Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Aug 29, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 9

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Kade Comes

"Josh, this is my buddy, Kade."

"Kade, this is my big brother, Josh!"

Colt was bubbly and bouncing around like a puppy with a new toy. He actually had lead in his friend holding him by the hand. Maybe Kade was a little shy. Did I say "shy"? The kid was already beet red. He came in wearing flip flops, nylon running shorts that were way short, a tank top and a red baseball hat with the bill in back. Brown bangs feathered his forehead, just above the tortoise shell glasses. Behind the glass, Kade's eyes were big and round: Josh knew the look. He'd seen it on his own face so many times, watching in the mirror as men did wonderful and nasty things to him...or made him do wonderful and nasty things to them.

Kade was pure, pint-sized preppy twink. As soon as he saw Josh stare back at him, he dropped his gaze to the floor. Impossibly, he turned even reader. You could just tell that he always called his preacher daddy "Sir."

In the video you could see Josh's own eyes narrow, like an eagle spotting a rabbit...a soft, defenseless fuzzy little bunny. Kade actually shivered with nervousness. His tank was pitting out and his hands in front of his crotch were tense.

Josh cleared his throat. When he spoke, his voice was really low and husky.

`Hey Colt. Thanks for bringing this guy in. I'll take a look at him and see if there's anything to work with. We'll be letting you know. Coach Axel said he wants to run you and Ethan through your paces, so get your butt to the gym!"

"Sure Josh! Uh...see ya around Kade. Don't worry, Josh will take good care of you, I know!" Colt scurried out and quietly shut the door. Kade's eyes followed Colt out of the room, then again stared at the floor.

The room was silent.

It stayed silent.

You could see the pulse beating in Kade's neck. The twink had skin like vanilla ice cream.

A whole fucking minute went by. Eventually Kade got nervous enough to look up at Josh.

Josh's face was 100% predator. He locked eyes with the little dude and crooked a finger.

Eyes locked on Josh, Kade caught his breath in a little gasp. Then he slowly walked forward, silently.

The corner of Josh's mouth twitched up in a smirk.

Kade stopped a couple of feet from Josh. Josh crooked his finger again. Kade took two more small steps, now about a foot away. Josh narrowed his eyes, crooked his finger one more time. When Kade was close enough to feel Josh's breath on his face, Josh raised a palm and Kade stopped. Josh slowly walked around him and stopped behind his back, his hot breath now on the back of Kade's neck.

Kade whimpered once. Behind him, Josh's smirk broadened into a knowing grin.

Josh gently touched the tops of Kade's shoulders, then grasped the young man's deltoids, squeezing them and feeling their tone. Kade shivered. Josh worked his way down both arms, then went up to the sides of Kade's neck. Both hands slipped over the front to rest on firm young pecs. Josh massaged them for a bit, then found the nipples with his fingers, circling them gently as they perked up to firm points. He tweaked them, pulled on them a bit, then twisted them slightly.

Kade whimpered again. Behind him, Josh chuckled, nodded, and silently mouthed, "Oh yes!"

Out loud, Josh said, "Don't. You. Fucking. Move." Again with the whimper.

The big hands slowly slid down over the twink's ribs and began kneading the tight, flat abs, at the same time pulling Kade back and off balance so he had t o lean against Josh's big chest. One hand kept kneading while the other skimmed lower -- very, very slowly -- until the fingertips touched the elastic waist band. A two second pause for emphasis. Josh softly blew into Kade' ear, then the hand slid smoothly inside the shorts and on down to hold Kade's junk.

"Oh! OOooooooooooooohhhhhhh..." Kade was now completely pitted out. In the chill of the office, his glasses were actually steaming up. He swallowed over and over as Josh worked his dick and balls. Josh brought his other hand up to Kade's face and touched the full young lips with the tip of his middle finger. The lips parted, the jaw relaxed and Josh's finger was sucked into the warm, wet mouth. Josh smiled to himself as Kade's jaw began working , nursing on the stud's thumb.

"You're a fucking natural, aren't you, Kade? Let's fucking see about this now..."

Josh pulled his wet finger out of Kade's mouth, ran it down the back of the running shorts and on down into the moist cleft between the twinks pert cheeks. He quickly found the tight warm button and tapped it a couple of times. It twitched and shrank in on itself. He ran the fingertip around the rim, slowly circling into the center, adding more pressure as he went. He stroked the sides of Kade's trench with his other fingers, picking up dusky, musky scent. He moved his lips next to a reddened ear.

"Let me in, little dude. You know you fucking need it. You know you need my finger in your hole, don't you, little dude? Apparently Kade did, but his hole was still hesitant, so Josh squeezed Kade's helpless balls. The kid squeaked and jumped and Josh's finger glided right on in and settled down for a long visit.

"You feel that finger in your butthole, little dude? Feel that finger rooting around in there? Now we're going to find your boy button, baby. And when I find that thing, I'm going to work it `til you go to heaven, little dude. You're going to so fucking love what I do to your body, baby, and I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want to...UNDERSTAND?"

"OOuunnnnnnccchh...ah...yeah...please sir...please...OH!!"

Josh chuckled at the "sir" as he found the kid's butt buzzer and began working it skillfully, His other hand held Kade's dick in a loose fist. Josh tongued Kade's ear, nibbled on the earlobe, then began gently chewing his way down the side of the twink's neck, all the while working that virgin pussy button. The kid was practically hyper ventilating now.

"Oh you so like it when daddy works your body with his man hands, don't you Kade? You fucking need me to take charge of your punk junk and pussy and make you feel things you've never felt before, don't you baby? Daddy's going to fuck you over good baby, and you're going to fucking beg for more!"

"AAAAAAHWWWWwwwwwwww...." Kade tensed all over as a wet spot blossomed on the front of his shorts. Josh's hand worked the young meat for a bit, casually milking out hot boy splooge. He held the young guy tighter, pulled the finger out of his butt and brought it up again to the lush lips. They opened and the finger went in.

Kade sucked quietly as Josh chuckled in his ear. Josh brushed Kade's nostrils with his other fingers.

"Smell that baby? That's your fucking pussy telling daddy that it needs daddy's big dick! Have you ever had a man's dick up your hole, Kade?"


"No, what, Kade?'


"Oh baby! This is one fucking special day for you, and you are so going to love it! You're always going to remember when you got pussied out by daddy Josh's big dick...always remember what it's going to feel like when I harpoon your rump and fuck you. My dick's going to make you scream, and then scream for more. You're going to fucking love it, Kade."

Kade was shivering again. Josh pulled the finger out his mouth and grabbed the Kade's jaw, bringing the cum coated hand to Kade's face. Again the lips parted. Out peeked a little pink tongue tip and Kade began licking his own cum off Josh's rough hand, slurping the palm and getting between each finger.

"You so fucking need it, don't you Kade? You so fucking need to be worked and made to cum, don't you? You're a bad boy, Kade. You need a man to make you feel good, to take charge of you and show you what your body can do. I'm going to show you some more right now, little guy! You've been such a bad boy. You fucking come into my office, asking for a favor, then you got me touch you in all the wrong places, didn't you? little perv... you actually fucking came in your shorts, didn't you? You fucking came in your shorts, right here in my office in front of someone you don't even fucking know! Yep! And then you even fucking ate your own splooge out of my hand, right in front of me! You're fucking nasty, Kade! You know, bad little boys need to get punished for cumming in their shorts and then eating it, don't they? Pull off those stinking clothes and throw them in the corner, then come back here, you bad.

Josh swiped his forearm across the desk top sweeping everything to the floor before Kade returned. He sat on the edge of the desk, unbuttoned his suit coat, leaned back a little and unzipped his pants. He reached in and pulled out his dick. Little Kade stared, his smaller dick still red and hard, p bobbing with his heart beat.

Josh's dick was well worth staring at. Josh reached in again and lifted out his balls. Kade's eyes widened. Kade look up at Josh's face. Josh grinned and pointed to the floor in front of him. Kade sank to his knees, his eyes leaving Josh's and homing in on my buddy's mass of meat. He put his hands on the front of Josh's thick, cut thighs. His lips parted, his jaw dropped. Kade's eyes closed, his nostrils flared.

"Kiss it, Kade."

"Fucking kiss my dick That's it, Kade. Keep kissing my dick cause it's going to fuck your little pussy. It's going to make your little pussy feel really, really good. It's going to fuck you til you fucking beg."

Kade concentrated fully --landing tiny little kisses on the piss slit, then methodically covering the knob.

While the twink worshiped his meat, Josh looked down, laughing deep in his throat. He loosened his tie and tossed it to the floor with his shirt.

Kade leaned in to engulf Josh's knob with his lips, capturing the whole head.

"I didn't say you could suck it yet! I said `kiss it,' boy! Now do what daddy says!"

Kade slipped off the knob and went back to soft kissing on the big pulsing boy batterer.

Josh's eyes rolled up and he growled way deep down in his chest. My best bud looked really contented -- a cute little preppy twink, already dedicated to his dick.

The stud reached down and grabbed Kade by the sides of his head, pulling him up until he was almost standing, then attached the kid's mouth to a nipple.

"Suck, Kade."

The twink nursed on Josh's quarter sized nub like a newborn calf on its mom. Kade made little mewling sounds of contentment. Josh pulled the frat boy of his nip and brought the kid's mouth back to his cock.

Kade gobbled most of Josh's power tool into his mouth and began sucking in earnest. Kade moved his hands up over Josh's amazing chest, feeling the pectoral slabs, then the softball like deltoids, finally running his hands down Josh's arms and over the hands holding his head. The kid was magic. His huge need and his burning uncertainty were turning Josh's cock into a solid piece of thick rebar. He made the cutest slurping sounds too. Kade moved his fingers to Josh's balls, cradling and stroking them, rolling them with his finger tips like he was holding the finest diamonds.

Josh's eyes rolled up again and his knees gave away for a second. Kade was already that good on a dick.

"FFUUUUUUCCCKKKK !!! Little dude!" Josh held Kade by the jaw and the top of his head.

"Suck me, Kade. Get the cock, pussy. Suck the fucking cock. Fucking eat me!"

Kade lunged and actually swallowed the whole damn thing. Maybe he'd been practicing with cucumbers and zucchini the way I used to in high school. Anyhow, the little dude was a fiend for dick, apparently. After several minutes of obscene slurping, Josh opened his eyes and looked down at Kade. The twink looked up through his glasses at Josh...his big brown eyes looking tentative but very, very needy.

"Kade! Little dude! You're not in my office for more than twenty minutes, and you've got a man's dick in your mouth! You're sucking a guy's cock, little dude. You've got my meat stuck deep in your mouth and you're sucking like a baby. Fuck! What a fucking nasty, bad boy you are! If you need to suck my cock then you know I'm going to have to punish you, don't you, little dude?

Whatever Kade was trying to say in answer was garbled by Josh's gently fucking the kid's face. But it looked like he was trying to nod with Josh's meat stuck in his throat.

Josh lazily rocked in and out as he kicked out of his shoes and worked his socks off with his feet, never pulling his dick out of Kade's face. Still fucking away, Josh shimmied his pants down to his ankles, and shucked out of his jock. God but did Josh look like prime stud meat! He actually took a moment to lift his arms and pull a double biceps pose, making his trademark, square mouthed sex face -- his dick hardening even more in the sloppy, sucking maw. My mouth started watering as I remembered the feeling of that amazing dick in my own throat, and the feel of Josh's body under my palms.

Josh grabbed Kade by the neck and pulled him up to standing. He reached to the side and snagged an armless chair. He pivoted and sat, bringing Kade along and turning him face down over his knees. Josh's cock pressed into Kade's side and the young man's own meat was trapped between Josh's thighs.

"You've been so very bad Kade! What would your daddy say if he saw you eating a man's dripping dick right here in my office?" Josh slowly rubbed Kade's round white cheeks with his calloused palm, polishing first one, then the other. He gave one cheek a little pinch. Kade yelped.

"Is your sweet boy-butt a bit tender, little guy? Feel my hand on your smooth silky skin, Kade? Too bad daddy has to spank you spank you, baby. Too bad your cheeks are going to be glowing in about two minutes!"

"Whack! Whack!" Look at that fucking hand print on your butt, Kade! I wish you could see it!" Josh went back to rubbing, then..."Oh baby!!"

"Whack, whack, whack, whack, whack, whack..." for a full minute my best bro smacked rump. Kade was shocked, mewling and crying a little, but one of the low room cameras clearly showed that his dick was hard as a chisel and oozing a drop of precum.

Kade sobbed quietly while Josh again rubbed and scoured those cheeks.

"Poooooor Kade! Did that hurt, baby? Is your butt hot and hurting, little dude? Fuck! Why do you have to be such a fucking bad boy, little dude? You just need man dick in you, don't you baby? Too bad that daddy has to spank his little bad boy! But, you know, Kade...when I put my fingers in your this... it's like I'm petting a furnace. What's it going to be like when I stick my finger..."

Josh ran his finger tip right into the little guy's butthole, "right on in that hole?"

"Yaaaa oooOOOOHHHHH!!" That was Kade.

Josh hunched over and used one hand to pry open those red cheeks, then licked the first two fingers of his other hand and spanked Kade dead center on his butt knot...again and again.

"Yeee ahhh ahhhh ahhh AAAHHHH..." Kade again.

"Yell for me, Kade. Makes me fucking hot, little dude. Fuck! But your hot hole is so fucking little and so fucking tight - it hardly looks like you could stick a toothpick in it. Too bad you've been such a bad boy that I have to ram my great big dick into that little thing. Too bad I'm going to have to screw my dick in there, open that thing up, and fuck it, over and over.

You've been really bad, Kade. You've just been been thinking really bad thoughts, little dude. You've been on your knees sucking a man's cock...and you fucking loved it. You've been touching and feeling a man's balls, a man's body. Listen to you moan while I work over your frat boy body. You're a really bad little boy, Kade, and you know that bad little boys need to get fucked until they've learned their lesson, don't you, Kade!

Josh pushed Kade off his knees onto the floor. Kade looked up, again a bit surprised, I think. Josh snapped his fingers and pointed to Kade's mouth.

"Open!" Kade opened. Josh stuck in his finger.

"Suck!" Kade sucked. Josh put his thumb under Kade's jaw and pulled him close enough to smell his dripping dick. He pried the little guy's jaw open and said,


Man! It was amazing! Kade was on that meat like a weasel on a rat. He was sucking and gobbling, moaning deep in his throat. The kid put his hands flat on either side of Josh's dick and dove down on the thing...working it deep in his throat, gagging, coughing, backing off a bit, then diving down again. He ran his hands up and over Josh's magnificent chest again, feeling the man's pecs, squeezing his waist, reaching up to hold the guy's chunky biceps. That ked NEEDED Josh's body in a big way, and Josh was being really generous.

Josh clamped his hands on each side of Kade's head and pulled him off his cock. Kade's eyes were still squinched shut and his mouth still worked, like a goldfish out of he was sucking some invisible dick or something.

"Turn around and put your chest on the desk, spread your legs wide and hold on, Kade!"

Sniffling a bit, Kade got into position, his chest resting on the desk blotter. Josh got down on his knees behind him, pulled the cheeks apart and fell in face first. As I say again, Josh is a world class arse eater. I've seen him make a guy cum just from how he worked butt with his face.

Already Kade was grabbing the edge of the desk, mewing and squeaking. He wriggled his butt as Josh slobbered and slurped. It was amazing to watch. The drop on the end of Kade's dick elongated and stretched toward the floor. The kid's balls raised and lowered rhythmically in their soft pouch, bobbing in time to the rhythm of his pussy. Josh ate hole like a mad man. No body, but nooooobody can eat hole like Josh.

Josh jumped to his feet, spit twice in his palm and wiped it on his dick head. Legs wide apart, he walked right up behind Kade and touched the kid's freaked rosebud with the end of his dick.

"Kade, reach back and hold your cheeks open. That's it, baby. This is going to fucking hurt, little guy, but it's going to fucking happen. I'm going to fuck you, now, little dude. Don't you fucking move! I'm going to spike you in your butt hole, then hammer that hole to putty. It's going to fucking hurt.

But after a bit, your butt's going to start feeling better than anything you've ever felt in your life. That's when I turn your butt into a pussy. My dick is going to make your bad little boy butt into a happy little pussy, baby, and you are going to fucking love it. You are going to fucking beg me to fuck your pussy...again and again. Here it comes, Kade. Here comes my big fucking dick!!"

"Slam!!!" Josh harpooning.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA" Kade screaming.

"Ummp ummp ummp ummp ummp..." Josh fucking. "Ummp ummp ummp ummp ummp..."

Kade's screaming slowly quieted, his body slowly began to relax a bit. Josh fucked him like a bull on steroids. I knew from experience that once Josh found a guy's prostrate, he would hammer the thing into submission and make a guy's toes curl every time he stabbed him with his iron pole. Sure enough, Kade's feet began scrabbling around on the thick office carpet. Josh was slamming his sweet spot.

"Ummp ummp ummp ummp ummp..." Josh fucked on. "Ummp ummp ummp ummp ummp..."

"ahhhhh...aaahh...ooohhhh...ooooohHHHH...OOOHHHHHH..." Yep! Little dude's pussy was waking up. Josh was opening that pussy and opening Kade to a whole new world of man dick.

"Oooohhhh!!!...ohhhh fuck me...Josh...fuu uu uck cck kk me, Josh...FFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK MEEEE!!"

The change was amazing. Josh was making that hole hungry as hell while getting ready to feed it what it was craving. Both men were sweating now, Kade's glasses sliding slowly down his nose every time Josh jabbed him in the pussy until they fell on the desk top. Kade was writhing on the desk, arching up to give Josh more resistence.

Josh fucking loved it too.

"I'll fuck your brains out, fag boy! I'll dick you `til you can't walk for fuck. You're hole's hotter than hell, little dude. You're baking my meat with your pussy, Kade. Your pussy is grabbing my dickt, baby. Feel that, baby/ You want daddy to feed your pussy, don't you, Kade?

"YES! Feed my pussy, Josh... fuck me... feed me...feed my pussy...pllleaaaaAAASSSEEE!! DADDY!!!!"

God, but did that kid know how get Josh off, or what?

Josh slapped Kade's cheeks while he stabbed his dick into that twink hole again and again.

"Squeeze it, Kade! Squeeze your little pussy for me, baby. Squeeze daddy's dick, squeeze daddy's big fucking dick, son!

Kane arched back farther - unable to take much more. He braced himself on the desk and grabbed his dick, jerking like a fiend. He grabbed lungfuls of air. His fist blurred.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...AAAAAAAAAAA...AAAAAAAAAA..." Kade shot off across the desk. He threw splooge across his glasses and over the blotter. Some even landed on the chair beyond the desk. He jerked and shook, gasping as his spasming pussy clamped and held onto Josh's dick.

Josh grabbed Kade by the throat with one hand and around the waist with his other arm. He arched back, gulped a chestful of air and bellowed while he geysered his fuck slop way up, deep into Kade's guts.


The two stood there, leaning against the desk, gasping for air, cooling down. Josh reached down and squeezed Kade's gooey dick in his fist, picking up some of the baby batter that had run down it, then feeding it to twink. It was a full minute before he pulled his dick out of Kade, took him by the shoulders and turned him to see his face. First he licked the salty tears the leaked from the corners of the kid's eyes. Then he pried Kade's mouth open and stuck the tongue of Hercules down his throat, pushing the little guy's pink muscle aside, then filling his mouth as fully as he'd filled his pussy, working up warm spit and letting Kade nurse on it.

After a few minutes, Josh pulled his head back.

"Look at me...pussy!"

Kade's eyes opened in surprise. He stared into Josh's eye's... frozen, uncertain again.

"Get your knees on the floor and eat my dick, pussy. You've been so fucking bad that in about fifteen minutes, daddy's going to have to fuck you again"

And that's what happened. Kade ate dick for fifteen minutes, and Josh fucked him again.

Next: Chapter 10

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