Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Aug 15, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 7

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Road Trip

Josh and I were in the Mercedes because the Porsche wasn't quite big enough for us as well as Ethan and Colt, not if we wanted them to have room to chow down on our meat while we rode. We were on our way to the corporation's new Hunt Club property.

The twinks were naked after we made them strip off their running shorts, flip flops and tanks. They were like big puppies, rolling around next to us on the seats, nuzzling our junk, sucking our cocks. These fratboys loved big doses of dick whenever they could get them. I winked at Josh in the rear view mirror. He winked back and pushed Ethan's head farther down on his dick.

My mind started to wonder. "Ethan, I need to ask you something."

Josh grabbed the kid by the hair and pulled him off his dick.

"Yes, Mr. Skip?"

"You were eight years old when your dad died, right?"

"Uh...yeah. Why, Mr. Skip?"

"Well, he never like did"

"No sir, he know...why?"

"Just curious. Your dad was one of the greatest fucking studs of all time. The minute he walked in the room, you could practically smell the dicks and pussies start to drip. He fucking knew it too. Are you sure, little dude?"

"Well, when I was really little and my teeth were coming in, I just barely remember sucking on his finger. He later told me that he would laugh and show me to his best friend Brian Stone, who called me Mr. Can't Get Enough. I was too young to remember that part, but as I got older, whenever Uncle Brian saw me, he'd say, `There's little Mr. Can't Get Enough'. Are you getting any yet?" Then they'd both laugh and clap each other on the back and stuff. I kind of remember though, that when I sucked on my dad's finger that it tasted really, really good."

"Yep! That would certainly have been your dad, Ethan. I couldn't get enough of the dude. He had more than enough to give me though. You know...your cum tastes exactly like your old man's."

"Really, Mr. Skip? Well, I guess I'm kind of glad. I know when you make me eat my splooge I really like the taste."

"Little dude, we'll make sure you get to taste all kinds of cum for comparison, won't we, Josh?"

"We sure will, Skip! This all makes me wonder though...Colt...did your step father ever do know....? He's a minister and all, but would he have..."

"No sir! Well...maybe...well...we would..."

"What, Colt?"

"Well, when he decided I was bad and he'd paddle me, you know he always made me strip naked and turn over his knee. After he'd burned my butt and I was starting to cry, he'd slowly rub my cheeks for a bit. That always made me throw wood. Him too, because I could feel his boner through his pants, pushing against my side. Then he'd reach around and wipe my tears with a finger and then make little circles on my know what I you do, Mr. Skip. He never stuck it in or anything, though. But...well...when I got older, well sometimes... sometimes I'd...uh...I'd..."

"You'd what, Colt?"

"Well...sometimes I'd shoot my cum all over his pants. Then he'd shove me off his lap, tell me what a bad boy I was, then lock himself in the bathroom. He'd uh...he'd go in there and jerk off. I could see him through the keyhole."

"You watched him through the keyhole?"

"Yes sir. You know how dad was always working out all the time. He had all those muscle magazines and stuff. Well, he was pretty cut for an old guy. So...usually I'd watch him for a bit, and then go to my room, and then rub out another one, thinking of...well..."

"Of what, Colt?"

"Of you sir. I remember when you'd come home from college and would go into the bathroom to change into your swim suit. I'd watch you through the keyhole then too. You'd strip, and you'd be hard by the time you got your pants off. You'd turn and look at yourself in the long mirror mom had on the back of the bathroom door. You'd pose -- you know -- like those guys in the contests, but you looked even better. Not bulky, just crazy cut! The best were those times you'd watch yourself and jerk off. Man, the key hole was aimed right at you. I would pretend I was sucking your dick while you went from pose to pose. I had to be really quite while I jerked off, so you wouldn't hear me. I'd catch it in my hand and eat it so I wouldn't have to clean up the hall floor."


"Yes sir?"

"You are so fucking going to suck me tonight while I pose in front of the room mirror. Little dude, you are going to eat me just like EthannnnnNNNN ISSSSS NNOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!"

I chuckled and looked in the rear view mirror to see my buddy blowing his junk juice up into Ethan's head. Ethan didn't spill a drop. He rode out Josh's thrashing hips, deep-throating his dick until he settled down, then soothed it with gentle nursing while my main man caught his breath. The kid was good. The whole scene was fucking hot!

"Colt! Get ready to feed, kid!" I shoved my dick up and his head down with one hand, steering with the other. I floored the Mercedes while I flooded the guy's tonsil, shooting down the road, doing ninety.

The Hunt

Gotta say the corporation designers had done everything they said they would. The place was amazing!

We'd turned off the highway onto a country road then, tore up about ten miles before turning again at an unmarked dirt road. Then we went a cautious five more miles, the last along side a couple of miles of fence and wall until we came to a high steel gate. Facial recognition did the open-sesame and we cruised up another mile or two of black top, arriving at what looked like an old English mansion.

Josh and I pulled the twinks off our dicks and zipped up, waiting a couple of minutes while they slipped into their clothes. Then we all piled out of the Mercedes and trotted up the stone staircase. I passed the keys to a liveried footman who came out the door, managing to crab a big handful of his crotch and squeezing it a couple of times.

"And what's your name?" I asked, working his junk through his skin tight calfskin trousers.

"Ian, sir!" The guy's voice was deep and rich, his skin flushing from his cravat up into his face. Pale blue eyes peaked out at me from a froth of brown wavy hair that kept falling across his brow. He looked down at my groping hand, getting even redder.

"Right!...Ian! I'll be calling for you later this weekend, Ian. Keep your cum in your balls until then. I'll know if you cheat me, Ian. Got it?"

"Yes sir. Of course sir!" I stopped groping the guy and watched him jog on down the stairs, his butt the picture of a porn star's glory. Thighs too. It looked like his broad shouldered jacket wasn't padded in the least.

I turned to catch Josh, Ethan and Colt all looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Don't worry. I'll be sure you all eat well too. Let's get inside, I've got a lot planned for us and we'd better get started.

Our rooms were all on the main floor, in the same wing. Josh and I each had our own. They were on opposite sides of the frat boys' shared suite. Of course there were adjoining doors -- doors that could not be locked on the boys' side.

Josh and I walked the little dudes to their room, each with a hand on a perky rump.

"Your luggage will arrive in a few minutes. Get a shower and a nap, little dudes! You need to be rested and ready. Josh and I will see you in an hour or so. And're going to like the surprise I've got for you, as much as these two dick drainers. Can't wait to see your face."

I toweled off my hair, opened the door quietly and looked into the twinks' room. They were cuddled up together on top of the bed, wearing the white terry bath robes provided by the lodge. Silently, I padded across the room and opened Josh's door. A couple of seconds later, my best bud walked through, naked and hot looking as ever. I put my finger to my lips. I walked over to the bed, gesturing for Josh to follow.

Ethan and Colt look like a stud's wet dream. Their young faces flushed in sleep, damp hair sticking up here and there. Spooning together, both their faces were inches from the edge of the bed.

Josh and I moved closer. I rested the tip of my half hard dick against the corner of Ethan's pink lips. Josh did the same to Colt. Still deep in sleep, the kids gently turned the heads a bit more toward our dicks. We softly tapped their lips with our meat. So soft.

Two sets of moist lips opened lazily, homing in on our hardening fag feeders. Their jaws relaxed a bit. We stuck our dicks in a bit more. They sucked some more. Their eyes squinched up for a second and then blinked open, almost at the same time. The sucking never stopped. Josh and I rocked forward and back on our feet, fucking those little wet hot holes gently, but completely. The twinks were moaning softly, gently working our poles, tonguing under our piss slits, polishing our knobs...all the while playing with their own junk. Then Ethan, followed by Colt, reached up and cupped our balls in their warm fingers.

I looked at Josh. He looked at me.

"Let's feed these fags...what do you say, bro?"

"You mean like this, Skip?" Josh closed his eyes, pumped his dick a few times into Colt's head, then stood still and unloaded his splooge. Colt turned up the suction and soon every drop was sliding straight to his stomach.

That sent me over the top. I hunched down to hold Ethan's head still and fed him my cock snot. He happily ate it down.

Not all sex has to be fraught.

"Why don't you two twinks show Josh and me how you suck each other off. Josh and I'll give you a hand...well, maybe just a finger -- one each in your hot little holes.

And that's exactly what happened.

Stable Pleasures

Later we all got dressed in jeans, boots and flannels figuring we would have someone show us the stables. Ethan and Colt were whooping it up like little kids, lost in adventure after adventure.

Coming down the stairs I saw Ian the footman sitting in a chair by the door. Hearing our noisey group he jumped to his feet, smiling and reaching for the door.

"You three go on without me, I told Josh and the twinks. I'll be along in just a few minutes."

Turning to the stunning footman, I asked, "So tell me Ian, what exactly are your duties here?"

"Well sir, I man the door as I'm doing now, I manage guests' luggage, hang things up and fetch them from the cloak room, and, I guess, answer questions mostly."

"Questions, Ian? Questions like how big is your dick, Ian?"

"Uhhhh...well, sir...uh my dick is seven and a half inches long...when it's hard, sir."

"That sound about perfect, Ian! What do you do if you need to be away from the door for a while, is there someone who takes your place?"

"Er...yes sir! Tom on the back door comes around so I can get my breaks in."

"Good to know, Ian. And it's also good to know that when you're sitting in your chair by the door that you can see the counter in the coat room, right?"

"Well, I guess I can, sir...why?"

"Well...why not, Ian? Call Tom and tell him to come take your place, you are coming with me to the cloak room."

When Tom arrived, he looked quizzical, I guess because it wasn't yet time for Ian's usual break. Tom was a cutie. Curly, dirty-blond hair, brown eyes, body like a college bantam weight wrestler. These period outfits the Lodge made staff wear were very helpful in evaluating the help.

"Tom, Mr. Skip here has asked for my assistance for a bit. Would you please take over for me?"

"Sure Ian. I owe you, man. Where ya going?"

Ian looked at me and raised both brows.

"We'll be in the cloak room, Tom. As you'll soon see."

Chucking, I turned Ian by the shoulder and pushed him toward the cloakroom, through the side door and up behind the counter. I reached around and unfastened his belt, slowly pulled down his zipper and reached into his pants. The back of Ian's neck turned a very pleasant pink.

"Tell me what Tom is doing, Ian. Tell me everything you see. Draw me a fucking picture, Ian!" I sank to my knees behind Ian's perfect butt, drawing his pants down as I went. He was commando. Cool!

"Uh...well... Tom's mouth just fell open and his eyes got big. I think he's mouthing `What the fuck!' Now he's got this goofy look on his face and he's starting to smile a little."

I was starting to work my face into Ian's wonderful warm crack, sniffing and licking as I went. I think it must have registered on Ian's pretty face or something.

"Now he'd like nodding and saying `Whoa dude!' He's rubbing his junk through his pants and closing his eyes a little bit. Oooooowhhoooooahhhhh!!!!!!"

I guess Ian felt my tongue in his tight hot hole. I started a round or two of spitting and sucking, spitting and sucking. That hard knot softened right up, like truffle butter in the sun. Smelled like fucking truffle butter in the sun too!

" Tom's giving me a thumbs-up and working his hand down into his pants. They're so tight, it's taking him a while.

I gave Ian's pussy mouth a kiss and scooted around to kneel in front of him, under the counter above. Ian's dick was a marvel. Light tan, like his balls, smooth and silky. It rose like a thick coat hook, pointing up and at my forehead. I scooted up a bit and kissed its tip, then slipped my lip over the plump knob.

"AHhhhhhhh...well...Tom's looking at me and mouthing, `What the fuck, dude?' His hand is really working away at his junk in there.

I reached up and softly gathered Ian's duck eggs in my fingers, stroking them, easing them down in their soft pouch, rolling them with my fingers. I moaned and slid on down his dick. I did it many, many times.

"Ohhooooooooo...sir! Now Tom's looking flushed. He's scrunched back in the chair. He must be jerking because it looks like there's a big snake caught in his pants. He's like lost in it sir. He's staring at me with his mouth hanging open and he's...he's...I mean I'm...I mean..he's...I'mmm CUUUMMMMIIIIINNGGGG!!"

I vampired out his sweet fuck juice, sucking the fucking life out of the thing. I'd never tasted better, and I've done a lot of qualitative comparisons. He collapsed onto the counter above me while I nursed away, rolling his happy nuggets in my fingers, easing them back down in their soft, silky bag. When his whole body seemed to turn to butter, I spun to the side and stood up beside him, just in time to see Tom stand up, looking sheepishly down at his pants, the ones that still had his hand in them. There was a wet spot growing to the left and above center.


Surprised, Tom looked up at me, stunned.

"Don't move, Tom!"

In a few seconds I was out of the cloak room and over to the door. I had Tom by the hand (yes...that hand) and was staring in his eyes.

"Show us what you've got in your hand, Tom! ...NOW Tom!"

He slowly let me pull his hand out of his pants. I turned him by the wrist and brought his sticky palm to my face. I took a sniff. I took a big lick.

"Great tasting cum, Tom! Don't you agree?"

I turned his wrist, guiding the hand to his mouth.

"Eat it, Tom. Eat your cum for me, dude. Yeah that's it. Get all that spooge back into you. You're going to need all you can produce. Tell your shift scheduler that I'll be needing you and Ian at four this afternoon. Let him know Mr. Skip wants you.

Tom's big brown eyes stared into mine like a rabbit in front of a snake. Well...I'm just saying. I nodded a couple of times while he licked the rest of his spew off his hand, making sure he got between his fingers and all.

I winked. "See you two later today, then. It's been real."

And it was, very real.

Now where was I? Oh yeah! The stables. The actual stables. By the time I got there and walked around to the open side, I saw that my big surprise had already happened. My buddy Josh was standing, awestruck, Ethan and Colt by his side. All three were staring at one of the biggest, best built studs in the world. Josh's long time heart throb -- Clyde.

When they'd first seen each other over ten years ago, Josh and I were being rushed by Alpha-COK fraternity. Clyde was my buddy Josh's big brother -- big everywhere. I mean really big. He always seemed about the size of a war horse or something, although his waist and hips were comparatively small, so he looked like the perfect body enlarged times .5. When his threw wood, it looked like a tree branch or something. Back then, Josh was absolutely stupefied when a naked Clyde walked out of the dorm room bathroom, drying his hair, his lanky meat swinging above his low hanging hen's eggs. My bro actually fell to his knees in awe. It was like a medieval painting or something, except that my bud had a major hard on. When the giant hunk of sex saw Josh, his big dick straightened like a slinky on Viagra. You could almost hear it go "sprong!!!!!" It ended in Josh's welcoming mouth, and that was the beginning of one of the world's classic fuck-buddy stories.

Fuck, but could those two guys ever fuck! Josh spent more time with his face in Clyde's arse then he did with his face in his books. He still got straight A's -- both in his major and in eating Clyde's arse. Josh had the tongue of champions. Then too, he could hoover a dick almost as well as I can, but -- hey -- there's only one winner in that category, and it's got to be me. Clyde's buddy Lance was my big brother. He'd done an awesome job of making me crave every part of him I could get into my mouth or arse. He made me need him like I needed air, it seemed then. Now that he was a major military consultant, he could still make me drop and crawl with just a knowing look and a smirk. It was a very powerful smirk.

I'd arrived just in time to see Josh and Clyde lay eyes on each other. Ethan and Colt were staring at the both of them, obviously wondering, "What the Fuck!"

"M' wee berrrrne (yep, Clyde was from there...) yourr mouth looks empty and lonely from wherre I stand. I'm thinking it needs a great bit of something to suck on."

Clyde moved one big mitt to his belt buckle, then pinched the slide on his zipper and slowly pulled it down. His Celtic cudgel fell out in the open air, oriented on Josh's mouth and lengthened like a tethered missile, straining to get to its target. Josh, most obligingly, dropped to his knees and knee-walked to the great man's crotch. He closed his eyes and paused, savoring the moment. He opened his mouth as far as it could and fell forward into cocksucker heaven. His lips made a perfect, round seal on the great throbbing knob. Working his jaw, he polished Clyde's cock cap, reaching up to cup the big balls at the same time. Clyde's eyes went all dreamy and slowly closed. Josh fished his own smaller pussy punisher out of his pants and gave it a few strokes of encouragement, then reached again to cradle Clyde's rocks. Josh's eyes slowly opened and looked dreamily up at Clyde's craggy face, watching the ecstasy he was making blossom there. The two began a slow easy rocking -- Clyde sliding deep into Josh's throat and Josh rocking in to deep-throat the hunk of meat trapped in his craw. It was like watching one of the Texas oil wells that rock away, steady and relentless, maybe causing another gusher that needs to be capped and drained away. They knew each other's bodies so well that their economy of motion was elegant. One minute past, then another, then another. The big Scott's chest slowly expanded more and more as his breathing grew deeper and quicker. The two twinks and I simply stood and watched in amazement -- knowing what we were seeing was momentous, like watching a ship launch or something.

Then, without warning, Clyde and Josh stopped -- the big stud's hips thrust forward, Josh's throat impaled as deeply on that great, huge pussy pole as it could get. The air exploded out of Clyde's great chest, he hunched forward, jamming his cock into my buddy and delivered a momentous load of scalding hot baby batter. Josh's throat worked, swallowing again and again. He rolled and massaged the great balls in his fingers as the great unloading continued for what seemed like a full minute. Without being touched, Josh's coat hook of a dick squirted like an old fashioned drinking fountain, the white goo running down over his balls and onto the floor. The two sex warriors panted, both fucker and fucked, slumped into each other still joined at Josh's lips.

Colt and Ethan stared on as if hypnotized. was a fucking spectacular yet intimate thing to watch. You could feel the two had history...and probably some important future too.

"Colt, Ethan...give those guys some more happy dick, will you? Ethan get Josh's splooge off the floor, then clean him and calm him down. I think he's had quite a surprise today. Colt! I think your little fag mouth will just about cover that big galoot's knob. Get in there and make sure it's sucked absolutely dry. You'll look cute hanging on that big thing. I think Clyde will get a kick out of it too."

I was right about all of it, of course.

Taking the Stallion and The Colt Through Their Paces

Well, I'd wanted to surprise my buddy Josh, and I'd done a damn good job of it too!

I'd secretly contacted Clyde at the butterfly reserve where he headed its fundraising foundation as well as its research wing. When we saw each other on Zoom, it was like old home week, or something. Like time had never passed. The big lug looked amazing in his giant straw hat and white shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows. It was hard not to stare at his huge forearms...or his chest, bare in the barely buttoned shirt...or his big Adam's apple, or his right nipple that showed on the side...or the sweat in his arm pits...or his big..." Well. You understand.

I'd told him about my company's new Hunt Lodge project and that Josh would be with me for the soft opening -- for company members and guests only. Clyde jumped at the chance to surprise "little Josh" as he still called my best bud. Clyde had become quite the horseman in Central America, riding miles in his on-going butterfly research.

Now that he was here at the Lodge, he'd already picked out a huge Percheron to ride. We were all now out in the paddock, where he was showing Josh and the twinks how to saddle the thing with a posting saddle. You know, the kind without a pummel. I used my phone to call the lodge and have Ian and Tom sent to the stables. They arrived soonest. I gave them whispered instructions. They giggled a bit and starting walking toward Clyde.

"Clyde! I've got a surprise for you, big dude! Trust me on this. Your dick will fucking love it!"

"Errrrrrrrr...okay Skip. You've neigh steerred me wrrong beforrre..."

I walked up behind Josh, surprising him by pulling his arms back and grabbing him around the chest. I whispered, "Hey bro! Just settle back and watch this. Think of it as a preview of your daily morning ride while we're here. I'm going to have little Colt stand in for you dude. You're going to love it. I walked him over to the fence and called to Ethan who came running.

"Ethan, help Josh out of his clothes again. You're going to slow suck him while we watch the coming attraction. Sorry you won't be watching it live, but you can see it on the track cameras later. I've got a pro crew ready to mix long shots with close ups. You'll get a couple of cums out of it for sure."

Ian and Tom were stripped Clyde's big body and Colt's little one, then explained to them what would happen next. They then held the Percheron's bridle while Clyde, wearing only is riding boots, mounted. Ian bent Colt over and dove into that sweet little arse for a full minute. Clyde apparently liked watching Ian work Colt's cock because his own great dick began to tower, throbbing in the air in front of his ripped abs. My own dick was starting to drip in anticipation.

"Clyde, bring your horse over by the fence and spit on your dick, big guy. You're going to take Colt for the ride of his life, man."

I don't know which were bigger -- Clyde's eyes, or Colt's. Ian threw Colt over his shoulder and walked to the fence, Tom tagging at his side. The two men lifted him up to Clyde who turned him to face him, easily holding the twink an inch or two above his dick. The little guy nodded to whatever Clyde said, then wrapped his legs around the man's waist. A really big smile started to spread on the big man's face as he slowly lowered Colt.

Colt threw his head back, whimpered a few times, then wailed -- "eeeeEEEEEEEEEEEAAaaahahhhhhh!" as his pussy blossomed opened and swallowed its impaler, finishing when his tender ring nestled in Clyde's red curly crotch hairs.

Josh was watching in wonder, leaning on the fence, gently thrusting his dick into Ethan's softly sucking mouth. Clyde saluted Josh, flicked the reins, turned his horse and took it for a walk to the adjoining track. The horse's gait naturally rocked Clyde from side to side.

"Ian, me!" I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my pants leaning forward on the fence beside Josh. "Eat me guys. Ian, you get the front, Tom, you get the back. Chow down guys!" Gotta say, those two were majorly dedicated employees!

Clyde squeezed his knees and the Percheron settled into a trot. The man in the saddle and the frat boy on his cock began to bounce - Colt riding up Clyde's pole with every beat. Clyde pulled Colt to his big chest and held the little guy's head against his slab of a pec. Colt got the message, hunching into Clyde and holding on for dear life. All the kid's hole could hold on to was Clyde's massive wood. At least we knew Colt was secure.

Clyde whistled and the big war horse eased forward into an easy run. Man and twink rocked forward and back, settling into an easy steady -- and relentless rhythm.

That's about when Clyde realized there were some low hurdles on the track. They were only a foot high, but they required the horse and rider to change rhythm, pause a millisecond, then take to the air, landing with a nice bit of impact on the other side. Every time they hit, Clyde's big dick plunged up into Colt's pussy with a vengeance as the kid's weight smacked him down onto the rock hard prod. Colt began to scream a little, starting when they left the ground and finishing a couple of hoof beats after they landed.. Looking ahead, Clyde saw track staff bringing out more hurdles. The beast (horse, not Clyde) settled into a masterly rhythm:

Clyde held his seat perfectly, and held little Colt just as well. He hunched down a little, getting ready to fire up into Colt's guts. Colt held onto Clyde tighter, his smaller dick rubbing against the red treasure trail, scouring his cum slot against the wiry hairs. Clyde picked up the pace a bit and then...

Their bodies melted together as Clyde geysered up into the clinging pussy. Little Colt hunched and squealed -- his dick squirting twink cum up between their abs. The two fired again and again as the great horse continued over the hurdles. A couple of more gallops and Clyde slowed the big war horse to a walk, letting the great beast get its wind., while sticking his tongue as far into Colt's mouth as he could get it. Clyde had an amazing long tongue. Colt could almost swallow it.

We all broke into applause as the horse brought the two men back to the paddock. Clyde held Colt carefully as he dismounted, the younger man still impaled on the big highland cock. Then he grabbed Colt by the waist and pulled him up off his spike and set him on the ground in one astounding motion.

I took charge. "Ian and Tom, clean up the kid, will you? Use your tongues, of course! I think Josh will want to take care of the big guy himself."

In no time, the footmen's faces were in Colt's crotch and crevasse. Josh was again kneeling before Clyde, worshiping that big piece of man meat. Clyde -- the ever gentle conqueror - looked down appreciatively. They had a lot of fine history. The scene was both heart-warming and cock hardening.

"Ethan, I notice my dick isn't all the way in your head. That needs to change right away, little dude."

Ethan made the change.

Next: Chapter 8

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