Skippys Cock Tales

By Scott Grimes

Published on Oct 22, 2023


Skippy's Cock Tales 1

The following are one-off stories intended to give background and fill in some of the narrative gaps found in Skippy Gobbles Cocksnot, Skippy Gobbles College Cock and Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock.

Some I've generated when I realized something had gone missing, some have been requested. They aim for a breezy, campy still in a fantasy world of always available sex. Not everyone's cup of tea.

So many writers have inspired me, including Luc Milne, Percyx, Stimle, Glaucon , Bill Drake, and F.E. Cooper.

Special thanks to my muse, Kade for his on-going encouragement.

Oh yeah! Need to remind you guys to shed some bucks and help Nifty. It's always there for you.


"Mr. Skip?"

`Yeah? What is it? What in the fuck is that thing in your mouth, Parker?"

" I looked up from the porn on my computer to see my main assistant peeking in the office door. He wore a rag hat and it looked like the sleeves were torn off his shirt. His pumped arm looked great against the wood of the door. The stick of a candy sucker stuck out from the corner of his mouth.

"'s a sucker sir. You have a no-smoking policy so I couldn't make it a cigarette."

Parker came on into the room. He was wearing board shorts that road so low on his hips that the band of his tighty-whities showed, along with a glimpse of his pubic hair. White trainers, black socks and a skate board completed his look.

"What's going on, Parker?"

"Well, you did tell us interns that there could be an office costume party for tonight and well...I thought I'd start canvassing for votes during the day. As long as I get my work done. Okay?"

The look on the pretty face took my breath away and brought my dick to alert. It throbbed, aching to burrow between those sweet lips and root around in that hot throat.

"Sure Parker. What are you doing to get guy's to vote for you?'

"Anything, sir...well...nearly anything. Is there something I can do for you Mr. Skip?"

I was already around my desk and had grabbed the twink by the neck with both hands. His mouth opened in surprise and I dove in, tongue first. Parker whimpered. God how I loved to hear Parker whimper. He closed his eyes and nursed on my tongue. I grabbed him in a bear hug and he melted into my chest as he sucked my spit. With one hand I released my kraken and the balls that hung below. I opened my mouth. Parker opened his eyes and looked up at me as he slid down my chest and attached himself to my dick.

"Fuck, Parker! Why don't I have you on my dick 24/7 little guy? Your mouth is magic."

I could feel my balls starting to bounce up and doing in happy anticipation of their dumping their load into Parker's stomach. This was all going too fast.

Parker was startled when I pulled my cock out of his mouth and sank to my knees. I stuck my tongue down his throat again, reached down and jerked his pants down off his hips. When I pushed him backward, he sat in surprise. I grabbed him by the ankles and pulled his legs together and up, forcing him onto his back. Then I pushed his feet over his head and jerked the shorts behind his head, trapping him with his butt staring up at me with its one eye.

Of course I kissed it.

I ate his hole while he whined and twitched. Then I spit on my palm, wiped it on my dick and tapped the knob on his winking hole.

"Brace yourself, Parker!"


I dropped my weight forward and sank my cunt hammer straight down into his hot pussy.

"FUCKING PUNK! Fucking goddamn skaterboy trash fag!! Take my dick you street pussy!"

I think Ii never quite expressed myself to him in that way before.



I was so loving playing the trashman. Parker was too. His hot hole squeezed me like it was his lifeline to heaven. Guess it was, come to think of it. The force of my slamming was scooting him across the floor a bit with every fuck. This gave me an idea.

Bending down, I scooped him up with one hand and scooted his board under his butt, then laid him back on it. He had to hold himself in a half curl to keep his head from bouncing on the floor. This tightened his abs and -- of course -- his boy pussy. I was fucking loving it. So was Parker.


Could the kid communicate or what? Made my crotch rocket start its countdown.

I began fucking Parker across the floor toward the other side of the room. Just before we got there I pulled his head up a bit more so he could rest it against the wall. Then I simply rocked my hips into him as the board holding him up pounded the wall.

"I'm going to fucking hose your guts, Parker, right...about...NOW!!!!!"

With my whole weight jamming my dick into the twink's hole, I let loose and hosed his pussy with what felt like a pint and a half of hot spunk.


Parker's dick turned glassy and spurted his young splooge out onto his rock hard abs. While I gasped and caught my breath, I used a finger to pick up his sex soup and bring it up to his needy mouth until it was gone.

Still sitting on my heels and knees, I wriggle walked back from the wall a bit, bringing Parker's ankles with me. I pulled his shorts off his ankles and threw them away, then pulled his knees way apart, reached forward, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him toward me. His butt scooted back on the scooter until it was against the wall. I pulled him farther toward me until he opened his mouth and went down on my dick, making it extra happy after all the hard work it had done in the little dude's pussy.


Such were the sound of a satisfied employee.

"Okay Parker. Break times over. Get out of here and get back to work. I've got about a million more porn sites to review before five o'clock."

"Sure, Mr. Skip! Do I have your vote? See! A lot of guy's said they'd be sure to remember me when they cast their ballots!" Parker twisted around and pulled up his wreck of a shirt. On his tender creamy skin were seven hash markers done with magic marker.

`You've been really busy there, Parker."

"Uuuhh...well...I took kind of a long lunch, sir"

"It seems you did, Parker. You must be belching sperm by now, little guy."

"No sir! When I go down, I keep it down. So do I get your vote?"

"I'll think about it, little dude. Maybe you should come back during your four o'clock break so I can consider some more."

"Yes sir! I sure well sir!"

Parker jumped up, grabbed his shorts in front and pulled them up, picking up his skateboard at the same time. He headed for the door and opened it, his naked butt hanging out the top of his shorts, rolling happily as he went on his way, my cum oozing out and wetting the waist band.

Ethan's Wrenching Tail

"Mr. Skip?"

"Come on in, Ethan. What the fuck is it?"

The door opened and in walked Scott Grime's sexy son wearing coveralls with one broken strap. He was shirtless and smeared with black grease stains here and there. Besides his black work boots , he had a bandana around his neck as well as a little grease gun and a big lug wrench hanging from loops at his hips.

"Wait. Don't tell me. Since I've said there can be a costume party tonight, you've decided to go around and see if you can line up votes for yourself...right?"

"Why, yes sir! How did you know sir?"

"Let's just say that a little guttersnipe told me. So what are you doing to try to drum up votes, Ethan?"

"Well almost anything, sir."

"Okay then, Ethan. Turn the fuck around and stand right there."

By the time I got to "there" I was around the desk again and behind the hot little fuck. The coverall was light weight enough and cinched high enough that both halves of his bubble butt were outlined perfectly.

I reach one hand around by the broken strap and down the front of his coveralls. He was commando and I quickly had a handful of his little lug nuts. I worked them. He moaned. I reached around with my other hand, pulled him back against my chest and stuck my thumb into his soft wet mouth.

"Oooohhhhhh..." He moaned around my thumb as I kept scrambling his eggs. God but I love the way Ethan moaned.

The kid leaned back against my shoulder and kind of melted. I fisted his dick, pulling on it and rubbing my thumb around on the knob.

"Oooohhhhhh Oooohhhhhh..." He was into it alright.

I growled in Ethan's ear, "Are you a good little mechanic, Ethan? Are you?"

"Gno hir. Hiem `ot," he stammered around my well sucked thumb.

"You're not! Then you know what you're going to have to do, Ethan?"

"Gno hir, ey `ont, hir."

"I think you do, you little cock sucker."

I grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him to face me, then pushed him down to his knees.

"You're going to have to suck my dick, Ethan. Think you can do that, Mr. Mechanic?"

"Oh yes sir! I can do that, I can really...AOGGGHNKKKK."

I stuck my cock in his mouth to shut him up and he started sucking.

Damn, but could Ethan suck dick. If I didn't know that I was in a class unto myself, I would think that he might be one of the world's best. My ongoing cross is never being able to deep throat my own junk. But if I couldn't deep throat myself, Ethan was the next best thing at the moment.

The kid back off and kissed my knob for a bit. Then his little pink tongue circled it lazily, wetting it down, heating it up. He effortlessly swallowed the whole, sealed his lips, then pulled back, drawing my dick along with them. He used his lips to crawl back down the long length and wedged the knob was deep in his throat. He hummed. He hummed some more.

On and on he went, twisting as he swallowed - sucking as he pulled away. He blew on the tip. He licked and mouothed my balls. I got lost in a warm sea of cocksuck bliss.

When I felt my butt tighten, I realized I was about ready to pop, so I pulled out of Ethan's mouth, reached under his armpits and drew him up. His mouth fell open, I stuck my tongue in, holding him to me and reaching into his coveralls again to play with his junk.

"Oooohhhhhh..." he said that to my tonsils as I fed him spit.

"Ethan...are you a bad mechanic?"

"Uh...well...I guess I am, sir. I've never fixed anything, sir."

"Yes, Ethan. You fucking know that bad mechanics have to be punished, don't you?"

"Uh...yes sir."

"Pull that fucking strap down and lean over my desk, Ethan. Feet wide apart.

`Yes sir!"

Ethan reached across the papers on my desk and grabbed the far edge. I pulled the grease gun and wrench out of their loops and set them on the floor, then worked the coveralls down below his butt crease.

Grabbing a sweet cheek in each hand, I pulled them apart and looked at his scared little hole puckering and quivering in anticipation.

I wet a finger tip and touched the warm smooth flesh of his pucker. It tightened. I plucked it a little. I circled it and tapped it. It tightened, it relaxed, it spasmed in confusion. I pulled his cheeks as far apart as they would go and leaned it. I sniffed.


Mushrooms and cumin.

I licked a little.


Vanilla and cream.

I ate his hole like a madman, sucking, biting, licking and spitting while he squealed.

After a couple of minutes his hole gave itself to me. I could work an inch of my tongue up his chute while Ethan cooed and mewed.

Sitting back on my heels, I rubbed my palms together briskly, then started spanking his tight globes. First one, then the other. Ethan grunted at every swat. Veeeeeerrrrrry satisfying!

The creamy white skin went from blanched to pink then to a pleasing rosy red. I leaned in again to eat his hole some more and reveled in the heat rolling off his butt cheeks.

I felt along the floor beside me for the wrench. The metal was cold from the air conditioning in the office. I turned it in my hand and used the fingers of my other hand to approximate eight inches and measured along the blunt end of the handle.

With my other hand I found the little grease gun. I pulled out of that wonderful arse and held the gun to my nose.

Lube. It was fucking peppermint lube.

I brought the nozzle to Ethan's little mister winky.

"You know what this is, Ethan?"

"Yes sir." His voice was already hoarse from gasping and moaning .Sitting back once more I brought the rounded end to Ethan's pink pucker.

"It's going in your little pussy, Ethan. All of it."

"Yes sir."

There must have been a half pint of that slippery goo in the gun. I pumped the handle for half a minute, emptying the thing and enjoying the amazing sounds Ethan was making. (I would have to try this myself sometime).

I held the blunt end of the cold wrench against Ethan's greasy pucker.

"And do you know what in the fuck this is, Ethan?"

"Yes sir."

"You know where it's going, don't you Ethan?"


I shot that cold steel right up his chute in one smooth motion, sinking all eight inches at once. Some of the amazing lube shlooped out, dribbling down his balls and dropping onto his bunched up coveralls.

"OOOoooooohhhhhh sir!"

"Oh yeah, Ethan! You fucking love it, little dude, don't you, baby?"

Ethan answered with a lot of language I'd rather not repeat here. Most of it centered on encouraging me. For example --

"Work it sir! Make my pussy cry, sir!!"

Or the classic -


So I did.

I worked his hole for about five minutes. The lube gushing out. I'd collect it on my finger, spread it on the wrench handle and run it in him again.

His moaning and trash talk finally got to me.

I dropped the wrench and stood up, spread some lube from my gooey hand onto my dick and snugged up behind him, resting my knob on his leaking pucker. It opened and closed like a drag queen;s lips. Grabbing the twink by his front hip bones, I sank into his cunt like a warship sliding down the ways.

Ethan went nuts.

His knees beat against the desk. His chest wiped my papers back and forth on my desk top. His butt worked my dick like a mechanical milker.

I won't repeat what he said, but it was all encouraging.

In maybe two minutes I was spitting my swimmers into his goo filled twat. The kid keened as he seized up and spit his young spunk into the front of his coveralls.

We rested there until our breath was back.

There was an amazing sucking sound as I pulled the length of my meat out of his butt. I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him up against me, reached down and pulled his coveralls up, slipping the single strap over his shoulder again.


I guess the lube and spunk were a bit wet and cold by now.

"Pick up your tools, Mr. Mechanic."

Ethan bent to grab the grease gun and wrench. I spun him to face my crotch and hefted my half hard dick.

`Maybe a little breath mint before you go?"

Ethan did again what he did so well. He kissed, he soothed, he suckled. He thanked my dick with his mouth.

"Good boy, Ethan. Now get out of here, I've got work to do."

"Sure Mr. Skip. But do I get your vote tonight?"

"I'll think it over, lil' bro. But one thing for sure. Don't do a thing to your costume. It's perfect now."

"Yes, Mr. Skip."

Ethan sounded a little uncertain as he walked across the room and let himself out. The wet stains in the front and the back of his coveralls looked amazing.

The Kiss of the Spiderman

I was in the gym beating the hell out of the speed bag when I got that weird feeling I was being watched. Twisting and bobbing as I pounded the leather with my gloves, I kind of peeked around but didn't see anyone.

Taking a two minute break, I ran my forearm across my sweaty forehead.


Spinning around to look behind me, I saw a very youthful looking version of Spiderman hanging by his knees from the chin bar nearby.

"Hi Mr. Skip!"

"Colt! Is that you, kid?"

"it sure is, sir! Since you..."

"Since I said that there could be a costume party, you thought you might go around today and try to gather votes for your costume, right?"

"Yes sir! How did you know, sir?"

"Just a guess, Colt. And I imagine that you would do just about anything to get my vote, am I right again?"

"Yes sir! Of course, sir. How did you know?"

"Probably just another lucky guess, Colt. Does that mask peel up from the bottom?"

"Sure does!"

"Show me your pretty lips, Colt."

I stood there sweating while the twink peeled the bottom of his mask up over his chin to the bottom of his nose.

"Push down my shorts and jock, Colt, my hands are gloved."

The twink peeled me and got to work, his half masked face stuffed with my always needy dick. I fuckin' loved it.

After a couple of minutes, I bit a glove strap and pulled it back, slipped out of both fist covers then grabbed the spandex covering Colt's crotch, pulling it taught, going for a rip.

"'ehrs uh hippfur..." the kid gargled around my cock.

Sure enough, there was a clever little zipper for when Spidey boy needed to do a drain. I zipped it down (up, actually) and his dicklet rushed out to meet me. I slurped it up and made it feel right at home. Colt cooed while we sucked each other.

A little time past and we were both harder and hotter than hell.

I grabbed Colt around the waist and walked back so he had to let go of the chin bar and drop his legs over my shoulders, still working on my slab of meat. I spit him out, sank to the mat and let him roll backward while I hand walked forward, dick still in his mouth pussy. Gave his angry red knob a lick, then started a couple rounds of push-ups, fucking his face while he sputtered and choked a bit.

Pulling my dick out of his maw, I rocked back on my heels, rolled him onto his abs, then crab jumped over and around him, kneeling between his legs and kneeing his legs apart.

Sure enough, just as there was a cunning little zipper in front, there was a waist band that let me peel his tights down over his perfect butt to the tops of his thighs. I scooted back a smidge then hunkered down.

Couldn't help gnawing on those snowy smooth globes a bit before burrowing into his steamy cleft and targeting his musky pucker.

I licked it. It softened. I licked it again. It tightened, then softened some more. Each lick made the kid moan, each softening brought a little sigh. My dick went beyond rebar to diamond. I was about to cut into his guts and fuck the everlasting shit out of him.

And so I did.

Colt started squealing with the first jab. Don't blame him. I wasn't gentle. He fucking loved it though. We'd been in this particular happy place before. Afterward, he'd looked up at me through his sweaty curls and thanked me over and over before cleaning up the softening cock that had been so very good to him.

The rest was a whole lot of grunting on my part, mewling and yelling on his. I did manage to tell him what a dick loving, scum sucking, pretty fag pussy he was, and that seemed to be really well received. He wriggled his butt, tilted his hole to the ceiling to give me better access, clenched his pussy and bubble butt, working hard and well to make me feed his guts.

Didn't take long, either.

I bucked three times into his hot body, scooting him across the mat a little. Jamming my hammer as far up in his guts as I could get, I emptied my tank in a series of hard wet spurts that made him scream.

Very, very satisfying.

When we'd both come back to earth, I pulled my meat out of his locker with a pleasing smuuuuuullllch sound. He rolled to the side, looked up at me through his sweaty curls and thanked me over and over before cleaning up the softening cock that had been so very good to him.

After Colt pulled up and zipped up, I had him lick up his spill from the mat and help me back into my gloves before getting back knocking the shit out of the speed bag. While I battered the thing, I found I was smirking a little. Colt never mentioned his wanting my vote. Guess I'd taken his mind off the matter. As I watched him from the corner of my eye as he staggered toward the lockeroom, I couldn't help but think how good this particular little Spidey was with a fly.

The Costume Party

Spiderman, the Mechanic and Skater boy all arrived early and were huddling in a corner, eyeing everyone else, sizing each up for possible (and probable) sex, of course.

Clyde arrived fairly early too. His flaming red hair was now shoulder length. I complemented the many green leaves covering his body, except for the large green flower that framed his dick and balls. There was an opening over his cleft too, so he could sit on the face of any twink who wanted to worship The Green Man of Great Britain and join a long and sexually satisfying Celtic tradition.

Another big side of beef, Axel `s Tarzan was classic. Magnificent naked body, junk barely covered by a tiny piece of chamois skin hanging front and back. I figured most of the evening would find the cloth shoved to the side to allow for serious sucking and fucking -- and so it turned out.

Mason and Jim from Accounting were in black spandex, one with a big "plus" on his chest, the other with a "minus." There was a "times sign" over each zippered crotch and a zero circling each mouth. By their calculating costumes, I estimated that they'd soon be taxed with a lot of willing sucking and fucking. They certainly added to the festivities.

The Dean entered extremely slowly and sedately. Dressed as the Pope, in miter and voluminous robes, an unknown twink outfitted as a choirboy seemed to be secreted under the white silk, forcing him to knee walk backward as the venerable retiree moved forward. The surplice didn't manage to cover the sounds of sucking coming from the man's crotch area.

Officer Friendly, his son, and half of Security came dressed as old time thieves, wearing striped shirts, tight black pants, rope soled shoes and black strip masks across their eyes.

Lance had gotten in touch with me earlier and told me he wanted to reprise our David and Goliath costumes from our college days. Who was I to say "no" to Lance...ever. Besides, as David, my costume was a cloth sling worn over my shoulder. Lance, of course would carry a large wooden club as well as the sizeable club that hangs between his legs. I would no doubt entertain both of them before the night is over.

We'd all placed bets on what Scott Grimes and Brian Stone would be wearing. I won a pile by predicting Brian's android outfit, complete with mechanized sex toys attached to various part of his frame. Being the founder of Stone Enterprises gave him full access to their creative talent as well as their production facilities.

No one saw it coming: Scott Grimes striding in dressed as Michelangelo's God complete with a mane of gray hair, beard, mustache, draped in a white robe -- open at the front. Everyone agreed though, that it was a logical choice. You could tell he'd be reaching out to touch one Adam after another, inviting him to eat from the tree of knowledge that sprang from his crotch.

The room fell silent, though, when Kade and Josh entered, the twink dressed as a lamb (with cut outs front and back for business of all kinds) being pulled by the dick by the big stud dressed as a wolf. As he fondled his favorite intern's junk, his own was hardening under the gaze of the entire room.

Mason and Jim quickly passed around the ballots so we all could vote for best costume. Didn't take them anytime at all to tablulate the results. Seems that every single one of us got exactly one vote -- except for Josh who got two and Kade who got none. All eyes turned to the little dude and his stud as the both turned a remarkable shade of red.

"TRICKS AND TREATS!!!!!!" I shouted. "Open bar, open couches, open season on getting whatever you want if you can get it. Drinks are on me!"

The entire room cheered. I turned to the sound of wheels as Parker rolled up on his board.

"Guess I'm kinda thirsty, Mr. Skip. There's a huge crowd at the bar. Think you could help a kid out, sir?"

"Knees on the floor, Eth. I'll see what I can come up with."

Let's just say I made sure the little guy didn't go away thirsty.

Next: Chapter 2

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