Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Aug 7, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 6

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Ethan Toughens Up

Coach really liked the equipment Stone Enterprises had come up with for Ethan. Another great one was the thigh building impaler.

I'd come down to the gym over lunch again to see Coach Axel putting Ethan through his paces. The thing was composed of a box about four feet wide, two feet deep and two feet high. In the middle was a hole from which a pole that for now extended straight up for a couple of feet. On top of the pole was a bicycle seat mounted with a beautiful seven-inch dildo, covered with knobby protrusions and glistening with lube. About a foot on each side of the pole was a boot fixed to a plate that could rotate and tilt. You could see a seam in the box that ran forward and back from the pole. I figured I'd soon see what it was for.

Right now, Ethan was standing in the boots , tightly laced up at his ankles. His arms were zip-tied behind his back and he had on a black blindfold. Other than that, he was naked and already half hard. Axel stood in front of him with his favorite riding crop, lightly tapping the bottom of the twink's balls. In his other hand he held a remote control.

"BZZZzweerrrp. Zzzzzzzbbb."

The pole slowly extended up from the hole until it rested, the tip of the metal prong right where the young guy's legs came together. Coach walked around behind Ethan and used a couple of fingers to open the kid's cheeks.

"ZZZZzbb." The pole extended another inch or two and pressed gently against Ethan's anal ring.

"RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmm." The seam in the middle of the box opened as each side slid a couple of inches away from each other, carrying Ethan's trapped feet and making him bend his knees, lowering him by about an inch and causing his sphincter to pucker in resistance to the tip of the plastic dick.

"EEEnnnn!!!" Squeaked Ethan.

"Easy there, little tiger!" snapped Axel. Grind that little fuck hole for me, baby. Open up for the machine, Ethan. I'm going to take you for a nice fucking ride. Show Coach you can do it, kid."

"Snap! Snap! Coach tagged Ethan behind each knee with that sharp leather flap.

""EEEEAAAHH!" Ethan's knees automatically bent, forcing him to squat a bit lower. The end of the dildo was now snug, just inside his knot. Ethan's thighs bulged with the strain and he slowly dropped another few inches onto the prod.

"Uuuhhhhhhnnnnn..." Ethan's face was squinched up from the effort and discomfort.

"Tap...tap...tap...tap..." Coach smacked the underside of the little dude's cock while hitting another button on the control. The sides of the box split from the middle and soundlessly moved apart a couple of inches.

The kid gasped in shock both from the cock spanking and from his feet moving apart until he couldn't hold himself up so high. He was panting. His butt knot opened some more and he slid down the rubber stake to rest on the bike seat.


That really made Coach grin. Coach had an extremely sexy grin. The big man tapped the control a couple more times. Ethan's feet moved several more inches apart until he was tight as a bow, legs drawn wide, pulling him down as tightly as possible onto the seat - the dildo as far up his pussy as it could go. Every muscle in Ethan's body tightened. The kid could barely twitch. Coach later explained that he could get maximum isometric work out of his little charge this way.

While Ethan was juddering and twisting on the impaler, I heard Josh walking in, along with his step brother. Colt's eyes were as big as saucers. He gasped and froze in place, his eyes glued to Ethan's struggling body. Coach caught Colts eye, smirked and lifted an eyebrow. Colt's mouth dropped open in surprise . Then Axel simply tilted his head toward Ethan smacked his dick a couple of times and made a few smacking sounds with his lips. Colt got the message right away.

As if hypnotized, Colt walked up to Ethan's dick, leaned forward and took that rock hard dick his mouth. Ethan sucked in air and held it.

Josh lost no time. He walked up behind Colt, reached one arm around Colt and pulled him against his chest to steady him. Then he quickly slid his other hand around and straight down the front of the kid's pants and started massaging the kid's junk. Slowly he hunched over a bit, leaned in and started talking trash in Colt's tender ear.

`You sucking cock, Colt? You have some guy's dick in your mouth, working it like a calf on a cow tit? Does it feel good in your mouth, Colt? All hard and smooth and hot in your sucking hole?" Josh moved his upper arm, holding the front of Colt's throat, then continued. "Fuck Colt! I can feel that dick sticking right down your throat. I can feel you work that meat with your throat muscles. What in the fuck would our preacher dad say if he saw my sweet little bro with a big juicy dick in his mouth? You are so fucking loving it, Colt! Your dick is like a piece of rock in my hand. I can feel it squirt a little precum on my thumb. Suck away, little bro! I'm going to fucking jerk you off in your pants. When you drain that dick, I'm going to drain your fucking balls for you. Cum goes in...cum goes out! I'll bet dad would have something to say about his kid being a fucking cum fucking think?" The longer Josh talked, the harder Colt sucked. The little guy was in a vacuum frenzy.

Coach started smacking on Ethan's abs. They were beginning to look pretty rosy. With the sweat that was running off the guy, he almost seemed to glow. Ethan moaned. You couldn't really tell if it was pain or pleasure. I don't think he could either.

While we continued to listen to my buddy Josh's patter, Axel had started warming Ethan's globes some more, happily humming a little tune. Then he moved the flap of the crop just under Ethan's balls and hit a key on the remote at the same time. The impaler started pumping in and out of Ethan's pussy, two inches in...two inches out.

"UUuuuuUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH!" I think Ethan was feeling the burn now, and not just in his bulging, cramping thighs. Coach tapped another key and the pole started turning, spinning like an old fashioned record player. You could just imagine those knobs working the inside of the little guy's young pussy, scrubbing up and down, and all around.

`UUUUUUuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Ethan began to shake, barely able to bounce on that stake in his pussy. Little Colt kept right up with him, his head bobbing while he sucked.

The Coach started smacking Ethan's balls. Not hard, but, damn, they were already red and tight in their sack, with nowhere to run except to try to climb up into the little guy's abdomen.



Coach kept calmly tapping those tender balls as Ethan bellowed and unloaded everything he had down Colt's maw. Josh's forearm tensed as he pumped Colt's cocksnot out of his frat boy balls and into his tightly whities. SSSSSsoooooooo glad we have several surveillance cameras going 24/7 in the gym. I was going to be watching this again later with my dick soaking in Colts pretty little mouth.

Coach sighed and tapped a series of buttons. Motors whirrrred and the sides of the box moved closer together. Some of the strain was taken off of Ethan's legs, but his was still stuck there, impaled...gasping for breath, shivering from the intensity. He's legs couldn't even lift him up off the spike. Coach slowly walked around Ethan, running his hands over his torso, legs, and back. He handled the guy's junk a little while the dick softened a bit and those balls got brave enough to hang a little bit. Then Axel stepped up on the box behind Ethan.

"Easy there, son. Just settle down and feel that pole that's still up your pussy. After we get you down and showered, you and I will go a round or two on the wrestling mat and we'll finish with my big hard dick right back up there. Your pussy won't feel lonely for two long, trust me." While he was talking, Coach was untying the strings of the blindfold. Colt was still staring up, big-eyed, while Josh held a cummy hand to the kids lips so he could lick off his own spew.

The blindfold dropped to the floor.

"Uhhh..." Ethan's eyes dropped and focused on Josh's brother.


This was going to be interesting.

"ETHAN!!!!" Colt yelled, forgetting to lick Josh's hand.

Josh Has His Little Bro's Back...Again

My buddy Josh had his younger bro's back. The kid was leaning back against his bigger, older brother, practically melting sliding down his big chest, except for the big dick that was poking his frat boy pussy. Josh was chewing Colt's ear and growling orders.

"That's it, Colt. Give your big bro your pussy, Colt. Stick your butt back and work your little hole on my pussy plunger. Grind your little arse against my crotch hairs. You know you need it, you sooooo need it...don't you? You fucking love it when I work your nips like this, don't you. It really makes you fag out to have my dick in you...I can tell. Feel that hot mouth on your little dick, Colt? How does it feel to have your best friend gobbling for your cock snot, kid? You going to feed him your thick crud and let him suck it all out of you?"

The friend in question was, of course, Ethan.

After their surprise meeting they were both kind of in shock for a minute. Coach Axel had to help Ethan down off the impaling box because his legs were so unsteady. Colt just kept staring and blushing, realizing that he'd just sucked off his best friend in front of a very interested audience. The audience was growing too. Jim and Mason from Accounting had just walked in, ready for their afternoon workout. When they saw the frat boys face to face, their interest was more than peaked.

It turns out that Colt and Ethan had been best friends at summer camp for several years. Both little guys had been secretly been hot for the other, but neither had the guts to do anything about it. Both their families were very homophobic, so they were pretty much guaranteed to be late starters in the sex department.

Now that my buddy had his little brother right where both of them wanted him to be, he was fucking going to take care of him.

And that is exactly what he was doing.

Ethan Helps With Business

`Ssshhhllllluuuuummm...iiinnnnnsssshshllll," I called to Graham around the cock in my mouth. Little Ethan tensed a bit and so did his dick. I sucked harder for a few seconds, then pulled off that pretty piece of frat meat. The kid was naked on his knees on my desk. I could almost feel him blush.

"What's up, Graham?" I licked my middle finger, then went back to sucking Ethan.

"Uh...Mr. Skip, Mr. Needmore and Mr. Ingola are waiting to see you sir."

"Shhteellll...emmm...I shttttllll"

"Yes, sir, of course, sir." Graham closed the door quietly behind him.

Ethan suddenly gasped as I scratched his pucker a couple of times and then ran my finger up into his pussy. By now I knew exactly where the little dude's fuck button was. I didn't poke it. Instead I began a slow steady plucking while simply holding the guy's dick head in my mouth.

"EEEENNNnnnnn." Yep, that was a turn on, apparently.

I nursed the head and stroked. Ethan's erotic sensations were narrowed to two intense places, each competing with the other for his attention. I sucked a little harder, plucked a little more insistently. About twenty more sucks and plucks and gouts of young stud goo began to squirt in my mouth and down my throat. I dove fully on his dick and held the pulsing tube deep in my throat, swallowing a few times to milk the thing dry. Ethan's squeals were always a turn on. They got quieter but higher as I worked his helpless dick for another minute.

"PPPPopp!! I pulled off the kid, punched him lightly in the gut and told him to get off the desk and get dressed. While he did, I went to the wet bar, splashed some cold water on my face and made sure there was no cum in my hair. Then I motioned Ethan to a chair. I walked around my desk, sat down and called Graham.

When the men came in, they immediately saw little Colt, naked as a jaybird, sitting on my lap, facing them. His legs were spread wide, hanging over my own thick thighs, his pert twink dick trapped in my fist. What they couldn't see was my pussy punisher jammed up the kid's hole. But they got the idea alright. Colts arms were crossed behind his back where I could hold them with one and pump him with my other. Colt's head lolled back on my shoulder while I nuzzled and chewed the side of his neck.

"Have a seat, gentlemen! At least for the moment."

Needmore was tall and blond. He'd obviously had started out swinging a hammer and worked his way up the corporate ladder. My research indicated he was helped along by the many men he let swing on his dick as well as all the spooge he swallowed as he sucked his way to success.

Ingola was short and scrappy. Eyes like a predator, hand brushing his crotch every couple of seconds. Last night I was treated to a clip of him fucking the everlasting shit out of his chief financial officer. That young man was flat down on Ingola's desk, legs having been kicked apart when his boss harpooned his pulsing butt hole. The younger man's arms were flung wide, holding onto the sides of the desk as he was rammed again and again. His glasses were steaming up from the exertion and the steam from his gasping mouth. Before I could stop myself, I'd shot off in Ethan's mouth. I was sitting on Colt's face at the time, sitting on my heels, with Colt's head trapped between my feet. He must have felt my cockroot pulse as it delivered because it made him giggle up into my arse hole. Great feeling guys!

Now as I watched, the crotches of both men were filling out, their junk waking and eager to come out and play.

"I suppose you both know that you each have given me a sealed bid for the cost of renovating five of our new properties in Europe. I decided to have you both present your cases and then I will make my decision."

I let go of Colt's arms and cock. I held the thumb and first fingers of both hands to the fratboy's lips, looking over his shoulder to watch the two construction CEO's. Their eyes were riveted to the squirming twink on my lap. Colt's pink tongue darted out and licked my digits. I moved them to his nipples. They were so wonderfully sensitive and in this position he could do nothing to protect them except squirm. God could he squirm! And moan. I nipped and twisted those pink gum drops. It made my dick one very happy cum chucker.

Needmore and Ingola's eyes were practically bulging. They each had a hand on their junk, doing a little slow massage.

"Again, gentlemen, I do thank you for your bids. I'm wondering, though, if you might be amenable to helping me out with a small office problem. You see, this small twink I'm fucking in front of you has two nipples. I can't work them if I'm working his dick and balls at the same time. You two each have a mouth. So, I'm wondering if you could help me out by sucking this kid's nips while I fuck him `til he cums. Whadayathink?"

Needmore and Ingola rose as if one, crossed the room and pulled my desk away from me. Each rounded about to come and squat beside me. I released Colt's nipples, grabbed his balls with one hand and his dick with the other, and started pumping.

"UUUuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh..." Colt was liking what was happening. Needmore and Ingola skipped the nibbling part and went straight to sucking and chewing. Colt went straight to whimpering. I fucked straight up into him. His frat boy pussy started to tighten and spasm around my cock.

"And now, gentlemen, I'm about to fuck the ball crud out of my dick and into this twink. Then, I think we can get down to business. Mr. Needmore, would you assist by sticking your tongue down his throat while he comes, and Mr. Ingola, would you suck the cocksnot out of the little fucker?

The two men were on Colt like lightening. I raised my hips, hammered him times five, and cannoned my cock cream way up his clutching cock sock. The sounds Needmore and Ingola made were truly wonderful and obscene. Colt floundered like he was dying, caught between my dick, Ingola's sucking mouth and Needmore's thick muscular tongue.

"YYyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMmmmmmnnnnnn!!!!!" Needmore swallowed Colt's keening while the kid's balls tied themselves in knots and squeezed out every bit of spooge he had directly into Ingola's gullet.

"Fuck men! Did we do the deed in a big way, or what?"

Needmore and Ingola regretfully pulled off of Colt, who lay practically past out against my chest. When I tickled him in the ribs, he came to quickly, pulling into a ball, then standing to pull his pussy off my dick.

"It's tidy time, Colt." The little dude dove on my dick and gently soothed it in his warm sucking mouth.

"Gentlemen, I do believe that this young man needs to have several more loads of cum dumped in him. I suggest you take turns, front and back. At least two each. Do you think you would...?"

Before I could say another word, they were naked and had Colt on the floor, Needmore dog fucking him from behind, Ingola dicking his pretty, young face. God but I love to hear men grunt when they fuck!

"Gentlemen, since we are here to talk business, I'll talk while you finish your jobs there. Perhaps we can reach a three-way agreement."

Needmore and Ingola glanced at me grunted and nodded - keeping their attention on their fucking of Colt. Men of very few words, apparently, but they certainly knew how to take care of business!

Boys Will Be Toys

I'd just had a fine time watching and listening to Colt and Ethan doing a very fine sixty-nine. The sloppy kind where you can hear all the sucking and slurping. I really enjoyed reaching down and flicker their nuggets with my fingers. They made the most beautiful sounds!

Beautiful too had been watching Josh, when he ate those fratboy arses.. My gosh, but could my buddy work a pussy with his mouth. He could work his way into the tiniest knots, the ones that quivered in fear, or those virgin ones that practically disappeared, they were so fucking tight. Both twinks needed a lot of work too, because they were pretty tight from cumming a lot. I'd invited Jim and Mason from accounting to watch for a bit and the join the party, wanting to make sure Ethan and Cade got a good work out.

"Uhhh...Uhhh...Uhhh...Uhhh..." that was Coach Axel, grunting while he fucked Ethan. Coach had gotten behind the kneeling little dude, sitting on his own heels while he worked a finger up Ethan's arse hole. He quickly scooted up, lifted Ethan's hips with both hands and set the kid's hole right down over his hard angry looking dick. Coach's dick was really really hot for some pussy by now. He hadn't fucked anything for at least a half hour. As a result, Ethan bounced along contentedly on the big man's cunt cudgel, sucking hungrily on Colt's helpless dick. Held tightly in coach's arms while the big man reached around to jerk Ethan's needy dick.

Since Colt was lying on his back, Josh sat on his heels, spread his knees and scooted up until he could fuck his up into Colts hot hole. This went on until Coach decided to really lay into Ethan. The burly man pulled the little twink of his little buddy (yes...there were sucking sounds) twisted the kid to the side and pushed his shoulders down to the floor. Ethan's pretty butt pointed at the ceiling. Coach nodded happily, stood up, then squatted to shove his cock in that hot needy pussy.

Josh reached down and worked Colt's nip with one hand and his balls with then other. I gave Jim and Mason the go ahead and they Immediately leaned in from the sides and started sucking some tender frat boy tits. Josh put his other hand across Colt's mouth to quiet him down a bit. The kid was starting to pant and wail from all the sensations. Josh thumbed Colt's lips and slipped his index finger into the kid's mouth. Colt sucked away, lost in a cloud of sex heat.

I couldn't wait any longer.

I walked up beside Josh, knelt and sucked Ethan's pretty dick into my mouth. With my right hand I reached under Mason and started rubbing Colt's gut right where I could feel my buddy's dick poking around in there. I noticed Mason wet a finger and sneak it around and slowly work it into Josh's butt. Man, what a fucking team we were!

Mason's finger sent Josh over the edge. He tightened his thighs, jutted his hips forward and began unloading in Colt''s arse. Mason and Jim (from Accounting) kept chewing on Colt's gumdrops. I curved my hand into a claw and dug down into Colt's abs a bit. All this triggered the little dude into spewing his cocksnot way in the back of my throat. In turn, the sounds pushed Coach over the top - so overheated that he gushed his goo up Ethan's love tunnel while he used his big mitt to pull a big load out of the twink's balls. Everybody was shooting except for Mason and Jim (from Accounting) and me.

Josh pulled his dick out of Colt and took over, "Mason!...Jim!...cum on Mr. Skip's dick guys. Lay all your spooge right along the top of his hot cock. There...yes...that's it guys! Skip! Put your hands behind your back and just stand there, bro!'

As you know by now, I'd gotten very good at following directions.

"Colt! Ethan! Go get Mr. Skip's dick, suck it guys...go get the dick! Whoever gets Skip's nut gets to swallow. The loser gets a red butt. Go for it, little dudes. Suck for it!"

Boy did they ever!! Frankly I think it was a toss-up for the both of them as to whether they wanted to swallow my spooge or get their rumps roasted. Turned out, since they were friends, they quite naturally shared, so of course Coach and Josh had to spank them both. When they were done, the men were of course horned up all over again. This time they traded, Coach fucking Colt and Josh sticking it in Ethan. (Jim and Mason had to get back to Accounting). I never asked them which was better, because I knew it would absolutely be a fucking tie.

Next: Chapter 7

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