Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Jul 24, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock 4

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Josh and Ethan Come to an Understanding

"Hey big bro! Thanks for letting me come along on your business trip. I really mean it. I've always wanted to get to know you better, and maybe you can give me some pointers about how to move out into life, now that I'll be going to college in the fall." Colt's hair kept falling in his eyes. It made him seem even shyer than he was. The two men were in one of our corporate guest rooms -- with cameras, of course. I was watching the video on the big monitor in my office while Parker contentedly sucked me from his usual place under my desk.

"Sure Colt. Glad to be of help. I wasn't around much when you were growing up. If I remember, dad married your mom when you were eight and I had already started at State. I don't think we ever spent more than an hour or two around each other for the next couple of years. Sorry I wasn't there for you during high school. Those years can be really rough. You want to go down to the pool next to the gym and swim a few?"

"That would be great, big bro! I'm not much of a swimmer, but I sure like getting wet. I didn't bring a suit to wear though."

"We'll do it then, little dude. I brought an extra for you, in case you forgot." My buddy Josh tossed a silver bikini to his step brother. The color matched the kid's hair.

"Woah, dude! Not much here, and I've maybe got a little more down there...uh...maybe." Colt could blush so beautifully.

"Not to worry, little guy. This time in the afternoon, there'll probably be no one there anyway. Here's a robe to cover up with." Josh tossed a short white terry cloth kimono. Colt turned his back and skinnied out of his jeans and t-shirt, slipped on the robe, then pulled the tiny suit over his feet and up his legs. When he turned around, Josh was half stripped, loosening his belt and pushing his jeans and jock down his studly legs, then kicking them off to the side. He looked at Colt thoughtfully while scratching his balls.

"You know Colt, I really am sorry I wasn't there for you. I know how dad can be. Some nights I could barely sit down for dinner after he decided I needed a spanking for something I'd done wrong."

"Me too, big bro. I got the hand just becauses he was thinking I was thinking something bad. You know?"

"Ya...I know, Colt. If there's anything I can do now to kind of make it up to you, I hope you will tell me."

Colt got real quiet. He looked down at his feet for several heart beats, then said, "welllll....mayyybeee...mayyyybee... you"

"What, Colt?"

"I said welllll....mayyybeee...mayyyybee... you"

"What the fuck, Colt? Spit it out, little bro what are you trying to say??"

"could I like...maybe...maybe...suck your cock..."

"Colt! What's the matter? I can't fucking hear you! What in the fuck do you want?" Josh was a little red in the face from frustration.

"Can I...suck...your cock, Josh? Please Josh! Please let me suck your cock. I've wanted to for years, Josh."

Josh's eyes got big and round. He was noted for that. Staring at his brother in surprise, his dick hardened in two seconds and pointed staight at the little guy.

Colt apparently took that as a "yes" because he stumbled forward and fell down on his knees, grabbing Josh by the thighs and swallowing my buddy's dick all the way to his curlies. The kid was amazing.

Josh stood frozen for a count of ten. Then I could see his eyes narrow in calculation, one corner of his mouth turn up in a bit of a smirk.

"Colt! Are you fucking sucking my dick, little dude? Do you fucking have my cock in your mouth? That's fucking bad, little dude. You know that, don't you, Colt? And you know what dad taught you about what happens when you're bad, right? You fucking know that you're going to get your butt smacked until it glows, don't you?"

Colt answered each of Josh's questions with a nod as well as dialing up his sucking a notch or two.

Josh reached down and pulled Colt off his dick, with a loud pop. He stepped backward and flopped down in a chair, dragging his step-bro with him, turning him over his thick thighs and holding his shoulders down. With his free hand, he slowly rubbing Colt's milky white butt, growling deep in his chest.

"You've been such a bad boy, Colt. Bad boys are the ones who suck dick, aren't they Colt?' Smack!' Bad boys jerk off wondering what their big brother's dick tastes like, don't they? Smack!' Bad boys eat their own fucking spooge, pretending it's their big brother's don't they, Colt? Bad boys need to get their little butts paddled til they're hot and hurting, don't they?" Smack...smack..smacksmacksmacksmack!" One of the baseboard mounted cameras actually caught Colt's hard dick sticking down between Josh's stud thighs, pulsing with each strike. The thing formed a drop that slowly stretched down toward the floor.

"You know what else happens to bad boys, Colt? They get even more dick shoved in their mouths, and then they get dick shoved up their boy pussies...don't they Colt?" The younger guy was sobbing a little, but you could tell he was really excited at the same time. I think he was drooling a little bit too.

Josh pushed his step-bro off his lap and onto the floor. He spread his legs and said "Suck me, you fucking little cock sucker! Suck your big brother's dick!!"

Colt didn't need to be told twice. He hardly needed to be told at all. By the time Josh finished saying "Suck me," the little guy had Josh's meat all the way down his throat again and was eating that big thing like a little hog in a corn trough. God, but I love the sound of sloppy cock sucking.

Josh started jabbing his hips forward, fucking his brother's face. His eye's got rounder, his muscles tensed and his mouth made his trademarked square shape as he shifted into sex frenzy. It didn't take much more of that little bad boy's crotch work before my bud was pumping his baby crud into his little brother.

And that's all it took for me to dump mine in Parker's sucking mouth. I so fucking love to come in a guy's mouth! While Parker sputtered and choked to keep up with my spew, I decided I'd wait until after dinner before watching the vid of Josh fucking Colt for the first time. Gotta save up a big load for something that special...right?

Josh Goes to Work

Graham had told me that Parker was starting to get calluses on his knees but that he'd found some knee protectors with a thin layer of gel so that the things wouldn't destroy the line of his dress pants. I had Graham order a couple of pair for Graham, and another couple for himself. With Josh in town, Graham would be working some overtime...under the table, along with Parker.

That's where the two men were once again, Parker on Josh's dick and Graham on mine. They were nursing quietly so as not to interrupt our discussion.

"So, Skip! Stone Enterprises actually got the equipment here over night and in place by 10:00 this morning. If you give the go ahead, maybe we could have Ethan and Axel meet us in the gym after lunch and I could set up a training routine for them to try. I'm sure Coach has ideas of his own, but the equipment will be new to him as well as Ethan. Whadayathink?"

"I think that's a great idea, Josh. Let's fuck these two pussies then go to lunch. Whadayasaytuhthat?"

"I say `fuck em!'"

And so we did.

I'd worked out before coming to the office today, so I stayed in my suit, kicked back and watched Josh warm up while we waited for Ethan and Axel. Parker sat on the floor beside me, eyes glued to my best friend's body. Josh did look really fine. His hair was sandy now and it looked great on him. He'd bulked up a bit from his rangy college days, but absolutely everything was in proportion. We'd watched him strip completely, tossing his stuff on the mat, then begin a series of crunches and push-ups that had him buffed up and glowing. He sat on his butt and crossed his legs when we heard Ethan and Axel enter. Ethan was giggling, a light, almost musical trill that contrasted with Axel's deep baritone guffaws. Before they saw us and tried to hide it, we saw they had been playing grab arse on the way. All four of their cheeks were red from pinches. It looked like their dicks had been slapped around a bit and had liked the treatment. Ethan was growing his six and Axel's substantial ten plus was nearly complete.

Axel saw us first. He grabbed Ethan by the shoulders then pulled him back against his chest, trapping him in a bear hug. Ethan's dick came into its own right then. You could tell that Axel was rubbing his dick in the kid's crack. Ethan's complexion went from pink to red. He dropped his gaze as Josh walked up to them.

"I'm must be Coach Axel! Good to grab hands with you." Both shook, apparently without the customary knuckle squeezing contest so many guys do. I think Axel was in a hurry to get his big paw back on Ethan again.

Josh continued, "Skip suggested you might want to try some specialized equipment for Ethan's training. So we arranged to have it delivered and installed. Some of it's really versatile, some -- pretty specialized."

As Josh spoke to Axel, he'd reached down and grabbed a handful of Ethan's crotch. The kid actually let out a quiet "eek" in surprise. My buddy massaged the twink's balls and jerked a bit on the little guy's dick. Axel smiled in approval, moving his hands over Ethan's chest, he started to work on those little pink nips. Ethan melted back against Coach's big chest.

"Skip! Send Parker over here, if you would, please."

"Parker, get your butt over there, now." Parker went.

Josh was still working Ethan's package. He held the twinks dick with his finger tips and pointed at it with his other hand.

"Parker...suck this."

Parker was on it. Ethan's head lolled back and his knees bent a bit.

"Stand up kid!" barked Josh. Coach and I need to check you out and come up with a new training plan for you. Put both hands behind your butt and stick your chest out, NOW!"

Startled by Josh's order, Ethan pulled himself together. Parker nursed on.

Josh looked my way, pointed at Ethan and silently mouthed, "Can you fucking believe this?"

I smiled and batted a hand in my bud's direction.

Coach and Josh conferred, moving around Ethan, squatting to discuss his calves and feet, running their hands over the little dude's body like he was a colt for sale and both of them were buying.

"Good legs, eh?" opined Coach. "Good attachment here where they join his arse. His adductors are like arrows pointing right up at his pussy hole. When I pry his sweet cheeks can see the little thing wink at us. Can you believe I can fuck THIS dick right into THAT tiny thing? Dude, it's like...uh, yeah, maybe we should move on. Axel had reached around to work Ethan's balls while Parker sucked away above them. Standing behind again, Axel ran both hands into Ethan's crotch curls, then rubbed circles on the kid's abs.

"These are pretty damn good already, but I'm thinking we can get `em a little harder. Right now I can push in and feel where my dick is when I'm up in his pussy. Little fucker likes that a lot. But I'd really like to be able to pound on these abs while I'm pounding his sex chute, know what I mean, Josh?"

"I do...I do, my friend." Josh slapped both of Ethan's pecs and tweaked his nips. These could use some work too, maybe get him to carry a little more mass higher on his chest, here -- just under the collar bones."

"Agreed," said Axel, running his hands up and down Ethans arms. "A little more definition in his forearms as well as a bit more for his biceps."

"Absolutely bro!" Josh shot back. "Neck's good, not too reedy, not too thick. Damn good for his age. Josh ran a thumb across both of Ethan's lips, then drew a lazy circle around his mouth. Ethan's lips opened a bit, then snapped shut and pulsed a couple of times.

"Well you look at the kid's suck reflex? I'm going to fucking love taking his face for a ride some time, if that's okay with you, Coach."

"Be my fucking guest anytime, bro! Want to stick your tongue in his mouth? You'll be glad you did."

"Thanks, I will, Coach."

Coach reached around and grabbed Ethan's jaw with his finger and thumb, pulling it open. Josh closed his eyes, bent down and sealed his lips against Ethan's. The muscles in his neck and jaw worked for some time. Josh pulled off, spit in the twinks mouth, then went in again. A few more really intense seconds and he came up for air. Parker kept sucking dick.

"Fucking delicious Coach! Thanks," said Josh.

"My pleasure, dude. I've laid this twink at least a dozen times in the past three days, and that doesn't count the blow jobs. He's a marathoner when it comes to sex, but you can get him to sprint before he spritzes too, if you work him right and keep the talk tough. Watch!"

Still standing behind the kid, Axel hunched down and began to growl in Ethan's ear as Parker sucked away.

"You fucking little pussy! When I get you flat on the mat I'm going to dick you so fast your helpless little hole won't know what's happening." Ethan's hole body stiffened in surprise. Parker sucked away.

"I'm going to fuck your hole until it burns from the heat, little dude. Your guts are going to cramp trying to keep up with my pole in your hole. When I punch your joy button, your little dick's going to puke up every drop of scum you've got in those two baby balls, then I'm going to..."

That's all it took. Axel tightened his bear hug and Josh held Parker's head still while Ethan fired off into that skillful, sucking mouth. Parker sucked away. He sucked out every drop, swallowed and then sucked for more. Ethan collapsed back onto Coach's body while Josh pulled Parker off the little guy's dick and attached him to his own. Parker sucked away.

Ethan was gasping for breath. Axel was chuckling deep in his chest.

"I see what you mean, Coach! Great feature! How about we let the kid take five while I give you a tour of the new equipment. Want Parker to suck you as we go?"

"Bro...we can take turns. He's already on your unit. Let's give him a few before we switch. We've got time, don't we?"

"We sure do," Josh agreed. Parker sucked away.

That Rack

Watching Parker sucking off Josh, my mind went back a bit.

I was remembering the last piece I'd commissioned from them for my person playroom. It was a standing square of pipe with eyelet screws every couple of inches all around the periphery. The thing was welded to another square on the floor. It stood in its own little room composed of mirrors - ceiling and floor included. My space. In the center of the bottom pipe was a hole from which there was an upright, two-inch thick steel bar. You could tell the thing had threads for screwing on attachments as well as a hole for attaching a clip. A rack with various implements stood to one side, one of which was a remote control. Two or three rolling metal surgical tables could be positioned anywhere around the rack and stabilized with wheel locks.

The first time I'd met pretty Parker, I'd taken him there.

"Please sir! I really, really need a job! Lance Pierce...I mean...Mr. Pierce said you might be able to help me. I did a lot of with a group of guys he was training. But I'm really desperate! My parents have thrown me out, I've got a mountain of tuition debt to pay off, and on top of that, I'm into the local gang for $1,000 I got them to give me so I can pay off some of the interest of what I owe at the casino."

The kid had waited for me in the lobby, introduced himself while I talked on the phone, waiting to go through the scanner. That beautiful face, so innocent looking, looked started to tear up a bit. I flicked off my phone, winked and nodded to the security officer and said to the kid over my shoulder. "Come on up. We'll talk."

"Ohmygoshthankyoumisterskip Iknowyou'rebusyand..."

"Shut up. We'll talk in my office." The kid shut up. That was good sign.

I stared at him in the mirrored doors of the elevator as we ascended the thirty two floors. He looked nervous. He was pitting out right through his dress shirt and tan blazer. His face was amazing, framed by wavy blond hair. Great complexion -- like a glass of milk, or maybe vanilla ice cream. Yeah, ice cream. That was it. He bit his lip, raised his eyes and saw me staring at him. Red seeped up from his collar to tint his amazingly high cheekbones. He had really dark brown eyes. An amazing contrast to the rest of his color. He bit his lip again and looked down in embarrassment. The door opened. I reached to the side and grabbed his crotch through his gray flannels.

The kid gulped by said nothing. That was good.

I pulled him by his package down the hall and past my receptionist, Graham. Graham looked up, took in the picture and raised an eyebrow.

"Graham, have my private room made ready. We'll be conferencing there in about 20 minutes.

You will join us there in one hour."

"Yes, Mr. Skip. Of course sir."

I walked us into my office, released the kid's crotch, walked around my desk and sat down. I left the little guy standing in the middle of the room. I swiveled, put my feet on the corner of my desk and my hands behind my head.

"You've got a job if you want it. You will have a one-year contract, renewable at that time. I will pay off your debts. Should you break that contract before then you will owe my company a half-million dollars. Are you interested??"

"Oh yes sir! Very much, sir! What do you want me to do?"

"Any fucking thing I tell you to do, how I want it done and when I want you to do it. Do you think you can handle the job?"

"I do sir, although my computer skills aren't the best, I do know..."

"I'm not interested in your computer skills. I need a personal assistant. A very personal assistant. You'll get some time off, but mostly, you'll be at my beck and call 24/7. What's your name, little guy?"

"It's Parker, sir. Parker Goodbody."

"Of course it is. I waited a full half minute in silence. I hit the intercom. "Graham, bring in a standard personal contract, please." Graham was on it.

I said nothing. Parker stood, sweating, eyes on the carpet. In less than a minute, Graham was in with the pages and a pen. He set them on my desk, turned and left, showing me his smirk on the way out.

"Have a look, Mr. Goodbody. Take all the time you want."

"I don't have to sir, I'll sign it now." And he did. That was good.

"Mr. Goodbody, from now one, I will call you Parker, among other things."

"Yes sir."


"What sir!!???"

"Take off your clothes, Parker. Make yourself naked. Show me every inch of your body."

Little Mr. Vanilla was now totally strawberry. He kept his gaze on the floor, kicked off his shoes, opened his belt,stepped out of his pants and fingered off his socks. He paused to fold things neatly, then removed his pitted out blazer and shirt, adding theme to the stack. He paused, glorious in only his tightey whiteys. Either from nervousness or horniness, the little guy had major wood in his pouch.

"Well, Parker?" I raised an eyebrow and waited.

"Yes sir." Parker bent forward at the waist, peeled down his briefs, kicked them off and slowly stood straight. He had a perfect six incher, uniform in shape, a pale mauve knob. The thing curved up like a coat hook, hard as diamond.

I stood and walked around the desk to face Parker. I cradled his jaw with my left hand.

"Put your arms behind your back and grab your elbows, Parker. Now look at me Parker."

The young man did as he was told and then looked up. That was good.

I grabbed his dick and balls with my right. His eyes grew huge. He panted a little. I worked his nuts while I looked into those amazing brown eyes. I wrapped my fingers around his dick and pumped it a few times. It burped some precum onto my thumb. Of course I lifted it to the kids lips.

"Suck my thumb, Parker." He opened, he sucked. That was good.

"Come with me, Parker." I grabbed his dick and pulled him along behind me, out the door, past a chuckling Graham, down the hall to the elevator. It opened, I walked us in, turning to face the doors. With my freehand, I tagged the Gym button. Halfway there, the elevator slowed and a couple of my longest employees got on -- Jim and Mason from accounting. They looked like a couple of professional soccer players. They swore like soccer players too.

"It's a fucking good morning, Mr. Skip!"

"Fuck yes, Jim...Mason. What floor, guys?"

"I see you're headed to the gym, sir. We are too." That was good.

They parted and walked around and stood behind us, watching us in the door's mirrors. Parker saw them watching him in the glass like he was a donut and they were a couple of cops. His cock got even harder. That was good.

Jim said to Mason, "Mase, don't you love to stick your dick in a younger guy, you know, after you let him swing on it a bit?" Jim looked like he was scratching the side of his mouth, but I could see his tongue dart out and lick his thumb.

"You, know what I mean, Mase! First you run your hand between their butt cheeks and find that tender little pucker with a finger..." I heard Parker suck in his breath beside me. Apparently Jim was giving Mason an illustrated lecture. "Then you circle that little rosebud with a wet thumb, like when you make a wine glass sing..." A very low keening whimper was heard in the elevator. It seemed to be coming from Parker.

"Then you thumb it a couple of times and screw your thumb right on in." Parker yelped. "Know what I mean Mase?" Jim began working that young hole, in and out, around and around.

Eyes straight ahead, I whispered, "Better broaden your stance, Parker." He did.

"Oh fuck yes! I know exactly what you mean, Jim. You know, while I dick em, I like to reach around and work on their nipples. They're always so fucking tender and defenseless. I like to pinch em into points and then twist `em a bit. Always makes their pussy tense up, don't you agree?" Parker let out a little squeal as we both watched in the mirror while Mason tormented his perky pink points.

The elevator stopped.

"Gentlemen! I believe we have arrived. I'll be in my personal room, but if you're still here in an hour or so, I may call on you for some assistance."

"Of course, sir. We'd be more than happy to help."

Still holding Parker by his throbber, I took us out - through a room filled with employes sweating through their workouts, down another hall to my person room -- the box with the mirrored interior. I kicked the door closed behind me, watching Parker all the while. He looked like a seven year old in Disneyland for the first time. Kind of like an apprehensive seven year old, maybe. That was good.

"ZZZZZZIIIIiiiiiiiiippppppp!!!" I released his dick and dropped my zip. The hard-on I'd been hiding in my pants sprang out, sniffing around for some place fun to visit.

"Parker...on your knees, Parker." The guy's eyebrow pulled together, a little worried, I guess.

"Suck my dick, Parker. Put your wet, hot mouth on my cock and suck it like you may never eat again." Keeping my meat centered in that amazing face, I slowly stripped. "Hold my balls in your finger tips and roll `em. Now nurse on the head, Parker. Nurse like a fucking baby...that's it, cocksucker!!!" Parker was moaning and slurping before I could kick out of my shoes and pants. I pulled my jacket and shirt over my head and tossed them in the corner.

"Work my fuck stick, Parker. Suck for my nut. Suck, suck sucksuck suck for the nut, kid!!" My god, could Parker ever suck. I'd wanted to hold off on my first cum at work, but the guy was too fucking much. His cheeks hollowed, his jaw worked, his lips inched up the length of my meat again and again. He nursed like a calf at a teat. He snarfed, he slurped. He sucked out my nut!!

"Swallow that goddamn cocksnot, pussy! Eat me, Parker, fuckin' eat me!!!"

Parker worked away contentedly, swallowing quietly, rolling my balls in their bag, slowing down to simply hold my meat deep down in his throat while I caught my breath. I pulled my cock out of that amazing mouth with a satisfying "pop." Parker smacked his lips and leaned in to softly kiss my dick several times. His dick was so needy now it was glassy. That was very good.

"Good job, little dude. You really need to eat the meat, don't you? I think you have a very bright future here. Now go stand in that square of pipe, right in the middle...hat's it."

Parker did as told. I snagged a set of fleece lined leather cuffs from a table, stooped and fastened two to his ankles, then the others at his wrists.

"Make like a starfish, Parker, and don't say a word. I'm going to work your body now."

Parker widened his eyes and widened his stance reaching high up and to the sides. I picked a set of leather straps of the table and threaded them through the cuff rings, then up to the corners of the square.

"Feet wider, Parker." He carefully moved each foot farther to the side. I strapped his ankles to the square's bottom corners. I snagged a metal cock ring and worked it over his pulsing pole, adding another to his balls. His junk looked really eager now. From off the side rack, I took the remote and tapped it. The steel bar in the middle of the bottom pipe began to rise from the floor. When it was about half way to his crotch, I attached a clasp ring through the transverse hole. A couple of more taps and the bar end nudged the back of the kid's balls. I also snapped the new ring around his nuggets, tapped again, and the bar retracted into the floor by about an inch, just enough to pull his balls down in the soft skin bag. Parker whimpered. That was good.

I stepped back and looked. Parker's lightly muscled body was stretched taught. Oh - he was able to move just a bit -- forward and back, but that action pulled on his balls. His legs muscles were bulging already. I loosened his arm straps just a tad so he could squat an inch when he needed. Just enough so he could bend his legs once in a while.

Then I ran my hands over that beautiful frat boy body.

I knelt and started at his feet, working my fingers between each toe, under his arches, feeling his meaty calves. I kneaded my way up his muscled legs, and tickled him behind both knees. They flexed, his body sagged for a second and he yelped. Verrrryyy good!

I used both hands to work up his left thigh and hamstrings, then pinched the thick tendon of his adductor, right beside his balls. Then the same with the right leg. I couldn't help but finger his balls for a bit. He really whined then -- not sure, I guess, what I was really up to. His dick stayed hard as rock, pulsing in the air, aimed right at my face.

I leaned in and took the tiniest sip at the end of his dick, sucking gently just on the opening. Parker actually mewed. Then I reached around and took a beautiful butt cheek in each hand and squeezed, at the same time leaning in and deep-throating his pretty cock. Parker gasped. His breathing got short. The mewing continued.

Still sucking on his sweet piece of meat, I moved my hands to his waist, my fingers nearly meeting. I pushed my thumbs into his abs. They didn't go very far. He had a great little muscle gut. I ran my hands up his sides to his arm pits, then slapped his pecs before finding his nibs and working them hard. That got him whimpering alright. I dropped his dick out of my mouth and stood up to hold his shoulders and slip my hands up his arms to his wrists. Adding a little traction there, I leaned in and kissed him. There was a quiet little moan. His jaw loosened and dropped a bit and his lips opened like a flower. My tongue went in for a nice long visit, finding out just how far back his throat was. I fed him my spit, and Parker happily sucked it down. More soft moaning.

Next I pulled off him and turned to a table to get a ping pong paddle. Standing behind him and to the side, I pulled my arm back and smacked him fairly hard on both cheeks. He actually said, "Ummphhh!!"

Several more firm smacks turned his "umphs" into "AAAAAAAAA's". The kid could sing. This was really good. Sweat started rolling down his sides from his pit hairs. His cute little rump was red, but the spanking had heated up his whole body. His head lolled back. He breathed heavily. The whimpering returned.

I traded out the paddle for a bottle of lube and a string of arse beads.

"Knock knock! Can I come in?" It was Graham, right on schedule.

"Come in Graham. Get naked and kneel." Graham was sweating from what must have been an intense workout. He peeled off his t-shirt, shorts and jock, then his shoes, socks and sweat band. He smiled in appreciation of Parkers body stretched and ready for anything.

"Suck him, Graham. Go slowly, we're going to take our time here."

"Yes sir!" said Graham, grin twisting to a bit of a smirk as he leaned in and got to work.

"Just the knob, Graham, go easy. You're going to get a lot out of this." Dick in mouth, Graham nodded and started humming. Great idea there. He just held the tip of Parker's prick in his plump lips and vibrated the thing. Parker's pert butt tensed, wanting to ram his dick into that hot wet hole, but barely able to move. The clamp on the kid's balls held him fast.

I knelt behind Parker, pulled his globes open and went in, face first. I slobbered and snorted, licked nibbled and slurped. Huge rimming noises have always been a turn on for me. Same for cock sucking. Why have one sensation when you can have two, I say. Caught by the ball clamp, Parker could only wriggle, tensing his cheeks and hot little hole, helplessly poking his dick into Parker's hot, wet mouth. I wet a middle finger and slipped it right on into Parker's hot little pussy.

"UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn..." Parker seemed to like that.

Next I took the arse beads and fed in the one on the end -- the smallest - into his winking hole. His rosebud opened and the ball popped right in. For the next one, a gave the kid a moment to tense, then relax.

"Pop!" Right on in again. "POppp!! PPPPPoppppp!!! PPPPPPOPPPP!! Balls two, three, four, and finally the biggest -- five! I played the cord in and out of his hole for about a half a minute, then reached for my favorite riding crop.

"Whap!" right on the tight little knot. "AAAAHHHHHHHHH" Yep! The kid felt that one! Bet itmade his pussy really squeeze those nasty beads. That was good.

"Whap whap whap" about ten more targeted smacks had the kid wailing. Pure music. Oh yeah! Every time his knot spasmed, his pussy would tighten and squeeze those balls for all they're worth. What a fucking workout for his boy hole!

Parker's humming was getting louder. The guy sounded happy about his work.

The great thing about that particular string of arse beads was the handle grip on the end -- like the ones you use to start a gas lawn mower.

I lightly tapped that hole three more time as I counted, "One...two...three..." I dropped the whip and put my left hand against the small of Parker's back. Then I pulled every one of those balls out of his arse all in one smooth motion.


Parker's whole body seized up, every muscle tensed. The kid looked like he was being electrocuted as his balls cramped and chucked his nut up through his dick and into Graham's humming mouth.

"Suck him dry, Graham, drain the faggot for me, Graham."

"HMMMmmmmmmmmm" Graham vacuumed up the hot cocksnot and swallowed like a thirsty man. He sucked on as Parker squealed and shuttered on the rack.

It was a thing of fucking beauty. I spread his cheeks and looked in. His hole opened and snapped shut like a hungry gold fish. Another thing of beauty.

Now it was time to fuck it.

Next: Chapter 5

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