Skinny Dipping Voyeur

By moc.liamtoh@sogypokyel

Published on Nov 9, 2000



Skinny Dipping Voyeur--Part III

Tracy and Tart soon joined us in the water. The water felt great after all the heated sexual activity. The hot sex and their friendly behavior had made my earlier apprehension evaporate. While the three boys shot the bull I just relaxed and savored what I hoped might be turning into be new found friendships. Soon the calm was broken when Tart took mock offense at a teasing slur Lurch made. He began splashing us wildly. This led to dunking, then some playful grab ass. After a while Lurch pulled his long lanky frame up onto a wide pebbled sandbar at the creek bank. I pulled up beside him.

"Mark, I'm sorry about all the rough treatment from me and the other guys earlier. Zach's really a pretty nice guy when you get to know him. He just likes to be in charge. Hal and Tom are okay, they're just not too bright and will take Zach's lead in things and go overboard trying to please him. But I don't think they'll act like that again."

"Actually, Adam, once I knew I wasn't going to be pounded into the dirt," I gulped with guilty embarrassment, "I actually enjoyed it." The events of the afternoon flashed through my mind. My hole, sore and raw, still ached from the wonderful punishment inflicted upon it. I relived the wrenching pain as Zach forced my inexperienced rosebud. My cock twitched with the arousal that resulted from the memories of having a hot group of hard farm boy cocks bringing my fantasies to life. That realization had tempered the pain and transformed it into convulsed carnal rapture. I could feel my cock plump slightly from my dirty thoughts. "Don't get me wrong. It hurt like hell, especially the first time with Zach. But it's the type of thing I fantasize about when I beat off. The pain became something I was blown away by. The whole experience couldn't have been more of a turn on if I was directing the action myself."

He paused and then continued. "I'm pretty sure they're all straight, and aren't going to do anything more than poke their dicks into any hole you expose. They might even pull on your cock some while they're at it. I hope we didn't hurt you. I'd really like to see you again. I know Zach's ask you to come back."

"I think it's a safe bet I'll be back."

I looked over at the tall country boy next to me. No one would ever call him handsome. Clean and wholesome looking, with a good-natured open face, there was nothing about him that would cause heads to turn on the street. His body was still in the grips of raging adolescent hormones. His body was growing daily at a fierce rate that constantly challenged his coordination. His long lean legs were brown with a band of white around his hips and upper thighs. His flaccid member snaked across his pelvis in my direction. Even soft it was bigger than my own at its best. The skin wrinkled loosely around his flaccid tube of meat and covered his head. Only the top of the cap was visible inside the o-shaped ring of floppy foreskin. Even soft it was mesmerizing. I was unable to draw my eyes away. This erotic fixation had my own dick responding in my lap. I saw a miniscule pulse at the base of his shaft. In a few seconds another flutter shook it from bottom to top.

It extended and fluffed itself. I started breathing heavily as the soft cock expanded and grew. His foreskin pulled most of the way down the length of his tapered head. He reached down and tugged on his growing piece of meat. His words drew me back to the moment. I looked up into his watching eyes.

He was smiling at me. "You feel up to a second round?"

My heart was beating furiously. My mouth was watering. My burning hole twitched in excitement. My heavy breathing had me light-headed. "No, but try and stop me."

He leaned in and gave me a soft short kiss. I felt my head spin.

Tracy and Tart pulled themselves up on the bank beside us, their cocks stiffly waving from their crotches.

"God, Tart, will you look at these faggots, I think they want to get another fuck session in before dinner."

I had lost all track of time. I still had an hour or an hour and a half more of biking to get back home. "What time is it?" I asked.

"My guess would be around four to four-thirty." Tracy answered.

I got up quickly. "I've got to get dressed and go. If I'm late for dinner I'll hear about it for weeks. It'll take me more than an hour to get home."

Disappointment cast a sudden pall over us. I glanced down at Lurch's cock jutting out and across his torso. It was almost fully engorged now. My throat tightened with lust. My hormones were raging again and more than anything else I wanted that throbbing horsecock inside my throat and sore butt.

Lurch stood up too. His crestfallen face must have mirrored my own. His pole bobbed in front of him as it rose up to full mast.

Tracy broke the tense silence. "Mark, hang around another hour. My truck is just across the creek at the pasture gate." His eyes twinkled slyly. "You treat us right," with a wink, "and we'll give you a ride in my truck and and before that a ride on my cock. After all I haven't had a turn at that bubble butt of yours."

Lurch moved beside me and rubbed his drooling dickhead in my pubes. "Please stay." He asked simply.

Relief washed over me and I let out an audible sigh. Lurch stunned me when he dropped to his knees before me and took my steel hard rod into his hot wet mouth. I hadn't expected that. "Twist my arm." I groaned in answer to his request. Tart crawled through my legs and grasped Lurch's log in his hand. I watched as he stroked the shaft. He was enthralled with the spectacle of the foreskin as it pulled back and forth. Watching Tart's wonder struck exploration further inflamed my own dick, which was being lovingly suctioned by Lurch's lips and tongue.

While we began to reexplore each other Tracy had walked over to our clothes.

He came back with the tube of lubricant and stood behind me. I gasped as I felt his slick hand run across my fiery anus. He took my hand and squeezed out some of the greasy stuff into my palm.

"Slick me up." he demanded. "I'm gonna' fuck you."

I grasped his cock at the base. He groaned in my ear. His dick was iron hard in my hand. The shape of his blood filled fuckpole was truly like a banana. Thin at the bass, thickest around the middle, tapered to a pointed head and had a strong bend upward. I rubbed a healthy coating of lube onto him.

He moved in close behind me and I felt his tapered head slide into my crack and nudge my bruised puckered opening. He shoved it against me but due to us standing, the angle and his wicked curve his glans kept sliding past its clenched target. "Guide me in." He muttered. I reached back and held him on course as he speared into my rectum. I groaned. The pain wasn't as severe now but the muscles were sore and protested at the intrusion. Slowly but without pause he bore into my hole until I felt the thickest part slide in. My sphincter grasped down on the narrowing shaft as he buried it to his pubes. He pulled back out until only two inches or so were in, then with one firm push jabbed the curved post back inside me. He pulled back and gave me another long stroke, and another, increasing the pace and force each time. The bend of the shaft drove the tapered head up into me, rubbing across my prostate with each pass. I could no longer separate pain from pleasure.

"God, Tracy, this is a great angle to watch you fuck him." Tart said from between my legs. After a few minutes he spoke up again. "Lurch, my ass is itching to get fucked. You want to try?"

Tracy didn't even give him time to answer. "No way, I don't want Lurch stretching your ass wide open. You want to get corn holed, slide your butt onto Mark's dick. He hasn't gotten to fuck anybody today."

Tart pushed Lurch off my dick and stood in front of me. "Slick me up." Tracy handed me the lube. I slipped my slick fingers into Tart's tight cleft, found his little rosebud and slipped a gooey finger in. He grunted. My rigid erection was already covered in Lurch's spit. Tart grasped it and aimed it. He pushed back against it with such force and determination that I thought my dick was going break into. Suddenly his tight aperture surrendered. Impelled by his own force, my dick surged more than half its length into his tight wet hole. He howled and rose up on tiptoe but did not pull off.

Tracy barked softly behind me. "Don't hurt yourself. I want that hot little butt in good shape. We're going to be doing this a lot."

Tart gritted his teeth. "I'm OK, I just need a minute."

I whispered into his ear, "It hurts so good, doesn't it?"

He turned his head to glance back at me. There was a single tear track run from his eye. "Yeah, it hurts great. Every time Tracy dicks you, your cock swell up inside me." His hot moist fuckhole gripped down on me and with an agonized grunt he pushed back to the hilt. "God, your hard dick hurts almost as good as Tracy."

My overloaded nerves jangled with intense signals. No guy had ever let me put my entire rod up his butt. The tight passage was awash with Tracy's cum and gave little resistance as I started to move back and forth. Each withdrawal of Tracy's curved probe made me draw back inside of Tart. Each thrust pushed me back in deep.

I had wanted real man sex for so long that finding myself the center of a fuck sandwich was overwhelming. The eroticism of the situation also seemed to be getting to Tart also. "God! It's like I'm being fucked by both of you."

The sensations were too much I felt my balls start to tighten up. I wasn't ready to cum yet. I wanted to cum with Lurch inside me. I carefully pushed Tart off my straining woody and stepped forward until Tracy's fuck stick popped free.

"What's the big idea?" Tracy asked. "I was close." He hardly had time to finish the statement before Tart had backed up to mount his up-turned cock.

"So was I and I'm not ready yet." I walked over to Lurch, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. Wordlessly I guided him to the ground. His gargantuan fuck muscle lay up across his stomach reaching past his naval. I straddled him and squatted down. I positioned him at my back door and bore down. As soon as he broke through the ring I drove his full length into my cum-soaked depths. My soft wet passage welcomed him back like a well fitting glove. I threw my head back, my eyes tightly clenched in pain and the renewal of ecstatic agony. I gave myself no time to adjust to his size.

I rocked myself back and forth on that thick reamer. I pounded down hard on each stroke.

Behind me I heard Tart's groans build. "I'm cumming!" He gasped several times. After a moment he said, "Tracy, you've got to stop. I can't take anymore."

Tracy was still ready for more. "Hey, Lurch, let me have another go at Mark's butt. I need to blow my nut."

"Beat off, then." Adam answered underneath me.

"Fuck you!" Tracy came up behind me and moved in close. He was at my back and pushed me down so my weight was resting on Adam. I felt his hard rod pushing against my packed sphincter.

I heard Tart gasp, "No way!"

I thought at first he was trying to dislodge Adam's pole from me, then I realized that he was trying to push in beside the behemoth that already had me stretched to capacity. I panicked.

"Tracy, don't. It's too much."

"Shh," He whispered. "I'll go easy. Just think, two big dicks in you at once."

I had to admit it was a powerful erotic image. "Okay, but if it's too much you have to quit."

"Sure." He answered. He pushed firmly but there seemed to be no way it was going to squeeze in. But his scimitar shaped shaft gave him a better angle of entry. I felt my back door start to give way as his pointed head pried my ass lips wider. The pain increased with each fraction of inch he gained, but the further he penetrated the more I wanted him to continue. Finally I felt him hit bottom. I couldn't believe my ass was stretched wide with the hot steel rods of TWO hot country studs. The experience surpassed any fantasy I had ever had. Soon he was buried deep inside my stuffed channel. Each guy had a different stroke rhythm and would be one moment together then the next pulling in and out in opposition. The ever-changing sensations were driving me wild. As I felt myself nearing climax I sought out Adam's mouth with my own.

"Man, you should see this, it's incredible!" Tart exclaimed.

The mental picture sent me over the edge. I pumped burst upon burst of cum, slicking the space between Adam's and my stomach. Adam's thrust became more erratic and uncontrolled. I felt him swell in me as he tried to suck the tongue out of my mouth. I knew he was filling me with his milky ball juice.

Tracy was panting in my ear. "Gonna' cum." Tracy collapsed on my back as his surging cock subsided with in me. After a short while his cock softened and slipped free of my distended channel.

"Man, that was great." He gave my shoulder a rub and pushed himself up. "Race ya' to the creek, Tart." They took off leaving us alone.

Adam's softening cock was still a hot fat tube inside me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply. I knew in that moment that I loved him.

"Let's get washed up and get you home."

We all got together at the creek or at one of the boy's barns for the next two years or so. Eventually Zach, Hal, and Tom got steady girlfriends and quit fucking around. Tart and Tracy became a tight couple. The other boys seemed to ignore this romance and even protected them from exposure. Tracy got a track scholarship and went off to college. Tart followed him the next year. After school they moved together to Atlanta and have been together ever since.

There was never any doubt I would go to college. My senior year I was accepted into architecture at the state university. I was deeply in love with Adam but could never declare myself for fear he would laugh at me or worse.

Adam was actually not the gawky uncoordinated rube he appeared to be. He was one of the top high school basketball players in the state and a math whiz to boot. He got several bids from the large schools in our state and several surrounding states. Unfortunately my school only offered him a partial package. We were both in bad spirits for several weeks. I was severely depressed thinking I might lose him. He came to the house one day topping the timbers. He had been accepted in Air Force ROTC and that and his athletic award would more that cover his education.

We shared an apartment together for several years but he was very sensitive to public appearance. He was He didn't want to jeopardize his ROTC scholarship. He was the best friend I had ever had but he always kept an invisible barrier between us. I was a very available and willing fuck buddy. But I understood and accomadated his desire for secrecy. We always had separate rooms and he always had a girlfriend. I was always madly jealous but still too afraid to declare myself. We still fucked frequently and avidly. In fact I didn't screw around with anyone else the entire time we were at school. My program was a five-year run. So we finally were split apart at his graduation. He was sent overseas.

The next year I was accepted into a large Miami firm and was a junior partner in five years. We kept in touch for several years but with our separation my regret turned into rueful resentment. I resented him for the separation and myself for my cowardice. But finally communication broke down and we lost track of each other. I still kept up with Tart and Tracy and we would visit each other each year, but their only thing they heard of Adam was sketchy second hand news from their parents. Any mention of Adam sent me into a gloomy pall. I could see they were concerned but I just couldn't talk to them or anyone. All my subsequent relationships seemed like pale imitations of the real thing. I never found anyone to make a commitment to, no one that measured up to Adam. After a few years I had given up all sexual pursuits except for my own fantasies of my dream man. I hadn't been fucked in four or five years. I focused most of my attention into work.

In the early nineties my parents decided their house was too big for just the two of them. I had come out to them a few years after graduation. They weren't thrilled but were accepting. They had also accepted the fact I wouldn't be providing them with grandchildren year. I took off for several weeks to help them move. Mother sent me to town with a list of odds and ends to get. I was walking down the street and heard someone call my name.

"Hey! Mark!" I turned around to find myself wrapped in a ferocious bear hug by Zach. When we were in college he had stayed on, taken over his families farm, and married a cute little local girl. We all were his ushers. I hadn't seen him in the ten years since I finished school. There was no hint of the boy he used to be. He had grown into an impressive man.

"God man, it's good to see you!" He said enthusiastically.

His mood, as always, was infectious. "You too! You're looking good!"

"How long are ya' gonna' be here?" He gave me a funny questioning look.

"A few weeks."

"Look, I'm in a mad rush. I've got to go to my accountant to straighten out some figures then get back home to make sure the hands got all the work done. Come to dinner tomorrow night, Becky would love to see you, and I'll invite Tom and his wife over. Say six-thirty?"

I wanted to hold him there and asked news of Adam but just answered, "Yeah, sure. I'll be there."

The next night I drove out to Zach's. He must have been doing pretty well. All the outbuildings had been upgraded and the equipment looked in perfect condition and fairly new. The farmhouse was a big Queen Anne Victorian that had never been neglected but it was instantly apparent a lot of work and money had been put into restoring it. Becky, met me at the door and gave me a big hug. She was a pretty dark-haired country girl who exuded a wholesome innocence. She had always reminded me of Betty Jo on Petticoat Junction. "Glad you could come." Zach came out of the back of the house and grasped my hand warmly. Come on back into my den the girls have staked out the family room. Zach had added on a log addition to the house for his den with an office set up to one side of the fireplace and leather upholstered seating area on the other facing a wall of home theater equipment. There was a basketball game playing on the seventy-inch screen.

"Hey, boy, get up. We've got company."

A large figure rose from a lounge chair. "Who are you calling boy?" It was Tom. He stepped forward and grasped my extended hand. "Hey Mark, good to see you." We sat there for ten minutes catching up and shooting the bull when they glanced up at the door and both got quiet.

From the doorway behind me a deep quiet voice asked, "Hey, Zach, whose hot little Mercedes sports car is that out front?"

I carefully set my scotch down on the end table next to me. A lump rose in my throat. That deep voice reverberated in the heart of my most desired fantasies. My legs felt like jelly but I forced myself to my feet and turned around.

"Oh, Lurch didn't I mention Mark was coming? It's his car."

Our eyes locked at the same moment. Adam's tall frame blocked the light from the door. I don't know how long we mutely stood there. Finally Adam broke the silence and stepped up to greet me. I held out my hand for him to shake but he ignored it and put his long arms around me and pulled me close.

I fought to maintain an air of casual good friendship but inside I was a wreck. I felt my legs start to give underneath me as I crushed my face into his broad chest and pulled his manly aroma into my lungs. I was no longer supporting myself; his arms were the only things keeping me from collapsing.

"Tom, let's go see how soon our wives are going to have dinner ready. Lurch; get yourself a drink or a beer. Everything's in the wet bar."

"Thanks Zach."

By an act of will I pulled myself together and masked my face with some façade of normality as they passed us on their way from the room. Adam looked as nonplussed as I felt. I cursed myself for not keeping a tighter rein on my emotions. I knew my momentary breakdown must have made him uncomfortable. I straightened up and he released me from his strong embrace.

"Could I freshen up your drink?"

"Sure." I answer and handed the drink to him like an automaton.

"You still drink scotch neat?"

"Uh-Yeah!" I took a deep breath. "It's really good to see you, Adam. It's been too long." God I hope that didn't sound too needy. "Zach should have mentioned you were coming. You back here now or just visiting?"

"I've been on the west coast for the last few years, since I finished my tour. I'm just here for a week to see the folks." He handed me back my drink. "It's funny you're here." He stopped, obviously flustered. "I don't mean funny, I just mean a coincidence. I was going to get in touch with you."

"You don't have to say that. It's not like it's anyone's fault we lost touch."

"No, I mean it. I spent a weekend with Tracy and Tart a few weeks ago. They gave me your address and phone number."

"They neglected to mention it." I had just talked to them a week ago they never said a thing. I had to remember to kill them next time I see them I thought.

Zach stuck his head in the door. "Hey guys Becky has dinner ready."

I had to make a real effort to hold my concentration during dinner. Tom's wife, Darlene, a lovely woman whom I had never met was seated at my left and Becky was on the end at my right. Adam was across the table from me. I was constantly losing track of the conversation staring at him.

Zach and Adam were discussing all the changes in the local farms. As the younger generations of old families left for the cities Zach and Tom had been buying up the deserted farms. They had gone into partnership and incorporated. They had a sizable beef cattle operation and state of the art breeding program. It appeared Zach was doing very well indeed.

Becky was talking to Adam when I dropped from la-la land back into the conversation. "Adam, Zach tells me you're fixing to move your company out of Oregon."

"Yeah, I'm tired of being out on the west coast so far from everybody I care about." He looked me dead in eye.

"And you're moving somewhere in south Florida?" She asked.

He glanced back at me before turning to look back at her. "Yeah, about a year ago we decided to move to southern Dade County." I felt the world tilt on it's axis.

"Oh, that's wonderful." She looked at me. "You're in Miami, aren't you, Mark?" She looked back at Adam. "Did you know Mark was in Miami?"

"Yeah, actually I did. The alumni news letter did a blurb about him," He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, and continued his sentence, "about a year ago."

She turned abruptly to me with her eyes all excited. "That's wonderful!" As she said it I began to cough. "Sorry, Mark, I didn't mean to startle you."

"You didn't." I reassured her. "The wine just went down the wrong way." Her eyes were aglow with humor. If I hadn't known better I would have sworn she knew more that she had ever let on.

"Now, where were we? Oh yes, Mark you're going to have to help Lurch" (I was still the only person in the group that called him Adam) "settle in."

The rest of dinner went past me in a fog. I was thrilled that Adam was moving close to me but I was also very apprehensive. I didn't think I could stand to have him close again and not have him be mine. I couldn't be just a fuck buddy anymore.

For dessert Becky moved us into the family room that connected with the kitchen. It was a recent addition that Becky had had done with a deceptively country-style gourmet kitchen. The conversation included sports, politics, and stories from when they were kids. I kept catching Adam staring at me. I wanted to get him off to myself but didn't know how to arrange it politely.

I excused myself to go to the rest room. On the way back I stopped at Zach's Den to fortify my buzz. I was pouring a shot when I felt big hands slip around to my chest and a well remembered lump against my butt seeking out a snug crevice. I released a long drawn out sigh and pushed back into the embrace I had so longed for. His hands played down my torso to my crotch and pulled my ass back tighter against his mounded pelvis. I picked up my shot and downed it in one gulp. The liquor burned in my throat and helped me to remember myself. I reluctantly pulled myself free and walked a few steps out of his reach.

"It's really good to see you again, and my balls are doing flip-flops at just the thought of you being close again, but I can't.........What the hell was Zach thinking just 'surprise' throwing us together again?"

"He was thinking that this might be a little less traumatic than him just showing up at your doorstep." Zach growled from the door. He stepped on into the room. "I was also thinking there was no chance of one of you losing your nerve this way. I don't know what happened between you two but you need to hash it out. This looks like a good opportunity to me." He gave us both a stern look, left the room and closed the door behind him.

"Mark, I can't tell you how I've missed you. I think of you everyday. When I read about you in being in Florida all I could think about was being close to you. I know you don't want the same kind of relationship that I do but I'm willing to make sacrifices if you'll just let me be close." He moved back in behind me leaned down to nibble in my ear.

The nearness of his body drove reason from my mind. The memory of his horsecock fucking me had me weak. I ground my round glutes against his crotch. It would be so easy to give in to both of us but I couldn't sell my self short this way again. I pulled away from him again.

"Adam, I would love to say yes to you but I can't, I need more in my life." I couldn't look at him and get this all out so I turned away. "I know you care about me, and that's what makes this so hard. But I can't go back to us just being fuck buddies. I've been in love with you from the VERY FIRST time. I know it wasn't something you did to hurt me, and I know a lot of it had to do with having to keep a low profile because of the Air Force, but it was rough on me. I hated every 'girlfriend' you brought home. I wanted more then and have to have more now. I need a man who loves me, not just likes and fucks me."

I turned back to look at Adam and found his face a picture of amazement. After a half a minute or so his shoulders had started to shake, and laughter began to escape from him. It grew to laughter that wracked his body. I couldn't believe he was laughing at me. I was furious. I headed toward the door but Adam was there ahead of me. He was gaining control of himself and now looked utterly stricken.

"You thought I just wanted you to be a fuck buddy. Oh, my God. We are complete fools. I thought all you wanted from me was my big fat prick to ride. I have been in love with you from the first orgasm. I thought you never took me serious." His eyes brimmed with barely contained tears. "I've always loved you."

My anger had evaporated into stunned stupefaction. "You love me?" The full meaning of his words sank into my brain. He reached out and pulled me to him. I threw my arms around him and buried my face in his broad chest. I began to kiss his chest and sought out the bare skin at his open collar. I felt his hand caress the back of my head and his tongue on my ear. My lips sought out his. His tongue snaked into my mouth and intertwined with mine.

We were still locked in a tight embrace when Zach stuck his head back in the door. "Well, if you two aren't a picture of the moral decline of America." He stepped up to us reached out with both hands and clasped our shoulders. "What does this mean?"

Adam laughed. "You haven't given us enough time to find out."

"I've got a new pool house that can 'sleep' two if you want to stay over. Becky already has it made up."

"Does she know?" I asked in amazement.

"She's known for several years. I'll tell you that story later."

We followed Zach back into the family room and rejoined the others. Zach leaned over and gave Becky a peck on the cheek. "Mark and Lurch are 'too drunk to drive'. If you don't mind, honey, they'll stay over in the pool house."

She beamed at us. "That's wonderful. Sleep in as late as you want."

After Tom and his wife left Zach led us off to the pool house. "Y'all forgive me for the surprise this evening? I've just always thought it was stupid for you two to split. It was obvious to everybody that you were crazy about each other. Sleep tight, guys."

Finally alone, we spoke no words to each other. We undressed each other so frantically that we got in each other's way. We tossed clothes in every direction. As I ripped his shirt off I backed him up to the bed and pushed him down on his back. I licked his chest, his nipples, and buried my tongue in his navel while I clumsily unbuckled his pants and opened his fly. He already had my pants down around my ankles. I rose up and stepped free of them and pushed my underwear down and off. I grabbed his waistband and pull his pants and underwear off in one motion. There before me lay my naked dream man. He was beefier and a little more weathered than he was last time I saw him, but he was the most beautiful sight I could have ever wished for.

His beautiful sheathed cock was growing and at four o'clock headed for twelve. I got on top of him and pressed my body against his like I was trying to pass through him. He flipped me onto my back and buried his face in my crotch. His mouth sought out my rigid cock and he shoved his face down on it until his nose was smothered in my pubic hair. He sucked me until I couldn't take it any more. I was getting close and pulled his head off my throbbing rod. He mouthed his way back up my trunk until he was nuzzling and sucking the sensitive softness of my throat. My dripping cock was rubbed and squeezed between our bodies. As he had crawled his way back up my body his big inflexible tube of man flesh had nosed its way beneath my balls and was nudging my perineum. His touch intensified the signals of pleasure my cock was directed to my senses. I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his waist. I felt his leaky rod slip down my crack until it snuggled up against my itchy, hot hole. My heart pounded.

"Please tell me you brought some kind of protection with you." I gasped.

"That's not very likely is it?" He answer with a voice full of irony. "Look I know all the line about safe sex but I haven't fucked around with any man since you. I've never wanted another guy."

I was stunned by the farce we had each inflicted on the other. "God we've been so stupid. I never dated anybody that could drive you out of my head. After a few years I quit trying I haven't been with anyone in four or five years. I tested clean two years ago. I have dreamed of you making love to me for so long I can't stop now."

He spit into his hand, slicked up his rod and guided it into position.

I twisted my hips around until my twitchy, eager ass lips were kissing his precum slick knob. I pushed back and felt my tight ring begin to open. I had been such a long time that I was nearly as tight as a virgin. I grit my teeth and pushed back against him. I tried to relax and felt my resistant hole yield. His head parted my sphincter and tore into my rectum in one lunge. I had been fucked by his massive prick uncountable times and desperately wanted him but the desire and memory still left me unprepared for the severity of exquisite, burning agony of his entry. Barely head deep his fiery rod felt like a lightning bolt was tearing me apart.

The pain written on my face brought him to a stop. "This is too much, too soon." He started to pull back out.

I grit my teeth. "Oh no you don't." I locked my ankles behind his back and held him firm. I took a deep breath and roughly shoved myself back against him. I ignored the sensory protest of my distended hole and drove myself further and further onto his monstrous spike. I released my breath and a guttural moan when I felt his curly pubes rub against my crack.

I opened my eyes to find his own staring at me. "I love you so much, I can't even tell you how I have missed you." He kissed me passionately and forced his tongue into my mouth. An indescribable wave of pleasure swept over me unlike anything I had ever experienced before. In the past I had never known my feelings were returned. The realization they were overwhelmed me. The excruciating pain didn't lessen but became the most incredibly sweet torment.

His rigid fuck muscle was pulsing and throbbing inside me. I pulled free of his lips. "This is my fantasy come to life. Fuck me silly, don't ever stop."

"Anything you say." He firmly pulled his pole out of my tight channel until only the very tip of his sheathed giant was encircled by my hole. He smiled down at me and drove full length into me. Again and again he impaled me. Soon his fucking had become so vigorous that he was pulling all the way out of my hungry gaping hole and thrusting back through my quivering back door. Each rapid lunge pummeled my prostate. My stiff cock was leaking all over my belly. Adam reached down took my rod in his hands and with only a few strokes I cried out, "Oh yeah! Fuck my butt," and spayed cum all the way over my shoulder. My hole squeezed his powerful tool and convulsed violently. He threw his head back "OH! GOD!" I felt him start to unload inside me and clenched rhythmically milking the juice from his huge shaft.

He collapsed on top of me and our lips sought out each other's. Without pulling his still hard dick out he rolled me onto my side spooned up behind me. We spent the rest of the night making love and only fell into and exhausted sleep just as the sun rose.

When I awoke his arms still gently held me and his semi hard cock was still inside me. I could not remember ever being this contented. I gently squeezed my anus around him. It pulsed and began to grow. I discreetly began to fuck his stiffening muscle with my hungry hole. I felt him stir behind me as my movements became more forceful.

His tongue brushed my ear lobe. "Good morning to you, too." He kicked the covers off us, rolled me onto my stomach and fucked me with long smooth strokes of his strong hips.

I twisted my head around to him. "I love you, Adam."

We were both close when Zach stuck his head through the door. "You two still at it?" He asked.

We were unable to answer or to stop. I exploded on the sheets as Adam pumped his hot seed into me.

When I had regained my composure I looked over at Zach. "Sorry to ignore you but we were busy. Hope we didn't embarrass you."

"No problem, It's not like it's something I haven't seen before." He responded with a shit eating grin on his face. "When you get cleaned up come on over to the house and get something to eat."

After he left Adam rose pulling his softening cock from my battered hole. He wiped our juices off his dick and sat back looking down at me. I was unable to move and laid there under his gaze.

Finally he broke the silence. "Where do we go from here?"

"Well, What kind of living arrangements have you made in Miami?"

"I'm still looking. Right now I'm in at the Fountainbleu until I find something."

"A few years back some friends and I bought one of the old South beach hotels and turned it in into condos. I made the penthouse and an apartment under it into a duplex for myself. It's pretty lonely and there's plenty of room. You want to move in with me again?"

He leaned down to kiss me. "As long as you understand we can't just be fuck buddies this time." He joked. "Sounds perfect."

"God, I'm glad I liked to take long bike rides and spy on skinny dippers when I was a kid." I sighed

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