really, really scared, Kade."

"Me too, Eth, me too. Here...suck my dick, it'll take your mind of things for a bit. I'll do yours too, bro. We can suck and think at the same time, right?"

"Right. Stick it in my face, Kade, I fucking need it."

And the boys did a wonderful job of helping each other.

Sitting in front of the bank of monitors, The Boss whispered over and over to himself, counting maybe, chanting perhaps? He'd heard every whisper, watched ever quiver.

Of course the young men would plot.

Always happened.

And of course, escape was futile.

Never happened.

Day One

Ethan and Kade referred to their guards as Custard and Mayo. You figure it out. They could have said Big Red and The Viking, but Custard and Mayo described the experience they had several times a day. The two guards were powerhouses of sperm production. When they swaggered into the cell, or walked the boys down the hall for cleaning, feeding, training, the aroma they put off was intoxicating. The Boss had provided his trainers with pheromone sprays that made the boys throw wood before they could even see their captors come through the cell door.

The twinks were constantly on the horns of a dilemma, when they weren't on a cock or a dildo. They were always nervous, always frightened, but at the same time horny and needy, their need controlled by their captors who delighted in upping their arousal as well as controlling when and if they would find release.

Take for instance their morning cleaning.

They were shaken awake and pulled off the bed, then pushed into the corridor. Custard and Mayo each grabbed the boys by the backs of their necks and marched them to a huge communal shower kitted out with attachments of all kinds.

Exactly like zookeepers cleaning their animals the guards sprayed the young bodies with luke warm water, then used a long handled brush dipped in a bucket of soap to scrub them until their skin shone pink all over.

The boys were forced to bend over and a smooth cylindrical attachment with several openings at the end was worked into their butt holes. After the warm water invaded their bodies, they were forced to do a series of squats, then massage each other's abdomens. Made to squat and evacuate their bowels, the process was repeated twice more.

Custard and Mayo pulled on rough scrub mitts, then sat down on a pair of stools, snapping their fingers for the boys to stand in front of them. They soaped the young skin being surprising gentle at first, then scrubbed the boys down yet again, spending a lot of extra time on their nipples, crotches and buttholes.

The kids were not only clean as could be, but their tender areas were a bit raw and achy.

Mayo decided to give Kade back his glasses and plopped the billed cap on his head, visor in back of course.

"Easier to suck dick that way, little dude!" The huge muscled blond loved that one.

Next the guards marched their captives to a training room filled with dildos of all types. Yes, there as a long bench with graduated sizes, much like the one in the corporate gym, but the ones they got today were about the size of an average cock. Greased and shoved in their bodies, they were kept in place by a deep flange that was automatically gripped by their arse rings.

Inside was a pressure gauge. When the rubber dicks were constricted, they registered the force in pounds of pressure and transmitted the result to a monitor on the wall.

Custard sat at a keyboard and entered the date and time.

"What's say we call the punk in the hat Suckface' and the other one Sweet Pussy"?

"Sweet Pussy's good, but I want hat boy to be Cockgobbler. That's what he's going to be every fucking chance I get to feed him my pipe, man."

"Kewl, dude! Cockgobbler it will be!"

When the two thugs finished high fiving, guffawing and fist bumping, they got down to business.

"Okay Suckface! Squeeze that fucking thing with your pussy as hard as you can while I squeezing, Suckface!..eight...nine...ten. Okay, rest your pussy.

"How'd he do?" asked Mayo.

"A little over a pound and a half. Not bad for a start. By the end of the week, they'll both be squeezing two pounds or have achy-breaky balls!"

More hooting and fist bumps. The guards thought they were a riot. Kade and Ethan learned not to roll their eyes and instead keep them focused on the floor. When the men were ticked off, they liked to hold a captives dick in one hand and slap it with the other. The boys learned quickly not to tick off the big bruisers.

So, on went the training for what seemed like forever, but was really only about twenty minutes or so.

It finished with the guards firing cum shots into the kid's faces while their pussies tried desperately to register a pound and a half of pressure.

"They'll get better, bro, they'll get better," said Mayo.

"They will indeed, my friend. We'll fucking see to it!"

After being allowed to nurse on a pair of water bottles for a bit, the young men were taken to the gym.

The burly guards made our little heroes work the free weights, the bench press, knock off pull-ups and push-ups, then tethered their cock rings to the upright of the elliptic trainer and made them run. The boys, of course, didn't know that there was a safety clip that would release the tether, should they fall or be too slow of the speed of the equipment. Even so, they sweated and squealed while the bored guards looked on, periodically reaching out with a riding crop to smack their young bodies. Sometimes a butt cheek, sometimes a nip. Very often a cock knob, or their balls. The guards fucking loved it.

"Like shooting fish in a barrel, ain't it?" yucked Custard.

`Yeah, but we're done now aren't we? I'm ready to shoot my fish in his pussy. We've got time before lunch, don't we?"

"We'll make time, bro. We'll make time."

Next: Chapter 11

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