Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Sep 18, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 12

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Graham Prepares For A New Position

"See the prize, Graham? See the nice dick? See Parker's hot pulsing rod...all dry...really needing a hot wet suck hole to drain it dry? When his ball juice is soaking in your gut, we'll make the announcement of your new position to the entire company. So...crawl for the dick, Graham, fucking crawl for it, dude!"

Our leadership team had presented Graham with an offer he couldn't refuse...classic Greek hero type stuff! Accomplish a Herculean task, and a major announcement about his future would be made.

Of course Parker went for it. Never even stopped to wonder about why the task was all about sex or what the announcement might be. But then, he had worked for me for quite some time.

Sweet little Parker was, gagged and impaled on a dildo screwed into the seat of a ladder-backed bondage chair. The punk intern's wrists and ankles were tethered to the back corners of the seat. This forced his knees to the side and his chest to the front. His perky dick stuck up in the air and his soft plump bag of balls rested on the edge of the seat. Parker had volunteered to offer his all for whatever hungry mouth or conquering hands might come his way.

Parker and I were at the other end of the gym. The bleachers had been pulled out so that most of the company employees could watch the proceedings.

"Whack! Whack! YeeIP!!!" I gave Graham a smart smack to each butt cheek. He gave the "YeeIP!" Eyes on Parker's pulsing prize, Graham slowly dragged the two dumb bells across the floor. Progress was slow as he was on all fours and they were tied to his balls. Another set of dumb bells was tied to a line of graduated arse beads that I'd worked deep into his pussy. As he painfully inched forward, I stepped on the weight tied to his arse beads and...whadayaknow? Out popped one of those suckers!

"Yeeeeoooooooooaaahhhhhh!" Graham seemed to notice he was down a ball. Only six more to go.

After Graham dragged the weights another couple of feet I stepped on the one tied to his balls.

"YEEEEeeeeeAAAAHAHHHHHHH!!!" I think he felt that.

On it went, across the length of the gym, Graham with his eyes on prize...determined. Parker tensed his taint and his dick did a little dance of desire. From ten feet away you could see the pre-cum glistened at its tip. Parker's eyes were huge, watching Graham's determined crawl - like a crocodile cruising toward some little mammal at the side of the river. The guy was pretty scary in his single-minded quest for Parker's junk.


Oops! I seemed to have stepped on both weights at the same time. At least Graham's arse had coughed up the last big bead. I lifted my foot off the weight tied to his balls. With a lighter load, Graham picked up crawling speed. Parker's dick was just inches away when I stomped again on the weight still tied to the guy's balls. Those aching puppies stretched about as far as they could go. Graham's mouth opened, he screamed once, then dove all the way down on Parker's pulsing piece. Man, but that fucker was motivated. I guess power is the supreme aphrodisiac. I stepped of the weight for the last time, looked around the room at the naked horn dogs slowly jerking their meat while watching Graham chow down. Couldn't help but smirk a little as I walked around and knelt behind Parker, resting my chin on his shoulder. From there I could look down and see Graham chowing down with a vengeance. He must figure Parker's cum to be worth a couple hundred thousand at least. I purred in Parker's ear as I reached around, stuck a thumb in his mouth and tweaked one of his hard pink nipples with my other hand. The frat boy's abs tensed and his dick jerked in Graham's mouth. Then I hunched over, reached on down and cradled Graham's jaw in one hand and Parker's nuts in my other. It took just a couple minutes of determined massage and Parker was squealing, painting Graham's tonsils and jerking in his bonds. It was great to feel that muscular jaw work for the spooge, watching the man's perfect face suck for the sauce. Great too, was feeling Parkers college boy balls cramp when he started to geyser.

Oh...yeah!! And that trademark Parker mewling was always a pleasure to hear. Graham sucked like a pig on a teat...strong, full pulls that dragged up every drop from Parker's sweet balls and swallowing it greedily, grunting, slurping and swallowing. Amazing cock sucking...gotta say.

I chuckled. Graham rolled his eyes as far up as he could with Parker's dick in his mouth.

"What a great cocksucker you are, Graham! It's almost as good watching you gobble dick juice as it is to feed you some. Almost, but not really. Let's see what's up for you next. Maybe another couple of dicks...just two more tasks, ya think?"

"Ya see, Graham. We know what you fucking tried to do to us. We know how you tried to screw over the company. So, we've planned long and hard, story-boarded what comes next. You thought you could fuck us?

"Well Graham, the big announcement, Graham!...And...OMG how we are so going to fuck you over!"

Graham Shows What He Can Handle

The spanking bench that helped make Ethan's birthday so much fun had been adjusted to take Graham's larger, lankier frame. Coach Axel and Clyde manhandled the resisting jerk, got him into just the right position and strapped him in. Both his holes were at crotch level. He was unable to move much at all. In spite of himself, the guy was already starting to drool. I caught a bit of it in my hands and used it to crank on the Axel and Clyde's sizeable meat mallets. Those prodigious poles were rock hard and waving in the breeze in no time.

This time around, Coach got heads and Axel got tails. They moved to their places and grabbed Graham -- Coach by the trapped head and Axel by the strapped hips.

"Gentlemen! On the count of three you will sink your dicks into this pussy. You can take five seconds or so. I want him porked to capacity. Got it, men?"

They grunted in answer, I counted to three...and in they went, resting deep in Graham's wet, hot flesh. Graham could barely breathe and he could hardly move -- just his lips, tongue and throat at one end, and his pussy muscles at the other.

"Graham! Let's see you pull the loads out of these two studs and get all that thick spooge soaking into your guts. Better get started, Graham!"

Clyde and Axel were still as statues. Rock hard, beautifully sculpted statues poised at the moment of insertion. The whole gang watching leaned forward to see what action they could.

"Will you fucking look at that cock sucker's throat?" I observed. "It's like some pussy made of muscle or something. Look at it work on that dick. Man, I can already see coach's balls start up the mountain.!'

"Geez and damn, but look at that pussy ring squeeze on Clyde's dick, will you. Graham's making it churn and squirm like he's got a bee in his butt or something."

I stood beside poor Graham, slowly running my hands over the guy's long muscled back and pure white melons. Just working that butt with my hands practically made my dick spit. I reached under and felt Graham's dick. Yep! Major wood there. The guy was so getting off from having a couple of feet of cock in his holes. The guy was working the studs' big pussy poles like hell wouldn't have it. He was starting to pant, snarfing in the front and squishing a little in the back. Maybe he was thinking that once they's dropped their loads we'd let him up. Foolish Graham!.

I grinned at Clyde and Axel and then nodded. They began rocking forward and back ever so slightly, fucking gently into Grahams wet holes. Man! It was fucking music in motion. FFFFUUUUUCCCKCKK but I was loving this.

There was enough room under the bench for me to lie on my back and play with Graham's junk. His balls were already pretty tight against the base of his shaft and there was that generous drop of pre sparkling on his bobbing knob. Luckily there was a pillow, thoughtfully provided by someone so I could put my hands behind my head, double the pillow and prop my head up , which let me slip my lips around just the tip of Graham's needy meat. That drop was oh-so-fuckin' sweet! I worked the ridge relentlessly, gently chewing with my sharp front teeth. Occasionally I'd swirling my tongue over the whole head, wetting it for more intimate torture. Of course, that got Graham's motor running. He was growling way deep down in his throat. For sure he was getting ready to blow.

I tightened my lips and pumped my jaw, power sucking Graham's glassy knob. That did it.

Hot syrup squirted out into my mouth. The sperm flowed like honey. I reached up and swallowed the whole thing, deep throating that fucker and working the whole shaft with my throat.

"rrrrRRRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRRHHRHR..." was all Graham could manage, what with coach's major meat in his mouth.

"RRRRrr....rrr....nnnnn...nnnnn....eeeee.....eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Graham quieted a bit and then eased into some beautiful whimpering as I kept working his meat, now back to just the knob. After just a couple minutes of coaxing a satisfying amount of whining and keening from the guy, I kissed him once on the piss slit and scooted out from under the bench.

Coach and Clyde were still patiently rocking in and out of Graham's mouth and arse, steady as a couple of plow horsed working the fields. They grinned at me, happily to have their man units sticking in something tight and wet.

"Parker! Graham's balls are empty for the moment, but I want you to take over for awhile. The way Clyde and Axel are fucking this pussy, it'll be ten or fifteen minutes before he gets their nut. Suck him until he's hard again and then drain the fucker."

"nnnnnnnooooooooooooooo!!!!" was all Graham had to say.

Graham Shows What He Can Produce

Actually, it took a full half hour before the big bruisers decided to drop their loads and inject Graham's guts both front and back. Parker had long ago drained Graham's balls again but continued to suck on the guy's over worked and tender dick. As Graham's body started to absorb Axel and Clyde's cum, the jerk could barely whimper, he was so fucked out.

It was time to rally the fucking troops!

When coach pulled his cock out, we capped Graham's mouth with a dick-shaped pacifier charged with a couple of hits of Viagra and just maybe a little Rophynol...just sayin'. He sucked reflexively while we rolled in the robo dildo and ran it right into his well fucked pussy. Stone Enterprises had outdone itself in developing this fine piece of equipment. We called it the Big Fucking Cool Thing, or BFCT for short.

I'd had hours of fun watching the many test sessions while Parker sucked away on the floor in front of my viewing chair. The dick part was about a foot long. It vibrated but the whole thing didn't rotate - just a circular flange at the base of it. This had tiny nubs, a three level setting, and could be spun either clockwise or counter clockwise. It was designed to stay in place, hugging the rim of a guy's arsehole, scouring the tender flesh however the operator chose. Without using the pumping function, I'd seen a Josh use it to work two amazing cums out of little Kade with just the ring alone. Even now, as it was tested on Graham's open rose bud , I could hear Kade at the other end of the room, moaning at the memory.

BFCT did have a piston function, of course. I'd been the first to have the thing stuck up my butt and put through its paces. I can tell you from experience that the four settings and their variations could work miracles in a man's arse. Setting number one had the tip of the thing just inside a pussy to the depth of about two inches. It could be kept right there, sawing away at a hole indefinitely. Same for number two, but that had the dildo fully inserted a foot deep, but only moving in an out just an inch, relentlessly plundering the depths. Setting four plunged the mechanical dick in and out using its full length.

But it was setting number five that made the BFCT truly magical.

A tiny pressure sensor in the underside of the tip was guided by a clever and evil AI program and could identify and remember where a prostrate was located in any given pussy.

Oh! Did I mention the amazing thing could give off a mild electric charge?

Ah! And I need to tell you about the injectables.

The first was a mild itching gel that lasted about five minutes. No real damage to delicate tissues, but I'd made little Ethan frantically work his frat boy twat against the thing when it wasn't even moving. He came so hard I thought he'd squirt his balls out the end of his dick.

The second injectable was a warm flood of electrolytes patterned on human piss, gently warmed to 100 degrees -- a tad warmer than a person's internal temp. It could be injected, then reclaimed. Flood a gut, suck it out again...over and over. Nice touch, eh?

Finally, there was a basic (non acid) white silicone gel that could be either flooded or squirted into a guy's pussy. Felt amazingly like the true stuff. Tasted awful, though, I checked. Well...what did you really think I wouldn't!?

For Graham, my buddy Josh had volunteered to run the controls. He'd done a test run with the machine and made little Kade beg for a full hour before Josh would put his dick in Kade's mouth so the kid could go ahead and cum. Josh's training held and so did Kade's discipline. Josh said Kade left his dick one giant bruised hickey, he'd sucked so hard. Josh manned up though, and porked Kade with the machine for yet another hour. I sometimes played just the sound track when I interviewed a new employee in bed. The twink's insane babbling was a turn on for me and a distraction for the interviewee.

Oh yeah! Diagrams and descriptions of whatever function was operating at any given time could be projected on any screen in the room so that any audience present could match the function with the begging, yelling, crying, shaking et cetera performed by the subject strapped to the bench.

Started by the research team, our corporate culture now circulated checklist menus for employee requests. They could reserve machine time for themselves, or another -- or be part of an elaborate betting system that ranged from laying odds on what a fellow employee might request, to how long the request might be endured.

You get the picture.

Now, like a master pianist sitting down to a magnificent Bosendorfer, Josh cracked his knuckles and smirked as he waited for his cue to begin. know, for my money, nothing quite duplicates, let alone surpasses a human mouth on a dick or a bag of sweaty balls! I'd thought long and hard(!) about this part of Graham's comeuppance. After consulting with the firm's medical staff, we'd decided to use four twinks in an endless relay to see how many more times they and the BFCT could pull loads out of Graham's balls. Many more than he wanted, that would be for sure. The med team figured he could probably produce at least two dry cums when he was completely empty and his dick was limp.

Josh, Coach and I had picked our dream team: With Josh raring to go, coach and I seated ourselves on each side of Graham's trapped head. I cooed in his ear, softly and sweetly describing what was about to happen. I pulled the dick pacifier out of Graham's mouth. He kept sucking at the air. The Viagra (and did I tell you about the Rohynol?... Yeah, I did) had done their job. The guy's pupils were big as saucers and drool dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Anything you want to say, Graham?"

"ppplllleeeaaaaaaasssssssseeennnnooooooo...scrlupp!" I popped the mouth plug back in and turned to our team.

"Ethan! Get the dick, little dude. Colt! Gnaw those balls, baby!"

The two slid under and enthusiastically got to work. They had too much history with Graham as their supervisor.

"Parker! Kade! Get on his nips, guys!" They worked their faces between the chest support and Graham's strapped body to find the tender puffy nubbins. Coach and I contentedly watched the cascading expressions on Graham's face while we played with Parker and Kade's junk.

The whole room erupted in hooting and laughter as the overhead screens showed the mechanical dick enter Graham's helpless pussy hole.

It was so great! I really need to make things like this happen more often!

An Empty Graham is Crated for Shipping

When we shopped videos of Graham's ordeal around we got quite a few seven figure bids for his contract. Bidders seemed to love the guy's perfect face and its perfect tears while he sucked away on the pacifier. We also got a whole lot of orders for BFCT's. Even on his way out of the company, Graham had found a couple of ways to make us money.

We'd freshened the guy's pacifier with new drugs and strapped him to a shipping chair -- naked and bleary eyed, impaled on a spike with his dick in a condom catheter to collect whatever came out of it. The demonically horny old sheik who had submitted the winning bid could clean him up himself. From what we heard, he'd probably use his tongue.

I could relate to that.

Interlude for Kade

"Kade, what is it, little bro? What's bothering you. Your internship's going really well...everyone likes you, everyone likes to fuck you or have you suck their dick. Mr. Lamb has shot enough cum in you to populate a what's up, little dude?"

Pretty Parker was pretty observant and, as it turned out pretty caring, I guess, judging from the videos Security sent me.

"No...I mean yes...I mean...I love my work, I'm learning so much, I'll really be ahead of the game for my course work and getting credits waved for all the things I'm doing. And I really like getting fucked by everyone, and I really, really like sucking everyone's's just that...that..."

"Just that what, Kade? You can tell me, little guy. Spill it!"

"It's just that I never get to FUCK anyone!!!!!!"

"Woah, guy. That's a surprise! Had no idea really. Well, sure, you should fucking get a chance to fucking fuck know?"

"Yeah, I know, right? It's just that before I can get up the courage to go for it with someone, it seems they already have their dick in me and are well on their way to Squirtland. It's like I never get a chance or something."

"Hmmmm. Let me think a minute. Your friend Colt was the one who got you connected here, right?"

"Yeah. It was great that he hooked me up with the company, and with all of you, why?"

"Well, have you ever fucked him?"

"No, actually. He's the first guy I ever had sex with and he fucked the shit out me right away. He really seemed to like it, because he's been doing it a lot ever since then...I mean except when one of the older guys isn't dicking me."

"Dude! You need to carve out some fuck time for Kade! You need to get some arse, little bro."

Some time later...

"Kade, meet me in Mr. Skip's gym room when you're finished with Josh's training today. That's around 3:30, right"

`Yep. What's it about, Parker."

"It'll be a surprise Kade. Don't shower, little bro."

"Err... well, okay. See you then."

When Kade arrived he was wearing only his jock strap and his cross trainers, dripping with sweat. He was really buffed up, the muscles on his small frame pumped and plump. There were big handprints on his flushed pale skin from where Josh had helped him with his form while he pumped iron, or more likely when Josh had pumped his dick into Kade. You could see cum trails on the insides of the intern's thighs

"I'm here, Parker...what's up? Want me to suck you off, sir?"

"No, Kade. Your buddy's dick is up...see?"

He stepped aside so Kade could see Colt sitting on his heels behind me, blindfolded and ears plugged with a pair of buds. While we waited, I'd been running my hands over his body, working lube over his cock and up his cute little rosebud while he squealed and moaned. The kid was primed and ready.

Parker was naked. Not an unusual situation. Well...he was wearing a chin mike.

"Kade, kick off your trainers and socks and ditch the jock. Put your hands behind your head and don't say a word!"

"Yes sir, Parker."

"I'm going to be treating your buddy Colt like a human drone. I'll be telling him what to do, when and how. When I want you to do something, I will kill the mike and let you know. You get to have zero it Kade?"

"Err...uh...yes sir, Parker!"

Kade did look like an ad for Mr. Preppy America or something -- muscles still glowing with sweat, damp bangs sticking to his forehead. He'd even had his trademark cap on backward. He was also wearing his dark rimmed glasses, the ones that kept sliding off his nose when he sweated hard.

His slim, naked frame was a like beacon for sex starved cum junkies.

Parker grabbed Colt by the the back of his neck and pulled him forward. He had to scramble on his knees to keep up. When they were close enough, Parker braked him with a foot in front of a knee and pushed him forward and off balance, guiding his face to Kade's foot. He held him steady, mouth just above the groove between his big toe and the next one.

"Lick!" Parker whispered into the mike.

Like magic, Colt's wet tongue point peaked out and began cleaning between the toes. The kid's nostrils flared at the aroma of boy jock feet, fresh from their sneakers. Funny thing...Colt's dick looked harder.

As if his head were a hand-held vacuum, Parker guided his face over both feet, then from one ankle to the other, back and forth and up the front of Kade's legs spending significant time on his meaty thighs, then forcing the twink's mouth into that warm moist space between the top of the thighs and Kade's sweaty balls. That's where Josh's cum tracks were. Colt's nostrils flaired. He moaned and began snarfing all over Kade's balls, licking up cum and sweat, snorting up his buddy's gnarly scent. Kade was breathing hard, struggling to keep his hands in place when he so fucking wanted to grab his dick, or Colt's head, or both. As Parker pulled Colt back for a moment, both interns had a chance to catch their breath. Colt tried to lean forward, nose sniffing the air for dick...called by the thought of the cock over the balls he'd just sucked. Parker held him back.

"Want the dick, Colt? Want the hot stud's dick in your mouth, little dude? Want to suck some hot jock cock?" Parker whispered into the mike. Colt nodded, kind of frantically. Parker reached over and grabbed Kade's dick and brought Colt's mouth to it.

"Kiss it Colt. Kiss the stud's hot dick. Show him you want it, Colt. Show him how much you fucking want his stud dick in your cock sucking mouth. Kiss it, faggot!"

Colt seemed very eager to do just that. He transformed into a truly frantic kissing machine...tiny little precision sucks on the piss slit, on the tender spot beneath it, over the entire knob, down where the base sprouted from above the ball bag, up again to the slit. Amazingly, he began to drool a little bit too. Kisses and drool So fucking hot, dude!

"Okay Colt! Open your cock sucking mouth. Good boy, Colt!" Parker guided the little dude's open mouth to the end of Kade's dick. Colt's hot moist breath flowed over the happy, glassy knob.

"Stay, Colt! Don't you fucking move!"

Parker let go of Colt's neck and quickly got behind Kade, hooking both his arms under the intern's. He brought his hands up behind Kade's head, trapping the twink in a headlock. He kicked Kade's feet a little wider apart and rubbed his hard dick in Kade's sweaty butt cleft. He bent his knees and rooted around with his cock until he felt Kade's ultra smooth little pucker and then pushed the end of his dick firmly up against it.

"Colt, close your lips around the knob and suck it. Just the knob, Colt!"

Immediately Colt was on the thing like he was trying to juice a cherry tomato. Kade's knees buckled at the intense pleasure and Parker's cockhead popped right inside Kade's pussy ring. Man! Little Kade was both fucked and was major.

Apparently Kade's pussy was still wet from Josh's nut (the big trainer could majorly flood a guy's hole) because Parker wriggled his hips and shimmed his pole all the way in `til his curlies scratched little Kade's crack.

Parker quickly wrapped his arms around Kade's waist and forced him to bend forward a bit. He then banged the backs of Kade's knees with his own. They buckled a bit, and Parker lowered Kade and himself until they both knelt on the floor. Colt followed them down like a dream, still working Kade's knob for all it was worth.

"Pull off, Colt. Take a break." Parker whispered in the mike.

Colt pulled off, Parker rolled back, pulling Kade back with him. He brought his legs together under Kade's, worked his knees up between them, then forced them apart. He whipped his own feet up and over the top of Kade's and pinned his ankles to the floor. Parker gathered Kade's arms again, and resumed the double head lock. Kade was pretty much crucified lying on his back on the floor, his young hard dick pointing needily at the ceiling.

"Colt! Get the dick, cock sucker! Get the dick!"

Colt had followed the sounds and leaned forward, quickly finding Kade's legs and instantly triangulating where his goal was. He scooted up and deep throated Kade's cock, all in one motion.

Kade moaned and exhaled in ecstasy -- with Kade's mouth on his dick and the Parker's dick up his butt, the world seemed really right to him at the moment. Parker wriggled and twisted his hips again, grinding his hard meat up against Kade's P-spot. Kade groaned, twisting on the spike, his own meat torqueing in Colt's sucking mouth.

"SSSSsssssssssssss! Colt! Good boy Colt! Good, good boy! Now sit on the dick, Colt. Put your feet on each side of those hips, put your arms behind your back and find the dick with your pussy! Swallow the big dick with your boypussy, Colt! You can do it, baby. Sit on the nice big dick!"

Colt sang a little song of moans and whimpers as he found Kade's tip and kissed it several times with his knot. He moaned as his hole blossomed open and he slid down the meat stick covered in his own spit. The little guy's face was pinched at the effort and at the intensity of feeling a man's cock piercing his hot hole. When he was finally seated, he wriggled yet again, adjusting himself on his impaler, settling his leg muscles, finding his center -- whatever.

"Bounce on that fucking dick, Colt. Eat that thing with your pussy. Fucking eat it with your pussy, little dude. Make it feed your hole. Work for the ball juice, Colt. Feed your hole!"

That Cole was a fucking champ! Even so, it took him about eight minutes or so to work Kade's cum up out of his sweating balls, through his dick and into Cole's grasping pussy. Little Kade was struggling to get Parker let go so he could use his arms and legs to fuck up into Cole's butt. Not a chance. Nada. He twisted and whined, huffed and puffed, but Parker had his body on lock down. He just let his dick go for a ride in the twink's pussy. Kade's hyper-sexed, tormented body made his own pussy work Parker's cock like a dairy farmer's hand. It was pure paradise.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Kade shooting cum.

"Uuunnn...uuunnn...uuuuunnn..." Colt's sucking it up with his arse.

"Goooooooooooodddd boy, Colt....good boy!" Parker cooing to Colt in the microphone.

Parker still hadn't lost his load yet.

"Colt. Reach up and find the face, kid. Good going. Now pull yourself off the cock, turn around and suck it while you sit on that face."

Colt was good. He did exactly as instructed...sucking and slurping on Kade's super sensitive dick, going for another man meal, it looked like. Kade squealed into Colt hole while he was forced to felch out his own nut while his friend sucked his raw dick. Kade thrashed and shimmied some more, working Parker's needy dick to a very satisfying, gut spattering spooge festival that thoroughly flooded his young pussy.

"Colt, get your mouth off the dick now, little dude."

Out loud Parker yelled, "Kade, get off my dick, lie on your stomach and suck me, little dude! Now!"

Into the mike, "Colt, find that arse in front of your face and eat it out, little guy. I want every drop of junk juice out of it and into it!!" Colt went at it like a starved pig, gradually working it, coaxing it...sucking out all of Josh's load along with Parker's fresh deposit.

Parker looked down his chest at Kade's mouth on his dick. Kade looked up. His eyes got very, very big. He stopped sucking for a moment.

"Got something to say, Kade?"

Kade nodded.

"Say it, then, Kade."

Kade let Parker's dick fall out of his mouth.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, Parker, sir."

"My pleasure, Kade, my pleasure. Now keep sucking. Your gut needs more cum in it."

And soon, Kade's needy gut did indeed have more cum in it. (And Parker got a nice promotion with a bonus. I call it that a good performance review.)

Next: Chapter 13

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