Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Jul 18, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 3

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Axel Gets the Grease

The door opened and the hunk coming in had to bob his head to clear the lintel. I'd only seen him from the back -- naked as he scaled the climbing wall. His face was a total surprise. Rugged as that wall, he took your breath away at first glance. Looking closer, your knees started to buckle which naturally brought your gaze to his crotch. The man's blue blazer was unbuttoned, showing his white t-shirt and blue jeans. The jeans were a bit worn. They looked like they were hiding a softball behind that zipper. Axel had his blazer sleeves pushed up so they caught on his thick muscled forearms. Speaking of muscles, his thighs stretched his jeans with every step he took. For a moment he paused at the sight of Ethan's clothes scattered on the floor, then looked me straight in the eye and came forward, walking right across the discarded duds. Stopping on the other side of my desk, he extended his right hand. I stayed seated. Obviously stronger, he nevertheless shook firmly without even a hint of contest about it.

"Mr. Ploughright, please have a seat. I'm very glad you could make it. I know that our scouts didn't tell you much, other than salary and the opportunity to be part of a major Alpha-COK enterprise. Have you heard much about us?"

"Not a whole lot. More rumor and innuendo, I suppose. I checked with some other frat alums who said you were trained personally by Scott Grimes, then by Lance Pierce. I was in school with Grimes, and in my work, I've certainly heard of Pierce. I heard that you've built an empire of discrete facilities and services that span a couple of continents, and that you donate about a half billion dollars to Alpha-COK each year...and that you almost exclusively employ frat alumni. How am I doing so far?"


"Uhhhhhh. Right! You truly were trained by Grimes and Pierce, weren't you? So let me just say...uh... yes...sir!"

"That's okay, bro. I'm pretty casual with most guys once I've met them. You can call me Skip. I will call you Axel. Maybe sometimes I'll call you coach'! Maybe sometimes I'll call you daddy'...but that's all for the future."

"Of course...sir...Skip."

I smiled as I tapped Ethan's cheek. Immediately you could hear a couple of soft little slurps from under the desk.

This was about to get fucking interesting.

The whole time we talked, Axel looked directly at me. As if by chance, his right hand dropped to his thigh. Then as he took a breath, it moved up to where his leg joined his torso.

I tapped Ethan's cheek again and closed my eyes for a few seconds, luxuriating in wet velvet twink mouth. The sucking sounds grew louder. Axel's eyes rounded in surprise as he realized my dick was soaking in some very talented mouth. I smiled.

I peeked. Axel took another couple of breaths, and as he exhaled he covered his crotch with his big mitt. Slowly he cupped his hand, squeezing his over-packed package. Then came the smirk...the Alpha-COK trademark.

I double tapped Ethan and he started making some of the most obscene sucking sounds I've ever heard, and believe me, I've heard a lot, usually coming from my own mouth.

I smirked back. "SSSHLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPP!!!!!! Ethan shifted from piglet to pig.

Slowly Axel pulled down his zipper.


I scooted back from my desk, reached down grabbing Ethan by the arm pits, pulled him half way out of the desk well and turned him so his head was above the edge of the desk so he could look at Axel.

The big man's eyes went to Ethan like a hawk on a mouse. His nostrils flared. His cheek glowed with heat. I could feel Ethan tremble between my legs as he sat frozen by Axel's gaze.

I had just made a moment there.

Axel's hand went in his fly. Ethan sucked in his breath. I slipped my hand in front of his face and stuck my thumb in his mouth. Nervously watching Coach Axel, Ethan sucked.

Axel pulled out his seven or so flaccid inches which were already starting to fill out to their full, glorious length.

"Coach! I need you to stand up and strip now."

Silently Axel rose, shedding his sport jacket on the way. Still staring at little Ethan, he kicked off his loafers and began unbuttoning his shirt. He was as built as I'd thought. Ethan gasped around my thumb then started sucking in earnest, watching the big brute's body emerge.

Axel pulled open his belt, hooked his thumbs in the waistbands of his jeans and jock. Bending forward at the hip, he glowered at Ethan as he shucked his drawers down to his ankles, stepped out and kicked them to the side. The kid was really going to get if from the big guy. Axel widened his stance as he straightened. Ethan and I stared at the eleven inches of hot and hard tube steak now aimed directly at us.

"Go get it, Ethan! Go get the dick!! Get the big dick, pussy!! Suck, suck SUCK SUCK SUCK IT!"

Ethan scooted up and right over the desk. He hit the ground running while sinking to his knees. It took him three seconds to grab the big man's thick thighs and start nursing on what looked to be the dick of his dreams.

Axel stared down at the top of Ethan's bobbing head his lips curled into a smirk. He glanced up at me, raised both eyebrows and simultaneously said. "Fuck!"

"Of course Coach! You can fuck his pussy in just a minute or two, but first we've got some business to do. I'm offering you $200 grand for three months work training the guy who's sucking your dick. What do you say, Coach?"

"I'll do it for a hundred thousand."

Skip Calls the Shots

Watching Ethan gobbling Axel's meat made my pussy itch. It had been quite some time since I'd scratched it with someone else's cock. The way things were going, it looked like Graham was going to spend his lunch hour on the floor with me playing cowboy on his dick while I rode him to a couple of satisfying cums. Graham hated that. Curiously, that made me hornier.

"Axel, meet Ethan. Ethan, meet Coach. The two nodded while Ethan sucked on. Coach, put your hands behind your head and keep them there. I'm going to take Ethan on a little tour. Coach was quick to do. I liked that a lot.

"Ethan, drop his dick and eat his balls for a while. Yeah, hunker down there, little guy. Get your nose right up there between the top of his leg and his balls. Take a couple of really deep breaths. That's it!"

Axel closed his eyes and rocked side to side a bit, enjoying Ethan's considerable skill and interest.

"Ethan, see if you can get both those babies in your mouth at once. No? I guess not, but damn good try, little dude. Coach! Bend your knees a bit. That's it. Ethan...scoot between his legs, turn around and pull those big beautiful cheeks apart. Now eat arse, Ethan. Get way up in there and make sure I can hear it. I want to watch Coach's face while you chow down in his hole. Coach, squat in the air so the little guy can eat your manhole! Feel his soft pink lips working to get into your muscle knot? He's got a fucking great tongue, doesn't he coach? I can tell by your face he's eating you alive." Ethan was noisy. Axel was in heaven. His brows knit together and his mouth sagged open a little.

I just sat for a few minutes, watching Ethan's effect on Coach's big buff body. First his thick thighs would tense, then his abs. His pecs would bunch up next, then his biceps. His head lolled back a little and his mouth hung open:

"Holy fucking shit, can this kid ever eat arse!"

Coach knew what he was talking about. The file put together for me by HR was thick. A lot of the pages were stills of various young guys swinging on his meat, smoking that big boy crotch rocket jamming their faces in his tight man butt. A lot of pages were kind of stuck together by the sperm of the interns who assembled the file.

There were several links to videos that showed many a twink getting his knees on the floor before Axel managed to unbuckle and drop his pants. There were a whole lot of videos. Axel with his dick in a glory hole, Axel driving his Jeep with a young buzz-cut blond head bobbing in his lap. Axel leading a fitness class while his assistant blew him in front of his students. Axel using an ipad to develop and refine fitness plans while a brunette twink sucked him from under a table. The man's dick was like dope for twinks. One look, one sniff, and they were his.

"Ethan," I said, "take that stud out of your mouth and hit the floor. I want you flat out on your gut like a bear rug."

It took him exactly five seconds to spread out - presenting Coach with a view of one of the finest smooth ivory arses ever seen. The twin's muscled thighs were spread wide, letting just the hint of his little pink pucker peak up at the big man. Axel dripped precum on it. He was sweating already with fuck lust -- his face ruddy, jaw clenched, that big dick bobbing in the air in front of him.

"Coach, how about showing Ethan here how a big fucking stud eats fuck hole? Eat that boypussy, coach, make the little fucker feel it before you pork him!"

By the time I said "hole" he Axel was already hunched over on the floor with Ethan's rounded globes trapped in his big mitts. He squeezed them like grapefruit, then pulled them apart, stretching that knot like a rubber gasket. It stayed firmly closed. Coach spit right on the puckered ring, then dove right like a wolf on a kill. He scoured it a few times with his stubbled chin and then sucked and nibbled on it like a starving man.

Ethan melted into the carpet. His head tilted to the side and he began moaning. He kept moaning, a soft, tender "euuunnnn...euunnn," every time his breath left him -- a helpless, suffering, ecstatic kind of moan. I stood and walked across the room so I could get a better look at the big man chowing down on twink pussy.

"I love you way you eat boy hole, Coach. Look's about ready for your big dick, don't you think? See how it's winking and opening. I think it knows what it wants but is maybe a little afraid to get it. Why don't you spank that naughty little pucker, Coach? Why don't you show that little pussy mouth who's the man?"

For answer, he sat back on his heels, put two fingers together like a boy scout and smacked the hell out of Ethan's tender button. The kid's eyes flew open, he arched up a little and his whole body tensed.

"It's about time to get in that boypussy and fuck it, don't you think, big guy? That hot hole needs a man to fuck it into submission. Fuck that hole, stud...jam your hard junk in there and fuck the hell out of it!"

Axel was way beyond talking. I'm not even sure he understood what I was saying. His whole body was primed for either fighting or fucking, and it was a sure thing he was a master of both. He put his knees just inside Ethan's, placed his hands underneath the twink's arm pits and lined up his plus-size cock knob right against the waiting hole. The hole was starting to panic. The dick throbbed.

"UUUUuuoooooooaaahaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" That was Ethan, shouting as Coach's dick popped his gasket and slid smoothly into his over-heated pussy.

"Oh FUCK but I love this hole, man. I FUCKING LOVE IT!!" Axel reported. He pulled out to the tip, then sank in again. Ethan screamed again, but not quite as loudly. Coach aimed and bullied his way in again, twisting his hips as he slammed down, then wriggling his hips with his dick planted as deeply as it would go. The kid's little hole clenched around the big piece of meat. Coach waited...and waited...and waited.

Ethan's knot softened and opened a little a little more. Coach immediately pulled out and slammed fucked it over and over. Ethan grunted rhythmically, lying limp under the incessant pounding.

Dripping with sweat, Axel took a break, resting with his arms straight, his big unit still fully sheathed in twink arse. Then he did some serious detective dicking, searching to Ethan's helpless and waiting P-spot. The big man stabbed around in there, trying every angle, every depth, over and over unil...


He then proceeded to simply pound the hole fuck out it for a full minute.

I walked around behind him and knelt. His waist looked tiny compared to the big man's shoulders. His amazing butt looked like a couple of cantaloupes. Hanging below and onto the floor were those chicken egg balls. I held them in my finger tips, massaging, pulling, working them carefully. I reached under and circled a thumb and finger around the base of that dick where it pressed against Ethan's stretched out hole. My fingers didn't reach. I massaged those meaty glutes a little. Axel held his place, recovering his breath, dripping sweat on Ethan's shoulders and back. I pried open coach's arse crack, leaned in and started Frenching that man hole.

"FFFFUUUCCCKCKKKKK!" Coach again. Still fully embedded, he powered his dick into Ethan, grinding, churning, making little circles in that little tight fist of a pussy that grabbed his man pole while his knot grabbed the tip of my wet tongue. I jammed my face further in the big man's crack, nibbling, licking and working the tip of my meaty tongue in his hole. Coach was now growling as he ground into Ethan's helpless little pussy.

"eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhnnn," sang Ethan, over and over, lost in the sensations of Coach pulverizing his pussy.

I pulled my face out of Axel's arse, "Okay Coach, time to fuck the holy shit out of that little butt!!"

Coach got right to work. It was like turning on a punch press. He'd pull back, I'd smack his meaty arse with my bare hand, and he stab into Ethan. Over and over. The big lug was relentless, steady, a locomotive of fucking...slowly slowly gather speed. My hand was starting to smart but I was hypnotized by those meaty red flexing cheeks and the smacking of those big balls against Ethan's much smaller ones. As Axel fucked on I wet my middle finger, picked up those big balls with my fingers, then slid digit right up Coach's kiester. That about did it. Two more huge punches from the man's huge pussy pole, and Axel stabbed and stayed, unloading all he had to give- way, way , waaaayyy the hell deep in Ethan's guts. The big man's arsehole just about took my finger off. His balls pulled up out of my hand and hit the root of his cock. We'd make a Kodak moment for sure. I could hardly wait `til evening when I would hunker down in bed and watch the office video feed while I fed Ethan his good night cum.

"BBBuuuuuuOOOOoFFFFF!" Coach collapsed on the little guy, pinning him completely to the floor. I pulled my thumb out of his arse and wiped it off under his balls. After a couple of seconds, the man shifted to rest on his elbows, sparing the fucked-out twink his substantial weight. Ethan bent his elbows, then pushed Axels arms to the side so his full weight crashed down on him again. I think it gave Ethan a sense of security or something. His own weighted meat blanket

I was beginning to realize that Ethan's internship was going to be epic, if Coach and I had anything to do with it.

"Coach, eat your load out of the little guy's hole, will you? I'd like to taste it, please. But take your time. When you're ready, I want you to watch you fuck him again while I stick my dick in his face. Got it?"


Coach was already on it, and shortly after, he was again in it. By the way, coach's cum was amazing.

Some Personal Time

I leaned way in and scrapped my teeth on Ethan's slippery smooth pussy knot.

The little guy was gut-flat on the bed, arms and legs spread wide, moaning quietly while I ate him out. I was on my knees at the foot of the bed where I could use my forearms on the backs of his thighs to keep him pinned in place and get a double handful of butt cheek, pulling those suckers apart and feasting like a king on fratboy hole. The more I ate, the harder my dick got.


I pulled my face out of his arse and grabbed his ankles to help him flip. He flopped back and spread his arms wide, eyes closed, braced for the next hot thing.

I grabbed his knees and pulled them apart, putting tension on his inner legs. His dick bobbed and his balls pulled up a little bit. Ethan had the perfect dick for easy sucking. About five inches long, it was straight as a pickle and went down my throat just as easily. I hunched in and held his knees with my elbows so I could work his balls with my fingers. After a couple minutes of this, I wet a middle finger and slipped it up his hot hole while I deep throated him -- still working those pretty little balls. His junk and his arse were mine and I spent some time letting him know who owned him.

I eased off and gently kissed his piss slit a while as I barely touched and tickled his silky bag of jewels. Then I dove on his dick, right to his curlies and used my finger to dig around in his pussy until I found his sex button. The kid began hunching and squirming like a snake on a nail, but I had his junk and joy chute captive. Where he lived was where I was. Seemed like he was fighting it and at the same time fucking loving it. I know I fucking did.

Just a few more seconds of sucking and pussy plucking and the twink unloaded in my craw, gushing like a faucet and screaming like a banshee. You know I fucking loved that!!

I swallowed his sweet, sweet ball slop, then tightened my grip on his balls, pulled my digit out of his rump and reached up to stick it in his mouth.

"Suck it, Ethan!" Of course he did.

Still holding him by the balls, I let up with my elbows.

"Flip again, little dude."

I ate arse for a couple of minutes then knee walked up onto the bed and put my fuck stick right up against his winking pink knot. It was sopping, I was dry. I figured between the two, it would work out all right.

"Here it comes pussy! You know I need to fuck you til you squirt again, don't you. You so fucking need dick in you, baby, and you so fucking need your balls drained over and over. Good thing my dick's here to fuck another nut out of you, I'm soooo going to breed you til you're raw!"

"OOooouuuuuhhhhUUUUUNNNHHH!!" Ethan felt every fucking inch of my rod slide down into his sex chute.

I hung there a bit, resting on his back, just loving the feeling of his pussy grabbing and releasing my dick.

"Whhhump! Whump!!" Two giant hands landed on my arse cheeks, jamming me farther up Ethan's hole. They pulled my melons apart and then I felt a great tongue lap at my winker.

"Ach! Skip! Now it looks as if your boaby is the baern's sweet honey pot. I think I'll be joining you by going up yours!!

Clyde (who else?) hawked and spit a warm wad of spit dead center on my arse hole and immediately shoved his mighty stud stick in my guts. It had been so fucking long, but I remembered it oh so well. Lance, my frat sponsor had so loved to watch my face while his highland roommate fucked me senseless, laughing and trash talking about how much I needed dick.

Like an oversexed oil well jockey, Clyde started laying pipe. He settled his huge chest on my back, pressing me and Ethan far into the mattress. Then he reached up along my arms and under to grab Ethan's shoulders. Holding the little intern carefully, he was able to fuck into me so that I fucked into Ethan, sliding a bit up and down the little dudes back.

My arse was in one heaven and my dick in another. Somehow the two joined up in one screamingly horny fucking sensation.

Clyde rocked. His dick rutting in my guts, I rutted in Ethan's.

"God Ethan! He's fucking me with his big cudgel. It's sawing me in half, little guy. It's making me punch fuck your tender pussy. He's CUM OUT OF MY BALLS JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER DID!!!!! YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

Fuck! But that felt good, dude!

As I came, Clyde jammed his mighty meat muscle as far up into me as he could make it go. That was, I admit, pretty damn far. He grunted once and then I could feel the warm wet flood of the big man's spooge as it hosed into me. Believe me, that guy could cum buckets.

Ethan had yet to cum when Clyde pulled back and pulled me off and out of Ethan. There was a satisfying "pop."

"Eat him out and spit it on my dick, Skip."

I could never say "no" to Clyde.

Into Ethan's arse I went again, felching out my hot spew while the little dude whimpered and moaned. I turned and deep throated Clyde, pulling off while I let my cum coat his trudgeon.

"Move!" said Clyde.

I move, shifting to the side, and watched Clyde sink his giant joy stick into Ethan. The kid was so shocked he was silent...for a few seconds.

"Oh my god ohmygodohmygod..." Yep, Ethan was now officially invaded by the Highlander and his mighty sword.

Clyde grabbed Ethan by the waist and knee walked back a bit dragging the guy until his shoulders and head rested on the end of the end of the bed.

"Get his nips and dick, Skip. You know what to do."

I certainly did. I slipped under there and got to work, also reaching up to work two pairs of male balls as the two men slipped into fucking mode.

Together we worked Ethan's pussy, dick and nips until Clyde forced another load out of the little intern and into my stomach. It tasted so fucking good, as did Clyde's dripping boaby, juicy from the little twink's pussy.

Man, I do love to eat!

Josh Does a Consultation

Josh has been my best buddy since high school, as well as a long time partner in both business and sex. After he joined forces with Prodder at AlphaTraining International he doubled their membership and profits. He became not only famous, but incredibly sought after. My bud could surprise even some of his raunchier admirers when it came to sex, but after all these years, he still looked and acted like the boy next door, the one who would blush if he heard the word "damn." His pale skin and blond curls added to that sense of innocence. When stripped down, his body looked like it was designed by Michelangelo on one of his better days. Somehow you had the sense that if you could just slip your mouth over his cock, it would be his first time ever, and that you'd be giving him the gift of wonder. Josh, on the other hand, was always ready to drop a hot sweet load in your throat, warm savory and sweet goop that made you wonder why you ever sucked anyone else.

"You mean to tell me that you've got Scott Grime's kid in your bed and his pussy on your dick any time you want? Skip, you are amazing. I don't know how you do it!" Josh seemed truly impressed.

"Remember how when Scott and Brian died we thought it was the end of the world, even though we were blowing the lawyers who came to read their wills to us? Man, did they ever stake us to the sweet life we've got going on for us now. I suppose Scott's wife and kids were well provided for too."

"Yeah, they were. Ethan wouldn't have to work if he didn't want to, but he's like his old man in wanting to make his mark in the world. Happily, that involves giving up his arse a whole lot during his summer internship. Dude, wait `til you feel him work his way down your dick from your knob to your root! The kid's a natural genius when it comes to cock sucking. Don't get me wrong. A lot of my staff, like Parker there, are truly talented. But even Parker would say that Ethan's world class, wouldn't you, Parker?"

"MMyyyyy meeeshshhshmmmsslsluuuu." Parker was a little hard to understand with Josh's dick in his mouth. He almost seemed like part of the office furniture by now -- always handy, beautiful to look at and comfortable to use. Josh scooted his hips forward and spread his knees wider to give the twink full access to his balls and tender thigh skin.

"So've got this training coach working the kid - getting his body in shape as well as getting into his body, right?"

"Absolutely, bro.! Axel, that's the big lug's name, is really bowled over by the kid. Reminds me of how Clyde was so into you back in college. Dude! If I close my eyes I can see that hulking Scotsman marching around the dorm room with your legs around his waist and his dick way up in your guts. Fuck! You always looked like it had somehow just happened to you -- like you didn't know how that big dick got in up there -- and like you seriously weren't horny as hell for his cum. That guy could work your buttons like a keyboard. You must have sucked and fucked enough cum out of the big fucker to float a sailboat. Make that two sailboats!

"For sure, Skip! It'll be good to see him again. I've been missing that big side of beef! Haven't seen him since I dropped by his butterfly reserve last summer. Did I tell you about the thing he did where he'd put a jar of caterpillers that he put over my..."

"RRRRRRRRRRRIIINNNGGGG." My phone had an old fashioned ring tone.

"Yeah, Skip here, what is it?...Yeah?...Which camera feed?...Okay...Thanks."

"Josh-bro, we've got to see this. I told security to call me if, or rather when, Axel starts fucking Ethan again. Give me a second to drop the big screen and rig the link...

"Motherfuck! There! Look at that! Coach Axel is prancing around the gym with that little twink riding his pussy porker, just like Clyde used to do with you. We were just fucking talking about it!" Josh's eyes got round and his mouth opened in a sexy pout. His trademark horndog tell.

The camera showed the muscled hunk rocking forward and back as he walked around the gym equipment. His big hands were locked behind Ethan's lower back. The little guy's legs were wrapped around Coach's waist, and his hands were clasped behind the big man's thick neck. Ethan's head lolled back and only the whites of his eyes showed as he bounced on that heroic dick.

Axel walked Ethan up to a weight machine, leaned him back against the upright, then pulled the kids hands from his neck, draping Ethan's arms over the chest press bars. Josh's full weight hung on the big dick. Axel stepped up and in, bent his knees a bit, then jabbed up into Ethan's guts. While he fucked in the kid, he used the backs of his hands to smack him in the abs. You could see how that made Ethan twitch, hunch and harden his gut. It also made his glutes harden and of course forced his pussy to clamp down on Axel's battering ram. It went on for quite some time. Coach could fucking fuck!

I glanced over at Josh. His eyes were glued to the screen. He was flushed and his breath was starting to catch. He'd crabbed Parker's head with both hand and was using the guy's head to beat off with. Amazing amount of concentration and sense of purpose, my friend Josh.

On the screen, Coach Axel stopped power fucking and was doing small fast rabbit jabs up into Ethan. The man had the kid's tender nips between his thumbs and fingers and was tweaking them in rhythm to his thrusts. Ethan's whole body was jiggling and he started keening deep in his throat. Axel was breathing hard. His jackrabbit thrusts punched on. The man's face was a vision of power and fuck lust -- his lips began to pull back from his teeth and his jaw clenched with effort. The big power fucker glared at Ethan's face, puckered from the intensity of it all. The kid's wails grew in pitch and volume. The little guy's dick was reddish purple with its need to blow. He opened his eyes, stared Axel in the face, then spurted fuck juice out of his untouched cock.


Axel kept fucking.

Ethan spurted over and over. His white goo splatted up onto his chest, a few drops landing in his sagging mouth. Though he still hung from the equipment, you could see his muscles give up as he nearly passed out. His head bounced gently against the upright. His arms hung limply over the bars.

"PHhhhuuuummmmppppp!!! PHhhhhhhuuuuuummmppppp!!! PHHhhhuuuuummpppp!! Axel gave Ethan three huge long jabs deep in his pussy...arched his back... looked up at the ceiling...and unloaded a torrent of spooge deep inside the twink. The big man's body spasmed and shook as he squeezed out every last drop of his ball batter up into Ethan's guts.

"FFFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" That, of course, was Josh, feeding his own juice deep into Parkers throat as my assistant sputtered and gasped for air. Josh fell back into his chair -- one happy camper there, by the look on his face. Parked pulled of my bud's dick for a moment, caught his breath, then sucked some more, going for a total drain of that truly fine dick in his mouth.

"See what I mean, Josh?" I snapped my fingers. Parker looked over. I pointed to my dick. Parker nodded as he came off Josh's meat, then knee walked over to me. He attached himself to my bobbing cock and started sucking.

"I sure do, Skip. I think we could use a man with Coach Axel's skills as part of our personal training business. We get a lot of special requests that he could fulfill -- especially for clients who have just graduated college, are coming into their own, but still want some big guy to fuck them `til they scream. Axel obviously has the talent."

"That he does, my friend. I'm thinking though, that you might do a little consulting here, maybe help Coach adapt our gym with some of the specialized equipment made by Stone Enterprises. Even though Brian Stone died along with the great Scott Grimes, I'm told his development department continues to come up with some truly fine ways to up the intensity and work extra loads out of a guy. Will you see what you can do Josh?"

"Happy to help, Skip! I may need to do a personal evaluation of both Ethan and the Coach as well as some orientation and training once we've installed the new equipment."

"My thought exactly, Josh. I think I'd very much enjoy having the three of you demo whatever program you come up with."

"I'll certainly keep that in mind Skip. In fact, I believe I'll go and get started right away, bro."

" go ahead and go...I'm going to go ahead and cum..."

Josh let himself out to the sounds of Parker swallowing down my load.

Next: Chapter 4

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