Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Jul 31, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 5

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Parker Gets Implanted

I ran my hands up the kid's arms and back to his shoulder and bellied up to his butt while listening to him pant and whimper. My dick was so hard I didn't have to help it find the hole or slip on in. I widened my stance, bent my knees and ran it all the way up into his guts. I stayed deep and jabbed him a few times. Graham kept nursing on the twink's noodle. What great squeals that young man could produce! Then I pulled out almost all the way and sawed my knob in and out of his ring. That really seemed to heat up his pussy. I can't even describe the sounds he made. I hunched over, grabbed the front of his thighs where they joined his hips and simply started fucking the shit out of him. I was so worked up it didn't take long at all. His attention was so focused on his pussy that he hung slack in his arm cuffs, legs tense to protect his trapped and worried balls, gasping ragged breaths as I pounded up into his joy button.

"BBBLLAAAAAAMMMM!! BBBLLAAAAAAMMMM!!" I shoved my hips into him as hard as I could and delivered every bit of baby crud I had in me. It felt like it went on for days. Again, the kid's body seized up. He made soft little mewling sounds while he fed Graham's hunger one more time. I fucked him a few more strokes to make sure he squeezed those twinkboy balls dry.

The kid was a champ. That was good.

"Graham, take that twink's dick out of your mouth and suck me clean. Then felch my load out of the kid's pussy and feed it to the punk. Take your time, I want you to really work both his holes with your "amazing mouth."

"Yes sir!" Graham chimed. He was such a good worker. Bit of a suck arse though.

Parker Gets Played

"KNOCK-KNOCK!" Jim and Mason from Accounting. Absolutely fucking perfect timing!

"Come on in, guys. Strip and get your dicks over here."

In no time the two were naked and walking up to the rack. The two guys were flushed and sweaty from their workout. Horny as hell from the looks of them...both sizeable dicks were sniffing the air, trying to find a hole to dive in to. Lovers, they went almost everywhere and did everything together. I'd seen them sixty-nine for an hour and a half, then take turns fucking each other. They had staying power. Too bad today's two hour lunch was about over. The two studs lazily worked their wood as they walked over. Graham was noisily feeding Parker my load, still hot for the kid's steamy arsehole.

"Graham, get back on the kid's dick. We're going to work another load out of the little fucker!" It almost sounded like Parker was some big scared puppy or something, the way he started mewling.

Mason, get that ladder over here and set it sidewise in front of the kid. The thing's weighted so it's really steady. Now get up there under it, put a foot on the front steps and another on the back rungs, and arch your hips forward. You can lean back against the side of the padded top while I push you into place and lock the wheels. Between us, we soon had Mase's big unit wedged nicely in Parkers throat. The kid swallowed and swallowed, massaging that piece of meat nicely.

Jim! Get your dick in the little dude's pussy, then reach up and grab the leather straps holding his wrist cuffs. That's it guys! Two dicks in his holes and his dick in Grahams. Now don't touch him in any other way, got it?

"Yes sir!"

"Yesss sir!"


I moved in beside Parker. Well...that's when I went at the kid with feathers, fingers and mouth. I got down and shrimped his toes, licked him behind his knees, feathered his balls, tickleed his pits and ribs. Then I settled in for about five minutes of nipple rolling, tit pulling, sucking and biting. As soon as I started in on his toes, the little guy started to shiver and shake. His shimmying and twitching built like some big wave or something. By the time I was sucking his nips, he was gasping around the big dick in his mouth. I reached down , tapped Graham on the shoulder to get his attention, then grabbed one of his arms, moving him to replace my mouth with his fingers on those tender nips. I reached across behind him and pulled up his other arm.

"Work those little fuckers, Graham! I want `em an inch longer by the time we finish."

Then I reached behind me and grabbed my little sweet little riding crop again.

I started with rubbing little circles on the bottom of his captive balls, then progressed to gentle little love taps. I took about two minutes to slowly and gently pat those babies.

"Graham, get back on the kid's dick"

"Guys...listen up! On the count of ten we're going to fill him up and drain him dry. Get the fuck ready!"

"One...I tapped a bit harder...two...a bit harder...his nuts started going nuts! They jumped, they hardened, they tried to pull up in protest. No such luck. When I got to "ten" the kid was tighter than a condom on Coach Axel.

Despite being pulled in four directions, double plugged and sucked, he tried to hunch over and cum. Couldn't do it. So instead, it looked like his muscles were going to pop off his bones while he rifled spunk shots out of his dick. And the sound! Somewhere between a yell and a squeal. Absolutely amazing.

Mase and Jim, master studs that they are, fired in his holes while Graham sucked out yet another sweet load of twink paste. Man, it was theater at its finest. Then everyone was gasping for breath, chuckling, or in Parker's case, moaning quietly. The two lovers pulled out of Parker's holes, Graham gave a final suck and dropped his dick. Then the four of us moved the ladder and tables away and began to release Parker from the rack. Graham went around behind the twink and held him in a bear hug while the rest of us gave slack to the leathers and released the cuffs. Parker was so spent he couldn't stand on his own. Holding him close, Graham sank to the mat, turned Parker on his side and put the kid's head in his lap. Eyes closed, Parker's nose twitched at the smell of cock, his mouth opened and he turned his head, slowly sucking in Graham's meat hammer, nursing the knob while he calmed himself and recovered.

"Graham, take some extra time, okay? The kid too. You both deserve it. I'll see you both later this afternoon. Jim and Mase and I are going to shower up and get going.

Turns out that Jim and Mase had another round of cum bullets locked and loaded and ready to shoot. Once in the shower, I was happy to provide them with a couple of targets.

The Machines

Remembering little Parker on the rack for the first time had little Skip skipping around in my pants, eager to get out and play again. Damn! I could practically taste the little guy's cum in my mouth. Have to do something about that again soon.

I must say...Stone Enterprises had done another amazing job this time around.

Walking around the inside of my mirror room, I could hear the clanking, low laughter and gruff men's voices coming from out in the gym. But my special place was empty except for Coach Axel, Ethan and Josh. I could see all three -- naked and each fine in his own way. My dick grew down and rose up, ready, willing and able.

Stone Enterprises had designed a bench with progressively thicker and longer dildos. Joshand Coach were talking Ethan through his workout. The kid had a set of dumbbells in his hands as he slowly squatted over the middle spike. He'd already graduated from the 6 and 7 inch impalers and was now working his way down a thick eight incher. Eyes closed, he moaned as he slowly sank until his cheeks rested on the bench.

"Ten slow curls, Ethan. Count `em out, little guy."

Ethans young face was squinched in discomfort and effort as he slowly pumped up his biceps. His gut tightened with the effort, causing his guts to grab at the impaling spike.

" Man, Coach! Don't you love to see a young jock sweating?" Josh and Axel stood beside Ethan, arms folded, their biceps bulky and on full display...pumped to perfection.

"...9...10" Ethan let his arms hand from his shoulders, the weights stretching them t to their elegant length.

"Pull your pussy off that thing and hop on the next one, Ethan." Coach grinned, then chuckled as the little guy slowly stood, face relaxing as the steel dork finally popped out of his hole. He frog walked forward and stood over the 9-incher. He bent his knees and circled his hips a little until he felt the big metal knob kiss his knot. He started to squat, but his butt just didn't want to open. Josh looked up and saw me.

"Perfect timing, Skip! Glad you made it. Ethan here could use a hand, or rather, a mouth. I was thinking about helping him out, but you are the master mouth of all time."

"Flattery will get you laid anytime, bro! Meanwhile, though, I'd love to have a sip of intern dic!."

Still fully dressed, I knelt beside Ethan. His thighs were shaking with the effort to hold him the weights up while his little hole rebelled.

I leaned forward and licked the piss slit.

"Uhhhn!" said Ethan.

Licking my lips, I slowly engulfed the lilac knob then grated the tender skin under its flange with my teeth.


Then I sucked it like I'd leave the biggest hickey in the world.


Ethan slid down that impaler and sat panting. I dove on down over his pretty cock and started sucking in ernest.

"Give me 10, kid."

"1...2.." Ethan's voice was shaky. I could tell his attention was split between his pussy, his prick, and the iron he was pumping. His dick had its own priorites though and was burping little drops of precum that immediately disappeared down my throat. The kid's balls started to pull up in their sack a bit.


"Okay, Ethan, get up here and fuck yourself on the last one. You're doing great, kid!" Coach liked to encourage sometimes. I spit out the dick and stood up a minute.

"PPPPPPopppp." Ethan dutifully waddled to the last spike and found it with his hole. Once again, his hole wasn't having any of it. I knelt, leaned in and sucked both his balls into my mouth. Apparently that made his butt blossom because he sank slowly and smoothly down the length of that long prod. His balls and my mouth went with him. When he hit bottom, I calmly chewed on his rocks a little.

"AAAHhhhhhhhhhh..." His dick pulsed against my cheek. I spit out his balls, slid up his dick and then right on down over the thing until my lips massaged the root of his cock and pulled at his pubes.

"A last 10, kid, you can do it, little champ!" I stayed down on that dick, massaging it with my throat, pulling up just an inch or two when I needed to breathe through my nose. From the corner of my eye, I saw the coach move in, stepping over me and straddling the bench until he could touch Ethan's lips with the end up his cock. Ethan knew what to do, opening his mouth and welcoming the thing right on in as he continued counting.

"...eeeeebbbiiinnnn...iiiiiieeeeeeeggggghhh..." Twisting my neck a bit, I saw Josh move in and do a reach around, grabbing Axel's big boys where they hung in their sack, working them like butter in a bag, as well as cradling Ethan's throat and massaging it while the kid sucked. My buddy Josh has trained some of the best!


"FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!..." Coach started firing off in Ethan's mouth, the kid sucked and swallowed desperately. I was told he'd learned not to spill a drop or he'd get his butt warmed with the big man's mighty hand. Sometimes it happened even when he didn't spill a drop, apparently. My buddy Josh squeezed the big lug's balls as the man finished his last couple of shots just as...

"EEEHHhhrrrmmmmmmm" little Ethan injected my throat with five or six long squirts of twink juice. I pulled off a little so I could get a taste as he finished. Some of the sweetest fuck paste I'd ever swallowed, and that's saying something!"

"Okay, Ethan, rack the weights. Time for bench presses.

Stone Enterprises produced a bench that was on an incline and had foot rests so when you lay on your back, your legs were bent. Between these was a cylindrical piston mounted mounted parallel with the bench top and mounted with...another dildo. This one was only about 7 inches, but it was rifled with spiraling ridges. Once Ethan was in place the tip of the poker was knocking at his back door. When he grabbed the hand grips on each side, put his feet on the plate above him, and pushed it up toward the ceiling, the pussy prodder spiraled home, literally screwing itself into his hot little hole. Each time he pressed and the piston rose, his pretty eyes bugged out and his mouth opened in shock. By the time he finished his set, his balls were pretty tight in their pouch and his dick cried a tear or two of precum.

Then the two trainers had Ethan hang from the chin bar.

"Keep your legs together and your feet pointed!" Coach gave the instructions.

Josh had a well lubed finger in the little dude's butt while Coach Axel's big paw was wrapped around the twink's glass hard dick. When the little guy pulled his chin up to the bar, Coach pumped that dick four or five times. When Ethan lowered and hung, Josh finger-fucked that hot little pussy.

Apparently I'd left the room's door open because a small crowd of of employees had gathered around. A few had been working out in just their jocks. Most were naked. All of them had a hand on their dicks and were working them at various speeds. Seems they were appreciating little Ethan's efforts quite a bit.

Ethan's face was more than red.

"Chin and hold it, kid!' barked Axel.

Tired now, Ethan barely managed to get his chin to the bar. His arms started to shake as he held there. Coach jerked and took soft fisted punches at the kid's abs while my best bud finger-fucked the little fucker. The kid's whole body got amazing tight all over from the multiple strains and the over stimulation.

"EEMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" Still holding his position, tossing his head from side to side, Ethan started to spit cum from his dick. The kid was a fucking artesian spring. Coach leaned in and held the tip in his mouth while the little twink unloaded. Josh kept jamming the little dude's fuck button. It was a beautiful sight. Parker kept his feet pointed the whole time. Kid knew how to follow directions.

Exhausted, Ethan dropped to the mat, collapsing on his face. Josh dove in between those pert butt cheeks and started eating hole -- as only Josh could. Josh's tongue was Olympic class. I bet he could lift weights with it if he wanted to. While the little guy gasped for air, my buddy opened that spasming hole, spitting hot mouth juice as the little muscle bottom blossomed open.

"Ready, Coach!" Josh and the big man obviously had a plan. Josh held the cheeks apart, and dribbled Ethan's cum into his hole. Coach Axel dropped to his knees between Ethan's legs, touched his big prod to the winking wet knot and sank in deep. Ethan's eye's bugged out again and his breath caught as that big sausage slid in and started cooking his pussy with friction. Josh scooted around to Ethan's head and leaned down to growl in the kid's ear --

"You've got about of foot of coach-cock fucking your tight little pussy, don't you Ethan? You fucking love it when a big stud like Coach makes you dump your ball batter and then fucks it back into you, feeding your hole with his man meat. I can reach back between your legs and feel your little dick bone up again as the man plows your hole. You're a fucking pussy for man dick, aren't you? It's like you've got to have some guy inside your body to make you really hard, really ready to drop our spooge. You so fucking need to be made to cum. You need a guy to take charge of you and see to it that your junk gives it up whenever he wants it to!"

The surrounding audience moved in a bit closer, jerking all the while.

Little Ethan had gotten his second wind and was now panting rhythmically. Josh's trash talk was really getting to the little guy. Coach's heavy balls smacked Josh's hand as my buddy jacked the kid. The big man was huffing and puffing, sweating beautifully, slamming those powerful hips down into frat boy pussy. It wouldn't be long now.

"Ethan...Coach is about ready to inject you again with his baby crud. You can feel it, can't you? He's going to bury his dick in your fucking fag twat and hose your guts with hot cock juice. You're going to leak his man cum down your legs all the way to the shower. Kid, the whole gym's going to see you when you're limp-dicked and leaking. They're fucking going to smell you coming. Their cocks are going to rise up and point right at your fucked out pussy and start going for it again. You'll have every dude in here trying to get up in your butt and feed it some more. "

That did the trick. Ethan moaned long and deep as Josh rolled the kid's knob in his fingers, coaxing a dry cum out of the twink's half hard dick. Coach Axel had apparently been listening too. He arched his back, planted his hips and gunned sperm. Curiously, no one said a word. Too much in the moment, maybe.

By the time Coach pulled his dick out of Ethan, I was flat on the floor, still fully clothed, and ready to suck the big man clean. Ten or twelve sucks and I dove into Ethan' dripping hole, felching out Axel's buttery load. Josh watched, laughing his head off.

"Just like the old days, eh Skip? Coach, take Ethan on back to the showers and help hold him steady while a couple of these other guys dick him, will you? I kind of made them and him a promise he can't refuse.

Josh's Brother -- What a Surprise!

Can't believe this shit!

I'd gotten tired of reading office mail and was took a break reading some porn on the web. I was throwing major wood from reading some crazy story. It was back in history, like when Austria was an empire or something. There were two princes who were major studs, cock hounds and connoisseurs of boy pussy. They'd get into all sorts of improbable situations, screwing their guards, getting blowjobs in the palace, stuff like that. You know...things that would never really happen. What an imagination the writer had. Such improbable stuff -- pure fiction. Fun to read, but you know, I'd rather stick with reality - like the kind of stuff that happens in my everyday life.

Speaking of which:

"Skip! I've got somebody here I want you to meet, man!"

Josh stood just inside the door. He beckoned with a finger and a compact picture of sex on two feet walked into the room.

"Mr. Skip, this is my little brother, Colt. Or rather, he'd my step brother. Colt, this is my long-time friend, Mr. Skip. He might be able to find a job for you this summer, now that you're out of high school." My bud patted the kid on the shoulder while he winked at me.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Skip! " The kid had to be no taller than five-five, or so. Silver blond hair, gray eyes, the palest of complexions, but one that instantly showed every emotion the kid had. Right now, he was embarrassed, horny as hell or both. I glanced down his firm chest, nicely muscled arms and taut gut. His tank top hdt nothing. They were pitted out with sweat. His well worn jeans didn't hide the big lump at his crotch. Hell, you could practically see the thing pulsing. Yep! Scared and horny. I could work with that.

"Glad to make your acquaintance, Colt. Maybe your big brother could give us the room and let us talk man to man. What do you say, Colt?" I stared hard into his eyes. He blinked a couple of times, his cheeks turning red before he dropped his gaze to the rug. Josh quietly slipped out the door, locking it as he left. You could hear him chuckling in the hall.

I stood and walked around my desk, leaning back against it, legs wide, arms out to each side holding my weight. My suit coat was unbuttoned so it was easy to see the wood I was throwing in the crotch of my pin stripes.

"Come on over, little dude." I folded my arms across my chest as Colt slowly closed the distance.

"So, Colt..."

"Yes sir?"

"So how's your dad doing, the Reverend Percy?"

"He's doing great sir! He said that I should do whatever you told me to do for the summer, that you would know what's best for me...sir." Colt's eyes were mostly on the floor, but they kept glancing up at my crotch. Each time they did, he got redder.

"Your daddy's right Colt. Good advice he gave you. But it sounds like your daddy's pretty strict with you, hunh Colt?"

"Yes sir. He is, sir."

"I'll just bet he is. What does he do to you when you've been a bad boy, Colt?"

"Well...sometimes he takes away my computer time. Sometimes he makes me stay in my room. But...sometimes...he..."

"He what...Colt?"

"Sometimes...he...spanks me sir."

"Spanks you! But you're pretty grown up now, and besides, that can't hurt much if he spanks you through your jeans, even with a paddle. Is that what he does?"

" sir. He...uh...makes me take off all my clothes and lie across his lap. Then he...he uses his hand...sir."

"He does! Why you must be a really bad boy to make him have to that, huh Colt?"

"Uh...yes sir, I guess sir.'

"Colt, what is it you do to be that bad?"

"Well, sir, sometimes my dad catches me touching myself, or maybe looking at other people in ways that I shouldn't."

"You mean you look at other men, Colt? You mean like right now, Colt? Like RIGHT NOW when you keep looking at my crotch? What the fuck are you thinking about, Colt?"

"Ummmm...nothing, sir."

"NOTHING, Colt? You call this nothing?" I unzipped and pulled out my hunk of man meat. The little dude's eye's about left his head.

"Is this what you were thinking about, Colt? What it looked big it is, how big it can get?"

"Yes sir."


"Yes, sir!"

"I'll bet now you are wondering what it would feel like in your hand...what it would feel like if I made you put it in your mouth...right Colt?"

"yes sir."

"What the fuck did you say, Colt?"

"I said...yes sir.'

"Colt, Colt, Colt! What am I going to do with you? Here you come for a job interview and what do you do but find a way to be a bad, bad boy! I wish your daddy were here to...NO! WAIT! I guess I'll just have to be the one to do what your daddy would do and turn you over my knee." I reached out and held the little guy by his jaw. "What do you say, Colt?"

"uuuhh, yes...I guess so...sir..."

"What the fuck did you say, Colt?"

"eeerrr...Yes Sir, SIR!

"Strip, Colt."

When the sweet twink pulled his tank over his head I could see his whole chest was flushed. By the time he'd kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his pants and fingered off his socks, I was as naked as he was. Well...I've had a lot more practice, let's say.

The kid stood frozen, his dick pointing at me like I was its long lost friend and it wanted a hug or something. I pulled over an armless side chair, sat down and spread my legs.

"Come here, Colt." Eyes down, he shuffled up to me.

I reached out and grabbed his hard dick.

"What in the fuck is this, Colt? Why is your fucking dick hard? Are you used to taking off your clothes and jacking off or something?" I spit in my hand and rubbed it over his pert little knob.

"No sir! Well...yes, sir. Well sometimes sir!"

"Do you pump it like this, Colt?" I jerked it a few times while reaching down to cup his pretty twink balls.

"Oohhhh...yes sir! Ohhh no, sir! Please sir!"

"Please what, Colt? Please let go of your balls? The ones that make all that boy batter that you pump out when you're being a fucking bad boy? Is that it?"

"Ohhhh yes sir, I guess, sir."

"Get the fuck over my knees...NOW!"

I grabbed Colt by his tiny waist and pulled him onto my lap, moving him so his dick was trapped between his tight abs and my rock hard boner. I leaned across his back and reached under him to catch the tip of his dick between my fingers. With my other hand, I was slowly polishing his butt cheeks. They were smooth and tender, soft as a baby's. I let my fingers strum down from his tailbone into his hot cleft a couple of times. The heat coming off his pussy knot was like hot ember. I slowed and touched it gently. It puckered. I tapped it a couple of times and it puckered some more. Then I ran my finger around and around it while I twiddled the end of his dick. I smelled my fingers...AMAZING! Then went back to circling his pussy hole.

"UUUUuuuhhhhhHHHHH!!!" That was Colt.

"Are you fucking liking this, Colt? Are you such a fucking bad boy that you think this feels good? Don't fucking lie to me Colt!"

"No sir! I mean, yes sir! I mean, it feels really good sir!"

"WHHHACCCKKK!!" I smacked one cheek, then the next, back and forth about ten times while Colt gasped and his pure white cheeks pinked up. I could see the shape of my hand prints all over his bubble butt.

"And how the fuck does this feel, Colt?!"

I wet my middle finger and slipped it in his pussy to the first knuckle. He stiffened for a second, then relaxed. Colt moaned softly as I stirred my finger just inside his knot.

"Oooohhhh Colt! If it feels good when I am finger fucking your pussy, you are a really, really bad boy!"

"Yes, sir...I'm a bad boy sir." By now, I had nearly my whole finger in that red hot hole and was rubbing his joy button. The kid actually squeaked.

"Colt! Do you know what I have to make really bad boys do? Do you know, Colt?"

"No sir."

"Are you a really bad boy Colt?"

"...yes...I guess I am sir. What do I have to do, sir? Please tell me sir."

"Colt, get your knees on the floor and kiss my dick...NOW!"

By the time I drew another breath, Colt was between my legs and had his lips pressed against my piss slit.

"Fucking kiss it." He started with tiny tentative kisses. Then he seemed to get the hang of it. His lips softened and each kiss pooched out a little more until he had the whole knob covered. I gently held his head, rubbing his hair with my thumbs.

"Suck it, Colt. Your such a bad boy and bad boys need to suck dick, don't they?"


"Now take your time, Colt. You're going to slowly work your way down on that thing until you've got the whole fucking thing in your head...aren't you, Colt?"


"Colt, you are fucking good at this! Have you been practicing? Maybe with a banana or something?"

Colt nodded his head as best he could.

"Have you been sucking dicks, Colt? Like maybe some little buddy of yours, or maybe even...your big brother Josh?"

Colt almost pulled off my meat as he worked his head from side to side. Guess not, then.

"Easy there, little dude! Easy, champ! I get it. But I wonder...have you been so bad that maybe you've thought about sucking your big brother, Josh?"

Colt stopped sucking for a second, gave his head the tiniest of shakes and then gobbled his way down my dick to my crotch hairs.

Aha! I fucking thought so. This will be a very interesting summer indeed.

"Colt! I'm now going to tense my thighs and shoot all the cocksnot I have in my balls out my fucking dick and into your little bad boy mouth. You are going to going to suck it all out of me and swallow it right down into your little bad boy gut. Then, because you've been so fucking bad, I'll take a quick break while you jerk your juice onto my cock and then I'm going to I stuff it up your pussy. Got it?


Yep!Tthe kid got it down his throat, up his arse, and later, down his throat again. He was a very, very bad boy, and that was really really good. This summer was going to be epic.

Next: Chapter 6

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