Skippy Gobbles College Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Mar 20, 2023


Skippy Gobbles College Cock 3

Okay guys, how about shilling out a few bucks for Nifty? It's there for you, why not be there for it?


In Which Joshua Meets a Higher Power

While we cleaned our big brothers' room at noon, Josh filled me in on his time with the chaplain.

When he arrived at the chaplain's office, another work study student was sitting at a reception desk at the back of a waiting room. Older, handsome as hell and cocky too. And boy was he blond!

"What in the fuck are you here for?"

Josh stammered a bit (he's always really polite) and told him he was sent by the dean for a week of work study duty.

"Turn around kid. Do it again, slowly. Okay. Unbutton the top two buttons of your shirt That's it. Now come here." The receptionist smirked as Josh walked up to his desk. He reached up and pinched both nipples through the cotton shirt.

"Okay. Now you're ready." The man flicked an intercom button and announced, "Chaplain Pike, a mister Joshua Treat is here for the temp job."

"Did you say "Treat"? Send him in, Nick...send him in," rumbled the desk speaker.

Josh opened the big oak door and Josh walked into the chapel office.

"Well?" Josh could actually feel the door vibrate to the man's bass voice.

"Reverend Tower, the Dean of Students sent me over for a one week work study assignment. I'm reporting for work sir."

The Chaplain was a big man. He looked like he played pro football for fun when he wasn't bench pressing barbells. Big barbells. He faced Josh, leaning back against the edge of his huge console desk. He held out a hand that could wrestle down a bear.

"Welcome, lad. I'm sure we'll find something for you to do." The chaplain didn't let go, but kept Josh's smaller mitt trapped in his big mitt. "Nick said your name is Treat. Would you be any relation to Percival Treat, the minister?"

"Why yes sir!" Joshua relaxed a bit, still trapped by the hand. "That's my father!"

"Ah well, lad! That would explain so very much. Percy had the perky nips too." The chaplain used his free hand to pinch my buddy's right nipple.

"Your father and I were in seminary together. I remember him very, very well. Why, you could be like a son to me. Give me five, as you young ones say."

Josh raised and splayed his left hand. The chaplain tapped it with an open palm, then laced his fingers between Josh's. With a smirk, Magnus Tower began bending Josh's wrists backward, forcing him down. Down until he was on his knees before the big man. Josh looked up, puzzled and helpless.

"Yes lad! On your knees, you look so very much like your father. I'll bet you take after him in other ways, don't you, son?"

Tower released Josh's hands brought his own to his belt and slowly lowered his zipper.

"Joshua...let's see you suck like your daddy. Eat my meat, my sweet young treat."

Joshua dutifully started on his first work study assignment, politely nibbling the chaplain's knob before sucking his way down the long, thick shaft. The older man reached across his desk and tagged the intercom.

"Nick! Get you and your dick in here now. This freshman is going to need some supervision."

Josh heard the door open and close behind him.

"Strip and then clear my desk! Then get back around here and peel the clothes off this fucking twink. He's going to earn his goddamn minimum wage, sucking and sweating for it."

Josh heard the desk being cleared, then clothing being folded and stowed. Bare feet padded over the plush carpet and stopped behind him. Hands reached around to pull his shirttails from his pants and undo the buttons, pausing to rub his chest and pinch his nipples. What in the hell was it about the Chaplain's Office and nipples anyway? His belt was undone and slipped from his pants. He lifted his butt from off his heels and rocked side to side as Nick worked the pants and jockstrap down his legs, then pulled them off his feet, along with his trainers and socks. Nick hunched over to grab Josh's woody and whisper in his ear, "Gulp the meat, faggot! Work your throat on that man's pole. It's going up your tight tight little twat in about five minutes."

The chaplain lifted Josh by his armpits then held him by the back of the neck with one mitt while he pulled my bud's jaw down with the other. Josh was frozen, mouth hanging open. The chaplain worked his mouth for a few seconds then spit in Josh's. He continued to hold Josh who gaped like a fish out of water. "Nick...spit!" The hunky blond swirled his tongue a few times, leaned in, then chucked hot spit straight into Josh's gullet. Tower released my bud's jaw so he could swallow, still transfixed by the big man's eyes. Josh felt the heat of his blush rise from his chest to his face.

"You are so much like your daddy, Joshua. He would cuss the devil, read scripture for hours, then crawl to drink from my fountain of life whenever I gave him a chance. Most of his praying he did to my dick. Cute guy, a jock muscle boy just like you. Hot wet mouth's the same too. Maybe we'll arrange to have a suck-off contest over homecoming weekend so I can really compare how father and son work the meat. Ya think?" Josh blushed even redder.

Pike turned with Josh and laid him chest down on the big desk.

"Nick, get your dick behind my desk. Touch your knob to Josh's lips and then wait.

With the fragrant meat nudging his mouth and the odor of young balls rising to his nose, Josh waited patiently. Behind him he heard the dean strip, then move closer. He felt something warm, wet and very big touching his arse hole.

"Nick, you'll do what I say, exactly as I say it."

`Yes sir, Chaplain Pike."

"We wait here a bit, Nick...let his holes get ready for us. See! He's got nervous holes. He can't help but start pooching out his lips a bit. Look at that! He's got to kiss your meat. Just like his fucking daddy! You can't see it but his hole is winking at my knob. It's starting to open and close some, little toothless gums beginning to work their way over the end. We just stand here. See how he's stretching more and more, starting to slowly open up front and back, just like his fucking daddy. He's got my knob now. How about yours?"

Nick was gasping a little, kind of excited. "Yes sir. He's got my knob in his lips now."

"Good Nick! Now when I count to three, we're both going to ram this fucking faggot all the way. Don't wait, don't stop, just punch the little fucker!"

`Yes sir. Ready sir! More than ready, actually."


Two stone hard gut probes dove into the darkness. Josh screamed around Nick's dick, then jerked, struggling for air.

"Pull out Nick!" The Chaplain and his assistant dragged their dicks out of Josh.

"Again, Nick."

The same thing happened again. Knobs at holes, waiting, being drawn into the wet heat of Josh's body, the the inevitable double dorking.

Three more times the men did their ritual. Josh was quivering, gasping for breath, shaking with nerves.

`Nick, now we pork the holy hell out of this fucking sinner!"

As the two fuckers rammed my bud over and over, his balls tightened against the base of his dick and he squirted his sinful seed on the chaplains green desk blotter. He cock stayed red and hard as his body shook with the beating it got from both ends. The chaplain slipped his hand around Josh's waste and held the tip of his dick in his big, rough fingers, feeling my buddy's warm goo.

"Nick! We just fucked the goddamn cum out of this faggot. Now we keep fucking him until he spits his scum again? I've got his little prick in my hand now. When he shoots, we fill him up. Got it?"

"Got it, sir!"

And when Josh did, they did.

In Which Skip Helps with a Broadcast

"Look through the window and watch the light up there, the one that says `On The Air.' When it goes off, go on in. Dave will tell you what to do."

The window was more like a wall of glass, separating the sound and space of the broadcast booth from the rest of the studio here at the campus radio and TV station, WONG. Inside sat man-sex on a chair, growling into a microphone. Dave Dorkem could have dropped in from the high bar of a gymnastics meet. His blond crew cut topped a smugly handsome face. When he leaned in to speak, his biceps flexed under his skin tight tee shirt. His open fronted desk showed he was wearing flip flops and board shorts. His thighs bulged against the cotton and framed the other big bulge where his meaty thighs joined his hips.

Dave's husky voice rasped, "Yessss boyssss and girlss! When it comes to schools, we know that State is great! I've got some great tunes for you this morning, so, listen up and get down for Big Dave! We'll start with my theme song...'Whatta Man"!"

The light went off. Dave looked up at me, blue eyes wide in surprise, but only for a moment. They narrowed quickly. He looked like a German Shepherd spotting a squirrel. A very little, slow, and tender baby squirrel, maybe. Dinner maybe. A smile lit his face, turned up at one corner and became a smirk. He lifted a beautifully sculpted hand and waved me in.

I went around thtough the door on the side and sat at the chair beside the desk. I think that's where he puts the people he interviews for his program. I handed him the form the dean had sent with me.

"So you're supposed to help out here, huh? Whatever needs doing for the week. Sweeeeeettttt! The man crossed his arms on the desk and leaned toward me. I could see the pulse beat on his tan throat. After a brief pause, he leaned a little more. He chuckled and swallowed. His big Adam's apple bobbed in his muscular neck. He searched my eyes. He searched some more. His lip twisted up at one corner again. The smirk. He leaned further. I could smell his skin. He was hot. He was fresh. I started blushing at the base of my neck and felt it rise to my cheeks.

"What's your name little dude?"

"A...ahhh...Skip, sir."


"No sir, it's Skip, sir." Dave lifted one big hand and put it to the back of my neck. He pulled me to him until our lips were less than an inch apart.

"Skip! Great name for a great little dude, right?"

"Yes sir, I guess sir." I could feel his warm breath on my lips with every word he spoke. All I could see could were his blue eyes, button nose...his sneering lips.

"Plop...plop...plop, plop, plop..." I heard a bunch of file folders hit the floor.

Now his lips were touching mine. Mine relaxed open. Into my mouth he softly said, "Fuckin' hell, Skip! I'm going on the air again. Scamper down there and pick those up for me, will you, little dude?"

"Yes sir..." as I said `sir', my lips naturally pooched forward a little. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and tickled behind my teeth.

Sitting back he quietly added, "Get it done...pussy!"

Gathering my wits, I stood up and walked around the desk. I could see about five guys looking in the window of the sound booth. I couldn't hear a thing, but they were pointing...hooting and hollering, patting each other on the back. Money was changing hands. I crawled under the desk and picked up the papers. Crawling out I offered them to Dave. He stared at me and silently mouthed, "Strip!" So I did.

"Yes boys and girls, today seems special to me, like something great is going to happen. You know, sometimes the door opens and in walks opportunity. When it does, you've got open yourself to it. `ZZZZZZzziiiiiiiiippppppp.

"You've got to show it who's boss and bring it to its knees." Dave pointed under the desk and mouthed, "Down!" Why was I not surprised?

I crawled again under the open desk, my butt facing the window. I stared at the big dick and low hanging balls that were now dangling out of Dave's kakis. It all looked beautiful. Good enough to eat. He held his dick in one hand and crooked a finger of his other one at me. I crawled forward. It all smelled even better than it looked. I opened my mouth and sucked in the hot musky cock. It tasted even better than it smelled.

"Sometimes opportunity comes to you and it's like it' yours just for the taking."

Under the desk, Dave pointed under my chin to my dick. His other hand formed an empty cylinder and mimed jerking. I understood. Pulling back to nurse on Dave's knob, I started working my dick. Dave slipped a palm around my throat and fucked my mouth gently, feeling where his dick made my throat bulge out. I think my butt was wagging a little as I worked.

"And when opportunity offers, you've got to make sure it delivers, boys and girls. Just as Big Dave here at the WONG delivers his best every single day, and remember, your guy Dave is the WONG personified. You know, sometimes you just have to tell opportunity to deliver, just drop that reward right in your hand.' Dave took his hand off of my throat cupped it and held it down as far as he could reach. Still sucking away, I hunched, twisted, and moaned quietly as I pumped my cum into the waiting hand. Dave grabbed my hair with his free and pulled me off his cock. He buttered his meat with my spooge, held out his palm for me to lick, then reattached me to his meat. I sucked.

`You can have opportunity eating right out of your hand. But then too, you need to know when to give opportunity everything you've got...when to unload, when to give it your best shot...when to'! Yaaaaaa ttthhhiiiiinnnnnkkkk?" Dave gave up his load alright. I sputtered and gulped down shot after shot of his butch batter. My stomach growled and wanted more. Dave poked my tonsils a few more times as I sucked him dry.

"Oh yes, boys and girls. Dave, the Man from WONG, is here for your enjoyment. So listen now while I spin for you..."

Dave threw a switch and said. "Skip! My little dude. Gotta say your work ethic is a major one. You and I are going to have a really good week. Now get dressed and get out of here. Oh! And I want you to clean the window. The other side needs attention...your tongue's attention. I'll let the dean know how well you're doing. You've already inspired a lot of the guys around here." Dave got lost in a lot of laughing, looking past my shoulder as he guffawed.

Buttoning my shirt I turned and saw the five station workers tucking their junk back in their trousers. Five streaks of spooge were rolling down the glass, starting at crotch level.

"Yes sir." I got to work.

In Which Skippy Gets a Study Snack (or Two)

After staying up late at rush last night, I'd had a hard time staying awake in class today.

I'd been studying for over an hour. Protocols for Excellent Room Service was not the most interesting read for my Hospitality 101 class, which was why I'd chosen a really quiet place. The basement corner of the library was pretty stuffy though, and I think I must have dosed off a bit when I realized my mouth was starting to water.


I knew that sound...the sound of a zipper going up and down. I tend to hear that a lot and then too, maybe that had something to do with why I was drooling on my textbook. When I opened my eyes I saw a pair of steely blue eyes staring at me from the other side of my study table. Some big hunk had sat down, spread out his books, leaned back and spread his legs. God, but he was gorgeous! Preppy black hair parted on the side, dimples and the hint of a smirk at the corner of his mouth. His button down shirt had three buttons open, showing a thick rug of fur on his chest. The fabric must have been silk or something because I could see his nipples standing up. Above his left nipple was an Alpha-COK pin.

Still staring me down, he slowly pushed one of his books toward one of mine. This slid my ruler toward me, and knocked two of my pencils and a pen into my lap, then on to the floor.

"Oh! Sorry guy! I think I knocked some of your stuff on the floor. Better pick it up, don't you think...Pussy?"

He had the fucking pin on. I thought I'd better do it.

I nodded.

Slipping under the table, I gathered up my stuff and looked across to the stud in the chair. His jeans were open. He spread his legs wider reached into his zip and pulled out a perfect set of cock and balls. He waved his dick at me and crooked the finger of his other hand. I think he wanted me to come closer. My mouth made a beeline for his knob. I licked it twice then welcomed it on into my mouth.

"Oh you sweet, sweet pussy mouth! Suck my dick, you pussy-mouthed faggot. You know you need to suck me dry before I let you back at your books. I'll bet you need some cock snot in your gut just to feel normal, don't you? Kiss the balls, `em in your mouth. Clean those rocks. Man, your mouth is like a furnace. You're cooking my fucking spooge, pledge!"

He cradled my chin with one hand, lifted his balls out of my mouth and stuck in his cock. Then he grabbed his phone off the table, stuck it under the table and started recording.

"Suck it dry, pussy, gargle the knob. Suck for your next goddamn slug of cum."

I did.


"Oh...Hey Officer, what's a campus cop doing in the library at this time of night?" said the guy attached to the dick in my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a pair of Doc Martins topped with brown military pants -- the uniform of our campus cops.

"Uuuhhh, not much, kid. Just looking around. Between you and me we've had reports of fags using the restrooms down here for sex. You know how they are. Guys who need dick so bad they'll go down on a guy just about anywhere. Be careful if you don't want one coming after you. You look like just the kind of guy those cocksuckers go for. Between you and me though, I check a couple every night because some of those cock hungry twinks really love my big unit. Keeps my equipment clean and lets me take a few shots to stay in practice. I don't get to go home and fuck the wife until 2:00 or so."

"You mean you actually put your dick in a guy's mouth and let him suck on it, Officer?"

I was sucking very quietly.

`Hell yeah! They'll suck like a calf at its mother's teat until they can feed. Man but I love to feel a guy suck the cum out of my dick. Makes my balls cramp just thinking about it."

"Gosh officer! I'll!" I started feeding like a calf on its mother's teat as the juice poured out of my guy. I think his balls cramped.

"Yeah, it sure as hell does, son! It's not right, I know, but what the hell, you really should try it sometime. A guy's got to keep his balls from turning blue, ain't he?"

"He sure does, Officer. Thanks for the tip, man, gggmgmmm." My guy cleared his throat to cover the sound of the pop as he pulled his dick out of my mouth. "Hey, come to think of it, there was a little blond freshman who was studying across from me. I think he headed back to the john a little while ago."

"That so, son? Well, maybe I'd better head back there and give my meat a little fresh air. See if some punk cocksucker is hungry for daddy's thick baby batter. I've got to drop a really big load. See ya around, kid!"

Under the table my guy zipped up, "Bye Officer. Oh, and thanks for the advice! I'll keep it in mind!"

The Doc Martins walked away. I slipped out from under the table and sat on the edge of my chair. My guy thumbed his phone and I could see the recording of me under the table milking his man meat with my mouth. He reached across the table with one hand to hold my face, running his thumb up my chin and into my mouth. I sucked off some more cum.

"You had some fucking spooge on your chin, cocksucker! You should go freshen up. Head for the john to see if you can get the nice cop to let his little swimmers play in the pool with mine. Go gobble some more cock snot, faggot!" My guy laughed as I slipped off the chair and trotted off toward the john.

Studying did give me an appetite, I have to admit.

In Which the Boys Clean and Sparkle

Josh and I met back at the Alpha-COK house. We had a room to clean, and we only had about an hour before starting our afternoon classes.

" know what? I...umm...I think that for the first time since..."Josh was talking really slowly and seemed kind of lost.

"I think I know what you, mean, Josh. Every since we got the word about how Mr. Grimes and Mr. Stone were...I they died and all, I've really felt kinda hollow inside, or something. You too?"

"Yeah, Skip. I was just kind of going through the motions. I mean, we've had a lot of sex and all -- you, me, you and me, you and me and...we'll...a whole lot of guys, but nothing was ever quite the same as...well, now that we've met Lance and Clyde, it seems like maybe..."

"Josh, it's like we've got a fucking home again! Those guys are so fucking hot and I really think they're pretty fucking into us. It's like getting fucked and sucking dick has new meaning again. Is that what you're trying to say?"

`Yep, that's it! When I went to my Sports Psychology class today, I was sitting in the back row taking notes, when suddenly I noticed I had my other hand in my pants and I was jerking off. Then all I could think of was how it felt when Clyde fucked me all over this room -- against the wall, on the bed, jogging in place. The man is a fucking machine!"

"I know exactly how it is bro! I really did jerk off in my Hotel Greetings 101 class! My cum was trapped in the circle of my thumb and finger and I shoved the thumb of my other hand up through the hole so I could pretend I was sucking off Lance and eating his load. Man, but can he produce the stuff. I had to burp last night just to make room in my stomach for all his loads. Here, smell this!"

"I'd picked up a used jock from under Lance's bed and was holding it like a bouquet of roses. What an amazing smell, sweet, clean arse musk and the heady odor of his ball sweat." Josh leaned over and took a whiff.

"Wow! Here, check out Clyde's stud stink!" Josh shoved a pair of white cotton briefs in my face. I inhaled and swayed a little bit. As amazing as Lance's but different all the same. I inhaled again as we heard a couple of baritones laughing hilariously outside in the hall. In strutted Lance and Clyde.

`WEEEEELLLLLLL what be the bearrrrrnnnsss up to do ya think, Lance?"

`I think the pledges can't get enough of their big bro's, you big lug! Boys, it looks like you let yourselves get distracted from your duties." Lance plopped himself on his bed. "Skip, bring my jock over here...NOW! You know your mouth needs my dick in it."

"Ach mon! Joshua, m' jo! Bring that steival here. Ye can pursue your studies with a little `comparing and contrasting,' I'm thinking.

By the time Josh and I got to our bro's they both had kicked off their shoes and stripped. Man they were quick! Lance and Clyde snapped their fingers nearly in unison. Josh and I had knees on the floor in less than a second later.

"Clyde, get a load of this, big dude. As soon as I put my dick in Skip's mouth, his little prong gets stiff. Don't you love it? Eating my meat makes him hard. Skip! Josh! Keep our dicks in your mouths while you strip, little guys. Keep that meat wet!" Well, we could do that.

"Now get your noses up between our balls and the top of our thighs, guys. Snort some of that man smell. Roll your little button noses around there. That's it kids! Now wait a second."

Lance and Clyde leaned back, grabbed their knees and pulled them up by their shoulders. Their holes rolled up into view.

"Chow down, faggots! I want to hear you two snorting and snuffling. It's rooting time for piglets!"

Josh and I got busy.

"Clyde! Fuckin' shit dude! Is there anything better than having a pledge working your hole with his mouth? Sometime I'm going to ask to borrow your little guy and have him toss my salad while Skip drains my pole. I think that would be a winning combination, don't you?"

"I do that, indeed, Lance. I'll lend you my balach and sometime ask you for the same. The boys can always benefit from a bit of cross training."

"You've got the right of it, Clyde! Okay boys! Get your noses in our balls again. Good, good. Now get back to those rags in your hands. That's it. Now you know for sure where the smell comes from, right little dudes! Next you are going to turn around, lift your butts in the air and shove our jocks in your mouths. Almost! Get those shoulders on the floor and your butts as high as they can go. There we are! Now brace yourselves!"

Lance shoved his face in my arse and started eating. I could hear Clyde's woofing and slurping to open my buddy's rosebud. Mine was certainly starting to bloom.

"Okay Clyde! On my mark, the first one who fucks his pledge into cumming wins. Winner gets his dick cleaned by two pledges, loser trots to the bathroom and cleans himself. Ready? Set? Go!!"

In one fierce stab, Lance porked my pussy. From Josh's yelp, it seemed Clyde had done the same to his. The men were off and fucking. They slapped our butt cheeks like cowboys at a rodeo. The paused and shimmied their hips to their hard-ons juddered and poked in our tender cock pockets. They did slow, long strokes, almost lazily hauling their meat in and out of our holes. Then they rabbit fucked us for minutes on end. The sweat was flowing again. I was starting to get floor burns on my cheek and shoulders but managed to snag Lance's discarded tee and put it under my head. His sweat smell wafted from the cotton. Yea...that was my guy!

At about the third round of rabbit fucking, I felt my balls start to pull up. My butt channel was so hot I thought my guts would boil. Instead, my cock grew hard as a rock, starting at my hole where Lance's dick drilled, across to my balls and out to the tip. Said balls cramped and froze. Motionless, I splatted my jizz on the floor below.

"UUuunnnnnnggghghhh." I heard come out of my mouth, despite the aromatic jockstrap.


"ehn...ehn...ehhhhhhnnnn," whimpered Josh.


So, Josh and I reluctantly dropped the cloth from our mouths, then happily licked up our spill from the floor and went to work on Lance's lance. Clyde, muttering under his breath, headed to the bathroom.

Next: Chapter 4

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