Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Sep 25, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock 13

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The Dean Buys Dinner


Dean Steadman was sitting next to me watching the video of Coach Axel on the rock climbing wall.

At the dean's left side, in real time, Kade licked coach's angry red knob and watched the dean put another hundred dollar bill on the growing stack.

"Excellent, Coach Axel! I've no doubt I'll soon be dining like a king...a king who dines on cum!"

You may remember that the former Dean of Students had a passion for splooge but a general aversion to cock. Oh, he could rise to the occasion, or more often, kneel if necessary, but having been a man of means for many, many years, what the man couldn't arrange through his Alpha-COK connections, he could readily bring about with cold, hard cash.

Another c-note joined the pile as little Kade opened wide and gulped down the big man's entire length wriggling his lips in coach's rough pubes.

You see, the longer coach could keep from coming, the more money he made.

The Dean was first mesmerized by Coach Axel when I showed him the videos of the big lug rock climbing at Fuckland - his amazing muscles bunching, standing out in relief like an exhibit for an anatomy lesson. When the close ups showed the big bruiser's determined jaw, rugged face...the sweat dripping down his chest and pits...well...the dean's nostrils flared, his pupils dilated and he said, "Fuck me with a hammer! Who is he, Skip? Do you know him? What does his cum taste like?"

"Coach Axel...Yes...and absolutely delicious, I answered. It's like really thick, warm pineapple cream with hints of cumin and a long finish of coconut. Shall I introduce you?"

"Absolutely, my dear boy...absolutely!"

I always felt I owed the dean big time. He'd been instrumental in making sure my sexual education continued all during college and had been a major help in assuring that Josh and I ended up being pledges under the management of Lance and Clyde, respectively.

So, I'd set up the whole thing as well as I could, guaranteeing to Steadman that he'd have the meal of his life. I requisitioned the executive suite for visiting executives, selected food, drink as well as a twink to assist for the evening. Oh, and I engaged Coach Axel as well. Adding a few thou to his already generous stipend.

Coach was simple to understand. There were two forces that drove him to achieve. Sticking his dick in twinks and sticking his money in his pocket. The two were pretty much tied for first place. After that, he was a fiend for keeping in shape. Now all of it was going to come together in a big way.

Dean Steadman sat in one of two Gerrit Rietveid chairs, set side by side. To his left perched Kade, naked and shivering a little in the chill of the air conditioning. His balls though, were warmed by the dean's busy left hand. Kade watched with understandable interest as his dick rose like a charmed snake. With his right hand, the dean sipped a dry martini while idly listening to a rare recording of the Giovanni Paisiello Concerto played by the virtuoso Professor Cooper on the harpsichord. The dean hummed along quietly to the opening allegro.

The timing was perfect! I'd arranged for Coach to arrive with the dean's second martini. The sweaty hunk was pumped and dripping from his time with the weights followed by a mile jog. No shower. The dean gestured to the pad on the table top to his left -- right in front of Kade. Axel hopped up, tucked his knees, and sat back on his heels. Spreading his legs wide, he laced his fingers and put his hands behind his head. His huge chest open and on display.

He was a vision. Sex stud on steroids...not that coach needed the later. He over produced his own and constantly fed it to young men, after all.

Steadman grabbed the back of Kade's neck and lifted him up and out of the chair, taking his face to coach's amazingly cut left pit.

"Lick," said Steadman and he took another sip.

Kade closed his eyes and turned into a rabid pit pig, scouring first one, then the other. He bent to stick his tongue in coach's navel, then lick up the center gutter to the top of the man's breast bone, gathering warm sweat as he went.

He sucked coach's right nipple. He sucked the left. He alternated quicker and quicker like a dog trying to figure out how to chew both ends of a bone at once.

Chuckling, the dean again took control of Kade's head and brought it down to the point of the big man's hip. From there he helped Kade slurp his way on down to the tender flesh between the pendulous balls and the top of one meaty thigh.

Kade snuffled and slurped some more. The sounds and sensations had turned Axel's mighty pole to steel. It bobbed, angry and wanting.

Steadman next guided the young man's mouth over and around Axel's big bag of balls. He released Kade and hefted coach's meaty stones in his hand while Kade licked and suckled them.

The door opened and a waiter rolled in a serving cart, parking it next to the table. The dean gestured and the waiter transferred the plates and dishes, then removed their warming domes, all the while watching Kade eating at Coach Axel's big buff body.

Dean Steadman, nodded, flicked his right hand in dismissal, and the waiter rolled the trolley out of the room, sighing...glancing back wistfully as he closed the door.

Still cradling Axel's balls for Kade to chew, the dean took of spoonful of vichisoise, humming happily. Then he ladled a dollop on the head of coach's dick.

He also added another bill to Axel's stack.

" the soup, Kade."

Kade licked up the streams of dripping potato soup, then concentrated on the succulent cock head. Steadman fed the kid several more spoonfuls, watching appreciatively as the big muscled giant's mouth fell open in an appreciative moan. Coach's eyes squeezed tight shut at the intensity of Kade's mouth on his aching dick.

Coach opened his eyes to see the dean holding another bill up in the air while reaching for his steak sandwich with the other.

"Coach Axel...the longer it takes for you to cum, the more bills go on your pile. You've quite a nice stash so far. " Coach's eyes got big. The man was caught on the horns of a dilemma -- whether to force feed his slpooge to a twink, or hold off and watch the money grow. Fortunately, the situation made him horny as hell. Swallowing his bit of sandwich, the dean blew on coach's chest, watching the big nipples perk up to points. He placed the bill on the stack.

"Hold his balls while you nurse on his knob, Kade." Kade followed through, Steadman took another bite of sandwich and picked up another bill for coach to see.

"Kade...suck him, Kade. Get down on that dick and fucking suck it!" Steadman dropped another piece of paper as Kade dropped hungrily over the straining cock. His lips worked their way down the big spike until the whole amazing thing was buried in Kade's throat where he swallowed repeatedly, massaging the mass of meat with his Adam's apple.

Coach started to sweat again. You could see his balls working to pull free of Kade's finger tips, the muscles of coach's pelvic floor working to reinforce his straining cock. It there's been a stick up his butt, it would have snapped. Coach produced an amazing bass whimper -- first I've ever heard -- and looked pleadingly in the direction of the dean - although his eyes seemed to be slightly out of focus.

The dean lifted yet another banknote.

"Now just the knob, again, Kade...just the knob...but really fucking suck it!"

Kade entered his suck zone. The only thing in his universe was the end of coach's big dick, the overworked, desperate knob of one of the best dicks in the world...and Kade was one of the best cocksuckers around.

"SSShhlluuupp... SSShhlluuupp... SSShhlluuupp... SSShhlluuupp...SSSSLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUPPPPP...''

Coach was panting, his face red, his amazing arms tight as shit, his abs a starved washboard of detailed muscle. The dean's eyes narrowed, watching carefully.

Coach grabbed a big gulp of air, his chest swelling so beautifully.

Steadman pulled down his zipper, reached over and grabbed Kade by his hair, pulled him off coach' dick, quickly pushing him down onto his own. He wet his left middle finger in the dregs of his martini, leaned over the little guy's back, and shoved the boozy digit up coach's arse hole. There's a first time for everything, apparently...especially if there's money involved. At nearly the same time he deep throated Axel `s erupting hog and sealed his lips around the base, just as the big dude's balls went off like a couple of grenades, and his mighty crotch cannon fired away. Coach grunted like he was moving mountains. Well...he was at least blowing open the floodgates of his bountiful balls. Steadman worked his jaw like a starved python and strummed on Axel's no longer virgin prostate, skillfully forcing out every available drop of the man's cum. I'd seen the guy work three cums out of a varsity quarterback tied to his bed, using only his middle finger and a feather.

As coach gunned his spew into the dean's head, the older man slowly pulled off so that the last four or five volleys were caught on his tongue. Steadman cooed and swallowed, cooed and swallowed, while also feeding his own gouts of goo into Kade's sucking maw. Kade cooed and swallowed, cooed and swallowed, jerking his own load out of his smaller dick and catching his cum in his hand. He pulled off the dean's cock just long enough to slather it on the older man's dick, and again suck it right down.

Coach slowly caught his breath, growling contentedly way down deep in his chest, like a lazy, happy tiger, or something.

While Coach Axel came down from his monumental cum, the dean kept swallowing slowly, managing at the same time to reach over and add the remaining five bills to coach's fat stack. Kade continued nursing below.

Steadman finally pulled off the big dick, frowned thoughtfully, his eyes searching the room, finally choosing one of the many "security" cameras and speaking directly to it.

"Skip! I assume you are watching this, or that you eventually will. I'm quite disappointed in you, my friend! You didn't mention the suggestion of Madagascar vanilla!!"


"Hello! My name is Michael. I'll be your guide today in STudLand. If you have and questions, or if there's anything I can do for you gentlemen to make your visit a success, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'll do my best to answer, or to personally take care of your needs."

Coach Axel and I looked at each other smirked and raised an eyebrow. We were sitting in the gondola opposite Parker along with our company's VIP of the day-- the retired Dean of Students --Dr. Steadman. The four of us stared a bit hungrily at Michael. He was about 5'6" of college mini-stud. Wavy blond hair combed straight back, huge gold wire frames that magnified his light green eyes, and a whippy little body that looked like it divided its time between running sprints, yoga, and working the weights. He was togged out in shorts, flip flops and a skinny tank with the STudLand logo -- an upright dick and balls shooting a geyser of cum in the air. (The drinking fountains in the place were all modeled on the logo -- an upright pipe that finished in a steel dick with a couple of ball bearings at its base. You turned a ball and water shot out the top in quite a respectable burst, followed by a refreshing, steady stream.)

"Good to meet you, Michael! I'm Mr. Skip. You can call me `sir'." I replied, "You've come highly recommended and I'm certain we'll have a fine experience because of you. I do have a question for you, Michael. There's not a lot of room in here but before we start, but I'd like to offer you a seat?"

Michael looked all cute and eager -- "Why...yes sir! That would be great! Thank you."

"Well alright then, Michael! Coach, get your dick out, bro, and Michael...have a seat."

Michael's eyes popped round with shock and his jaw actually dropped, it opened further when Coach pulled his half hard slab out of the front of his pants.

"Oh, I guess I wasn't thinking, Michael. First you'll need to suck coach's dick while my friend Parker eats your arse for a bit. Pull down your short...bend over...and suck, Michael!"

Michael's eyes got even bigger. He licked his lips, leaned down and to gather Axel's big knob in his mouth. He pulled down his shorts at the same time. Little Parker smiled and fell forward into arse land.

"Dean, we're so glad you can be here with us today, especially since you may find ways to help us decide what activities we'll try. Perhaps you'd start by massaging Michael's balls while his mouth is busy., and then after he has a seat, perhaps you'd like a snack?"

The Dean chuckled as he worked on Michael's bag of nuts. Our guide was already lost in a rhythmic sucking of coach's beef stake. I think the frantic nature of Parker's arse eating was horning up the young blond. I ran my fingers through the hair at the back of our guide's head and pulled him off the dick, turning his face toward me, and pushing Parker away from his wet hole.

"That's enough, Michael. Time to sit and squirm kid!"

Michael kicked off his flip flops and shorts, turned and pulled his cheeks apart. He found coach's knob with his rosebud and started to sit. Coach just sat there grinning, dick like a rebar. He did reach around and up under Michael's tank, massaging his abs..

"Dean! Have a sip of dick, won't you? I hear his splooge is like evaporated milk, thick as fuck and creamy as...well...cream, I guess.." Since joining our companies recent outings, the dean was developing quite a craving for cock as well as cum. Apparently you can teach an old dog, if he's a horn dog.

Ever the champion of life-long learning, Dean Steadman fell forward and deep throated Michael's dick `til the kid's blond curlies tickled his lips. He was so practiced that he could actually reach his tongue out a bit and lick along the top of the kid's pouch.

"ZZZZZiiiipppp!!! Parker! My dick is sticking up in the air, why isn't your mouth on it?" In the next second, it was.

With quite a bit of whimpering, and the distraction of the dean's mouth on his dick, Michael was finally seated on coach's pubic bone, impaled to the max. He let out a sigh, panted a couple of times, and then a flush of pleasure washed up over the front of his neck to his face. His eyes were droopy. He rocked forward and back a little, then twisted, feeling the completeness of coach's column of man meat impaling his guts.

"Dean! If you'll please finish your snack now, I think we'd best start our tour."

The silver haired man was an experienced hand at using his to work out a tasty load. He massaged, pulled and milked Michael's pulsing prong while firmly wringing his young man's balls. Michael, squeaked and squealed, twisting on coach's cock from the hyper stimulation. Coach pulled our guide back against his massive chest and tilted the bottom of his hips up to skewer his pussy even deeper. The man's big fingers found Michael's nipples, pinching then, then holding them taught. The dean noticed the kid's balls trying to escape his hand, so he leaned in, capped the knob, and quietly sucked up the twink sap that flowed up, out, and into his mouth as our guide fed the older man his oozing goo. Michael moaned, rocking on coach's dick in satisfied fulfillment.

"Yes. Condensed milk. Incredibly thick and unctuous. It truly coats your throat on the way down. Quite amazing,' the dean decided.

Balls now empty, Michael again seemed to realize exactly where he was and with whom, and on what. Nearly naked in a gondola with (mostly) dressed men. Most Important Men. Men who were the first party from company headquarters. Men he was supposed to be showing the wonders of STudLand.

"," said Michael, as red in the face as a young man can get.

"I know exactly what you mean, Michael, but you did very well meeting your first set of VIP's I think. Just stay seated and let's start the tour. You'll probably need to provide our friend the Dean with at least another snack before we're through, and I know that Coach Axel is really up for giving you the benefit of his strength and stamina, do you feel that too, Michael?"

Coach couldn't help but jab up into Michael's butt a few times in agreement. Michael's mouth was slack, his attention locked on the incredible feelings in his arse.

"Oh, and Michael. You'll be Mikey for the rest of your time with us. You like being Mikey, don't you, Mikey?"

"yeeeesss...yes Sir! I do, Sir. I'm Mikey, sir."

"Very good, Mikey! Now I just need to fuck my DAMN CUM DOWN YOUR FAGGOT THROAT...UUhhh...and we can be off. "

About a minute later, I zipped up and continued.

"Show us the ropes, Mikey, no doubt we'll be showing you some too this evening when you join us at our hotel. "

So, our gondola began to float our over the park. Coach fucked Mikey while he described the wonders before us. He only choked up a little bit when the big stud flooded his spooge up into his guts. I was quite impressed.

We were all light hearted and celebrating, now that we had Graham out of the way -- both administratively and physically. The company could concentrate on the long awaited soft opening of our multi-billion dollar theme park.

What's the theme of the park, you ask?

Well, the park is about...STUDS...and twinks of course. It's binary.

When we'd arrived, our small fleet of helicopters had landed in the huge empty parking lot, right in front of the light rail stop. Our in-house press team swarmed around us, filming and clicking visuals for our own use as well as publicity for the public.

We were each given a swag bag full of condoms, lube and wet-wipes. We'd need them for the many rides and encounters we knew we'd be enjoying during our stay at the park.

As our gondola slowly floated above the various section of the park, we "oo-ed and ah-ed" over what we were seeing. Mikey pointed out the video screens in the gondola's sides that showed what was happening in other gondolas. It was pretty much a never ending porn show. Once we had the lay of the land, Mikey took us around to help us get acquainted with each feature.

Lance Slams It Home

Lance -- you remember him, the classic big stud who took me in as a pledge in the Alpha-COK fraternity? Then you'll remember that he favored talented twink hole for the insatiable use of his stunning equipment. His ability to stick it in some guy's hole was outdone only by his staying power and the intensity of his blasts.

That notwithstanding, he had personally consulted on the Bumper Bike ride, trying it out on numerous occasions, becoming a champion scorer in the game.

Rather than bumper cars, the ride featured bikes modeled on motor cycles, powered by electricity through a pole that reached up to a grid from behind the seat. The bottoms of the bikes were ringed by a foot high bumper. Half the contraptions had dildos embedded in the back of the seat, each with an electrical contact in the tip -- triggered when the bike was struck by another. The others had a sleeve embedded in the front of the seat. These were lined with an elastic vibrating membrane, triggered when the rider rammed another bike.

Players stripped and climbed on, playing in the buff. Attendants helped the twinks impale themselves on the condom covered dildos, and the studs insert their dicks into condoms and then into the sleeves. All the players had to lean forward to grab the steering bars, putting themselves in dog-fuck position. When the rides were powered up, strobe lights, fog and laser effects filled the room, along with the sounds of trash rap.

The steering bars on the twink bikes were dummies...didn't do a damn thing. Their bikes would just rocket around randomly with the riders helpless in a sea of aggressive attackers. (Early trials proved that if the twinks were given steering control, they would simply ram their bikes into the side of the rink, shocking their pussies until they squirted splooge. No fun for the studs there!)

Stud bikes had control, speed and power, just like their riders, so they could readily hunt and slam into a bike with a twink rider. When that happened, the twink got a zap to his prostate and a stud' dick got a five second cock massage. Everyone was gloved so the equipment was kept clean and all available cum was carefully collected.

Man! You should see how quickly the studs learned to gang up on one twink and send him to paradise. Their needy dicks made them fast learners. Inevitably, several studs would work out how to surround all the twinks in the center and then plow into them from all sides, multiplying the effects, quickly getting off themselves while shocking twink twat into helpless oblivion. Not exactly sporting...but predictable.

At the end of each play time, the sperm filled condoms were collected by the attendants, labeled as "stud" or "twink" and donated to the local sperm bank.

Right now, we could see Lance with a wicked grin on his face backing and repeatedly ramming a mewling little twink, the two lost in the sex dance of hunter and hunted. I later spent many happy minutes watching recorded close ups of Lance's face as he crashed himself to a huge climax.

Coach watched the action, leaning on the barrier at the side of the ride, Mikey kneeling to feed on his big dick. Mikey obviously was a sucker for and of, the big ones. He was like a pup with a giant thigh bone, enthusiastically trying to get the whole thing inside him. Coach rubbed his head in appreciation, and promised he'd put it in the kid's pussy later.

I stood next to them feeding my dick into Parker's mouth. The dean was on his knees taking care of a hulking park janitor on his break. We were all pleasantly occupied but managed to share a few laughs watching Lance personally help his conquered twink pull himself off his bike's spiked seat. The young man blushed crimson, face lowered, looking up at Lance through lashes we could see from where we stood (or knelt). Lance was no doubt explaining how much better his own dick would feel in the kid's butt. Seconds later, he demonstrated how true that was, fucking the young man while standing in the middle of the next round of bumper bikes.

I knew from experience that Lance was better than any electro ejaculation machine. I'd done a comparison many times.

Old Americana -- Maintaining Our Traditions

A Victorian Main Street featured a row of soda shops staffed by soda jerks who literally jerked cum out of a cast member on break in order to top a soda, sundae, latte -- or to serve up a simple cum shot. The Italian visitors always ordered a classic café sborrato, watching carefully that it was made with equal amounts of steaming coffee and warm cum. Popular with visitors were the cum flights -- five shot glasses of cocksnot from five different cast members. Simply watching the milking was worth twice the price.

We had Mikey volunteer to be the producer for Parker's double macchiato. Before our guide could get his meat back in his shorts, Parker had taken a sip of his coffee, licked his lips in appreciation and stooped to get the last drop off Mikey's dick. I think that by the end of the day those two would be off humping in some cast member break room, two pretty boys squirting their splooge in each other's heads and tails.

Cock River Cruise

Once strapped into the slowly moving boats, the visitors noticed the gently vibrating pad that hung down the front of their safety belts. Nothing strong enough to get you off, but enough to keep your equipment simmering on the back burner, so to speak.

As the boats moved through darkness, visitors would come upon various entertaining tableau.

The first was a scene of pirates invading a coastal town, stripping young men and sticking their seagoing belaying pins deep in whatever hole was available. There was a lot of yelling and laughing coming from the cast members picked for the spot.

Another presented ranks of twinks in pixie costumes wanking each other's poles, waving with their free hand while singing an inane song that was guaranteed to infect visitors' brains for days to come:

"Suck the cum out - suck it all,

Suck the cum out - suck it all,

Grab a dcik and lick some balls

Then just suck - it - all!"

There was a military battle with uniformed Austrian troops charging a brigade of Italian loyalists, the latter, facing impossible odds, dropping to their knees with their hands in the air. Soon their mouths were filled with the cocks of their conquerors, or they found their feet in the air with a Germanic sausage in their pussy. There was a lot of stabbing.

Most of our party seemed to like the one where cowboys lazily twirled their lassos, roping the naked twinks that ran around them, hog tying the captives, then stinking their dicks in them. Major squealing in that vignette.

The next one was also a wild west theme -- cowboys in a honky-tonk saloon playing poker while young men crouched under the tables and sucked them. Major sucking too at the bar with young bucks' butts on the brass rail, eating the dicks of the drinkers above them.

There were all sorts of combat scenes -- gladiators caught in nets, sucked off as they struggled, cops catching cat burglars who would then rob them of their cum -- you get the idea.

The final portions of the ride was through a long, pitch black tunnel, long enough to allow naked swimmers to climb out of the water, lift the vibrating pad, pull down a zipper and suck one out of a very frustrated dick.

Very popular ride -- long lines, great reviews.

Next: Chapter 14

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