Skippy Gobbles College Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Apr 4, 2023


Skippy Gobbles College Cock 5 By Scott Grimes (

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In Which the Boys Run the Gamut

"Okay pledges. Chests to the floor, butts in the air. Your big brothers are going to stick these up your arses."

All twenty of us were standing in a circle facing our big bros. We took off our stuff, folded things and put them under our bros' chairs. Each frat boy held a butt plug with a waggely dog's tail attached. The older men let us suck on the plugs before they were screwed into our bodies. They were really two inch tubes with a flange that our bodies would hold onto to keep them in place. Then blunt ends of the tails were could be inserted in the tubes.

"Alpha-COK's! Stand and strip."

Our brothers stripped to the buff and gave us their clothes to fold. We put them on their chair seats. Brothers! Hands on heads. Pledges! Knees on the floor and suck!"

It all happened as we were told.

Next to me Josh was sucking away on Clyde's big baton, gazing upward in adoration. The kid had it bad. I'd seen it before. I swallowed Lance's pole, then pulled back to nurse the tip, looking up to see his mouth twist in his trademark smirk, one brow arched in amusement. I had it bad. I'd felt this before.

"Brothers, take up arms."

We could see ping pong paddles passed from hand to hand above our heads until each frat held one.

"Pledges...present tails"

Twenty mouths dropped the dicks they were sucking. Twenty pledges turned until their butts faced their big plastic tails wagging enthusiastically.

"Brothers! Give each of `em two of the best."

"WAHhhhhaacckck,,,craaaKKKK, Waaaaakkk..." sounded around the room as each of us pledges got a hard smack on each cheek.

The pledge master stepped between two brothers and walked to the center of the circle.

"Brothers, take your positions." The men walked off, most going to different parts of the house.

"Pledges, starting to my right you will form a line. On all fours you will follow the pledge in front of you, going along the path marked with tape on the floor. It will take you all over the chapter house and back to this room. As you go, you will pass each brother who will administer two wacks to your rump. If you leave the tape, fall, or stand up, you've got to stop, and chug a short beer. The nearest brother will pull your tail and fuck you twenty times then replug your wiggly waggers before you continue through the gamut. The more you fall, drink, the more you drink, the more you're fucked. If you don't finish, you don't pledge, but you will be fucked by upperclass men for exactly one hour. They won't be gentle."

Luckily I was last, with Josh in front of me. I was hoping that the pledges ahead would tire the brothers' arms before we got to them.


What I expected turned out to be the case. Several guys way ahead of us fell on their faces when paddled, chugged and got screwed. In a couple of instances, brothers fought over the downed pledges who then got fucked by both contenders. Close to the end, I was tripped as I was paddled and took a header. Turned out it was Lance. He fucked me one set, shoved me to the ground, pulled my hips back and fucked me again. After he shoved me the third time, I was feeling a little woozy from the alcohol and my butt was buzzing like a bee hive. Josh finished ahead of me after getting reamed royally by his huge Scotsman. I followed him back to the circle where we pledges stood on all fours, facing our standing big bro's, our tails wagging tiredly as we twenty newbies nursed on twenty upper classmen's schlongs.

"That's it pledges, you all fucking made it. Congratulations! I'll turn your supervision over to your big bros for the rest of the evening."

Our men picked up all our clothes and we followed them upstairs, tails wagging in relief.

"Look at their fucking red buns, Clyde. That will keep our faces warm while we eat us some pussy. Let's get to it, bro!"

The men pulled out tails and cylinder plugs, pushed us down on their beds and ate us out. They would burrow in, grind their chins around on our rings while they slapped, spread and squeezed our already fiery buns. Josh and I were hurting back there a bit.

"Stand up and then take a seat, pledges!"

We stood by the beds as the men lay back and waited, anticipatory smiles on their faces. We straddled their waists and oh so slowly eased our tender aching holes down on their dicks, watching their faces as we gingerly rested our aching butts on their scratchy pubic hair.

"Whadayathink, Clyde? Remember how Skip told us that cop worked his gut while he fucked him? A little ab work is in order, I do believe. Hands behind your backs little dudes!"

The men would fuck up into us so we bounced repeatedly, landing again and again on their pubic bones, their dicks piercing deep in our guts. After a few rounds o this, Josh and I were both sniffling a little with the discomfort. That's when the big men started sucker punching our guts. Oh yeah, they pulled their punches, but each pounding made our abs and pussies tighten like fists. Mine was like a power vice on Lance's big tool.

"FEEewwwwwkkkkkin' HELL!!, but my little jock boy is tight as a vice, Lance! I'm going to work him `til it gives up the fight and opens like flower." Clyde began slapping Josh's chest with his big open hands. When Josh got it in the gut and curled over a little, Clyde would reach up and slap my bud's face. Lance followed suit. Never striking too hard, the men only stung us wherever they could reach until our bodies glowed pink - sweat coated every muscle. The men were sweating too, flushed and hot from pounding us inside and out as we twisted and flinched on their impalers. It was a bit intense. It was fucking HOT!

Finally tired from their exertions, Lance and Clyde lay back, grabbed Josh and me by the balls and dick and began pumping for our pudding. We bounced and squealed, our tender arse rings sanded by their curly pubes, while they fisted and shook our balls. In consequence we were fucking ourselves on the men's big butt bashers. I think I started coming first. It was glorious and it hurt like hell. It seemed to go on and on and on. Lance's grip on my poor peter showed no mercy. He drained me dry, pumping on and on until my balls give up all they had, and then he fisted me some more until I whimpered. I think I heard Josh go off about the same time. Clyde was whooping and hollering in his highland brogue as Josh's cum gun managed to hit the big Scotsman in the face. Lance snickered up at me. He held his fist to my mouth so I could lick off my cum, then scooped up more of my spooge off his chest with his middle finger and fed it to me. Finally, he rested with that finger in my mouth, while I sucked it like it was a pacifier.

When Josh and I were finally allowed to collapse on our men, they held us for quite some time, rubbing soothing circles on our backs, their dicks still soaking in our pussies. Lance picked my head up off his chest and looked into my eyes. He pulled my face to his and slowly licked off the tears that had run down my face and those that still sat at the corners of my eyes.

"Hey, little dude! You were great! I'll bet you've got some major hurt going on in your sweet little pussy, eh? Let's fix that." He reached to his nightstand and picked up a tube of salve and unscrewed the cap with one hand.

"Get off my dick for a second, little guy." I did. He squirted gobs of ointment on his cock then pushed me back down on it. Grabbing another tube, he uncapped it, squirted some in his palms, reached under and smeared it on my globes.

"The stuff on my cock has some pain killer in it. It will make your pussy feel better, but it's going to mean that it will take me longer to flood your guts again. We'll have a nice long time to deliver the medicine. Unfortunately, the one on your cheeks causes itching. You're going to be working your sweet little shaved pussy lips against my crotch like a weasel in heat! I think I'll be licking up some more tears, don't you, little dude?"

Lance started to slow fuck me as he pulled my face to his and stuck his tongue in my mouth. After a few seconds he moved his lips to my ears and whispered, "Give me your pussy, little dude, give papa your needy pussy, babe. Daddy's dick is going to always make it feel really good, honey. But sometimes pappa's going to take his own fucking time doing it."

As it turned out, Clyde had used the same ointments but got them mixed up. Josh now had numb butt cheeks and a sore, itchy pussy. The big fuck horse flipped Josh onto his back, pushed my bud's knees to his shoulders and fucked. "Fuck me you big tank! Scratch my hole with your club, you fucking big fucker! Pound my pussy with your god damn club, you tank!!" Josh's itch really needed scratching apparently. Clyde, ever the gentleman, did his best to help. After awhile I could only hear Clyde's huffing and puffing along with my bud's kind of pathetic pleading and moaning. Clyde was going to scratch the fucking itch no matter what it took.

"Ach! Me wee laddie! Your dainty cock catcher loves my big trudgeon. I'll be about jamming it in ya' until your balls blow their nectar. This time I'll be tasting it, I'm thinking. A bit of sweet now and then is a beautiful thing."

No matter how I ground my butt, bounced my hips on Lance's stud dick, wriggled my nether knot, the itch continued. After about an hour of being porked while I squirmed and squealed, the stuff finally wore off. I could barely sit upright. Lance raised his hips, lifting me off the bed and fired in my hole. After he stopped gasping for air, he gathered me to his chest, turned my face to his, and licked my tears again. Then he turned my face, thumbed my chin down and stuck his tongue in my mouth. He curled it into a tube and fed me his hot spit. I think I whimpered some as I drank. Lance liked it when I did that. With my head lying on Lance's big chest, I could see Clyde across the room holding my buddy by the balls as he fed on Josh's joy juice while Josh squealed and squirmed. It was all good.

Daddies do indeed know best.

In Which the Boys Are Made to Cum Some More

"Dance for me, my bonnie laddie! I love to see you sweat for your cumming. Yerrrrrr little jock's body makes a pretty sight while you're twisting on my finger. Ach! and how big are your eyes when I squeeze your nuggets and start to pull out your load!"

Clyde sat at the bed and made Josh stand in front of him with his hands locked behind his head. He took his big middle finger and stuck it in Josh's mouth until it was good and wet. Then he'd held it between my buddy's legs and made him wriggle until Josh worked the tip into his arse ring, then had himsquirm his way on down until he was truly finger fucked. Then big Scotsman cinched Josh's balls with the thumb and finger of the same hand and grabbed Josh's dick with the other. He'd sllllooowwwwwwlllyy started to jerk Josh off, raising and lowering his finger fucking hand so my bud would have to rise and then squat, however the big lug dictated.

"So ya like looking at my muscles, Josh-lad? This arm big enough for you? Watch my forearm when I squeeze your dick. That's it, my babe! Ooze some precum for me. Here! Have you a taste of yourself from my finger."

Josh stared at the bulging muscles of Clyde's arms and seemed to get lost for a while in the big guy's emerald eyes. After a while he'd started to hump a little then pant, always kept a little off balance, steadily driven toward his climax, totally in the big galoot's control.

"You're lookin' a bit peaked, there, my Josh. Can't hold out much longer, I'm thinking. Arrrr ya rrready to cum for me my baern? Cum for your Clyde now, Josh, blow it out of your dick for me! I'm going to milk you like I milk a buck ram. I'm going to pull out that thick juice that'll never see the inside of a cunny. Instead, it's going down yer gut so you can make some more for me soon."

As Josh blew his spooge, he contorted and hunched, shuddering while he splooged, painting Clyde's meaty forearm with his boy-butter. He twisted and jerked on Clydes fucking finger until his juice spurted and dribbled. Clyde made him eat it hot off his arm and then clean the finger that had fucked him. After a few seconds, he used that same finger to lead my bud's mouth down to the big man's dick where Josh attached himself like a leech. Job done, Clyde fell back back and just got sucked -- Josh still gazing adoringly as he nursed away. I think they had bonded or something.

Lance was sitting on my face, watching the whole scene and chuckling. He had made me sit on my heels and then lie back until my shoulders touched the floor. He'd made me cross my arms under the small of my back before lowering his warm, winking hole to my lips. He wriggled his hips as he settled in and my tongue worked up into smooth warm ring. Then he reached forward and slapped at my dick. The more he swatted it, the better it liked it apparently `cause it got stiffer than a stick and twice as hard. Wiggling his butt on my face, he slapped the head of my cock back and forth between his two hands, laughing the whole time.

"Man, but I fucking love how your dick likes anything I do to it Skip! Or maybe it's that I'm letting you eat my arse...what do you think, little dude?"

"Mmmmm...mmrrrmmmm...mrrrmmm..." was all I could manage as his hole softened a little to let in more of my tongue.

"Skip, give me your spooge now, little guy, give it up for your daddy, kid!" Lance placed one hand flat against my crotch curls and grabbed my needy unit with the other. His hole bounced on my mouth as he jerked me off.

"Mmmmm...mmrrrmmmm...mrrrmmm...MMMMMMM...MMMMMMMMMMMM...MMM!!!!!!!" I managed to get out as I shot my load into his waiting hand.

Of course, he coated his knob with my thick hot cum before lifting his butt off my face and turning over to shove his cock in my mouth. He spread his legs a bit and his arms quite a bit and started fucking my mouth. My throat opened as if to an old friend. I sucked off my spooge and then sucked out his pussy paste as he froze above me...grunting in satisfaction, as I drained his dick.

Gotta say...our cums tasted good together.

In Which the Boys Help with Homework

Josh and I had just about finished up our lunchtime chores. The men's room was tidy, beds made, floors swept, and the bathroom clean. We were sitting on the edge of the beds taking a little break while putting their dirty clothes in the laundry basket. was taking us a little longer because we stopped a lot to smell things.

We heard the commotion just outside the door. Loud masculine laughter, bodies slamming into walls"

"YOU are the fucking fucker, you giant fuck!" Bang...crash...laughter.

"Nei, Lance, you fookin be the FOOKIN FUCKER ye great fookin FOOK!"

Laughing and crashing into each other, our big brothers cascaded into the room where they lay on the floor laughing.

Josh and I put the last of their jocks, underwear and workout clothes in the basket and looked on silently."

"Clyde! I told you the little guys would be here. It always takes `em longer on laundry day. Let's get busy like we talked about. Let's put the beds together, then we'll strip the pledges.

The big redhead and the muscle jock pushed the room's two beds together, corners touching at one end, and about two feet apart at the other. They piled some pillow over the crack at the joined end and couple more about halfway down. Lance grabbed me and threw me on the rug, pulled off my shoes and socks, pulled my tee over my head and shucked off my board shorts and tighty whiteys. Then he tickled my pits, ribs and balls until I was screaming and gasping for air. To quiet me, he kicked off his pants and sat on my face, his sweaty musky hole centered on my lips. It wanted a kiss. It got it. It got Frenched for a good long while too. I could hear Josh laughing like a hyena, then gasping before sputtering and choking. Turns out The huge Scott was tickling my buddy to tears, then pinching his nose. When Josh gasped for breath, Clyde would stick his dick in my bud's mouth and fuck his throat a few times. Josh was actually starting to be able to take the highlander's pork loin all the way down his gullet. (Josh had talked me into using my hand to reach down his craw so he could practice. Josh really, really liked the big guy.)

Lance stood up from my face and pulled me up off the floor.

"Boys! You two are going to help Clyde and me with a homework assignment. We have to write 300 words describing an intense facial expression. Skip, we'll start with you. Lay on your stomach on the bed and spread your legs so your junk hangs down between them and spread your arms like you're floating face down in a pool. Josh! Slide under there and get your buddy's dick in your mouth. Just the knob...and keep your fucking hands off your own dick. That's it boys, you got it!" Lance sat on the floor in front of me, phone in hand. His face was about a foot in front of my own.

"Look me in the fucking eyes Skip. Feel your dicklet soaking in Josh's warm wet suck hole? I love the way your eyes roll around a little when your meat gets attention, but keep looking at me, kid. I'm going to get it all in a close-up."

I stared into Lance's eyes. I fell into Lance's eyes. I drowned in Lance's eyes.

`Man! You're starting to drool, little dude! Keep looking at me! Clyde's crawling up behind you now."

"Wham! Wham!" The giant hands landed on my butt cheeks and grabbed them like I'd grab a couple of cantaloupes. Clyde squeezed my melons and pulled them apart. I could feel a cool breeze on my helpless hole...then his warm breath...then his lips. He kissed my ring a few times and then pushed his hot spit inside. Twice more he spit his mouth juice in my hole and then he tongue fucked me. He could actually force my hole open, his mouth muscle was so fucking strong. Then his teeth were on my tender ring, nibbling and gnawing while he slurped. Next he wiped his whole face up and down my crack, his five o'clock shadow sandpapering my tender knot. Clyde and Josh were making my body feel AMAZING!! I stared and stared into Lance's splendid face while he chuckled and smirked. Then Clyde ground his chin around my ring for about a minute, spit in me twice more and pulled his head out of my arse.

"Lance! The your little guy be rrready now, I think. With your permission, I'm going in!"

"Do it big guy! I want you to knock on his back door really nice and then slowly sink that fucking club into my pledge's pussy. I want to see Skip's face as you slide inch after inch into that hot as fuck sex sleeve. Dude! His jaw's hanging and he's drooling already just from your eating him out. This next part's going to look so fucking hot in our video. Josh, start sucking Skip's mushroom, I'll bet my boy's starting to ooze pre, isn't he?"

A much muffled "ummmhummmm" of agreement was heard from the floor.

"HHHHHHHHWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUUUNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCKKKKKKK, ` went Clyde's big boy beater, plunging into me in one long stroke.




"pppssssssswww....pppsssssswwww....ppssssswwwww," sucked Josh.

Clyde started drilling me in slow, long, even strokes as I continued to stare into Lance's eyes. Lance winked at me, licked his lips slowly and blew me an air kiss. He brought the middle finger of his free hand to his mouth and slowly sucked it in to the bottom knuckle, managing to smirk the whole time. He slowly moved it in and out a few times, raising his eyebrows and nodding his head at me. Then he slowly extracted the digit, turned his hand and pointed the finger tip at my mouth. Slowly the thing pierced my lips and headed for the back of my throat. Reflexively, my lips closed, my tongue started working the finger, my cheeks hollowed. I was one total sucking machine. Lance nodded his head even more, chuckling while he fucked my mouth with his finger.

"Clyde, keep it up, big guy. Fuck him slow and fuck him hard, dude! Wait `til you see the clip I'm getting of my little man! You are going to cream your kilt just watching it! Josh, you're now going to suck out Skip's load. You're going to go nuts on that tender little head in your mouth, you're going to suck and twist and bite that fucking defenseless piece of dick end until your bud dumps his spooge in your mouth. Fucking GET TO WORK, LITTLE DUDE!!!"

Josh sucked like a shop vac. He slurped while he scraped me gently with his teeth. He worried my worm big time. Clyde soldiered on, steady, relentless. Lance worked his finger all over the inside of my mouth, stroking my tongue, plucking my lips, pausing just to let me suck it. His eyes continued to drill into me.

My body wanted to cum so badly, it hurt.

Lance's eyes looked so dreamy as he crooned to me in a raspy baritone, "Skip! The fucking and the sucking doesn't stop until you give up the cum, little guy. I want your nuts empty while your guts are full of Clyde's dick. Get ready to pump out your pudding into Joshie's suck hole. I'm going to watch you while you really lose it, little dude!'

"Dudes! Little guy here is starting to give it up! He can barely suck! His eyelids are drooping and his eyeballs are starting to roll up. He's starting to shake. He's losing focus...he's...he's....COME ON BABY, COME FOR YOUR DADDY..."

...and I did. Oh Fuck! Did I ever cum for daddy!

"SHHHLlluupppp...shhllluuuupppp...shllllllluuuuuuuppppp..."Josh sucked the juice out of me as it flowed up from my balls. My whole body seemed to squeeze it out my dick. I came and I came. I juttered and twitched. Clyde didn't miss a beat, fucking on through my spasms hooting and laughing like a berserker. Lance stared me down through it all, but he did pull his finger out and held my chin for me so I could keep looking in his eyes. I couldn't hold my head up. I drooled.

Clyde fucked on, Josh sucked on, a little quieter, a little easier, but he kept sucking. Lance's face softened a bit. He leaned in and gently kissed me. He tongue breached my lips and walked in like it owned the place, which it did by now. He pulled back a bit, still looked in my eyes and spent about a minute working up a mouth full of spit. He leaned in again, put his lips to mine and injected me. I drank.

Clyde fucked on. Josh's cheeks were cramping, my balls were as empty as they have ever been.

Lance sat back, nodded at me once, winked and stood.

"Okay dudes. Let's let the little guy recover. Josh, trade places with Skip. Ckyde! Stand on your knees in front of Josh's face and stick your dick in it. You could use a hot rinse about now."

"WHHHapp! Whhhaaappp!" Lance's big hands grabbed Josh's melons, pulled them apart strumming the pussy lips with one finger while he spoke, "Clyde, I'm going to slow fuck your little dude while he sucks you, and I'm going to be recording your face. When we're all done we'll have our videos and write our descriptions. We'll call the first one Close-up of a Deep Tissue Massage,' and we'll call this one, The Face of a Man Who Feeds the Hungry. ` Let's get it done, team!" Lance dove face first into Josh's pussy and started eating. Of course, the team got it done.

In Which the Boys Help Celebrate (Future) Veterans' Day

Trent the Pledge Master had talked Lance and Clyde into lending him Josh and me for a Veterans' Day project. There were only two upper classmen who were ROTC members, but it was explained to us that some day they would be veterans, so today we'd be "paying our respect" in advance.

The two big dudes were worth a whole lot of respect too. Almost identical in height, at about 6 feet even, they were broad in the chest and long in the leg. Both had brown hair, but Cadet Jack Fieder had blue eyes and Hank Rockman's were green. Right now they were staring straight ahead at their faculty advisor, Dr. Claus Schtuper, who taught courses in military history. Schtuper looked damned good in his dress uniform too. Because the two Alpha-COK cadets had scored perfectly on their first fall exams Schtuper was personally seeing to their reward.

`Cadets! TEEEEEEEENNNNNNISSSSIION!" The frat boys practically clicked their heels together as they snapped to, hands visoring their brows, chests jutting, butt cheeks squeezed tight, baskets bulging.

"Pledges! Take your places!" Josh and I scurried to stand nervously in front of the cadets. I had to look up to see Fieder's eyes, but Josh was nearly on a level now with Cadet Rockman. My buddy had been growing lately, what with all the physical training he got with his program as well as the daily workouts we both got from Clyde and Lance.

"Cadets! Parade rest!"

Our guys stared down into our faces as they widened their stance and put their hands behind their hips, elbows jutting to each side.

"Pledges! Kneel and await orders!" Josh and I hit the ground. We weren't ROTC cadets, but we were pledges and that was at least a rung lower in this room's pecking order.

"Search and deploy!" Josh and I pulled the men's zips and reached in to feel around for their junk. It didn't take long. We pulled out a pair of hearty dicks and two big bags of balls. Already the air smelled musky. The dicks firmed up in our hands and pointed at our mouths.

"Pledges, hands behind your backs! Suck and serve...NOW!"

Josh and I locked our arms behind us and got to work. It was very familiar work. Fieder smirked down at me and pushed his hips forward a smidge, lodging his big dick in the back of my throat. I worked it with my throat muscles while I scrubbed its lower edge with my tongue. I seemed to hear myself humming too.

"Cadet Rockman, report!'

Rockman looked down at Josh. The corner of his mouth curled, "Sir! This pledge is sucking my cock, Sir! He's working my knob like a Tijuana pussy whore. He's wetting my shaft and diving down it. Now he's burying rubbing his nose in my pubic hair, Sir! Now he's working my dick like the hottest, wettest pussy you can imagine, Sir!"

"Cadet Fieder, report!"

Fehder's smirk widened into a grin. He grunted a couple of times and chuckled deep in his chest, "This little fag's eating me like I'm his last meal. He sucks better than any chick I've ever let swing on my meat, or any other fag, for that matter. He's got me jammed all the way down his throat. Now he's snaking his tongue down my balls to slurp up the spit that keeps oozing out of his pussy mouth. This guy's a real dog for dick...Sir!"

"Pledges! You will suck the cum out of these cadet's balls. You will swallow their fucking spooge and lick their meat clean. You will make their dicks even happier by sucking them some more. Then you will sweetly kiss their dicks goodbye. You will replace their dicks in their uniform and secure their trousers as you found them. You will then kiss their crotches one more time."

Josh and I listened while we sucked. I think I've mentioned that we are pretty good at following directions.

Schtuper walked in between Josh and me, face to face with his charges, "Cadets! You have two minutes to complete your assignments...on my mark...NOW!"

Josh and I sucked like maniacs. We could look up and see our cadets' faces getting ready. The smirks were changing to slack mouthed personifications of lust. Their eyes started to roll up as their dicks hardened further in our mouths.

Josh and I were good.

Fehder and Rockman began to pant softly and grunt deep down in their chests.

"CADETS! FIRE WHEN READY!" barked Schtuper.

Fehder and Rockman went off like a couple of industrial grade squirt guns. Their cum rifled down our throats in several shots as the men fought to hold their pose and keep their balance. They swayed a bit, but their booted feet held firm as Josh and I coaxed a last squirt or two out of their balls. I told you we were good!

We sucked a little more, kissed their units as instructed, then packed their junk back in their pants ready for a future meeting, perhaps.

"Cadets! TEN-HUT! DISMISSED!" Fehder and Rockman high fived each other, and yucked their way out of the social room, not bothering to look and Josh or me again.

"Pledges!' Our eyes snapped to Dr. Schtuper. He flicked open his belt and his trousers dropped to his shoes. Staring back at us was an impressive dick and a couple of duck eggs for balls.

"I understand you two are specialists in your own right. Skipper, you will attend to the head of my dick. Joshua, you will be rear guard. Rather, your head will be in my rear. I have fifteen minutes before my next class. You have five minutes to drain my balls. ON MY MARK...GO!"

We went at it alright. Josh had his face in the man's arse in less than five seconds and I was on his knob in two. Schtuper settled his big hands on my head and gently rocked me a little as I nursed his knob.

It took Josh and me less than two more minutes to pay our respects.

Gotta love a man in uniform.

Next: Chapter 6

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