Skipping Skool 1/1

By ...Mercury.....

Published on Oct 1, 1995



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o o Oh Wise Master, I wonder who rules Alt.Sex.Stories ? o Why that is easy, young Grasshopper. It is... o o ... M e r c u r y ... o o For listen to the Wind. Does it not whisper in your ear, o "Mercury rulez A.S.S.!" And listen to the babbling brook. o Does it not babble, "Mercury has the biggest dick of all!" o You see, Grasshopper. All of Nature is in harmony with o Mercury, for he is one with the Universe! o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Carl Gustav Jung o o I was twenty-one when I entered the Rauschenbach's home and saw on the o stair a girl of about fourteen, in pigtails. And like a flash, it was o clear to me that this was my wife! I was deeply shaken by this, for I o had only really seen her for a brief instance, but I knew immediately o and with absolute certainly that she would be my wife. o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Notes : o o 1. I did not write this story and do not know who did. o 2. If you're a biW/A m/f 18-24 looking for friends, write. o 3. Don't write asking me to email you stories. Fuck off. o Skipping School

"Todd, you better get your ass in gear or we're going to be late," Matt told his friend as he tried to hurry him back into the building. "The first bell already rang, and it's a long way to Mrs. Compton's room. Move it!"

Todd shrugged his shoulders and put one of those "What the shit!" expressions on his face, but he started hurrying down the hallway, already emptying of students. The sun was shining, and this was one of those first "perfect" days of Spring. Todd thought to himself that he'd rather be anywhere besides where he was -- headed to Mrs. Compton's senior English class.

It took some hustling, but the two boys walked through the door just as the final bell was ringing. "I'm so pleased you could found it convenient to join us, gentlemen, take your seats please so we can get started," Mrs. Compton said in her most-biting, most acerbic tone as the guys walked in. Todd looked at her, gave her his best "Fuck you!" look, then thought better of it and changed to his "Go to Hell!" look. That fat old bitch probably hadn't had a man touch her in 30 years, and a fucking is probably just what she wants, he thought to himself as he took his seat.

"Before we begin, Miss Prior in the attendance office has misplaced the sign-up sheet that tells who will be going on the bus to tour the Raleigh County Community College campus today. If you signed up to go on that tour, please sign this sheet again. And don't get any ideas about going if your parents didn't sign the permission slip. Mr. Easom (the counselor/bus driver/flunky) will check each of your names against the permission slips he has on file as you board the bus," Mrs. Compton said, just before shoving a piece of paper in front of the girl on the front row and launching into a monotonous monologue on the art of diagramming compound-complex sentences.

Matt was trying to pay attention, when he felt Todd poking him in the side. He looked down to see a note being handed to him, and he furtively took it, opened it in his book and read the simple message. "When the sheet gets here I'm signing it. I can't ride the bus to RCCC, but I can go home and shoot hoop. Wanna come?"

The note wasn't signed but it didn't take much effort to recognize Todd's scrawl or his line of thinking. Basically, Matt was a "Goody Two Shoes," and he knew he'd catch major Hell if anybody at home found out he ditched class. He'd had his 18th birthday a couple of weeks before, and the only person who seemed to think that he was a man just like the law said was Todd, and that was only because he was a few days older, and claimed bragging rights for himself a little sooner. His parents still treated him like a kid, and if they found out he skipped class, senior or not, legal adult or not, there'd be the Devil to pay! Still, it sounded fun, and it was a gorgeous day. They might just get away with it....

He was still deep in thought when Todd passed him the sheet and said "Sign it, or you ain't got a hair on your balls." Matt realized he had but two choices: do what he really wanted to do and skip class with his best friend since 3rd grade, or pass the sheet along unsigned and sit in a series of incredibly boring classes all day. It didn't take that much thought, and he soon had scribbled his name right below his bud's.

Eventually, the sheet had made its way all around the room, and Larry Brown, the twirp the computer Geeks didn't even like finally interrupted Mrs. Compton, "What should I do with this sheet now, Mrs. Compton, ma'am?"

"Let me check it," was the only reply, the old woman's chalk flying across the worn green surface of the chalkboard finishing this final display of the diagramming art. Finished, and obviously proud of herself, she turned, took the paper, and said, "Resume your seat now Lawrence. Thank you."

Her beady eyes ran up and down the list, "It's a major surprise to me, but there are exactly 14 signatures on this list. I expected to find more, but 14 is the number Miss Prior furnished. Perhaps you're learning something about adulthood after all," she commented, a self-satisfied smile coming on her face, obviously evidencing her belief that whatever honesty was present in this class was solely the result of her labors. "Lawrence, it won't be necessary for me to check this list further. Since you're one of the ones attending the RCCC tour, you may take the list to Miss Prior's office and proceed to the bus. The other students will join you in a few minutes."

Matt couldn't believe his good luck! Obviously, two people who had signed up earlier had decided to blow the thing off. And that meant that he and Todd got to skip with no worry of anyone from school catching them! Finally, the bell rang, and Mrs. Compton announced, "If you're going to RCCC, proceed to the bus, otherwise, head to your next class as usual. Dismissed."

Matt was smiling as he walked out, but Todd was practically dancing with glee. "Head to the john," was all he said though.

"I don't have to piss," Matt replied, looking a little confused.

"Look we can go to the john, wait there till class starts, then head out the backdoor without anybody noticing, dumb ass. Just do what I tell you," he growled in a good- natured way.

When they got to the john, they took stalls at opposite ends of the row, pretending to take an urgent shit. Only two other guys were in the bathroom, and they left soon enough. They sat on the commodes until they heard the tardy bell ring, then pulled up their pants and headed out into the hallway. Todd was a real master, checking the hall carefully before he stepped out into the main hallway, and motioning Matt to hurry. They went through he auditorium, across the stage, and out the loading door used to deliver sets for the drama club's endless productions. This being the "blind side" of the school it was an easy matter to make their way to Matt's car, and once they were a couple of blocks from the school, Matt was breathing easy.

"Look, when you get close to my house, park in the Safeway lot, and we'll walk the rest of the way. Mrs. Taylor is real tight with my mom, and if she saw us pull up during the day on a school day, she'd call for sure," was his final instruction.

It took less than a minute to get from Safeway to Todd's house, and after they'd had a coke and caught their breath, Todd was ready to go. "Come on, let's get some shorts on and shoot some hoop." Todd was your basic, short basketball freak, determined to excel at a tall man's game just to prove he could.

The boys headed down the hall, and Todd began rummaging in one of the piles of clothes on his floor. These were neatly folded, so they were obviously clean. It looked like it had been months since the room had been cleaned, and Matt was never sure how Todd found anything, but he always did. In a moment, Todd threw him a pair of gym shorts and asked if he wanted a shirt or a jock. "Nah, it's a beautiful day, I'll skip the shirt, and you know I never wear a jock unless I have to," he told his friend.

"Suit yourself, but I don't see how you do without it," Todd said.

Matt glanced in his direction just as Todd got fully naked and started pulling on the jock, what had to be at least 5 1/2 or six inches of soft, thick cock meat hanging down over balls that seemed to droop to his knees. Matt had never seen his buddy's hard cock naked -- just outlined in his briefs when they'd wake up in the morning after spending the night together -- but he knew it was a lot bigger than his own. "Shit, if my pecker was as big as his, and my balls swung that low, I'd wear a jock all the time too," he thought to himself as he finished pulling on the gym shorts.

Matt didn't actually hear it. He just saw the look of panic on Todd's face and saw him pushing a finger to his lips in a "shhhh" motion. Todd grabbed their clothes and threw them under the bed, though Matt doubted that was necessary, since there was so much shit scattered around, what was another couple pairs of jeans? Then he heard the voices, and he knew they were no longer alone.

Todd pushed him into what the houseplans no doubt said was a closet, but was really nothing more than a junk yard for Todd's accumulated garbage. It was a tight squeeze but he'd fit himself in, when he realized his buddy was coming in too. In just seconds he felt his buddy's body pressed hard against him, wiggling in, and then he knew when the light disappeared that Todd had managed to get all the way in and close the door.

Matt hadn't heard the voices 'til then. "Oh, 'Retta, I'm sure glad you thought of this. I want you, babe, but I need you too!" was a man's voice he didn't recognize, but the giggle that followed clearly belonged to Todd's older sister, Loretta. She was attending a local college, and lived on campus, supposedly. Apparently, she still had her key, and found the Lawson's home a convenient place to fuck.

It was about then that Matt realized with horror that his dick, wedged tightly against his buddy's butt so that the upturned shaft lay parallel to, and partially between Todd's buns, was getting hard. He'd been fighting thoughts of Todd's hot body when he jacked off for years, constantly reminding himself that he wasn't "queer." And here he was, springing a major hardon, right between the cheeks of his buddy's ass!

Matt sweated, and worried, and willed his dick to go down. It had started having an effect when he heard the murmurs and moans coming from 'Retta's room. "Oh, baby, suck it for me... that's it, take it all the way to the balls! Oh, 'Retta, that feels so gooood!" 'Retta was a good looking girl, kind of slutty, and she loved to make a guy pop a hardon, then walk away. But Matt was more interested in what it felt like to 'Retta while she was sucking a big piece of manmeat than in what the guy was feeling.

As the sounds from the next room moved from sucking clearly to fucking, Matt gave up his battle with the hardon. If Todd asked him about it, he could always say the noise turned him on. But he probably would assume that ahead of time and just forget it. In the mean time, he could think about those hot buns he could almost -- but not quite -- feel. Those glorious globes of man flesh, separated from him by two thin layers of cotton were the real object of his desire.

"But I've already had my dick in you, 'Retta!" came the yell from the next room.

There was a mumbled answer, but Matt picked up enough to understand that Loretta had just told her partner to eat her pussy or forget the rest of the fuck. That meant he was going to be licking a cunt where his own dick juices had already been... almost like sucking himself! Matt's mind wandered, and he began to wonder what it would be like to suck and lick on Todd's cock as his buddy plugged his sister's hot hole. And with that last steamy, "queer" thought, his dick was as hard and as stiff as it was going to get. His buddy couldn't miss it now.

Lost in his own sexy daydream, Matt hardly noticed the first wiggle. But the second and third were more obvious as Todd inched forward making room between their bodies. "Oh, shit, he knows I'm hard and he's pissed!" was Matt's only thought. Boy was he surprised a moment later when Todd forced his hand into the tiny gap he'd made between their bodies, and yanked down Matt's shorts and underwear in a single pull, leaving his hard on flapping against his belly! But he was more shocked to feel Todd inch his butt back, taking Matt's pre-cum drenched dick between the cheeks of his ass like before -- but this time without anything separating Matt's hard dick from Todd's hot butt!

For a moment, Matt thought he was dreaming, as he felt his best friend wiggle and work his butt along the shaft of his dick, moving back and forth, raising up on tip toes, then back down, jacking Matt's uncut dick between his ass cheeks. He knew it was reality when he managed to wiggle his hand around front and cup the base of that long, fat hardon hidden in the pouch of Todd's jock. And if there had been any doubt, it disappeared when he heard Todd moan, and felt him add new vigor to his efforts to fuck his best buddy's dick up and down his crack. Matt loved the feel of his hot, swollen cock head rubbing back and forth with delight between the pliant, velvety cheeks of his best friends butt. He'd often had wet dreams about Todd fucking his ass, but he'd never dreamed he'd get a chance to (almost) fuck his buddy's hot hiney. The awesome feelings of fucking his best friend's asscrack made Matt uncharac- teristically loose and wild. He was shocked at his own actions, but he wormed a hand into the pouch of Todd's jock, and began to beat the meat he'd so often dreamed about.

The noises were growing louder in 'Retta's room, and it was a good thing. The two guys' own lovemaking was reaching a fever pitch, and their own noises couldn't have been masked by anything except the groans of the other couple's fucking. Matt knew he was close, and was wondering if he should come right there, between the cheeks of his buddy's hot butt, when he felt Todd's huge tool swell, twitch, and then spasm with wad after wad of hot jizz. Some went into the jock pouch, some onto Matt's hand, some who knows where. But the feel of that hot manjuice, and the certain knowledge that he'd caused it, was more than Matt could take. His own dick began to spew, and he came so hard his head felt light, almost like he was about to faint. One, two, three huge wads of thick, gooey jizz pumped out the end of his dick, sliming all around Todd's ass crack and cheeks. Without thinking, he reached around with his other arm, drew his friend even tighter against himself in a make shift hug, and whispered in his ear "I love you, Todd. I always have and I always will."

Somehow, the fact that what they had just done was completely queer, the fact that each boy's jizz was dripping off the other's body, the fact that they were holding each other's cocks with cummy hands or butt cheeks didn't matter. All that mattered was that both boys had finally gotten what they'd always wanted.

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