Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Jul 10, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No. 2

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Skip's New Apprentice

"Oh yeah! What I managed to suck out of your father's dick could have given you about two or three billion brothers and sisters. His cum was like dope. Couldn't get enough of the stuff." That's what I said to him. But not on that first day.

"Mr. Skip? You're ten o'clock appointment is here, shall I send him in? He's the one applying for the personal assistant position for the summer."

"Thanks Graham. Give it two minutes and then send him on in. I'm about finished here."

"Yes sir, Mr. Skip."

I finished up the last two pages of yesterday's financial report, feeling my balls pull ever higher in their bag.

"UUUUuhhnnnnngggggghhhhhh..." I couldn't help myself, really, Parker's expert sucking never failed to drain a huge load from my two bad boys. They fucking loved feeding him too. But then, he was always good about warming them up first as well as kissing them goodbye when he had to say goodbye to my dick.


"Yeah Parker. My balls love you too. If they could kiss you back they would. Now get the hell out of here. It's time for you to blow Graham. Go get `em Parker. Go get the dick, pussy. Suck, suck, fucking suck him! Then bring him back in here in a half hour. Make sure he can only shoot blanks by then. Do it and I'll let you cum on my dick and eat it."

Besides being eye candy and a damn good office assistant, and all around obedient twink, Parker was the most persistent cocksucker I have ever met, including me. Given the right stud to work with, I've seen him drag out three loads in twenty minutes. Even with their balls empty, he could get a man to hump his pretty face.

Parker started out the door, but turned and stared at the vision that walked in.

"Get to work, Parker. Time's wasting!" I snapped.

I wanted to have no distractions as I looked at the little hunk of sex standing across the room.

I stared. He began to blush. The guy was nineteen at the most. Five foot six was my guess. Broad little shoulders, wasp waist, thighs like a couple of Vienna sausages. The bulge in his gray slacks was definitive. Not a sign of a g-string or pair of underwear. His junk was all there in bas relief.

But his face was amazing. Not conventionally handsome. Definitely not rugged...but I wouldn't say girly either. High cheekbones, deep brown eyes and wavy hair. He was watching me nervously from under some of the longest eyelashes I've ever seen.

That blush though -- it started where the top two buttons of his white dress shirt lay open. Then it deepened as it rose up his neck and colored is entire face. He started to sweat too. No...he had already been sweating by the looks of his sport coat. The kid was damn nervous.

Still silent, I walked across the carpet and stood in front of him. When I lifted his chin, his eyes swept up to stare into mine. His eyebrows grew together. Yeah. He was fucking anxious, man. When I released his chin, he dropped it along with his gaze and bit his bottom lip a bit.

I walked around him. I swear I could hear his heart beat. From behind, I leaned down and smelled his neck just above his collar. Nature's best perfume -- fresh twink sweat.

I moved closer until my crotch was nudging his butt, put both my hands on top of his shoulders -- gave them a squeeze and kneaded them a bit. Still silent I slid down to feel his biceps. They tensed in reaction. Firm rounds of succulent muscle. I slid on down to each wrist holding one while I unbuttoned the kids jacket, then swooping up to cup his pecs inside his coat. His breathing grew jagged and quick.

My fingers and thumbs found his tender nipples through the shirt cotton. I pulled him back against my chest and gently worked his tits for a bit.

Two whimpers...then a moan. Damn good sign!

I dropped my mouth to the side of his neck and took a nibble. His breath caught.

Of course, to get the interview, the kid had to be an Alpha-COK member. Must have been rushed and been trained by an older frat bro just this year. Better and better. I gently sank my eyeteeth into one defenseless earlobe, chewed a couple of times, then sucked on that sweat, tender gumdrop.


You could bet your balls the kid is a total screamer in the sheets. Of course I'll be verifying that.

I pulled off the guy and walked to my desk, turned and leaned back.

"What's your name?

"Ethan, sir. Ethan Grimes."


"My name's Ethan Grimes, sir."


"Tell me about yourself, Ethan."

"Well...I just finished my freshman year at State. I belong to the Alpha-COK fraternity. They're the ones who got me this interview. I really want training in what it takes to get ahead in the world. I'm majoring in business with a minor in math. I'd intended to study law, but I just don't have the mind for it like my dad did. I didn't know him well `cause he was gone a lot. Uh...he died some time ago. At least I got to join his old fraternity."


"Yes sir?"

"Put your right thumb in your mouth and suck it."

"Uhhh...what, sir?"

"Put your fucking right thumb in your mouth and suck it Ethan. Now."

Ethan plugged his suck hole and sucked, his eyes growing bigger with apprehension. I watched him suck in silence. His cheeks hollowed beautifully. Not only did his jaw work, but his pretty pink lip crawled forward to help get as much of his thumb in him as they could.

"Stop, Ethan."

The kid stopped sucking and dropped his hand to his side.

"Come here, Ethan."

"Yes sir, Mr. Skip."

"Closer, Ethan."

He stepped closer.

Staring into those deep warm eyes, I reached down and grabbed his right hand. Pulling it to my face, I sucked in his thumb and worked it with my tongue.

The twink's knees actually buckled a bit. He caught himself, drew in a big breath and stared back at me bravely. His jacket was really pitted out now.

I sucked his thumb a little longer, then pulled it out. Holding his palm open, I used my other thumb to draw slow firm circles in his palm.

"So...Ethan," I said, conversationally, "What was your dad's name?"

"Uh...his name was Scott, sir. Scott Grimes. He was sort of a famous lawyer."


"Yes sir?"

I unzipped my fly, pulled out my dick and balls then put both hands on the kid's shoulders. He looked up at me as I slowly pressed him down to his knees. He went willingly.

"You're hired, Ethan. Now get to work."

"Yes sir!"

"Something tells me you'll do a great job, Ethan."

"SSSSShhhhhhhuuuuuoooooopp. Shhhhlllooooaaahhmp."

I'm seldom wrong about things like that. The kid had a great future. I could tell.

Graham Gets Help With His Presentation

"Graham, after we finish up with your presentation, see about having this office redone. It's too crowded for the four of us when I need to get work done."

I sat at my desk playing with Graham's balls with Parker between my thighs, sucking away as only his pretty face could. Graham sat on my right with his pants around his ankles and our newest intern, Ethan, between his legs, earnestly working the man's meat way down into his dainty throat. Graham moaned so I worked his balls a little more before petting Ethan's wavy hair and feeling the sides of his cock-sucking mouth. The kid was amazing! Graham's attention kept going to Nathan's mouth rather than the remote control in his hand.

"Graham! Do I have to squeeze your balls again to keep you on task?"

"No sir Mr. Skip!" Graham's eyes had started to roll up in his head as he concentrated on being sucked. He snapped them open and stared ahead at the presentation screen. We were using the wall--sized version today.

"Some of the other features being developed in Fuckland include Hang Fucking and Rock Milking. What you see here are two dudes face down, one above the other as they hang-glide after being dropped from a helicopter. The staffer is above with his dick in the quest's fuck hole. He both pilots and fucks. He can perform dives where he pulls up suddenly, jamming his pole deep in the guest, do repeated stalls that set up a rhythmic poking, or try for a steep climb that wedges his meat fully inside the pussy and keeps it there, the guest's weight keeping him pinned on the dick. Since the guest has little control over the glider, they're usually half-scared and half thrilled as the fucker takes them through loop the loops and other tricks. Staffers who have trained for this tell me a guy's pussy hangs on to them for dear life. Usually a guest splooges spontaneously at least twice. MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm..."

While Graham spoke, I'd moved Ethan's hands up to his nipples and begun massaging his balls again. Ethan knew just what to do -- massaging and pulling at Parker's sensitive big nips (I'd had Parker nurse on the little fuckers all afternoon yesterday, while Parker was hosting Zoom meetings. Parker HATED IT! I LOVED IT! Guess who's the boss?) I turned my chair a little so I could watch the two go at it. Graham was starting to bounce his hips a little on the sly, poking his cock into Ethan's soft, wet mouth. I rabbit fucked Parker's head for a few moments, then took my attention back to the screen.

"So, Graham, what's with the Rock Milking?"

The screen showed an artificial cliff studded with rocky outcroppings and planted here and there with vegetation. With the camera at a distance, we could see several very athletic male bodies working their way up the face of the thing. Great looking bodies...brown, white, black, tea colored. We'd recently put a lot of effort in diversifying our hires. Part of the problem was the real and embarrassing history of the Alpha-COK fraternity that had long provided the participants in what had come to be a vast international brotherhood of preference. We were making inroads, but we needed to work harder. I made a note to sit down with my HR guys and see where we were with it all.

Graham continued, "Let me zoom in here. See the climbing wall with the safety net? It's a standard design except for those holes you see in several places on the face of the cliff. They're placed where a guest has to pass in order to reach the top. Behind each one is a staffer who specializes in cock sucking. Guests have to climb naked, of course, so was soon as they pass in front of a hole, the staffers got the guy by the balls and his dick in their mouths. The guest has got to hang on for dear life while the staffer goes for their cum. It actually takes a combination of strength, will power and skill for the guest to free his junk and climb up higher. Each of the routes to the top has about five or six holes. We've yet to have a test client make it to the top without dropping a load and then dropping into the net. See, here's one who's losing it even as we watch."

The camera zoomed in to show a mountain of a man half way up the cliff. His entire body tensed with the effort of keeping his big frame secure to the rock. He was wonderfully fit. He was wonderfully tan. Sweat ran from his hairline down his back and into his butt crack. It was a world class butt -- big! -- but not in comparison with the rest of him. He looked like an a quarterback - narrow waist - lanky but each muscle bulged in its center as if he were an anatomy model.

"Watch this guy's muscles pop as he tries to hold his place. I'm moving the drone so you can see where his dick sticks in that hole, and, obviously into some mouth. There! You can see the lips working their way from his knob to his pubes. This is the guy's fifth and last hole. If he can keep going, he'll be the first to ever make it all the way to the top. Man! I love to watch when they start to shake like that. You can tell they're going to lose their nut no matter how hard they're fighting to keep it. ...yeah...yeAH! THERE! See how his whole body tenses while he's firing away into the hidden mouth in the hole? Now watch...THERE!! He's sweaty and slippery! He's panting, he's slipping, he's losing it! Look at the fucker fall! The applause you hear is from those guys sitting at the tables below, drinking and watching the fun. A lot of money changes hands with bets on how far a guy might make it before he loses it. I got to try it once myself and only got to the second hole before some hot mouth swallowed myI...UUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNGGGGHHHHH!!!!"

Graham's head snapped back, his hips twitched up and his balls tried to pull up out of my hand (again). Graham was fucking going off in the middle of another presentation. Little Ethan was a champ though. He bravely stayed on that dick and took all five cum shots directly in his throat, blushing furiously the whole time as he gobbled down the cocksnot. While Graham was shooting, Ethan pinched and twisted the bigger guy's nipples, making the man jerk and judder as he unloaded what had to be a major fucking load.

As Graham fell back in his chair, panting, Ethan pulled up and nursed quietly on the man's knob. I let go of Graham's balls and grabbed him by the back of his neck, turning him to face me.

"Graham! What am I going to have to do to you so you have some control, bro? You give it up waaaayyy too easily. I'm going to have to think long and hard about it.! Take a break and eat me, fucker!"

I pulled Parker off my cock and attached Graham's mouth to it. Then I pushed Parker onto Ethan's perfect little dick (not so very little, really). T I settled back and relaxed. Listening to the music of three hungry cock sucking mouths.

"I so love my life!"

Skip Lends a Hand

After lunch, I'd asked Graham to continue his presentation. Parker was covering the reception desk. Ethan, Graham and I were naked. Ethan was back between my thighs, licking my balls this time because Graham was sitting on my dick with his back to me so we could both watch the screen.

I used beeswax.

The beeswax I'd rubbed on my fingers and palms allowed a little slippage, but also gives you a lot of traction when you're massaging muscles or genitals. Graham had to keep his arms behind him, right across my abs. This pushed his chest up and forward. His legs were spread way wide, hanging over my thighs. I could work the whole front of his nicely muscled body with ease. My dick really loved being up his fuck chute while I worked him over!

As Graham put the visuals on the screen, I teased his nipples a bit. He fucking hated that, but he knew better by now not to make a lot of sound. Got a say though the chirps and gasps I worked out of him were very satisfying.

He started explaining more features of Fuckland, its design, its staff and the many innovative sexual tableaus that will be available once it is up and fully running.

Graham's dick was up and fully running when I started on his balls with my left hand and his cock with my right. Well...that's not entirely accurate. It was just his cock knob between the thumb and first two fingers of my right hand. His junk was ready for action. Red dick, sweating balls. The beeswax did its magic though.

While Graham droned on, interrupted here and there by his own gasps squeaks and squeals, I kept up a slow steady twisting moving around his knob, including the circumcision scar area just below the flange. What this does is heat up a guy. It gets him hotter and hotter, but at the same time doesn't really let him go anywhere. His sex system gets primed over and over, but the whole "climbing on up the ladder of ecstasy thing just doesn't' kick in. If it's happening to you, it's frustrating as hell. If you are making it happen to someone else, it's damn entertaining. It also makes their jock pussy cramp like a son of a bitch. Ethan's relentless tireless lapping at my balls was like lighting a whole other fire of anticipation. Ethan was working out just fine.

Gotta hand it to Graham. The guy was really trying. He bulled his way through his spiel despite all the moaning and squealing that started to come out of his mouth. When he finally got to the italicised scripting of "The End" his bag of balls was a solid handful of heat and his knob was nearly purple.

"Anything else, Graham?"

"Noo..uh..noooohhhsssiiiirrrrrr! Ooohhh mmy ffuuccckiiinnnggggodddd! Pppllleaaaseee sir, please do me, please let me cum. I'llll doo annnnnyyytthhhiiiiinnngg...PPPLLllleEEEEAAASSSSE... SIIRRRR!!!"

"That you will Graham!" I said cheerily, finally releasing his sore knob and grabbing his diamond like shaft. I tickled behind his balls as I hammered away on his dick.

"I'm going to sit on your beautiful face all during the advisory committee meeting tomorrow, Graham. You get to eat a whole lot of arse, dude!"

"Any thing!! Anything...YYYeEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Graham went off like a fountain. His splooge felt hot enough to burn. His pussy clamped down on my dick like it was having a seizure, and I gunned my scum straight up into his guts.

Little Ethan held the course. He carefully licked my balls as Graham's baby crud ran over my knuckles, down to my balls then into his mouth. As Graham gasped for air and started to relax a little, a couple of cute little cum farts tooted from his arse, around my dick. They too were carefully licked up by Nathan.

"Graham. I'm proud of you, guy! You really did better with the last presentation, and that was one hell of a cum, dude! Get off my lap, clean my dick then suck me `til I'm hard again. Then we'll get Ethan up here. We'll show him what that felt like. What do you say, Graham?"

"I'd like that sir! I'd like that very, very much!"

Turned out Ethan liked it too.

Skip Picks a Guy

"Graham...get in here! Is Ethan there with you and Parker? He's what? No...let Parker fuck him for a while. Just get in here, I need your expertise. No...with the drone tapes from your Fuckland presentation. Yes, that's right. Put `em up on the screen and get in here."

In no time Graham was sitting beside me handling the remote while I handled his balls. We had a system, and it worked for me.

"Graham, last night when I was dicking Ethan, I had an inspiration. Show me that guy who fell off the wall in your last presentation. Yeah! That's the one. I know it's not live but I want you to see if you can show me his dick sticking in that hole. Yes...right there. Fuck! Look at that son-of-a bitch! That schlong must be about 10 inches, right? It's in such perfect proportion with the rest of him. Can you call up his personnel file for me?

"Sure thing, Mr. Skip. Let's see, this...yeah, here it is sir. `Axel Plowright, 35 years old. Born in Ohio. 6'4" and 170 pounds -- man, the guy doesn't have even a half ounce of fat on him anywhere. Graduate of Ohio State in Athletic Coaching. Alpha-COK alum, of course. Between coaching jobs at the moment. He's doing some freelance modeling for men's exercise and outdoor magazines. And...yeah...says here his dick is ten and a half inches of circumcised perfection. Apparently he donates to sperm banks -- several actually...and often. In terms of quantity, he's been the top producer at each bank for the past five years. Apparently he does cum in buckets. Anything else sir?"

"Uh, yes there is, Graham. Have personnel track him down and offer him a low six figure contract for a month-long special project here at headquarters. Make sure they give my name and tell him that I've asked for him personally."

"Yes sir! That should do it sir! Will do!"

"Oh...and Graham. Before you go: ZZZZIiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppp."

"Uh, yes, sir. Of course sir. I'm on it."

In seconds, his amazing mouth certainly was.

Ethan Gets to Work

"Ethan, I'm really happy with your work. You attend to detail, you've got great follow through, you're creative and you know how to work well with others. You're also enthusiastic, highly motivated, and truly gifted, really."

"Thank you, Mr. Skip."

"On top of that, you're really good at the office work too, Ethan. You do seem to spend a lot of time in the restroom, but I'm thinking that has a lot to do with why so many guys on our floor bare away from their desks so often. Am I right Ethan?"

"Well...uh...I guess so, sir."

"That's just fine Ethan. When I was your age not an hour went by that I didn't have a dick in my face, as I recall. Good training, Ethan. You're a go-getter."

"Thank you, sir, I try sir."

"I know you do, Ethan. Right now I want you to strip and crawl under the desk...again. I'm going to be interviewing someone who I believe will figure very large in your future. Exceptionally large, actually. Just leave your clothes scattered on the floor. I want to see what the guy's reaction is going to be."

"Yes sir."

In seconds the beautiful twink was looking up at me with my dick in his mouth. What a fucking picture!

"Ethan, keep it a bit quiet, will least at first. When I tap you on the cheek, I want you to start turning up the volume until you sound like a piglet at a slop trough. Think you can do that, Ethan?

"I'll try, sir."

"I know you will, Ethan."

I hit the intercom and told Graham, "Send in Coach Ploughright -- the one with the ten and a half inch dick."

Next: Chapter 3

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