Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Sep 5, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock No 10

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A Snack Before He Goes

Kade lay on his back on Josh's desk, holding his knees up by his shoulders as Josh ate his arse, working his two loads out of that hot wet tube. Kade was doing a lot of moaning and his dick was hard yet again. Josh stood up, lips pressed together, grabbed Kade's dick and quickly jerked out another load, immediately sealing his lips around the young guy's knob.

Mouth held shut, my best bud leaned forward. Kade opened his mouth for a kiss and Josh spit the three wads right to the back of his throat. Reflexively, Kade swallowed.

"Look at you swallow that cocksnot, Kade! You're such a bad boy. And that's twice now you came without asking daddy for permission. What a bad boy you are! I'm going to have to warm your butt again, little guy... let's say at 4:00 this afternoon. Be in the gym -- and be on time. You're going to fucking love what I'm going to do with your nips."

Josh pulled Kade to his feet, grabbed him by the back of the neck and marched him to the corner nearest the door. He reached down and grabbed Kade's clothes, handed them to him and pushed him out the door.

"Gym at four, little dude."

It took Kade a few seconds to realized he was standing naked in the hall with Graham chuckling from behind his desk. He scurried into his clothes and scampered down the hall to the restroom where he tried to soak the cum stain out of his shorts and dry them with some paper towels.

He dressed again and looked at himself in the mirror -- red face, sweaty hair, cum on his glasses, puffy lips.

Kade smiled. He liked what he saw.

Coach Trains the Little Fuckers

I'd just taken several pesky phone calls and decided to read some on-line porn for a few minutes. Real life sex was amazing, obviously, and porn videos filled a need at times, but for pure fantasy, I sometimes like to read stories that were total crotch cookers. I'd found a kewl series by some guy who has the same name as the amazing stud who first stuck his dick in my mouth -- Scott Grimes. This one was about some kid getting ready to go to college and having all sorts of improbable sexual adventures. It was filled with filthy language which, I must admit, sometimes appeals to me. But overall, the scenes were really improbable, over the top stuff. Stuff like that really couldn't happen, dude!

Then I got a call from a long time fuck buddy.

Officer Friendly, a fuck buddy from college days was now semi retired and on our security team. He loved the wages, but even more, he was horned to watch the smut filled surveillance videos from our company wide collection.

He flagged this one for me especially. Guy knew what I liked - that's always been true. Coach had decided to train Ethan and Colt at the same time and start using some of the same techniques a friend of his used with German Shepherds. You know -- ring the bell, give a treat, over and over, and after a while the dog slobbers whether there's a treat or not. This I had to see!

The video opened with Colt tumbling end over end across the mat, totally out of control. He stopped short when he ran up against coach's leg, finishing sitting side saddle with his arms locked around the big man's leg like he was hugging a tree. Not too far off, considering the size of Axel's ripped thighs.

"Colt...little bro...what am I going to do with you...huh?" Coach ruffled Colts hair, moving the kid's cheek against the meat of his leg. Colt looked up at coach's smirking face, ducked his head and leaned in to slip his nose between the man's balls and the top of his thigh. The little dude relaxed and breathed in the big guy's musk, feeling Axel's meat brush his cheek as it lengthened and rose into the air.

"Suck it Colt! Eat coach's dick, little pal. Chew on the big one for a while."

Colt was eager to follow directions. He had the throbbing dick halfway down his throat in a matter of seconds.

"Ethan! Get over here and suck Colt. I want to see your buddy's dick in your mouth. Get Colt's dick, Ethan, get the dick!"

Ethan got the dick.

Coach had had the two young twinks practicing Aikido for weeks now. He'd finally decided to have them practice nude so he could watch their dicks harden and soften, swing and sway as they went through their set routines and practiced throwing and rolling. The young guys reminded him of puppies playing with bones. He always made sure the two interns did a lot of playing with their dicks, as well as his. Of course, among the three of them, it was very clear whose dick took precedent.

"Ethan! Your turn to eat me for a while. Colt get on Ethan's dick, make it quick, little fucker."

The boys loved being put through their paces, following commands, always getting off on Coach Axel's intensity and the kinked up shit he put them through. They always got to eat cum too.

"You don't get to eat yet, little dudes. It's time for more sweat and strain. First get some lube on your dicks and up your holes, you're in for a fucking workout."

And a fucking workout it was.

Coach had Cade lie on the floor ready to do pushups, with Ethan over him, at the top of a press. Axel lay on his stomach propped up on his forearms. He reached over and positioned Ethan's dick knob directly on Colt's butt knot.

"Ethan, keep your dicklet in that hole and give me ten, then hold with your arms straight."

Ethan smoothly knocked out the ten, his fratboy knob dutifully planted in Cade's fratboy pussy.

"Good job, Ethan! Cade give me ten pushups, keeping Kade's dick in your hole, finish with your abs on the floor again."

"...nine...ten..good job, Colt...good job, kid. Ethan, give me another set ."

Each young man managed a total of thirty. Ethan was a bit bigger and stronger than Colt, but he had to do his waiting on straight arms with a straight back. At the end of the thirty, he was straining and shaking, his arms ready to collapse.

"Great job, little dudes! "

While the two twinks got their wind back, coach hunched over and used one big mitt to work on their balls, rolling them in their soft, tender bags, pulling them gently, shaking them, fingering them. He took a big middle finger and ran it into Ethan's pussy. Both boys squealed.

"Did Ethan just stick you harder in the pussy stick your pussy harder, Colt? I'll bet he did. I found his joy button right away. Feel what happens when I work it! Feel how he jerks and grinds around in your hole, Colt? Now I'm going to stick my big dick in Ethan and I'm going to fuck him. So I'll be fucking you too, Colt, using Ethan as a fucking attachment. I'm going to fuck me two boy pussies at the same time!"

Without ceremony, coach threw a leg over Ethan's hips, planted a hand on each side of the stacked twinks and sank his big battering ram into Ethan's sweet boy rump.

"OOOOOommmmpppphhhhh!!" He let his entire weight fall on the young men for a second, squeezing the breath out of their lungs. Then he pushed up using his pumped arms, pried apart two sets of twink legs between his knees and started fucking .

Coach's big dad butt tensed and bounced, working his big dick into hot boy hole. When he pulled out the camera clearly caught his tan man knot, tightening and loosening, winking at the viewer. I so wished I could have been there with my face in that big muscle bowl, chewing man hole, urging the big fucker to power plant his dick in those two twinks.

Axel didn't need anyone else's encouragement though. A couple of cameras zeroed in on the twinks' heads, rocking gently to the rhythm of the big man's ramming. The kids' faces were slack, a little spittle trickling out of the side of their mouths, gasping a bit when coach would again drop the full weight of his big muscled body, flattening them into the floor.

"FFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKCKCKKKKKK!!!!" Coach could express himself clearly when he wished.

He spread his arms and legs out, making a big "X" that kept the two little dudes pancaked on the mat. After panting for half a minute, he pulled his knees together and reached under both twinks to grab Colt by the waist. He rocked back on his knees, pulling the boys up off the floor so he could see the floor and the puddle of ball butter Colt had left behind. He let go of Colt's waist, but held on to Ethan. Colt slid off his friend's dick to stand on all fours.

"Eat your spooge, Colt, lick it up. You've been a really good boy, so you get to eat some cum, baby!"Colt went at it happily. Coach could see dribbles of Ethan's cum glistening on Colt's love knot.

"Ethan, suck your load out of your little buddy's arse, little dude. Suck it out for coach. You've been a good boy too and deserve some nice warm cocksnot. Eat hole, little some fucked up hole!"

Coach continued to hold Ethan who had to hunch over and pull Colt's cheeks apart to get at the creamy pussy paste. Coach fondled Ethan's half hard dick and tender balls while the kid sucked his friend's arse.

When the floor was clean and coach heard Ethan swallow a couple of times, he let him slide off his dick on to the floor. Even though Ethan tried to clamp his hole shut right away, an amazing amount of coach's cock cream leaked out.

"Colt, you've been such a good boy that you get extra treats! Roll over on your back. Ethan's going to turn and sit on your face and so you can get all the ball batter I fucked into him! Ethan sit on your little buddy's face and feed him ...and since you did such a good job of sucking your own cum out of Colt's butt, you get to clean coach's cock. Look! See at the hot slimy cum that's still on it? Suck it off, Ethan, come feed on the big dick, baby!"

Gotta admit Coach Axel was one hot and skilled trainer. I think Officer Friendly agreed with me because he also sent me a video of him watching the whole thing with a rookie security guard on his knees between his thighs, chowing down on Friendly dick. The whole thing reminded me that had I owed Officer Friendly a personal visit for quite some time.

Yes Officer, Sir!

"Damn boss, but I fucking wish you could see this live. It's hotter than shit!"

My lower lip touched Officer Friendly's zipper pull and he squeezed my head with his huge thighs, rubbing the uniform's rough wool against my ears. His cock twitched deep in my throat. I'd recognize that twitch anywhere. His hands were busy at the security console, changing camera angles, zooming in for close-ups and out for the big picture.

The hot middle aged man had called me down to see the mock interrogation they were putting little Kade through. Apparently the whole thing was Josh's idea and an important part of Kade's training. Although I got to see the full video later, and I could clearly hear the dialogue, Officer Friendly narrated the action, punctuating his spiel by jabbing his dick further down my throat.

Kade's dick strained. It was tied at the base separating it from his balls which were also tied off, the whole package secured to the bottom rung of the stool on which he sat. His ankles were tied to the bottoms of the back legs and his joined wrists to the back of the seat. His chest was pushed forward and up by the position. His feet and hands worked helplessly in his bonds.

"WhhaaaaaaaahhhddddhIIIIIIidddoohhhh???" Kade garbled because the black bandana gagging him made him hard to understand. It was already soaked through with his spit.

Sitting on a ladder backed chair in front of the twink was Officer Friendly's 22 year old son, Duke. The spitting image of his old man, except his wavy brown hair lacked the shots of gray. Already craggy in the face, amazingly broad shoulders, chunked up guns and a slim muscled waist that made everything else look bigger. With the sneer on his face, and his pale blue eyes hidden behind mirrored sun glasses, the guy was really intimidating.

Kade was intimidated.

The kid was shivering with anxiety, dripping with fear sweat, or maybe sexual heat...or maybe both. Yeah...definitely both. The kid's dick was hard as rebar. His dick fucking loved it.

Duke's smirk broadened into a lopsided grin. He rubbed his crotch -- a crotch already impressive, and one that was getting more so with each slow rub.

Kade swallowed and squeaked a couple of times.

`You don't know what you did, Kade? You're telling me you don't fucking know? Why, we've heard from several people in the company that you've been a very, very bad boy. We've see the videos too, Kade. We've seen you with men's dicks in your little mouth. We've seen with men's dicks fucking your pussy. We've heard you beg to be fucked. We've heard you plead to suck cock. We've seen you suck your own nasty cum off men's dicks and suck for more. We've seen you suck fresh cum our of men's arses. We've seen your eyes roll up in ecstasy while men did nasty things to your body. We've seen you laugh while you bounce your boypussy on majorly big cock. That's what you did, Kade. You did major fag shit and you fucking loved it.

So you know what we have to do to you, Kade?"

"hnnnooooohoo! Bbhhhhlllleeeeeeaaasssee!!!"

"That's right, Kade. We are going to have to verify what we've seen and heard to see if it's true. We're going to see how bad a boy you can be, Kade."

Duke leaned in and took the head of Kade's rosy dick between a leather gloved thumb and forefinger, and twisted it a little. He moved the loose skin under the flange up and down a few times, then stroked right under the piss slit. Kade twisted and whined at the stimulation. A warm, shiny drop of precum blossomed in the opening. Another one joined it. Casey used a finger to pick up the drips brought them to his nose and smelled them.

"Smells like frat boy spunk to me. Does this smell like fratboy cum to you, Kade?" Duke reached over and put the tip of his finger up one of Kade's nostrils. "I SAID...DOES THIS SMELL LIKE FRATBOY CUM TO YOU, KADE?"

"Um hm, um hm, uuuhhmm mmmm!!!" Kade slurred.

"Can't hear him very well, Bart. Time to get rid of the gag."

Duke's cousin Bart had been standing behind Kade the whole time, hands on hips, breathing out and down, his warm breath making the hairs on the back of Kade's neck stand up. Practically a twin to Duke, Bart was chunkier and swarthier. His big fingers worked the gag's knot loose and tossed it on the floor.

Kade was breathing rapidly. His dick squeezed out another drop of pre. Yep! Most definitely fear and sex.

Duke raised his chin and spoke to Bart, "Bart, my man! What the fuck do you think these little pink things are on Kade's chest? See here -- there's one on each side. Can you feel them from where you are?

Bart chuckled and sank to his knees behind Kade's stool, his breath now fully on the side of little Kade's neck. He rested his chin on Kade's shoulder, his whiskered beard chaffing against the twinks tender cheek. Bart slowly reached around so Kade could follow the big man's hands. Again slowly, he peeled off his leather gloves and laid them across Kade's thigh. He rubbed his palms together, then placed his hands on Kade's nicely muscled chest, feeling the kid's heart thump. Kade's eyes were big as plates.

Bart moved his fingers around until he felt the silky tender nipples where he circled lazily. Kade gave a couple more satisfying squeaks.

"Yuh mean these little itty bitty peaky things, Duke? Why, I think they're his nipples man. Let's see...yeeeeaaap! These little fuckers are standing up for attention. Look at `em. It's like they want me to do more, Duke! What do you think, bro/"

"They surely do, Bart. You know, my girl loves it when I suck on her tits...know what I mean. How about ever suck on your girls tit's, Bart?"

"Absofuckinglutely, Casey. Here! I'll show you how I do it."

Bart scooted to the side, leaned in and sucked Kade's right nipple into his mouth. He sucked for a minute, working it with his lips, vacuuming the skin around it, then nipped it with his teeth. Kade squeaked again.

"What did you just do, there, Bart? Sounded like the kid liked that. Show me buddy!" Duke tipped forward off his chair and squatted at Kade's other side, pushing his mirrors higher on his nose.

"Watch, Casey.' Bart sucked some more, then pulled his lips back and showed Duke how he trapped the tender nub with the edges of his front teeth.

"Oh! I see. You've get that tender little piece of pink nipple right between your teeth and then you chew it a little, huh? Lemme see if I can do this one, me, dude." Duke leaned in, sucked, then nipped. Kade sqeaked.

"Yep! You got it dude! Let's both work on the little fucker..."

Casey and Bart sucked and chewed while little Kade juttered and squeeled. The kid's dick was hard as steel, a spike of needy boy dick aching for some help...any kind of help.

"Pop!" Duke pulled off the nipple and smiled in satisfaction. Will you look at that little thing, Bart! It's probably going to look like one big hickey tomorrow. Sure wish I could get at those nips again then, but I've got the day off."

"Fuck! Me too, Casey. Well, what do you think we should check next?"

"Let's see how the little fucker sucks! Haul out your meat and stick it in his mouth, see what he does!"

Well, when Bart dropped his zipper and fished out his cock and balls, Kade's eyes got even bigger and rounder. The dick was perfect, just right for fucking his face, and that is exactly what it did. First Bart grinned down at the twink, then he pushed Kade's jaw open with a big thumb, worked up some spit and fired it into the boy's mouth.

"Swallow little fucker!'' Kade gulped. "Again!" Bart laughed and spit in Kade a couple more times, then held the fratboy's head, rocking his dick in and out of the wet sucking maw. Casey stayed on his knees, occasionally reaching up to hold or squeeze and roll Bart's red balls with his finger tips.

"Bart! Too bad you can't see yourself fuck his face from up close, dude. Your unit slides in and out like his mouth was made for it. He's got slobber dripping down his chin and onto his dick, man. Looks like he's leaking some cock-suck tears too. Tears of joy, my girl calls them. Man...can this little dude suck cock, or what. You keep him busy. I'm going to untie the twink.

Duke loosened and tossed Kade's wrist and ankle ties. "Bart, pull out and put him over the stool, man. You ever eat out your girl's pussy?"

"All the time, Casey! I can make her feed me pussy juice and force a couple of cums out of her with just my mouth."

"Well...have you ever eaten fratboy pussy, Casey?"

"Sure! Several times in fact. I've made a couple of `em blow their wad just from grinding my chin in their holes."

"Well, do your magic, Bart. I'm going to fuck his mouth for a while ."

With Barts face in his butt and Casey's dick in his mouth, Kade was kept pretty busy. Still, he was surprised when Casey worked his fingers under his chest and found his aching nipples again.

"Fuck! Dude! What did you just fucking do?" yelled Bart.

"I worked his nips some more. Why? Did his pussy grab your cock the way his throat grabbed my dick when I got `em good."

"Fuck yeah, man. Do it some more! Feels fucking great!'

"Glad to help, Duke! But, ya unit is hard as hell and I need to stick it somewhere. Any advice, good buddy?"

"Hell, why not stick it up the twink's arse, Bart? Why not fuck his boy pussy until you drop your load in his guts? Should be fun!"

Bart spit on his cock head, lined it up on Kade's rosebud and slid on in.

"FFFFUUUUUCCCCKCKCCKKKK this is one sweet boy pussy!"

Kade had again impressed Bart.The two big men worked over a foot of dick into Kade's body, sometimes fucking in unison, sometimes syncopating so the frat boy rocked back and forth, pushed and pulled by the men's cop dicks.

"You getting off on our cop dicks, fag? You got major wood wish a cock in your mouth and another up your pussy. We can keep this up for an hour at least, little dude. You want that, Kade? You want that, pussyboy?

Casey kept working Kade's nubs mercilessly while the young man tried to shake his head side to side, trapped on Casey's pole.

"Oh, well, what the hell," grunted Duke. "Why don't we go ahead and feed the kid's guts? It's about break time anyway. You ready to hammer it home, Bart?"

"Sure am, Casey, let's bring this little fucker on home..."

"You got it!!!!!!"

Duke pinched Kade's nipples HARD. Kade's body tightened every muscle it had, Kade's scream being muted by Casey's dick, the vibration adding even more joy to his studstick.

"YEAHHHHHHH!!!!! FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK!!" Duke and Bart weren't original, but they were very sincere at the moment. They unloaded two sets of balls and slowed to a halt, breathing in great gouts of air as they slowly caught their breath.

"Bart! Get up here and get your dick into the punk's mouth. Soak it in the kid's throat. Get a little more happy dick, there buddy."

Big Bart knelt at Kasey's head and fed his dick in the exhausted boy's mouth. Duke, unremarked, massaged his buddy's balls, making sure Kade got to suck out any remaining cum.


That was my buddy Josh, barreling into the room, pulling Duke away from Kade, jerking Bart out of the boy's mouth, turning to glare at them, threateningly. He looked fucking angry.


"Uh, uh, we were told to interrogate an intern, some guy named Kain, so we did what we were told and..." sputtered Casey.

"An intern named WHAT?, you ARSEHOLE???"

"An intern named Kain, who was reported..."

"THIS guy's fucking name is KADE, not Kain. K. A. D. E!!" Now get the fuck out and write up what happened here, or I'll see to it that Mr. Skip has your arses in a sling and a plumber's snake up your butts before the hour's over."

"Yes sir! Of course, sir." "Right sir...sorry, sir."

Josh got down and grabbed Kade, pulling him off the chair and laying him across his lap, stroking his hair, then pulling him to his big chest, the kid's face hiding in the big blond's neck.

Duke and Bart made a big show of grabbing their gloves, straightening their uniforms as well as the room while hurrying out, acting really worried and embarrassed, maybe.

But just before they closed the door, the two cops looked at Josh lifted their brows and silently mouthed..."Okay'?"

Josh nodded slightly and winked at them, giving them a thumbs-up behind Kade's back before continuing to stroking Kade's hair, calming him, soothing him.

"There, there, Kade. Easy little buddy. Everything's okay, now...daddy's here baby. You're safe, Kade. Daddy's got you, little guy."

What had been tentative sobs coming from Kade softened into relaxed breathing, as Kade let himself be comforted. After a couple of minutes, Josh turned Kade's head. The twink looked up at Josh before the man brought his face down and invaded Kade's mouth. Kade crooned while he sucked on Josh's tongue. Josh used one hand to slide down Kade's chest. When it passed over a nipple, Kade squealed.

"What's the matter Kade? Are you hurting, baby? What did those men do to you, Kade?"

Josh leaned back so he could see Kade's chest and the angry abused nubs. He leaned in further. Kade tensed. Josh stuck out the tip of his tongue and gently licked a puffy nip, then gently kissed it. Kade melted in Josh's arms. Josh's hand continued down over the fratboy abs and found Kade's bound dick and balls, throbbing with need.

"Oh baby! What did they do to your junk, Kade? You so fucking need to come, don't you baby! Daddy's going to help his baby boy." Josh gathered up Kade and sat him on the stool. He stood and shucked out of his shoes and clothes, his amazing dick was locked and loaded. He stalked over to the side of the room and lay on the floor, the back of his head propped up against the wall.

"Kade...come here Kade. Daddy's going to take care of you. Come sit on daddy's dick Kade...there...that's a good boy, Kade. Work your way down daddy's big dick, Kade. Take your time, baby. Get it all in your sweet sweet pussy, baby. There! That's it, Kade. What a good boy you are! Now ride daddy's big dick, Kade. After daddy comes way up in your pussy, daddy will make sure you get to come, Kade. Now grab your balls and ride, baby!!!"

When Josh finally let himself cum up into little Kade's pussy, about a half hour had past. Josh had found every nook , cranny, crease and bump in Kade's sex hole. Kade was blubbering and gasping, truly exhausted from his ordeal along with the long fuck. Josh loosened and tossed the rope from the kid's balls and dick.

"Lift up off my balls, little dude." Kade pulled himself off Josh's impaler, the big man's cum dripping from his arse lips. Josh calmly scooped it up and fed it to the exhausted but still horny intern.

"You are such a good boy,'re daddy's good, good boy! Josh stood up, leaving Kade to kneel at his feet. Now put daddy's dick in your mouth. Come for daddy, Kade. Be a really good boy for daddy. Give it up for me, Kade. Be daddy's really good boy! Don't make me have to work your nipples, Kade."

Kade was the best boy ever.

When he came, he screamed and shot splooge like a race horse. Officer Friendly, who had managed to hold off until now, fired his swimmers down my sucking throat. I swallowed and pulled off to wipe my hand across my mouth only to find two rock hard dicks bobbing and waving on each side of me. Casey and Bart were on their break, I guess. Glad I was there to thank our boys in blue relax a bit.

Next: Chapter 11

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