Skippy Gobbles College Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on May 1, 2023


Skippy Gobbles College Cock 9 By Scott Grimes (

Hey Dudes, you've read a ton of stuff on Nifty. How about giving up a little money so we all can keep doing that? How about it?

In Which Homecoming Involves a Lot of Cumming

Saturday was pretty damn interesting. It was the first time that Josh and I realized that some of the upperclassmen and alums liked to eat cum. Of course, they liked to do it their way. They didn't beg you to come, they bade you to...or else.

Take Mr. Prodder for example. After breakfast and then an hour presenting a seminar on investments in Alpha-COK alumni enterprises, he had Josh meet him again in the gym again. Josh was pretty wary. I think he was still tired from the forced workout the day before, and the three times Prodder fucked him during the night. This time all he had to do was hang by the knees from the chin bar...naked. His wrists were clipped to a leather collar the big man made him buckle on his neck.

Prodder was naked too except for a pair of boxing gloves. His modesty was protected by a loaner pledge sucking his dick, and another with his face in the Prodder's arse. Josh's upside-down view put him at eye level with the cock sucker and Prodder's groin. An area he'd become very familiar with in the past 24 hours. Josh was hard from both the memories and the action in front of him.

The fitness guru stood with one foot slightly in front of the other, his gloves hanging at his side. He leaned in a bit and caught the end of my bud's dick in his lips. He held it gently for half a minute, then began chewing lightly, scraping his teeth in the grove around the head, tickle tonguing the sweet spot on top of the slit. Josh's dick jumped and hardened even more. It wanted to squirt so badly. It didn't want to wait at all.

"Blam Blam!" Prodder punched Josh in the gut.

"Whaaaaooohh!!" remarked Josh, curling like a worm on a hook. Prodder sucked thoughtfully, considering the response.

"Blam Blam!" Prodder chewed and sucked. Josh's dicklet didn't know what in the hell to do, be happy, or be sad.

"WWWHhhhaaaa aaa aaa AAAAA!!!" Josh flinched, his abs turning to rock, hardening to protect his guts.

"Blam Blam!" Prodder sucked like a wind tunnel while calmly punched Josh's abs with volley after volley. "Blam Blam! Blam...Blam Blam BlamBlam BlamBlam BlamBlam BlamBlam."

Josh didn't know whether to scream, cry or beg. Wisely, he settled for begging.

`"PLEASE MISTER PRODDER! Stop, stop, I can't take it! Please!! I'm going to...CCCUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

Prodder pounded away. Josh gulped air and screamed while he fed his spooge down the man's gullet. Prodder kept sucking and pounding. When Josh's balls were cramping on empty, Prodder started pulling his punches and chewed a little on my buddy's balls.

The pounding stopped.

Prodder batted the mouths away from his hips, stepped in and pulled Josh over his shoulder, then bent and rolled him to the mat.

"Roll over kid, I'm going to fuck you again."

Prodder straddled Josh's upper thighs, and slid his dick balls deep in pledge pussy. He arched his back, stuck out his chest, then used his gloved hands to pull in the two loaner pledges to kneel and suck on his nipples and then he began to punch Josh's buns. Josh was as limp as a wet towel. He lay helpless as Prodder laid pipe up his hole and pounded his globular glutes. I think it was only his pussy that was able to do anything other than hang on for dear life.

It took a minute more.

"Bite me, fuckers!" said Prodder.

The pledges sucking his nipples bit. Prodder came. It was quiet but it was intense. He locked his arms, bracing himself on Josh's melons, threw his head back in a silenced scream and rocked, injecting my bud with another massive dose of the guy's hot goo.

Josh told me later it felt like a squirt gun full of hot oil firing over and over into his oh-so-tender sex sock.

"SSHHhhlluuuuup." Prodder pulled his dick out of Josh and stood up, shaking off the nipple nibblers. He bent down and offered Josh a gloved hand.

"Get up kid, and hit the showers again. You look tired. Ought to get more think? You know, you pissed a little while I was pounding your abs. Your piss is as sweet as your cum. I know a couple of guys around here. Some of them are into that kind of thing. Better make sure you're hydrating often because I think when they find out, you're going to learn what it really means to be sucked dry. Now go wash your wiener and make yourself cute again. I won't be joining you. These two pledges look more then capable of a good wash. Prodder widened his stance, put his gloved hands on his hips and smirked. Get to work, suckers. Toes to top, front to back. Get on it.

They were on him like puppies on Purina. Their happy sounds were obscene. Prodder apparently approved. His chuckling was throaty and went on for quite some time.

In Which The Boys Help With Breakfast

Saturday was a long day.

The first part of the morning was taken up with networking and frat business, updates on what brothers were doing in other cities and info on their myriad enterprises. Then before lunch, there were games to be played. Josh and I would be entered as a team against Prodder and Stoker. Nobody had told us what would be involved. Just before the games would begin.

First though, there was breakfast.

Josh and I chugged a couple of cups of coffee to pull ourselves together after the sex marathons we'd each experienced. After comparing notes, it seemed that Stoker and Prodder were both long distance haulers in the sack. They were pounders...we were the pavement.

I joined Josh in carrying the men's breakfast orders to our table for four. The room was full of tables for alums and their pledge hosts. We could see empty seats here and there at tables where a head could be seen busy in the lap of an alum. Periodically pledges would stand and remove an article of clothing and be sent to some other table to eat face or some other part of a man's anatomy -- whatever they were told to do. Pledges are pledges and Alpha-COK was Alpha-COK.

Stoker and Prodder were seated side by side with Josh and I across from them. They were whispering conspiratorially, as we set down their plates of eggs, bacon, ham, scones, fruit, pancakes and. Josh and I sat down, ate our fruitcups and drank our juice and coffee while the men continued whispering.

After a couple of minutes, Stoker and Prodder looked up. Apparently they'd come to an agreement: plans had been made.

"Kids! Get your dicks out," said Stoker. Josh and I unzipped and fished our meat out from our board shorts.

`Now jerk slowly while we feed you," added Prodder.

They each picked up a sausage. Stoker held his to my lips while Prodder fed Josh. They would hold the meat firmly and make us suck, work with our lips to pull them out of their relaxed fingers. After we swallowed, they'd stick their fingers in our mouths one at a time. Then came the bananas. Then the strawberries.

"Kiss," said Stoker.

Josh and I simply stared for a moment.

"Each other!" added Prodder. "They're not the brightest, he said to Stoker, "but they sure are pretty and they are damn good at sucking and fucking."

"A-fucking-men to that, brother! A-fucking-men!"

"Now drop your dicks and pinch each other's nipples. Keep sucking! No one told you to stop...Jeez!" remarked Prodder.

Josh and I could get lost in each other's mouths and we were soon well on our way. The juices flowed, our nipples burned and our cocks grew harder yet.

We were drawing a crowd -- frat bros and their pledges gathering around the table to watch Stoker and Prodder call the shots.

"Josh," snapped Prodder, "Strip, have a seat again. Put your hands behind your head, lean back and spread your legs...that's it!"

"Skip, crawl out of your clothes and blow your buddy for us. Show us what your mouth can do to his big fucking dick."

Josh sat sprawled in his chair his dick and balls hanging off the front of the seat. Prodder and Stoker had pulled their chairs up so they sat on either side of him. While I took a knee and blew him, they leaned in to suck and nibble on his nipples. The surrounding crowd moved closer to watch the action.

"Skip! Turn around and sit on that dick, kid," Stoker was clear about what he wanted. While he and Prodder massaged Josh's chest and gut, I stood up and straddled Josh's hips, needing to stand on my toes to clear his cock. I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart, then settled down slowly, finding the blunt end of his battering ram by touch alone. It was easy to find. I sighed, then gave a yip as the big knob entered my hole. Slowly...oh so slowly...I dropped down the length of his dick until I rested on his pubic bone.

"Good boy Skip! Now hands behind your back, lean back and bounce for us." I did, rising an inch or two, then dropping on Josh's big boner. Over and over I dropped, my thighs flexing nicely, if I do say so myself.

"Now sit, Skip! Stoker barked.

Prodder and Stoker kicked their chairs back and stood. Prodder leaned over, pulled Josh's head back and stuck his tongue in my buddy's mouth. Stoker did the same to me, laughing in my mouth as he worked his spit and let it ooze over my tongue and down my throat. He put his free hand across my Adam's apple so he could feel it when I swallowed. Whatever Prodder was doing in Josh's mouth, it was sure making him harder. His dick felt like a steel spike in my butt.

Stoker came up for air, "Any of you guys get tired of watching, you're more than welcome to come on this pledge's cock while he fucks. Great way to get off and help a brother at the same time!"

Apparently that sounded good to a lot of the men watching. In just a minute or so, I heard grunting and felt hot cum spatter over my dick and dribble down to Josh's cock.

"Splatt...plip...spooch...pluuup...fwaaap.."It was starting to feel like a warm rain on my junk. The cum coated my rock hard dick as I bounced away, Josh in my butt and Stoker in my mouth.

Stoker came up for air again. "Are there a couple alums who want to volunteer their escorts to help clean up this spill? Ours are kind of a mess."

Bobby and Joey, two of the slightest, blondest of all the pledges were pushed forward by their weekend bosses. Bobby was ordered to shimmy under and work on Josh's balls.

"Skip! Sit tight for a minute. Little Joey here has some important work to do."Stoker pushed the pledge to his knees and guided the guy's mouth to my dick. IT FELT ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!!!

Little Joey could breakfast like a champion. Josh was moaning into Prodder's mouth as Bobby slurped and licked and sucked his low hangers. Some of the sex soup that Josh had worked into me was slowly easing out again along with the cum dripping down my dick and balls.

Stoker pulled off my mouth and addressed the group. "Okay men. We're going to raise a little money for Alpha-COK charities. What am I bid for getting to eat this kid's nut after he milks his buddy's load out with his arse? We'll start the bidding at fifty-dollars!"

"Fifty-five." "Seventy-five." "One hundred." "One fifty!..."

"Skip! Bounce your arse for the big bucks, kid. You're going to feed a brother for a good cause."

I bounced and ground on Josh's dick. I could see he was getting close. Good thing too, my legs were getting tired, and I had to lean back a little. Josh's chest was heaving and he was working his jaw and throat, trying to drag in what air Prodder would allow as the big man continued to French my bud.

"Eight hundred fifty." "A THOUSAND!!!"

"Sold to the lawyer in the wingtips!" declared Stoker. The crowd made way for an older man who pulled Joey off my dick and waited.

"Unnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggngnnnn" Josh grunted long and hard into Prodder's mouth as he shot his spunk high up in my guts. I sat and twisted around the base of his dick as the CEO dropped his mouth over my cock and sucked hard. I was going to have one bruised unit, the way he sucked and chewed my meat.

"Mmmmmeeeeuuuuuummmmmmmmeeeeeee" I squealed into Stoker's mouth feeling him laugh as he sucked out my breath. It seemed to go on forever. The CEO finished swallowing and pulled off my sore dick. He wiped his lips with a snowy white handkerchief, turned and walked away. Stoker and Prodder pulled out of our mouths, letting Josh and me catch our breath, and so I could pull myself up and off Josh's dick.

Little Bobby quickly sat up and swallowed Josh's cum covered meat while little Joey attached himself to my arse hole and gently felched out all the warm goo he could get.

Stoker and Prodder dropped their zippers and stuck their dicks in Josh's and my mouths. We nursed away, while the little pledges dutifully sucked away below.

"I bet Stoker blows first. Look at that kid suck dick, man!"

"I'll give you twenty it's Prodder!"

"You got it!"

There was a lot more betting on the side. I couldn't hear if it was going to go to charity or not. All I know is that Stoker fed me first.

Of course!

In Which The Boys Attend Cock (and) Tail Hour

Well, while the football game was on, the frat upperclassmen had rearranged the social room completely. All the furnishings were gone, except for the open bar. In their place, there was a series of plywood walls in two rows running the length of the room. The bases of the walls were weighted with concrete blocks, the tops separated by two-by-fours screwed securely, so there was a corridor between them. The room had become a series of booths, each open on on eside. Near the middle of each booth's wall were three or four holes about five inches in diameter, sanded smooth. The wood around the holes was stained by years of accumulated cum, facial oil and spit. The walls were full of graffiti of the filthiest kind. "Gobble Cock Snot Here!' "It's just a hole in the wall, but you have to eat here.""Suck a stud, for Christ's sake." "Give it up to the mouth...Feed the Truly Needy." "Stick Dick In, Wait For Chin." "Starving Fag In Residence." "Stand Tall! Fuck the Wall!" "Be a Bro, Feed A Ho." Jolly phrases too numerous to list. There was enough room for a guy to stick his dick in a hole and have others behind him, waiting or assisting. On the dick side of each hole was a low stool attached to a metal plate on the floor. Each stool featured an 8" knobbed vibrating dildo, controlled by a remote that hung in a pocket high on the wall.

This whole arrangement featured ten of us pledges holding on to the top of the wall -- their feet wide apart, and our hard dicks reaching through the hole. Padded restraints at ankles and wrists held them in place.

Ten other of us pledges were impaled on the stools, knees bent, ankles strapped to the back of the seat so we wobbled precariously on our stakes. To steady ourselves we had to lean forward and palm the wall, our mouths in the perfect position to suck the dicks that pointed desperately at us through the holes.

Oh yeah! All of us pledges were naked.

A thick curtain separated the bar area from the temporary stalls. The alums crowded around the bar, sharing stories about us pledges, their businesses, their plans, their ever urgent need to get their rocks off again soon. All were dressed casually, most in clothing that could be removed quickly, all or in part.

Sounds from our side of the curtain began to draw their attention. Moaning sounds. Sucking sounds. Moaning and sucking sounds. Moaning and sucking sounds slowly getting louder. After about 10 minutes, most of the returning alums had stopped talking and were listening attentively while grabbing their crotches. All these men were expert at making others produce really obscene sounds, and they were ready to do what they were good at to increase production.

A gong struck. The curtain opened.

`HHHHHmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!" was heard throughout the bar area as the grads focused on the laboring pledges. They smirked at each other before moving to find their pledge hosts.

Stoker found me, stuck on a stool, of course. Josh's dick reached through the hole and far into my mouth. Stoker moved behind me, mussing my hair in a friendly way and rubbing my tight shoulders. I labored on. Stoker reached around and massaged my face. I sucked on. He felt my cock-filled throat and my Adam's apple. It bobbed up and down as I swallowed spit and Josh's pre cum. Next he squatted behind me and pinched my nipples. Still sucking away, I squealed, wobbling on the dildo, which made me squeal even more. Stoker loved it, judging by his laughter. He grabbed my balls and slid a palm under my butt to feel where the dildo impaled my tender butt hole. He worked the ringed muscle, pulling and kneading it with two fingers. I squealed some more. Stoker laughed some more. All around us the sucking, moaning squealing was getting louder.

Later, when we watched the videos, I saw that on Josh's side of the wall Prodder stood right behind my bud. When Prodder arrived, Josh had been throwing his head back and forth, overcome with the sensations of my well practiced mouth. Prodder steadied Josh's head with one hand and stuck a middle finger in his mouth, then slipped the wet finger in Josh's arse. This made Josh stuck his dick as far down my throat as he possibly could. Josh threw his head back again and his mouth flew open. Stepping in closer, Prodder covered Josh's mouth with his own and burrowed his thick strong tongue into Josh's hot wet suction. Josh sucks tongue as well as he sucks arse. He's fucking good at it. After a couple of minutes, Josh was hot and sweaty, red in the face from Prodders kissing and finger fucking. Prodder dropped to his knees behind Josh, pulled the kid's cheeks apart and dove in, mouth first.

"AAAAAHHAHHHHhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa," yelled Josh, slamming his hips into the wall and his dick in my mouth. He hung on the wall, twitching between Prodder's tongue and my suck hole.

Prodder kept eating Josh's tender ring. He sounded like a pig boar eating his first slop of the day. He slurped, he nuzzled, he nibbled, hawked and spit. He used his fingers to work Josh's balls through the hole so they hung down on my side. Then he stood, unzipped and fished out his big dick. He spit on it twice then stuck it in Josh. Quick...and hard.

Josh froze. Impaled. Sucked and fucked.

Prodder pulled out to the tip, sawed on Josh's ring a few times, then plunged in again, his mighty meat boring straight into the Josh's defenseless guts. All by buddy could do was hang onto the wall and get pounded, pounded so that his dick fucked my sucking mouth. This went on for quite some time.

On my side of the wall, Stoker had found the remote. He was really working the buzz bomb in my arse, taking it through its pattern of pulses, seeing which ones got to me the most. He finally settled on one that started low and easy, crescendoed to full, then pulsed on high ten times before starting over. I couldn't take my mind off it. Well, it and Josh's dick in my mouth. The more something worked my arse, the more my mouth wanted to suck. I think I've been kind of conditioned that way somehow. Stoker left the dildo repeating the same amazing pattern and squatted behind me. First he reached forward and played with Josh's balls where they hung under my chin. Then he grabbed my balls in one hand and my throat in the other. He held my throat tenderly. He was feeling Josh's dick jab around inside, waiting for the tell tale sign of Josh's cumming. It didn't take long.

"FFFFFFUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!" we heard coming from Josh's side of the wall. Prodder was injecting my bud with his routine huge load of molten crotch caulk. In turn, Josh unloaded his boy butter deep in my throat. Stoker massaged my throat, milking more out of my buddy's dick and into my stomach. While I nursed on Josh's sensitive dick, Prodder jammed his arse a few more times. Stokker jerked my dick, pumping like a piston. In about ten seconds, I was firing scum bullets while Stokker used his other hand to slap my balls. They jerked in shock and managed to cough up a couple more spurts of spooge. Barely able to keep sucking, I collapsed forward, head resting on the wall, gasping for breath around Josh's softening meat.

"Hey Prodder! You ready to switch?" called Stoker.

"You bet bro! I can't wait to watch Joshie here sucking on Skip's pretty little dick. I'm going to snap a few with my phone and send valentines to some close buds this winter," answered Prodder.

"Great idea! I took a few pics of Skip's puffy pinks wrapped around Josh's angry red knob. We should probably send them to his student file. The perfect recommendation for a hell of a lot of jobs we know about, don't you think? Stoker chuckled as he unhooked my ankles and helped me off the stool, then helped me hobble around the wall where he fastened me to the other side. Josh, too, needed help from Prodder to get situated on the stool. Some of our muscles were either asleep or cramped from our ordeal.

Repositioned, Josh and I started to throw wood. Prodder and Stoker muttered the most obscene things to us, licking our ears, chewing our lobes. Our pledge dicks seemed up for new challenges. Not too much later, Stoker's dick hammering away in my arse, I felt Prodder let go of my balls on the other side of the wall. Stoker unloaded in my pussy and I fired several rounds into Josh who suckled and squealed as Prodder jerked him off and slapped his balls.

There's nothing quite like a repeat performance, is there... especially a command performance?

In Which They Attend Homecoming Blow Out

Saturday night was the final offering for the Alpha-KOK homecoming. Of course the open bar was popular. This evening it was decked out as a dude ranch saloon. Bales of hay were set around the social room. A rented player piano rattled away, playing tinny standards from 19th century whorehouses...songs like "It Ain't the Meat, It's the Motion," or "I'll Use My Five Fine Feathers to Fan Your Fat Face Freddie While You Fuck Funny Frankie From Fresno." Great stuff...weird...but great.

The returning alums circulated, still networking, still catching up on each others' news, still stalking various young pledges through the room. We newbies were kept busy fetching drinks, snacks and being felt up at every available opportunity. Some grads held drinks in one hand and a pledges arse or junk in the other. If they were hungry, the pledge fed them. Several sat in wing chairs near the fire, reading actual newspapers, or discussing politics while their assigned student hosts buried their faces in the mens' crotches and sucked..

Mr. Stoker's finger in my butt probed and prodded every time he emphasized a point while talking to Mr. Prodder. Prodder seemed less intent on the conversation and more focused on his hand that was down the front of Josh's pants -- the hand that was slowly jerking my bud. We'd both been told quite firmly not to cum. Josh was having a really hard time. His face was red as a cherry and he was panting a little. Wide-eyed. Well, of course, we're talking about Josh.

Everybody quieted when a gong was struck. (The finger fucking and jerking by our alums continued, but then I bet you figured it would.)

Trent the Pledge Master and Joe the Cameraman stood on top of the bar.

"Gentlemen and pledges, this year we've had as fine a homecoming weekend as we've ever had. Still, we have a final surprise for you, following tonight's western theme. So first, we have a drawing for the names of two pledges....drum rollllllllllllll....why it's Skip...and...Josh! Come up here guys."

Stoker and Prodder pulled their hands out of our pants and we made our way through the crowd and stood in front of the bar. Two substitute pledges took our places with the men. Sure enough, you could see Stoker and Prodder's hands diving into the newcomers' pants. Some social habits are hard to break, I guess.

"Get up here pledges." Josh and I got up there.

"Strip!" Josh and I stripped.

The piano played on not loud enough to cover the chuckling and razzing we heard from the crowd. Looking down, naked, we turned redder and redder as we saw the assortment of hot alums and equally hot pledges leering up at us.

Trent the Pledge Master continued, "Bring it in, guys!"

With some rumbling, a huge shrouded mass was wheeled into the room. A cord was pulled and the cloth fell to reveal a mechanical bull -- one of those machines made to buck and spin like a real bull at a rodeo. This one had an amazingly huge erection and a bag of balls to match. Its face was carved to look crazed and angry. The saddle stirrups had a series of leather belts and buckles, but all eyes were on what was on the saddle -- an eight inch dildo covered in bumps and bristles.

Trent went on, "Now for the final drawing...another drum roll...YES!!...Josh rides the bull and Skip rides Josh!"

Upper classmen pulled us off the bar and carried us over to the big machine. You could see some thick oil coating the whole dildo. The men tied Josh's arms behind him, then lifted him up, spread his legs and placed his tender hole at the tip of the knobbed spike. My bud was sweating and whimpering a little, eyes big with surprise, mouth open in shock. At least he looked normal. Josh whined louder and even wailed a little as the brothers slowly let his weight impale him on the dildo. When about two inches were imbedded in his rear, they pulled him up to the tip and started again. This went on for some time. Josh was starting to hyperventilate, his dick rose to its impressive height and his balls tighten up a little in their sack. When they finally let his pussy ring rest on the saddle, the brothers strapped his feet and legs to the stirrups, then belted his hips to the saddle. Josh could barely lift himself off the saddle, let alone the dildo. His tender balls rested in a shallow leather cup with two suspicious looking metal rings in the bottom.

I was so lost in watching all this that I was surprised when I was grabbed and carried to the bull. Four brothers held me with my mouth to Josh's throbbing dick. One muttered, "You better make it fucking wet in a hurry, little fucker! It's going up your faggot arse in about thirty seconds."

Josh moaned as I mouthed his meat, working up spit to coat it as thickly as I could. Some spit ran down over his balls and into the leather cup.

Next they lifted me up with my back to Josh, I waited with my hole at the tip of Josh's pole.

"aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" They dropped me. My shaved ring nested in Josh's curly pubes. They rubbed me raw as my feet were strapped over Josh's. Straps then went over the tops of my thighs to bind me down to Josh's hips.

The guys weren't through yet, though. They slipped a condom, then a fleshlight over my dick and made me hold both it and my balls with both hands. Finally rounds of duct tape kept my hands in place. When they were done with me they freed Josh's arms, but immediately moved his palms to my pecks where they too were secured with bands of tape.

We weren't going anywhere, but we sure as hell could feel everything about where we were. The bull started rocking in an easy walk.

Hooting was heard in the room.

The mechanical beast rocked from side to side as Josh and I swayed in the saddle, always a bit out of sequence so that his dick jammed my prostate and my hands moved my own dick like a stick shift.

Then the bull broke into a trot. Added to the swaying was a staccato up and down rhythm that jiggled Josh and me on the spikes that pierced our guts.

"Ohfuckohfuckohfuck, Skip. Sorry man, this thing is making me dick you. But man! This thing in my butt is like a battering ram." The jostling made Josh hold onto my chest to help balance us both. When he did, my nipples were pinched between the sides of his fingers. The laughing and yelling from our audience was getting loud now.

"I bet the little pussy screams before guy he's sitting on...any takers."

"I'm in! And I'll double on the little one cumming before the one with the stupid look on his face."

Louder hooting, betting and fist bumping was happening all around us.

The bull did a quick half turn.

It threw Josh and me way over to one side. We swung a moment, then came up quickly at the end of the turn making us grind ourselves against the invaders in our guts. The bull tacked the other way, trotting as it went. We swung the other way and finished with more grinding.

You get the picture.

But then the thing started to buck...first a couple of hic-cups, but then building until Josh and I were pushed forward toward the invisible neck, then tossed far backin the saddle. Our internal prods stretched our channels, bored into our prostates, and rasped at our anal rings.

"HHhhhOOOOOLlllyyyyyffffuuucckiinggGGGGJJJEEESSSUUUUUSSS!" It was the preacher's kid thing again with Josh. Turns out the little metal caps in the cup that held his balls were electrified. They were set to pulse at random. Josh later said it was like having somebody pinch the skin of your bag when you weren't looking. It was definitely having an effect on my bud. Money was changing hands quickly among the audience.

All the jumping and gyratinf were taking their toll on my dick as it was squeezed and jerked, cranked and pumped due to the bull's mad dance.

The relentless machine turned and bucked, trotted and spun.

"AAHAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....." we both yelled as Josh's balls got a prolonged shock just as my spooge started to fill the rubber.

We panted and gasped...the bull slowed down to a slow, calm rocking action...almost like a hobby horse.

We had just about caught our breath.

"A hundred says the muscle boy screams first again!"

"A fifty that they each have two more loads in `em."

Unfortunately the night was young. Luckily so were we. A half hour later we could hardly move as they stripped the tape and straps off us, and pried us off our impaling poles. Our arms and legs were practically asleep from being restrained. The brothers put me on my back and pulled my ankles over my head so the cum filled condom hung nearly to my mouth. They sat Josh behind me, cross legged and tilted him forward so his face fell into my butt. Reflexively, he started to felch out his load. There was so much cum in the rubber on my sweaty dick that the thing drooped longer, then began a slow slide down my dick. The warm creamy cum oozed out as I reflexively sucked.

"Twenty bucks that the kid on his back swallows in on gulp."

"Got it!"

The hot goo filled rubber slipped off my dick and hit the back of my throat.

Mr. Twenty-Bucks won.

Next: Chapter 10

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