Skippy Gobbles College Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on May 29, 2023


Skippy Gobbles College Cock 13 By Scott Grimes (

Hey Dudes, you've read a ton of stuff on Nifty. How about giving up a little money so we all can keep doing that? How about it?

Skippy Does a Special Lap Dance

"Work your pussy, Skippy! Dance your hot little twat on my dick, baby. Daddy's meat is going to stuff you full and squirt his big load in your guts again."

I leaned back against Lance's wonderful chest while I twisted my hips and bounced on his pubic bone. His well sucked sausage was nosing around in my body again, happily visiting all the places it knew so well. It especially enjoyed knocking on my nut button, then poking it hard...again and again.

Lance looked over my shoulder at the TV screen across the room. It showed me with

Clyde and Josh in a game he'd made up. I was on my hands and knees with the end of Clyde's big dick in my mouth, sucking for the good stuff. My buddy Josh was on his knees behind me, jabbing me with his hard hot unit. Lances knelt at one side and used his trusty ping pong paddle to wap his giant roommate's butt cheeks, as well as Father Antonio's riding crop to lightly smack the bottom of Josh's balls while he counted out the strokes.

"Whack! Tap! Eighteen...Whack Tap! nineteen...Whack Tap! twenty! Switch, you fuckers!"

Walking on their knees, Clyde and Josh traded places. My bud sighed happily, settled his meat in my mouth and started fucking my face. Clyde pushed his hips forward and sank his mighty pole all the way in my hole.

In the video, you could see by their faces that the two men fucking my holes were sexed up hotter than hell. Sweat ran down their bodies, their faces, necks and torsos were flushed, and their mouths contorted from the mixed sensations of dicking me and being smacked by Lance's percussion section. Even though the count was steady, the whacks and taps measured and even, their bodies vacillated between fuck lust and shock. Their balls and butts were glowing, man. They stared into each other's eyes, joined by raging sex drive, mutual pain and submission to Lance. They fucking loved every second of it. Their knees were spread to give them leverage as they fucked me holes. They leaned on my hips and shoulders, their faces nearly touching. Mouths slack, their sex faces would put porn stars to shame. Whenever they got wacked, their dicks would pulse, turning to steel.

Watching the big screen, I squirmed on Lance's cock as he grabbed my dick in one hand and started tapping my balls with his other -- keeping the rhythm of the action on the screen. I jerked and panted along with the recording.

Lance leaned back a bit in his chair. He let go of my dick and slid his hands up my chest to my nipples. He teased them to sharp points and held them first.

"Watch, Skip! Here's the part where Clyde starts his sprint for the finish line! Listen to the big lug grunt, will you? His butt's so red you can practically see the heat rolling off it. But fuck! I sure as hell love listening to your little buddy squeal every time I tapped his tender balls! He had to ice those poor boys all evening, remember?"

I was squealing myself as Lance pinched my nips, rolled them gently, then twisted them hard. He loved how my pussy would tighten every fucking time. He did it a lot.

"Remember, Skip? This is where I don't stop at 20, but start double timing until they blow their loads in you. You ate cum like a piglet being fucked at the trough. Come to think of it, that's just what it was like for you, wasn't it? Now get ready, baby. Daddy's locked and loaded. We're going to have ourselves a real moment here when I fire off in your pussy while they shoot on screen!?

Lance moved a hand down to grab my balls while his other slid up to my throat. He spread his fingers wide and massaged my throat for a few seconds.

"Whack! Tap! Eighteen...Whack Tap! nineteen...Whack Tap! twenty! Now it's a wack each time up to one hundred, or `til someone cums!




Clyde and Josh's eyes bugged out, their mouths flew open and they started to pant as Lance tanned butt and balls. They rabbit fucked my holes. They actually started bellowing.

Back on the chair, Lance fast-dicked me as his hands tightened on my balls and throat. The pain in my balls competed with my straining to breathe. His hands got tighter. The edges of my vision started to blur. I twitched and jerked spastically impaled on his relentless punch press.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! yelled Clyde and Josh as they shot their scum into my body on the screen.

"FFFFUUUCCCCKCKKKKKKK YYYEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHH!!!" yelled Lance in my ear as his cock hosed my pussy.

"hhuuuuuuaaahh, ahhuuuAAhhhh," I panted when he let go of my balls and throat, gulping in great gouts of air while my spooge shot out of me and dripped on the floor.

"Skip!" hooted Lance," you guys are the greatest. Always the best sex ever, little dude! Gotta say though, it's you that I like to fuck, fuck over, and fuck all all the time. Now stand up slowly so my cum rolls out of your pussy onto my cock, and then get your mouth on it, little guy. Daddy needs some more happy dick, baby. I've got some good news to tell you when you finish cleaning my crotch. On second thought, I'm going to lie on the bed and have you sit on my face. I'll bet your little twat is really tender now. Let's see what I can do to it with my tongue and my beard. I'll bet I'll have you squealing again in no time. First, though, you've got a floor to lick clean.

Cleaning and scouring occurred. A lot of cleaning and scouring.

Much later, Lance lay back on the bed, half propped up against the bed board, my face in his crotch. Another normal night.

"But seriously, Skip...Clyde and I have done some thinking and networking and we're going to change things up for you. Your coursework in Hospitality Studies, or whatever the hell they're called, has been rolled over into an advanced business degree with a nearly guaranteed ladder to an MFA.

"You see, little dude, you've got the brains and we've got the connections. My older brother Derek does advanced placement for business interns. Usually that kind of stuff is for grad students, but in your case, he's going to make an exception and find some sweet spots for you in a multinational or two. You'll get to work one of those this summer. The only thing standing in your way is getting your face in my big brother's pants to clinch the deal. My money's all on you little dude. What do you say?"

"Yeunnnngg...eyyyhd..uuuuuvvdhhoodhhooddhhhattt," I mumbled, vacuuming up the last of Lance's cum off his dick. It was already starting to wake up again and look around for more fun. I was more than ready for it -- just as I was for getting my face into Lance's brother's pants.

Skip Gets an Interview

"Derek! Bro! I really fucking appreciate your helping us out here, man! Skipper's got a fantastic future. You gotta admit he's got a great presence, judging by how your dick's jumping in his mouth, dude!"

Lance had picked me up early and driven me downtown to the US headquarters of Studman and Studman, Financial Advisors, where his older step brother was the CEO. Once past security, we were escorted to the 32nd floor, past two banks of secretaries -- both in Brioni suites and looking like models from GQ -- then straight into the penthouse office of Derek Ramsmen. Mr. Ramsmen was on a call to an associate:

"That's right Spenser. You remember the one. Yeah, one of the two twinks that Scott Grimes was messing with last summer. We both watched that video where he sucked Grime's big dick for the first time. Yeah...that one! He sucked like a sump pump, remember?"

Ramsmen was a god of the hunt. As we cleared the door, his eyes snapped on me like a lash. His expression tightened, and his full lips pulled to the side in a haughty snear. The big hunk of an exec then stood, walked around his desk, leaned on its edge and crooked a finger at us. As we got closer, he pointed to me with his free hand, snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him. I've gotten pretty good at understanding body language. As I stepped forward and knelt at his feet, he unbuttoned his blue blazer and unzipped his grey flannels, then gave me a wink and a nod. I carefully reached into his pants and found a big double handful of man crotch, warm and already slightly damp behind his balls. His dick stretched and grew like the genie from the lamp, filling out and pointing meaningfully at my face. I looked up into Ramsmen's craggy face. He raised one eyebrow. I licked my lips once and opened my mouth. He stuck his dick in. I sucked.

"Yeah, his name's Skippy, if you can believe it. He was Scott's pool boy, his body boy, his cocksucking super twink-whatever-the fuck-he-wanted boy. Remember, we watched that other one where Grimes broke into the kid's pussy for the first time. Yeah, that one! Fucking hot, wasn't it. Well, you should fucking see this, my friend! He's on his knees with my dick in his mouth at this very moment. Actually, you should fucking feel this. His mouth is amazing. It's calling to my cum, and my big boys in their bag are getting ready to answer already!

"Here, I'll switch to Zoom and you can see for yourself."

Ramsmen punched a couple of buttons. Across the room, giant screen came down out of the ceiling to completely cover a bookcase while a camera descended and stopped right beside my face. Lance stepped up beside us and ruffed up my hair a bit, then helped push and hold my head while I deep throated his bro's monster meat, beaming down at me like I was his pride and joy. Not too far from the truth, considering how well he'd trained me to treat his own true pride and joy. Speaking of which, I could feel the heat of his dick through his jeans as he leaned his crotch into the side of my face.

"Spense! You remember my brother Lance?"

"Hey Lance!"

"Hey Spense!"

Later when Lance played the recording of the whole encounter to me while he fucked me in his dorm room, I saw that the camera caught us from the side. With dick in my mouth, I could just make out a close up of the guy Derek was talking to. He looked like a quarterback in a business suit as he leaned back on his own desk, wherever he was. His pants were open and he had his dick in his hand as he watched the three of us on his Zoom feed.

"Fuck, Spense, the kid's a genius. He not only at gives head and tale, but he's amazing with with numbers and systems. Writes code too. He's just finishing his freshman year, and we want a summer internship for him. I remembered how much you like to stick it to your young guys and thought maybe you could find something for him to do starting in June. I figured this could serve as an initial interview so you can see what he's got. What do you say?"

"Derek, I'm loving the idea, dude. I'll need to try him on a few things, okay?"

`Sure Spense, whatever would be helpful."

"Okay, how about the three of you strip while I call in my assistant?"

"Sure bud! Glad to oblige."

I concentrated on keeping Derek's dick in my mouth while he and I slipped out of our clothes and tossed them on the floor. Beside me, Lance did the same, while he kept working my face on his brother's dick. Derek was magnificent, of course. Six-two, curly brown hair and blue eyes. Steel blue.

"Derek, show me his mouth some more, will ya?"

The CEO pulled me off his cock, turned my head toward the camera and stood behind me. He leaned forward a little and stuck a thumb in my mouth. I stared at the camera and sucked.

"Give him some spit, Derek."

Derek thumbed down my chin and I opened wide. He worked up a spew of spit and hawked it in my mouth. He thumbed my jaw closed and stroked my throat. I swallowed before he let me nurse some more on his thumb.

"Now stick your dick back down his throat, big guy. Feel up his jaw and cheeks while he sucks! FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!! I like, Derek! I like! Now show me his twat. Is it pink, I hope?"

"See for yourself, dude!"

Derek and Lance picked me up in a two man fireman's carry, except I was hanging face down with my arse in the air. They walked me up close to the camera. Lance shifted his grip and used a hand to spread my cheeks and blew on my hole. It tightened at the chill.

"Guys! He looks perfect! Pretty pink, kind of tender and a little bruised there. If he's living with you Lance, I'll bet he hardly has time to put on clothes and his get arse to class. He probably drips your spooge all the way across campus. As I remember, you fuck like a mink, but a lot more often. Lance seemed pleased, but a little embarrassed.

"Show me how he cums, will ya?"

`Sure thing! Derek and Lance said in unison.

Still facing the camera, Derek leaned back further on the desk and broadened his stance, spreading his arms a bit. As if rehearsed, Lance set me on my feet for a moment and crossed my arms behind me, telling me to grab my elbows. Then he picked me up by the waist, backed me into Derek and centered my tender ring on the big man's dick and let me slide down the pole. He spread my legs wide and hooked my knees back over the big CEO's legs. I looked like a very well fucked ship's figurehead. Lance then came around front again and stood a bit to the side so as not to block the camera. He grabbed my balls in one hand and my dick in the other Derek sucked on the side of my neck and scoured it with his chin stubble, then chewed on my earlobe, growling, "You've got exactly 90 seconds to shoot off for Mr. Holhammer or I will have my executive staff of twenty fuck you non-stop for the next eight hours."

Lance grinned and guffawed, hammering away at my dick, my aching balls trapped in his calloused mitt. His brother's dick began a slow easy fuck in my hole.

It only took 43 seconds before Lance saw the signs and released my balls. My cock coughed up its spunk into his warm palm.

"Way fine, dudes! Way, way fine! Show me how he eats his junk juice. Make it a close up!"

Still impaled on Ramsmen, I was walked right up to the lens of the camera. Lance held my cum to my mouth. Looking at the lens, I reached out with my tongue and caught a little on the tip and swallowed it. Then I stuck out my tongue. Lance tilted his hand and I licked it clean. I licked it for quite some time. I sucked his fingers. Lance let me finish on the middle one and suck it for quite some time.

"Fine work, there Skipper! Fine work! Men, now that his balls are empty, I'd like to see how he empties yours. How about a doggy style spit roast?"

As we got into position, I could see Mr. Holhammer on the big still leaning back against the edge of his desk. Now, though, he had a hooker of scotch in one hand and the head of a suited assistant bobbing away at his own crotch. He certainly looked like a man in command.

"Okay Derek, Lance...the kid's got the gig for the summer. In a couple of weeks he'll be helping me out just like what-his-name here. For now, though, how about you drop your load on your brother's dick, Lance, and have Skippy suck him `til he cums? Make it damn quick! I'm about to fuck my ball batter into this pussy intern. He's such a suck up!"

Skip, Lance, and Officer Friendly

Lance held my mouth to his nipple while I sucked. He moved me to his other nipple and jerked his steely dick a couple of times. He was leaning back against the wall of Officer Friendly's break room, splendidly naked after I slowly undressed him. Officer Friendly was sitting on a chair behind me, watching me lick and suck on Lance's hard muscles.

"Now go up and give him your mouth, faggot, I want to see him tongue fuck your head." Officer Friendly was good at giving directions. I, of course, was careful to follow them, and Lance was having a blast going along for the ride. Lance's tongue barreled into my mouth, pushed mine aside and dove down the back of my throat. He had a long tongue. I had a deep throat. I sucked it happily while his mouth fed me his hot spit.

"Good boy, faggot! Now bend over and suck his dick. Pull your sweet little cheeks apart because I'm going to eat me some sweet punk pussy!'

Again we obliged. Lance's cock seemed especially happy about it all. It pulsed in my mouth in time to his heart beat. My guy looked down at me and moaned, "Oooooohhhhhh yyyeeeeaahhhh, Skip. I fucking love to watch you suck my cock into your pussy mouth. Suck me, baby, suck your daddy! You look so good with my dick in your pretty face."

Behind me Officer Friendly was scouring my arse ring with his chin stubble, then diving in to suck and nibble on the tender smooth flesh. My tight pucker slowly warmed and opened to him. He worked a finger in along with his tongue, then sat back on his heels and gave me an expert finger fuck. He grabbed my balls in his other hand and rolled them around like a couple of marbles before pulling them down in their sack. The nip of pain made my hole tighten.

"Oh no, you don't pussy hole! Open up for the nice officer. You can trust me, baby. I'm going to take really good care of you, little guy. Then I'm going to make your big friend there stick his dick in you and fuck you like a machine gun." He poked and circled that digit, finding every tender button in my butt.

`Now make sure you're getting your guy's dick wet and slick because I'm going to have him stick it up your hole in about a minute!" Officer Friendly pulled out his finger and squeezed my balls while he slapped my cheeks.

"Smacksmacksmacksmacksmack!!' My butt was hot and red. My knot was raw and pulsing.

"Now take that dick out of your mouth turn around and back yourself onto it, like a good little boy."

While I did as he said, he jerked his dick a couple of times and stuck the finger that was up my arse in my mouth. I sucked.

"Lance, work his tits. I want you to pinch and twist those tender pink little nubs. Give your boy a little pain. I want to see him dance on your dick, dude!"

It didn't take very long. Lance's hands knew where to go, what to do, and how to do it. They'd practiced an awful lot. I started grinding on his rod, twisting. Squeaking every now and then when he pinched my poor tender points really hard.

The big cop stood from his chair and widened his stance. He put his hands on his hips and said, "Suck my dick, punk. Suck out my fucking load!"

Lance let go of my nipples and pushed my shoulders forward. My head flew up, my mouth flew open and Officer Friendly's hard dick flew into my mouth. Lance hooked his fingers around the front of my hips and started a steady deep fuck that rhythmically shoved my mouth over the officer's dick.

Officer Friendly chuckled while I slurped on his cock. He tweaked his own nipples a couple of times, then reached across my back and latched on to Lance's. I could hear Lance suck in his breath in surprise, but his cock got even harder in my butt.

"Oh, I know you're a big fucking Alpha, Lance, but I figure your tits are tender, and just ripe for a guy like me to work over while you fuck pussy. Start packing your dick in this kid, I want to see you really bulldoze the little fucker. I want to see you sweat while you fuck!"

My guy was really good at sweating while he fucked. In about a minute he was snorting, grunting and dripping, his boy beater jamming again and again up into my helpless hole. It scratched where I itched, jabbed at my joy button and rasped on my ring, all at once. Lance's dog tags tinkled where they hung on his chest. Lance was one holistic fucker.

I rolled my eyes up and could just see myself reflected in the big cop's mirrored sunglasses. The twist in his lips was matched by the twitch in his dick as he began to fuck my face. The big guy was sweating too, his gut starting to blow in and's wasn't going to be very much longer...

"Fuck the fucking fucking fuck you pussy! Eat my load, faggot! Suck it the fuck out out of me! Feed on my spooge, baby!"

Lance must have been listening and seemed encouraged to compete. He slammed into me and held his place, his pussy pole lodged as deeply in my guts as he could get it.

"Fuck Skip! Take my goddamn cum in your guts, soak it up, baby! Take daddy's dick dump!!"

I obliged all around.

While the two big men caught their breath and cooled off, I could still feel their firm dicks in me. I grabbed my dick and started jerking. In no time I shot my stuff into my hand. I pulled back a little bit on Officer Friendly's cock, just keeping the big hard head in my lips while I buttered the top of his dick with my ball batter. I opened my lips and sucked my way up his dick, swooping in to claim my wad, sucking it down as I cleaned cop cock.

"WWWwwoooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Lance! Your little dude is worth a hard fuck anytime. If you didn't have him already, I'd cuff him in my closet and do `em three or four times a day. Speaking of which, my balls are up for the job again right now. You too?"

"Damn straight, Officer! Let's spin this pussy and change holes...what do you say?"

"I say, let me at that hot hole, dude...let me at that fucking pussy!"

The men reached down and turned me while I shuffled, still bent over. When the cop jammed his dick in me, my head flew up, my mouth flew open, and Lance's dick know exactly how it went after that, don't you?"

The Pricks Are on the Inside

After Lance and the big cop filled me again with their cum, we all tugged on our clothes and got ready to leave the break room hut.

The helpful officer was soon in his uniform and boots, the man had some white in his sideburns and chest hair now, but he could still throw a mean fuck as always. Lance was wearing his cammies. He was home on leave from boot camp where he had trained his recent batch of Marine grunts. The big guy knew how much his camouflage turned me on.

I looked into the scrap of mirror taped to the wall and quickly slipped the knot of my tie up so it nestled under my tailored white collar. I shrugged into my Zegna suit coat before thanking the nice officer and walking out with Lance.

Yep, the college still looked just as it did ten years ago. The studs at the Alpha-COK fraternity were certainly still just as hot too. I swallowed, remember the loads of fratboy cum I'd guzzled the night before. It certainly brought back memories.

As the cop road away, Lance clapped a big hand on my shoulder and looked down at me. "Skip, I left the Hummer in the driveway and jogged over here so I didn't have to park. Let's kick it in your Porsche if it's handy?"

"It's parked just around the corner Lance. If we're going to meet Clyde and Josh in time for a before-dinner foursome, we'd better get moving."

`Yeah! Give me the keys, Skip, I'll drive." Of course he would. He slipped into the driver's seat of the sleek silver car bomb. I thought of something as I walked around and opened the passenger door.

"Lance, do you know how you can tell the difference between Porsches and porcupines?"

"Errrrr...fuck no, Skip? How?"

"With porcupines,the pricks are on the outside. But...speaking of pricks, when we're both inside, how about your get yours out so I can suck it on the way home...huh? Okay, Lance?"

"Sure little dude. When you're needy, I've got what you need, Skip. Always have, always will. I've got a whole lot of what you need. And you need it a whole fucking lot, don't you baby?"

Of course he was right. I couldn't answer mouth was full.

Next: Chapter 14

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