Skippy Gobbles College Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Mar 28, 2023


Skippy Gobbles College Cock 4 By Scott Grimes (

Dudes and little dudes! How about pulling something other than your dick out of your pants? How about your wallet and a nice donation to Nifty? Think of it as dropping a load. -- Scott

In Which Skip Is Policed


Suddenly my face was on the sidewalk, the breath knocked out of me.

"Hey, okay?"

Things were kind of swimming in my vision as I rolled to my side and sat up. A pair of black boots, wide apart were on the ground in front of me. Standing in them were two amazing legs, corded with muscle, flecked with white blond hairs...really thick thighs. Uniform shorts -- blue, boasting a big bulge center-front. Thick black leather belt with gun, one fist at the side of a narrow waist, the other holding a police issue mountain bike. Tight blue shirt hugging a sleek torso with great pecs, short sleeves rolled up over chunky biceps, a face like a recruiting poster smirking down at me, eyes hidden by mirrored sunglasses. Dirty blond hair peaking out of both sides of a crash helmet.

A cop.

"Sorry kid! Weren't you watching where you were going? You walked right out in front of me! Let's get you checked out!"

"Uhhhh, it's okay officer. I wasn't looking where I was going...totally my fault."

"Well, it sure as hell was, but I still gotta check you out. GET UP! There's a storage shed right here in the park that I use for a break room, we'll go there." The big man reached down to give me a hand up, a hand that casually went to the back of neck as if he was steadying me, but instead gripped me tight and steered me toward a little windowless shack surrounded by bushes. He propped the bike, fobbed open the door and pushed me on in. An overhead light came on as I heard the door close and lock behind us.

"Have a seat, kid," he indicated a sturdy table flanked by an armless chair. "What's your fucking name, anyhow?"

"It's uhhh, Skip...Skipper, sir?"

"Come again?'

My name is Skipper, Sir!'

`Yeah, that's better. You know, you look a whole hell of a lot like a kid I saw yesterday on a security camera sucking brownie cop dick in the basement men's room of the campus library. Would you know anything about that...Skippy?"

"Uhh...errr...I'm not sure, sir. What day was it, what time was it?"

"Well, was the day and time you were filmed sucking a load out of my friend Al, who does part time security for the college. He was raving for a week about what a great mouth you have on you. He raved so much that I did a little detective work and found out who you were. You were pretty easy to track down and even easier to knock down. Every time there's a collision incident, I have to do a thorough inspection to see if I need to call an ambulance or not. So I'm going to inspect the hell out of you...understand...Skippy?"

"Er...yes Sir!"

"STRIP, kid!"

I quickly removed my clothes, folding them on top of my shoes, under the table.

"On your knees...FAGGOT!"

I got on my knees. The officer unbuttoned his shirt and dropped the zip on his fly.

"Take it out."

I reached into the front of his uniform shorts with one hand and found a lengthening dick. I fished out his bag of rocks with my other. It took some fishing. The cop ran his hands over the muscles of his trunk and found his nipples through his shirt. His thumbs and fingers started rolling and pinching the pair of toothsome nubs. He leaned back against the table edge.


I did. I sucked the end of his cock right into my mouth, it was warm and fragrant, tasty even, after a warm morning of bike patrol.

"Oooohhhhhhh yeeeaaaaahhhhhh! There's nothing like soaking your meat in a hot, wet mouth -- especially one with talent. Kid! You've got cock sucking talent to spare. LOOK UP AT ME! You look just like a puppy begging for a bone. Good thing I've got bone to spare. Eat the big bone, kid, eat the big fucking bone!"

I'd steadied myself with my hand on his big thighs while he fucked me in the mouth a little, but then I slid them up inside the legs of his shorts to tickle him behind the balls while I slurped loudly on his meat.

"FUCK! You're good. You really need dick in your mouth, don't you? What a fucking hot wet hole you've got, kid!"

I pulled out my hands and held his balls with my finger tips, rolling them, kneading them, like they were a couple of eggs in a pouch of pastry.

"GOD you are good! Work those fuckers! Get `em good and ready to feed you slugs of cop cum! I think you'll need to be meeting me for break every week at this time. I'm going to be feeding you so much spunk that you'll be burping it up all during your next class.

"I can tell you'll be waiting for me to haul out my dick and feed you my cum. You're the kind that's gotta have dick, aren't you? You need a man's cock in your mouth or the world doesn't feel quite right. But you need a fucking man to tell you to suck his cock, don't you, faggot?

Well, I couldn't very well argue with that, but I managed to say, "," as I sucked on his meat.

It was oozing some sweet warm precum, some really good stuff that immediately made its way down to my stomach.

I sucked on.

`Take out your dick and pull out your load, kid. I want you to watch you looking at me while you cum...sucking on my big dick. It looks so damn right sticking in your pretty face."

I realized that I very much wanted that too.

I could see myself reflected clearing in the man's sunglasses. Eyebrows pulled together, hollow cheeks, jaw working, lips crawling up his shaft. The sucking sound I made as I slid back to hold his knob in my lips was loud and wet, as was the slurping when I worked back up his length to his pubic hairs.

"Ehn..ehn..ehn.." the sad little mewing sounds were coming from me.

"That's it kid. Give it up for Mr. Policeman. He's your friend, isn't he? He's got a double load in his big balls and a big cock to feed his cum sucking little buddy, doesn't he?" The man's cocky sneer widened into a crooked grin.

"EEEhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!' I splooged on the floor, still sucking away on Officer Friendly. Some of it dripped down my knuckles. It was very warm.

"Ohhhhhh yeeeahhhh kid, look at you drop your load while sucking me off! Do you ever need dick, or what? Here it comes, kid, suck down that spooge, pussy, feed on my fucking baby batter!!!!"

I sucked it out, I sucked it down, I swallowed each hot gooey slug that spit out of the end of his cock.

His cocky grin melted into slack mouthed satisfaction as I slowed down and nursed on his slowly softening hose.


Before it was completely soft, he pulled his dick out of my mouth, "Now give Officer Friendly a kiss. Kiss the fucking dick that made your pussy mouth happy, kid. Kiss the dick that fed you cop cum!'

Well, what was I supposed to do? I kissed it. I kissed it a lot. It seemed to approve and started to firm up again.

"Sorry kid! I've got rounds to make. You'll have to dream about my dick until next week." He tucked it away from sight along with his big balls, after he rubbed them around my mouth and nose. I could still smell those bad boys on my face, and could still taste of his cum on my tongue.

"Skippy! Lick up what you dropped on the floor, kid. Gotta leave the place the way you found it, right?"

I lapped up my cooling cum off the otherwise clean (thank goodness) cement floor.

"Remember kid," he buttoned his shirt, hiding that beautiful chest from view again, "next week, same time, same place...same fucking thing. My dick in your mouth. Who knows? Maybe one of these weeks Officer Friendly will fire his big pistol up your little arse. Can't wait to see your pretty face when I go off in your guts!" The man reached down and wiped some spit and cum off my chin with this finger and held it out for me to suck off.

"That's right...suck whatever I give you baby! Suck...suck...suck! I'll see you here again next week."

And he did.

In Which the Boys Take to the Water

Who knew you could dog paddle and suck dick at the same time while being butt-fucked? As it turned out...I could.

"Hello there, little fellows! I'm here to help you with your water skills."

He was huge...Viking huge but without the bulk. Still young, buff and brutal looking. Of course his name was Rolf.

The Dean of Students explained to us that Josh and I were to report to the swim coach at 4 in the afternoon. I took the dean's dick out of my mouth and asked, "Should we take suits with us?"

He chuckled deep in his throat, quirked one side of his mouth and said, "What do you think? It will just take you two that much longer to get naked again, won't it? Of course not!"

And naked we were, sitting together on the wooden bench by the empty training pool. The door in the wall next to us opened and out walked Thor's older brother. Rolf, as I said. He was easily twice as wide as Josh through the shoulders and had to be six and a half feet tall. His reddish blond hair was cut fairly short, and he had a neatly trimmed beard. But what caught your attention was his eye patch. Maybe he was like Odin or something. He wore a brief red swim suit rolled down an inch or so, with the tie strings hanging down over the big bulge that stretched the material super tight. Russet pubic hairs peaked over the front, hairs like those that were scattered across his hard pecs and forearms. He stood with arms folded and hands tucked in his pits. His biceps bulged. This swim coach pumped iron. A lot of it.

His remaining eye crinkled in amusement, "So you two twinks were sent here by the dean, eh? Is that some of his cum I see in the corner of your mouth, blondie?"

I brushed my mouth with a finger and looked at it. Sure enough, dean cum.

"Uhhh, yes sir. I guess it is, sir."

"How did it get there, kid? Tell me.'

"Uhhhh, I wassssssnnhchingg.."


"Uhhh, I sucked it out of his dick while my buddy licked his balls."

"And exactly why did you do that...faggot?"

"Well sir, he told me to...the dean told me to suck his cock, so I did."

"Of course you did."

`And with the big round eyes, why did you lick the dean's balls?"

"Errr...well, you see...the dean told me to do that too."

"So you two pledges do whatever you're told, huh?"

"Yes sir!" we answered together.

"Sooooooo now that that's all settled, instead of showering before I get in the pool, you two are going to give me a tongue bath. You each get a big toe to start on. Once you get to the tops of my thighs, you will skip up to my waist. Then when you finish my eyelids and forehead, you can get back to the serious stuff. I expect my junk and arse to shine with twink spit before we go in the water, so get busy, freshmen! Get the fuck busy!"

Josh and I knew our way around a man's body pretty well by now and we certainly could apply our tongues wherever and whenever they were needed. We applied them now. It took us a while, but when we got to his big pink nipples we lingered for quite some time, shifting into nursing mode while he flexed his pecs and moaned. Those tender guys liked us a lot - filling out and plumping up, like they were asking for more. We chewed a little while we sucked, too.

A light but meaningful smack to the backs of our heads signaled our return to our upward obligations. Finally, forehead complete, Rolf grabbed us by the hair on the backs of our heads and pulled us off him.

Glaring from one of us to the other, he asked, "Which one of you sucks arse the best?"

"Uh...I do!" "Josh does!" We answered at the same time.

"Great! Then get to work, Josh. Skip you get the dick then. You know you need it. Suck me...make it good."

Josh and I fell into a kind of competitive slurping contest. The sounds were obscene. They were really turning Rolf on too. Rolf's rod was a rock hard post sticking straight out from his groin, his balls already pulling up a little in his jewel bag.

"You two punks have the need to suck, don't you? It's a wonder you can ever keep your thumbs out of your mouths the way you are feeding on me. I think we're done for the moment. Jump in and rinse off."

We jumped and rinsed, treading water as we watched Rolf dive in, barely rippling the surface. He surfaced and shook water from his face, then nodded toward the shallow end.

"Josh, set your pink little arse to on the ladder at the end of the pool and dangle your dick in the water. Skip's going to need a goal to swim for. He and I are going to have a little coaching session."

Josh got himself in place quickly. Rolf moved through the water behind me, grabbing me around the waist with one arm and slipping his other hand down between my cheeks. Without pause his finger found my butt button and started rubbing it. In no time he was in to the first, then second joint, then all the way in. I sighed as he pulled me back against his chest, and finger fucked my well oiled hole.

Breathing in my ear he chuckled, "Your hot little pussy loves having a man root around in it, doesn't it kid? It's practically biting my finger off. There! Feel it when I jam it up your arse and poke around for your jizz button? OOOOhhhhh fuck yeah! That's the fuck spot, isn't it? If we had more time I'd finger you til you squirted and then fuck you til you shot again. No such luck, though. Gotta fuck your pussy and get going -- schedule to keep."

My pucker gave a reluctant squeeze to his departing finger and almost immediately welcomed his big dick. The head jammed inside and waited until I stopped yelling and could relax my ring a bit. It didn't take long after Rolf's work up.

"Okay, little doggie! Let's see your dog paddle."

"Skippy, it looks like your friend's little worm is a wiggler and a grower! Pretty thing, isn't it? I think he's getting off on watching me dick you up the fuck shoot. Let's swim you up there so you can give him some mouth to dick resuscitation...move it! "

I dog paddled, churned water like a motor boat, rammed relentlessly by the big rudder in my poop deck. Sven fucked me forward until I could take the bait. Still paddling like a drowning puppy with a stick up its butt, I opened my mouth and swallowed Josh's cock. It lodged deep in my throat and his balls hit my chin. Josh moaned.

Rolf kept pulling up on my knees so I tended to pitch forward. I had to paddle like crazy to stay on Josh's meat. As the coach fucked me I rocked up and down, bobbing naturally on my buddy's meat.

Suddenly Rolf let go of my legs and pulled his dick out of me.

"Good boy, Skip! You're quite the little champ!"

Rolf strode to the side of the pool, pulled himself half out of the water and laid his chest on the concrete. His perfect arse hung over the side. He spread his legs in a perfect side split and his brown butt knot winked at us.

"Okey Skip. Get over here and take a turn with your face in my arse. Your big-eyed buddy can suck on my balls.

Josh and I got to work. We were pretty much used to working as a team by now. I kissed, licked and tongue fucked that tight pucker until it softened and opened a little. Josh worked just under my chin, loving first one, then the other of the big man's big nuts as they hung in their silky sack.

After what must have been five minutes of this, Rolf sighed, rolled onto his back and sat up, his legs dangling in the water, his major wood pointing across the pool.

"Okay faggots! Drain my dick. The winner gets the cum, the loser gets ten wacks. Go for it, cocksuckers!"

Josh and I shifted into feeding frenzy mode, licking, sucking on balls, knob and shaft, bobbing up and down in the water as we competed for Rolf's load. He would chuckle, looking down at our overwrought competition. When one of us managed to get most of his dick in our mouths and suck for a bit, he would pull us off before we could score his nut, keeping the contest going. Eventually I managed to hog down and keep the thing in my throat. I moaned and swallowed, taking little sips of air while I worked that cock.

"Gooooooodddddd boy, kid! Suck it out! Suck it the fuck out of my dick...suck it the fuck out...nnnnoooOOOOOWWWWW!!"

His hot jizz squirted against my tonsils and got gulped immediately, as the big man bucked his pole into me a few times. Josh let the balls drop out of his mouth and looked down. He was one sad buddy...dreading a red butt.

"I swallowed a couple of times to clear the cum out of my mouth, "Josh, I'll take five of your whacks. I cheated when I grabbed your balls so I could go down all the way. I owe you, buddy."

Josh smiled a little and Rolf broke into a big grin.

"Okay boys! Out of the pool and over the bench. I'm going to heat two sets of cheeks.

They stayed hot all evening. That made them really tender when Clyde and Lance fucked us both later. At least suffering shared is suffering halved. Besides, Josh said he'd blow me later.

In Which Officer Friendly Has More For Skip


I was being bounced up and down in Officer Friendly's lap with his big dick jutting up into my guts. He sat in the chair of the little shack where he takes his breaks. His gloved hands smacked my buns as I bounced. His legs were spread wide and he'd made me face him, then lean back a little and hold onto my ankles while he held me by the waist. I was pretty fucking helpless and he seemed to like me that way. Every bounce battered my fuck nut with his cop cannon.

He was smiling his" bad boy" cocky smile as I looked into his face. I was there too, reflected in the mirrored sunglasses he always wore. He seemed to like it that way too. Officer Friendly was someone who got what he liked, whenever he wanted it.

"Oooooooo...yeah! Do your pussy dance on Officer Friendly's big dick, kid. Don't you love how it stabs you in the fuck nut while you scrub your boy twat on my rough curlies?"

The big man corkscrewed his hips up into me, making me twist and jerk from the deep sensations as well as with trying to keep my balance. My arse hole was holding onto the base of his cock like my life depended on it. His big pussy punisher was reassuringly large and solid to hold onto.

He wore leather bike cloves this time. When he stopped smacking my globes he ran his hands over my chest, then used just one to hold my lower back.

"Blam, blam.." I doubled over as he hit me in the lower gut, a couple of rabbit punches, then a couple more.

"Oh Fuck! But I fucking love how your hole grabs my fucking dick when I gut-punch you. I fucking love it."

He opened his fist and turned his palm to face me abdomen, sliding down to hold it just above my pubic hairs. He pushed in and massaged me deeply and slowly.

"And oh fuck again, kid! You fucking feel that don't you? That's my fucking dick way up there in your guts! You can feel it right there! You're fucking stuck on the big fucking thing, aren't you? I love to work your flat little fag tummy, baby." He flexed his fingers into `the claw' and massaged me some more. I could feel exactly what he meant.

"Oh babe! Daddy's going to inject you right there with his big fucking load. Right... fucking...there in the middle of your guts. You're going to glow on the inside from the heat of my hot nut, kid. Put your feet on the floor and hands behind your back. Work that big dick that's crammed up your little pussy!"

He put his hands behind his head and leaned back in the chair, watching me ride his crotch rocket. With my arms behind my back, my chest was pushed out toward him, my tender red dick standing straight and hard between us.

His grin turned a bit mean as he reached up and grabbed my nipples in his finger tips.

"AAAAAAAAA!!!!!" he pinched them fucking hard and held on tight. I juttered and jerked from the intensity of it all.

"Oh yes! I can really make a twink work for his load, can't I? But first, I'm going to feed you your own ball slop."

While I squirmed, raising and dropping my butt, he grabbed my balls in one gloved hand and my defenseless dick in the other. He tightened his grip on both and started beating me off, squeezing my tender pouch and pounding like his hand was a hammer and he was nailing a spike.

"WWWHoooaoaaaaaaAAAA!!!" In seconds I shot my wad, as I twisted and howled. My spunk hit my chin and splashed my chest. It dribbled down over his gloved hand.

"Love the music kid! You howl like a whore, but I guess that's not too surprising. Eat it up now! Suck down your goo while you grind on my dick some more! I fucking love to screw you when your balls are empty. You whimper a hell of a lot more."

I licked my hot spooge off his gloved finger as he scooped it off my chest and fed it to me. The whole time he slowly worked my half hard on. It was fucking sensitive man. bet I squealed and whimpered.

"Man, but I love to see you do that little pain/sex face, your eyebrows pulling together and your pink little lips working the air. It's like you're sucking a little invisible dick or something.

"Now keep your fucking hands where they are. Officer Friendly's in charge. I'm going to keep working your little weiner and balls while you work your pussy on my big dick. It really keeps you squirming on the spike, doesn't it? If you need to cry a little, Officer Friendly will be glad to listen, kid. Too bad I'm going to keep working `em."

His gloved hands squeezed my dick and balls some more. He kneaded me like bread dough. I hunched forward in a futile effort to stop his relentless hands and dauntless dick.

"Your little dick's all sore and everything, huh, baby?" He pulled my arms from behind me and wrapped them around his neck, picked me up by my thighs and stood up.

"Hang on kid! I'm going to punch your guts until I shoot off in `em!'

The big man leaned back a little, bent his knees and started bouncing me on his impaler.

"Uhn..Uhn... Uhn..Uhn... Uhn..Uhn... Uhn..Uhn... Uhn..Uhn... Uhn.." that was me, bouncing.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" that was he as he froze in place and his canon pumped cop spunk deep inside my body.

He slowly sat again and hugged me to him, putting one hand behind me head and pulling my face into his shoulder. He stroked my head a little. Gotta say, it felt kind of good after all that.

"What a good boy you are, Skip! What a fucking hot pussy you have for giving daddy some happy dick." Officer Friendly reached between us and squeezed my cock. The thing was hard again.

"Looks like you've still got a hard on for me kid! You know, I've got a couple of buddies on the force who appreciate college kids who are really bad little boys, the kind who need to learn a little more respect for the law. I'll make sure to get a copy of your schedule from my friend Al and let them know when and where they can find you. A cute little faggot who blows the boys in blue can be sure to get all the cum he needs. Speaking of which, put your knees on the floor. Jack out your load and wash my dick with it, then suck another load out of me so I can watch again. Daddy's got more honey cum for you it's all going in your guts. Man, but I love to see you come with my dick in your mouth.

And I loved to come while he watched me with his dick in my mouth.

Next: Chapter 5

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