Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Aug 22, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 8

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It's His Fucking Birthday

It was Ethan's birthday. We'd asked him what he wanted for his special day and he said,"Sex!" So, that's what we got for him, a whole fucking lot of sex.

His birthday started bright and early when Coach Axel walked into my bedroom (yeah! I said he could) grabbed Ethan by an ankle that was sticking out of the sheets and dragged him out of bed. He yelled in surprise and my dick fell out of his mouth. Coach dragged him across the floor a little way, grabbed his other ankle and flipped him onto his stomach right there in the middle of the carpet.

"Mmm...uhhhh..mmhuuu..." The kid was still waking up.

"OOOOOOOOOOwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Coach pulled Ethan's legs as far apart as they would go, grabbed a round butt cheek in each hand and dove face first into the little stud's horn hole. Coach actually growled. The growling was interrupted by slurping and humming.

I flipped into my stomach and watched from up on the bed. Ethan was arching up off the floor and his pretty eyes were rolling up in his head as his attention shifted to the glorious feeding going on at his other end.

"Grrrm." Axel cleared his throat and wiped his mouth. "Brace yourself faggot. Coach is going in your pussy and he's not coming out until he's left his man wad way deep in your body!"

Looking down and across Ethan's back, I could see Coach's amazingly big and angry looking dick aimed at the little guy's tight and tiny hole. Axel used his knees to force Ethan's legs farther apart and scooted up until his cock head rested on the little pink winker. The guy looked huge, hulking over the little dude, like a baseball bat ready to go down an ant hill or something. My own dick pulsed against the mattress in sympathy.

"Here it comes, pussy!!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..." Ethan got the well as all the rest of Axel's pussy probe immediately after.

Supporting himself on his elbows, Coach started jamming his plunger into Ethan's pipe like a pile driver. Not too slow, not too fast. Just steadily and relentlessly.

Before I knew it I was off the bed, sitting on my heels with my cock back in Ethan's sucking mouth. Coach looked across and me and smirked, "God, but isn't it great to have our dicks in this fag boy's body, Skip? I swear I could fuck him all day and then do it again all night."

"Don't hold back on my account, big guy! We're just getting started. I've got the whole day planned for this piece of boypussy. He's going to be so fucking used that he won't be able to walk for a couple of days, sit for a week, or open his mouth without dripping cum. We're going to make him so fucking many memories!"

Coach laughed, grunted some more and plowed on, hammering Ethan's sex sleeve for all he was worth. Ethan's whimpers soon turned into moans as he slobbered and slurped on my dick. Coach was sweating and starting to get red all over with effort, my balls were pulling up in their bag, ever eager to give up their splooge for an Ethan happy meal.

You know what happened next, don't you?

"FFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKCKCKKKK!" Coach fired his rocket deep in the kid's body.

"YYYEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!" My valves opened and flooded Ethan's sucking mouth.

"Whooh...whooh..whooh..." Axel and I caught our breath, grinning at each other like we'd won the lottery or something. Well, in a way, I guess we had. Musn't take our twinks for granted, right?

I pulled out of Ethan's mouth. Coach fell completely on top of the kid, dick still sheathed to the max in the little dude's rear end. He reached under with both hands, grabbed the little guy around the waist and rolled over, finishing on his back with Ethan staring at the ceiling, trapped in a bear hug. Coach brought his legs together and kicked up between Ethan's, then spread them apart, trapping the intern's legs wide and to the side. Coach grabbed Eth's wrists and did the same thing with his arms. I scooted around and sat between their legs, looking at Ethan's surprised face and desperate young cock that pulsed as it pointed to the sky.

Ethan's expression was quizzical. Mine was predatory. I bent down, opened my mouth and grabbed the flange of his cock knob with my lips. I delicately tickled right under the piss slit. His cock got even harder. I could feel a slow gentle rise and fall -- Coach was rocking his hips, sawing his still hard dick right against Ethan's joy button.

I got the tip really wet and wiped my tongue all around the knob, grabbed Ethan's balls with my finger tips and massaged them gently.

"Uuuuuuuuuuu..." I couldn't believe how hard the kid's dick was. His knob felt like a hot glass ball. I sucked it a while, worked under the piss slit again, then backed off and just kissed the tip. Little, dry pouchy kisses. Relentless kisses. Axel kept up the rocking fucking, I kept up the kisses. We both could feel the twink wind himself up, muscles getting tighter and tighter like he was stretching himself on the rack or something. Nowhere to go, nothing to do except hang there and take it -- arse fucked, knob kissed. It was shear poetry. Porn poetry, but definitely poetry.


Ethan shuddered like he'd stuck a fork in a light socket. His toes curled, his arms and legs strained against Coach Axel's grip...and he unloaded the hottest sweetest load of twink butter I'd tasted so far that day. I rolled his balls in my hands as I lunged all the way down on his dick, resting there while I worked it with my throat muscles, milking out all the good goo I could get. I got a lot.

Ethan lay practically lifeless, still stretched by the coach, whose mighty meat still rocked away in the twink's twat. I could hear some very soft whimpers of contentment, though.

"Coach! Get him on his knees and put his chest up on the bed. You'd better throw him another fuck. It's his birthday, right? I'll get under and lick your balls while you do. If the kid gets hard again, I'll drain him again. What do you say?"

Axel guffawed while he manhandled Ethan into position and I lay on my back, arching up to lick and chew on the big man's hen's eggs.

"I say FUCK YEAH! Skip...FUCK YEAH!" Axel apparently agreed.

I couldn't wait until we got to the birthday spanking and the cake, let alone the gift giving.

One for Each Year

Ethan was tied down. Couldn't move much.

He was on something kind of like a saw horse, but with a padded platform on top. Ethan was strapped to it, abs-down, a soft bolster under his shoulders and hips, his back in a scooped out arch. This made his perfect little butt jut up as if asking for attention. It was going to get plenty. There was already a line of horny, well muscled men working their rock hard prongs and waiting impatiently to do just that thing.

Eth's head was strapped to a padded ring hinged to the platform. Right now it was tilted up and locked into position, forcing Ethan eyes to the ceiling. His mouth naturally hung open. Well, I guess it doesn't take much for that to happen, doesit?

The twink's knees and elbows were strapped down to pads as well. On top of that there were padded blocks in front of his shoulders to brace him for any impact that might hit him from behind. Why do you think? Multiple impacts were getting closer as the line of horny fuckers started to get a bit rowdy.

Oh yeah...there was a hole cut out of the platform that just barely allowed Ethan's dick and balls to be pulled through. When they swelled in anticipation, his junk was automatically trapped in the hole.

Colt was set to go first, his pretty meat stick rubbed against Ethan's lips, smearing clear pre-cum on the soft pink flesh. Before sticking the thing in Ethan's mouth, he picked it up and leaned forward rubbing his pert little balls against Eth's nose. The twink's nostrils flared automatically, widening to breath in "essence of frat crotch." Ethan's sweet little mouth opened further and his wet pink tongue reached out, licking Colt's balls. Colt let his friend suck both rocks into his mouth and work them a bit. A rumbling chorus of moans came from the men waiting and watching. Then Colt pulled his hips back a little, took careful aim and sank his dick all the way through Ethan's mouth and into the back of his throat. Ethan nursed like a hungry babe.

"I so fucking love to watch this fag boy work a tube of meat!" Axel shared as he stepped up behind Ethan, wet a middle finger and worked it into the kid's pulsing pussy hole. Coach sawed his digit in and out for several seconds. Though Ethan could barely move, we could still see his hole working hard on that finger while his butt cheeks tensed and cramped. That was one fucking hungry hole, dude!

I stepped up beside Ethan and ran my palm over his back, the way you'd calm a nervous horse. I could reach around and under, just managing to get to Ethan's nipples and work those little mother fuckers a bit too. Ethan gulped and turned up the suction on Colt's pulsing pole. I knelt behind Colt, wet a finger and stuck it up his butt, finger fucking him in time with his sticking his dick into Ethan's mouth. With my free hand, I massaged the Colt's cute little balls. It didn't take more than a minute and Ethan was feeding on his best friend's cum.

Next I reached under and found Ethan's balls. Axel kept finger fucking the strapped twink while I rolled those sweaty tender nuts around in my fingers. I pulled them a bit and squeezed until Ethan yelped around the softening meat in his mouth. Then I grabbed his aching cock in one hand and reached behind me to grab the ping pong paddle that lay on the floor. I didn't jerk the kid's meat, just cradled it in a loose fist.

I leaned in and growled in Ethan's ear, "You need a whole fucking lot of dick, Ethan, and now you're going to get more than you can take. Your holes are going to be happier than they've ever been. But first, you're going to get your cheeks scorched so all the men in line will feel your butt blaze against their abs when they screw their dicks into your hungry pussy!

"After you get nineteen of the best, Coach is going to fuck you `til you piss your cum like pony!!"

"!...whack...two!...whack...three!..." Every time I scored a smack on Ethan's slowly reddening rump his hard dick jerked in my hand. It was amazing how hard it made the kid.

" ...nine..." Ethan started singing his own sweet birthday song, encouraged by Coach's prodding finger stroking his prostate.

"Clyde, the poor little guy needs hard dick in his mouth. Stick yours in, will ya? Help the kid out. Oh, and work his nips while you're at it, big guy! Clyde pulled Colt out of Ethan's mouth and stuck the end of his huge dick in, in its place.


"Okay coach! Fuck that pussy!"

Before I got out the "sy" in "pussy" Axel had his whole long dick all the way up Ethan's cock choker and was doing his signature post digger fuck -- slow and relentless ramming that shook Colt's entire body, making the whipping bench scoot a couple of inches each time. Clyde rose to the occassion, matching coach's timing and slamming his meat slab into Ethan's mouth at the same time as coach's deep jabs. The bench stopped moving but it shuddered along with Ethan's young body. Sooooo glad we were getting video of it all from several angles. (Later when I edited the recordings, I was amazed at the aerial view. Each time the two bulls harpooned Ethan's holes the kid's body quivered and tensed. I remembered it did amazing things to his dick. That prime piece of twink wiener would turn to rock and pulse in my fist, tortured from Ethan's tender joy button being battered over and over. It was fucking amazing.)

I reached around coach's bulging thigh and found his bag of balls where they smacked against Ethan's smaller pink ones. I squeezed them a little and then started working them in rhythm to the two big men's slams. It was like having my own personal sex machine to play with, and I sure as hell was going to do just that.

Clyde and Axel were dripping with sweat. Each held his hands in the small of his back, their chests standing high and proud. They glared into each other's eyes. Their pupils were dilating, they were starting to drip sweat down their faces, their chests and pits. They were lost in some fucking universe of fucking.

Despite the massive pole in Ethan's throat, the little guy was starting to moan. He was so hot you could practically see him steam. Clyde and Axel slowly picked up speed like a pair of locomotives trying to leave the station but straining in opposite directions. Ever in synch, they began sawing in and out of Ethan's helpless holes, gulping huge lungfuls of air. Amazingly, Ethan's moans got deeper and deeper as the three men neared their collective climax. The kid sounded like a horny cow with a mute in its mouth. More great music!


The big guys started firing into Ethan's innards.

Ethan's dick turned to diamond in my hand, I slipped under him and had the tip in my mouth before he fired his first blast. As the three men gave up their ball batter, I sucked Ethan for every scalding drop I could get.

Clyde and Axel fell into each other across Ethan's back, holding themselves up like long lost brothers - gasping -- each with his head on the other's shoulder, rolling with sweat and satisfaction. I sucked on, nursing Ethan's overly tender shaft and knob `til he squealed around Axel's cock. I gave it a couple of gentle (mostly) chews, kissed the knob, spit it out and yelled, "Freeze!"

Axel and Clyde stilled.

"Clyde! You first, pull out slowly, big dude." I slipped around and swallowed the big guy's meat as it slipped from Ethan's pussy, coaxing a couple of drops from it, then licked the sweat off his balls for a few seconds.

"Now you, Coach!"

By the time Coach slowly dragged his pussy pole out of Ethan's arse, I was there to give it its share of loving attention. A creamy coating of cum on the outside and a few tardy thick drops on the inside. Soon they were all in my stomach. I licked his low hangers a few times, then turned and worked my face into Ethan's gaping hole, managing to eat out quite a mouthful of coach's hot, runny splooge. God, but it was great. I swallowed some and spit the rest of it on my dick and jerked it dreamily while coach sighed and slowly sank his dick into Ethan's pussy one more time. I licked his balls some more, then used them to slowly pull the big man out of that still horny hole. Then I stood and took my turn at harpooning the birthday boy.

"Graham! Take over from Clyde, will you? Josh, how about you fuck the birthday boy next? We're about ready to drop numbers two and three of Colt's nineteen loads. Can't fucking wait to hear what he sounds like after the last one.

With so many men waiting to deliver their gifts, Ethan couldn't help but have a memorable birthday.

Unfortunately, with all the cock sucking that went with getting his arse fucked, Ethan did wind up being a little horse.

Colt Gets His Little Pussy Worked

Josh asked me to help a bit with his half brother's training. I'd never turn my best buddy down, especially for a request like that. We'd always made a great team. Together we'd worked enough ball batter out of enough men that we could have fed a village of starving fags for years. Of course we each had our specialties, as you might have noticed. Josh could eat the tightest arse until it blossomed into a most happy hole while I could pretty much suck a load out of anything that wasn't completely dead. To date, I'd decided not pushed that boundary.

Right now, though, Josh was under little Colt like a grease jockey under an Austin Martin. My best bud was eating on the little guy's sausage...slurping and sucking in a way that made me proud to know him. Colt stood on his hands and knees moaning quietly.

I had one wet middle finger hooked right inside his rosebud massaging his fuck button. We'd warmed him up by having Josh hold the tip of the twink's dick between his lips while I relentlessly worked that prostate. The little dude squealed and shook while his angry hard on squirted in Josh's mouth. After swallowing that yummy load, Josh was kissing and sucking Colt's dick head.

"Please! I can't ...I can't...oh my god...please..."

`Yeah, I know Colt. You can't fucking wait to give up another sweet load, can you baby? It's so going to happen, and it's fucking going happen just the way we want it to, not you. Your pussy and dick are the major part of your work around here. Good interns get the good jobs, but the first order of business is keeping the boss happy. Here's one of Josh's dirty jock straps..." I wadded the thing and held it in front of Colt's cute little nose. "Take a whiff, little dude!"

Still shuddering from my finger work and Josh's tongue torture, Colt closed his eyes, breathed deeply and relaxed with a sigh. The little guy had certainly bonded hard with his big bro.

"Now chew it, Colt!" He did, relaxing like a calf with its first mouth of grass. With Josh's strap in his mouth, his pussy and dick in play, the kid was coasting through heaven now.

"Stay on my finger, Colt. Make fucking sure you stay on my finger!"

"Hhmmmeermmphhh." I assumed that was "yes, sir."

I did a general digging around with my digit, then went back to stroking his button. I picked up the ping pong paddle from the floor, near his knee and smacked him on one perfectly round white cheek.

"Wack!" Urrrmmphh!!"

Then the other cheek. God but this was fun!

"Wack!" Urrrmmphh!!"

I laid the paddle on the small of his back and rubbed his cheeks with my hand, pinching them a little, then sharply smacking each one with my palm. That bubble butt started to glow. I rubbed it some more, picked up the paddle and...

"Wack, wack, wack, wack WAAACCHHHHH!!!"

Colt's mouth opened in shock and he dropped the jockstrap.

"Oh my god, oh my god, it so fucking..."

"...intense, I know. It feels good doesn't it Colt? I know, I know. You're fucking arse is mine right now, inside and out and I am so fucking going to work it, little guy."

I heated up that rump carefully, spreading the strokes so that all the soft white baby soft skin glowed a nice, warm pink. You could put your own cheek near his rump and feel the heat radiating off the thing. His trench was now moist with sweat and hot as a stove. His tight little pussy fist squeezed my finger in worry, knowing there was more to come.

"Josh! Get his balls, dude, chew on those bad little boys for me."

Colt gasped as my best bud spit out his dick and got his teeth and lips around his darling danglers.

"Hold him still Josh!"

In answer, Josh growled and shook his head a little, causing Colt to squeal again and his pussy clamp down hard on my finger, and he stood steady."

"Wap, wap, whapwhapwhapwhap..." I paddled the hell out of Colt's butt while calmly plucking his joy button some more.

"NNNNOooooooOOO!!!! Don't! Please don't, you're going to make me...please don't...stop!!!"

"Of course, Colt! I won't stop until we've shot cum up your pussy and down your throat. We won't stop until we've made you cum like a calf pissing beer! It's a good thing you like to suck dick on your knees because you won't be sitting on these round bubble butt for a couple of days at least!"

I kept plucking while I rubbed his red hot butt, cooing just a bit as Colt settled down again, kind of fake - sobbing quietly, his balls still caught in Josh's mouth.

"Josh! Spit out the eggs and get up here, dude! I need you to fuck his hot hole while I drain this little fucker!"

I used my calloused hand to scour Colt's butt some more while Josh got around and into position. I leaned down and sucked my bud's dick for half a minute, making it as wet and slime coated as I could, then ducked under Colt. I lay on my back, pulled a pillow under my head and swallowed his dick. It was diamond hard again and leaking like a broken tap. Colt put out some of the sweetest pre cum I've ever eaten, and that was saying a lot.

When Josh leaned in and harpooned Colt, I could feel the weight shift and Colt's mini spear opened the back of my throat. I swallowed around it, massaging the knob with my throat while I worked my lips around the base of his dick.

Then Josh started plowing the punk.

He set up a steady fuck at about a walking tempo, methodically bashing the little dude's buzzer, punching out a series of twenty fucks. Then he'd hand slap each side of Colt's butt while he fucked him another ten strokes. Twenty without, twenty with slaps. Josh was in machine mode. When he wanted to, I seen him carry on like this for a full half hour without cumming. He was on a shorted fuse today though, probably because he really likes to chew balls. Makes him horny.

I pulled back a little so I only had the tip of Colt's dick in my mouth and started some really serious sucking. The little guy's meat was going to be one big cylindrical hickey.

"AAA!!! No!! OOOhhh!!! Please!!!...Don't...I can't...Nooo!!! YEES...PLEASE!!! I've got to cum soooo...'

He went on like that for awhile. Hard to tell if he was truly hurting, a little pissed off, confused or horny as fuck. I'm thinking the latter, but it didn't matter. Josh and I were bringing him to one of the most intense cums the little dude would ever have.

I sensed Josh was getting near the finish line so I reached up and held Colt's balls in one hand and Josh's slamming low hangers with my other.

Josh started rabbit fucking that pussy while he padded the fucking hell out of that boy butt. Not hard, just a steady rain of intensity and controlled power.


Colt gurgled and squealed like a piglet with a stick up its butt, which was pretty much his actual situation. Josh was snorting and grunting, growling deep in his chest as he unloaded deep in Colt's young guts. The kid froze, his balls cramped...and he hosed his hot boy butter into my nursing mouth. I kept nursing, he kept hosing.

It was pretty fucking epic!

I of course kept nursing as Colt and Josh settled down. My buddy pulled out of Colt with a pop and Colt fell to the side, his dicklet dropping out of my mouth.

Josh and I high-fived each other, laughing and hooting. Colt kept gasping, trying to get his breath back.

"Josh! Dude! You up for eating some arse still? Get in that pussy and get your load out of him, big guy!"

In a flash, Josh had Colt on his stomach and was sucking that fucked out knot like a starving man. In just a few seconds, he had a mouth full of his own splooge.

"Spit it on my dick, Josh, then lie on yoru back. I need you to eat my arse now, whlle Colt sucks me dry."

Chuckling quietly, Josh did just that. I stood on my knees, then lowered my hips and sat on Josh's face while he cradled my cheeks and started eating. I pulled Colt around and pulled his shoulders up until he was on his forearms and could get my meat in his mouth.

"Suck it, Colt, or we'll have to paddle your pretty little butt."

Colt sucked like a storm drain.

Next: Chapter 9

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