Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Sep 12, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 11

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Kade Gets Fucked by Coach...for Daddy Josh

"Take him down, coach! Slam the little fucker into the floor and fuck him, dude!"

Josh had told Kade that Coach Axel would coach him on wrestling. The whistle blew and the big man had the kid on his back on the mat and was wrestling his major meat up into Kade's butthole. It had taken him exactly ten seconds.

Josh put his head on the mat, next to Kade, growling in the little guy's ear, "You've got man dick up your twat again, don't you Kade? You fucking love getting porked by some big muscled bull who will stick you with his dick until he floods your body with his splooge, don't you, Kade.

Of course, it was rhetorical. Still, Josh persisted, talking trash to the little dude. My buddy reached under Kade's abs and grabbed the kid's meat, squeezing it, working it.

"You've got a fucking hard on with some guy's dick up your arse, Kade! What a fucking fag for dick, little dude!" Josh continued for a bit in much the same vein, then scooted around to coach's muscle butt and dove in.

In a matter of minutes, Coach was a mad man lost in fuck lust. He swung his head from side to side and pounded the mat with his knees as he slammed into Kade's trapped little pussy, supercharged by Josh's amazing mouth on his arse hole. Coach had lots of hair on his balls and around his hole, and Josh slathered every one of them.

Kade's eyes rolled completely back in his head and he chanted, "AHHHH!...AHHH!...AHHHH!" over and over. Coach pulled the kid's legs absolutely straight to each side, tighter than a bow string, and made him hold them there. The man put both hands on the kid's lower abs so he could feel the shape of his dick as it plunged in and out of Kade's tender guts, forcing intern's sore little prostate against his sawing steel pole.

Josh was a hungry animal eating hole, as only Josh could eat hole - all the while shaking Axel's big bag of balls like a big pair of dice.

Every muscle in the little Kade's body was tight as a drum. As coach fucked him, he added a bit more pressure on the kid's gut, then a bit more again. Relentless squeezing the kid's P-button between his hands and his thick, sawing dick. Without warning, Kade's mouth opened in a silent scream and his dicklet spontaneously erupted like somebody had punched a tube of toothpaste, or something. His white goo shot everywhere -- his chest , coach's chest, his face and coach's face even. When in rut, the kid had range.

His cramping boy pussy really did the whammy on coach's fuck stick. The big guy's hips punched forward and he locked his cock, way deep in Kade's spasming hole.

Coach yelled, "fuck fuck fucccCKKK FUUUCCKKK!! FUUCK!!!!!!" as he fire hosed Kade's defeated guts.

Josh slathered on. God but he could make the most obscene sounds when he sucked arse. He later told me that Axe's butt knot cramped so tightly that Josh was afraid he'd have a hickey on the end of his tongue. Worth it though, he said.

As the two men slowed and began to cool down, Josh massaged both their balls. He leaned in and whispered in coach's ear, "Good Coach! Good boy! You really fucked up daddy's little boy. You made daddy really proud!" Coach grunted, still horny as fuck.

I waited for the big man to go all alpha and start throwing punches at Josh, but instead he started belly laughing and hooted until tears came to his eyes, jiggling a well-fucked Kade with his still hard dick until he finally stopped guffawing.

Coach rearranged Kade so he he was flat on his stomach, chin resting on the mat, looking like a bear rug.

"Josh, stick your dick in your little dude's mouth. I'm going to fuck him again.

"Josh, sitting in stradle splits at Kade's head, scooched forward a bit and worked the end of his dick into the kid's nursing mouth.

"Daddy's home again, Kade! Time to eat!"

Kade's a Good Boy!

You know, it seemed like Josh couldn't stay away from the little dude. He knelt on the mat as Kade worked out. Coach Axel and I'd been invited to watch the workout live. We were using my private room with all the mirrors. Coach had told Josh about the new behavior program he had Ethan and Colt on and how well it was going. Josh had quickly seen how right it would be for working Kade's mind, as well as his body. Josh wanted to fuck him physically and mentally. It was soon obvious that Kade wanted it even more than Josh did.

"Give me twenty more curls, pussy! One...two...three..." As the little dude tightened his abs and curled up toward his knees, Josh rubbed the twink's abs. Naked on the mat, every inch of smooth young skin was available for Josh to touch. My best bud moistened a finger and worked it into the kids arsehole on count ten, while massaging the tender balls for the next nine repetitions.

"...nineteen...twenty. Good boy! Now suck me." Josh grabbed Kade by his upper arms and pulled him forward until he fell on the stud's dick and deep throated it. `Kade, baby, you're coming along just fine, little dude. You get to suck your daddy for a full minute. Josh smiled down at the sight of his big dick in Kade's pretty mouth. Josh gently fucked a couple of fat inches in and out of the warm, wet face hole while stroing the side of the twink's face. Kade's dark frame glasses were fogging up again.

"Now give me thirty push-ups." When the little guy was in position, Josh reached under and slowly milked Kade's throbbing wood.

"...eighteen..." Josh speeded up his jerking, "nineteen...twenty." He released the tense meat before it got a chance to spit.

"Good boy, Kade! Suck me! You've earned another minute!" Josh sat on his heels and pulled Kade by the shoulders. Lying on his stomach, Kade raised his shoulders and found Josh's cock again. Josh reached under with both and hands to pluck and pinch the kid's tender nubs.

"Now put your knees together and sit back on your heels. Grab your elbows behind your back and slowly rise up until you're standing on your knees. Keep your fucking back straight!" Josh was really getting into the trash talk with this kid. He chuckled at how the kid's ears would redden and his dick harden a little more each time. Kade fucking loved it.

The trainer stood directly in front of Kade so when he rose, his face was in Josh's crotch.

"One..." By the time Kade was all the way up, Josh held his hard slab of meat in one big palm and and guided Kade's mouth to the goal.

"Now suck for five counts. One...two...three...four...five...and sit back slowly. Good boy! Again!"

This went on for quite some time. It was majorly impressive how Kade would follow Josh's orders, lost in watching the trainer's body, sighing with satisfaction every time he got to suck the big dick. Josh was impressed too, apparently, because he was having to take some quick panting breaths, to wind down a bit and keep from losing his load down Kade's throat. His voice was husky from horniness as he drawled, "Very good boy, Kade! You get to suck for a full minute, little guy!"

Kade stood calmly on his knees nursing Josh's stud stick.

`Okay, little dude. Chill, it's stretch and rub time, kid."

"Lie on your gut." Kade complied and Josh sat down on the twinks butt, facing the back of his head. He began kneading, then pressing the little dude's muscles with long deep strokes until he had him moaning rhythmically. Josh grabbed both of Kade's elbows and pulling them back until the frat boy's shoulders were high off the floor.

"Hold on to daddy's waist, Kade." Kade grabbed Josh's muscled sides and held on tightly having to arch repeatedly to get a grip because his sweaty palms kept slipping on Josh's fat free torso. It was futile, of course, but the kid kept trying.

"That's it Kade! Keep trying for daddy baby, keep trying!" Josh, of course, had reached around and was working Kade's nips some more, rolling and twisting them. Kade was lost in a world of pleasure, pain, and hopeless effort. The kid kept trying for about a minute until he finally slipped completely and hit the floor.

"Kade, Kade, Kade! What am I going to do with you, little dude? You failed, Kade. You gave up! You've been a bad boy again, so now you're going to have to do press ups on the parallel bars. Get up there, boy. Don't make daddy wait!"

Josh climbed off Kade and helped him up by the back of the neck, walking him over to the bars that were set only a few feet off the floor.

"Get in there Kade." Kade stood between the bars and Josh ducked under to stand in front of him.

"Grab the bars, Kade." They were at about the height of his lower ribs, so he had to put his elbows way behind himself. This pushed his chest down and forward a bit so he had to strain his neck some to look up at Josh. Josh smirked a bit, seeing Kade's worshipful look of devotion.

"Okay, Kade. Push up and hang. Keep those feet pointed and count to ten."

"A...umph!" Kade's form was perfect. All the muscles of his legs, chest and arms stood out in relief. Josh laughed softly, way down deep in his chest. He was going to like the next part a lot.

Kade watched his hero with not a little apprehension. Josh slowly lifted both hands, zeroed in on Kade's puffy pink nipples, and pinched.

"seeeeven...ohhh...eight...aaaaniiiiine...ten!" Josh released the tender points and Kade dropped to stand again on the mat.

"Pretty good, Kade. You get to suck my dick for thirty seconds, then you can try it again. Kade knelt and sucked, arms relaxed at his sides, jaw working slowly, happily. You could actually hear him hum.

"Time's up, kid! Hit the bars again. This time slowly and smoothly up and down. Do it for daddy, Kade, do it for daddy!"

And Kade did it for daddy -- three more times in fact. On the last set, his arms were shaking so much the bars rattled in their stand.

Kade collapsed on the mat.

"Kade! Get the fuck up on your knees! Don't just lie there! That's it, little dude! You tried really hard, so you get to suck your daddy `s dick again. You get a bonus suck this time...a full minute!" Josh smiled down at Kade who managed to suck while catching his breath. Josh slipped the twink's cap off and ruffled the sweat damp dark hair. Josh put the cap on him again, bill in back...easier to suck dick that way.

"Time, Kade. Since you've been working so hard, I'm going to give you a very special treat. Get up and come over here, little guy."

The young man followed Josh over and stood in front of Axel and me.

Skip, Axel, look at the fucking sexy little dude! I'm glad you could come watch and see how hard he worked for me today. I like how hard he tries, even when he can't always get it right. He really is a pretty good kid. Coach Axel, I think that Kade deserves a really good treat for working so hard, don't you?"

"I surely do, Josh, I surely do!" The big man stared into Kade's brown eyes, they blinked nervously behind the glasses.

Coach slowly he spread his legs, scooted his hips forward a bit in the chair and pulled down his zipper. Kade was mesmerized, watching each action, especially when coach's half hard salami fell out and began lengthening in the air.

"Kade, your are a very lucky boy! Daddy's going to let you suck coach's big dick. Get on your knees and kiss it...kiss coach's dick for daddy, Kade...kiss it baby!"

Of course Kade did exactly what he was told. Coach smiled down at the twink while his meat climbed higher, reaching its full length and hardness. You could practically see the heat coming off it and smell his amazing musk -- like fresh field mushrooms. My mouth started to water and I had to swallow a couple of times.

"Now take the knob in your mouth, Kade. Work his knob, Kade. Give the big man some happy knob. Go for it, little dude!

Kade was pretty enthusiastic. His glasses slid off his sweating face, did a half flip and caught on the root of coach's big unit. Coach chuckled deep in his huge chest.

"He is a good, boy, isn't he Josh? Sucking my dick for his daddy Josh. What a good boy! Look at him work on the knob! Look at the way he works for my load. See how his cheeks hollow out and he looks up at me to see if he is doing a good job? The boy's a hard little worker, Josh. He wants to make his daddy proud, doesn't he, Josh? Do you think if he gets my load that you'll let him suck one out of you?"

Kade must have like the way the conversation was going because his enthusiasm dialed up another notch or two. (By now it was all I could do not to shove the kid out of the way and take over. Instead I fished out my aching stick of wood and slowly worked it.

"Sure looks like it, coach! Now dive on that thing, Kade, get the dick, baby, get it...get it...getit getit getit, pussy!!" Kade went all baby shark on that big piece of man flesh.

Coach grunted, then leaning back and locking his hands behind his head. The picture of a major stud in cocksuck heaven!

Josh got down next to Kade and had him by the base of the neck, talking trash in his ear, over heating the little guy.

"Suck the dick, faggot! Eat that man cock. Suck it down, Kade. Get it all in you, baby. Work for that cocksnot! Suck the fuck out of his balls and get it in your gut, little guy! Do it for daddy, baby. Suck it out for daddy! Get the cum, baby, suck for the cum!!"

Kade was much encouraged.

I glanced over at coach. His head was thrown back and his mouth was open, eyes closed in ecstatic contemplation. As I watched, he slowly released his hands and let his arms hang at his sides. His abs grew tenser and he tilted his crotch up a little to give Kade the best shot at his crotch rocket.

Josh lent more encouragement.

"Suck that fucking man dick, cocksucker! Suck the big dick, Kade! Suck the spunk out of those big fucking balls. Work that cock with your pretty little fag mouth. Suck a load out of that man cock, baby, suck it out for daddy Josh. Show me you can do it, Kade!!!..."

Josh massaged Kade's throat with one hand and played casually with the kid's dick and balls.

Kade was totally lost in a suck trance. He was all mouth -- all very hungry mouth. Gotta say - been there myself -- lots of times. His head wobbled and twisted, bobbed and pistoned. The whole time he cradled coach's big eggs in with his fingers, weighing them, rolling them, lovingly caring for the source of his next feast of ball batter.

Coach grabbed the sides of his chair seat took a deep breath, curled his muscle butt up off the chair and yelled, "FFFFFFUUUCCCCKCKCCKKCKKKGGGOOODDDDAAAAMMMMNNNFFFUUUCCCKKKKKKK!!!!" and squeezed out every smidgen of pussy paste he could produce.

Coach produced a lot.

Little Kade bobbed and corkscrewed faster, slurping and choking, throat grabbing dick, throat sucking scum, throat swallowing spooge, then diving down until his lips met coach's crotch hairs. He rested there awhile, neck muscles rippling, working out every drop of splooge possible.

Josh was nothing but encouraging: "WWWHHHOOOOOOO...HA!! Baby boy! Look at you suck it out, Kade! Daddy likes, little dude, daddy likes!"

Coach's hips dropped back on the chair and he fell back, panting, slowly catching his breath, holding Kade's head while the kid nursed contentedly.

"God, but that kid can suck, Skip! Jeeze! He's nearly in your class, dude. Maybe give him a few more pointers and you've got some serious competition!" We both laughed at that.

"Good boy Kade! Good boy! You did really well, little dude. You made your daddy really proud, baby!" Josh picked the glasses off Axel's crotch and slipped them back on Kade's nose. The little guy looked up, face all bright with happiness, proud to have pleased.

"Kade, you were such a good boy that now you get to suck my cock while you jerk out your little load." Josh stood and shook his hard dick at the twink. Come suck, Kade. You can cum if you have my dick in your mouth. Cum get my dick and pump out your nut, Kade. Suck me while you cum for daddy, little guy... cum for daddy!"

Kade turned and knee-waddled the few inches to Josh's crotch and swallowed my best bud's until he meaty manhood. The kid closed his eyes and just hung there for a bit. Breathing calmly, purring a little in his throat -- like he'd been kind of lost and now was home again. Yep! I knew that feeling too, bros!

Josh winked at coach and me, let out a long breath and widened his stance, - hands on hips, dick buried deep in Kade's maw. The little guy looked up at him as if he were the statue of liberty or an ad for sex or something.

Josh looked down and grinned, then did the double biceps thing he does so well. His dick hardened even more in the wet sucking mouth. Kade was so blown away that he missed a suck. He recovered quickly, running his hands up and over Josh's hard chest, reaching vainly for the big guy's arms.

Kade sucked, watching in a state of bliss, feeling up Josh's shifting muscles as the big stud smoothly moved from one pose to another, changing his stance, turning his hips, all the while keeping his big spike in Kade's little mouth. He pointed to the side with one arm and pumped the air with the other. He put two fists behind his hips, jabbed deep into Kade and tensed those amazingly abs and arms. He put both fists on his hips, tensed his pecks, and rocked into Kaden's face while he glared down at the kid. Kade's hands never stopped moving, sliding over Josh's amazing muscles, feeling the body that would eventually feed him it's thick sweet ball batter.

"Cum for daddy, Kade! Pull it out of your little dick, baby. Drop your goo in your palm. You're going to make an offering to my dick. You're going to wash my dick with your spooge and then suck out daddy's load, aren't you? Be a good boy, Kade, and daddy'll feed you his cocksnot and you can suck it into your little tummy, right baby? Come on Kade. Cramp your nuts for daddy, Josh. Cum for me, baby, cum for daddy!"

Kade squeezed his balls with one hand and hammered away on his dick with the other, all the while hoovering Josh's might meat. He started whining, a high little keening squeal in his throat, one that was giving Josh some extra cock love. He hunched over a little bit, held Josh's meat stead in his mouth and came like a little fountain, carefully catching his drooling splooge in his palm.

"GGGOOOOOOOODDDD Boy, Kade! Such a good boy! Now put your junk juice on daddy's big dick, and stick it in your mouth, little guy. OOOOHHHHH FFFFFUUCCCKKK that's GGOOOOOOODDD! That's it, Kade. Feel that hot wet slime on daddy's dick? You do, doncha, Kade. That's your own fucking cocksnot little guy. Swallow it babe! Look at you eating your own cum! You're a fag for daddy's dick, aren't you? You'd do anything for daddy, wouldn't you, Kade?"

Kade's nodded, his eyes closed as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, delivering the little wigglers that had been in his balls right down to the pit of his stomach, joining coach's great puddle of goo.

Kade gently moved his head from side to side, entranced and transported to the land of "Keeping Josh Happy." He liked it there...he like it a lot. He moved his finger tips up and held my bud's big balls just as he had coach's.

Josh was all smirky with satisfaction. He softly stroked Kade's cheek, crooning to him.

"Good boy, Kade. You're Josh's best little buddy, aren't you, Kade? You know you need daddy's cum now, don't you? You sooooo need to suck out my nut and get it in your tummy. You'll feel really good with my man load inside you, little dude. My cum is going to make everything okay, Kade. Eat me, Kade, I'll feed you, boy. Suck out my liquid love, baby. Eat me now." Josh kept up the gentle encouragement -- not that Kade needed it. The twink nursed like a babe falling asleep in his crib. With surprising little noise or drama, Josh sighed and injected the kid with his stud starch. Kade swallowed, leisurely, completely, cooing in his throat. Satisfied, happy, I think. Hell! I would have been. Josh just gave it up for the little dude.

Josh held Kade's head on his cock and expertly lowered them both to the floor, turning on his side, and letting Kade pillow the side of his head on a big muscled thigh, still quietly nurse away. Josh ran his fingertips down Kade's cheek and along the kid's jaw, watching his newest conquest rest -- rest, relax and surprisingly -- slip into sleep.

"The kid's fagged out." Josh murmured softly as he continued stroking the soft cheek and pink lips:

"Good boy, Kade. Such a good boy. You're daddy's good little boy, baby...daddy's really good boy..."

I think Kade got the message.

Coach Axel and I watched in amazement for a full minute. Then I noticed the great stud once again had wood standing iup in his crotch..

"Uh, Coach."

"Yeah Skip?"

"You think you've got another load in your big bad boys for me, big guy?"

"You kidding, bro? Go for it, Skip! Be coach's good boy, baby, suck it out of coach...get the dick, Skippy. Daddy's going to feed his good little boy..."

Yep! Skip could be a good little boy too!

Graham Gets Caught

"Parker!" Wham! Graham slapped my assistant's face.

"Suck on my balls while I'm on this call. I want my next cum to build so that when I plant a major wad in your throat you fucking choke on it, you goddamn faggot son of a bitch! You fucking loser cocksucker!!" Graham slapped Parker on each side of his face and attached the cute mouth to his dick.

Whoa! That was a little harsh!!

I mean...don't get me wrong, I LOVE trash talk during sex, as you may have gathered, and some extra stimulation is great -- if everyone agrees. But the video of Graham with his dick in Parker's mouth showed a marked sense of disrespect. Graham had already put up with spit in his face, having his dick stepped on, being slapped repeatedly (and he wasn't horny or anything!) and a few other acts of disrespect, better left undescribed. I don't often draw a line for other people, but when it comes to how my staff is treated, I won't let them be abused beyond what they enjoy. Parker was actually weeping. Graham was actually laughing. Parker's dick was a wet noodle, Graham's was an angry red spike. Rather than "use of power" it was "abuse of power" at least in my book. Just watching the video made my dick go soft.

I was going to have to do something.

It turns out that our internal security team had discovered a lot of secrets about Graham. Graham had been a bad, bad boy. No...not a good bad boy, but a bad boy who was trying to screw over my company. He'd also been a stupid boy. Graham knew we had 24/7 security cameras (with audio!) in every room and broom closet, every bathroom, every path and cabana of every property owned by the company. Guess he thought he was invisible or something.

As my primary office assistant, Graham, the guy who looked like a shirt ad, had long been my go-to employee for so many things. These ranged from winnowing applications to seeing that legal documents were written. He oversaw contracts for royalties, subscriptions and payments of all kinds as well as ensuring fees were collected and accounts payable paid. He was damn good at it all too. Unfortunately, he'd apparently decided to take some matters into his own hands. He'd turned corporate spy for our major competition -- Triumph Incorporated.

Triumph Incorporated was a world-wide conglomerate of flashy but second rate and third rate "luxury" properties, marketed mainly by trumpeting the career and aspirations of its founder, Ronald Triumph. I'd met the man once. It was twice too often.

Over the years, many of Triumph's employees, and even some board members had gravitated to our company, wanting to improve their lives, earnings and reputations. Some we'd chosen to hire, most we had not. For most of them, their business instincts were suspect, lurid and very often illegal.

I decided to meet with my executive team met in secret session under high security. I knew we'd come up with a plan.

Graham was going to get fucked...and not in a good way.

Next: Chapter 12

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